
X-Trot - #008 Grinder's Afterparty

Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. [2014-10-24 21:20:36]<DontAskForCookies> >>> XTROT: Philidephia Season Opener- DJ Grinders Private After party Celebration (VIP: Invite only) <<<
  2. [2014-10-24 21:22:53]* DontAskForCookies The party finds itself riding in the back of a very nice rental Limo, All amenties provided for and available thanks you your manger Quick Bit who sits across from you shuffling through a folder of paperwork. As his eyes skim over the contents, full of legal agreements and offers reguarding his star clientel, without looking up he showers you with complenents.
  3. [2014-10-24 21:24:24]* DontAskForCookies "Ubleiveable, Simply Unbeliveable. A group invite to one of the most exculsive parties in Fillidephia hosted by a popular DJ like Grinder? You are on your way to the top champs! And just look at all these offers, you my friends are certainly making a good first impression. Household names, thats what you are going to be Baby!"
  4. [2014-10-24 21:24:55]* Meryl just nods and smiles to Quick Bit from time to time, when she's not looking at the city pass them by
  5. [2014-10-24 21:26:08]* Grwn munches on a snack. "As long as I don't have to wear an apron, it sounds pretty good."
  6. [2014-10-24 21:28:06]<DontAskForCookies> ACTION Quick bit finaly closes up the folder. "Hey no sweat, no aprons NO PROBLEM!". Setting the folder asside he peeks out the tinted windows and pulls out a cold beer, poping it open as he continues to talk. "So hears the plan, we hit the party tonight and HARD! Going to be plenty of ponies there who are going to want to see you so make good impresions. Tommorow we go over paperwork and talk Strat then hit the road for whatever ci
  7. [2014-10-24 21:28:23]* DontAskForCookies looks back with a big smile, showing off a single gold tooth, "Sound good?"
  8. [2014-10-24 21:30:55]<DontAskForCookies> *Whatever City is hosting our next event. I have a few offers on the table for you to look over but we can save that for tommorow"
  9. [2014-10-24 21:32:49]* Meryl looks to Quick Bit with a nod "So press the flesh and such. Well lets hope we can have a good time. I know this is how this works. But... never mind me."
  10. [2014-10-24 21:34:39]<Grwn> "But what? That's all right to me." Grwn says
  11. [2014-10-24 21:36:24]* DontAskForCookies frowns a bit as he studies Meryl, "Hey there, come on tongihts about celebrating! Well that and showing off a bit... but something eating at you? Come on im your agent, just let me know and Ill take care of it. You need a better room next city?"
  12. [2014-10-24 21:40:41]<Grwn> "We are winners, Meryl. Lets have the time of our lives!" He pats her back
  13. [2014-10-24 21:42:29]* Meryl "Oh its just I'm a little off at this sort of thing." playing a bit with her dress
  14. [2014-10-24 21:45:32]<DontAskForCookies> Bit waves a hoof, "Oh you will be great, im sure of it". Looking back out the window he smiles again and poits with his beer full hoof, "And would you look at that, we are here. Time to hit the red carpet". Draining the beer Bit puts it aside and re aranges his collar and prepares himself. Outside spotlights posed outside a large night club flash, a crowd of paparatzi wait, held back by felt lines and imposing bowncers.
  15. [2014-10-24 21:50:43]* Meryl sighs as she looks out the window at the paparatzi "I can face down some of the worst horrors on the fields of combat, but this makes me feel like a wet behind the ears recruit." nods to her self and takes a deep breath "Ok lets do this." she said more to her self
  16. [2014-10-24 21:51:03]* DontAskForCookies the limo pulls to a stop alongside the roped off red carpet, cameras flashing as the driver steps around and opens the doors. Quick bit waves his hoof to the door and nods, "After you"
  17. [2014-10-24 21:51:17]<Grwn> "It's no different." The imposing gryphon tumbles out of the car, turning back and offering a claw to Meryl.
  18. [2014-10-24 21:52:40]* Meryl takes the offerd talon and steps out of the limo and gives a wave to the crowds of on lookers
  19. [2014-10-24 21:54:56]* Grwn stands on his paws and crosses his talons, displaying his mighty physique, as if he was the reverse bouncer to the car.
