
Third cave expedition

Jul 7th, 2013
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  1. 01[22:07] <Lucyne> The clouds roil over the broken town of Four Cannon
  2. [22:07] <Quicksilver> green n' purple
  3. 01[22:07] <Lucyne> (
  4. 02[22:07] * Mary_ONett ( Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  5. [22:07] <Arrant_Hold_> >tfw not in the ponedex
  6. [22:07] <Cap`n_HighTide> Awww, you remembered me!
  7. [22:07] <Arrant_Hold_> :(
  8. [22:08] <Duskie> nopicpone?
  9. 01[22:08] <Lucyne> A group gathers beneath the ashen light
  10. [22:08] <Arrant_Hold_> I have a pic, yes, but...
  11. [22:08] <Ruby_McCoal> (this soundtrack)
  12. [22:08] <Duskie> pm it to me later then
  13. [22:08] <Cap`n_HighTide> actually
  14. [22:08] <BlazingSky> (We're in RP you fuckers.
  15. 06[22:08] * Duskie focuses
  16. 03[22:08] * Mary_ONette_ ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  17. 01[22:08] <Lucyne> A curious mix of colored equines, a single mint mare brandishing a map
  18. 01[22:08] <Lucyne> "Good to see you all here."
  19. [22:08] <Arrant_Hold_> "So, you guy's trying again again?"
  20. [22:08] <Cap`n_HighTide> (In the ponedex it looks like I set Hollowed on fire with my mind and am very pleased about it)
  21. [22:08] <Arrant_Hold_> "I'm in."
  22. [22:09] <Ruby_McCoal> "Good to see you too, Lucy. Anything specific today?"
  23. 01[22:09] <Lucyne> The mare looks over the map carefully
  24. 01[22:09] <Lucyne> "We need to get those cockatrices gone, asap."
  25. 06[22:09] * Lucyne looks up determined
  26. 06[22:09] * Ikea nods
  27. 06[22:09] * BlazingSky looks around, taking in the atmosphere
  28. [22:09] <UnifySelf> "By what i've heard, it's hell down there. You're going to need someone who knows how to spot shit. That's why i'm here."
  29. 01[22:09] <Lucyne> "That's what we're here for today."
  30. [22:09] <Duskie> "I can't wait to see what we'll find today" says dusk with joy
  31. 06[22:09] * Ruby_McCoal shudders "I hope we'll do better than last time."
  32. [22:09] <BlazingSky> "What happened last time..?"
  33. 06[22:10] * Lucyne trots by the group
  34. 06[22:10] * Arrant_Hold_ slaps Ruby on the back "HA! Don't worry. I'll handle this with my stick!"
  35. 01[22:10] <Lucyne> "I hope you aren't expecting a picnic, the catacombs can be harsh."
  36. [22:10] <Ruby_McCoal> "Arrant... no.."
  37. 06[22:10] * Cap`n_HighTide is one of the last to reach the group, sporting fresh bandages on his everywhere, courtesy of the clinic. "I see some new faces today!" He chuckles heartily.
  38. 01[22:10] <Lucyne> "The reverant captain!"
  39. 06[22:10] * Arrant_Hold_ cracks neck "I'm ready for anything."
  40. [22:10] <UnifySelf> "How ya feelin' there, Capp?"
  41. 06[22:10] * Lucyne smiles and trots to him
  42. 01[22:10] <Lucyne> "Good to have you with us."
  43. 06[22:10] * Ruby_McCoal smiles at Cap'n arrival
  44. 06[22:10] * BlazingSky slatutes "Captain on deck!" chuckling to himself afterwards
  45. 06[22:11] * Arrant_Hold_ salutes "Cap'n!"
  46. [22:11] <Duskie> "hey tide"
  47. [22:11] <Ruby_McCoal> "Now we're covered. Tee hee."
  48. 06[22:11] * Ikea nods at the captain "Captain."
  49. 06[22:11] * Cap`n_HighTide pounds a big hoof against his chest. "Feeling right as rain, and ready to take on the world!"
  50. [22:11] <UnifySelf> "That's good to hear with all that's been happening."
  51. [22:11] <Duskie> "glad to hear that"
  52. 01[22:11] <Lucyne> "Excellent! No point in wasting time, follow after me."
  53. 06[22:11] * Arrant_Hold_ trots in place with apprenhension
  54. 06[22:11] * UnifySelf follows Lucyne
  55. 06[22:11] * Lucyne leads the way
  56. 02[22:11] * Bob ( Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  57. 06[22:11] * BlazingSky walks next to Lucyne
  58. 06[22:11] * Duskie follows lightly
  59. 06[22:11] * Arrant_Hold_ follows Lucyne
  60. 06[22:12] * Cap`n_HighTide nods to everyone in turn, smiling before falling in beside Lucyne. "Same place?"
  61. 06[22:12] * Ruby_McCoal follow up, keeping an eye on Cap
  62. 01[22:12] <Lucyne> "Same place."
  63. 06[22:12] * Ikea falls in with the group
  64. 01[22:12] <Lucyne> "But this time, with a goal."
  65. 06[22:12] * Cap`n_HighTide cocks his head to one side.
  66. [22:12] <Duskie> "a goal you say?"
  67. 06[22:12] * Lucyne looks oddly solemn
  68. [22:12] <Ruby_McCoal> "Didnt we had the same goal yesterday?"
  69. 01[22:12] <Lucyne> "We're hunting tonight, boys."
  70. 01[22:12] <Lucyne> "No random spelunking."
  71. 06[22:13] * Lucyne approaches the cave with the rest of the party
  72. [22:13] <Arrant_Hold_> "Awesome. Lets get this show on the road, now."
  73. 06[22:13] * Quicksilver waves to Lucyne as the group approachs the entrance of the caves, ready to see the group off on their adventure
  74. [22:13] <Cap`n_HighTide> "...Hunting the rest of the cockatrices?"
  75. 06[22:13] * Lucyne smiles and waves to Quicksilver
  76. 01[22:13] <Lucyne> "Exactly High."
  77. [22:13] <Quicksilver> "Good luck everyone"
  78. [22:13] <Ruby_McCoal> (mfw Cap super deep voice headcanon)
  79. 01[22:13] <Lucyne> "Thanks Quick! I hope you feel better soon."
  80. 06[22:13] * Duskie smiles nervously
  81. [22:13] <Ikea> "That's going to be difficult without knowing what we're going after. Who knows how many nests there are down there..."
  82. 06[22:14] * Quicksilver walks up and hugs Lucyne "please dont die down there"
  83. 03[22:14] * Silver_Tongue ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  84. [22:14] <BlazingSky> "See you later, Silver"
  85. [22:14] <Silver_Tongue> I'm here
  86. 06[22:14] * Lucyne hugs Quicksilver in return
  87. [22:14] <BlazingSky> (Yo
  88. 01[22:14] <Lucyne> "I won't, promise."
  89. 01[22:14] <Lucyne> There you are, race and equipment please
  90. 06[22:14] * Quicksilver smiles before releasing Lucyne from the hug
  91. [22:14] <Duskie> "see ya silver"
  92. 06[22:14] * Ruby_McCoal perks to Lucy "I'll make sure of it."
  93. [22:14] <Silver_Tongue> ""We'll from watching hidden to this, what a jump"
  94. [22:14] <Duskie> pegasus/sword/bagpack
  95. [22:15] <Duskie> backpack*
  96. 01[22:15] <Lucyne> I need Silver's stuff
  97. 06[22:15] * Arrant_Hold_ says confidently "Hey, if trust me, whatever we need done, It'll get done!"
  98. [22:15] <Quicksilver> "go and kill every single on of those featherbrained pieces of chicken fucknuggets"
  99. [22:15] <Silver_Tongue> Earth, goggles, sword, saddlebags, 3 empty jars
  100. 06[22:15] * Lucyne ruffles Quick's hair as she ehads for the cave
  101. [22:15] <Ikea> "You want us to bring a trophy back for you?"
  102. 06[22:15] * Ruby_McCoal laught at Quick's remark "Thats the spirit!"
  103. 01[22:15] <Lucyne> Thank you
  104. 01[22:15] <Lucyne> We are currently right before the cave entrance
  105. [22:15] <Silver_Tongue> "Please there nothing"
  106. 06[22:16] * Quicksilver walks away from the group back to town, waving as she goes
  107. 03[22:16] * Dr_Bob ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  108. [22:16] <Duskie> "looking at Arrant, you should avoid to be overconfident, it could have turned really bad last time"
  109. [22:16] <UnifySelf> "Well, this is it. Where exactly are we going in there?"
  110. [22:16] <Arrant_Hold_> "This time will be different."
  111. [22:16] <BlazingSky> (SIEG HEIL DOCTOR BOB)
  112. [22:16] <Ruby_McCoal> "Duskie is right, we need to be carefull."
  113. [22:16] <Silver_Tongue> "Please nothing bad gonna happen"
  114. 06[22:16] * Lucyne stretches her legs and moves to the cave
  115. 01[22:16] <Lucyne> "Well, let's go lads."
  116. 01[22:16] <Lucyne>
  117. 06[22:16] * Ikea follows the leader
  118. 06[22:17] * Silver_Tongue follows Lucyne
  119. 06[22:17] * UnifySelf follows Lucyne
  120. 01[22:17] <Lucyne> I attempt a light spell
  121. 01[22:17] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  122. [22:17] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  123. 01[22:17] <Lucyne> But it fails
  124. 06[22:17] * Duskie walks last
  125. 01[22:17] <Lucyne> "ouch, can someone else?"
  126. 06[22:17] * Arrant_Hold_ follows Lucyne
  127. [22:17] <UnifySelf> "I'll try."
  128. [22:17] <Dr_Bob> [Everyone's accounted for I presume?]
  129. 06[22:17] * Ruby_McCoal follows up
  130. [22:17] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20 for a light spell
  131. [22:17] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  132. 06[22:17] * BlazingSky walks in, following behind the Captain
  133. [22:17] <Ruby_McCoal> "What the order of walking now?"
  134. 06[22:17] * Cap`n_HighTide keeps beside Lucyne, taking a few steps away from her side when the spell flubs.
  135. [22:17] <Duskie> -fiat lux!-
  136. [22:17] <Silver_Tongue> "We'll so far so good I guess"
  137. 01[22:18] <Lucyne> Uni's horn lights up brilliantly, illuminating the passage
  138. 06[22:18] * Ikea smiles at Duskie's quotation
  139. [22:18] <Cap`n_HighTide> "I can take point. Fighters hailing hardy, eh?" He chuckles.
  140. [22:18] <Arrant_Hold_> "You know it, Cap'n!"
  141. [22:18] <Duskie> "I cover your rears"
  142. [22:18] <Silver_Tongue> "If that's the case I'll take front as well
  143. 06[22:18] * Lucyne smiles "Oh my captain, my captain, after you!"
  144. [22:18] <Ruby_McCoal> "I'll take thirt position, right beind Uni."
  145. 01[22:19] <Lucyne> And so, you enter the catacombs
  146. 06[22:19] * Ikea looks around "I guess I'll take fourth, then..."
  147. [22:19] <Ruby_McCoal> (so Cap/uni/me/Ikea/Arrant/Lucy/Duskie?)
  148. [22:19] <Silver_Tongue> "Time to find Horatios kin"
  149. 01[22:19] <Lucyne> You descend the familiar path, coming to the split quickly
  150. [22:19] <Duskie> (y)
  151. [22:19] <BlazingSky> (What about me?
  152. [22:19] <Silver_Tongue> (Where am I?
  153. [22:19] <Ruby_McCoal> (why do I always forget someone
  154. [22:19] <Duskie> (before me)
  155. [22:20] <Ruby_McCoal> (yes)
  156. 01[22:20] <Lucyne> "Ok, fruit bats to the left, tunnels to the right."
  157. [22:20] <BlazingSky> "I'm right behind you, Ike"
  158. 06[22:20] * Lucyne gazes around
  159. 01[22:20] <Lucyne> "Where do we start?"
  160. [22:20] <Silver_Tongue> "I took be hind cap'n "
  161. 06[22:20] * Duskie whispers "avoid making too much noise"
  162. [22:20] <BlazingSky> "Tunnels?"
  163. [22:20] <Ruby_McCoal> "Tunnels are a dead end, unles we decide to go down those again..."
  164. [22:20] <Silver_Tongue> "Tunnels I guess"
  165. [22:20] <Arrant_Hold_> "Where did you start last time?"
  166. 01[22:20] <Lucyne> "We don't know for sure, the tunnels are labyrinthine."
  167. [22:20] <UnifySelf> [i had to be in the front because i'm the lightsource]
  168. [22:20] <Arrant_Hold_> "I'd go the other way then"
  169. [22:20] <Ikea> "Beats me... We're gonna have to go all over to make sure we get everything."
  170. [22:21] <Ruby_McCoal> "So tunnels it is?"
  171. [22:21] <Silver_Tongue> "Then Fruitbats, at least we can smell that way"
  172. [22:21] <Duskie> "I'm in for fruitbats too"
  173. 01[22:21] <Lucyne> Decide guys
  174. [22:22] <Ikea> "As good a choice as any..."
  175. [22:22] <UnifySelf> "I don't really care because i don't know"
  176. 06[22:22] * Cap`n_HighTide turns his head to face the group. "Sounds like it's decided, then?"
  177. [22:22] <UnifySelf> "This is the first time i've been down here."
  178. 06[22:22] * Ruby_McCoal sigh "Fruitbats then..."
  179. [22:22] <Duskie> "dim the light please"
  180. 06[22:22] * Cap`n_HighTide nods, and leads the group down the left tunnel.
  181. 01[22:22] <Lucyne> And so, you decide to enter the bat cave
  182. [22:22] <Silver_Tongue> "So onward we go"
  183. 01[22:22] <Lucyne> "Dim the light, we can't have the bats going amok again."
  184. 06[22:22] * Arrant_Hold_ prepares for anything
  185. [22:22] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20 to dim the light
  186. [22:22] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  187. [22:22] <UnifySelf> [whelp]
  188. [22:22] <Silver_Tongue> "We'll there's that smell of guano"
  189. [22:23] <Ruby_McCoal> (music
  190. 01[22:23] <Lucyne> No need to roll actually
  191. [22:23] <Duskie> (.... 3s already)
  192. [22:23] <Ruby_McCoal> (oh noes)
  193. [22:23] <UnifySelf> [ok then saved us from a 3]
  194. 01[22:23] <Lucyne> No that's not our music
  195. 01[22:23] <Lucyne> We diablo 2
  196. [22:23] <Ruby_McCoal> (k)
  197. 01[22:23] <Lucyne> You enter the putrid cave, floor sticky with organic waste
  198. [22:23] <Duskie> (diablo 2 duskie approval)
  199. [22:23] <Silver_Tongue> "Heh"
  200. 06[22:23] * UnifySelf has a disgusted look on his face
  201. 01[22:24] <Lucyne> Singular bats fly around the area, casting eerie shadows
  202. [22:24] <Silver_Tongue> "I almost miss this smell"
  203. 06[22:24] * Ruby_McCoal whisper at the back "and you though it would smell that way?"
  204. 06[22:24] * BlazingSky cringes at the disgusting floor
  205. 03[22:24] * Dr_Bob ( has left #FourCannonPnP
  206. [22:24] <Duskie> "eew.."
  207. 01[22:24] <Lucyne> You slowly creep inside the large cavern
  208. [22:24] <Duskie> ~I'm gonna have a headache~
  209. 06[22:24] * Ikea frowns as his hooves stick to the floor
  210. 01[22:24] <Lucyne> Being wary to not wake the sleeping masses
  211. [22:24] <Arrant_Hold_> "oh, its not that bad..."
  212. [22:24] <BlazingSky> "Whoa.. This place is huge.."
  213. [22:25] <Ruby_McCoal> "Keep togeter Duskie, we've jsut started."
  214. [22:25] <Duskie> "Don't worry Ruby, I'm tougher than I look"
  215. [22:25] <Silver_Tongue> "C'mon Dusk your part bat, you recognize any family?"
  216. 01[22:25] <Lucyne> Slowly moving forward, you see diamond dog tunnels in the walls and floor
  217. [22:25] <UnifySelf> "I wonder what happened to them."
  218. 01[22:25] <Lucyne> "Cockatrices..."
  219. 06[22:25] * Lucyne mutters
  220. [22:25] <Duskie> "I have nithing in common with those..."
  221. [22:25] <BlazingSky> "I'm not too sure if I wanna know.."
  222. [22:25] <Silver_Tongue> "Yep"
  223. 06[22:25] * Duskie nearly sleeps on something
  224. 06[22:26] * Arrant_Hold_ stays alert
  225. [22:26] <Ruby_McCoal> "Any plans?"
  226. 01[22:26] <Lucyne> Moving forward, the cave narrows into a single, hewn passageway
  227. [22:26] <Duskie> (nothing*)
  228. [22:26] <Silver_Tongue> "Just keep moving I suppose"
  229. 06[22:26] * Ruby_McCoal attentively watches the walls
  230. 06[22:26] * Duskie watchs closely behind on a regular basis
  231. 01[22:26] <Lucyne> You approach the cut walls, diamond dog making no question
  232. [22:26] <Ruby_McCoal> "Would be simpler if we trapped all the cockatrises in one place and flood it."
  233. [22:27] <Arrant_Hold_> "would that even be possible now?"
  234. [22:27] <Silver_Tongue> "And how would we unflood it?"
  235. [22:27] <Ikea> "Then we wouldn't be able to exploit it"
  236. [22:27] <Duskie> "baiting them didn't turn well last time"
  237. [22:27] <Ruby_McCoal> "Not the whole cave, only a specific room."
  238. [22:27] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Maybe not... There are too many holes in these caves for us to keep track of.."
  239. 01[22:27] <Lucyne> You reach the tunnel
  240. 01[22:27] <Lucyne> Do you wish to proceed?
  241. [22:27] <Arrant_Hold_> "We might just want to pick them off one by one."
  242. [22:27] <Silver_Tongue> "Yes"
  243. [22:27] <Cap`n_HighTide> (on a scale of yes to no)
  244. [22:27] <Cap`n_HighTide> (yes)
  245. [22:28] <UnifySelf> "What are we waiting for. Let's go."
  246. 01[22:28] <Lucyne> You descend into the tunnel
  247. [22:28] <Ruby_McCoal> "True, keep moving."
  248. [22:28] <Duskie> (is it possible that you write using some special color lucy?)
  249. [22:28] <Arrant_Hold_> (Im sticking with team)
  250. 01[22:28] <Lucyne> It winds sharply downward
  251. 01[22:28] <Lucyne> s
  252. 01[22:28] <Lucyne> (no clue how)
  253. [22:28] <UnifySelf> "Woah. Woah."
  254. [22:28] <Duskie> (np)
  255. [22:28] <Ikea> [3 Yes, but not with the webchat applet1]
  256. [22:28] <BlazingSky> "Yikes.. Watch your step"
  257. [22:28] <Silver_Tongue> "We'll let's move"
  258. 06[22:28] * Duskie walks cautiously
  259. 01[22:28] <Lucyne> You carefully proceed down the tunnel obviously not ment for ponies
  260. 01[22:29] <Lucyne> (I actually use mIRC)
  261. [22:29] <Ruby_McCoal> "Carefull down there Cap, seems slippery"
  262. [22:29] <Ikea> [ctrl + K then]
  263. [22:29] <Duskie> (another time, don't bother)
  264. 01[22:29] <Lucyne> 9Genius
  265. [22:29] <Duskie> (<3)
  266. 06[22:29] * Cap`n_HighTide nods, cautiously trekking downwards. "Yeah, steep."
  267. [22:30] <Silver_Tongue> "Well at least diamond dogs were good for something"
  268. 01[22:30] <Lucyne> 3 The area flattens out somewhat, leading to a wider hallway
  269. [22:30] <Arrant_Hold_> "Just move slowly..."
  270. [22:30] <Duskie> "I'm not falling this time, no. way."
  271. 01[22:30] <Lucyne> 3Ancient torches still hang within their holsters
  272. [22:30] <Silver_Tongue> "There we can spread here"
  273. [22:30] <Ruby_McCoal> "Because if you do, we're all going down."
  274. 06[22:30] * BlazingSky walks to a torch "Think we can get one of these lit?"
  275. [22:30] <Duskie> "yeah"
  276. [22:30] <Arrant_Hold_> "So, question, how soon will we see these Cockitrices?"
  277. [22:30] <Silver_Tongue> "Anybody got the fire kit?"
  278. 06[22:30] * Duskie giggles in an anxious way
  279. [22:31] <Ikea> "... Does pitch get old?"
  280. [22:31] <Ruby_McCoal> "Carefull here, remember what happenend in the Golem room?
  281. [22:31] <Silver_Tongue> "Dunno"
  282. [22:31] <Ruby_McCoal> "Watch what you all are doing, this place may be full of traps."
  283. 01[22:31] <Lucyne> 3You stand awkwardly near the entrance, thinking about further actions.
  284. [22:31] <Ruby_McCoal> "Just like the dogs not wanting any to steal their loot."
  285. 06[22:32] * Silver_Tongue tries to peer ahead
  286. 06[22:32] * Duskie examines the ground
  287. [22:32] <Arrant_Hold_> "Might not want to touch anything until it's properly scouted..."
  288. 01[22:32] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  289. [22:32] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  290. [22:32] <UnifySelf> "If there are traps, then I can do my job."
  291. [22:32] <Ikea> "I somewhat doubt they'd trap their torches... but good pont"
  292. 01[22:32] <Lucyne> The ground is inlaid with simple motifs
  293. [22:32] <Ruby_McCoal> "What can you do?"
  294. [22:32] <Ikea> point*
  295. [22:32] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20 to search for traps
  296. [22:32] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  297. [22:32] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Find anything?"
  298. [22:32] <Duskie> !roll 1d20
  299. [22:32] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  300. 01[22:32] <Lucyne> 3You search the ground carefully, finding a tripwire
  301. 06[22:32] * Arrant_Hold_ stands still
  302. [22:32] <Duskie> "here!"
  303. 06[22:32] * Arrant_Hold_ eyes are focused
  304. [22:32] <Duskie> "carefull"
  305. [22:33] <Ruby_McCoal> "dont move, duskie found something."
  306. [22:33] <UnifySelf> "Wait. There's something here."
  307. 06[22:33] * BlazingSky shakes his head, leaving the torch behind, and slowly returns to the group
  308. [22:33] <Ruby_McCoal> "Try finding where its linked!"
  309. 01[22:33] <Lucyne> 3The tripwire runs into a hole in the wall
  310. 06[22:33] * Duskie examines carefully the tripwire
  311. [22:33] <UnifySelf> "Any way we can disarm this?"
  312. [22:33] <Ruby_McCoal> "And ?"
  313. [22:33] <Duskie> "just pay attention not to trigger it"
  314. [22:33] <Silver_Tongue> "Hmm what's up?"
  315. 06[22:33] * Cap`n_HighTide looks around the floor, seemingly not seeing anything.]
  316. [22:33] <Ruby_McCoal> "Will do, be carefull its likely not to be the only one here."
  317. [22:33] <BlazingSky> "Why trigger it? Let's just step over it"
  318. [22:34] <BlazingSky> Disarm*
  319. [22:34] <Arrant_Hold_> "we could cut it."
  320. [22:34] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20 to find any other traps
  321. [22:34] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  322. 06[22:34] * Ikea tracks the wire to its anchor
  323. [22:34] <Ruby_McCoal> "No we dont."
  324. [22:34] <Duskie> "It'd activate it
  325. [22:34] <Duskie> "
  326. 01[22:34] <Lucyne> 3Examining the room, you find nothing else of interest.
  327. [22:34] <Ruby_McCoal> "NO, no no."
  328. [22:34] <Ruby_McCoal> "Dont touch anything."
  329. [22:34] <Silver_Tongue> "Seems its just one trap"
  330. [22:34] <UnifySelf> "Then just step over it. Let's get going."
  331. [22:34] <Ikea> "At least not until we figure out what it does..."
  332. 06[22:35] * Cap`n_HighTide looks like he's about to take a step, then settles back to where he is, frowning.
  333. 06[22:35] * Duskie makes a mark on the ground before the trap
  334. [22:35] <Duskie> (with sword)
  335. 06[22:35] * BlazingSky hops over it, keeping his eyes open for any other traps
  336. [22:35] <Arrant_Hold_> "Are we going to stand here and do nothing? Come on, we just either step over it, or disarm it."
  337. 01[22:35] <Lucyne> 3You step over the simple trap
  338. 01[22:35] <Lucyne> 3I assume
  339. 06[22:35] * Ruby_McCoal perks at Duskie's initiative "Good thinking."
  340. [22:35] <Cap`n_HighTide> (fuck yeah)
  341. [22:35] <Ikea> [yup yup]
  342. [22:35] <Duskie> "thanks"
  343. 01[22:35] <Lucyne> 3Everyone roll d20, nat1 is trip
  344. [22:36] <Ruby_McCoal> (yes)
  345. 06[22:36] * Silver_Tongue traces the mark and just steps over the wire
  346. 06[22:36] * Cap`n_HighTide notes the spot in the ground and steps over it cautiously.
  347. [22:36] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  348. [22:36] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  349. [22:36] <Duskie> !roll d20
  350. [22:36] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  351. [22:36] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  352. [22:36] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  353. [22:36] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  354. [22:36] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  355. [22:36] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  356. [22:36] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  357. [22:36] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  358. [22:36] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  359. [22:36] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  360. [22:36] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  361. [22:36] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  362. [22:36] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  363. [22:36] <Duskie> (no 3 so far)
  364. [22:36] <Ruby_McCoal> (my heart)
  365. 01[22:36] <Lucyne> 3you all step over the wire with no problem
  366. 01[22:36] <Lucyne> 3Going forward, a single passageway leads straight ahead
  367. [22:37] <Silver_Tongue> "One down however many to go"
  368. [22:37] <Ruby_McCoal> "Just like I though, Diamond dogs are keen on protecting their stuff. Carefull."
  369. 06[22:37] * Duskie keeps watching if something moves behind
  370. 06[22:37] * Cap`n_HighTide continues to take point, scanning the passageway.
  371. [22:37] <UnifySelf> "Something tells me this will be a long walk."
  372. 06[22:37] * Silver_Tongue takes behind cap'n
  373. 06[22:37] * Arrant_Hold_ keeps moving on ahead
  374. 01[22:37] <Lucyne> 3Entering the passageway, you find that a single door half way through the passage leads off to the left, another door looming at the end of the tunnel
  375. 06[22:38] * Ruby_McCoal observe her surrounding carefully wihile walking.
  376. [22:38] <Arrant_Hold_> "Does something seem... off to anyone else?"
  377. [22:38] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20 to search for traps
  378. [22:38] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  379. [22:38] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20 for trap search
  380. [22:38] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  381. [22:38] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll d20 trap search
  382. [22:38] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  383. 01[22:38] <Lucyne> 3Please roll when I call it
  384. [22:38] <Duskie> !roll d20
  385. [22:38] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  386. [22:38] <UnifySelf> [ok]
  387. [22:38] <Ikea> "Off? No, what's on your mind?"
  388. 01[22:38] <Lucyne> 3You all see no traps
  389. 06[22:38] * BlazingSky nods in agreement
  390. [22:38] <UnifySelf> "Room's safe."
  391. [22:38] <BlazingSky> "This place seems.. disturbed"
  392. 06[22:38] * Ruby_McCoal keep looking around for possible ambush
  393. 06[22:38] * Duskie approaches the door first door and listen through
  394. [22:39] <Arrant_Hold_> "This room seems oddly empty..."
  395. 01[22:39] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  396. [22:39] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  397. [22:39] <Silver_Tongue> "Hmm, I feel like there's gonna be a trap here"
  398. 06[22:39] * Cap`n_HighTide glances at the door to his side, looking up and down. He reaches out with a hoof, and knocks.
  399. [22:39] <Duskie> !roll d20
  400. [22:39] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  401. 01[22:39] <Lucyne> 3You hear slightly movement from behind the door
  402. 06[22:39] * Duskie whispers
  403. [22:39] <Duskie> "Guys"
  404. 06[22:39] * Silver_Tongue starts drawing his sword
  405. 01[22:39] <Lucyne> 3No one reacts to your knocknig.
  406. [22:39] <Duskie> "there's something in there"
  407. 06[22:39] * Arrant_Hold_ readies Stick
  408. [22:39] <UnifySelf> "Ready yourselfs."
  409. 06[22:39] * BlazingSky tilts his head "What is it, Duskie?"
  410. [22:39] <Ikea> "right, rush it or draw it out?"
  411. 06[22:39] * Ruby_McCoal keep looking behind the group
  412. [22:39] <Duskie> (imb4 knocking)
  413. 06[22:40] * Cap`n_HighTide nods, and draws his sword. "Get ready, I'm going to just open it and see if something comes out."
  414. [22:40] <Arrant_Hold_> "I say go for an ambush."
  415. [22:40] <Silver_Tongue> "Rush, it's two cramped in here"
  416. 06[22:40] * Duskie draws her sword as well
  417. [22:40] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Rush? That's good, too."
  418. 06[22:40] * BlazingSky groans in disapproval, and draws his axe
  419. [22:40] <Ikea> "We have no idea how cramped it's going to be on the other side, Silver"
  420. 06[22:40] * Ruby_McCoal ready her pick "Better not be a single bat..."
  421. 06[22:40] * Cap`n_HighTide places a hoof on the door, waiting for everyone to be at the ready.
  422. [22:40] <Arrant_Hold_> (stick will prove to be best weapon before the day is out)
  423. 06[22:40] * UnifySelf ready's himself
  424. 06[22:41] * Arrant_Hold_ readies for attack
  425. 06[22:41] * Duskie is ready
  426. [22:41] <Silver_Tongue> "We can only stand at best two abreast in here Ikea"
  427. 06[22:41] * Ikea chuckles at Ruby's comment "So you hope it's a big scary monster?"
  428. 06[22:41] * Silver_Tongue sinks into a ready stance
  429. 06[22:41] * BlazingSky takes on a battle stance
  430. [22:41] <Arrant_Hold_> "Well, we certainly didn't come here to pick roses, now did we?"
  431. [22:41] <Ikea> "True... "
  432. 06[22:41] * Cap`n_HighTide places himself up against the door, and looks to Silver, nodding, and waiting for him to nod back.
  433. 06[22:42] * Silver_Tongue tightens his sword grip and nods
  434. 01[22:42] <Lucyne> 3The GM is again surprised how fucking complicated opening a door is
  435. [22:42] <Ikea> "I'm up for a rush, in order, alternate right and left sides"
  436. [22:42] <Duskie> (lol'd)
  437. [22:42] <UnifySelf> [hue]
  438. [22:42] <Ikea> [paranoia!]
  439. [22:42] <Arrant_Hold_> (OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!)
  440. [22:42] <Ruby_McCoal> (cant make a mistake here, Lucy)
  441. [22:42] <Duskie> [#tinfoilhat]
  442. 06[22:42] * Cap`n_HighTide shoves the door open and hopefully enters the room without stumbling over himself.
  443. [22:42] <BlazingSky> "Two ponies flank right and left, the rest rush forwad"
  444. 01[22:42] <Lucyne> 3Your faithful GM is only teasing you
  445. 06[22:42] * Silver_Tongue follows in right after the captain
  446. 01[22:42] <Lucyne> 3Captain opens the door, revealing a storage room of sorts
  447. [22:43] <UnifySelf> "Cool."
  448. [22:43] <Silver_Tongue> "Nice"
  449. [22:43] <Ikea> [that's new...]
  450. 06[22:43] * Arrant_Hold_ looks around room
  451. 06[22:43] * Ruby_McCoal keep getting the lookout behind, ready for anything
  452. 01[22:43] <Lucyne> 3The area buzzes with activity before quickly falling silent
  453. 06[22:43] * Duskie enters last
  454. [22:43] <BlazingSky> "Huh.. Empty"
  455. 06[22:43] * Duskie holds her breath
  456. [22:43] <Arrant_Hold_> "But there was something there..."
  457. [22:43] <UnifySelf> [silent cave oOoOo]
  458. [22:43] <Silver_Tongue> "Pair up and search the room"
  459. 01[22:43] <Lucyne> 3You enter the large pantry like room.
  460. [22:43] <Duskie> "carefull, they may be traps as well"
  461. 06[22:43] * Arrant_Hold_ looks around
  462. 01[22:43] <Lucyne> 3Sacks and chests litter the area
  463. [22:43] <Ruby_McCoal> "People! Can it and be carefull."
  464. 06[22:44] * Ikea looks slightly disturbed "Well THAT's not creepy at all"
  465. 06[22:44] * Cap`n_HighTide lowers his sword, circling the room slowly.
  466. [22:44] <UnifySelf> "Traps could be anywere, keep an eye out."
  467. 06[22:44] * Duskie looks around
  468. 06[22:44] * BlazingSky opens, and looks inside a pantry
  469. 06[22:44] * Ruby_McCoal perks her ears, trying to hear anything suspicious
  470. 06[22:44] * Ikea carefully walks up to a chest, examining it in close
  471. [22:44] <Arrant_Hold_> (dunna)
  472. 01[22:44] <Lucyne> 3Looking around the cabinets and various other containers, you find almost all of them to be empty
  473. [22:44] <Arrant_Hold_> (dunna)
  474. [22:44] <UnifySelf> [almost]
  475. 06[22:44] * Silver_Tongue goes up to a chest and scans it
  476. 01[22:44] <Lucyne> 3Some rotten food and such can be found
  477. 06[22:45] * Duskie searches for something actualy not empty
  478. [22:45] <UnifySelf> "Well, that was anti-climactic."
