
Lilly Route: Conflict: 1-6: Hiroyuki Satou

Apr 18th, 2013
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  1. It's a strangely disturbing scene, I think.
  3. The man, Mr. Satou, glares down at me with my phone in his open hand, silently daring me to take it back. Lilly leans against the wall, still looking surprised and terribly shocked by her father's sudden interruption. Hanako looks on helplessly, her eyes darting between the three of us and the nearest exit.
  5. I can hear his fingers pop and crack as they tighten their grip on my phone. "I believe this is yours, boy."
  6. I take the phone from him, not removing my eyes from the man for a second. He looks angry and I'm afraid of what he might do if I break eye contact.
  8. Damn, he's a big guy.
  10. I didn't pay much attention to him before, but now I can't help but realize just how massive he is. I'm not sure if it's the shoulders or not, but he seems at least twice my size, all muscle beneath the expensive white pinstripe suit, a sparkling cross tie-pin on his chest much like the cross Lilly wears, his with a diamond glittering at the center. His hair is a very dark shade, almost blue, but flecked with gray and white on the sides. He holds in his hand that cane which he uses to walk and point at things, black with a heavy metal bulb at the end, good for gripping or maybe for bashing.
  12. I look up at him and it hurts my neck to crane back that far.
  14. Damn, he's a big guy!
  16. "Daddy?" Lilly whispers, her eyes wide. "What are you... what are you doing here?"
  18. Mr. Satou takes his eyes off of me for a moment to look at Lilly. In a second, all that anger and hostility are gone and his face noticeably softens at the sight of her. Even his shoulders droop down, his stance more comfortable.
  19. "Lillian," he says fondly. He steps up to her and puts one of his large hands gently on her shoulder. Lilly doesn't flinch, but a flicker of something uncomfortable passes over her face before she settles down.
  21. 'Lillian'? I think to myself. He calls her 'Lillian'?
  23. "Did you think I could stay away?" he says in almost a whisper. "Please forgive me for startling you. I hadn't meant to frighten you like that. I should not have announced myself so loudly."
  25. Lilly swallows, putting her shattered composure back together as best she can. She collects herself, standing straighter than before. "It's all right. I just... I just... what are you doing here, Father?"
  27. "My youngest daughter decides against joining her family unexpectedly and I'm to stand idly by halfway across the world? I think not. What kind of father would I be if I didn't at least make sure you were all right?"
  29. Lilly clenches her hands tightly together. "I thought... Akira had said she spoke to you. That she explained everything to you."
  30. "Her explanations were unsatisfactory. I wasn't about to trust your sister's word concerning your well being. I had to make sure for myself."
  32. He speaks very gently to her, his hand always on her shoulder, gingerly patting and consoling her. Hanako and I continue to watch silently, unsure of what to say, unwilling to interrupt.
  34. "Father, you shouldn't have come here; what about your work, what about Mother?"
  35. "Work is unimportant. This is family. I would drop everything if you needed me. As for your mother, why do you think I'm here? I came partly on her behalf. She's just as concerned for you as I am, Lillian. You've given us quite the scare with this hasty choice of yours to stay."
  37. Lilly dips her head, a sign of reluctance on her face. " shouldn't have come here."
  38. "It's all right. I can spare the time, anything for you."
  39. Mr. Satou finally turns away from Lilly, a hand still on her shoulder. He faces me and his eyes take that hard look again, shoulders set back. "So you're Hisao Nakai? The young man who my daughter has decided to rebel against me for?"
  40. "Father, please."
  42. He pats Lilly softly, removing his hand and gripping the head of his cane before him, point on the floor. "I have to say, this is not the spectacle I expected when I came here. "
  44. Lilly parts from her father, coming towards me, her hand out. I reach and take it and Lilly stands beside me very closely. "Father, this is Hisao. He's my boyfriend." She turns to me, her face very tight, lips drawn. "Hisao, this is my father, Hiroyuki Satou."
  46. I'm not sure what to do next. I could never have foreseen something like this happening and it's already apparent Lilly's Dad isn't happy to see me. Why would he be? I ask myself. I'm the reason his daughter is staying in Japan and not moving to Scotland, after all.