  20. [2014-10-24 21:56:58]<DontAskForCookies> ACTION A few of the camera ponies snap a few shots and look a bit disapointed at the VIP's but for the most part the rest happily snap away with there cameras, following the party and for the most part ignoring Quick Bit as he follows a few pony lengths behind. A minituar bouncer awaits near the entrance to the Club, above the door in bright neyon and technicolor backlighting it proudly anoucnes itself as the "Late Late Den" Dance C
  21. [2014-10-24 21:57:38]* DontAskForCookies you can feel the thump of the base before you can hear the music inside.
  22. [2014-10-24 21:59:40]<Grwn> "I think I'll like this place." Grwn grins. "Lets go, Meryl! Past the dire papparazzi and their dreaded cameras to the dance dungeon!" He points dramatically.
  23. [2014-10-24 22:01:44]* DontAskForCookies questions are called out from the sides of the roped off walkway leading up to the waiting Minitar who is pressing a few fingers to his ear, nodding as some voice confers with him via the earwig tucked in his bull ears. Steping aside he pushes open the swining double doors, music spillout out over you and the crowd.
  24. [2014-10-24 22:02:36]* Meryl smiles "A dance dungeon I can do." as she waves a bit to the camera's befor she head into the club
  25. [2014-10-24 22:03:54]<Grwn> "That's the spirit!" He smiles to the crowd and walks alongside Meryl to the club
  26. [2014-10-24 22:06:14]* DontAskForCookies inside backlights line the wall as strobes flash from across the room on the dance floor where beings dance before a stage inset to the wall where sits a DJ blasting the club with toons. A open bar is busy with activity on the oposit side. There on the back wall is a raised private section where Grinder Sits.
  27. [2014-10-24 22:07:16]<DontAskForCookies> The club is only fairly crowded though, but even with the smaller than expected number the floor space is still well taken up by the bulk of the numerous D-Dogs who are partying about. The large Canines make up for easily three fourths of the guests here at the LLD Dance Club tonight.
  28. [2014-10-24 22:07:41]* Meryl points to the raised section "Looks like we should head up there."
  29. [2014-10-24 22:09:46]* Grwn stands on his paws once again, opening his wings and waving to Grinder.
  30. [2014-10-24 22:11:07]* DontAskForCookies Bit smiles and nods to the bar, "Do what you like, im going to check out the free hooch. Two of my favorite things!"
  31. [2014-10-24 22:13:18]* Meryl "Don't get to wasted QB. But have fun." as she smiles to him as he heads off to the free bar
  32. [2014-10-24 22:13:59]* DontAskForCookies scanning the club Meryl spies a hoof full of other contestants from the trot today: specifically the 3rd place winners the Golden hearts, and the Second place winners the Crusaders.
  33. [2014-10-24 22:14:58]* DontAskForCookies Grwn notices them as well as being able to pick out a hoof full of familure faces from the noble's seats as well as recognizing the faces of the D-Dogs from the match mingling in the crowd.
  34. [2014-10-24 22:15:52]* DontAskForCookies Grind however is to busy leaning over to talk into the ear of a larger D-Dog sitting next to him so he can be heard over the thumping of the base to notice the waves for attention.
  35. [2014-10-24 22:16:41]* Meryl grabs Grwn and points "Should we say hi, or at lest let them know they did well?" doing he best to be heard over the club
  36. [2014-10-24 22:21:08]<Grwn> "Eh, he looks busy, let do that later." He bobs his head to the rhythm of the music. "Wanna dance?"
  37. [2014-10-24 22:21:51]<DontAskForCookies> the Crusaders are mingling by the bar talking while the Golden hearts are just now trotting away from the dance floor with wide smiles on there faces as they slide into a booth.
  38. [2014-10-24 22:25:12]* Meryl nods "After we say something to the 2nd and 3rd place teams. Then we can dance ok." still doing her best to be heard over the thupping bass of the club, she pulls the griffon to the where the Golden hearts have sat down
  39. [2014-10-24 22:27:37]* Grwn is dragged along. "Hey girls." He waves to the Golden Hearts.
  40. [2014-10-24 22:29:18]* DontAskForCookies The Golden hearts are settling themselves in, the four attractive mares all wearing well cordinated outfits and chatting to each other. As the party slides up near them one of the girls takes notice and points, the rest turn around and greet you with smiles. Sliding to make room they wave you closer. "Oh hey! It figures you were invited as well", "Congradulations on the win!", "Come and sit with us!"