  479. 01[22:45] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  480. [22:45] <BlazingSky> "Rotten apples..? Disgusting.."
  481. [22:45] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  482. [22:45] <Duskie> !roll d20
  483. [22:45] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  484. 01[22:45] <Lucyne> 3You find a chest that is quite heavy
  485. [22:45] <Ikea> "At least it's not an other split path."
  486. [22:45] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  487. [22:45] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  488. 06[22:45] * Arrant_Hold_ is still attentive
  489. 06[22:45] * Duskie examines it carefully
  490. 01[22:45] <Lucyne> 3Please only roll when called
  491. 06[22:45] * BlazingSky trots to Duskie "What'd you find?"
  492. [22:45] <UnifySelf> "Anybody find anyting yet?"
  493. [22:45] <Silver_Tongue> (Sorry)
  494. 01[22:46] <Lucyne> 3It is a normal wooden chest
  495. [22:46] <Duskie> "found a chest apparently"
  496. 01[22:46] <Lucyne> 3It is not locked
  497. 06[22:46] * Ruby_McCoal is still keeping guard outside
  498. 06[22:46] * Silver_Tongue searches for something semi decent
  499. 06[22:46] * Duskie opens it
  500. 06[22:46] * BlazingSky peers inside
  501. [22:46] <Duskie> -zelda tune-
  502. [22:46] <Ruby_McCoal> (inb4 mimic)
  503. [22:46] <Arrant_Hold_> (people telling me to be careful... WELL LOOK AT HOW CAREFUL I'M BEING NOW)
  504. 01[22:46] <Lucyne> 3Opening the chest, you yelp in fear as a rat screetches out towards you, clawing at your face for 1 damage!
  505. [22:46] <Quicksilver> [kek]
  506. [22:46] <Duskie> "OUCH"
  507. [22:46] <UnifySelf> "GOD DAMN..."
  508. 01[22:47] <Lucyne> 3In response, thousands of rats screech from all around, flooding from their hiding spots
  509. [22:47] <Duskie> "wh.. what..? a rat?"
  510. [22:47] <Silver_Tongue> "Heheheh"
  511. [22:47] <UnifySelf> "FUCKER SCARED ME!"
  512. [22:47] <UnifySelf> "Oh god!"
  513. [22:47] <BlazingSky> "Argh!" reaches up to his face in pain "Basta- OH GOD RUN!!"
  514. 06[22:47] * Arrant_Hold_ tries not to laugh, and remain and stationary as an English Royal Guard
  515. 01[22:47] <Lucyne> 3Some of them the size of dogs, they attack you, looking for another meal!
  516. [22:47] <UnifySelf> "RUN!"
  517. 06[22:47] * Ruby_McCoal suddendly rushes in at the sound of Duskie "You okay!"
  518. 06[22:47] * Silver_Tongue jumps on a chest "oh crap"
  519. 01[22:47] <Lucyne> 3Roll initiative!
  520. [22:47] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  521. [22:47] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  522. [22:47] <Ikea> "Oh shit! Those a big damn rats"
  523. [22:47] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  524. [22:47] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  525. [22:47] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  526. [22:47] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  527. [22:47] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  528. [22:47] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  529. [22:47] <Duskie> !roll d20
  530. [22:47] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  531. [22:47] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  532. [22:47] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  533. [22:47] <Ruby_McCoal> (oh boy)
  534. [22:47] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  535. [22:47] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  536. [22:47] <Duskie> lolz
  537. [22:47] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  538. [22:47] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  539. [22:47] <BlazingSky> (Nice nat1, Duskie
  540. [22:48] <Duskie> "just a scratch, thanks"
  541. [22:48] <Ruby_McCoal> (she's stunned in fear!)
  542. [22:48] <Duskie> (wasn't me was it?)
  543. [22:48] <Ikea> [I see it as mine]
  544. 01[22:48] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  545. [22:48] <GameServ> 11, 4 == 15
  546. [22:48] <Ikea> [Lucy will decide]
  547. [22:48] <Duskie> (yeah)
  548. [22:48] <Silver_Tongue> (No Ikea you got 16)
  549. 01[22:48] <Lucyne> With a jump of activity, Ruby begins the round!
  550. [22:49] <Ikea> [The latency has a tendency to fuck up the order of closely timed posts.]
  551. 06[22:49] * Ruby_McCoal , upon barging in, sees a big damn rat right on Duskie. She take her pick and attack!
  552. [22:49] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  553. [22:49] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  554. [22:49] <Duskie> (it's not much of a big deal)
  555. 01[22:49] <Lucyne> 3But you miss the hideous creature!
  556. 01[22:50] <Lucyne> 3You are fighting 6 rats btw
  557. [22:50] <Ikea> [agreed]
  558. [22:50] <BlazingSky> (Oi fuck
  559. [22:50] <Ruby_McCoal> (thats alot of rats)
  560. [22:50] <Arrant_Hold_> (we can take'em)
  561. [22:50] <Duskie> (I actyally love rats)
  562. 01[22:50] <Lucyne> 3It is now High Tide's turn!
  563. [22:50] <Ikea> [inb4 animal empathy!]
  564. [22:50] <Silver_Tongue> (I prefer snakes)
  565. [22:50] <Ruby_McCoal> (inb4 aids from rats)
  566. [22:50] <Duskie> (tide?)
  567. [22:51] <BlazingSky> (Lucyne, would I be able to use Wormy as a weapon, assuming my axe breaks?
  568. [22:51] <Arrant_Hold_> (try setting one on fire, to scare them)
  569. [22:51] <Silver_Tongue> (Give him a minute)
  570. 06[22:51] * Cap`n_HighTide rushes in to action, jumping among the rats, shouting to get their attention as he swings at the biggest rat he sees!
  571. [22:51] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  572. [22:51] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  573. 01[22:51] <Lucyne> (If you want to break him)
  574. 01[22:51] <Lucyne> 3You hit!
  575. [22:51] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d8
  576. [22:51] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  577. [22:51] <Duskie> (nice enough)
  578. 01[22:51] <Lucyne> 3You slice the rat clean in two!
  579. [22:51] <Duskie> (forget that)
  580. [22:51] <Ruby_McCoal> "Ratkebabs!"
  581. [22:51] <Ikea> [rats is tiny babby]
  582. 01[22:52] <Lucyne> 3It is now Unify's turn!
  583. 06[22:52] * UnifySelf with the rats destracted, I charge at one horn first!
  584. [22:52] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  585. [22:52] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  586. [22:52] <UnifySelf> [so close]
  587. 01[22:52] <Lucyne> 3But the rat evades your attack!
  588. 01[22:53] <Lucyne> 3It is now Duskie's turn!
  589. [22:53] <Duskie> (I'd release unify if he was a pokemon)
  590. [22:53] <Duskie> !roll d20
  591. [22:53] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  592. [22:53] <Ruby_McCoal> (neat)
  593. 06[22:53] * Duskie waves her sword
  594. [22:53] <Duskie> !roll d8
  595. [22:53] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  596. [22:53] <Duskie> (less neat)
  597. [22:53] <Arrant_Hold_> (music
  598. [22:53] <Duskie> (3sssssssss)
  599. 01[22:53] <Lucyne> 3You stab one of the rats, harming it seerely!
  600. [22:54] <Duskie> "yay"
  601. 01[22:54] <Lucyne> 3It is now Silver's turn!
  602. [22:54] <Ruby_McCoal> (rat confirmed for 4hp_
  603. [22:54] <Ikea> [>liking rats | >not rolling for animal empathy to get pet | nigga what u doin?]
  604. [22:54] <Duskie> (indeed)
  605. [22:54] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20 to sword a rat to death
  606. [22:54] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  607. [22:54] <Duskie> (I don't like wild rats)
  608. 01[22:54] <Lucyne> 3You hit! Do you attack the harmed rat?
  609. [22:54] <Arrant_Hold_> (see, only 4 hp, we can do dis)
  610. [22:54] <Ikea> [Meh, fair enough]
  611. [22:54] <Silver_Tongue> (No)
  612. 01[22:55] <Lucyne> 3Then roll damage!
  613. [22:55] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d8
  614. [22:55] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  615. [22:55] <Duskie> (green lucy is so handy)
  616. [22:55] <Arrant_Hold_> (agreed)
  617. 01[22:55] <Lucyne> 3You slice at the creature, drawing blood!
  618. 01[22:55] <Lucyne> 3It remains standing, though
  619. [22:55] <Ikea> [Green luce is best Luce]
  620. 01[22:55] <Lucyne> 3It is now Lucyne's turn
  621. 01[22:56] <Lucyne> I attack the harmed rat with my sword
  622. 01[22:56] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  623. [22:56] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  624. 01[22:56] <Lucyne> Killing it instantly
  625. [22:56] <Duskie> (6dl of blood /per rat)
  626. 01[22:56] <Lucyne> 3It is now Blazing'S turn!
  627. 06[22:56] * BlazingSky brings his axe down on a rat
  628. [22:56] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  629. [22:56] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  630. 01[22:57] <Lucyne> 3You hit!
  631. [22:57] <BlazingSky> !roll 1d6
  632. [22:57] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  633. [22:57] <Ruby_McCoal> (these hit rolls)
  634. [22:57] <Duskie> (1d8?)
  635. 01[22:57] <Lucyne> 3Did you attack a harmed rat?
  636. [22:57] <UnifySelf> [kek has blessed this adventure]
  637. [22:57] <BlazingSky> (Yes
  638. [22:57] <Arrant_Hold_> (And you guys were all like "OH BE CAREFULL")
  639. 01[22:57] <Lucyne> 3You slice it's head off with a fell blow
  640. [22:57] <Arrant_Hold_> (we got dis)
  641. [22:57] <BlazingSky> (It's d6, since it's only a wood axe.
  642. [22:57] <Duskie> (minecraft again)
  643. [22:57] <BlazingSky> "Aha! Get owned, fucker!"
  644. 01[22:58] <Lucyne> 3It is now arrant's turn!
  645. [22:58] <Duskie> "good job!"
  646. [22:58] <BlazingSky> (I mean, an axe to cut wood.
  647. [22:58] <Duskie> (lulz)
  648. [22:58] <Cap`n_HighTide> (I gotta get myself a greataxe)
  649. 06[22:58] * Arrant_Hold_ slams a rat with his stick "I HAVE THE POWER!"
  650. [22:58] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  651. [22:58] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  652. 01[22:58] <Lucyne> 3You hit!
  653. [22:58] <Duskie> (1dstick?)
  654. [22:58] <UnifySelf> [all these success rolls]
  655. [22:58] <Ikea> [Great axe? not a very maritime weapon, is it?]
  656. [22:58] <Arrant_Hold_> (1d6?)
  657. 01[22:59] <Lucyne> (Stick is d4)
  658. [22:59] <Duskie> (1d0.5)
  659. [22:59] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d6
  660. [22:59] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  661. [22:59] <Cap`n_HighTide> (It's maritime if I say it's maritime)
  662. [22:59] <Silver_Tongue> (Yeah, stuck is pretty much a light club)
  663. [22:59] <Ikea> [it was a natural 20 stick... I'd say 1d6]
  664. 01[22:59] <Lucyne> 3No matter
  665. [22:59] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Think of it as an oversized boarding axe)
  666. [22:59] <Duskie> (dat stick)
  667. [22:59] <Cap`n_HighTide> (or an anchor on a chain)
  668. 01[22:59] <Lucyne> 3You bludgeon the rat in a single hit!
  669. [22:59] <Arrant_Hold_> (stick is best weapon)
  670. [22:59] <Ruby_McCoal> (arrant confirmed for monk)
  671. [22:59] <Ikea> [that could work]
  672. [22:59] <Arrant_Hold_> "HE-MAN!"
  673. [22:59] <BlazingSky> (Based stick
  674. [22:59] <Duskie> (lmao)
  675. [22:59] <UnifySelf> [lel]
  676. 01[22:59] <Lucyne> 3It is the rats turn!
  677. 01[23:00] <Lucyne> 3They attack Blazing and Ikea randomly!
  678. 01[23:00] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  679. [23:00] <GameServ> 14, 18 == 32
  680. 01[23:00] <Lucyne> 3Hitting both!
  681. 01[23:00] <Lucyne> !roll 2d3
  682. [23:00] <GameServ> 2, 2 == 4
  683. 01[23:00] <Lucyne> 3For 2 damage each!
  684. [23:00] <Ruby_McCoal> (pretty standart score here)
  685. [23:00] <Silver_Tongue> "Bad Rat!"
  686. [23:00] <BlazingSky> *7 hp* "Argh! Shit"
  687. 01[23:00] <Lucyne> 3It is now Ikea's turn
  688. [23:01] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 stab-a-rat
  689. [23:01] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  690. 01[23:01] <Lucyne> 3You hit!
  691. [23:01] <Ikea> !roll 1d8 rat-on-a-stick
  692. [23:01] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  693. [23:01] <Duskie> "wow!"
  694. [23:01] <UnifySelf> [based kek]
  695. [23:01] <Ruby_McCoal> "Haha yeah!"
  696. 01[23:01] <Lucyne> 3You get yourself an old fashioned rat on a stick, just like grandma used to make
  697. 01[23:01] <Lucyne> 3new round! Roll init
  698. [23:01] <BlazingSky> (lel
  699. [23:01] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  700. [23:01] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  701. [23:01] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  702. [23:01] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  703. [23:01] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  704. [23:01] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  705. [23:01] <Duskie> !roll d20
  706. [23:01] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  707. [23:01] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  708. [23:01] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  709. [23:01] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  710. [23:01] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  711. [23:01] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  712. [23:01] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  713. [23:02] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  714. [23:02] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  715. [23:02] <Ruby_McCoal> (2nd with 9)
  716. [23:02] <Ruby_McCoal> (lel)
  717. [23:02] <Ikea> [inb4 rat nat. 20s]
  718. 01[23:02] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  719. [23:02] <GameServ> 3, 18 == 21
  720. 01[23:02] <Lucyne> The rat begins the turn!
  721. [23:02] <Silver_Tongue> (Goddamnit it Ikea)
  722. 01[23:02] <Lucyne> 3It attacks Duskie randomly!
  723. [23:03] <Duskie> (rat used haste)
  724. 01[23:03] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  725. [23:03] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  726. 01[23:03] <Lucyne> 3But misses!
  727. [23:03] <Ruby_McCoal> (based pegasus)
  728. 01[23:03] <Lucyne> 3It is now Ikea's turn
  729. [23:03] <Duskie> (yay)
  730. [23:03] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 stab a rat. make double-rat-on-stick
  731. [23:03] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  732. [23:04] <Duskie> (just some oak and..)
  733. [23:04] <Ruby_McCoal> (you fail to double the amount of rats on your stick)
  734. 01[23:04] <Lucyne> 3But the scitterish fiend avoids you!
  735. [23:04] <Ikea> [blast!]
  736. 01[23:04] <Lucyne> 3It is now Ruby's turn
  737. [23:04] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20 for remove rat
  738. [23:04] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  739. [23:04] <Ikea> [Duskie! We diablo 2 now, not Jonathan]
  740. [23:04] <Duskie> "yay for ruby!"
  741. 01[23:04] <Lucyne> 3You hit!
  742. [23:05] <Duskie> (your fault)
  743. [23:05] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d6 of effectiveness of rat removal
  744. [23:05] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  745. [23:05] <UnifySelf> [remove rat kebab]
  746. [23:05] <Duskie> [critical!]
  747. 01[23:05] <Lucyne> 3The rat is thoroughly removed.
  748. [23:05] <Arrant_Hold_> (Ruby is now official exterminator)
  749. [23:05] <Ruby_McCoal> "Rat has been removed"
  750. 01[23:05] <Lucyne> 3Seeing their largest slain, the smaller rats flee!
  751. 01[23:05] <Lucyne> 3You have defeated the rats!
  752. [23:05] <UnifySelf> [VICTORY!]
  753. [23:05] <Duskie> [fftune]
  754. [23:05] <Silver_Tongue> "Woot"
  755. [23:05] <UnifySelf> "Damn rats!"
  756. 06[23:05] * Arrant_Hold_ does a victory jump "HELL YEAH!
  757. 01[23:06] <Lucyne> 3You search the rest of the room for anything interesting
  758. [23:06] <Duskie> "good job everyone"
  759. 06[23:06] * Ikea discards the rat from his rat-on-a-stick stick
  760. 01[23:06] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  761. [23:06] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  762. [23:06] <Silver_Tongue> (I'd loot but plague)
  763. 06[23:06] * BlazingSky winces in pain "..W-we brought medical supplies, right? right?"
  764. 06[23:06] * Ruby_McCoal smiles widely at her well performed reference "That'll teach em."
  765. [23:06] <Silver_Tongue> "Uhh not sure"
  766. 01[23:06] <Lucyne> 3You find 2 old swords lying in a corner, along with a flask of lamp oil
  767. [23:06] <UnifySelf> "I call one of the swords!"
  768. 06[23:06] * Silver_Tongue starts taking samples from the rats
  769. 06[23:06] * Duskie picks up the oil
  770. [23:06] <Ikea> "Ooooh... lamp oil"
  771. [23:06] <Arrant_Hold_> "I told you guys, we have this down!"
  772. [23:06] <UnifySelf> "I really need a weapon."
  773. [23:06] <Duskie> "This could be useful"
  774. [23:06] <Arrant_Hold_> (>2013)
  775. [23:07] <UnifySelf> [what conditon are the swords in?]
  776. [23:07] <Arrant_Hold_> (>Not using Stick)
  777. 06[23:07] * Duskie puts it in her backpack
  778. [23:07] <Silver_Tongue> "I'll take the lamp"
  779. 06[23:07] * BlazingSky sighs, trying to ignore his wounds
  780. 01[23:07] <Lucyne> 3The swords are in bad condition
  781. 06[23:07] * Ruby_McCoal head over captain "Could I borrow you a bottle of booze? Could disenfect wounds."
  782. 06[23:07] * UnifySelf takes a sword and places it in his bag. "I'll save this for later"
  783. 06[23:07] * Duskie gives the oil to silver
  784. [23:07] <Silver_Tongue> (Crap never mind)
  785. [23:07] <Duskie> "here"
  786. [23:07] <Silver_Tongue> "Oh thanks Duskie"
  787. [23:07] <Duskie> (lolz)
  788. [23:07] <Arrant_Hold_> "So, what now?"
  789. 06[23:07] * Cap`n_HighTide rifles through his saddlebags and glumly produces a bottle of generic but strong alcohol, giving it to Ruby.
  790. 06[23:08] * Ruby_McCoal grabs the bottle "Thank you much."
  791. 01[23:08] <Lucyne> 3There is little else of interest in this room
  792. [23:08] <Silver_Tongue> "Oh calm down cap ill buy you a round at the bar"
  793. [23:08] <Arrant_Hold_> "Let me know when we're off again."
  794. [23:08] <UnifySelf> "Well, it's time to try the other door."
  795. 06[23:08] * Arrant_Hold_ does some practice swings
  796. [23:08] <Duskie> "which way now? Don't forget cockatrixes are way more dangerous"
  797. 06[23:08] * Ruby_McCoal heads over the wounded "Pour some on your wounds, dont want to end up with plague in town" she winks
  798. 06[23:09] * Duskie scans for traps on the way
  799. 06[23:09] * Silver_Tongue checks the condition of his lamp
  800. 01[23:09] <Lucyne> 3Do you return to the other door?
  801. [23:09] <UnifySelf> [yes]
  802. [23:09] <Ikea> [yes]
  803. 01[23:09] <Lucyne> 3It's oil, no lamp
  804. [23:09] <Duskie> (yep)
  805. [23:09] <Silver_Tongue> Oh nvm
  806. [23:09] <Silver_Tongue> (Yep)
  807. 06[23:09] * BlazingSky takes it "Thank you.." he pours it over his left forehoof, rubbing it in, and then dribbles a little on his face, where he was scratched originally, and takes a small sip of it afterwards
  808. [23:09] <Arrant_Hold_> (we could make a lamp however)
  809. 06[23:09] * Cap`n_HighTide perks up and leads the group back out. "Well, best keep moving if we can't find anything else."
  810. 01[23:09] <Lucyne> 3Returning to the other door, you see it is a solid stone door
  811. 01[23:09] <Lucyne> 3You see grooves for moving it
  812. [23:09] <Arrant_Hold_> "Well, this is menacing."
  813. [23:10] <Duskie> "we could set ourselves on fire trying"
  814. 01[23:10] <Lucyne> 3Sadly, you have no hands
  815. [23:10] <UnifySelf> "There has to be something of value behind this."
  816. 06[23:10] * Ruby_McCoal goes back in line "What Cap'n said, get a move on."
  817. [23:10] <Arrant_Hold_> "But how do we move it?"
  818. [23:10] <Silver_Tongue> "Push?"
  819. [23:10] <Ikea> "Telekinesis wime, I guess"
  820. [23:10] <Ikea> time*
  821. 06[23:10] * Cap`n_HighTide traces his hooves against the door, sighing. "...hooves."
  822. [23:10] <Arrant_Hold_> "I wonder..."
  823. [23:10] <Silver_Tongue> "Oh I know, I miss my fucking hands"
  824. 06[23:11] * BlazingSky stands up, and returns to the other ponies, handing the Captain a half empty bottle of alcohol
  825. 01[23:11] <Lucyne> 3It can only effectively be opened with hans
  826. [23:11] <UnifySelf> "Telekenesis could work, but someone else has to do it. I have to maintain this light spell."
  827. 06[23:11] * Ruby_McCoal tries to find an anchor point with her pickaxe
  828. 06[23:11] * Arrant_Hold_ tries opening it with stick
  829. 01[23:11] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  830. [23:11] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  831. [23:11] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 for move. that. door.
  832. [23:11] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  833. [23:11] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  834. [23:11] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  835. 01[23:11] <Lucyne> 3Mechanical manipulation gets you nowhere
  836. 06[23:11] * Duskie looks at the door closely
  837. [23:11] <Ruby_McCoal> "Stop trying guys, it wont bulge. Look for a button or something."
  838. [23:11] <UnifySelf> "FUCK! We can't move this without hands, looks like we'll have to come back later."
  839. 01[23:12] <Lucyne> 3Telekinesis should do the trick.
  840. [23:12] <Silver_Tongue> "Uh Lucyne magic the door open?"
  841. 01[23:12] <Lucyne> "I can try."
  842. 01[23:12] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  843. [23:12] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  844. [23:12] <Arrant_Hold_> (i tried using stick)
  845. [23:12] <Duskie> (:<)
  846. 01[23:12] <Lucyne> 3Lucyne's magic fizzles and fails
  847. 06[23:12] * Cap`n_HighTide looks the door up and down and taps his hoof against it, checking how dense it is.
  848. [23:12] <UnifySelf> [who else can into magic, i'm still holding the light spell]
  849. 06[23:12] * Arrant_Hold_ tries bucking the door
  850. [23:12] <Cap`n_HighTide> (oh boy)
  851. 01[23:12] <Lucyne> 3The door seems very solid, a normal buck won't break it down
  852. [23:13] <Silver_Tongue> "Arrant stop your gonna hurt yourself"
  853. [23:13] <Duskie> "maybe lucy can light the room while uniself tries?"
  854. [23:13] <Arrant_Hold_> "Maybe we could all buck at once?"
  855. [23:13] <Ruby_McCoal> "Stand back Arrant, you're not helping."
  856. 01[23:13] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  857. [23:13] <UnifySelf> "I agree with Dusk. Wanna switch Lucy?"
  858. [23:13] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  859. 01[23:13] <Lucyne> 3Looking around, you find a button cleverly camouflaged into the wall
  860. 06[23:13] * Ruby_McCoal turns to Cap'n, hesitantly "Cap.. care to give try?"
  861. [23:13] <Duskie> "now that's lighting!"
  862. 06[23:13] * BlazingSky sits down on his haunches, watching the unicorns work their magic
  863. [23:13] <Silver_Tongue> "Button"
  864. [23:14] <UnifySelf> "Button? Where?"
  865. [23:14] <Ruby_McCoal> "Oh neat, nvm!"
  866. [23:14] <Ikea> "Button... of course there's a button"
  867. 06[23:14] * Silver_Tongue presses the button
  868. [23:14] <Arrant_Hold_> (my efforts are underapperiated...)
  869. [23:14] <Duskie> "It mustn't be a trap if it was hidden"
  870. 06[23:14] * Ruby_McCoal suddendly watch for the ceiling in case of any traps
  871. 01[23:14] <Lucyne> 3Pressing the button, the door slides to the side
  872. 06[23:14] * Cap`n_HighTide shakes his head at Ruby. "Last time I was in the caves, my magic gave me a pretty bad headache."
  873. [23:14] <Silver_Tongue> "Nice"
  874. [23:14] <UnifySelf> "Cool. Well, let's go."
  875. 06[23:14] * Duskie readies herself for anything
  876. 06[23:14] * Silver_Tongue takes point
  877. 06[23:14] * Arrant_Hold_ trots in the room
  878. [23:15] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Oh hey, the door's open! Let's continue onwards, then!"
  879. 01[23:15] <Lucyne> 3You slowly enter the oddly square room
  880. 06[23:15] * BlazingSky stands up, and starts trotting through the door "Good eye, Silver"
  881. 06[23:15] * Duskie keep watching for traps
  882. 06[23:15] * Ruby_McCoal answer to the cap "Dont worry now, problem solved."
  883. [23:15] <Silver_Tongue> "Oh this screams trap"
  884. 01[23:15] <Lucyne> 3You quickly see that small, 2 inch holes litter the ceiling
  885. [23:15] <Ikea> "... I wonder how they engineered that mechanism..." Ikea muses to himself
  886. 06[23:15] * Arrant_Hold_ looks for trap
  887. [23:15] <UnifySelf> "WAIT! Trap."
  888. 06[23:15] * Ruby_McCoal whispers with a chuckle ".. the edge room."
  889. [23:15] <Duskie> "hmmm..."
  890. 06[23:16] * Cap`n_HighTide looks up at the ceiling, frowning.
  891. [23:16] <BlazingSky> "Uh oh.."
  892. 01[23:16] <Lucyne> 3On the far side of the room there is another sealed stone door
  893. [23:16] <Silver_Tongue> "Holes on ceiling, either spikes water or sand"
  894. [23:16] <Quicksilver> [inb4 spike trap]
  895. 01[23:16] <Lucyne> 3(Sorry guys, reading is getting difficult)
  896. [23:16] <Ruby_McCoal> (smalls as in, many?)
  897. [23:16] <Duskie> "puzzle time?"
  898. 06[23:16] * UnifySelf looking up. "Well, I'm sure nothing bad will happen."
  899. [23:16] <Duskie> (lucy :<)
  900. 06[23:16] * Ikea examines the walls
  901. 06[23:16] * Silver_Tongue starts scanning the room
  902. [23:17] <Ikea> [You ok? want to abort?]
  903. 01[23:17] <Lucyne> 3The walls are noticeably well hewn
  904. [23:17] <BlazingSky> (Do you wanna take a break?
  905. [23:17] <Arrant_Hold_> "Let's... get out of here..."
  906. 01[23:17] <Lucyne> (I'm fine, I
  907. 01[23:17] <Lucyne> 'm fine)
  908. [23:17] <BlazingSky> (If you say so.
  909. [23:17] <Ruby_McCoal> "This is obviously a trap, dont push or pull anything while inside."
  910. [23:17] <Ikea> [... just don't push yourself]
  911. 01[23:17] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  912. [23:17] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  913. 01[23:17] <Lucyne> 3You hear a very faint ticking sound
  914. [23:17] <Arrant_Hold_> "There's no door here. Why should we bother with this room?"
  915. [23:17] <UnifySelf> "There's got to be something behind that door. I think the reward outways the risk."
  916. 06[23:17] * BlazingSky steps back outside of the first stone door "I'm gonna wait back here.."
  917. 06[23:17] * Silver_Tongue examines the wall
  918. [23:17] <UnifySelf> "Ticking?"
  919. [23:17] <Ruby_McCoal> "COUNTDOWN! GET OUT!"
  920. [23:17] <Cap`n_HighTide> "...Fuck"
  921. 06[23:17] * Arrant_Hold_ runs out
  922. 01[23:18] <Lucyne> 3With a crash, the first door slams shut!
  923. 06[23:18] * Duskie walks back
  924. 06[23:18] * Silver_Tongue runs to get out
  925. [23:18] <UnifySelf> "RUN! OUT! NOW!"
  926. 01[23:18] <Lucyne> 3Everyone in the room is trapped
  927. 06[23:18] * Cap`n_HighTide turns to leave, and bonks his nose against the door.
  928. [23:18] <UnifySelf> "SHIT!"
  929. [23:18] <Ikea> "... button activated the timer, we need to get the other door open before it reaches zero!"
  930. [23:18] <Cap`n_HighTide> (tell our story, Arrant)
  931. 01[23:18] <Lucyne> 3Then, you hear the water flow
  932. [23:18] <BlazingSky> (Am I outside, separated from the other ponies?
  933. [23:18] <Arrant_Hold_> "Fuck!"
  934. [23:18] <UnifySelf> "LOOK FOR SOMETHING TO GET US OUT!"
  935. [23:18] <Ruby_McCoal> "Alright! Dont panic and try to find another button!"
  936. [23:18] <Arrant_Hold_> (am I outside, GM?)
  937. [23:18] <Silver_Tongue> "Figures water"
  938. 01[23:18] <Lucyne> (Whoever said before my post is out)
  939. [23:18] <Duskie> (if you're outside just open it again)
  940. 06[23:18] * Arrant_Hold_ tries pressing the button outside
  941. 01[23:18] <Lucyne> 3The water starts to rush intoo the room
  942. 06[23:19] * Ikea tries to calm himself and examines the door on the far side
  943. 01[23:19] <Lucyne> 3Roll initiative!
  944. [23:19] <UnifySelf> "Water. Never thought i would drown in a cave."
  945. [23:19] <BlazingSky> "Open the damned door, Arrant!"
  946. 06[23:19] * Cap`n_HighTide turns and charges at the door on the other side of the room, slamming himself against it.
  947. 06[23:19] * Silver_Tongue starts gelling the walls
  948. [23:19] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  949. [23:19] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  950. [23:19] <Duskie> !roll d20
  951. [23:19] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  952. [23:19] <Cap`n_HighTide> (oops)
  953. [23:19] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  954. [23:19] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  955. 06[23:19] * Arrant_Hold_ keeps pressing the button outside
  956. [23:19] <Cap`n_HighTide> (FUG)
  957. [23:19] <Ruby_McCoal> (who's inside?)
  958. [23:19] <Duskie> (3s...*sadface*)
  959. [23:19] <UnifySelf> [kek has befallen us]
  960. [23:19] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  961. [23:19] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  962. [23:19] <Arrant_Hold_> (I'm the only one out)
  963. [23:19] <BlazingSky> (Everyone except myself and Arrant
  964. [23:19] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  965. [23:19] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  966. [23:19] <Arrant_Hold_> (oh and blazing
  967. [23:19] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  968. [23:19] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  969. 01[23:19] <Lucyne> Everyone initiative
  970. [23:19] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  971. [23:19] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  972. [23:19] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  973. [23:19] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  974. [23:20] <BlazingSky> (kek
  975. [23:20] <Arrant_Hold_> WOOT outside
  976. [23:20] <Quicksilver> [lel]
  977. [23:20] <UnifySelf> [based kek is back]
  978. [23:20] <Ruby_McCoal> (those nat 20, outside)
  979. 01[23:20] <Lucyne> wut
  980. 01[23:20] <Lucyne> 3With blinding speed, Arrant begins the round!
  981. 06[23:20] * Arrant_Hold_ presses the button to open the door?
  982. 01[23:20] <Lucyne> 3You only have a few rounds before the water reaches the ceiling
  983. 01[23:20] <Lucyne> 3The button does nothing!
  984. [23:20] <Arrant_Hold_> "SHAT!"
  985. [23:20] <Arrant_Hold_> "TRY PRYING IT OPEN!"
  986. [23:21] <Duskie> (should we have chosen seapons now?)
  987. [23:21] <Ruby_McCoal> "Alright, there is water coming down on us. Great."
  988. 01[23:21] <Lucyne> 3Arrant to you attempt anything else?
  989. [23:21] <Ikea> [call upon the seaponies, when you're in distress!]
  990. [23:21] <Arrant_Hold_> (still my turn?)
  991. 01[23:21] <Lucyne> 3Yes
  992. [23:21] <Ruby_McCoal> "There is bound to have some sort of button inside. Quick search!"
  993. [23:21] <BlazingSky> (Look for another button
  994. 06[23:22] * Arrant_Hold_ tries opening it with the stick
  995. [23:22] <Duskie> (knock)
  996. 01[23:22] <Lucyne> Roll d20
  997. [23:22] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20 (there wouldnt be another button)
  998. [23:22] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  999. [23:22] <Duskie> (da stick lmao)
  1000. [23:22] <UnifySelf> [inb4 it breaks]
  1001. 01[23:22] <Lucyne> 3Your manipulation does nothing
  1002. [23:22] <Arrant_Hold_> (17, did i win?)
  1003. 01[23:22] <Lucyne> 3It is now Blazing's turn
  1004. [23:22] <Ruby_McCoal> (nop)
  1005. [23:22] <Ruby_McCoal> (that DD)
  1006. [23:22] <Duskie> (you win your stick back I say)
  1007. [23:22] <Arrant_Hold_> (fuck ass shit piss fuck fuck shit ass cock)
  1008. 06[23:22] * BlazingSky waves Arrant over "Come on, let's move this damned thing.."