  48. I bow in Mr. Satou's direction. "It's an honor to meet you again, Sir."
  49. He grunts, his nostrils flaring as he does. I see that his nose is slightly flattened, like it was broken and set poorly a long time ago. It only makes his appearance even more intimidating. He holds out one hand which I shake as firmly as I can manage. Even so, I wince and his grip nearly crushes my fingers. If I didn't know better, I would think he was trying to inflict pain on me.
  50. Lilly stands next to me, smiling hopefully.
  51. "Hisao. Hello, again," he says.
  52. "Again?" Lilly asks.
  54. Mr. Satou wipes his hand on his pants leg. "I met the young man outside. He pointed me in the direction of the dorms. I had no idea who he was at the time. Serves me right for not properly introducing myself. Though he should have done the same." He sneers. "What exactly do you think you were doing with my daughter just a minute ago?"
  56. Lilly blushes, her jaw tightening. I try to answer, but my mouth goes very dry and my tongue scrapes against my teeth, gagging me.
  57. "Father, it was only a kiss. We've been apart almost a week."
  58. "Hardly a reason for such a display. In a hallway where anyone could pass by? Scandalous! It's unbecoming of you, Lillian."
  60. She dips her head down, embarrassed.
  61. Mr. Satou looks around Lilly and over my shoulder. "And who is that?"
  62. I hear a yelp come from Hanako.
  63. "Well, what's wrong with you? Speak up, girl," he says tersely.
  65. I feel a twinge build up in my chest with him talking to Hanako so harshly.
  67. Lilly catches on, her concern painted all over her face. "Father," she says a little sternly, "this is my friend Hanako. Remember? The one I spoke about when I visited?"
  69. Mr. Satou thinks for a moment, then his eyes flicker, looking Hanako up and down for a moment. I expect to see that look from people, and it's hard not to notice it every time someone looks at Hanako. It must be torment for her to be subjected to it time and time again; that moment where the viewer double takes to see if what they saw is real, then that moment of curiosity where they wonder what could have possibly happened to her. Then the realization that they're staring and they look away, either embarrassed, or worse, disgusted.
  71. That doesn't happen with Mr. Satou. He just gazes at Hanako for only a moment before he smiles warmly. I see something curious; he puts his cane in the crook of his arms, folding his hands in front of him. His shoulders dip, making him seem smaller than he is and he wears a genteel smile, reassuring, confident. It's a good face, a practiced face, a mask you can trust implicitly. "So you are Hanako? Well, my daughter has told me much about you, dear. I'm very pleased to finally meet you."
  73. I watch Hanako for any sign of apprehension and even Lilly is listening intently for any sign of oncoming distress.
  75. Still a little flustered and nervous, Hanako quickly nods several times in answer. "I-it's nice t-to meet y-you t-too."
  76. Mr. Satou doesn't seem to show any reaction to Hanako's stutter, he just nods. "Yes, my daughter spoke at length about you. She seemed quite taken. I'm pleased to meet such a fine young lady that my daughter has as a friend."
  77. Hanako blushes a little, her eyes looking at Lilly for a moment before locking back onto Mr. Satou. He bows at the waist to her before straightening again. "I'd like to thank you."
  78. "Th-thank me?"
  79. "For being my daughter's friend. I have always been concerned for her. Meeting you, my concern was unwarranted. I am sure she has done well socially while in the country."
  80. "I-I really d-don't think I d-did anything..."
  81. "Nonsense. I could easily tell that you are very dear to her with the way she spoke of you. It's important to have someone you can care so much about. With how she feels, I am sure you are a wonderful young lady who I will be very pleased to become acquainted with."
  83. Mr. Satou holds out his open hand, his right hand.
  85. It would mean Hanako would have to touch him with the hand she always keeps hidden from people. She stares down at it for a long moment, then looks back at up him with his reassuring, encouraging smile.
  87. Slowly, Hanako takes his hand into hers and shakes it very meekly. Mr. Satou lays his palm over Hanako's, which makes her flinch slightly. Still, he doesn't let go and he keeps smiling. "There. That wasn't so hard, was it?" He leans in just slightly, speaking softly, but sternly. "You have beautiful hair, but you should not have it cover your face. You have very pretty eyes, you should not hide them. When you speak to someone, look them in the eye, don't hesitate. You are a lovely woman and have nothing to be ashamed of."
  89. Hanako colors, her eyes flickering, a stammer on her lips before looking down at the floor.
  90. She doesn't say anything, but a little, embarrassed smile passes over her face.
  92. I breathe a sigh of relief. Lilly is still concerned, so I touch her hand and trace her knuckles gently, reassuring and soft. She loosens up and smiles, my signal a positive one.