  41. [2014-10-24 22:37:08]* Meryl softly nods as she takes a seat "Ya'll did good in the game. I hope to see your team someother time."
  42. [2014-10-24 22:41:12]* DontAskForCookies one of the mares waves a hoof dismisvly, "Oh no we barely made it by, YOU guys were awesome! You blew it out of the water both levels". Another nods her agreement, "Such Skills". "As for us we have a invitation waitin on us, havent talked to our manager about it yet". "Pretty much here to unwind after trotting around a dungeon in skimpy armor all day", they giggle at this comment.
  43. [2014-10-24 22:45:19]* Meryl looks off to the side 'Ya skimpy armor' she says almost in a wisper, turning back to the booth "Thats nice to hear, winding down is a good thing. And good look on your next invitation there."
  44. [2014-10-24 22:45:47]* Grwn sits alongside with them. "You are doing gods' work there." He smirks. "Thanks! I put my blood on that trot, I really did. I am Grwn, by the way."
  45. [2014-10-24 22:50:13]* DontAskForCookies the mares all take turns introducing themselves, "Jasmin Dreams", "Monsoon Moon", "Cream Cakes", and "Satin" before all saying in unison. "A pleasure to meet you"
  46. [2014-10-24 23:30:44]* Meryl "We I'm Meryl and its a pleasure to findly meet you four." as she makes her introduction to them
  47. [2014-10-24 23:32:18]* DontAskForCookies Jasmin sips her fancy mixed drink, "So what do you think of this place?". Monsoon Moon looks about, "There sure are allot of Dogs...". Satin nods vigerously as Cream giggles at her answer, "I KNOW right? they are suprisingly good dancers"
  48. [2014-10-24 23:36:56]* Meryl looks over the dance floor "Oh them, their Grinder's he has a thing for them it seems."
  49. [2014-10-24 23:37:12]<Grwn> "You know, I never seen so many dogs in one place. Isn't this a super exclusive party? Are they diamond dog nobility or something?" Grwn looks at them puzzled. "Or does Grinder have a thing for them?"
  50. [2014-10-24 23:39:43]* DontAskForCookies Satin and Moon giggle at this while Jasmin rolls her eyes. Cream answers, "Well I dont know about that though some rumors do get around. But what is well know is that Grinder never travels without a whole pack"
  51. [2014-10-24 23:41:00]* DontAskForCookies Jasmin leans over the table, "Some say hes actually part of it"
  52. [2014-10-24 23:42:05]* Meryl looks back at that "Oh realy.... that makes since."
  53. [2014-10-24 23:43:02]* DontAskForCookies has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  54. [2014-10-25 00:12:56]* NitoKa ( has joined
  55. [2014-10-25 00:18:44]* DontAskForCookies ( has joined
  56. [2014-10-25 00:24:44]* NitoKa has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  57. [2014-10-25 00:35:10]<Grwn> "Did he beat the baddest dog or something? Heh. That would be something." Grwn says, looking back at the fillies. "So, where do you go from here?"
  58. [2014-10-25 00:39:08]* DontAskForCookies Cream shrugs, "Dont know about that but maybe you could ask him yourself? We havent had time". Monsoon nods, "Actually he sort of creeps us out". Satin chirps in happily, "Fun party though!". Jasmin finishes off there little bit of banter, "As for us its off to the next Trot, new city and new wardrobe. We can keep in touch if you like. You guys seem fun"
  59. [2014-10-25 00:40:16]* NitoKa ( has joined
  60. [2014-10-25 00:43:24]* NitoKa is now known as Shy_Beast
  61. [2014-10-25 00:44:02]<Grwn> "That would be great." He smiles. "I'm gonna get some drinks. Does anypony want something?"
  62. [2014-10-25 00:45:36]* DontAskForCookies jasmin and Cream have drinks but the other two mares ask for a mixed drink.
  63. [2014-10-25 00:46:26]* Grwn takes a short moment to admire the fillies as he memorizes the orders.
  64. [2014-10-25 00:49:17]* Shy_Beast smiles as he walks around by himself, looking around at a few of the dogs dancing, still feeling a bit out of place
  65. [2014-10-25 00:49:55]* DontAskForCookies All the girls thank Grwn but the dashing Griffin notices Monsoon Moon is especially smiling at the Griff.
  66. [2014-10-25 00:50:42]* DontAskForCookies Shy notes that roughly 3/4ths of the crowd are Dimond Dogs and plent of them can be found dancing on the floor, a few of them seem familure from the Trot today but many are not.