  1009. [23:23] <BlazingSky> !roll d20 to manually open the door
  1010. [23:23] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1011. [23:23] <UnifySelf> [no kek]
  1012. 01[23:23] <Lucyne> 3Your attempt fails quite awkwardly
  1013. 01[23:23] <Lucyne> 3It is now Silver's turn
  1014. [23:23] <UnifySelf> "TRY LOOKING FOR ANOTHER BUTTON!"
  1015. [23:23] <Arrant_Hold_> (ok, new plan, we bash the door down)
  1016. [23:23] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20 to search the walls for another button
  1017. [23:23] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  1018. [23:23] <Ruby_McCoal> (based Silver, better find something)
  1019. 06[23:24] * Duskie searches around for a clue
  1020. 01[23:24] <Lucyne> 3Carefully scanning the walls, you conclude that there are no buttons or similar mechanisms other than the grooves on both doors
  1021. [23:24] <UnifySelf> [fuck]
  1022. [23:24] <Arrant_Hold_> (its those grooves...)
  1023. [23:24] <Arrant_Hold_> (USE MAGIC)
  1024. [23:24] <Duskie> "ok, nothing to be found... magic?"
  1025. 01[23:24] <Lucyne> 3It is now Ikea's turn
  1026. [23:24] <UnifySelf> [it's the fucking grooves. IT MAGIC TIME]
  1027. [23:25] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 for magic! OPEN SESAME!
  1028. [23:25] <Silver_Tongue> "Hmm ceiling maybe?"
  1029. [23:25] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  1030. [23:25] <BlazingSky> (I have a hunch.. Maybe the button will work once the water fills the room?"
  1031. [23:25] <Ikea> !roll 1d4
  1032. [23:25] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1033. 01[23:25] <Lucyne> 3Your magic fizzles!
  1034. [23:25] <Arrant_Hold_> (maybe, worth a shot if all else fails)
  1035. 01[23:25] <Lucyne> 3It is now Captain's turn!
  1036. 06[23:26] * Cap`n_HighTide turns towards the new door and charges it, slamming himself into it
  1037. [23:26] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  1038. [23:26] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  1039. [23:26] <Cap`n_HighTide> (fug)
  1040. [23:26] <Duskie> (it's solid, can't ben opened with a mecanism...)
  1041. 01[23:26] <Lucyne> 3Your attack leaves the door unharmed
  1042. [23:26] <Cap`n_HighTide> (the other door)
  1043. [23:26] <Silver_Tongue> "Sweet lord cap'n"
  1044. 01[23:26] <Lucyne> (It can be brocken)
  1045. [23:26] <Ruby_McCoal> "There must be a mechanism to evacuate all this water, sinc it surely isnt the first time it got flooded."
  1046. [23:26] <Arrant_Hold_> (can or cant?)
  1047. 01[23:26] <Lucyne> (CAN)
  1048. 01[23:27] <Lucyne> 3It is now Unify's turn
  1049. [23:27] <Arrant_Hold_> (OK, ON 3, ALL TOGETHER NOW)
  1050. 06[23:27] * Duskie examines the other door
  1051. [23:27] <Quicksilver> [call upon the seaponies to save you cap'n]
  1052. [23:27] <Ruby_McCoal> (quit it)
  1053. [23:27] <Ruby_McCoal> (im rek u)
  1054. [23:27] <Ikea> [simply signal S-O-S!]
  1055. [23:28] <Arrant_Hold_> (u cheky cunt u havin a gigl m8?)
  1056. [23:28] <Duskie> "It won't open as long as there's water I guess"
  1057. 01[23:28] <Lucyne> 3Waiting on Unify
  1058. [23:28] <UnifySelf> "Fuck over exerting myself."
  1059. [23:29] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20 to open the other door with magic
  1060. [23:29] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  1061. [23:29] <Ruby_McCoal> (dayum)
  1062. [23:29] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Is there just the one door?)
  1063. 01[23:29] <Lucyne> 3With a satisfying *click* the door moves to the side, relaesing the water to rush down the passageway!
  1064. [23:29] <UnifySelf> "YES!"
  1065. [23:29] <Duskie> "At last!"
  1066. 01[23:29] <Lucyne> 3The other door opens in response
  1067. [23:29] <Ikea> "Nice one, Uni!"
  1068. [23:29] <Silver_Tongue> "Unify I could kiss you"
  1069. [23:29] <Arrant_Hold_> >inb4 ship
  1070. [23:30] <Arrant_Hold_> >inb4 erp
  1071. [23:30] <Arrant_Hold_> that is all
  1072. 06[23:30] * Duskie shakes the water out of her feathers
  1073. 06[23:30] * Cap`n_HighTide exhales, relieved.
  1074. [23:30] <Silver_Tongue> "We'll next room
  1075. [23:30] <UnifySelf> "No problem. I just did what needed to be done."
  1076. 06[23:30] * Ruby_McCoal let out a faint smle of joy
  1077. 06[23:30] * Silver_Tongue starts off to the next room
  1078. 06[23:30] * Arrant_Hold_ laughs relieved "Whats the matter Ruby? You're get all WET!"
  1079. [23:30] <Arrant_Hold_> "I think you might be ALL DRIED UP!"
  1080. 06[23:31] * Arrant_Hold_ prepares for a slap/pain
  1081. [23:31] <Quicksilver> [inb4 TongueSelf]
  1082. [23:31] <UnifySelf> "Damn it Arrant, i had enough of Calos just browsing 4chan."
  1083. 01[23:31] <Lucyne> 3You continue into the next room, a large assembly hall like construction
  1084. [23:31] <Silver_Tongue> "Arrant Shut up"
  1085. [23:31] <Duskie> "you're being funny guys... I'm relieved nonetheless"
  1086. 06[23:31] * Ruby_McCoal gives an hearty sl- no she doesnt
  1087. 06[23:31] * BlazingSky lets out a sigh of relief "Whew.. For a second there.. I thought you'd all down"
  1088. [23:31] <Arrant_Hold_> "Huh, I thought you gonna slap me there..."
  1089. 06[23:31] * Silver_Tongue examines the room closely
  1090. [23:31] <Ruby_McCoal> "Can it Arrant, its not funny."
  1091. 01[23:32] <Lucyne> 3In the middle of the room lay a large carpet, 2 petrified diamond dogs still standing sentinel
  1092. 06[23:32] * Duskie keep keeping searching for dem damn traps
  1093. [23:32] <UnifySelf> "Well, that's new."
  1094. 06[23:32] * Silver_Tongue approaches the diamond dogs
  1095. [23:32] <Arrant_Hold_> "I'm only relieved everyone's alright, jeez."
  1096. 01[23:32] <Lucyne> 34 doors on either side and a double door across lead to further parts of the complex
  1097. [23:32] <Duskie> "I smell chicken"
  1098. 01[23:32] <Lucyne> *4 doors
  1099. 06[23:32] * UnifySelf examines the petrified diamond dogs
  1100. [23:32] <Ikea> "Wait... they're still standing sentinel"
  1101. 06[23:32] * BlazingSky hurries up to the rest of the group
  1102. [23:32] <Ruby_McCoal> "What you guys think? Former royal hall?"
  1103. 01[23:33] <Lucyne> 3They seem to have been in various states of agony before dying
  1104. 06[23:33] * Silver_Tongue holds up a shush motion to the group
  1105. 06[23:33] * Arrant_Hold_ stays at the very back of the party
  1106. 06[23:33] * Silver_Tongue examines if there's any nearby tracks
  1107. 06[23:33] * Duskie scans the room for something odd"
  1108. [23:33] <BlazingSky> "I don't know about that, Ruby.. It might've been a cockatrice.."
  1109. 01[23:34] <Lucyne> 3There is little else of interest in this room
  1110. [23:34] <Silver_Tongue> "Hmm"
  1111. [23:34] <UnifySelf> [any doors?]
  1112. 06[23:34] * Silver_Tongue looks at the doors
  1113. 06[23:34] * Ruby_McCoal perks at Blazing "Well, its obviously cockatrice work."
  1114. 01[23:34] <Lucyne> 3There are 9 doors
  1115. 06[23:34] * Arrant_Hold_ just watches
  1116. 01[23:34] <Lucyne> 3They are simple wooden contructions
  1117. [23:34] <UnifySelf> "Fuck, how are we supposed to search them all?"
  1118. [23:34] <Duskie> [anything special on them?]
  1119. 06[23:35] * Cap`n_HighTide stares at the diamond dogs for a moment, before turning to look at the doors.
  1120. [23:35] <Ruby_McCoal> "Does someone want to draw down a map?"
  1121. 01[23:35] <Lucyne> 3The doors are not marked, only the double door across from you is different
  1122. [23:35] <Ruby_McCoal> "Nine doors is exactly the way to loose ourselves."
  1123. 06[23:35] * Silver_Tongue goes to the double door and opens it
  1124. 06[23:35] * BlazingSky looks towards the double-door
  1125. [23:35] <Duskie> "maybe there is something valuable behind one of those?"
  1126. [23:35] <UnifySelf> "I say that the double door leads us forward. The others might be empty."
  1127. 01[23:35] <Lucyne> 3Opening the double door, you come into a very crude throne room
  1128. 06[23:36] * BlazingSky walks next to Silver "Whoa.."
  1129. 01[23:36] <Lucyne> 3The former inhabitant still upon his stone throne
  1130. 06[23:36] * Duskie follows and examine the throne
  1131. 06[23:36] * Silver_Tongue immediately examines the throne
  1132. 01[23:36] <Lucyne> 3It is simple carved stone
  1133. [23:36] <Ruby_McCoal> "This confimes my suspicions, we,re in the "castle" of the diamond dogs.
  1134. [23:36] <UnifySelf> "Shit. Even the king couldn't escape his fate."
  1135. 06[23:36] * Silver_Tongue examines it's occupant
  1136. [23:36] <Ikea> "Diamond Dog King Statue... what the hell happened here?"
  1137. [23:36] <Duskie> "I never knew they had some sort of castle"
  1138. 06[23:36] * Arrant_Hold_ stays put in the other room.
  1139. 01[23:37] <Lucyne> 3The petrified diamond dog is little different than others, but he wore a bitching cloak
  1140. [23:37] <Duskie> "They may have undergo a cockatrix attack"
  1141. [23:37] <Ruby_McCoal> "Damned chikens Ikea, again."
  1142. [23:37] <Silver_Tongue> (Can I take it?)
  1143. [23:37] <Ikea> "It's like they were taken completely off guard... That doesn't sound like mindless cock to me..."
  1144. 01[23:37] <Lucyne> (sure)
  1145. 06[23:37] * UnifySelf searches the room
  1146. 06[23:37] * Silver_Tongue takes the cloak
  1147. [23:37] <Ruby_McCoal> "I even feel sorry for those dawgs, looks like they got a terrible end."
  1148. 01[23:37] <Lucyne> [#tinfoil intensifies]
  1149. [23:37] <Arrant_Hold_> (hehe... mindless cock)
  1150. [23:37] <Duskie> "what if no cockatrixes? basilik?"
  1151. [23:38] <Ikea> "Not a damn clue, Duskie... That's what troubles me"
  1152. [23:38] <UnifySelf> "A basilisk would make for a better story."
  1153. [23:38] <Silver_Tongue> "Basalisk is too big Duskie"
  1154. 01[23:38] <Lucyne> 3Looking around the room, you find some signs of struggle, but little else
  1155. 06[23:38] * Arrant_Hold_ stand still
  1156. [23:38] <Ruby_McCoal> "Well, there is alrady cockatrices, I dont know if the two speice can work togeter."
  1157. [23:38] <Duskie> "I'd rather prefer being wrong anyway"
  1158. 06[23:38] * Silver_Tongue heads out and checks the next door on the right
  1159. [23:38] <UnifySelf> "Let's check the other doors, you guys."
  1160. [23:38] <Duskie> "there's no medusa in this world right..?"
  1161. 01[23:38] <Lucyne> 3Moving on to the first door on the right, you see it leads to a kind of barracks
  1162. [23:38] <BlazingSky> "Sounds good"
  1163. 06[23:39] * Cap`n_HighTide circles the room, before stopping at a door at random, listening in.
  1164. 01[23:39] <Lucyne> !rol 1d20
  1165. 01[23:39] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1166. [23:39] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  1167. [23:39] <Ruby_McCoal> "Be ready, we might fight anytime now."
  1168. [23:39] <UnifySelf> [no kek]
  1169. 01[23:39] <Lucyne> 3All weapons are beyond usable though
  1170. 06[23:39] * Silver_Tongue examines the room for weapons
  1171. [23:39] <Ikea> "Signs of struggle, but no signs of attempted barricades... This happened quickly"
  1172. [23:39] <Silver_Tongue> "Damnit"
  1173. 01[23:39] <Lucyne> 3Captain, you hear nothing
  1174. 06[23:39] * UnifySelf examines the door to the left
  1175. 06[23:39] * Arrant_Hold_ stands still
  1176. 06[23:39] * Ruby_McCoal looks for any kind of amor that could fit on a pony
  1177. 06[23:39] * Silver_Tongue searches the rest of the room for anything useful
  1178. [23:40] <BlazingSky> "Anything?
  1179. [23:40] <BlazingSky> "
  1180. 06[23:40] * Cap`n_HighTide tries a new door, poking his head in before checking further.
  1181. 01[23:40] <Lucyne> 3Examining the first leftern door, you find that it leads to a similar barracks as the other, this one completely void of anything though
  1182. [23:40] <UnifySelf> "Well, this place has jack shit."
  1183. [23:40] <Ikea> [condition of linens / beddings?]
  1184. 06[23:40] * Silver_Tongue leaves and heads to the next door on the right
  1185. [23:40] <Duskie> "do you see something captain?"
  1186. 01[23:40] <Lucyne> 3Moving to the second right door, you find that it leads to a small force
  1187. 01[23:40] <Lucyne> *forge
  1188. 06[23:40] * UnifySelf leaves and examines the door left of that one
  1189. 06[23:41] * Arrant_Hold_ stands in the same coordinates as before
  1190. 01[23:41] <Lucyne> (The beddings are mostly in good condition)
  1191. [23:41] <Ruby_McCoal> "A forge eh? Might find some ore here."
  1192. [23:41] <Ruby_McCoal> "Even ingots"
  1193. 01[23:41] <Lucyne> 3The second left door leads to an empty storage room
  1194. 06[23:41] * Cap`n_HighTide enters the second right room, looking around. "I think I found something for Strong Metal.."
  1195. 01[23:41] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20 loot
  1196. [23:41] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  1197. 01[23:41] <Lucyne> 3You find a single iron ingot
  1198. [23:41] <Ruby_McCoal> (mostly good condition of bedding, this happened not too long ago.)
  1199. 06[23:41] * UnifySelf says "Nothing." before heading to the next door
  1200. [23:41] <Duskie> "or some tolls"
  1201. [23:41] <Duskie> (tools)
  1202. 06[23:42] * Ruby_McCoal picks up the iron ingot
  1203. 06[23:42] * Ikea starts examining beddings and stuffing the good ones in his bags
  1204. 06[23:42] * Silver_Tongue moves to the next right door
  1205. 01[23:42] <Lucyne> 3The next right door leads to a tool shed of sorts
  1206. 01[23:42] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1207. [23:42] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  1208. [23:42] <Duskie> (ho's your head lucy?)
  1209. 01[23:42] <Lucyne> 3Inside you find a few pickaxes and shovels
  1210. 06[23:42] * UnifySelf heads to the next door to the left
  1211. 01[23:42] <Lucyne> (Terrible)
  1212. 06[23:42] * Arrant_Hold_ whistles while standing
  1213. [23:42] <Duskie> "I could use a pickaxe"
  1214. 06[23:43] * Silver_Tongue takes the tools
  1215. 06[23:43] * Ruby_McCoal keep a lookout for armors
  1216. [23:43] <Duskie> "they work great on cockatrixes, right Ruby?"
  1217. 01[23:43] <Lucyne> 3The third left door leads to a small washing room, with a wooden tub still filled with water and a few basic towels strewn about
  1218. [23:43] <Ruby_McCoal> "Pickaxe is best for removing vermin.2
  1219. [23:43] <Silver_Tongue> (Er 2 of each)
  1220. 06[23:43] * BlazingSky picks up a towel "This might be useful"
  1221. 06[23:43] * Silver_Tongue goes to the last right door
  1222. [23:43] <UnifySelf> "Need anymore fabric there, Ikea?"
  1223. 06[23:43] * Duskie picks a pickaxe
  1224. [23:43] <Ruby_McCoal> "But a sword just do as fine."
  1225. 01[23:44] <Lucyne> 3The final right door leads to a passageway with a minetrack"
  1226. [23:44] <Ikea> "Fabrics are always useful, Blaze's already on it, touhgh"
  1227. 06[23:44] * UnifySelf heads to the final door on the left
  1228. [23:44] <Silver_Tongue> "Hey guys!"
  1229. [23:44] <Duskie> "and we're NOT taking any rock filled minecart with us."
  1230. 06[23:44] * Ikea smirks "spoil sport"
  1231. 06[23:44] * Arrant_Hold_ stands waiting for the others to finish scavenging
  1232. [23:44] <Silver_Tongue> "Guys come here!"
  1233. [23:45] <Duskie> "what is it silver?"
  1234. 06[23:45] * Ruby_McCoal make sure there is nothing interesting left behind
  1235. 01[23:45] <Lucyne> 3The final left door reveals a small sitting room, pillows and a small table fill the room, a few mugs still on the table
  1236. 06[23:45] * Cap`n_HighTide trots over to Silver. "What? What did you find?"
  1237. [23:45] <UnifySelf> "Still looking."
  1238. [23:45] <Silver_Tongue> "I found a mine track"
  1239. 06[23:45] * Arrant_Hold_ goes into the same room as Silver
  1240. [23:45] <UnifySelf> "Ok that might not be too useful. What is it Silver?'
  1241. [23:45] <Duskie> "It has to lead somewhere"
  1242. [23:45] <Silver_Tongue> And it seems to go down, maybe we can follow it?"
  1243. 06[23:45] * BlazingSky joins silver "A minetrack?
  1244. 01[23:45] <Lucyne> 3The minetrack leads down into the depths of the earth
  1245. [23:45] <UnifySelf> "Well, it
  1246. 06[23:45] * Ikea starts looting pillows
  1247. 06[23:45] * Arrant_Hold_ opens his mouth to say something, but decides not to.
  1248. [23:46] <Ruby_McCoal> "That is also the only way out unless we go back
  1249. [23:46] <UnifySelf> 's the only place to go right now."
  1250. [23:46] <Duskie> "the way the cockatrixes must have been attacking I assume"
  1251. [23:46] <Silver_Tongue> "Should we? Seems like our only option"
  1252. [23:46] <UnifySelf> "Let's roll out."
  1253. [23:46] <Duskie> from*
  1254. 06[23:46] * Arrant_Hold_ begins to object, but once again says nothing.
  1255. [23:46] <Ruby_McCoal> "Wait, let me search the 'tavern'"
  1256. 06[23:46] * Silver_Tongue starts "I'll lead"
  1257. 01[23:46] <Lucyne> 3Seeing as their is no real other place to go, you decide to follow the track
  1258. 01[23:46] <Lucyne> 3There is nothing in the tavern other than a few mugs and pillows
  1259. 01[23:47] <Lucyne> 3Actually
  1260. [23:47] <Ruby_McCoal> (allright, lets go)
  1261. 01[23:47] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1262. [23:47] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1263. 01[23:47] <Lucyne> 3Nope, nothing
  1264. 06[23:47] * Arrant_Hold_ shakes his head, thinking on how this is bad idea.
  1265. [23:47] <Duskie> "let's get going"
  1266. [23:47] <UnifySelf> "Let's move."
  1267. 01[23:47] <Lucyne> 3You follow the track
  1268. 06[23:47] * Ikea heads back to join the group, saddlebags bulging with fabrics and pillows "Not one work about Ikea, Duskie, I mean it!"
  1269. 06[23:47] * Silver_Tongue holds his sword out as he leads
  1270. 06[23:47] * Ruby_McCoal boop Arrant "Afraid to get deeper? Where is the fearless warrior, eager to fight his way through cockatrixes?"
  1271. 06[23:48] * Cap`n_HighTide follows close behind Silver, glancing all around with his sword drawn.
  1272. 01[23:48] <Lucyne> 3The path twists and turns before it splits into two, tracks leading down both ways
  1273. [23:48] <Arrant_Hold_> "No. Just... Never mind."
  1274. 06[23:48] * Silver_Tongue coughs "arrants a pussy"
  1275. [23:48] <Duskie> [I didn't get it Ikea]
  1276. [23:48] <UnifySelf> "Fuck, a split path."
  1277. 06[23:48] * Ruby_McCoal giggles
  1278. [23:48] <UnifySelf> "Well, where do we go?"
  1279. 06[23:48] * Arrant_Hold_ ignores Silver
  1280. [23:48] <Ikea> [nvm, bad joke, anyay]
  1281. 06[23:48] * Arrant_Hold_ sighs
  1282. [23:48] <Ikea> [anyway*]
  1283. [23:48] <BlazingSky> "Should we flip a coin?"
  1284. [23:48] <Duskie> [sorry ^^']
  1285. 06[23:48] * Silver_Tongue starts doing eeeny meeeny miny mo
  1286. 03[23:48] * Nova_FLux[FU] ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  1287. 06[23:49] * Ikea scratches an arrow towards the Diamond Bog Keep
  1288. [23:49] <Duskie> "Whatever, let's all go right"
  1289. 06[23:49] * Arrant_Hold_ waits for a party to make a decision
  1290. 06[23:49] * BlazingSky shrugs "Right sounds fine"
  1291. [23:49] <Ruby_McCoal> (brb, need more tea)
  1292. [23:49] <UnifySelf> "I say right. We should be able to come back."
  1293. [23:49] <Ruby_McCoal> (npc mode; defend team)
  1294. [23:50] <Duskie> "indeed"
  1295. 06[23:50] * Ikea scratches a dot by the right track and heads on
  1296. [23:50] <UnifySelf> [brb]
  1297. [23:50] <Nova_FLux[FU]> (lurkin)
  1298. 06[23:50] * Duskie walks last as usual
  1299. 01[23:50] <Lucyne> 3You follow the right track
  1300. [23:50] <Duskie> (hey nova)
  1301. 06[23:50] * Arrant_Hold_ follows behind team
  1302. 06[23:51] * Duskie pey attention to the noises
  1303. [23:51] <UnifySelf> [bakc]
  1304. [23:51] <Silver_Tongue> (Hey I gotta go pick up dinner ill be back in like 20, can you NPC me Lucyne?)
  1305. [23:51] <Duskie> pay*
  1306. [23:51] <UnifySelf> [*back]
  1307. 01[23:51] <Lucyne> The tunnel leads deep into old mines, rickety beams giving the precarious ceiling support
  1308. 01[23:51] <Lucyne> (We'll just pretend you were always here, have a good one)
  1309. [23:52] <UnifySelf> "This place is just asking for a cave in."
  1310. 06[23:52] * Cap`n_HighTide glances up at the beams, frowning.
  1311. [23:52] <Ikea> "yeah... those will need replacing"
  1312. 06[23:52] * Arrant_Hold_ grumbles something about a cave-in
  1313. 06[23:52] * BlazingSky starts walking at an average pace, next to Lucy "So.. About last night.. Were you serious, or was that the booze talking..?"
  1314. [23:52] <Ikea> "Flips is going to flip when she sees the state of this place..."
  1315. 06[23:52] * Lucyne looks to Blazing
  1316. 01[23:52] <Lucyne> "huh?"
  1317. 01[23:52] <Lucyne> "Oh that."
  1318. [23:52] <UnifySelf> "I'm going to have my work cut out for me if she does."
  1319. 01[23:53] <Lucyne> 3you continue along the barren path
  1320. 06[23:53] * Lucyne rubs the back of her head
  1321. [23:53] <Duskie> "I have a bad feeling"
  1322. 01[23:53] <Lucyne> "I was really just kidding Blazing."
  1323. 06[23:53] * Duskie opens her eyes for valuables
  1324. 01[23:53] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1325. [23:53] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  1326. 06[23:53] * Arrant_Hold_ waits for team to act
  1327. 01[23:54] <Lucyne> 3Following along the seemingly endless tunnel, you eventually reach a cross road
  1328. 01[23:54] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1329. [23:54] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  1330. 06[23:54] * BlazingSky sighs "Oh.. Thats uhm.. Okay."
  1331. [23:54] <UnifySelf> "Not another one."
  1332. 06[23:54] * Cap`n_HighTide frowns, looking down each path.
  1333. [23:54] <Duskie> "le's not forget to mark our way"
  1334. 06[23:54] * Ikea marks way back and prepares to mark the path taken
  1335. 01[23:54] <Lucyne> 3Listening down the pathways, you can hear movement down the one to your right.
  1336. [23:54] <UnifySelf> "Wait, something's down the right path."
  1337. [23:54] <Duskie> "muste be cockatrixies"
  1338. 06[23:55] * Arrant_Hold_ readies stick
  1339. [23:55] <Ikea> "Right it is, then?"
  1340. 02[23:55] * Silver_Tongue ( Quit (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
  1341. [23:55] <UnifySelf> "Well, that's what we came for."
  1342. 06[23:55] * Lucyne smiles and teasingly punches Blazing "You're still a good friend and all, I really can't be afford being knocked up and such, you know."
  1343. [23:55] <UnifySelf> "Let's go."
  1344. 01[23:55] <Lucyne> 3Deciding to follow the movement, you go right
  1345. 06[23:55] * Arrant_Hold_ walks behind team
  1346. 06[23:55] * Duskie draw her swords
  1347. [23:55] <Duskie> s*
  1348. 06[23:56] * UnifySelf readies himself
  1349. 06[23:56] * Arrant_Hold_ readies stick
  1350. [23:56] <Ikea> [swords? we dual wieldan now?]
  1351. 01[23:56] <Lucyne> 3AFter a while, you notice that the tracks are severely damaged
  1352. [23:56] <UnifySelf> "Shit, what happened here?"
  1353. [23:56] <Duskie> (nay, draw's s went to sword)
  1354. 01[23:56] <Lucyne> 3They are rusted and strewn apart all over the place
  1355. [23:56] <Ruby_McCoal> (back)
  1356. [23:56] <Ruby_McCoal> (whats happening?)
  1357. [23:56] <Ikea> "Lovely... tracks will need repais to bring the mine up and running again"
  1358. [23:57] <Arrant_Hold_> (went down a few tracks)
  1359. 06[23:57] * BlazingSky forces a smile "Well, we could always be careful, or avoid 'that' kinda stuf- ..Wow.." Blaze peers towards the tracks
  1360. [23:57] <Duskie> (can we keep going on or is it too dangerous?)
  1361. 06[23:57] * Cap`n_HighTide inspects the tracks. "Something big tore apart the tracks, but I can't tell what did it."
  1362. [23:57] <Arrant_Hold_> (heard some movement, might be cockitricies)
  1363. [23:57] <Arrant_Hold_> (no loot gathered)
  1364. 06[23:57] * Ruby_McCoal inspect tracks
  1365. [23:57] <UnifySelf> "Something big? I'm interested."
  1366. 01[23:57] <Lucyne> 3You carefully proceed
  1367. [23:57] <Ikea> "At least there's not of rust? We could make.... red/orange dye?"
  1368. [23:57] <Ikea> lots*
  1369. 06[23:57] * Arrant_Hold_ trails behind the team
  1370. 06[23:57] * Ruby_McCoal continues
  1371. 01[23:58] <Lucyne> 3You find that as you proceed, the walls are colored a more and more bright red
  1372. 01[23:58] <Lucyne> 3Iron ore!
  1373. [23:58] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Well, I would say it was a quake, but the rest of the cave would be collapsed."
  1374. 06[23:58] * Arrant_Hold_ stick in hoof/mouth/mouthwhatever
  1375. [23:58] <Duskie> "looks like it lucyne"
  1376. [23:58] <UnifySelf> "Oh, looky here. We actually have something to mine."
  1377. 06[23:58] * Ruby_McCoal mine some chuncks out for sample."
  1378. [23:58] <Ikea> "And so localized?"
  1379. [23:58] <Duskie> "need a pickaxe?"
  1380. 06[23:58] * Arrant_Hold_ feels good about the mine, but decides not to say anything
  1381. 01[23:58] <Lucyne> 3It is some high purity ore, and tons of it, why wasn't it mined?...
  1382. [23:59] <Ruby_McCoal> "Already has pickaxe, good for removal of various things. Iron and rats alike."
  1383. [23:59] <Duskie> "My bad feeling intensifies"
  1384. [23:59] <UnifySelf> "Though, something strikes me as odd. Why wasn't it mined anyways?"
  1385. 01[23:59] <Lucyne> 3Before you can contemplate that question further though...
  1386. 01[23:59] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1387. [23:59] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  1388. [23:59] <Ruby_McCoal> (because its when the chiken appeared and I'm baiting them)
  1389. 06[23:59] * BlazingSky looks around, keeping an eye out for baddies while everyone mines things
  1390. [23:59] <UnifySelf> [kek]
  1391. [23:59] <BlazingSky> (Oh god
  1392. [23:59] <Duskie> (shi)
  1393. 01[23:59] <Lucyne> 3You hear the faint scrapping of talons on stone.
  1394. [23:59] <Ikea> "... You know... in DnD there's a thing called a rust monster... this seems like its ideal territory..."
  1395. 06[23:59] * Arrant_Hold_ grabs Ruby, and throws her
  1396. [23:59] <Ikea> "But that would just be silly.... right?"
  1397. [23:59] <Duskie> "they're coming!"
  1398. 01[23:59] <Lucyne> "I'd recognize that scratch anywhere! Cockatrice!"
  1399. [23:59] <UnifySelf> "HERE IT COMES!
  1400. Session Time: Sat Jul 06 00:00:00 2013
  1401. [00:00] <UnifySelf> *"
  1402. [00:00] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Oh, let's not even JOKE about a rust monster."
  1403. [00:00] <BlazingSky> "Shhhh!!" he does a bunch of hoof movements, and points to the sound
  1404. [00:00] <Arrant_Hold_> "GET AWAY FROM THE WALL!"
  1405. 01[00:00] <Lucyne> 3Roll init!
  1406. [00:00] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  1407. [00:00] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  1408. [00:00] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  1409. [00:00] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  1410. [00:00] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  1411. [00:00] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  1412. [00:00] <Duskie> !roll d20
  1413. [00:00] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1414. [00:00] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  1415. [00:00] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  1416. 06[00:00] * Ruby_McCoal stop mining and readies herself
  1417. [00:00] <Cap`n_HighTide> (fak)
  1418. [00:00] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  1419. [00:00] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  1420. [00:00] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d29
  1421. [00:00] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  1422. [00:00] <UnifySelf> [welp]
  1423. [00:00] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  1424. [00:00] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1425. [00:00] <Duskie> (crappiest rolls as usual)
  1426. [00:00] <Ruby_McCoal> (dont mind d29)
  1427. 01[00:00] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  1428. [00:00] <GameServ> 13, 9 == 22
  1429. [00:01] <Ikea> [either me or you. can't tell which for the 17 and which got the 4]
  1430. 01[00:01] <Lucyne> 3You are attacked by a juvenile cockatrice!
  1431. 01[00:01] <Lucyne> 3Ikea begins the round!
  1432. [00:01] <Duskie> "kids right? they can't be alone, family rules and so on"
  1433. [00:02] <Ruby_McCoal> "Better get rid of it quickly"
  1434. 01[00:02] <Lucyne> "We sort of murdered most of their family..."
  1435. [00:02] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 get on the cock's flank and stab it
  1436. [00:02] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1437. [00:02] <Ikea> [and fail horribly]
  1438. [00:02] <Duskie> (HERE THEY ARE AGAIN!)
  1439. [00:02] <Arrant_Hold_> (roll animal empathy for pet?)
  1440. 01[00:02] <Lucyne> 3You miss! Roll to avoid gaze!
  1441. [00:02] <Ruby_McCoal> (nah)
  1442. [00:02] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 for gaze
  1443. [00:02] <Duskie> (sell them furnitures?)
  1444. [00:02] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  1445. [00:02] <UnifySelf> [music ]
  1446. 01[00:02] <Lucyne> 3You avoid it's gaze!
  1447. 01[00:03] <Lucyne> 3It is now Lucyne's turn!
  1448. 01[00:03] <Lucyne> I attack it with my sword, eyes low
  1449. [00:03] <Duskie> (thx uni)
  1450. 01[00:03] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1451. [00:03] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  1452. 01[00:03] <Lucyne> welp
  1453. 01[00:03] <Lucyne> gg
  1454. [00:03] <UnifySelf> [kek]
  1455. 01[00:03] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1456. [00:03] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  1457. [00:03] <Duskie> (that tune, feelings)
  1458. [00:03] <Ruby_McCoal> (based kek...)
  1459. [00:03] <Duskie> "Lucyne!"
  1460. [00:03] <Quicksilver> [no lucy ;_;]
  1461. [00:03] <UnifySelf> "LUCY!"
  1462. 01[00:03] <Lucyne> 3Lucyne runs at the creature, getting her hooves caught in each other and landing face and sword first on the ground for one damage
  1463. 01[00:04] <Lucyne> "Owie..."
  1464. [00:04] <Duskie> "you ok?"
  1465. 01[00:04] <Lucyne> 3It is now the Cockatrices turn!
  1466. [00:04] <BlazingSky> "You okay?!"