  94. I'm not sure whether it's because of all her progress or Mr. Satou's apparent charm, but I'm amazed Hanako just went through that. Only a few months ago she would have ran, escaping from the situation as fast as she could. Not only that, but she just took a compliment about her appearance. Even with her scars, Hanako is very pretty, but it always felt wrong to try and tell her that, to convince her that the scars didn't matter. I always thought the compliment would come off as either disingenuous or hollow, an attempt to cover up the truth as she sees it or pandering and insulting.
  95. Mr. Satou's comment seems legitimate, though. I get the feeling that he wouldn't have any problem telling Hanako something negative about her features if it occurred to him. He certainly had no problem bluntly asking me about my walking earlier.
  97. Mr. Satou takes his cane back in his hand and stands between the three of us, eying the bags on the floor. "Have I interrupted something?"
  99. "Hanako was getting ready to leave on a trip for summer," I say. "We were helping her pack and we were going to have lunch to send her off."
  101. Mr. Satou turns towards me looking a little surprised, as if he forgot I had been standing right next to him. "Hm. My timing was off." He shrugs. "I wouldn't want to disrupt your schedule. Where were you heading?"
  102. Lilly explains about our plan to eat at the Shanghai and meet Shizune and Misha there.
  103. Mr Satou seems to perk up visibly. "Your cousin, Shizune? Well, that is interesting. I wouldn't want to make you late for such an momentous appointment. Where is this Shanghai?"
  104. "In town," Lilly says.
  105. "You weren't going to to walk there, were you?"
  106. "Well, Akira was supposed to be back by now and join us...."
  108. Mr. Satou grunts. "Typical of her. She didn't mention that at all."
  109. "You... you have spoken to Akira?" Lilly asks flatly.
  110. "Yes. She managed to handle my arrival without bungling anything this time. She is out front with the limousine."
  112. Limousine? I knew Lilly's family was well off, but he's here in a limousine? I guess that explains what Akira's sudden errand was.
  114. "I'll be happy to drive the three of you to your little restaurant," Mr. Satou continues.
  115. "Father, you don't have to do that."
  116. "Nonsense. I won't have my daughter and her lovely friend here walking to places like commoners. Unescorted, no less."
  117. Lilly clings to my side. "Hisao would be there with us."
  118. Mr. Satou looks down at me. "Yes, I'm sure he would."
  120. "Y-you have a limo?"
  121. Mr. Satou turns to Hanako and grins. "I do. Have you never ridden in one before?"
  122. She shakes her head.
  123. "Well, there's a first time for everything, isn't there?"
  125. Mr. Satou holds his hand out and snaps his finger. Lilly looks startled, then places her hand on her Father's, finding the source of the sound quickly, disengaging her arm from me. "Just as quick as ever, Lillian," he compliments her. "Come along, we don't want to be late."
  126. "But, Father, my bag...."
  127. "I'm sure the young man can gather your things," he says as he walks off with her.
  129. I'm left blinking as I watch them walk away, his arm leading Lilly.
  131. That's supposed to be my job.
  133. Hanako helps me gather Lilly's things and put them in the bag. I heft both of Hanako's packs into my hands. She tries to take one, but I tell her I can handle it. They're a little heavy, but I can manage. Besides, it'll give me something to do.
  135. I carry the bags with Hanako at my side. I have to take the stairs slowly and with my knee still hurting, it isn't easy, but I manage. Even so, my heart is quickened by the time I'm outside and the whole way Hanako watches me with a worried frown. "Y-You're limping...."
  136. "I'm fine. I tripped while running today."
  138. Lilly and her Father are waiting for us in front of the dorms. "What took so long?" he asks.
  140. I set the bags on the ground and take a few deep gasps, catching my breath. My leg aches and feel like it's on fire. Lilly must hear my gasps, because she gets a concerned look, separating from her Father and stepping up towards me. "Hisao, are you all right?"
  141. I nod, before reminding myself to speak. "I'm okay," I say, wheezing a little.
  142. Hanako leans next to me. "Are y-you sure?"
  143. "I'm fine."
  144. Hanako looks up at Lilly. "He's b-been limping."
  145. Oh, Hanako, don't tell Lilly that!
  146. "Hisao? What is, it, what's wrong?" There's an edge of panic to Lilly's voice.