  67. [2014-10-25 00:52:48]<Grwn> "Drinks coming up!" He flies above the crowd and glides to the bar.
  68. [2014-10-25 00:54:12]* DontAskForCookies The bar is fairly busy, many ponies taking advantage of the free drinks for the night. Behind the bar a goat twirls and shows off as he mixes drinks. Quick bit sits nearby smacking his lips in satifaction, before him are more than a few drained shot glasses.
  69. [2014-10-25 00:56:13]<Grwn> "Hey buck, having fun?" Grwn approaches Quick Bit as he waits to make his order.
  70. [2014-10-25 00:57:04]* Shy_Beast tilts his head as he looks around the dogs, more kinda stickign awya from the crowd
  71. [2014-10-25 00:59:13]* DontAskForCookies Bit smiles widly at Grwn as he answers, "Fun? Whats not fun about this? Free Drinks, music, drinks. Good time!", the bartender comes over and leans over the bar waiting for Grwns order
  72. [2014-10-25 01:01:10]* Meryl waves Shy_Beast over to the booth "Shy over here." she tries to call out over the club
  73. [2014-10-25 01:01:55]* Shy_Beast moves to Meryl, smiling and waving. "H-hey Meryl."
  74. [2014-10-25 01:03:08]* DontAskForCookies the faces of the Golden Hearts smile at Shy, "Hey there!"
  75. [2014-10-25 01:03:27]* DontAskForCookies the mares give there greetings to teh zebra
  76. [2014-10-25 01:03:46]* Grwn orders a stout for himself and the fillies' mixed drinks.
  77. [2014-10-25 01:04:01]* Meryl jesters to the booth "This is the Golden Hearts, Shy why don't you introduce yourself?"
  78. [2014-10-25 01:06:33]* DontAskForCookies Quick Bit puts his hoof around the Griff, "You guys, I mean you and your team? You are the best thing that has happend to this old agent in a while. You know that? Had a team like you once but that was a looooooooong time back, but its all coming together again, you know?"
  79. [2014-10-25 01:08:18]* Shy_Beast blushes a bit and waves to the Golden Hearts. "H-hi ladies."
  80. [2014-10-25 01:09:51]* DontAskForCookies the fillies look to each other and start giggling before introducing themselves one a time. "Hello there, Im Jasmin Dreams", "Im Monsoon Moon", "Im Satin", "And Im Cream"
  81. [2014-10-25 01:11:15]* Grwn rubs Quick Bit's mane. "We are going places, chief. You can count on that."
  82. [2014-10-25 01:11:38]* Shy_Beast waves lightly and lightly rubs his own leg.
  83. [2014-10-25 01:11:39]* Meryl sighs "Jasmin Dreams, Monsoon Moon, Satin, and Cream Cakes. This here is Shy_Beast also known as 'The Beast'." she jesters to each of the mairs
  84. [2014-10-25 01:13:51]* DontAskForCookies laughs and leans back, reaching for his next shot lined up on the bar. "Abso-freaking-lutely we are! you can count on that. Your gold baby!". The bartender delivers a small tray of Grwns drinks
  85. [2014-10-25 01:14:38]* DontAskForCookies Jasmin whispers something to Satin who giggles. Cream nods, "Oh we know, we watched your performance. You and your 'Friend' put on quite a show!"
  86. [2014-10-25 01:15:27]* Shy_Beast smiles a bit. "Y-yes she really enjoys the combat."
  87. [2014-10-25 01:16:33]* DontAskForCookies The mares eyes open wide, "Oh, its a she is it?", asks Jasmin
  88. [2014-10-25 01:17:14]* Shy_Beast nods. "Yes my eidolion is a she."
  89. [2014-10-25 01:18:18]<Grwn> "Thanks!" He pats Quick Bit's back. "The chicks are waiting for me back there. Enjoy your drinks." He picks up the tray and moves back towards the booth.
  90. [2014-10-25 01:18:43]* Shy_Beast looks a tiny bit uncomfortable in this type of enviroment
  91. [2014-10-25 01:19:54]* Meryl moves over and pats at the bench "Here have a seat you big softy."
  92. [2014-10-25 01:19:58]* DontAskForCookies Moon smiles, "Oh well that is just so cool!". Jasmin chimes in, "Girl power!"