  1467. [00:04] <Ruby_McCoal> "Dont look Lucy!"
  1468. 06[00:04] * Lucyne spits a little dirt
  1469. [00:04] <Ikea> [brb bio]
  1470. 01[00:04] <Lucyne> "Fine! Fine!"
  1471. [00:04] <Duskie> (she looked the ground hard)
  1472. 01[00:04] <Lucyne> It attacks Ikea!
  1473. 01[00:04] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1474. [00:04] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  1475. 01[00:05] <Lucyne> 3And hits!
  1476. 01[00:05] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1477. [00:05] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1478. 01[00:05] <Lucyne> !roll 1d3
  1479. [00:05] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1480. 01[00:05] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  1481. [00:05] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1482. 01[00:05] <Lucyne> 3Aw shit
  1483. [00:05] <UnifySelf> [lel]
  1484. 01[00:05] <Lucyne> 3It pecks at Ikea for 3 damage! Startled, Ikea meets it's gaze for 2 damage!
  1485. 01[00:05] <Lucyne> 3It is now Arrant's turn!
  1486. [00:06] <Cap`n_HighTide> (>tfw multiple natural attacks)
  1487. 06[00:06] * Duskie waves her sword with anticipation
  1488. 06[00:06] * Arrant_Hold_ closes eyes and attacks it with stick
  1489. [00:06] <Duskie> "we're not losing to babies!"
  1490. [00:06] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20 for stick whacking
  1491. [00:06] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1492. [00:06] <Ruby_McCoal> (threes)
  1493. 01[00:06] <Lucyne> 3Your attack misses!
  1494. [00:06] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20 to avoid gaze
  1495. [00:06] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1496. [00:06] <Duskie> (3)
  1497. [00:06] <UnifySelf> [that's what you get]
  1498. 01[00:06] <Lucyne> 3And you meet it's gaze!
  1499. [00:06] <Duskie> (3)
  1500. 01[00:06] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  1501. [00:06] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1502. [00:06] <Ruby_McCoal> (I told you about the threes bro)
  1503. 01[00:06] <Lucyne> 3For 4 damage!
  1504. 01[00:07] <Lucyne> (all dis rape)
  1505. 01[00:07] <Lucyne> 3It is now high Tide's turn
  1506. [00:07] <Arrant_Hold_> (wait, I closed my eyes, does that count for something?)
  1507. [00:07] <Ikea> [b]
  1508. [00:07] <Ruby_McCoal> (all this damage taken, and only 2nd encounter.)
  1509. 06[00:07] * Cap`n_HighTide rushes at the cockatrice and takes a swing with a sword.
  1510. [00:07] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  1511. [00:07] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  1512. [00:07] <Cap`n_HighTide> (fuk)
  1513. 01[00:07] <Lucyne> (nah, I assume everyone does, simple system is simple)
  1514. [00:07] <Ruby_McCoal> (dices)
  1515. [00:07] <Arrant_Hold_> (ok)
  1516. [00:08] <UnifySelf> [all these misses, what the fuck kek?]
  1517. 01[00:08] <Lucyne> 3But your attack misses the creature!
  1518. 01[00:08] <Lucyne> 3Roll d20
  1519. [00:08] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20 for please dont
  1520. [00:08] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  1521. [00:08] <Cap`n_HighTide> (please)
  1522. [00:08] <Ruby_McCoal> (that depth perception...)
  1523. 01[00:08] <Lucyne> 3Welp
  1524. 01[00:08] <Lucyne> 3You meet it's gaze
  1525. 01[00:08] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  1526. [00:08] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1527. 01[00:08] <Lucyne> 3For 2 damage!
  1528. [00:09] <Cap`n_HighTide> (I'm not supposed to have this good depth perception)
  1529. [00:09] <Cap`n_HighTide> (I have one fucking eye)
  1530. [00:09] <Ruby_McCoal> (ikr)
  1531. [00:09] <BlazingSky> (hue
  1532. 06[00:09] * Duskie feels anger rising up as her friends are being hurt
  1533. 01[00:09] <Lucyne> 3It is now Unify's turn!
  1534. [00:09] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20 for horn stab
  1535. [00:09] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  1536. [00:09] <UnifySelf> [damn it kek]
  1537. 01[00:09] <Lucyne> ...
  1538. [00:09] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  1539. [00:09] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1540. [00:09] <BlazingSky> (Jesus guys.
  1541. [00:09] <UnifySelf> [SON OF A]
  1542. 01[00:09] <Lucyne> 3Your attack misses, and you meet it's gaze!
  1543. 01[00:09] <Lucyne> gawd wat
  1544. 01[00:09] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  1545. [00:09] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1546. 01[00:10] <Lucyne> 3For 4 damage!
  1547. 06[00:10] * Ruby_McCoal groans a bit, seeing how both Cap'n and Arrant have met the chilling stare of the beast
  1548. [00:10] <Duskie> (love at first sight it is)
  1549. [00:10] <UnifySelf> [6 hp here]
  1550. 01[00:10] <Lucyne> 3It is now Blazing's turn
  1551. 06[00:10] * Ruby_McCoal be pissed now
  1552. [00:10] <UnifySelf> [Ruby's limit break bar is full!]
  1553. 06[00:10] * BlazingSky tries to fly, to get some edge on them
  1554. [00:10] <Arrant_Hold_> (do it ruby, kek his ass)
  1555. [00:10] <Duskie> (lel)
  1556. [00:10] <BlazingSky> !roll 20
  1557. [00:10] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  1558. [00:10] <BlazingSky> (FUUUUUUUU
  1559. [00:10] <UnifySelf> [wat]
  1560. [00:10] <Ruby_McCoal> (good lord)
  1561. [00:10] <Duskie> (LMAO)
  1562. 01[00:10] <Lucyne> You forgot the D
  1563. 01[00:10] <Lucyne> Literally
  1564. [00:11] <BlazingSky> (Should I reroll?
  1565. [00:11] <Ruby_McCoal> (lel)
  1566. 01[00:11] <Lucyne> Yes
  1567. [00:11] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  1568. [00:11] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  1569. [00:11] <Duskie> (nat 1 again)
  1570. 01[00:11] <Lucyne> 3You hit!
  1571. [00:11] <Ruby_McCoal> (that false alert)
  1572. [00:11] <UnifySelf> [finally]
  1573. [00:11] <BlazingSky> !roll d6
  1574. [00:11] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  1575. [00:11] <Mary_ONette_> [whooooo]
  1576. 01[00:11] <Lucyne> 3Praise kek
  1577. [00:11] <UnifySelf> [KEK BE BACK]
  1578. [00:11] <Ruby_McCoal> (gud)
  1579. [00:11] <Arrant_Hold_> (praise be to allah)
  1580. [00:11] <Arrant_Hold_> (i mean kek)
  1581. [00:11] <Arrant_Hold_> (whoops)
  1582. [00:11] <Duskie> (trixies are dying from overlaughing)
  1583. 01[00:11] <Lucyne> 3You swing at the creature, landing a mighty blow.
  1584. [00:12] <BlazingSky> "Take that, you overgrown chicken!"
  1585. 01[00:12] <Lucyne> 3It is now Duskie's turn
  1586. [00:12] <Duskie> alright!
  1587. [00:12] <Duskie> !roll d20 for bankai style
  1588. [00:12] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  1589. [00:12] <UnifySelf> [so close]
  1590. [00:12] <Ruby_McCoal> "Gotta focus now, easy to meet its stare!"
  1591. 01[00:12] <Lucyne> 3You miss the creature barely!
  1592. 01[00:12] <Lucyne> 3Roll d20
  1593. [00:12] <Duskie> shi
  1594. [00:12] <Duskie> roll d20
  1595. [00:13] <Duskie> !roll d20
  1596. [00:13] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  1597. [00:13] <Ruby_McCoal> !
  1598. [00:13] <Ruby_McCoal> (;_;7)
  1599. [00:13] <Duskie> shi²
  1600. 01[00:13] <Lucyne> 3You meet it's gaze
  1601. [00:13] <Arrant_Hold_> ?
  1602. 01[00:13] <Lucyne> srzly
  1603. 01[00:13] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  1604. [00:13] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1605. 01[00:13] <Lucyne> 3For 3 damage!
  1606. [00:13] <Duskie> (6hp)
  1607. [00:13] <UnifySelf> [all this high damage from the enemy]
  1608. [00:13] <BlazingSky> (Geez
  1609. 01[00:13] <Lucyne> 3It is now Ruby's turn
  1610. [00:13] <UnifySelf> [anti-kek lurks among us]
  1611. [00:13] <Arrant_Hold_> (go ruby, kek his ass)
  1612. [00:13] <Arrant_Hold_> (KEK HIS ASS!)
  1613. [00:14] <Mary_ONette_> [beat it to the ground]
  1614. 06[00:14] * Ruby_McCoal , pissed as fuck seeing all the group in pain, proceed for round 2 of kebab removal
  1615. [00:14] <Duskie> (my bankai... couldn't make it, her power level must be above 12 000 u)
  1616. [00:14] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20 to remove Chiken
  1617. [00:14] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  1618. [00:14] <UnifySelf> [FUCK]
  1619. [00:14] <Ruby_McCoal> (chiken could not be removed)
  1620. 01[00:14] <Lucyne> 3The enemy evades your attack!
  1621. [00:14] <UnifySelf> [WHY KEK? TELL ME WHY!]
  1622. 01[00:14] <Lucyne> 3Roll d20
  1623. [00:14] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  1624. [00:14] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  1625. [00:14] <Arrant_Hold_> (Damn you kek)
  1626. 01[00:14] <Lucyne> 3You avoid it's gaze
  1627. [00:14] <Duskie> (error 404 chicken not found)
  1628. [00:14] <Arrant_Hold_> (damn you to kek hell)
  1629. 01[00:15] <Lucyne> 3New round, roll for init!
  1630. [00:15] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  1631. [00:15] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  1632. [00:15] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  1633. [00:15] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  1634. [00:15] <Duskie> !roll d20
  1635. [00:15] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  1636. [00:15] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  1637. [00:15] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  1638. [00:15] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1639. [00:15] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  1640. [00:15] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  1641. [00:15] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1642. [00:15] <BlazingSky> (Unify, muh 17 nigga
  1643. [00:15] <Duskie> (3)
  1644. [00:15] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  1645. [00:15] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  1646. 01[00:15] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  1647. [00:15] <GameServ> 18, 16 == 34
  1648. [00:16] <Ruby_McCoal> (>get better rolls anyway)
  1649. 01[00:16] <Lucyne> 3Lucyne begins the turn!
  1650. [00:16] <Duskie> "go lucy go!"
  1651. 01[00:16] <Lucyne> I attack the chicken thing with my stabby thing
  1652. [00:16] <BlazingSky> "Get 'em, Lucy!"
  1653. 01[00:16] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1654. [00:16] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  1655. 01[00:16] <Lucyne> based
  1656. [00:16] <Arrant_Hold_> "Go for it!"
  1657. [00:16] <Ruby_McCoal> "Dont look!"
  1658. 01[00:16] <Lucyne> 3Lucyne's attack misses
  1659. 01[00:16] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1660. [00:16] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  1661. 01[00:16] <Lucyne> 3And meets it's gaze
  1662. 01[00:17] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  1663. [00:17] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1664. [00:17] <Duskie> "LUCY!"
  1665. 01[00:17] <Lucyne> 3For 3 damage
  1666. [00:17] <UnifySelf> [kek's just fucking with us now]
  1667. [00:17] <Arrant_Hold_> (fudge)
  1668. [00:17] <Arrant_Hold_> (i don't even like kek that much)
  1669. 06[00:17] * Lucyne shivers as the petrification creeps up her legs
  1670. [00:17] <BlazingSky> (KEK IS DEAD
  1671. 06[00:17] * Duskie 's anger keep adding
  1672. 01[00:17] <Lucyne> 3It is now Unify's turn
  1673. [00:17] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20 for advanced horn stabbing
  1674. [00:17] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  1675. [00:17] <Arrant_Hold_> (Kek is stupid farquad)
  1676. 01[00:17] <Lucyne> oh wow
  1677. [00:17] <Duskie> hell yeah!
  1678. [00:17] <BlazingSky> ( KEK IS LIFE
  1679. [00:17] <Arrant_Hold_> (Unify is love)
  1680. [00:17] <Ikea> [That IS advanced..]
  1681. 01[00:17] <Lucyne> 3CRITICAL HIT
  1682. [00:17] <UnifySelf> [what do i roll]
  1683. [00:17] <Duskie> (now nat 1)
  1684. 01[00:17] <Lucyne> 3Normal damage
  1685. 01[00:17] <Lucyne> 3And then double that
  1686. [00:18] <UnifySelf> [d4?]
  1687. 01[00:18] <Lucyne> 3Yes
  1688. [00:18] <Mary_ONette_> [Yay]
  1689. [00:18] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d4
  1690. [00:18] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1691. [00:18] <Ikea> [You have a sword? don't you]
  1692. 01[00:18] <Lucyne> Aw shit
  1693. [00:18] <Ruby_McCoal> (GLORIOUS)
  1694. [00:18] <Duskie> "amazing!"
  1695. [00:18] <UnifySelf> [it's in terrable condition]
  1696. [00:18] <Quicksilver> [shit Lucy...]
  1697. [00:18] <Arrant_Hold_> [Thats a really good sword...]
  1698. [00:18] <Quicksilver> [these rolls]
  1699. [00:18] <UnifySelf> [will fix after adventure]
  1700. 06[00:18] * Duskie feels motivated anew
  1701. [00:18] <Arrant_Hold_> [Unify will we be my waifu?]
  1702. [00:18] <Ikea> [never mind then]
  1703. [00:18] <Ruby_McCoal> (I believe the chiken has been successfully removed)
  1704. 01[00:19] <Lucyne> 3You charge to the creature, yelling blindly, the creature looks to you and squawks slightly in surprise before being impaled by unify's horn. Unify then knocks the creature against the wall, where it remains, motionless
  1705. [00:19] <UnifySelf> [auto ded]
  1706. [00:19] <Arrant_Hold_> (did we do et?)
  1707. [00:19] <Ruby_McCoal> (ye)
  1708. 01[00:19] <Lucyne> 3You have defeated the juvenile Cockatrice!
  1709. [00:19] <Duskie> now you've got chicken blood all over
  1710. [00:19] <Duskie> good
  1711. 06[00:19] * Arrant_Hold_ stands still watching, and shaking of the semi-petrifcation
  1712. 06[00:19] * UnifySelf takes a FF style victory pose
  1713. 06[00:20] * BlazingSky pants "Fuck.." A-are we all okay?"
  1714. 06[00:20] * Arrant_Hold_ nods
  1715. 06[00:20] * BlazingSky activates an LP2 emote
  1716. [00:20] <Ruby_McCoal> "God damn Unify, thats not how you hold a light... but its damn effective."
  1717. 06[00:20] * Lucyne gets up and dusts herself off
  1718. 01[00:20] <Lucyne> "Wow Unify, incredible!"
  1719. 06[00:20] * Cap`n_HighTide blinks, getting a hold of himself.
  1720. 06[00:20] * Ikea slowly streches his limbs, working out the stone
  1721. 06[00:20] * Duskie cleans lucy's face from the mud
  1722. [00:20] <UnifySelf> "AND THAT IS HOW YOU DO IT!"
  1723. 06[00:20] * Lucyne grimaces at the treatment
  1724. [00:20] <Duskie> "again" *giggles*
  1725. 06[00:20] * Arrant_Hold_ stands still waiting, though silently admiring Unify's finishing blow
  1726. 01[00:21] <Lucyne> "I appreciate the gesture but it's just a little mud..."
  1727. 06[00:21] * Ruby_McCoal heads toward the Captain "No sudden moves now, you'll be alright?"
  1728. 06[00:21] * Lucyne smiles
  1729. [00:21] <Duskie> "Well played unify"
  1730. 06[00:21] * Arrant_Hold_ waits for team to make decision
  1731. 06[00:21] * BlazingSky trots to each party member, and makes sure they're all okay
  1732. 06[00:21] * Cap`n_HighTide reaches for his saddlebags and produces another drink. "Well, this is long overdue." He says, downing it.
  1733. 01[00:21] <Lucyne> 3The path leads further in one direction
  1734. [00:21] <Arrant_Hold_> (6 HP - A Little Beat Up)
  1735. [00:22] <UnifySelf> [6 hp - A little beat up]
  1736. [00:22] <Duskie> "everyone is alright?"
  1737. [00:22] <Duskie> (hp all)
  1738. 06[00:22] * Ikea feeling sure that all stony bits are out of critical locations "Right.... were were we? Rust monster?"
  1739. [00:22] <Duskie> (6)
  1740. [00:22] <Ruby_McCoal> (10 hp, ready for action)
  1741. 01[00:22] <Lucyne> (6)
  1742. [00:22] <Ikea> [2]
  1743. 01[00:22] <Lucyne> It's the 3 doubled!
  1744. [00:22] <UnifySelf> "Let's go. Once all of you are alright and ready, of course."
  1745. [00:22] <Arrant_Hold_> "A little groggy, but other than that..."
  1746. [00:22] <BlazingSky> ( 7 - rats are fucking gay
  1747. [00:22] <Duskie> (can't we do something for Ikea?)
  1748. [00:22] <UnifySelf> [OH SHIT, IKEA BE ALMOST DED]
  1749. 06[00:22] * Arrant_Hold_ waits for team to make decision (NPC Mode, brb)
  1750. [00:22] <Ikea> [why do I always get beat up during your adventures, Lucy?]
  1751. 06[00:22] * Ruby_McCoal returns to mine precious chunks of iron
  1752. 06[00:23] * Lucyne hands Ikea a bandage
  1753. 06[00:23] * Cap`n_HighTide nods and takes point. "Let's keep moving."
  1754. 01[00:23] <Lucyne> (It's not because I like you or something~)
  1755. [00:23] <Ikea> "Ahh, thanks this will go well with my peck wound"
  1756. [00:23] <BlazingSky> (Brb, grabbing some foodstuffs
  1757. 01[00:23] <Lucyne> (Nah, just bad luck, and bright colors I guess)
  1758. [00:23] <BlazingSky> (>tfw
  1759. [00:24] <Ikea> [roll for heal check or just damage healed]
  1760. 01[00:24] <Lucyne> 3Following along the 'track' it finally disintigrates into nothing
  1761. [00:24] <Cap`n_HighTide> (I'll be right back, roomate just bought large quantities of fried chiken)
  1762. [00:24] <Duskie> "let's get going, I guess."
  1763. [00:24] <Ruby_McCoal> *after a moment, she comes back with a few samples of the precious metal
  1764. 01[00:24] <Lucyne> (just 1d4 healing)
  1765. [00:24] <Ikea> !roll 1d4
  1766. [00:24] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  1767. 01[00:24] <Lucyne> (Have a good one captain)
  1768. [00:24] <Duskie> "you did want to mine something lucyne btw?"
  1769. [00:24] <Arrant_Hold_> (back)
  1770. [00:24] <Ikea> [>chicken enjoy they spoils of victory, Cap]
  1771. 01[00:24] <Lucyne> "Yes, of course, but the cockatrices have highest priority, but I#ve marked down this deposit."
  1772. [00:24] <BlazingSky> (Back
  1773. [00:25] <Duskie> "roger"
  1774. 06[00:25] * Arrant_Hold_ stands at the ready
  1775. [00:25] <Ruby_McCoal> "And I've got a few samples to convince the skeptics."
  1776. 01[00:25] <Lucyne> 3The walls continue to remain a scarlet red, giving everything around you a unusual colored look
  1777. [00:25] <Duskie> "momma cockatrixe's not gonna be happy about her baby"
  1778. 01[00:25] <Lucyne> "Already killed her, Dusk."
  1779. 06[00:25] * Lucyne says grimmly
  1780. [00:25] <Duskie> "oh right"
  1781. 06[00:25] * BlazingSky snickers
  1782. [00:25] <Cap`n_HighTide> (I return)
  1783. 01[00:26] <Lucyne> (Welcome back)
  1784. [00:26] <UnifySelf> "Wow, this is a rich deposit, I can't wait to be down here when the mine gets built to make sure shit doesn't fly south."
  1785. [00:26] <BlazingSky> (aye, wb
  1786. 01[00:26] <Lucyne> 3Small pools of water are seen as the tunnel widens, stained blood red from the iron
  1787. [00:26] <Duskie> (too late, unify's a hero now, we shall call him sephiroth"'
  1788. [00:26] <Ikea> ^^
  1789. [00:26] <Duskie> )
  1790. [00:26] <UnifySelf> [lel]
  1791. [00:26] <Ruby_McCoal> "Me too Unify, me too."
  1792. [00:26] <Ikea> [that was for the WB, btw...]
  1793. 01[00:26] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1794. [00:26] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  1795. [00:26] <Cap`n_HighTide> "The faster we can clear this place, the better. We could really use the metal..."
  1796. 06[00:26] * Duskie follows the way carefully
  1797. [00:26] <UnifySelf> [incoming]
  1798. 01[00:27] <Lucyne> 3Looking across the walls, Lucyne spots an irregularity in the wall
  1799. 01[00:27] <Lucyne> "Hang on people."
  1800. 06[00:27] * Lucyne investigates the bulge
  1801. [00:27] <Ruby_McCoal> (inb4 child diamond dog)
  1802. [00:27] <Ikea> [inb4 rust monster]
  1803. [00:27] <Duskie> "That youg cockatrix couldn't possibly have beaten the diamond dog by itself"
  1804. [00:27] <BlazingSky> "What is it?"
  1805. 01[00:27] <Lucyne> 3Checking the slightly potruding rock, it pops right out of the wall!
  1806. 06[00:27] * Ruby_McCoal keep a lookout for ambushes
  1807. 01[00:27] <Lucyne> 3It is almost perfectly spherical
  1808. [00:28] <Duskie> "what the..?"
  1809. 06[00:28] * Arrant_Hold_ readies for anything
  1810. 06[00:28] * Lucyne holds the odd rock
  1811. [00:28] <UnifySelf> "What the hell is that?"
  1812. 01[00:28] <Lucyne> "Huh, this is odd."
  1813. [00:28] <BlazingSky> "What is it, Lucy?"
  1814. 01[00:28] <Lucyne> "This rock."
  1815. 06[00:28] * Lucyne holds the red rock before her
  1816. 06[00:28] * Arrant_Hold_ stands at the ready
  1817. [00:28] <BlazingSky> "Can I see it?"
  1818. 01[00:28] <Lucyne> "Just popped right out at me."
  1819. [00:28] <Duskie> (materia)
  1820. 06[00:28] * Lucyne hands it to Blazing
  1821. [00:28] <Ikea> "a geode? shouldn't be the right place to find one"
  1822. 06[00:29] * BlazingSky takes it, and looks around it's surface
  1823. [00:29] <UnifySelf> [ever since i brought up that song, Dusk has been going on a FFVII spree]
  1824. 01[00:29] <Lucyne> "Don't break it, I want to study it."
  1825. [00:29] <Duskie> [ff7 fan spotted]
  1826. [00:29] <UnifySelf> [i still need to finish it]
  1827. 01[00:29] <Lucyne> 3It's surface is almost identical to the surrounding rock
  1828. 06[00:29] * Arrant_Hold_ sits back and lets the team talk among themselves
  1829. [00:29] <UnifySelf> [but then things happened]
  1830. 06[00:29] * BlazingSky shakes head "I promise I won't" he lifts it up and down, to check it's weight
  1831. [00:29] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Can you retrieve it?"
  1832. 01[00:29] <Lucyne> 3It is oddly light
  1833. [00:30] <Cap`n_HighTide> (disregard that I am blind)
  1834. 06[00:30] * Ikea knocks on it lightly to check if it's hollow
  1835. 06[00:30] * BlazingSky places an ear against it, and shakes it slightly
  1836. [00:30] <Ruby_McCoal> "I have... no idea what it is."
  1837. 01[00:30] <Lucyne> 3The rock has a hard outer shell, that's for sure, you can't determine whether soemthing is inside by such crude methods
  1838. [00:30] <UnifySelf> "It looks valuble enough. Let's keep it."
  1839. 01[00:31] <Lucyne> "I agree, I'll see if we can find out more later at the lab."
  1840. [00:31] <Arrant_Hold_> "Lets NOT bring it to the Inn, however."
  1841. 06[00:31] * Lucyne laughs
  1842. 06[00:31] * BlazingSky nods "Right, here you go, Lucy" he hands it back to her
  1843. [00:31] <Ikea> "Sort of reminds me of en egg of one of those Star Trek rock beasts..."
  1844. [00:31] <Ruby_McCoal> "Want me to take samples Lucy?"
  1845. [00:31] <Ikea> "Hortas?"
  1846. 06[00:31] * Ruby_McCoal laught at Arrant
  1847. 01[00:31] <Lucyne> "Don't worry, I'm making sure this thing is safe before it goes anywhere."
  1848. 06[00:31] * Lucyne takes the strange rock
  1849. 06[00:31] * Arrant_Hold_ feels a little less deflated
  1850. 01[00:31] <Lucyne> "That would be great, Ruby."
  1851. 06[00:31] * Ruby_McCoal mines samples off the wall
  1852. [00:32] <Arrant_Hold_> "So, how done are we here?"
  1853. [00:32] <Duskie> [dead end?]
  1854. 01[00:32] <Lucyne> 3The path continues
  1855. [00:32] <Arrant_Hold_> (also where'd silver go?)
  1856. 01[00:32] <Lucyne> (eating)
  1857. [00:32] <Duskie> "moving on"
  1858. [00:32] <Arrant_Hold_> (ah)
  1859. [00:32] <BlazingSky> (He left for dinner, said He'd be back in 20
  1860. 06[00:32] * Arrant_Hold_ follows team
  1861. 06[00:32] * Cap`n_HighTide trots on, nodding. "I don't get what's so special about the rock..."
  1862. 06[00:32] * UnifySelf follows along with the group
  1863. [00:32] <Arrant_Hold_> (>not eating as fast as possible and finishing in less then 30 seconds)
  1864. [00:32] <Ruby_McCoal> "Me neither Cap."
  1865. 01[00:33] <Lucyne> 3You continue along the path, coming to a webway of tunnels, mining tunnels it seems
  1866. [00:33] <Nova_FLux[FU]> (>not eating at your comp)
  1867. [00:33] <Ikea> "You mean besides the shape and the fact that it wasn't attacked to the rest of the rock?"
  1868. [00:33] <Arrant_Hold_> "It certainly is a strange thing."
  1869. [00:33] <Ikea> *ttached
  1870. [00:33] <Ikea> attached*
  1871. [00:33] <Arrant_Hold_> "Might be worth researching."
  1872. [00:33] <Ruby_McCoal> "Projectile?"
  1873. 01[00:33] <Lucyne> "this is excellent! We could get mining operations up here in no time!"
  1874. [00:33] <Arrant_Hold_> "I don't see anymore signs of Cockatrices"
  1875. 01[00:33] <Lucyne> 3You examine the scarlet caves
  1876. [00:34] <Duskie> "yeah, we could craft tons of things from those ores"
  1877. [00:34] <UnifySelf> "How are we supposed to find them in this mess?"
  1878. [00:34] <Ikea> "Yuyp. Just need to get that mine track repaired"
  1879. [00:34] <Ruby_McCoal> "Armors and so on."
  1880. [00:34] <Duskie> "and extended"
  1881. 01[00:34] <Lucyne> "By the way, did someone keep track how many cockatrices are probably left? I think 2 or 3."
  1882. [00:34] <Ikea> "possibly powered..." goes into crazy engineer mode
  1883. [00:34] <Duskie> "I have no clue but there are more"
  1884. 06[00:35] * Lucyne nods
  1885. 01[00:35] <Lucyne> "Eyes and ears peeled, let's check out this deposit."
  1886. [00:35] <Ruby_McCoal> "3 down on my watch, dont know if there was others before."
  1887. [00:35] <Duskie> (there are more since the scary music carries on)
  1888. 06[00:35] * BlazingSky looks around the party "I think we should rest before we take on another"
  1889. 06[00:35] * Lucyne looks back at Blaze and suddenly laughs
  1890. 01[00:35] <Lucyne> "That's such a good Idea."
  1891. [00:35] <UnifySelf> "I agree. This place is huge"
  1892. 01[00:35] <Lucyne> "Why do we never rest?"
  1893. 01[00:35] <Lucyne> "I am *beat*."
  1894. [00:36] <Arrant_Hold_> "Because there's always something to beat done..."
  1895. [00:36] <Ruby_McCoal> "Because we're not tired?"
  1896. 06[00:36] * Lucyne stretches
  1897. 06[00:36] * BlazingSky nods with a smile "I think there were beds back at the Diamond Dog Castle?"
  1898. 06[00:36] * Arrant_Hold_ goes sit down and rest back on a wall
  1899. 06[00:36] * Ikea perks up "Rest? I've got pillows!"
  1900. 01[00:36] <Lucyne> "Well I am, and I'd like to update my map."
  1901. [00:36] <Duskie> "I'm fine either we rest or not, plus ikea's seen better days"
  1902. [00:36] <Ruby_McCoal> (this better be not an excuse to finish the game early)
  1903. 06[00:36] * Arrant_Hold_ fiddles with his rope
  1904. 01[00:36] <Lucyne> (No, your faithful GM would never abandon you)
  1905. [00:36] <Arrant_Hold_> (i thought we were recovering HP)
  1906. [00:36] <UnifySelf> [same here]
  1907. [00:37] <BlazingSky> (We are.
  1908. 01[00:37] <Lucyne> "I have two bandages left."
  1909. [00:37] <Duskie> ( 1d? dor rest?)
  1910. [00:37] <Ikea> [>GM has headache | >better not abadon us]
  1911. 06[00:37] * Ruby_McCoal give a disinterested look "why not?"
  1912. [00:37] <Ruby_McCoal> >
  1913. 01[00:37] <Lucyne> (It's becoming a rhythmic thrumming by now)
  1914. [00:37] <UnifySelf> [that's why i like Lucy as a GM]
  1915. 01[00:37] <Lucyne> "Does anyone need them or should we keep them?"
  1916. [00:37] <Duskie> [you can do a break irl too if you want lucy]
  1917. 06[00:37] * Cap`n_HighTide blinks, frowning. "Rest? In here?" He sips his generic alcohol
  1918. [00:37] <Duskie> take*
  1919. 01[00:37] <Lucyne> (never)
  1920. [00:38] <Ruby_McCoal> (
  1921. [00:38] <Ikea> [dat dedication to his craft]
  1922. 06[00:38] * BlazingSky lays down, and motions to Ikea to toss him a pillow
  1923. [00:38] <Ikea> "rest here or back at the keep?
  1924. [00:38] <Ruby_McCoal> (2 hours clocked in, 4 left)
  1925. 06[00:38] * Arrant_Hold_ works on his rope tying skills
  1926. [00:38] <Ruby_McCoal> (huehue)
  1927. 01[00:38] <Lucyne> 3You rest for a while, trying not to get everything stained red
  1928. 03[00:38] * Silver_Tongue ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  1929. 06[00:38] * Duskie sits down and stretches her wing in a relaxing way
  1930. [00:38] <Silver_Tongue> (I'm back)
  1931. 06[00:38] * Ikea hands out pillows to every one
  1932. [00:39] <BlazingSky> (Can we roll for health?
  1933. 01[00:39] <Lucyne> (welcome back, we're resting)
  1934. [00:39] <UnifySelf> [i am based btw]
  1935. [00:39] <Duskie> "thanks ikea"
  1936. 06[00:39] * Cap`n_HighTide shrugs and simply takes watch.
  1937. 01[00:39] <Lucyne> 3Sadly, only a good night's sleep provides any HP healing
  1938. [00:39] <Silver_Tongue> (Oh that's good, anything happen?)
  1939. 01[00:39] <Lucyne> (Cockatric fight, Unify mauled it)
  1940. [00:39] <UnifySelf> [nat 20 kill on a cocatrice]
  1941. [00:39] <BlazingSky> (Ah, damn) he leans on his pillow, slowly drifting off to sleep
  1942. [00:39] <Ruby_McCoal> (with horn)
  1943. 01[00:39] <Lucyne> (And we're in an abandoned iron mine)
  1944. [00:39] <Silver_Tongue> (Ah, guess up just have to try harder)
  1945. [00:39] <Arrant_Hold_> "Alright, lets get going."
  1946. 01[00:40] <Lucyne> 3But our heroes have no time to sleep a night here!
  1947. 01[00:40] <Lucyne> 3Lucyne has bandages if needed
  1948. [00:40] <Duskie> we couldn't possibly end an adventure without drinking at the inn
  1949. [00:40] <UnifySelf> [6 hp - don't need]
  1950. [00:40] <Arrant_Hold_> "Can I get a bandage here, Lucy?"
  1951. [00:40] <Ikea> [hp check? I'm at 4]
  1952. [00:40] <Duskie> 6hp is fine
  1953. [00:40] <Arrant_Hold_> (better safe than sorry)
  1954. 06[00:40] * Lucyne hands Arrant a bandage
  1955. [00:40] <Silver_Tongue> (I lose any health?)
  1956. [00:40] <Arrant_Hold_> (roll?)