  147. "I'm fine, all right? I just... tripped while I was running this morning. I landed on my knee a little, that's all."
  149. Mr. Satou waves his cane about my legs. "He was practically dragging himself on the way here."
  151. Even though I tell her again that I'm fine, Lilly looks worried. "Father, would you help Hisao with the bags? I think they might be too much for him."
  153. Ouch, I think, that was emasculating.
  155. Mr. Satou manages to keep the smirk off his face as her thrusts his cane at me. "Can you manage to hold this? Be careful. It was a gift from Lillian's Mother. It's very old."
  157. I take the cane from him and am surprised by how heavy it is. It's nice and weighty, not like the aluminum canes that I see at Yamaku all the time. Mr. Satou lifts both bags effortlessly, tilts an eyebrow at me and begins walking towards the main gates.
  159. I hand Lilly her own bag, putting it into her fingers gently. "Here's your stuff, Lilly."
  160. She smiles and steps to my side, eagerly wrapping her arm around mine. "Thank you, Hisao. Are you all right?"
  161. I shrug. "I'm fine."
  162. "Are you sure? You're breathing is very loud. If it's too far to walk, we can take a break."
  163. "I said I'm fine, okay?"
  165. She seems a little hesitant with my tone, and I regret saying it that way. "I'm sorry. I just had some trouble running this morning and with the bags, that's all. Nothing to be worried about."
  166. She nods, lightly touching my face. For a moment she listens very intently, I'm sure for her father, but he is some distance away, covering the ground easily even with the burden that nearly exhausted me. She draws close and kisses me for lingering moment and I return the favor.
  168. "I'm sorry, Hisao," she says once we pull away. "My father... this is totally unexpected. I had no idea he was going to do this to me."
  169. "It's all right, Lilly. I guess it was only a matter of time before we had to meet each other."
  170. "I only wish it was under better circumstances. He should not have come here like this."
  171. "There isn't anything we can really do about that now."
  172. She looks down regretfully. "No, I imagine not."
  174. Lilly and I, with Hanako next to us, walk towards the main gates of Yamaku. Lilly is on my arm and I have Mr. Satou's cane in the other. I have to admit, I can see the attraction of one of these things. It makes me feel a little old fashioned.
  175. By the time we get to the gate, Mr. Satou has already arrived with both bags. In front of him is a very long and shiny car, all black with tinted windows and chrome everywhere. It glints in the sunlight and screams, "I am better than you." He has both bags near the rear of the car. Akira steps out of the driver's side door.
  177. "Well, get these in the boot. I'm not about to ride in the back with luggage next to me," he says, talking to her like a bellhop.
  179. I see Akira rolls her eyes as she pops the... boot? I guess that means trunk since that's what she opens, hefting both bags into the compartment. She sees us coming closer and gives a tiny nod. "Lilly," she says flatly.
  180. "Akira," Lilly replies in the same tone.
  181. There's a lot more than just those words in the exchange, but it all goes unspoken.
  183. Akira walks around and opens the door for her Father who climbs in. We all follow, Hanako looking as wide eyed as I feel. The inside is huge, lined with leather seats and there's even a television hanging off the roof. The inside smells like new car and has a heavy scent of smoke and vanilla.
  185. "Father," Lilly says reproachfully once she is settled in next to me, "have you been smoking again?"
  186. He smiles, casting an eye over a box of cigars on a side table. "I get so few chances with your mother always around." Mr. Satou holds out his hand and I give him his cane back which he sets on his knees. "You always used to love the smell of my cigars when you were little."
  187. "That was before I understood how unhealthy those things are for you."
  188. He laughs. "Well, I promise, I'll refrain from now on. For your sake."
  190. Akira doesn't get into the back with us, but instead climbs back into the driver's seat and starts the car. Lilly seems confused be the sounds. "Akira?"
  191. "Up front, Lilly."
  192. "There's isn't a driver?"
  194. Mr. Satou shrugs. "Why should I pay the expense? Akira is a more than adequate chauffeur despite her propensity for speeding." Mr. Satou taps on the ceiling with his cane. "Shanghai," he says.
  196. I look through the open compartment window and catch Akira's look through the rear view mirror. She stares at me and I can see the apology in her eyes. I also get the feeling she's telling me to keep my mouth shut.