  93. [2014-10-25 01:20:45]* Shy_Beast moves and sits on the bench, smiling. "W-well she doesn't mind the attention and being thought she's a boy. Eidoleons are a bit weird on gender stuff."
  94. [2014-10-25 01:21:42]* DontAskForCookies Moon leans forward, "I didnt even know they had them"
  95. [2014-10-25 01:25:56]* Grwn returns carrying a tray of drinks. "Oh, look who is there. Beast, you made it."
  96. [2014-10-25 01:27:19]* Meryl makes room for the griffon and tugs at Shy_Beast to do the same
  97. [2014-10-25 01:28:42]* Shy_Beast moves over for Grwn to join in. "W-well summoners really only know too much about eidoleons, and well, I'm a bit special."
  98. [2014-10-25 01:30:03]* DontAskForCookies Jasmin whispers something only to receve a muffled kick from under the table from one of her neighbors. The mares all smile, Cream answering, "Well we are all glad you could join us". Noticing the drinks the mares take theres and thank Grwn.
  99. [2014-10-25 01:31:15]<Grwn> "There you go, Monsoon." He delivers her drink with a smile, then he takes a seat with his mug of stout.
  100. [2014-10-25 01:34:15]* DontAskForCookies Monsoon smiles widly and pushes a bit of her Rich blue mane back over her ear as she takes the Fruity Mixed drink
  101. [2014-10-25 01:41:31]* DontAskForCookies Grwn and Shy notice the crowd parting a bit. Grinder, flanked by a few of his D-Dogs and dressed in a black leather jacket with a pair of aviators pushed up on top of his head over his horn, steps towards your booth, a smile on his muzzle. The Golden hearts dont seem to notice.
  102. [2014-10-25 01:42:38]* Shy_Beast blinks as he starts to get less uncomfortable, looking towards Grindr. "Company."
  103. [2014-10-25 01:45:46]<Grwn> "Hey DJ alpha! Fun party." He waves to Grinder. "Do you choose the songs too?"
  104. [2014-10-25 01:46:47]<Shy_Beast> "Does that make the other DJ DJ Omega?"
  105. [2014-10-25 01:47:29]* DontAskForCookies The Golden Hearts twist there heads around to see the incoming host
  106. [2014-10-25 01:48:52]* Meryl rolls her eyes at that then greats Grinder as he steps to the booth "Nice party you've put on here."
  107. [2014-10-25 01:48:54]* DontAskForCookies Grinder is all smiles as he steps up, the D-Dogs around him spreading out or just leaving to go to the dance floor. The DJ looks to Grwn, "Alpha? Didnt know many ponies knew about that. Boy I must have my hoof much further from the pulse of the rumor mill than I thought. Oh and no, I did pick the DJ out though, he dose cool stuff".
  108. [2014-10-25 01:49:59]* DontAskForCookies nods to Meryl, "Thanks, sorry the club dosent allow for your partner by the way. I checked but they wouldnt bend on it". Looking around the table he smiles again, "So everybeing enjoying yourself? You deserve it, play hard party hard, am I right?"
  109. [2014-10-25 01:53:25]* Meryl laughs a bit at that "Oh this is not his kind of party, but mind that I left him in good hooves. I think he's having a ball right now."
  110. [2014-10-25 01:53:25]<Grwn> "Yeah!" He grins. "So you really are an alpha for the diamond dogs? Ha, I got you. But seriously, I want to hear that story sometime."
  111. [2014-10-25 01:54:56]* Shy_Beast blinks a bit. "Oh that type of alpha..."
  112. [2014-10-25 01:55:11]* Shy_Beast gets up. "I need to use the restroom really quick..."
  113. [2014-10-25 01:56:34]* DontAskForCookies Grinder moves to let Shy move past him, "Sure sure, and yes its true. its not the worlds greatest story but sure I can tell you some time, How about after that Trot I promised you an invite to? Gos back to when I was just a floor manager at the plant I used to work out. Boy, that was a whole life ago, you know?"