  1957. 01[00:40] <Lucyne> (nah)
  1958. 01[00:40] <Lucyne> (you roll 1d4 heal)
  1959. [00:40] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d4
  1960. [00:40] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  1961. [00:41] <Duskie> wp
  1962. [00:41] <Ikea> [dat bandage]
  1963. 01[00:41] <Lucyne> 3Having rested their weary bodies, everyone recovers 1 HP because your GM is a nice person
  1964. [00:41] <Arrant_Hold_> (Ikea needs healing)
  1965. [00:41] <Duskie> (y)
  1966. [00:41] <Silver_Tongue> "Well now we wait then we take out the next feather fag"
  1967. [00:41] <BlazingSky> (Thank you, based GM
  1968. [00:41] <Ruby_McCoal> (based gm)
  1969. 01[00:41] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  1970. [00:41] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  1971. [00:41] <UnifySelf> [another 19 get, kek is back]
  1972. 01[00:41] <Lucyne> 3You hear the sound of scurrying feet!
  1973. [00:41] <UnifySelf> [incoming]
  1974. 06[00:41] * Arrant_Hold_ readies stick
  1975. [00:41] <Silver_Tongue> "Oh crap"
  1976. 06[00:41] * UnifySelf readies himself
  1977. [00:41] <Ikea> [nah, save the last bandage]
  1978. [00:42] <Duskie> (if he's koed he won't fit in my backpack)
  1979. 06[00:42] * Cap`n_HighTide 's ears twitch, and he readies his sword.
  1980. 06[00:42] * Silver_Tongue draws sword
  1981. 06[00:42] * BlazingSky slowly gets up, and snaps to alert as he hears the feet "Everyone, we've got incomming!"
  1982. [00:42] <Ruby_McCoal> "On feets, group. We've got visitors!"
  1983. 01[00:42] <Lucyne> 3Readying yourself, you see a monstrous cockroach heading straight at you from around a corner!
  1984. [00:42] <Ruby_McCoal> "I mean, hooves..."
  1985. 01[00:42] <Lucyne> looks...odd
  1986. [00:42] <Duskie> "ewwww again those!"
  1987. 01[00:42] <Lucyne> 3Roll init!
  1988. [00:42] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  1989. [00:42] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  1990. [00:42] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d10 init
  1991. [00:42] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1992. [00:42] <Silver_Tongue> "You! Your one if those fuckers who tried to kill my pet!"
  1993. [00:42] <Duskie> !roll d20
  1994. [00:42] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  1995. [00:42] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  1996. [00:42] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  1997. [00:42] <Duskie> (3!)
  1998. 06[00:42] * Ruby_McCoal shudders at the sight of the beast, remembering her wound
  1999. [00:42] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  2000. [00:42] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2001. [00:42] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  2002. [00:42] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2003. [00:43] <Ikea> [#tinfoil]
  2004. [00:43] <Ruby_McCoal> (based dices)
  2005. [00:43] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20 for init
  2006. [00:43] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  2007. [00:43] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  2008. [00:43] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  2009. [00:43] <Arrant_Hold_> (why u do dis?)
  2010. [00:43] <Duskie> (dem ones)
  2011. 01[00:43] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  2012. [00:43] <GameServ> 13, 17 == 30
  2013. 06[00:43] * Silver_Tongue is so overcome with recognition he can't fight
  2014. 01[00:43] <Lucyne> The giant cockroach begins the round!
  2015. [00:43] <Ruby_McCoal> (battle theme:
  2016. 01[00:44] <Lucyne> 3It randomly strikes...Silver!
  2017. [00:44] <Arrant_Hold_> (Ruby, do you have a mine fetish?)
  2018. 01[00:44] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  2019. [00:44] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  2020. 01[00:44] <Lucyne> 3It...uhh...pets you with it's feelers softly
  2021. [00:44] <Ruby_McCoal> (Ruby McCoal didnt threw you off?)
  2022. 01[00:44] <Lucyne> 3It tickles a little
  2023. [00:44] <Arrant_Hold_> AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
  2024. [00:44] <Arrant_Hold_> ITS ADORABLE
  2025. [00:44] <UnifySelf> "What the fuck?"
  2026. 01[00:44] <Lucyne> 3but to your horror, your sword rusts to dust!
  2027. [00:44] <Arrant_Hold_> (WE MUST ROLL ANIMAL EMPATHY!)
  2028. [00:44] <Duskie> "aaaw again"
  2029. [00:44] <UnifySelf> "OH SHIT!"
  2030. [00:44] <Silver_Tongue> "Uh hello there big fella, you friendly?"
  2031. [00:44] <BlazingSky> "Wait what?"
  2032. [00:44] <Duskie> "could it be related to the rock?"
  2033. [00:44] <Ruby_McCoal> "No way...?"
  2034. [00:44] <Arrant_Hold_> (I thought it was just because you're a miner)
  2035. 01[00:45] <Lucyne> It is now Ikea's turn
  2037. [00:45] <Silver_Tongue> "Ah my baby!"
  2038. [00:45] <Arrant_Hold_> "AWWWW, HE'S SO CUTE!"
  2039. [00:45] <BlazingSky> "Lucyne, bring out the rock"
  2040. [00:45] <Arrant_Hold_> (dont kill it)
  2041. [00:45] <Duskie> "should we attack them?"
  2042. 01[00:45] <Lucyne> "Why?"
  2043. [00:45] <UnifySelf> [it kills equipment. MURDER IMMEDIATLY]
  2044. [00:45] <Cap`n_HighTide> [SCREAMS INTERNALLY]
  2045. [00:45] <Arrant_Hold_> "Awww... why would we do that?"
  2046. [00:45] <Arrant_Hold_> "Its so cute~!""
  2047. 01[00:45] <Lucyne> (WHAT UNI SAID)
  2048. 06[00:45] * Silver_Tongue drops to his knees a sobbing at the loss of his beloved sword
  2049. [00:45] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 discard spear, animal empathy!
  2050. [00:45] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  2051. [00:45] <Ruby_McCoal> "Dont do anything rash, Ikea. Doesnt seems hostile but DO seems dangerous!"
  2052. [00:45] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Lucyne please)
  2053. [00:45] <Cap`n_HighTide> (You are giving me flashbacks)
  2054. [00:45] <BlazingSky> "I have a hunch..
  2055. [00:45] <BlazingSky> "
  2056. [00:45] <Cap`n_HighTide> (I don't like rust monsters)
  2057. [00:46] <Ikea> [I want a rust monster pet!]
  2058. [00:46] <Duskie> "rust roaches"
  2059. [00:46] <Arrant_Hold_> (i want a giant cockaroach pet!)
  2060. 01[00:46] <Lucyne> (well better right sappy dialogue now)
  2061. 06[00:46] * Silver_Tongue pets the creature
  2062. [00:46] <BlazingSky> (Wormy can have a new bro
  2063. [00:46] <Arrant_Hold_> (awww.)
  2064. [00:46] <Ikea> [although, we got one of its eggs... probably]
  2065. [00:46] <Ruby_McCoal> "Murders equipement? KILL"
  2066. [00:46] <Silver_Tongue> "That wasn't nice"
  2067. 01[00:46] <Lucyne> 3Waiting on Ikea's attempt at sappy Fluttershy dialogue
  2068. [00:47] <Ikea> [needeing to roleplay his rolls... balls]
  2069. [00:47] <BlazingSky> "It might be one of it's eggs?"
  2070. 01[00:47] <Lucyne> 3The more sappy it is the higher the roll
  2071. 01[00:47] <Lucyne> 3*bonus
  2072. [00:47] <Ruby_McCoal> "We cant have it around here, it will jeopardise the whole mining operation!"
  2073. [00:47] <Silver_Tongue> "Oh mr. Roach I'm gonna turn your skull into paste"
  2074. 01[00:48] <Lucyne> Based Silver animal lover
  2075. [00:48] <Arrant_Hold_> "It could be used to help us fight."
  2076. [00:48] <Arrant_Hold_> "Just a thought."
  2077. [00:48] <Silver_Tongue> "Not if it's doing that Arrant, that was a strengthens sword"
  2078. [00:48] <Silver_Tongue> That was my sword"
  2079. 03[00:49] * Bob ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  2080. [00:49] <Arrant_Hold_> "Come on now. We can train it to eat other things. Like poultry."
  2081. [00:49] <Silver_Tongue> "And you murdered you little pieces of shit, yes you did"
  2082. 06[00:49] * Ikea crouches to the ground Hey there little fella. *pats it on the head* You hungry? Let me see if I can find something for you to eat...
  2083. 01[00:49] <Lucyne> 3It is an ferric oxidation based life form
  2084. [00:49] <Silver_Tongue> "Arrant don't make that joke with me"
  2085. 01[00:49] <Lucyne> What do you feed it?
  2086. [00:49] <Duskie> "rust roaches"²
  2087. 06[00:50] * Ikea gets out one of the iron ingots
  2088. [00:50] <Duskie> "Iron?"
  2089. 06[00:50] * BlazingSky sighs "Okay.. Never mind" he walks up to the large cockroach, running a hoof along it's head "Wormy? You wanna say hello?
  2090. [00:50] <BlazingSky> "
  2091. [00:50] <Arrant_Hold_> "Oh, lighten up, will ya."
  2092. [00:50] <Ruby_McCoal> "dont you dare touch my iron!"
  2093. 01[00:50] <Lucyne> 3Ikea hands the gigantic insect
  2094. 06[00:50] * Silver_Tongue starts looking for something big and wooden
  2095. 01[00:50] <Lucyne> 3It eyes the ingot before greedily moving over it with it's feelers, it rusting before your very eyes
  2096. [00:50] <Ikea> "Oh shush, you've got a whole mine full"
  2097. [00:50] <Arrant_Hold_> (my stick is big and wooden)
  2098. [00:50] <Ruby_McCoal> (Arrant's stick!)
  2099. [00:51] <Arrant_Hold_> (NO, ITS MINE!)
  2100. 06[00:51] * Ikea strokes it as it eats
  2101. [00:51] <UnifySelf> "Holy fuck that's actually pretty cool."
  2102. [00:51] <Duskie> (wooden iron stick in an iron mine)
  2103. 03[00:51] * Bob ( has left #FourCannonPnP
  2104. [00:51] <Silver_Tongue> "Arrant Stick, Now!"
  2105. 01[00:51] <Lucyne> 3The creature seems appeased and lazily tickles Ikea
  2106. [00:51] <Arrant_Hold_> "Yeah, no. It's mine. Get your own."
  2107. 06[00:51] * Ikea giggles and cuddles the bug
  2108. 06[00:51] * BlazingSky chuckles
  2109. [00:51] <Ruby_McCoal> "my.. ingot..."
  2110. 06[00:51] * Cap`n_HighTide blinks, confused. "Are... we doing anything about this.."
  2111. 01[00:51] <Lucyne> 3It's a horrendous bug monster but it's feelers are soft as long as you aren't iron
  2112. [00:51] <Ikea> "And that will be your name! Cuddle Bugs"
  2113. [00:51] <Silver_Tongue> "You'll get it back, I just need to reduce that roach to a smear on the floor"
  2114. [00:52] <UnifySelf> [Cuddle Bugs has joined the party!]
  2115. [00:52] <Arrant_Hold_> "Its not doing anything right now."
  2116. 01[00:52] <Lucyne> It is now Unify's turn
  2117. 06[00:52] * Duskie sighs
  2118. [00:52] <Arrant_Hold_> "See? He's adorable!"
  2119. [00:52] <Silver_Tongue> "It destroyed my shot I destroy it"
  2120. [00:52] <Ikea> [oh god... this is hilarious!]
  2121. [00:52] <UnifySelf> "It looks like Ikea has the right idea." *backs down*
  2122. [00:52] <Arrant_Hold_> (Silver be all like "KILL DAT SUM BITCH" and we be all like "D'aaaaaw"
  2123. 01[00:52] <Lucyne> (>players befriend rust monster)
  2124. [00:52] <Ikea> [hidious monstrosity as pet, GET!]
  2125. 01[00:52] <Lucyne> (>Not incoherent rage)
  2126. 01[00:52] <Lucyne> (This is new)
  2127. [00:52] <UnifySelf> [i'm keeping the sword]
  2128. [00:52] <Silver_Tongue> "Fucking pussies"
  2129. 06[00:52] * Ruby_McCoal kneels down, mourning the lost of the single object she ever earned in a adventure
  2130. [00:53] <UnifySelf> [fuck feeding it to the roach]
  2131. [00:53] <Quicksilver> [i want a pet...]
  2132. 01[00:53] <Lucyne> It is now technically Captain's turn
  2133. [00:53] <Silver_Tongue> "Ruby you got anything big and wooden I can use as a club?"
  2134. [00:53] <Ikea> [There were more than one ingot, wasn't there?]
  2135. [00:53] <BlazingSky> (>pets becoming a normal thing
  2136. [00:53] <Duskie> (get a turtle)
  2137. [00:53] <Ruby_McCoal> (nope, only 1)
  2138. [00:53] <Quicksilver> [oh well, at least i have my glowmoss...]
  2139. [00:53] <Ikea> [ohh... damn sorry]
  2140. [00:53] <Arrant_Hold_> "Maybe this little guy can help us track down the cockitrices."
  2141. 06[00:53] * Cap`n_HighTide stands there, in a daze. "Well... uh... disaster averted, I guess..?"
  2142. 01[00:53] <Lucyne> (Moss is best pet)
  2143. [00:53] <Silver_Tongue> "Fuck no he ain't coming back to town"
  2144. [00:54] <Duskie> "agreed"
  2145. [00:54] <BlazingSky> (>Not accepting Wormy as best pet
  2146. 01[00:54] <Lucyne> It is now technically Blazing's turn
  2147. [00:54] <Ikea> "Oh relax, silver. It's no worse than horatio"
  2148. [00:54] <Ruby_McCoal> (how exactly big this is?)
  2149. [00:54] <Arrant_Hold_> (pretty big_
  2150. [00:54] <UnifySelf> "Yeah, I wouldn't risk bringing it back to town in the state that it is in."
  2151. [00:54] <Arrant_Hold_> *)
  2152. 01[00:54] <Lucyne> (irl horse)
  2153. [00:54] <Ruby_McCoal> (ugh)
  2154. [00:54] <Silver_Tongue> "Horatio won't fucking ear our weapons you prick"
  2155. [00:54] <Duskie> "battle tune turned to moogle theme"
  2156. [00:54] <Ikea> "No, he'll just turn us to stone..."
  2157. 01[00:54] <Lucyne> "But horatio would kill you by looking at you."
  2158. [00:54] <Arrant_Hold_> "This reminds me, I want a bird..."
  2159. [00:54] <Ruby_McCoal> (hand to hand will be tedious, yet we have to get rid of it)
  2160. [00:55] <Duskie> ()*
  2161. [00:55] <Silver_Tongue> "Better that then never being able to buil past wooden supports"
  2162. [00:55] <Ruby_McCoal> (and these init where the two who wants to get rid of it are 1)
  2163. [00:55] <Arrant_Hold_> (exterminate?)
  2164. [00:55] <Ruby_McCoal> (based kek indeed)
  2165. 01[00:55] <Lucyne> It is now Arrant's turn unless Blazing want sto do something
  2166. [00:55] <Duskie> "fighting we'd lose our equipment"
  2167. [00:55] <Ikea> "I'm sure we can teach it not to eat anything but what we feed it"
  2168. [00:55] <Silver_Tongue> "No"
  2169. [00:55] <Silver_Tongue> "It's full grown Ikea"
  2170. 01[00:56] <Lucyne> "hate to burst your bubble ikea, but it's an insect, it literally cannot learn ever."
  2171. [00:56] <Duskie> "lucy's true"
  2172. [00:56] <Silver_Tongue> "Horatio is an infant that's why I bothered to try and save him"
  2173. [00:56] <Ruby_McCoal> "Find a way to get rid of it, or I will even if its barehooves"
  2174. [00:56] <Ikea> "But... it's soo cwute"
  2175. 01[00:56] <Lucyne> "Insects with the no brain and all."
  2176. 06[00:56] * Arrant_Hold_ kneels down to the cockroach waves some iron around its face"
  2177. [00:56] <Arrant_Hold_> (toss some iron somewhere)
  2178. [00:56] <Silver_Tongue> "Actually Cockroaches have two brains"
  2179. 06[00:56] * Ikea puppy dog eyes
  2180. [00:56] <Ruby_McCoal> "I bet you also go out with succubi because they're cute too?"
  2181. 01[00:56] <Lucyne> 3The cockroach accepts the iron happily, slowly dissolving it
  2182. [00:57] <Duskie> (imb4 pony walking his giant roach in town)
  2183. 01[00:57] <Lucyne> 3It seems rather full
  2184. [00:57] <UnifySelf> "Now maybe it will leave us alone."
  2185. 06[00:57] * Arrant_Hold_ waves another chunck of iron in its face and throws it somewhere down the mine
  2186. [00:57] <BlazingSky> "Hmm.. Lucyne, what if that 'rock' wasn't a rock at all, but an egg?"
  2187. 06[00:57] * Silver_Tongue is barely holding the urge to try and punt the roach
  2188. [00:57] <Ruby_McCoal> "GOD DAMMIT ARRANT! That was MY fucking Iron again..."
  2189. 01[00:57] <Lucyne> 3The creature looks after the iron but doesn't move."
  2190. [00:57] <Arrant_Hold_> "We can get more on the way back."
  2191. [00:57] <Ruby_McCoal> "Why you guys are doing this to me?"
  2192. [00:57] <Ruby_McCoal> ;_;
  2193. [00:58] <Duskie> "go get it now"
  2194. 01[00:58] <Lucyne> "Then I want to keep it even more." Lucyne whsiperes
  2195. [00:58] <Arrant_Hold_> "So, er, Cuddle Bugs.. can you.. Fetch boy! Go get the iron, boy!"
  2196. 01[00:58] <Lucyne> It is now Duskie's turn technically
  2197. 06[00:58] * Silver_Tongue sighs and pulls out a pickaxe "any body got a spate sword I could use?"
  2198. 01[00:58] <Lucyne> 3Cuddle bug decides to lay down instead
  2199. 06[00:58] * Ikea trots off after the bit of iron, seeing if Cuddles follows
  2200. [00:58] <Arrant_Hold_> "Well, I tried making it play fetch..."
  2201. 01[00:58] <Lucyne> 3Cuddle wants sleep now
  2202. 06[00:58] * Cap`n_HighTide stares at Cuddlebug for a moment.
  2203. [00:58] <Ruby_McCoal> "I can help"
  2204. [00:59] <Arrant_Hold_> "Well, er... crisis adverted."
  2205. [00:59] <UnifySelf> "Ok. Let's go, i think it will leave us alone."
  2206. 06[00:59] * Cap`n_HighTide looks at his alcohol.
  2207. [00:59] <Duskie> !roll 20 for convincing the team to move on?
  2208. [00:59] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2209. 06[00:59] * Cap`n_HighTide looks back at Cuddlebug.
  2210. 06[00:59] * Silver_Tongue starts looking very deranged
  2211. [00:59] <Duskie> ......
  2212. [00:59] <Arrant_Hold_> (And we solved this WITHOUT violence!)
  2213. [00:59] <Arrant_Hold_> (:D)
  2214. 01[00:59] <Lucyne> (Without violence means bonus loot w00t)
  2215. [00:59] <Arrant_Hold_> (>inb4 silver kills it)
  2216. [00:59] <Ikea> "Well, it's asleep now. So I guess we COULD coup de grace it"
  2217. 01[00:59] <Lucyne> It is now technically Ruby's turn
  2218. [00:59] <Silver_Tongue> "How fast do you think a pick axe through the back of the head will kill it?"
  2219. [00:59] <Arrant_Hold_> "Let's just go."
  2220. [00:59] <Ruby_McCoal> (solved? aside that we wont be able to extract any iron ever or at best be severly crippled)
  2221. [00:59] <Ruby_McCoal> (ugh you guys...)
  2222. [00:59] <Ikea> "It IS a threat to our infrastructure..."
  2223. 06[00:59] * Cap`n_HighTide nods, the universal sign for everything working out just right, before taking a swig.
  2224. 01[01:00] <Lucyne> (She's right you know?)
  2225. [01:00] <Duskie> "It won't get out of here, he can't go through the doors"
  2226. [01:00] <Arrant_Hold_> (move it else where?)
  2227. [01:00] <Ruby_McCoal> "Kill it?"
  2228. [01:00] <Silver_Tongue> "No he dies"
  2229. [01:00] <Arrant_Hold_> (throw it down the mine?)
  2230. 01[01:00] <Lucyne> "Also, there might be thousands of these, if they are like bugs."
  2231. [01:00] <Ikea> "But this is the best location for iron mining"
  2232. [01:00] <Arrant_Hold_> (of a cliff?)
  2233. [01:00] <Ruby_McCoal> "I mean, if it was half its size we could just have drowned it..."
  2234. [01:00] <Duskie> "it can't be the only one, what will happen if we attack?"
  2235. [01:01] <Ikea> "Although, if that rock is an egg then who knows how many more where could be"
  2236. [01:01] <Arrant_Hold_> "They might be all on this part of the mine only."
  2237. [01:01] <Ruby_McCoal> "I dont like that whole egg theory..."
  2238. [01:01] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Lucyne.... you're the leader for this... Should we leave it here?"
  2239. [01:01] <Silver_Tongue> "We'll let's kill this one and study it for weaknesses"
  2240. 06[01:01] * Lucyne is taken aback
  2241. 01[01:01] <Lucyne> "People care for my oppinion?"
  2242. 06[01:01] * BlazingSky nods
  2243. [01:01] <Duskie> "of course"
  2244. 06[01:01] * Ruby_McCoal sigh
  2245. [01:01] <UnifySelf> "Yes, you are the leader."
  2246. [01:01] <Quicksilver> [who is going to be the asshole and stab it while it isnt expecting an attack]
  2247. [01:01] <Arrant_Hold_> "Oh god, don't you start going emo on us."
  2248. [01:01] <Cap`n_HighTide> "You brought us here." He says flatly.
  2249. [01:01] <Ikea> "I say that we win more by trying to befriend them so we can mine in relative peace than starting an extermination campaign..."
  2250. [01:02] <Ikea> "You ARE the leader Lucy"
  2251. [01:02] <Silver_Tongue> "Most of the time yes, now, no"
  2252. 01[01:02] <Lucyne> "Well in that case, I'm sorry, but I vote killing it, it's just a bug."
  2253. 01[01:02] <Lucyne> "We can't befriend it."
  2254. [01:02] <Silver_Tongue> "Thank you Lucy"
  2255. [01:02] <Arrant_Hold_> "I just don't want a fight."
  2256. [01:02] <Ruby_McCoal> "Now thats what I like to ear"
  2257. 06[01:02] * Ikea frowns sadly
  2258. 06[01:02] * Lucyne puts a hoof around Ikea
  2259. [01:02] <Ikea> "Right. I'll follow your call" goes to get his spear
  2260. [01:02] <Duskie> "ok then"
  2261. 01[01:03] <Lucyne> "Sorry buddy, but if this here hatches and we get a glass cage, you can name hime."
  2262. [01:03] <Arrant_Hold_> "Well, maybe if we can kill it silently..."
  2263. [01:03] <Silver_Tongue> "Time to die cuddle bug, time to die"
  2264. [01:03] <Ikea> [roll to kill or auto?]
  2265. [01:03] <Arrant_Hold_> "We can avoid another big clusterfuck..."
  2266. [01:03] <Ruby_McCoal> "Poisin anyone?"
  2267. 01[01:03] <Lucyne> 3You remove it's head in it's sleep
  2268. [01:03] <Quicksilver> [you are all murderers]
  2269. 01[01:03] <Lucyne> 3No need to roll
  2270. 01[01:03] <Lucyne> (it's a bug)
  2271. 01[01:03] <Lucyne> (It doesn't even have a brain)
  2272. [01:03] <Ruby_McCoal> [REMOVE HEAD]
  2273. 06[01:03] * Ikea sniffles as he kills it. Goodbye Cuddles
  2274. [01:03] <Arrant_Hold_> (we couldn't keep it/get rid of it/etc)
  2275. [01:03] <Arrant_Hold_> (killing it works)
  2276. 01[01:04] <Lucyne> 3This situation succesfully defused, what is your next plan of action?
  2277. [01:04] <Arrant_Hold_> (just glad there was no fight, need the energy for later)
  2278. 06[01:04] * BlazingSky wipes a tear, as does wormy "Dammit.. Why'd you have to name it?
  2279. [01:04] <BlazingSky> "
  2280. [01:04] <Ikea> [I agree, actually. OOC this was pretty much my idea]
  2281. [01:04] <UnifySelf> [continure down the mine]
  2282. 06[01:04] * Silver_Tongue starts hacking at the corpse
  2283. [01:04] <Ikea> [pacify and backstab]
  2284. [01:04] <Arrant_Hold_> (Silent Takedown)
  2285. 01[01:04] <Lucyne> 3Well, it's hide is also corrosiv, Silver...
  2286. [01:04] <Ruby_McCoal> (removed the head lol)
  2287. 06[01:04] * Ikea looks at Silver with a horrid expression
  2288. 01[01:04] <Lucyne> 3But you probably found that out
  2289. [01:04] <Silver_Tongue> "Don't care I'm pisses"
  2290. [01:04] <Ruby_McCoal> (you cant remove heads)
  2291. [01:05] <Duskie> (Ikea unlocked a success: stoneheart)
  2292. [01:05] <Ruby_McCoal> (Ironheart*)
  2293. [01:05] <Silver_Tongue> "You wanna break my shit? You pay buggy!"
  2294. [01:05] <Ikea> [OOC? long time ago. IC not so much]
  2295. [01:05] <Arrant_Hold_> (roll pun damage, Ruby)
  2296. [01:05] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d4 for pun damage
  2297. [01:05] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  2298. [01:05] <Arrant_Hold_> (it was okay)
  2299. [01:06] <Duskie> (your sides suffer 2 damages each)
  2300. 06[01:06] * Silver_Tongue throws the ruined pick axe down and walks with the group covered in big viscera
  2301. 06[01:06] * Arrant_Hold_ follows team further down the mine
  2302. 06[01:06] * Ikea heads further down the mine, rather not hletting the others see him cry at his friend being mutilated
  2303. 01[01:06] <Lucyne> 3You decide to bid forwell to your disgusting, dead friend
  2304. 06[01:06] * Cap`n_HighTide sighs, and turns to face the trail. "We should keep moving."
  2305. 06[01:06] * BlazingSky follows ikea "Ike? You okay, buddy?"
  2306. 06[01:06] * Duskie shruders "I don't like bugs"
  2307. [01:06] <Ruby_McCoal> "agree cap."
  2308. [01:06] <Silver_Tongue> "Oh god that was satisfying"
  2309. [01:06] <UnifySelf> "Let's keep going. That ate up too much time."
  2310. [01:07] <Duskie> "let's do that"
  2311. 06[01:07] * Ikea turns his head away "I'm fine, let's keep moving"
  2312. 01[01:07] <Lucyne> 3Continuing along the mines, you see that they actually aren't particularly large
  2313. 01[01:07] <Lucyne> 3It seems they never got to dig very far into this vein
  2314. 06[01:07] * BlazingSky shrugs "If you say so.."
  2315. [01:07] <Silver_Tongue> "Hmm this vein could be rich"
  2316. [01:07] <Arrant_Hold_> "I guess we turn back now? Dead end?"
  2317. [01:07] <Duskie> "we really can profit of this mine"
  2318. 01[01:07] <Lucyne> 3Ahead of you, you hear the sound of dripping water
  2319. [01:08] <Duskie> take*
  2320. [01:08] <Ruby_McCoal> "looks like, unless you want to dig down and flood the cave"
  2321. 01[01:08] <Lucyne> 3You slowly approach an opening
  2322. [01:08] <Silver_Tongue> "Hm flooded mine?"
  2323. 06[01:08] * BlazingSky 's ears perk up "Water?" Blaze follows the sound
  2324. 06[01:08] * Arrant_Hold_ shrugs "Guess there ain't much we can do now..."
  2325. 06[01:08] * Silver_Tongue explores ahead
  2326. [01:08] <UnifySelf> "Water?"
  2327. 06[01:08] * Duskie examines the area
  2328. 01[01:08] <Lucyne> 3Peering inside, you see a pool of red water, next to it, a family of rust monsters
  2329. 01[01:08] <Lucyne> 38 of them, to be exact
  2330. 01[01:08] <Lucyne> *8
  2331. [01:08] <Arrant_Hold_> (fuck)
  2332. [01:08] <Ruby_McCoal> "oh noes..."
  2333. [01:08] <UnifySelf> "More?"
  2334. 06[01:09] * Silver_Tongue is seething right now"
  2335. 06[01:09] * BlazingSky gulps
  2336. [01:09] <Arrant_Hold_> "Ok, we need to handle this tactifully."
  2337. 01[01:09] <Lucyne> "May I suggest legging it like gentlemen?"
  2338. [01:09] <Ruby_McCoal> "We dont we flood em?"
  2339. 01[01:09] <Lucyne> 3They look hungry
  2340. 06[01:09] * Ikea 's face hardens again
  2341. [01:09] <Silver_Tongue> (Would they sense me covered in bug viscera?)
  2342. [01:09] <BlazingSky> "Sounds like a plan, Luce"
  2343. 01[01:09] <Lucyne> (yes)
  2344. [01:09] <UnifySelf> "Let's go."
  2345. 01[01:09] <Lucyne> (they have eyes)
  2346. 01[01:09] <Lucyne> 3You do like trees and run
  2347. [01:09] <Silver_Tongue> (No like smell me)
  2348. 01[01:09] <Lucyne> (They probably couldn't smell you)
  2349. 01[01:09] <Lucyne> (but see and feel you)
  2350. [01:10] <Silver_Tongue> (Hmm)
  2351. 01[01:10] <Lucyne> (Tremorsense)
  2352. [01:10] <Duskie> (imb4 wall-e roaches)
  2353. 01[01:10] <Lucyne> 3Luckily, the roaches aren't particularly quick
  2354. [01:10] <Silver_Tongue> "Lets scram"
  2355. [01:10] <Duskie> (feed them with their parent's dead body /jk)
  2356. 01[01:10] <Lucyne> 3You follow the track back to the intersection
  2357. [01:10] <Ruby_McCoal> "I say we could flood their asses!"
  2358. [01:11] <Silver_Tongue> "Other way?"
  2359. 01[01:11] <Lucyne> "So, Iron mine that way..." lucy marks on her map
  2360. [01:11] <Ikea> "bugs are notoriously difficult to drown.."
  2361. [01:11] <Arrant_Hold_> "I agree with Ruby. Next time around, we need to flood them. Or poison them. Or something."
  2362. [01:11] <Silver_Tongue> "We explore the other path?"
  2363. [01:11] <Arrant_Hold_> "We can't fight them."
  2364. [01:11] <UnifySelf> "Let's look at the other paths."
  2365. [01:11] <Duskie> "yup, we still need to take care of those cockatrixes"
  2366. 01[01:12] <Lucyne> 3Looking down the other pathways, one leads only a short way before terminating, the other winds downwards
  2367. [01:12] <Arrant_Hold_> "Agreed. We still need to handle the cockatrices"
  2368. [01:12] <Ikea> "poison sounds like the best option, assuming we can find one that works on their physiology"
  2369. 06[01:12] * Silver_Tongue heads towards whatever path hasn't been travelled
  2370. [01:12] <UnifySelf> "Well, no where else but down."
  2371. [01:12] <BlazingSky> "Let's go with the longer, winding one?"
  2372. 01[01:12] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  2373. [01:12] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  2374. [01:12] <Arrant_Hold_> "I think it know what this is."
  2375. 01[01:12] <Lucyne> 3You make your way downwards into another abandoned mineshaft
  2376. [01:12] <Silver_Tongue> "Watch it"
  2377. [01:12] <UnifySelf> "Oh boy, ANOTHER mineshaft."
  2378. [01:12] <Arrant_Hold_> "It's symbolism. For us slowly making our way into hell!"
  2379. 01[01:13] <Lucyne> 3On your way, you find a 4 and some tools oil lamps
  2380. [01:13] <UnifySelf> [wat]
  2381. [01:13] <Silver_Tongue> A 4?
  2382. [01:13] <Arrant_Hold_> (OH BOY, A FOUR)
  2383. 01[01:13] <Lucyne> wait
  2384. 06[01:13] * Ruby_McCoal take the lamp
  2385. [01:13] <Ikea> [LOOT THE 4!]
  2386. [01:13] <Duskie> "someone askes for lamps?"
  2387. [01:13] <Arrant_Hold_> (My favorite number)
  2388. 01[01:13] <Lucyne> I fucked that up
  2389. 01[01:13] <Lucyne> lel you guys
  2390. [01:13] <Arrant_Hold_> (4 is best loot)
  2391. [01:13] <Silver_Tongue> Intake a lamp
  2392. 01[01:13] <Lucyne> 3You find 4 lamps, some tools and a rock curiously shaped like the number "4"
  2393. [01:13] <Ruby_McCoal> (2 lat m8)
  2394. [01:13] <Silver_Tongue> (I've got the oil)
  2395. [01:13] <UnifySelf> [kek for keeping in the 4 thing]
  2396. 06[01:14] * Arrant_Hold_ takes a lamp because earth pony no magic
  2397. [01:14] <Duskie> oj
  2398. [01:14] <Duskie> "I take one lamp then"
  2399. 06[01:14] * Silver_Tongue takes rock and lamp
  2400. 06[01:14] * BlazingSky also takes a lamp, and gives to wormy to hold it for him
  2401. 06[01:14] * Duskie takes one
  2402. [01:14] <BlazingSky> it to(
  2403. [01:14] <BlazingSky> *
  2404. 01[01:14] <Lucyne> 3The rock can be used any time to downgrade your own roll to a 4
  2405. 01[01:14] <Lucyne> 3One time use only
  2406. [01:14] <Silver_Tongue> "Oh weird"
  2407. 01[01:14] <Lucyne> 3jk
  2408. 06[01:14] * Cap`n_HighTide blinks, staring at the rock. "I... huh."