  198. The trip is short. It seems to me to be a waste to drive into town from Yamaku. The walk is a good distance, but even so, it's just barely far enough to be worth a car ride under most circumstances, like if it were raining or particularly hot out. Then again, I'm not one to talk, the walk usually tires me out unless I take it with a slow pace like I do when going shopping with Lilly.
  200. I spend the whole time silent with her next to me, she holding my hand and squeezing it every so often. Mr. Satou shows Hanako the stereo and entertainment system in the back of the car, how she can change the color of the lights and she looks amazed and delighted by all the little perks and extras.
  202. "Father, why are you here?" Lilly finally asks.
  203. "I told you, my dear," he says, handing the remote for all the devices to Hanako, who takes it eagerly. "I needed to make sure you would be all right here on your own. Akira is moving to Scotland and you were supposed to be joining her. How could I not be concerned for you and what your plans were? Was I supposed to leave you here all alone without knowing what would happen to you?"
  205. "I understand, but you could have just called, talked to me."
  207. He shakes his head. "I have always been hands on, you know that. When something goes wrong, I do not send someone else to fix it, I fix it myself. This situation happened because I trusted your sister to take care of things. I was wrong. Your mother and I were devastated when Akira said you wouldn't be joining us. We had waited and planned your arrival for so long, we even had a party prepared to welcome the two of you properly."
  209. Lilly looks embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Father."
  210. "The least you could have done was call us yourself instead of having your sister break the new to us. That would have been the considerate thing to do."
  211. Lilly nods reluctantly.
  212. Mr. Satou sighs. "Anyway, as I said, we couldn't stand by and let you be on your own. I had to make sure you would be all right staying in this country by yourself."
  214. Lilly holds my hand tightly, seeming to take strength from the action. "I'm not alone, Father. I have Hisao and we'll be there for each other."
  216. Mr. Satou looks at me and it's not a friendly look. "Yes, I'm sure you both will be."
  218. We pull in front of the Shanghai and I see through the tinted windows Misha and Shizune animatedly signing to each other in conversation. Shizune wears a very nice summer dress and Misha has a t-shirt and skirt. It's kind of funny to see the the Student Council out of uniform, it's hard for me to imagine either of them being so casual. They both stop signing and gawk as the limo stops in front of them, Misha stunned and Shizune looking on suspiciously.
  220. When Akira gets out of the car and opens the door for us, they're even more stunned. I step out and help Lilly and Hanako out onto the sidewalk.
  222. "H-Hiichan? Lilly? Hanako, what... what's going on?" Misha stammers. I think she broke or slipped a piston at least. Shizune looks on, wide-eyed, mouth gaping. Her jaw might as well drag on the pavement for how floored she looks seeing Lilly come out of the vehicle.
  224. "Hey, Misha. Hello, Shizune," I say with a wave.
  226. Misha collects herself and laughs loudly, arms crossed over her chest. "I know you haven't seen your girlfriend in a long time, but did you really need to rent a limo, Hiichan? Don't you think that's pushing your sense of good taste?"
  227. "It's not mine, Misha."
  229. Shizune is still staring, eyes darting back and forth between us and the car. It rocks and Mr. Satou steps out and onto the sidewalk.
  231. Shizune spots him and all kinds of reactions cross her face, emotions displayed freely. She's shocked, surprised, pleased, confused and even a little frightened by the large man who steps out. Shizune glares and bites her lip and I swear I can even hear her let out a tiny, muffled gasp when she sees Mr. Satou.
  232. She stares at Lilly, looking for any explanation, but of course she doesn't get one. If anything, Shizune seems almost as surprised and worried about him as Lilly was. She then looks to Akira who avoids her demanding glare.
  234. Misha doesn't take any notice of this and practically leaps in front of Hanako who takes a protective step back. "Ready for your trip, Hanako? I bet you're really excited!"
  235. "Y-yes, I am," Hanako says, cringing a little.
  236. "Great!" Misha finally notices the new face of Mr. Satou. She blinks several times, the gears spinning but nothing working. "Who's that?"
  238. Shizune and Mr. Satou are now staring at one another, both with narrowed eyes. Shizune's feet are apart, a ready stance, while Mr. Satou holds his cane in front of him, poised and prepared.
  240. A gust of wind blows down the street.
  242. Two old rivals, uncle and niece, stand off against one another, sizing the other up.
  244. ----------------------------------------
  246. 1-7:
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