  114. [2014-10-25 02:04:57]* DontAskForCookies looks back to the group, "you guys though, Awesome work! Not sure if you know but that was seriously great for both of us, so uh, dont take it wrong if I like give you guys death threats in front of the cameras and such. We are tottaly cool, just this whole rivalry thing is way to good to pass up, drives the audiance wild"
  115. [2014-10-25 02:06:23]<Shy_Beast> After a little bit, Shy Beast comes back, well... Beast comes back. He is fully eidoleoned up, and he gives a small smirk as he walks back over to his group. "Hey all." He says in his traditional Beast voice
  116. [2014-10-25 02:07:47]* Grwn nods. "That's a deal! Did you talk to our manager? He is smashed right now but he should be fine later this week." He smiles. "Oh I know. Man, if I had to watch out for everyone I fought against, I wouldn't have time to have this much fun. I would kick lots more butts though."
  117. [2014-10-25 02:08:13]* DontAskForCookies The Golden Hearts look to Shy and Jasmin blushes as a they hold back giggles.
  118. [2014-10-25 02:08:52]* DontAskForCookies Glances up at Shy, "hey, felt like getting into costume huh?"
  119. [2014-10-25 02:09:43]* DontAskForCookies looks back to Grwn, "Not yet, at least not personally, but Ill have Lilly get to him about it. Shes one hell of a assistant". He turns and waves at a distant D-Dog with glasses and a nice dress dancing on the dance floor.
  120. [2014-10-25 02:10:05]* Shy_Beast gives a shrug happily. "Eh, I figured when at a party, might as well party it up." He gives a wink to Jasmin
  121. [2014-10-25 02:10:09]* Meryl smiles at Beast "So you've come to join the party now."
  122. [2014-10-25 02:13:49]* DontAskForCookies Grinder nods, "Right on, right on. So next time you see me will be on my home turff. I get around allot but all my best stuff is there so Next time Ill have to make the party three times as big, you know, so that if you make it through alive we REALLY have something to look forward to"
  123. [2014-10-25 02:14:43]<Shy_Beast> "Don't worry, we'll win. "He says to Grinder, smirking
  124. [2014-10-25 02:15:39]* Grwn stretches his talons. "We are tough stuff here. We are not going down."
  125. [2014-10-25 02:17:32]* DontAskForCookies Nods, "No joke, You didnt even slow down in my Trap hall, not to mention my thunder dome"
  126. [2014-10-25 02:17:42]* Shy_Beast smirks. "I never slow down."
  127. [2014-10-25 02:20:45]* Grwn downs half of his stout mug at once. "Anyway, what are we waiting for? The beat is calling. Monsoon, wanna dance?"
  128. [2014-10-25 02:21:01]* Meryl "What.. that was a trap hall. I didn't even notice." giving Grinder a grin
  129. [2014-10-25 02:21:04]* DontAskForCookies lights up his horn as he slides his glasses down over his eyes, "I like that", the next bit he speeks in a diffrent langage "**** ****, **** **** **** ****", his tongue rolling the strange and slihtly echoy odd words in Shys direction
  130. [2014-10-25 02:21:39]* DontAskForCookies Grinder Chucles at Meryl, "Ha, likely story. Ill have to be harder on you next time then.
  131. [2014-10-25 02:21:55]* DontAskForCookies Moon smiles and nods, steping out of the booth, "Gladly"
  132. [2014-10-25 02:27:13]* Shy_Beast 's eyes twitch lightly and smiles as he speaks back, but this time in a female voice. "***** **** ****"
  133. [2014-10-25 02:27:59]<Grwn> "Don't let your butts stick to the chair, folks. Gesundheit, Beast." He says and leaves to the dance floor with Moon. He still had a whole lot of energy and the night was just starting.
  134. [2014-10-25 02:29:53]* DontAskForCookies Grinder siticks out his tounge at Shy, "Yes, yes, whatever. Well I have other guests to see. Enjoy yourselves now, ok? Catch you around!", and with that the pony trots off to rejoin in with a few D-Dogs
  135. [2014-10-25 02:30:06]* DontAskForCookies the rest of the golden Hearts also finish there drinks to resume dancing
  136. [2014-10-25 02:31:09]* Shy_Beast gives a shrug as he gets up. "Anyone want to dance?"
  137. [2014-10-25 02:31:42]* Meryl sits at the booth tapping a paw on the table to the beat
  138. [2014-10-25 02:33:48]* DontAskForCookies Satin trots back to the table and Drags Meryl to the dance floor as well, "Oh no you dont missy, come on and have some fun!"
  139. [2014-10-25 02:35:09]* Meryl ehpps as she's pulled from the booth to the dance floor
  140. [2014-10-25 02:36:43]* Shy_Beast starts to dance with the rest of the crowd
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