  2409. 01[01:14] <Lucyne> 3Anyhow
  2410. [01:14] <UnifySelf> "Why is that rock shaped like the number 4?"
  2411. [01:14] <Ruby_McCoal> (roll unarmed)
  2412. [01:15] <Duskie> lolz
  2413. [01:15] <UnifySelf> "I find it kinda funny."
  2414. [01:15] <Silver_Tongue> "Dunno but I like it"
  2415. 01[01:15] <Lucyne> >I find it kinda sad
  2416. [01:15] <Duskie> (keep it for the chickens petrification)
  2417. [01:15] <Arrant_Hold_> >the dreams in which im dying are the best i ever had
  2418. 01[01:15] <Lucyne> "Maybe a cockatrice paralyzed a wild 4?"
  2419. [01:15] <Ikea> [the dreams in which I'm dieing are the best I've ever had]
  2420. 01[01:15] <Lucyne> (No tears now, monsters)
  2421. [01:15] <UnifySelf> [these feels]
  2422. 06[01:15] * BlazingSky shrugs
  2423. [01:15] <BlazingSky> ( Brb
  2424. [01:15] <Arrant_Hold_> (i find it hard to take, i find it hard to tell)
  2425. 06[01:15] * Silver_Tongue keeps going down the shaft
  2426. 01[01:16] <Lucyne> 3You continue to these more recently dug and expansive shafts
  2427. 01[01:16] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  2428. [01:16] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  2429. [01:16] <UnifySelf> [kek]
  2430. [01:16] <Duskie> wow
  2431. [01:16] <Arrant_Hold_> BASED KEK
  2432. 01[01:16] <Lucyne> You are perceptive todasy, aren't you=
  2433. 01[01:16] <Lucyne> Typing hard
  2434. [01:16] <Duskie> indeed
  2435. [01:16] <Duskie> (you found a philosopher stone)
  2436. [01:17] <Ikea> [all your gold is belong to us]
  2437. [01:17] <Duskie> (or midas's hand)
  2438. 01[01:17] <Lucyne> 3You hear a faint sound of scuttering feet
  2439. [01:17] <Arrant_Hold_> (>inb4 dragon dildo
  2440. 06[01:17] * Silver_Tongue takes a battle stance
  2441. [01:17] <Arrant_Hold_> (fuck)
  2442. [01:17] <Duskie> "again!"
  2443. [01:17] <Ruby_McCoal> "Another rust monster?"
  2444. 06[01:17] * UnifySelf readies himself. "Incoming."
  2445. [01:17] <Cap`n_HighTide> (>tfw no four foot long dildo called The Great American Challenge to use as a bludgeon)
  2446. 01[01:17] <Lucyne> 3You hear it comes from the right, but you see no actual movement
  2447. 06[01:17] * Duskie draws her swords
  2448. 01[01:17] <Lucyne> (Nat 20 on loot roll: Diamond Dog dildo)
  2449. [01:17] <Arrant_Hold_> (Cap'n u so cray cray)
  2450. 06[01:17] * Ikea shakes himself from his melancholy and perks his ears around
  2451. 06[01:18] * Silver_Tongue backs into the group
  2452. 06[01:18] * Duskie switches to guard stance
  2453. 06[01:18] * Cap`n_HighTide readies his sword, looking around.
  2454. 06[01:18] * Arrant_Hold_ gets in stance
  2455. 06[01:18] * UnifySelf starts to scan the area
  2456. 01[01:18] <Lucyne> 3Ahead of you, a larger room opens up, but you can't see too well from this distance
  2457. 06[01:18] * Arrant_Hold_ readies stick
  2458. 06[01:18] * Ruby_McCoal frowns, tightening the grip over her pick
  2459. 06[01:18] * Silver_Tongue pulls out a shovel
  2460. 06[01:19] * Duskie sneezes
  2461. 06[01:19] * Ikea whispers back "bless you"
  2462. 06[01:19] * Arrant_Hold_ readies his pimp hand
  2463. 01[01:19] <Lucyne> 3Do you...I dunno...continue?
  2464. [01:19] <Duskie> "thanks"
  2465. [01:19] <UnifySelf> [yes]
  2466. 01[01:19] <Lucyne> 3Silly PCs
  2467. [01:19] <Ruby_McCoal> "You! come out!" shouted Ruby
  2468. [01:19] <Silver_Tongue> (Yes)
  2469. [01:19] <Duskie> [>Yes]
  2470. [01:19] <BlazingSky> (Back
  2471. 01[01:19] <Lucyne> 3You approach the larger room
  2472. 06[01:20] * Cap`n_HighTide trots forward, taking point.
  2473. 01[01:20] <Lucyne> 3It is heavily filled with dust, multiple tables are arranged around the room
  2474. 01[01:20] <Lucyne> 3On the tables lay piles of rocks and ores
  2475. 06[01:20] * BlazingSky shakes his head "Rrgh.. Drifted off for a second there"
  2476. 01[01:20] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  2477. [01:20] <UnifySelf> "Well, this seems interesting."
  2478. [01:20] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  2479. 06[01:20] * Duskie examines the ores
  2480. 01[01:20] <Lucyne> 3Strangely...cobwebs feature prominently
  2481. 06[01:20] * Silver_Tongue looks for weapons and tools
  2482. 01[01:20] <Lucyne> 3Roll init!
  2483. [01:20] <Duskie> "nononononono NOT SPIDERS"
  2484. [01:20] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  2485. [01:20] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  2486. [01:21] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  2487. 06[01:21] * Ruby_McCoal keep lookout for potetial danger
  2488. [01:21] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  2489. [01:21] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  2490. [01:21] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  2491. [01:21] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  2492. [01:21] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  2493. [01:21] <Duskie> !roll d20
  2494. [01:21] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  2495. [01:21] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  2496. [01:21] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2497. [01:21] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  2498. [01:21] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  2499. [01:21] <Cap`n_HighTide> (fuck)
  2500. [01:21] <Ruby_McCoal> (roll is now spied_
  2501. [01:21] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  2502. [01:21] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  2503. [01:21] <Ruby_McCoal> (spider)
  2504. 01[01:21] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  2505. [01:21] <GameServ> 7, 10 == 17
  2506. 06[01:21] * Duskie shivers
  2507. 01[01:21] <Lucyne> From the ceiling descend 3 monstrous spiders!
  2508. 01[01:22] <Lucyne> The size of a pony!
  2509. 06[01:22] * BlazingSky screams loudly
  2510. 06[01:22] * BlazingSky like a mare
  2511. 06[01:22] * Duskie scrams
  2512. [01:22] <Silver_Tongue> "This is nothing"
  2513. [01:22] <UnifySelf> "FUCKER'S BE HUGE!"
  2514. 06[01:22] * Arrant_Hold_ prepares anus
  2515. 01[01:22] <Lucyne> 3Arrant begins the round!"
  2516. 01[01:22] <Lucyne> >not RPing panic
  2517. 06[01:22] * Duskie waves her sword "DONT YOU COME CLOSER!"
  2518. 06[01:22] * Arrant_Hold_ twhacks one spider with stick
  2519. 06[01:22] * BlazingSky collapses down on the ground "Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god"
  2520. [01:22] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  2521. [01:22] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  2522. 01[01:23] <Lucyne> 3But is scutters out of range in response!
  2523. 01[01:23] <Lucyne> 3It is now Silver's turn!
  2524. [01:23] <Duskie> (3s support the spiders OGAWD)
  2525. [01:23] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20 to introduce him to David SPADE
  2526. [01:23] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  2527. [01:23] <Ikea> [#tinfoil intensifies]
  2528. 01[01:23] <Lucyne> You hit!
  2529. [01:23] <Arrant_Hold_> (Ugh, that was a horrible pun. At least you hit)
  2530. [01:24] <Duskie> "KILL IT!!"
  2531. 03[01:24] * Pretty_Penny ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  2532. [01:24] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d6
  2533. [01:24] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  2534. [01:24] <Arrant_Hold_> (based dice)
  2535. 01[01:24] <Lucyne> You ram your spade into the disgusting creature, puncturing it's carapace!
  2536. 01[01:24] <Lucyne> 3 It is now Duskie's turn!
  2537. [01:25] <Duskie> !roll d20 for hiten mitsurugi ryuu batou style
  2538. [01:25] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  2539. [01:25] <UnifySelf> [no kek]
  2540. [01:25] <Duskie> (QQ)
  2541. [01:25] <BlazingSky> (remember, no kek
  2542. [01:25] <Ruby_McCoal> (too complicated for you)
  2543. 01[01:25] <Lucyne> You miss!
  2544. [01:25] <Silver_Tongue> "Whats up Itst Bitsy?"
  2545. [01:25] <Ikea> [>Kenshin mah nigga]
  2546. 01[01:25] <Lucyne> 3It is now the spiders turns!
  2547. 06[01:25] * Duskie shivers even more
  2548. 06[01:26] * BlazingSky lies curled up on the ground, praying they ignore him
  2549. 01[01:26] <Lucyne> 3They randomly attack...Silver, Arrant and Unify!
  2550. 01[01:26] <Lucyne> !roll 3d20
  2551. [01:26] <UnifySelf> [shit]
  2552. [01:26] <GameServ> 14, 7, 7 == 28
  2553. [01:26] <UnifySelf> [whew]
  2554. 01[01:26] <Lucyne> 3They hit only Silver!
  2555. 06[01:26] * Ruby_McCoal has troubles recomposing herself after the apparition of the spiders, quaking like Japan itself
  2556. 01[01:26] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  2557. [01:26] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  2558. [01:26] <Arrant_Hold_> (Muh skillz of dodging)
  2559. 01[01:26] <Lucyne> 3For 2 damage! Roll d20 to resist poison, +4 iff earth pone
  2560. [01:27] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20+4
  2561. [01:27] <GameServ> (20) + 4 == 24
  2562. [01:27] <UnifySelf> [SUPER KEK]
  2563. 01[01:27] <Lucyne> 3You poison the spider with your super blood
  2564. [01:27] <Ruby_McCoal> (reverse poison!)
  2565. 01[01:27] <Lucyne> 3Not really but whatever
  2566. [01:27] <Arrant_Hold_> (i thought silver was pegasus, but either way, BASED KEK)
  2567. [01:27] <Silver_Tongue> "Bitch I'll make you Ponyspider"
  2568. 01[01:27] <Lucyne> 3It is now Unify's turn!
  2569. [01:27] <Duskie> silver sure is used to taking poison
  2570. [01:27] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20 to weaken one of the undamaged ones with a horn stab
  2571. [01:27] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  2572. [01:27] <Ruby_McCoal> (Mudpone best pone)
  2573. [01:28] <UnifySelf> [damnit]
  2574. [01:28] <Ikea> [lel]
  2575. [01:28] <Pretty_Penny> [based kek]
  2576. 01[01:28] <Lucyne> But you miss!
  2577. [01:28] <Arrant_Hold_> (EarthPony MasterRaceTM)
  2578. [01:28] <UnifySelf> [the hero falls from grace]
  2579. [01:28] <Silver_Tongue> (Yeah ask Fucking Able, Bob, Liven, and Quicksilver)
  2580. [01:28] <Duskie> (you're not my hero anymore)
  2581. 01[01:28] <Lucyne> 3It is now Ikea's turn!
  2582. [01:28] <UnifySelf> [no]
  2583. [01:28] <Arrant_Hold_> (i take back asking you to be my waifu)
  2584. 06[01:28] * Ikea sighs sadly at having to kill more adorable arthropods
  2585. [01:28] <UnifySelf> [all because of one miss. FINE I NEVER WANTED IT ANYWAY!]
  2586. [01:29] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 stabby
  2587. [01:29] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2588. [01:29] <UnifySelf> [cries in a corner]
  2589. [01:29] <Ruby_McCoal> (>adorable)
  2590. [01:29] <BlazingSky> (>adorable >spiders
  2591. [01:29] <BlazingSky> ( u wot m8?
  2592. [01:29] <Ruby_McCoal> (betchu got 1 m8)
  2593. [01:29] <Arrant_Hold_> (spiders are adorable)
  2594. 06[01:29] * Ikea can'
  2595. 01[01:29] <Lucyne> 3You race to the nearest spider, getting caught in spider webbings and tripping!
  2596. [01:29] <Arrant_Hold_> (from a distance)
  2597. [01:29] <Duskie> (it's gonna cure you from that weird love you have for those disgusting things)
  2598. 01[01:29] <Lucyne> 3For 1 damage
  2599. 06[01:29] * Ikea can't bring himself to do it
  2600. 01[01:29] <Lucyne> 3It is now Blazing's turn!
  2601. 06[01:31] * BlazingSky peeks out, for only half a second, and subsequently screams. He chucks his axe at one of the spider, praying it dies
  2602. [01:31] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  2603. [01:31] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  2604. 01[01:31] <Lucyne> 3You hit!
  2605. [01:31] <BlazingSky> spiders*
  2606. [01:31] <BlazingSky> !roll 1d6
  2607. [01:31] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  2608. 01[01:32] <Lucyne> 3Chucking your axe at the wounded spider, it is knocked of it's many feet and remains laying, motionless
  2609. [01:32] <Arrant_Hold_> (0 bb)
  2610. [01:32] <Silver_Tongue> (The dice respect cowardice)
  2611. [01:32] <UnifySelf> [gg m8]
  2612. 01[01:32] <Lucyne> 3It is now Lucyne's turn
  2613. 01[01:32] <Lucyne> I attack a random spider with my sword.
  2614. 01[01:32] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  2615. [01:32] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  2616. 01[01:32] <Lucyne> Well then
  2617. 01[01:32] <Lucyne> 3Lucyne misses the disgusting arachnid!
  2618. [01:32] <Ruby_McCoal> (thats what you get by attacking randomly)
  2619. 01[01:33] <Lucyne> 3It is now High Tide's turn!
  2620. [01:33] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Only one died so far?)
  2621. 01[01:33] <Lucyne> (Yes)
  2622. [01:33] <UnifySelf> [all the misses]
  2623. 06[01:33] * Cap`n_HighTide rushes into the remaining spiders, shouting and swinging his sword at one of them as he tries to catch their attention.
  2624. [01:33] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  2625. [01:33] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  2626. [01:33] <Cap`n_HighTide> (kek pls)
  2627. [01:34] <UnifySelf> [why is kek being such a bitch]
  2628. 01[01:34] <Lucyne> You miss any of the chitinous foes
  2629. 01[01:34] <Lucyne> 3It is now Ruby's turn
  2630. 06[01:34] * Ruby_McCoal finally makes a mare of herself and take groud up, only to charge at the vicious beast ahead, pickaxe raised!
  2631. [01:34] <Arrant_Hold_> (GO RUBY DO IT)
  2632. [01:34] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  2633. [01:34] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  2634. 01[01:34] <Lucyne> You hit!
  2635. [01:34] <UnifySelf> [low hit]
  2636. [01:34] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d6
  2637. [01:34] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2638. [01:34] <Arrant_Hold_> (Knock'em out the box)
  2639. [01:34] <Ruby_McCoal> (welp)
  2640. [01:35] <Arrant_Hold_> (...or scratch him)
  2641. [01:35] <UnifySelf> [KEK IS DEAD]
  2642. 01[01:35] <Lucyne> You hit a spider lightly
  2643. 01[01:35] <Lucyne> 3New round, roll init!
  2644. [01:35] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  2645. [01:35] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  2646. [01:35] <Duskie> !roll d20
  2647. [01:35] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  2648. [01:35] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  2649. [01:35] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  2650. [01:35] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  2651. [01:35] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  2652. [01:35] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  2653. [01:35] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  2654. [01:35] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  2655. [01:35] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  2656. [01:35] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  2657. [01:35] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  2658. [01:35] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  2659. [01:35] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  2660. 01[01:35] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  2661. [01:35] <GameServ> 13, 15 == 28
  2662. 01[01:36] <Lucyne> Captain High tide begins the round!
  2663. [01:36] <Ruby_McCoal> (brb moar T)
  2664. [01:37] <Arrant_Hold_> (0 bb Get'em tide)
  2665. 06[01:37] * Cap`n_HighTide keeps on the spiders, stamping around and making lots of noise as he swings his sword again
  2666. [01:37] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  2667. [01:37] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  2668. 06[01:37] * Duskie won't stop shivering
  2669. [01:37] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d8
  2670. [01:37] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  2671. 01[01:37] <Lucyne> 3You hit one of the creatures, slicing off 2 of it's legs!
  2672. [01:37] <Arrant_Hold_> ( d ^_^ b )
  2673. [01:38] <Duskie> (technically it's now an insect)
  2674. 01[01:38] <Lucyne> 3It is now Blazing's turn
  2675. [01:38] <UnifySelf> [kek thier asses]
  2676. [01:38] <BlazingSky> (You said earlier that I could use Wormy, right?
  2677. 01[01:38] <Lucyne> (Not really)
  2678. 01[01:38] <Lucyne> (Makes little sense)
  2679. [01:38] <Ikea> [feed wormy to spiders, get pet upgrade]
  2680. 01[01:39] <Lucyne> (Genius)
  2681. [01:39] <BlazingSky> (Oh. Well then.
  2682. [01:39] <Duskie> (heh...?)
  2683. [01:39] <BlazingSky> (Using him as a psuedo-pokemon might work, otherwise, Blaze is gonna have to grow some balls and grab his axe
  2684. [01:39] <Pretty_Penny> (summon wormy, your pet companion to deal extra damage)
  2685. 01[01:39] <Lucyne> (No pokemans)
  2686. [01:40] <Silver_Tongue> (Lel)
  2687. 06[01:40] * BlazingSky looks towards his axe, and then the spiders, his axe, the spider. He guns it for his axe, and takes it. He then brings it down on the spider next to him, trying his best not to start sceaming, and run away crying
  2688. [01:40] <BlazingSky> !rolld 20
  2689. [01:40] <BlazingSky> !roll d20 *
  2690. [01:40] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  2691. [01:40] <BlazingSky> (Shit.
  2692. [01:40] <UnifySelf> [nope]
  2693. 01[01:41] <Lucyne> 3The spider eyes your inefective attack and retreat at what can only be described by confusion.
  2694. [01:41] <Duskie> (that was glorious, you escaped the 3s)
  2695. [01:41] <Arrant_Hold_> (q O_O p)
  2696. 01[01:41] <Lucyne> 3It is now the spider's turn!
  2697. [01:41] <Ruby_McCoal> (another turn yet?)
  2698. 01[01:41] <Lucyne> 3They randomly attack...Captain and Ruby!
  2699. 01[01:41] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  2700. [01:41] <GameServ> 6, 19 == 25
  2701. 01[01:42] <Lucyne> 3Hitting Ruby!
  2702. [01:42] <Duskie> "ruby!!"
  2703. [01:42] <Arrant_Hold_> ( 'O')
  2704. 01[01:42] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  2705. [01:42] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  2706. [01:42] <BlazingSky> (Ouch
  2707. [01:42] <UnifySelf> [anti-kek]
  2708. 01[01:42] <Lucyne> 3For 4 damage! Roll d20 vs poison
  2709. 06[01:42] * Arrant_Hold_ puts on his RAAAAAAAAAAAGE FACE
  2710. 02[01:42] * Silver_Tongue ( Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  2711. [01:42] <Cap`n_HighTide> >tfw
  2712. [01:42] <Ruby_McCoal> "Thats right, come chow down on these earth flanks you hideous fucks"
  2713. [01:42] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20+4
  2714. [01:42] <GameServ> (2) + 4 == 6
  2715. 06[01:42] * Duskie now shivers from both anger and fear
  2716. [01:42] <Pretty_Penny> kek]
  2717. 03[01:42] * Silver_Tongue ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  2718. 01[01:42] <Lucyne> 3You feel woozy as you sccumb to the poison!
  2719. [01:42] <Ruby_McCoal> (now thats just great)
  2720. [01:42] <Silver_Tongue> (Whoops)
  2721. [01:43] <Arrant_Hold_> (what does poison do?)
  2722. 01[01:43] <Lucyne> (Damage over time)
  2723. [01:43] <Arrant_Hold_> (well, nice knowing you)
  2724. 01[01:43] <Lucyne> 3It is now Silver's turn!
  2725. [01:43] <Ruby_McCoal> (brb in 30 seconds)
  2726. [01:43] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20 to attack the injured spider
  2727. [01:43] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  2728. [01:44] <Duskie> aban fail
  2729. [01:44] <BlazingSky> (where were you when kek was kill
  2730. [01:44] <UnifySelf> [no]
  2731. 01[01:44] <Lucyne> 3Your spade lands hard on the ground, hitting nothing
  2732. [01:44] <Ruby_McCoal> (back)
  2733. 01[01:44] <Lucyne> 3It is now unify's turn
  2734. [01:44] <BlazingSky> (wb
  2735. [01:44] <UnifySelf> "Playtime's over!"
  2736. [01:44] <Quicksilver> [hey Lucy did you ditch the weapon loss rules?]
  2737. [01:44] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20 for magic missle
  2738. [01:44] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  2739. [01:45] <Duskie> \o/
  2740. [01:45] <Duskie> (then nat1)
  2741. 01[01:45] <Lucyne> (Most are reinforced and I forgot)
  2742. 01[01:45] <Lucyne> (Mixture I guess)
  2743. 01[01:45] <Lucyne> Your attack works!
  2744. 01[01:45] <Lucyne> Roll for damage
  2745. 06[01:45] * Ruby_McCoal courage disapears as she notices the large open wound the beast inflicted on her flank.
  2746. [01:45] <UnifySelf> [shit what do i roll again?]
  2747. 01[01:45] <Lucyne> d4
  2748. [01:45] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d4
  2749. [01:45] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2750. [01:45] <Silver_Tongue> "Ruby oh fuck"
  2751. [01:45] <UnifySelf> [fuck u kek]
  2752. [01:45] <Duskie> "ruby...."
  2753. 06[01:46] * Silver_Tongue runs to Ruby
  2754. [01:46] <BlazingSky> (Duskie, you fucking ass.
  2755. [01:46] <Pretty_Penny> dont magic missile got bonus since it has lower acc?)
  2756. 06[01:46] * Ruby_McCoal slowly turn to green as her vision starts to blur, only to come down to a single conclusion
  2757. 01[01:46] <Lucyne> You blast the injured spider to the wall, where it squashes into a messy pulp
  2758. [01:46] <UnifySelf> "Yes!"
  2759. [01:46] <Duskie> (?)
  2760. [01:46] <Ruby_McCoal> "Guys... I'm poisoned."
  2761. [01:46] <BlazingSky> (You called it being a nat1.
  2762. 01[01:46] <Lucyne> (Nope, magic is weak as shit)
  2763. [01:46] <Duskie> (huehuehue)
  2764. 06[01:46] * Silver_Tongue is starting to panic
  2765. 06[01:46] * BlazingSky raises an eyebrow "P-poison?!" [screams internally]
  2766. [01:46] <UnifySelf> "Oh fuck! RUBY!"
  2767. [01:46] <Silver_Tongue> "Where were you bit?"
  2768. 01[01:46] <Lucyne> 3It is now Duskie's turn!
  2769. 06[01:47] * Duskie is filled with anger
  2770. [01:47] <Duskie> !roll d20 for renzokuken!
  2771. [01:47] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  2772. [01:47] <Arrant_Hold_> (i thought it was mine...)
  2773. 01[01:47] <Lucyne> You hit!
  2774. [01:47] <Duskie> !roll d8 for max damage!
  2775. [01:47] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  2776. 01[01:47] <Lucyne> (not quite yet)
  2777. 01[01:47] <Lucyne> 3You stab one of the spiders hard for 5 damage!
  2778. [01:47] <Duskie> (better than my friends nat1)
  2779. [01:47] <Silver_Tongue> "Ruby where's the bite??"
  2780. 01[01:47] <Lucyne> 3It is now Lucyne's turn
  2781. [01:48] <Duskie> "DO IT LUCY!"
  2782. 01[01:48] <Lucyne> I attack the spider with my sword, creative as always
  2783. 01[01:48] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  2784. [01:48] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  2785. 01[01:48] <Lucyne> And as effective as always
  2786. 01[01:48] <Lucyne> 3Lucyne's attack does not connect!
  2787. 01[01:48] <Lucyne> (Did I miss Ikea's turn?)
  2788. [01:48] <Duskie> "damn!"
  2789. [01:48] <BlazingSky> (Get it together, guys
  2790. [01:48] <Duskie> (me wants to band aid ruby)
  2791. [01:49] <Ikea> [no idea, my log shows a 10]
  2792. 01[01:49] <Lucyne> (If you haven't acted it's your turn
  2793. 01[01:49] <Lucyne> (head ache reaching terminal levels)
  2794. [01:49] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 to stab
  2795. [01:49] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  2796. 06[01:49] * Arrant_Hold_ just glares at the spider, and Ruby
  2797. 01[01:49] <Lucyne> 3You barely miss!
  2798. [01:49] <Duskie> "give it some oak and some pine!"
  2799. [01:50] <Duskie> shi
  2800. 01[01:50] <Lucyne> 3It is now Ruby's turn!
  2801. [01:50] <Duskie> :<
  2802. [01:50] <Ikea> "maybe a bookcase called Billy?"
  2803. 01[01:50] <Lucyne> 3The poison doesn't do her well...
  2804. 06[01:50] * Ruby_McCoal , barely keeping herself from throwing up, focuses on balance... and lunge at the remaining spider letting a out loud scream!
  2805. 01[01:50] <Lucyne> !roll 1d3
  2806. [01:50] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2807. [01:50] <Duskie> (lmao)
  2808. 06[01:50] * Silver_Tongue strokes Rubys mane to keep her comfortable "don't worry Ruby"
  2809. 01[01:50] <Lucyne> 3 You also take 1 poison damage
  2810. [01:50] <Duskie> (hp dear?)
  2811. [01:50] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  2812. [01:50] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  2813. 01[01:50] <Lucyne> 3You hit!
  2814. [01:50] <Ruby_McCoal> (now 5)
  2815. 06[01:50] * Duskie moans
  2816. [01:50] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d6 for terminal removal
  2817. [01:50] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  2818. [01:50] <BlazingSky> ( o bby
  2819. 01[01:51] <Lucyne> 3You hit the spider, piercing it's body but it still stands!
  2820. 01[01:51] <Lucyne> 3It is now Arrant's turn!
  2821. [01:51] <Duskie> spiders...
  2822. 06[01:51] * Arrant_Hold_ filled with the power of 1000 RAGING SUN I FUKN WREKS the spider who bit Ruby WITH HIS STICK OF HONOR
  2823. [01:51] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  2824. [01:51] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  2825. [01:51] <Arrant_Hold_> fuak
  2826. [01:51] <UnifySelf> [one off]
  2827. [01:51] <Ruby_McCoal> (earth pone)
  2828. [01:52] <Ruby_McCoal> (master race)
  2829. [01:52] <Duskie> you now know what to do with that sticks of yours
  2830. [01:52] <Arrant_Hold_> I AM AN EARTHPONY
  2831. [01:52] <Arrant_Hold_> +2
  2832. [01:52] <Arrant_Hold_> Right?
  2833. 01[01:52] <Lucyne> 3You hit!
  2834. 01[01:52] <Lucyne> >everyone forgets bonuses constantly
  2835. [01:52] <Duskie> y
  2836. [01:52] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d6 FOR RUBY FOR HONOR FOR FOUR CANNON
  2837. [01:52] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  2838. [01:52] <Ruby_McCoal> (I just need to know that I still hit at 9)
  2839. [01:52] <Arrant_Hold_> BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA
  2840. [01:52] <Arrant_Hold_> BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA
  2841. [01:52] <UnifySelf> [based kek gives one final roll]
  2842. [01:52] <Arrant_Hold_> BOOM
  2843. [01:52] <Ruby_McCoal> (shit m8)
  2844. [01:52] <Duskie> glorious!
  2845. [01:53] <Arrant_Hold_> I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee
  2846. [01:53] <Silver_Tongue> (Rubys fine only 5 up)
  2847. 01[01:53] <Lucyne> 3You thoroughly squish the oversized bug
  2848. [01:53] <Duskie> "ewww..."
  2849. 06[01:53] * Arrant_Hold_ says during his attack
  2850. 01[01:53] <Lucyne> 3The spiders have been defeated!
  2851. [01:53] <Ikea> [taking 1d3 per turn...]
  2852. 06[01:53] * Silver_Tongue starts tending to ruby
  2853. 06[01:53] * Arrant_Hold_ rushes over to Ruby "RUBY! Are you okay?!"
  2854. 01[01:53] <Lucyne> One last poison damage
  2855. 01[01:53] <Lucyne> !roll 1d3
  2856. [01:53] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  2857. 01[01:53] <Lucyne> 1 damage from poison!
  2858. [01:54] <Ikea> [literally, one last damage]
  2859. [01:54] <Silver_Tongue> "Calm down and help me damnit"
  2860. 06[01:54] * Ruby_McCoal pukes out on the floor, obvious red blood tainting the bile
  2861. 06[01:54] * BlazingSky peeks out from behind his hooves "A-are they d-dead..?"
  2862. 06[01:54] * Lucyne pats Ruby
  2863. 01[01:54] <Lucyne> "Good thing you aren't a fly."
  2864. [01:54] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20 to first aid Ruby
  2865. [01:54] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  2866. 06[01:54] * Arrant_Hold_ laughs nervously "Luck for you, I'm always rescuing you, right?"
  2867. [01:54] <Ruby_McCoal> "Cap, I need a bottle now..."
  2868. 01[01:54] <Lucyne> "You aren't it's normal prey, you'll pull through."
  2869. 06[01:54] * Ikea examines the webbings, looking for an egg clutch
  2870. 06[01:54] * Arrant_Hold_ breathes a sigh of relief
  2871. [01:55] <Silver_Tongue> (Shit you didn't Ask my bad)
  2872. 01[01:55] <Lucyne> 3Ruby recovers mostly, still a little nauseautes (yea fuck that word)
  2873. 06[01:55] * Duskie sighs, relieved
  2874. 06[01:55] * Cap`n_HighTide rummages through his saddlebags and produces his third bottle, handing it to Ruby.
  2875. [01:55] <Arrant_Hold_> (that was epic)
  2876. 06[01:55] * BlazingSky stands up, doing his best not to look at the dead spiders
  2877. 06[01:55] * Ruby_McCoal groans at Lucy said, but let out a smirk
  2878. 01[01:55] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20 for da lootz
  2879. 06[01:55] * Silver_Tongue starts collecting webs
  2880. [01:55] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  2881. 06[01:55] * Arrant_Hold_ offers Ruby a hoof to help her stand "Can you stand?"
  2882. 01[01:55] <Lucyne> 3You find some valuable ore and quite some spider silk.
  2883. 06[01:56] * Lucyne collects some Silk for Rain
  2884. [01:56] <Duskie> imb4 spider had a tommy gun
  2885. 06[01:56] * Silver_Tongue takes the silk
  2886. 01[01:56] <Lucyne> !roll 1d100
  2887. [01:56] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  2888. 06[01:56] * Ruby_McCoal without further adue, Ruby grasp generous gulps of the liquor before pouring some over her wound
  2889. [01:56] <Duskie> "..... you can have it all"
  2890. [01:56] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d100
  2891. [01:56] <GameServ> 60 == 60
  2892. 01[01:56] <Lucyne> 3Looking over, you find it to be...Nickel ore!
  2893. 01[01:56] <Lucyne> Silver please, only when called
  2894. [01:57] <Silver_Tongue> (Oh sorry thought we were rolling against each other)
  2895. 01[01:57] <Lucyne> (no prob, was rolling loot)
  2896. [01:57] <Arrant_Hold_> "That... got more intense then it should've..."
  2897. 06[01:57] * Ruby_McCoal offers the bottle to Arrant "I can, but thank you."
  2898. [01:57] <UnifySelf> "That took way more than it should've."
  2899. 01[01:57] <Lucyne> 3Multiple minetracks lead out of this room deeper into the mines
  2900. [01:57] <Silver_Tongue> "I'm gonna have such a nice blanket"
  2901. [01:57] <UnifySelf> "Should we continue?"
  2902. 06[01:57] * Arrant_Hold_ takes the bottle and laughs nervously "Lucky I was there to save you again, eh?"
  2903. 06[01:58] * Duskie watches over Ruby
  2904. 06[01:58] * Cap`n_HighTide wipes his sword on his saddlebags, before checking on Ruby.
  2905. [01:58] <Ruby_McCoal> "I can take a hit Arrant, tho I apreciate how you got rid of this... thing."
  2906. 06[01:58] * Silver_Tongue heads to the right most track and looks it over
  2907. [01:58] <Arrant_Hold_> "Earth pony, master race, eh?"
  2908. 06[01:59] * Arrant_Hold_ laughs while taking a sip from the bottle
  2909. 01[01:59] <Lucyne> 3The tracks seem dusty but in working condition
  2910. [01:59] <Ikea> "While silk makes excellent weaves, it is rather useless as blankets, holding barely any heat" no emotion in his voice
  2911. [01:59] <Silver_Tongue> "Your Welcome Ruby!"
  2912. 06[01:59] * BlazingSky takes his axe, and continues to walk
  2913. 06[01:59] * Arrant_Hold_ groans "this is gonna be tougher then I thought..."
  2914. 06[01:59] * Ruby_McCoal grins hearing this, as she cleans her pick "Lets move on"
  2915. 06[01:59] * Duskie finally stops shivering
  2916. [01:59] <Duskie> "I HATE spiders
  2917. [01:59] <Duskie> "
  2918. 06[01:59] * Arrant_Hold_ nods with a smile "Right. On we go!'
  2919. [01:59] <Silver_Tongue> "Guys this way"
  2920. 01[02:00] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  2921. [02:00] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  2922. [02:00] <Duskie> "Let's leave this place"
  2923. 01[02:00] <Lucyne> 3Otherwise, ther is nothing intersting to see here
  2924. 06[02:00] * Silver_Tongue sets off down the tunnels
  2925. 06[02:00] * Arrant_Hold_ follows Silver "Let's go kill us some chickens!"
  2926. [02:00] <UnifySelf> "I don't really care where we go at this point." *follows Silver*
  2927. 06[02:00] * BlazingSky looks at Duskie "Don't like spiders either?"
  2928. 01[02:00] <Lucyne> "Hm, I hope we actually find more cockatrices in this labyrinth"
  2929. [02:00] <Silver_Tongue> (So nothing here?)
  2930. 01[02:01] <Lucyne> 3You follow the tracks down a little coming across an abandoned minecart
  2931. [02:01] <Arrant_Hold_> "I hope we've cleared them all out. However... knowing our rotten luck..."
  2932. [02:01] <Duskie> "I can't stand them.... since forever"
  2933. 01[02:01] <Lucyne> 3It holds nothing
  2934. [02:01] <UnifySelf> "Maybe someone could ride it?"
  2935. 06[02:01] * BlazingSky shiver "Rrgh.. Me too, I can't stand the little bastards
  2936. [02:01] <BlazingSky> "
  2937. [02:01] <Silver_Tongue> "Any body want a ride in the mine art?"
  2938. [02:01] <Duskie> "considering the tracks aren't safe we shouldn't"
  2939. [02:01] <UnifySelf> "I was only joking."
  2940. 01[02:01] <Lucyne> 3You aren't sure if that would be safe, minecarts are meant for heavy loads and low speed
  2941. [02:01] <Ruby_McCoal> "I'd ride any mine art, no carts however"
  2942. 06[02:02] * Arrant_Hold_ groans "My suspicions are confirmed. We ARE descending into hell."
  2943. 06[02:02] * Silver_Tongue ignored it and presses on"
  2944. [02:02] <UnifySelf> "More like Silent Cave."
  2945. 03[02:02] * Recon_ (webchat@ has joined #FourCannonPnP
  2946. 06[02:02] * Cap`n_HighTide glances around the cave as he presses on.
  2947. [02:02] <Silver_Tongue> "Boo"
  2948. 06[02:02] * Duskie steps further
  2949. 01[02:02] <Lucyne> 3You continue along the mines
  2950. [02:02] <Recon_> (Tell us when you start these things)
  2951. 06[02:02] * Arrant_Hold_ keeps going
  2952. [02:02] <Quicksilver> [ride the minecart fgt]
  2953. [02:03] <Quicksilver> [do what i could not]
  2954. [02:03] <Silver_Tongue> "How's the bite Ruby?"
  2955. 01[02:03] <Lucyne> 3The unreinforced ceilings make you all a little nervous
  2956. 06[02:03] * BlazingSky hops into the minecart "anyone wanna push me?"
  2957. [02:03] <Arrant_Hold_> "We might want to get out..."
  2958. [02:03] <Ruby_McCoal> "Seen better days, Silver."
  2959. [02:03] <UnifySelf> "Flips gonna flip out when she sees this."
  2960. [02:03] <Duskie> "try not to touch the beams whatever happens guys"
  2961. [02:03] <Silver_Tongue> "You need any more first aid Ruby?"
  2962. [02:03] <Ikea> "yup"
  2963. [02:04] <Ruby_McCoal> "Could use some bandages to cover up the wound. Would be a shame if it infected again."
  2964. [02:04] <BlazingSky> "H-hey! Wait up!" he jumps out of the cart, and trots up with the group
  2965. 06[02:04] * Lucyne hands Ruby the las tbandage
  2966. 01[02:04] <Lucyne> "here you go."
  2967. [02:04] <Silver_Tongue> "Any body got any bandages?"
  2968. [02:04] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d4
  2969. [02:04] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  2970. 06[02:04] * Arrant_Hold_ says smugly with a smil "Now, Silver, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you'd just want to touch her flank."
  2971. 03[02:04] * Recon_ (webchat@ has left #FourCannonPnP
  2972. [02:04] <Arrant_Hold_> *smile
  2973. [02:05] <Ruby_McCoal> "Thank you much Lucy, I needed that."
  2974. [02:05] <Duskie> "good"
  2975. [02:05] <Silver_Tongue> "Eh that's a given Arrant, but her dying, not on my agenda"
  2976. [02:05] <Duskie> (8hp?)
  2977. 01[02:05] <Lucyne> "No problem, thank Rain later for her weaving skills."
  2978. [02:05] <Arrant_Hold_> "No one is going to die down here."
  2979. [02:05] <Arrant_Hold_> "We'll make sure of that."
  2980. [02:05] <Silver_Tongue> "We'll besides the monsters"
  2981. [02:05] <Ruby_McCoal> *signs of relief appeared on Ruby's face as soon as she applied the bandages
  2982. 01[02:05] <Lucyne> 3The tunnel winds further downwards
  2983. 01[02:06] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  2984. [02:06] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  2985. [02:06] <Arrant_Hold_> "Well, yeah. Monsters and such."
  2986. 01[02:06] <Lucyne> 3You here a faint clocking and clawing
  2987. [02:06] <Silver_Tongue> "You gonna be alright there Ruby?"
  2988. 01[02:06] <Lucyne> 3Hear, even
  2989. 06[02:06] * Ikea smiles weakly at Ruby'r wounds being cared for
  2990. [02:06] <Ruby_McCoal> (7hp)
  2991. [02:06] <Duskie> "that'd be cockatrixes"
  2992. 06[02:06] * UnifySelf readies himself. "I hear something."
  2993. 06[02:06] * BlazingSky continues on "So, Drinks at Cherenkov's after thi- ..What's that?"
  2994. [02:06] <Arrant_Hold_> "She'll be fine."
  2995. [02:06] <Silver_Tongue> "Fuck"
  2996. [02:06] <Ruby_McCoal> "Alright guys, this is it. Ready yourselves."
  2997. [02:06] <Arrant_Hold_> "She's a tough nut."
  2998. 01[02:06] <Lucyne> "Everyone get ready..."
  2999. 06[02:06] * Cap`n_HighTide frowns, peering down the hall.
  3000. 06[02:06] * Arrant_Hold_ readies stick
  3001. 06[02:06] * Silver_Tongue pulls out David SPADE and waits
  3002. 06[02:07] * Duskie readies her sword
  3003. 06[02:07] * BlazingSky readies his woodcutter axe
  3004. 01[02:07] <Lucyne> 3Carefully inching your way forwards, you see the single cockatrice at the end of the tunnel, nearby 2 diamond dog...shells? They both have holes and their inner is empty
  3005. 06[02:07] * Ruby_McCoal 's polivalent mining and removal tool is now brough to her mouth, ready as ever
  3006. 01[02:07] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3007. [02:07] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  3008. 01[02:07] <Lucyne> 3the cockatrice notices you!
  3009. 01[02:08] <Lucyne> 3Roll init!
  3010. [02:08] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  3011. [02:08] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  3012. [02:08] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  3013. [02:08] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  3014. [02:08] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  3015. [02:08] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  3016. [02:08] <Duskie> !roll d20
  3017. [02:08] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  3018. [02:08] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  3019. [02:08] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  3020. [02:08] <Ruby_McCoal> (3s)
  3021. [02:08] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  3022. [02:08] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  3023. [02:08] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  3024. [02:08] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  3025. [02:08] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  3026. [02:08] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  3027. [02:08] <Duskie> (me 3?)
  3028. [02:08] <Cap`n_HighTide> (fuck)
  3029. [02:08] <Duskie> (fuck you threes!)
  3030. [02:08] <Quicksilver> [lucky its iit eh cap'n]
  3031. [02:08] <BlazingSky> (I got the 3
  3032. 01[02:08] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  3033. [02:08] <GameServ> 8, 10 == 18
  3034. [02:08] <Ruby_McCoal> (all I wanted was not the >3)
  3035. 01[02:09] <Lucyne> Unify begins the round!
  3036. [02:09] <Cap`n_HighTide> (all I want to do is tank the hits :c)
  3037. [02:09] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20 for advanced horn stabbing
  3038. [02:09] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  3039. [02:09] <Ruby_McCoal> (I'm actually better at getting hits I guess.)
  3040. [02:09] <Ruby_McCoal> (being earth pone and all)
  3041. [02:09] <Arrant_Hold_> (its the sign of progress)
  3042. 01[02:09] <Lucyne> 3It is more of the standard variant
  3043. [02:09] <Duskie> normal horn stabbing: stabbing with horn, advanced horn stabbing: stabbing with horn
  3044. [02:09] <Cap`n_HighTide> (oh no you didn't)
  3045. [02:10] <Arrant_Hold_> (We're growing up ;_; We're actually growing up ;_;)
  3046. [02:10] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d4
  3047. [02:10] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  3048. 01[02:10] <Lucyne> 3You harshly sab the creature!
  3049. 01[02:10] <Lucyne> 3Roll d20
  3050. [02:10] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  3051. [02:10] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  3052. [02:10] <UnifySelf> [OH SHIT]
  3053. [02:10] <Ruby_McCoal> (lel)
  3054. [02:10] <Duskie> ..............
  3055. [02:10] <BlazingSky> (oh god lucy
  3056. 01[02:10] <Lucyne> 3You gaze it directly in the eyes!
  3057. [02:10] <Arrant_Hold_> [stoning intensifies]
  3058. [02:10] <Duskie> love at first sight~
  3059. 01[02:10] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  3060. [02:10] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  3061. 01[02:10] <Lucyne> 3For 6 damage!
  3062. [02:10] <Duskie> OMG
  3063. [02:10] <UnifySelf> [1 hp- i be fucked up]
  3064. 06[02:10] * BlazingSky glares at Duskie, making a joke at a time like this
  3065. [02:11] <Duskie> UNIFY!
  3066. [02:11] <Silver_Tongue> "Well he's boned"
  3067. [02:11] <Quicksilver> [stoned*]
  3068. [02:11] <Ruby_McCoal> "Goddamnit Unify! That what happen when you try to head bump it!"
  3069. [02:11] <BlazingSky> "UNI!, shit, someone get him in cover!"
  3070. [02:11] <Silver_Tongue> (Fucking quicksilver)
  3071. 01[02:11] <Lucyne> 3It is now Duskie's turn
  3072. [02:11] <Ruby_McCoal> (>tfw Uni was the light carrier)
  3073. [02:11] <Arrant_Hold_> "God damn it!"
  3074. [02:11] <Arrant_Hold_> (>tfw Uni is now obsolete because of lamps)
  3075. 01[02:11] <Lucyne> (is uni unconscious?)
  3076. [02:11] <Duskie> !roll d20 for zantetsuken
  3077. [02:11] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  3078. [02:11] <BlazingSky> (Oh shit. So we're in the dark now?
  3079. [02:11] <BlazingSky> (si
  3080. [02:12] <UnifySelf> [no 1 hp left]
  3081. 01[02:12] <Lucyne> (Then you are blind!)
  3082. [02:12] <BlazingSky> ( Er.. Nevermind
  3083. [02:12] <UnifySelf> [Close though]
  3084. 01[02:12] <Lucyne> (50% miss chance)
  3085. 01[02:12] <Lucyne> (Ok, then not)
  3086. 01[02:12] <Lucyne> 3You hti!
  3087. 01[02:12] <Lucyne> 3hit, even
  3088. [02:12] <Duskie> !roll d8 for unify!
  3089. [02:12] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  3090. [02:12] <UnifySelf> [I'm not obilete, you guys don't have anything that can make fire, so you can't light the lamps]
  3091. 01[02:12] <Lucyne> 3You slice at the creature, sending feathers flying
  3092. [02:13] <Arrant_Hold_> (We can try.)
  3093. 01[02:13] <Lucyne> 3Roll d20
  3094. [02:13] <UnifySelf> [*Obsolete]
  3095. [02:13] <BlazingSky> (Oh right, Wormy is carrying a lamp, so are a few others
  3096. [02:13] <Duskie> !roll d20 of luck
  3097. [02:13] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  3098. [02:13] <Arrant_Hold_> (At least we wont be able to look at the cocks)
  3099. [02:13] <Ruby_McCoal> (flint and steel m8)
  3100. 01[02:13] <Lucyne> 3The dice gods have truly forsaken ye
  3101. 01[02:13] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  3102. [02:13] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  3103. [02:13] <UnifySelf> [where'd you get those then]
  3104. [02:13] <Ikea> [and wasting lamp oil on lighting when magic is better is just stupid]
  3105. 01[02:13] <Lucyne> 3You take 1 damage!
  3106. [02:13] <Duskie> (\o/)
  3107. [02:13] <BlazingSky> (Next to the 4 statue.
  3108. [02:13] <Duskie> (5hp though)
  3109. 06[02:13] * Duskie pants
  3110. 01[02:14] <Lucyne> 3It is now Silver's turn
  3111. 06[02:14] * UnifySelf feels cold as he starts to petrify
  3112. [02:14] <Quicksilver> [uni...]
  3113. [02:14] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20 to put the smack down on his candyass
  3114. [02:14] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  3115. 01[02:14] <Lucyne> 3Hit!
  3116. [02:14] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d6
  3117. [02:14] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  3118. 01[02:15] <Lucyne> 3You hit the creature hard, it is very wounded!
  3119. 01[02:15] <Lucyne> 3Roll d20
  3120. [02:15] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20 to blind swordsman
  3121. [02:15] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  3122. [02:15] <Duskie> no kfc will hurt unify and survive to enjoy it
  3123. 01[02:15] <Lucyne> 3So close
  3124. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  3125. [02:16] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  3126. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> 3You take 3 damage!
  3127. [02:16] <Silver_Tongue> "Ah damnit that's the second time!"
  3128. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> 3It is now the cockatrices turn!
  3129. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> 3It attacks...Lucyne!
  3130. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3131. [02:16] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  3132. [02:16] <Duskie> :<
  3133. [02:16] <UnifySelf> [thank you based gm]
  3134. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> 3It hits!
  3135. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> !roll 1d3
  3136. [02:16] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  3137. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3138. [02:16] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  3139. 01[02:17] <Lucyne> 3It pecks Lucyne harshly for 3 damage!
  3140. 06[02:17] * Lucyne is very hurt
  3141. [02:17] <Duskie> "Oh no lucyne!"
  3142. [02:17] <BlazingSky> "Lucy! Are you okay?!"
  3143. 01[02:17] <Lucyne> 3It is now Arrant's turn
  3144. [02:17] <Quicksilver> [;_;]
  3145. 01[02:17] <Lucyne> "Could be better."
  3146. 06[02:17] * Lucyne grasps at the gushing wound
  3147. [02:17] <Silver_Tongue> "Maybe we should start bringing a medic with us"
  3148. 06[02:17] * Arrant_Hold_ shouts "LET MY STICK STRIKE TRUE WITH HONOR!" and then twhacks the cock with his stick
  3149. [02:18] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20 "Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru"
  3150. [02:18] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  3151. 06[02:18] * BlazingSky slides to Lucyne, and presses a hoof against her wound, trying to stop the blood
  3152. [02:18] <Silver_Tongue> (Ha)
  3153. 01[02:18] <Lucyne> 3But you miss!
  3154. [02:18] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20 to avoid gaze
  3155. [02:18] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  3156. [02:18] <UnifySelf> [Shamfur Disprey]
  3157. 01[02:18] <Lucyne> 3But avoid it's gaze!
  3158. [02:18] <Duskie> (better him attacking the cock with his stick than him attacking the stick with his cock)
  3159. [02:18] <Ruby_McCoal> (good, at least you didnt looked)
  3160. 01[02:18] <Lucyne> 3It is now Lucyne's turn!
  3161. [02:18] <Arrant_Hold_> (amen to that. I can't afford weed.)
  3162. 01[02:18] <Lucyne> The smart thing to do would be to retread
  3163. [02:18] <Arrant_Hold_> (ba dum tish)
  3164. 01[02:19] <Lucyne> Nope stab with sword
  3165. 01[02:19] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3166. [02:19] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  3167. 01[02:19] <Lucyne> 3hit!
  3168. 01[02:19] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3169. [02:19] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  3170. [02:19] <Ruby_McCoal> (>logical thinking)
  3171. 01[02:19] <Lucyne> 3Not avoided
  3172. 01[02:19] <Lucyne> !roll 1d8
  3173. [02:19] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  3174. 01[02:19] <Lucyne> Ah hell
  3175. [02:19] <Arrant_Hold_> >get a load of this guy, wanting to run)
  3176. [02:19] <BlazingSky> (Oi fuck
  3177. [02:19] <Duskie> sounds about the same anyway
  3178. 01[02:20] <Lucyne> 3Lucyne brings her sword around in a mighty arc, decapitating the creature, but not before meeting it's deadly stare.
  3179. [02:20] <Silver_Tongue> "Is it dead?"
  3180. 01[02:20] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  3181. [02:20] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  3182. 01[02:20] <Lucyne> "That one's for Quicksilver."
  3183. 01[02:20] <Lucyne> 3You have defeated the cockatrice!
  3184. [02:20] <Silver_Tongue> "Jesus Lucyne someone help her"
  3185. 06[02:20] * Ruby_McCoal runs up toward the expedition leader"Lucy!"
  3186. [02:20] <Duskie> "we did it!"
  3187. 06[02:21] * Lucyne shakes her head and wobbles a little
  3188. 06[02:21] * Arrant_Hold_ goes help Lucy.
  3189. 06[02:21] * Silver_Tongue searches for loot
  3190. [02:21] <BlazingSky> "Do we have any more meds?!"
  3191. 01[02:21] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3192. [02:21] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  3193. [02:21] <Ikea> "Luce, you ok?"
  3194. [02:21] <Duskie> "how are your wounds lucy?]
  3195. 01[02:21] <Lucyne> 3You find that nickel ore can be found here!
  3196. [02:21] <Ikea> [hp check]
  3197. [02:21] <Duskie> "*
  3198. [02:21] <UnifySelf> [>tfw you have the lowest health and they goe help someone else]
  3199. [02:21] <Quicksilver> [use the heal potion i gave you girl]
  3200. 06[02:21] * Silver_Tongue takes some nickel ore
  3201. [02:21] <Arrant_Hold_> [10 HP - Ready for Action!]
  3202. 06[02:21] * Lucyne is severely wounded, she leaks blood from multiple wounds and it the color of a ghost
  3203. 01[02:21] <Lucyne> (1)
  3204. [02:21] <UnifySelf> "Uhh...guys. I think i got fucked up a bit more than i realized."
  3205. [02:21] <Duskie> (I hit him in your name unify, even if you're not my hero anymore)
  3206. [02:21] <UnifySelf> [my 1 hp nigga]
  3207. [02:21] <Silver_Tongue> (5)
  3208. [02:22] <BlazingSky> (8.
  3209. [02:22] <Ruby_McCoal> (7)
  3210. [02:22] <UnifySelf> [why no hero]
  3211. 06[02:22] * Ikea gathers some silk from the pile and fashions a crude pad for Lucy's wound
  3212. [02:22] <Arrant_Hold_> "We need to get out of here. We're battered, and injured. We did all we could for today."
  3213. [02:22] <Duskie> (5)
  3214. [02:22] <Silver_Tongue> "Guys we gotta get out if here while we can"
  3215. 06[02:22] * Lucyne smiles to Ikea
  3216. 01[02:22] <Lucyne> "Thanks."
  3217. 06[02:22] * BlazingSky places a hoof on one of her many wounds, trying to stop the blood
  3218. [02:22] <Ruby_McCoal> "We dont need any hero now, hel those two back up asap!"
  3219. 06[02:22] * Cap`n_HighTide rummages through his saddlebags and produces his last drink, sitting down beside Unify and offering it.
  3220. [02:22] <Ikea> "Silk in anti microbial, so this should help with both the bleeding and infection"
  3221. 01[02:22] <Lucyne> 3But no heals because cruel GM is masochistic
  3222. [02:22] <Arrant_Hold_> "We need to get out of here, now. For now at least."
  3223. 06[02:23] * UnifySelf takes the drink
  3224. 06[02:23] * Silver_Tongue leans down "Put Lucyne on my back ill carry her"
  3225. 06[02:23] * UnifySelf 's movements are stiff
  3226. 06[02:23] * Lucyne walks ahead
  3227. [02:23] <BlazingSky> (KEK
  3228. 01[02:23] <Lucyne> "I'm quite fine Silver, I appreciate the offer."
  3229. 06[02:23] * Ikea warmly returns the smile, gaze lingering slightly
  3230. 06[02:23] * Arrant_Hold_ helps Unify move "Come on, you big rock!"
  3231. 01[02:23] <Lucyne> "Come on ye'all, we need to get out of here."
  3232. 06[02:23] * BlazingSky gets up, and trots forward
  3233. 06[02:23] * Arrant_Hold_ says more urgently than sarcastically"
  3234. [02:23] <Silver_Tongue> "Lucyne I can see the blood dripping please just let me help you"
  3235. 01[02:23] <Lucyne> [forebodding intensifies]
  3236. [02:23] <UnifySelf> "Let's...get...moving."
  3237. [02:24] <Arrant_Hold_> "Ruby, help me move Unify."
  3238. 06[02:24] * Lucyne is a stubborn woman that don't need ne man
  3239. [02:24] <Duskie> "you're right, it's getting too risky"
  3240. 06[02:24] * Ruby_McCoal gallops to Lucyne "You stay back, aint wanting you fall into a hole in the stade you are!"
  3241. 06[02:24] * Lucyne smiles and drops back, letting the others go ahead
  3242. 06[02:24] * Silver_Tongue gets infront of Lucyne "either I carry you awake or carry you knock out Lucyne"
  3243. [02:24] <Ruby_McCoal> "I take point, lets go."
  3244. 06[02:24] * Duskie takes the lead
  3245. 06[02:24] * Cap`n_HighTide gets back up and sighs, and keeps his sword at the ready. "Stay back, and I'll take point."
  3246. 06[02:24] * Ikea walks after Lucy, keeping vigilant watch for any stumbles, ready to assist
  3247. 06[02:24] * Cap`n_HighTide frowns at Ruby, cocking his head to one side.
  3248. 01[02:25] <Lucyne> (jesus fuck I feel like I'm some kind of petite flower)
  3249. 06[02:25] * Arrant_Hold_ carries Unify
  3250. [02:25] <Ikea> [1 hp...]
  3251. [02:25] <Ikea> [also IC]
  3252. [02:25] <UnifySelf> "T...Thanks"
  3253. [02:25] <Silver_Tongue> "I have a code to uphold and I refuse to break it"
  3254. 01[02:25] <Lucyne> (It's cute, it really is guys)
  3255. 06[02:25] * Arrant_Hold_ says smiling "No problem."
  3256. [02:25] <Duskie> (how does it feel to be a petite flower?)
  3257. 01[02:25] <Lucyne> 3You continue your march back.
  3258. [02:25] <Ikea> "Silver, she wants to walk on her own, drop it"
  3259. [02:25] <Ruby_McCoal> "Stay with them High, dont want anything catching us from behind."
  3260. 01[02:25] <Lucyne> (Painful)
  3261. 06[02:26] * BlazingSky sighs, and lets everyone else watch Lucy, as Blaze takes point
  3262. [02:26] <Arrant_Hold_> (And whats that code Silver? Help all the girls so you can fuck them? Hue hue)
  3263. [02:26] <BlazingSky> (lel
  3264. [02:26] <Ruby_McCoal> (top lel)
  3265. [02:26] <UnifySelf> [hue]
  3266. [02:26] <Silver_Tongue> "Ikea you can see she's in pain I just want to help her"
  3267. [02:26] <Duskie> (I won't let you guys guet hurt again)
  3268. 06[02:26] * Lucyne rolls her eyes
  3269. 06[02:26] * Cap`n_HighTide looks hurt. "Why can't you stay with them? You took a spiderbite to the ass!"
  3270. 01[02:26] <Lucyne> "Really Silver, that is sweet,"
  3271. [02:26] <Silver_Tongue> (No friends die if I can help it)
  3272. [02:26] <Ikea> "And you can tell she want to walk."
  3273. 01[02:26] <Lucyne> "But I'm fine."
  3274. 06[02:27] * Cap`n_HighTide is trotting in front with Ruby, practically racing with her.
  3275. [02:27] <Pretty_Penny> [good job, none of you died which is a great feat]
  3276. [02:27] <Arrant_Hold_> "Cap'n, Ruby's my friend to, but trust me on this, she's a strong mare."
  3277. [02:27] <Silver_Tongue> "Fine hurt your self more"
  3278. 01[02:27] <Lucyne> (Oh the ride isn't over yet(
  3279. [02:27] <Ikea> "I appreciate that you want to help, but you shouldn't deny her wishes to do so"
  3280. 06[02:27] * Ruby_McCoal ,noticing Cap, raises the pace she's moving
  3281. [02:27] <BlazingSky> (That isn't necessarily a code, Silver
  3282. 06[02:27] * Arrant_Hold_ still carrying Unify "How you holding up?"
  3283. [02:27] <Duskie> "right, moving on!"
  3284. [02:27] <Quicksilver> [lucy if you die, i will kill you]
  3285. 01[02:27] <Lucyne> "Oi you too, stay in formation."
  3286. [02:27] <Ruby_McCoal> "Its not the time for that Cap, and you know it."
  3287. 01[02:27] <Lucyne> (<3 you too Quick)
  3288. [02:27] <Duskie> "the sooner we can treat those wounds the better"
  3289. 06[02:28] * Silver_Tongue gets in the center of the group
  3290. 06[02:28] * Cap`n_HighTide frowns stubbornly. "I agree."
  3291. 01[02:28] <Lucyne> 3The group reaches the ore procession room again
  3292. [02:28] <Arrant_Hold_> "How you holding up, Unify?"
  3293. 06[02:28] * Silver_Tongue walks up Cap "hey Cap"
  3294. 01[02:28] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3295. [02:28] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  3296. [02:28] <UnifySelf> "I...It...It's fucking cold in h-here."
  3297. 06[02:28] * Duskie searches for spiders above
  3298. 01[02:28] <Lucyne> 3You hear nothing
  3299. [02:29] <Duskie> "fucking disgusting 8 legged bugs"
  3300. [02:29] <Ruby_McCoal> "Be on the lookout, dont want those rust monsters geting us..."
  3301. [02:29] <Silver_Tongue> "Cap'n?"
  3302. [02:29] <Arrant_Hold_> "Don't worry, we'll get you out of here and back in the Inn and fill you up with some nice warming booze."
  3303. [02:29] <BlazingSky> "Hey Uni? I got a present for ya then." he drops one of the towels from before onto his back
  3304. [02:29] <Arrant_Hold_> "Hows that sound?"
  3305. [02:29] <UnifySelf> "Thanks."
  3306. [02:29] <BlazingSky> "It isn't much, I know, but it should keep you warm to some degree, right?"
  3307. [02:29] <UnifySelf> "It helped a lot."
  3308. [02:29] <Arrant_Hold_> "I think today went pretty well, myself."
  3309. [02:29] <Duskie> (always bring a towel on an adventure)
  3310. 06[02:29] * Ikea throws a quick, hurt glance at Dusk but quickly recovers his facade
  3311. 06[02:30] * Arrant_Hold_ keeps walking along, carrying Uni.
  3312. [02:30] <UnifySelf> "It was all good until that fucking asshole bird decided to fucking turn me into stone."
  3313. 01[02:30] <Lucyne> 3You turn the corner towards the castle and all immediately lose all color in your faces
  3314. [02:30] <Duskie> (?)
  3315. 06[02:30] * Silver_Tongue chuckles at Unity
  3316. [02:30] <UnifySelf> "What is i...OH FUCK NO!"
  3317. 06[02:30] * BlazingSky turns the corner towards the castle and loses all color in his face
  3318. 01[02:30] <Lucyne> 3At the end of the tunnel before you stands a Rust Monster, it must have followed you!
  3319. 01[02:30] <Lucyne> 3But that's not the problem
  3320. [02:30] <Silver_Tongue> (Mindflayer)
  3321. [02:31] <Ikea> [arachnophile... you might have noticed he likes odd animals...]
  3322. 01[02:31] <Lucyne> 3It has found something to eat...
  3323. 01[02:31] <Lucyne> 3The nails of the support beams
  3324. [02:31] <Cap`n_HighTide> "...Oh."
  3325. [02:31] <Arrant_Hold_> "RUN!"
  3326. [02:31] <Quicksilver> [fly you fools...]
  3327. [02:31] <Ruby_McCoal> "Oh noes..."
  3328. [02:31] <UnifySelf> "OH HELL! G-GET OUT! NOW!"
  3329. [02:31] <BlazingSky> "Uh oh."
  3330. [02:31] <Silver_Tongue> "Run"
  3331. [02:31] <Ikea> ".... ohh shit...."
  3332. [02:31] <Duskie> (NAILS nooooooooooooes!)
  3333. 01[02:31] <Lucyne> "RUN!"
  3334. [02:31] <BlazingSky> !roll d20 to fly
  3335. [02:31] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  3336. 06[02:31] * Arrant_Hold_ makes like a banana and split!
  3337. [02:31] <Duskie> "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"
  3338. 01[02:31] <Lucyne> 3You NOPE the fuck out of there and RUN
  3339. 06[02:31] * Arrant_Hold_ carring Uni of course
  3340. 06[02:31] * BlazingSky runs like ever-loving fuck
  3341. 06[02:31] * Duskie helps unify along arrant hold
  3342. 01[02:31] <Lucyne> 3You hear the ominous rumbling of falling rock behind you
  3343. [02:32] <Arrant_Hold_> (Fly you fools...)
  3344. 06[02:32] * Silver_Tongue bolts out
  3345. 01[02:32] <Lucyne> "THE ENTIRE THING'S COMING DOWN."
  3346. [02:32] <Arrant_Hold_> (GAAAAAAAAAAAANDALF!)
  3347. [02:32] <Silver_Tongue> "Hurry up!"
  3348. 06[02:32] * BlazingSky flaps his wings, in a futile attempt to run faster
  3349. [02:32] <Quicksilver> [yes that was the reference...]
  3350. [02:32] <Ruby_McCoal> "Keep going! Come on, COME ON!"
  3351. 06[02:32] * Cap`n_HighTide trails behind, keeping an eye on the ceiling.
  3352. 01[02:32] <Lucyne> 3You run down the minetunnels, having no where else to go
  3353. 06[02:32] * Arrant_Hold_ keeps running
  3354. 06[02:32] * UnifySelf holds on with all his might
  3355. 06[02:32] * Duskie pants and runs
  3356. [02:32] <Ruby_McCoal> (right where the spiders were?)
  3357. 06[02:32] * Silver_Tongue just runst to the ones we know keep going
  3358. 01[02:33] <Lucyne> 3The rumbling becomes thunder as gigantic boulders fall from the ceiling
  3359. [02:33] <Duskie> (we've gone beyond the spider point)
  3360. 06[02:33] * Arrant_Hold_ keeps running
  3361. [02:33] <Duskie> "Watch out!"
  3362. 01[02:33] <Lucyne> 3With a gigantic shockwave, you are all knocked off your feet
  3363. [02:33] <Arrant_Hold_> (with Uni, of course)
  3364. 01[02:33] <Lucyne> 3And it becomes silent again
  3365. [02:33] <BlazingSky> "GOOOOOO!"
  3366. [02:33] <Duskie> hooves*
  3367. [02:33] <Silver_Tongue> "Jesus watch your head"
  3368. 06[02:33] * UnifySelf gives out a pained groan
  3369. [02:33] <Ikea> "ooof"
  3370. 06[02:33] * Silver_Tongue sits up "oh no"
  3371. 01[02:33] <Lucyne> "Everyone all right? Headcount!"
  3372. 06[02:33] * Ruby_McCoal gets herself up, coughting up dirt
  3373. 01[02:33] <Lucyne> "One!"
  3374. [02:33] <Silver_Tongue> "Two"
  3375. [02:33] <Ikea> "Two!"
  3376. [02:33] <UnifySelf> "Ech."
  3377. 06[02:33] * Arrant_Hold_ ughs as he gets up to his feet
  3378. [02:34] <Duskie> "I.. I'm alive.. I think)
  3379. 01[02:34] <Lucyne> "We are good at this."
  3380. [02:34] <Duskie> "
  3381. [02:34] <Ikea> "Three, then"
  3382. 06[02:34] * BlazingSky lets out a measly "T-three"
  3383. 02[02:34] * Nova_FLux[FU] ( Quit
  3384. 06[02:34] * Cap`n_HighTide groans, getting to his feet. "Four!"
  3385. [02:34] <BlazingSky> "er.. four"
  3386. [02:34] <Ruby_McCoal> "Still kicking"
  3387. [02:34] <BlazingSky> "..five"
  3388. [02:34] <UnifySelf> "Six"
  3389. [02:34] <Silver_Tongue> "Oh shit were trapped"
  3390. 06[02:34] * Lucyne gets up and coughs profusely
  3391. [02:34] <Arrant_Hold_> "I'm up."
  3392. 01[02:34] <Lucyne> "Ok, we seem to have everyone..."
  3393. [02:34] <UnifySelf> "Trapped? Fuck this, I'm done."
  3394. [02:34] <Ruby_McCoal> "Where are we?"
  3395. 06[02:34] * Silver_Tongue climbs over and helps Lucyne to her hooves
  3396. 01[02:35] <Lucyne> 3The cavein interestingly did not collapse the entire spider room
  3397. [02:35] <BlazingSky> "T-trapped?:
  3398. [02:35] <BlazingSky> "
  3399. 06[02:35] * Lucyne takes Silver's hoof
  3400. 01[02:35] <Lucyne> "Thanks."
  3401. 06[02:35] * Silver_Tongue examines the room
  3402. 06[02:35] * Arrant_Hold_ helps Uni.
  3403. [02:35] <Duskie> "we must get out asap"
  3404. [02:35] <Ruby_McCoal> (so spider room I assume?)
  3405. [02:35] <Arrant_Hold_> "Still petrified?"
  3406. [02:35] <Silver_Tongue> "No prob Lucyne"
  3407. [02:35] <UnifySelf> "Thanks. How do we get out?"
  3408. 01[02:35] <Lucyne> 3Looking around, the entrance you came from is completely blocked
  3409. [02:35] <UnifySelf> [as long as i'm at 1 hp, i'll sill act petrified]
  3410. [02:36] <Silver_Tongue> "What about the Cockatrice door)
  3411. [02:36] <Ikea> "if this room survived the cascade, it should hold for now, Dusk"
  3412. 06[02:36] * BlazingSky climbs up onto the pile of rocks, and starts fruitlessly digging
  3413. [02:36] <Arrant_Hold_> "Everypony, can we push that boulder?"
  3414. [02:36] <UnifySelf> "Yeah, takes a while to become un-fucked from what happened to me."
  3415. 01[02:36] <Lucyne> 3The three tunnels to the mines are still open
  3416. [02:36] <Arrant_Hold_> "Well, don't worry, we're still gonna get out of here."
  3417. [02:36] <Ruby_McCoal> "No point Arrant, the passagge is sealed."
  3418. 01[02:36] <Lucyne> 3It is impossible to move this amount of rubble
  3419. [02:36] <Duskie> "If we encounter one more foe we could have somepony really wounded"
  3420. [02:36] <Silver_Tongue> "Guys we may have to head deeper"
  3421. [02:36] <Arrant_Hold_> "Looks like its to the mines.."
  3422. [02:36] <Ikea> "... well, so much for using the diamond dog mining tracks
  3423. 06[02:36] * Duskie examines the tunnels
  3424. [02:36] <Arrant_Hold_> "We can't just wait here."
  3425. [02:36] <Silver_Tongue> "Back to the Cockatrice tunnels"
  3426. [02:37] <Arrant_Hold_> "We have to choose, and stick together."
  3427. 06[02:37] * BlazingSky glides down, looking mortified "Ohgodohgodohgodohgod"
  3428. [02:37] <Ruby_McCoal> "A minute, lets catch a breath."
  3429. [02:37] <Silver_Tongue> "Take the one from before"
  3430. [02:37] <Arrant_Hold_> "Right..."
  3431. 01[02:37] <Lucyne> 3Only two of the tunnels are actually very long, one is only a few dozen feet, the other is where you found the cockatrice and one further yet unexplored
  3432. [02:37] <UnifySelf> [brb gotta do something]
  3433. 01[02:37] <Lucyne> 3The cockatrice tunnel is a dead end
  3434. [02:37] <Ikea> "Well. only one way to go, I guess"
  3435. 06[02:38] * Silver_Tongue heads to the Cockatrice tunnel
  3436. 01[02:38] <Lucyne> 3Dead end, Silver
  3437. [02:38] <Silver_Tongue> "How about we rest?"
  3438. 06[02:38] * BlazingSky starts walking
  3439. [02:38] <Duskie> "Let's see if we're lucky then, I don't want any more chicken"
  3440. 06[02:38] * BlazingSky starts walking in circles**
  3441. 01[02:38] <Lucyne> "A short break would be nice."
  3442. [02:38] <Ikea> "More chicken would be rather bad, right now"
  3443. [02:38] <Ruby_McCoal> "Sounds like.. a good idea. I know some who could use one."
  3444. [02:38] <Duskie> "we can't stay, what if it collapses again?é
  3445. 01[02:38] <Lucyne> 3You all rest and regain your composure, 1 HP!
  3446. [02:38] <Silver_Tongue> "Hour break for the wounded"
  3447. 06[02:38] * Arrant_Hold_ sets Uni down to rest.
  3448. [02:38] <Duskie> (or we can)
  3449. [02:39] <Arrant_Hold_> [10 HP for me, still]
  3450. [02:39] <Duskie> (hp all?)
  3451. [02:39] <Duskie> (6)
  3452. 01[02:39] <Lucyne> (2)
  3453. [02:39] <BlazingSky> ( 9 HP over here.
  3454. [02:39] <Arrant_Hold_> [10 - Alive and Kicking]
  3455. [02:39] <Silver_Tongue> "Feeling better Lucy?"
  3456. [02:39] <Ruby_McCoal> (not your business dear)
  3457. [02:39] <Ikea> "Like I said, Dusk. This room survived the collapse, it should be save for now"
  3458. [02:39] <Ikea> [4]
  3459. 06[02:39] * Lucyne lays sprawled on one of the tables
  3460. [02:39] <Duskie> "ok then"
  3461. 01[02:39] <Lucyne> "A little, Silver"
  3462. [02:39] <Ikea> *safe
  3463. [02:39] <Duskie> "I panicked a bit"
  3464. [02:39] <Silver_Tongue> "Need a hand getting up?"
  3465. 06[02:39] * Cap`n_HighTide glances around up at the ceiling, quiet.
  3466. 06[02:39] * Ikea hands out the pillows again
  3467. 01[02:40] <Lucyne> "well, do you have a 'hand'?"
  3468. 06[02:40] * Lucyne chuckles
  3469. 06[02:40] * Ruby_McCoal trots up to the Cap "well, that quite a turn of events..."
  3470. 06[02:40] * BlazingSky after his rest, Blaze is considerably more calm
  3471. [02:40] <Silver_Tongue> "Hoof smartass"
  3472. 06[02:40] * Arrant_Hold_ takes a breather
  3473. 01[02:40] <Lucyne> "I'm glad Quicksilver didn't come to see this."
  3474. [02:40] <Ikea> "Pony, Silver, not ass"
  3475. 06[02:40] * Silver_Tongue chuckles as well
  3476. 06[02:40] * Lucyne rolls over and gets up
  3477. 06[02:40] * Duskie looks at lucyne, worried
  3478. [02:40] <Arrant_Hold_> "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm still in fighting shape!"
  3479. 06[02:40] * Cap`n_HighTide glances down. "Hu-what? Oh, yeah, I guess we're going to be down here a little longer.
  3480. 06[02:40] * Lucyne checks the final tunnel
  3481. [02:41] <Silver_Tongue> "You alright Cap'n?"
  3482. [02:41] <BlazingSky> "How are you feeling, Lucy?"
  3483. 01[02:41] <Lucyne> "Oh dear god I hope this leads to the surface."
  3484. 01[02:41] <Lucyne> "Beat up, tired."
  3485. [02:41] <Ikea> "Yeah, hopefully we can deal with the rest of the cockatrixes so she never has to worry about any of them again"
  3486. 06[02:41] * Arrant_Hold_ bangs a hoof to his chest "If theres anything strenuous that needs to be done, let me handle it."
  3487. 06[02:41] * Cap`n_HighTide nods. "Feeling better than most of us here."
  3488. [02:41] <Silver_Tongue> "We'll that's good"
  3489. [02:41] <BlazingSky> "Better than before, eh?" he continues into the unexplored tunnel
  3490. 01[02:41] <Lucyne> 3And away they go
  3491. [02:41] <Silver_Tongue> "Say can I tell you something High Tide?"
  3492. [02:41] <Arrant_Hold_> (no one cares about how Arrent's doing ;_;)
  3493. [02:42] <Ruby_McCoal> "Do we have torches of any kind? I'd like to light one."
  3494. [02:42] <Arrant_Hold_> (imma keel slef)
  3495. 01[02:42] <Lucyne> (dunt kil selv)
  3496. [02:42] <Arrant_Hold_> (kidding)
  3497. [02:42] <Duskie> (unicorns for torches, and moss)
  3498. 01[02:42] <Lucyne> (nt fany)
  3499. [02:42] <BlazingSky> ( Thought aren't you at full HP?
  3500. [02:42] <Arrant_Hold_> (nun, u guse dun lik meh)
  3501. 06[02:42] * Cap`n_HighTide perks up. "Hmm? You have a plan to get us out of here?"
  3502. [02:42] <BlazingSky> (Though*
  3503. [02:42] <Ikea> [we could get a second unilamp?]
  3504. [02:42] <Arrant_Hold_> (I am, I'm just havn a gigl, m8)
  3505. [02:42] <Silver_Tongue> "Uh well no actually I wanted to apologize to you"
  3506. [02:42] <Duskie> "we got lamps btw"
  3507. 01[02:43] <Lucyne> 3Seeing as waiting has no purpose, you begin your descent
  3508. [02:43] <Ruby_McCoal> "There is bound to be ventilation down here, lighting a torch will tell us if there is wind."
  3509. [02:43] <Ruby_McCoal> "Wind equal air"
  3510. [02:43] <Ruby_McCoal> "Air equal exit"
  3511. 01[02:43] <Lucyne> "Good thinking Ruby!"
  3512. 06[02:43] * Cap`n_HighTide trots along near the front, listening to Silver curiously.
  3513. 06[02:43] * Arrant_Hold_ singing "I feel into a burning ring of fire..."
  3514. [02:43] <Ikea> "Yeah. Anyone brought any firestarter?"
  3515. [02:43] <Arrant_Hold_> "I went down down down and the flames went higher..."
  3516. [02:44] <Ruby_McCoal> "Shut ut Arrant and give me your damned stick."
  3517. [02:44] <Arrant_Hold_> "And it burns, burns, burns... the ring of fire."
  3518. 06[02:44] * Arrant_Hold_ hands her my stick "Just trying to keep spirits up."
  3519. [02:44] <Duskie> "can magic help with lighting oil?"
  3520. [02:44] <Arrant_Hold_> (inb4 innuendo)
  3521. 01[02:44] <Lucyne> "I wouldn't try fire magic."
  3522. [02:44] <UnifySelf> [what did i miss]
  3523. [02:44] <Silver_Tongue> "About this first mate business I was acting like a child, I'd still love nothing than to have that postion, but I know you want Cher, I guess with all my emotional turmoil and that I kinda snapped"
  3524. [02:45] <Arrant_Hold_> "Yeah... Magic might back fire, no pun intended."
  3525. 06[02:45] * Ruby_McCoal wrap one end of the stick with her used bandange and rummage through her saddlebag, flint and steel in mouth."
  3526. 01[02:45] <Lucyne> (We cave in now)
  3527. [02:45] <UnifySelf> [anything interesting?]
  3528. [02:45] <Duskie> "Not you Lucy, I wouldn't like it if you were hurt any more"
  3529. 06[02:45] * Cap`n_HighTide 's smile slowly fades as he listens.
  3530. [02:45] <Arrant_Hold_> (Have we been down here enough to suffocate from a lack of oxygen?)
  3531. 01[02:45] <Lucyne> (In my irl D&D group, we always laugh at other people's pain and death)
  3532. 06[02:45] * UnifySelf looks over at Ruby with the flint and steel. "Should i turn my light off now?"
  3533. [02:46] <BlazingSky> (Brb, I'm gonna be gone for 5 or so minutes.
  3534. [02:46] <Ruby_McCoal> *after a few swings, the bandages are alight, effectively creating a questionable torch*
  3535. 01[02:46] <Lucyne> 3Ruby holds the torch up, looking for movement
  3536. [02:46] <Duskie> (we friends from 4cannon, laughing together or not laughing at all)
  3537. [02:46] <Ruby_McCoal> "If you feel like it, I only need to know the current of the air."
  3538. 01[02:46] <Lucyne> 3The group rejoices as the flame twitches!
  3539. [02:46] <Silver_Tongue> "And I was just so damn angry, honestly I still don't like Cher, probably won't ever, but that's besides the point"
  3540. 06[02:46] * Arrant_Hold_ silently mourns the loss of his stick
  3541. 01[02:47] <Lucyne> 3There is a slight draft
  3542. [02:47] <Duskie> "we can use the torch to follow the air currents"
  3543. [02:47] <UnifySelf> "I guess i should turn this off then." I say while pointing at my still lite horn
  3544. [02:47] <Arrant_Hold_> "That stick pulled through back there for us... OH WELL, at least we have rope!"
  3545. [02:47] <Arrant_Hold_> (based rope)
  3546. [02:47] <Ruby_McCoal> "Alright, no point wasting more time, lets go."
  3547. 06[02:47] * Arrant_Hold_ nods "Right."
  3548. 01[02:47] <Lucyne> 3You head along, the flickering torch casting the tunnels in ghastly illumination
  3549. 06[02:48] * Duskie sighs when Silver moans about cher
  3550. [02:48] <Silver_Tongue> "Oooooh spooky"
  3551. 06[02:48] * Cap`n_HighTide turns away, thinking on what Silver said.
  3552. 01[02:48] <Lucyne> 3The tunnels are many and small
  3553. 01[02:48] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3554. [02:48] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  3555. 06[02:48] * Arrant_Hold_ looks to Uni "How you holding up there, stoner?"
  3556. [02:48] <Duskie> "you guys should try to get along better, even if it's none of my concern"
  3557. 01[02:48] <Lucyne> 3But you perfectly follow the draft
  3558. 01[02:48] <Lucyne> (ok then)
  3559. [02:48] <Duskie> (wow)
  3560. [02:48] <Arrant_Hold_> (we out?)
  3561. [02:48] <UnifySelf> "Muscles hurt like hell, but i should be able to move a bit more."
  3562. [02:48] <Ruby_McCoal> (based Ruby)
  3563. 01[02:49] <Lucyne> (Ride isn't over just yet)
  3564. 06[02:49] * Silver_Tongue starts to press ahead of the pack
  3565. [02:49] <Arrant_Hold_> "Ruby, I could kiss you, for your brilliance."
  3566. 01[02:49] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3567. [02:49] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  3568. 01[02:49] <Lucyne> 3OH WELL
  3569. [02:49] <Ruby_McCoal> (of course)
  3570. [02:49] <Duskie> (huho)
  3572. [02:49] <UnifySelf> [anti-kek]
  3573. [02:49] <Ikea> [one extreme, then the other]
  3574. 01[02:49] <Lucyne> 3You think to yourselves
  3575. 01[02:49] <Lucyne> 3DID SOMETHING MOVE?
  3576. 01[02:50] <Lucyne> 3OH NONSENSE
  3577. [02:50] <Arrant_Hold_> "Ruby, I could kill you, for starting that light and making us a walking target."
  3578. 01[02:50] <Lucyne> 32 giant roaches get the drop on you
  3579. 01[02:50] <Lucyne> *2
  3580. [02:50] <Cap`n_HighTide> (ah)
  3581. 06[02:50] * Silver_Tongue pulls our his trusty 90's comedian and waits
  3582. 01[02:50] <Lucyne> 3Who's first in line?
  3583. 06[02:50] * Duskie draws her sword
  3584. [02:50] <Ruby_McCoal> (me)
  3585. [02:50] <Silver_Tongue> Me now
  3586. [02:50] <UnifySelf> "I'm in no shape to fight. But i will."
  3587. [02:50] <Arrant_Hold_> "Run?"
  3588. [02:50] <Duskie> me?
  3589. 01[02:50] <Lucyne> 3They attack Ruby and Silver
  3590. [02:50] <Ruby_McCoal> (no silver, I am. I carry the torch)
  3591. 01[02:50] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  3592. [02:50] <GameServ> 17, 1 == 18
  3593. [02:50] <Duskie> "wounded stay back!"
  3594. [02:50] <Ikea> "No, Uni, stay back"
  3595. 01[02:50] <Lucyne> Hitting ruby and the other one falling over itself!
  3596. 01[02:51] <Lucyne> !roll 1d6
  3597. [02:51] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  3598. 01[02:51] <Lucyne> It bites ruby for 1 damage!
  3599. 01[02:51] <Lucyne> 3Roll init!
  3600. 06[02:51] * Cap`n_HighTide is getting frustrated. "Aw, come on!"
  3601. 06[02:51] * Ruby_McCoal shrugs off the hit
  3602. [02:51] <Arrant_Hold_> "I'll make sure the wounded aren't injured any further."
  3603. [02:51] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  3604. [02:51] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  3605. [02:51] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  3606. [02:51] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  3607. [02:51] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  3608. [02:51] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  3609. [02:51] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  3610. [02:51] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  3611. [02:51] <Duskie> !roll d20
  3612. [02:51] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  3613. [02:51] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  3614. [02:51] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  3615. [02:51] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  3616. [02:51] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  3617. [02:51] <Arrant_Hold_> "Everyone else focus on combat."
  3618. [02:51] <Duskie> (why did uni rolled?)
  3619. 01[02:51] <Lucyne> (why not?)
  3620. [02:51] <UnifySelf> [on accident]
  3621. [02:51] <Duskie> (because he's almost dead?)
  3622. [02:51] <Silver_Tongue> (Petrified magic)
  3623. [02:52] <UnifySelf> [i have it as my ctrl + v]
  3624. [02:52] <Arrant_Hold_> (Hey Lucy, if I defend, can I take damage for a character?)
  3625. 01[02:52] <Lucyne> (Oh, I thought he was conscious)
  3626. [02:52] <UnifySelf> [i am, but i have 2 hp]
  3627. 01[02:52] <Lucyne> (You can Arrant, you roll an attack against the monster, if you hit you take the attacks)
  3628. [02:52] <Duskie> (he is... I think?)
  3629. [02:52] <Duskie> (2hp left?)
  3630. 01[02:52] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  3631. [02:52] <GameServ> 11, 15 == 26
  3632. [02:53] <UnifySelf> [i am concious, but with only 2 hp left, i could become the opposite]
  3633. 01[02:53] <Lucyne> With blinding speed, Captain High Tide begins the round!
  3634. [02:53] <Arrant_Hold_> (Well, i ment like skip turn to take defend a player but whatever.(
  3635. 01[02:53] <Lucyne> (You have to intercept attacks)
  3636. 01[02:53] <Lucyne> (or maybe they attack you anyways)
  3637. [02:53] <Duskie> (we will)
  3638. [02:53] <Cap`n_HighTide> (ok)
  3639. [02:53] <Silver_Tongue> (No Ikea rolled 20)
  3640. [02:54] <Duskie> "No one dies in this group!"
  3641. [02:54] <UnifySelf> [ikea rolled the kek]
  3642. [02:54] <Ikea> [Lucy says Cap, cap goes]
  3643. 01[02:54] <Lucyne> (Lag, sometimes we get rolls in different orders, what I get counts)
  3644. [02:54] <Ruby_McCoal> "no one..."
  3645. [02:54] <Cap`n_HighTide> (....ok)
  3646. [02:54] <Silver_Tongue> "Ah"
  3647. [02:54] <Silver_Tongue> (Yeah it says Cap rolled a 7
  3648. [02:54] <Cap`n_HighTide> (Say, do these giant roaches have the same feelers as the ones before?)
  3649. [02:55] <Ikea> [Trust based GM. Do not argue with based GM]
  3650. 01[02:55] <Lucyne> (Yea, it's a common problem Silver)
  3651. 01[02:55] <Lucyne> (Different countries creates lag and such)
  3652. 01[02:55] <Lucyne> (No feelers)
  3653. [02:55] <Silver_Tongue> "Alright then)
  3654. [02:55] <BlazingSky> (Back
  3655. [02:55] <Cap`n_HighTide> (ok)
  3656. [02:55] <BlazingSky> (What'd I miss?
  3657. 01[02:55] <Lucyne> (2 cockroaches)
  3658. [02:55] <Ruby_McCoal> (ambush, noting much)
  3659. [02:55] <Ruby_McCoal> (like, right now)
  3660. 06[02:56] * Cap`n_HighTide rushes towards the two giant bugs, swinging his sword at one of them as he stamps his feet.
  3661. [02:56] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  3662. [02:56] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  3663. [02:56] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d8
  3664. [02:56] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  3665. 06[02:56] * BlazingSky shakes his head, snapping to attention, having drifted off. Again.
  3666. 01[02:56] <Lucyne> 3You slice at the grotesque creature!
  3667. 01[02:56] <Lucyne> 3It is now Ruby's turn!
  3668. 06[02:57] * Ruby_McCoal let out a groan after taking the first hit, but immediatly proceed at sticking her torch right into the monster mouth!
  3669. [02:57] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  3670. [02:57] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  3671. [02:57] <UnifySelf> [so close]
  3672. 01[02:57] <Lucyne> 3But it scitters away from your attack!
  3673. [02:57] <Ruby_McCoal> (no earth pone save on that)
  3674. 01[02:57] <Lucyne> 3It is now Silver's turn!
  3675. [02:58] <Duskie> "show 'em silver!"
  3676. [02:58] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20 for David SPADES blockbuster hit
  3677. [02:58] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  3678. [02:58] <UnifySelf> [KEK THIER ASSES]
  3679. 01[02:58] <Lucyne> 3A hit it is!
  3680. [02:59] <Arrant_Hold_> (Pun is still awful. either way d ^_^ b)
  3681. [02:59] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d6 on the upside down one
  3682. [02:59] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  3683. [02:59] <Duskie> "and that HURTS!"
  3684. [02:59] <UnifySelf> [ded]
  3685. 01[02:59] <Lucyne> 3You deliver a healthy dosage of pain upon this unsuspecting bug, driving your spade deep into it's soft innards
  3686. [02:59] <Arrant_Hold_> (d 'O' b WHOWHOWHOWHOWHO)
  3687. 01[02:59] <Lucyne> 3It still stands though
  3688. [02:59] <UnifySelf> [darn]
  3689. [03:00] <Duskie> "they're tough!"
  3690. 01[03:00] <Lucyne> 3It is now the bugs turn!
  3691. 01[03:00] <Lucyne> 3They attack...Silver and High Tide!
  3692. [03:00] <Ruby_McCoal> (they have to get pass Cap, Silver and me)
  3693. [03:00] <Silver_Tongue> "Jesus they should call me wand man cause I put these fucking bus to sleep, permanently"
  3694. [03:00] <Silver_Tongue> *Sandman
  3695. 01[03:00] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  3696. [03:00] <GameServ> 6, 5 == 11
  3697. 01[03:00] <Lucyne> 3But both miss!
  3698. [03:00] <Duskie> (innuendo?)
  3699. [03:01] <Silver_Tongue> "Oh nice hussle tons o fun"
  3700. [03:01] <Ikea> [wand man DOES fit better...]
  3701. 01[03:01] <Lucyne> 3It is now Arrant's turn!
  3702. [03:02] <Silver_Tongue> (God I'm becoming the scout)
  3703. [03:02] <Duskie> (hurry, we gotta bring uni to the ponemon center!)
  3704. 01[03:02] <Lucyne> (Hue)
  3705. 06[03:02] * Arrant_Hold_ he swings his legs at a roach "We're gonna get out of here alive!"
  3706. [03:02] <Ruby_McCoal> (inb4 arrant wall of text)
  3707. [03:02] <UnifySelf> [top lel Duskie, but seriously]
  3708. [03:03] <Ikea> [zubat on the last tile before exit from cave]
  3709. 01[03:03] <Lucyne> (You called it)
  3710. [03:03] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20 "WE'RE GONNA LIVE!" (sorry it wasnt letting me post)
  3711. [03:03] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  3712. [03:03] <Arrant_Hold_> (dunno why)
  3713. 01[03:03] <Lucyne> 3But your kick does not harm the insects!
  3714. 01[03:03] <Lucyne> 3It is now Lucyne's turn
  3715. [03:03] <Duskie> "carefull!"
  3716. 01[03:03] <Lucyne> I swing at the wounded one with my sword
  3717. 01[03:04] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3718. [03:04] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  3719. 01[03:04] <Lucyne> Damn unicorn
  3720. [03:04] <Duskie> :<
  3721. 01[03:04] <Lucyne> 3Lucyne misses the wounded bug
  3722. 01[03:04] <Lucyne> 3It is now Ikea
  3723. 01[03:04] <Lucyne> 3's turn
  3724. [03:04] <Ikea> !roll 1d20 stabby stabby
  3725. [03:04] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  3726. [03:04] <Ikea> missy missy
  3727. [03:04] <Duskie> (dat song, forever burnd into my brain)
  3728. 01[03:04] <Lucyne> 3But the creature evades you!
  3729. 01[03:05] <Lucyne> 3It is now Unify's turn!
  3730. 06[03:05] * UnifySelf even though his movements are still stiff, he goes in for a horn stab
  3731. [03:05] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  3732. [03:05] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  3733. [03:05] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d4
  3734. [03:05] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  3735. [03:05] <Ikea> [long ago, in the times of yore...]
  3736. 01[03:05] <Lucyne> 3You hit, impaling the creature's head, killing it!
  3737. [03:05] <Duskie> in days of yore*
  3738. [03:05] <Silver_Tongue> (Unifyvand me are carrying this stable)
  3739. [03:05] <Arrant_Hold_> (Unify, my hero)
  3740. [03:06] <Ikea> [>not knowing the song | so sue me]
  3741. 01[03:06] <Lucyne> 3It is now Duskie#s turn!
  3742. [03:06] <UnifySelf> [still based when damaged]
  3743. [03:06] <Duskie> (petrified unicorn can be used as a weapon)
  3744. [03:06] <Ruby_McCoal> (music
  3745. [03:06] <Duskie> !roll d20 for friendship slash!
  3746. [03:06] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  3747. 01[03:06] <Lucyne> 3The friendship is weak in this one
  3748. [03:06] <Duskie> the power of friendship is lacking lately
  3749. [03:06] <UnifySelf> [my nigga Ruby]
  3750. [03:06] <Ruby_McCoal> (friendship not strong enough(
  3751. [03:06] <Ruby_McCoal> (hivemind)
  3752. 01[03:06] <Lucyne> 3New round, role init!
  3753. [03:06] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  3754. [03:06] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  3755. [03:06] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  3756. [03:06] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  3757. 01[03:06] <Lucyne> (btw that soundtrack is sweet)
  3758. [03:06] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  3759. [03:06] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  3760. [03:07] <Duskie> (next forever alone slash)
  3761. [03:07] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  3762. [03:07] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  3763. [03:07] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  3764. [03:07] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  3765. [03:07] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  3766. [03:07] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  3767. [03:07] <Duskie> (nice track Ruby_McCoal)
  3768. [03:07] <Ruby_McCoal> (why thank you, figured it was fitting)
  3769. [03:07] <UnifySelf> [i love that game]
  3770. 01[03:07] <Lucyne> Ikea?
  3771. [03:07] <Arrant_Hold_> (never played Binding Of Issac heard it was good.)
  3772. [03:07] <Ruby_McCoal> (I know that feel Uni)
  3773. [03:07] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  3774. [03:07] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  3775. [03:08] <Ikea> sorry, spaced out for a moment
  3776. [03:08] <Duskie> (we should super meat boy track once)
  3777. 01[03:08] <Lucyne> Also duskie
  3778. 01[03:08] <Lucyne> >brain slowing down
  3779. [03:08] <Duskie> epic fight songs
  3780. 01[03:08] <Lucyne> I meant init
  3781. [03:08] <UnifySelf> [last time i played was when i finally got the kid and unlocked the entire dark rapture]
  3782. [03:08] <Ruby_McCoal> (lel)
  3783. [03:08] <Duskie> !roll d20
  3784. [03:08] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  3785. [03:08] <Duskie> (sorry)
  3786. 01[03:09] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3787. [03:09] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  3788. 01[03:09] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3789. [03:09] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  3790. [03:09] <Ruby_McCoal> (poured more time in that game that I'd like to admit)
  3791. 01[03:09] <Lucyne> 3Duskie begins the round!
  3792. [03:09] <Arrant_Hold_> (keep ooc chat to a low guys)
  3793. [03:09] <UnifySelf> [sorry]
  3794. [03:09] <Duskie> !roll d20 for rainboom slash
  3795. [03:09] <GameServ> 12 == 12
  3796. [03:09] <Arrant_Hold_> (its alright)
  3797. 01[03:09] <Lucyne> 3It isn't quite a rainboom, but atleast a slash
  3798. [03:09] <Duskie> !roll d8 for unislash!
  3799. [03:09] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  3800. [03:09] <Ikea> [based]
  3801. [03:10] <Duskie> (uni's a good weapon)
  3802. [03:10] <Quicksilver> [based unislash]
  3803. 01[03:10] <Lucyne> 3You slash at the creature severely, spilling huge amounts of sickly white fluids onto the ground
  3804. 01[03:10] <Lucyne> 3It is now Ruby's turn!
  3805. 02[03:10] * Silver_Tongue ( Quit (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
  3806. 06[03:10] * Ruby_McCoal further tries to impale the disgusting creature with her torch again!
  3807. [03:10] <UnifySelf> [>sticky white fluid. HUEHUEHUE, ok im done]
  3808. [03:10] <Duskie> "that's dis..gus....ting..."
  3809. [03:10] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  3810. [03:10] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  3811. [03:11] <Ruby_McCoal> (I 'hate' that)
  3812. 01[03:11] <Lucyne> 3But you miss!
  3813. 03[03:11] * Silver_Tongue ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  3814. 01[03:11] <Lucyne> 3It is the cockroaches turn!
  3815. 01[03:11] <Lucyne> 3It attacks High Tide!
  3816. 01[03:11] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3817. [03:11] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  3818. [03:11] <Silver_Tongue> (Whoops my bad went Adkins)
  3819. [03:11] <Duskie> (friendship is magic after all!)
  3820. 01[03:11] <Lucyne> 3And hits!
  3821. 01[03:11] <Lucyne> !roll 1d6
  3822. [03:11] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  3823. 01[03:11] <Lucyne> 3For 3 damage!
  3824. [03:11] <Silver_Tongue> *AFK
  3825. [03:11] <Cap`n_HighTide> (I'm okay with this)
  3826. 01[03:11] <Lucyne> 3It is now unify's turn
  3827. [03:12] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20 for horn stabs
  3828. [03:12] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  3829. [03:12] <UnifySelf> [OH SHIT]
  3830. [03:12] <UnifySelf> [NOT AGAIN]
  3831. [03:12] <Quicksilver> [ded]
  3832. [03:12] <Ruby_McCoal> (track 2
  3833. [03:12] <Duskie> (and that's why wounded stay back)
  3834. 06[03:12] * Cap`n_HighTide grunts as the cockroach bites onto his leg.
  3835. 01[03:12] <Lucyne> 3You charge at the creature, losing your balance a little and getting bitchslapped by the cockroaches mandibles for 1 damage!
  3836. [03:12] <Quicksilver> [back to 1hp for uni[
  3837. [03:12] <UnifySelf> [down to 1 hp again]
  3838. 01[03:13] <Lucyne> 3It is now Blazing's turn!
  3839. [03:13] <Duskie>
  3840. [03:13] <Ruby_McCoal> "Ponies! Stay behind us, we can take it!"
  3841. [03:13] <Ruby_McCoal> (save that for final boss)
  3842. [03:13] <Duskie> (k)
  3843. 06[03:13] * BlazingSky runs foward, his axe following behind, with a glorious jump, he brings the axe down on the overgrown bug's head
  3844. [03:14] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  3845. [03:14] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  3846. [03:14] <BlazingSky> (fuu.
  3847. [03:14] <UnifySelf> [>tfw you can beat him on the first try after completing the game]
  3848. [03:14] <Ruby_McCoal> (>pegasus)
  3849. 06[03:14] * Silver_Tongue sits there with David SPADE waiting
  3850. 01[03:14] <Lucyne> >tfw no earth pone
  3851. [03:14] <Duskie> +1 uni
  3852. [03:15] <Silver_Tongue> (My turn?)
  3853. 01[03:15] <Lucyne> 3It is now Arrant's turn!
  3854. 01[03:15] <Lucyne> (Not quite yet)
  3855. [03:15] <Silver_Tongue> (Aww, SPADE will displeased and do more bad movies unless he gets blood)
  3856. [03:15] <Duskie> (how's your head?)
  3857. 06[03:16] * Arrant_Hold_ tired of this BS and just wants to go back home and lie down kicks the roach again
  3858. 01[03:16] <Lucyne> (Throbbing to the beat of super meat boy)
  3859. [03:16] <Silver_Tongue> (Who's)
  3860. [03:16] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  3861. [03:16] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  3862. [03:16] <Duskie> (hehe)
  3863. [03:16] <UnifySelf> [anti-kek
  3864. [03:16] <UnifySelf> *]
  3865. [03:16] <Arrant_Hold_> Curses)
  3866. [03:16] <Duskie> oh my celestia
  3867. 01[03:16] <Lucyne> 3You lose your balance and fall on your tummy, hard. 1 damage!"
  3868. [03:16] <Cap`n_HighTide> (>tummy)
  3869. [03:16] <Arrant_Hold_> (I guess I just spent all of my badass points on that spider)
  3870. [03:16] <Ruby_McCoal> "Dammit Arrant, what I've jsut said?"
  3871. [03:17] <Arrant_Hold_> (I'm at full HP, well, now 9, but still)
  3872. 01[03:17] <Lucyne> 3It is now Silver's turn!
  3873. [03:17] <Arrant_Hold_> "I wasn't hardly injured, I'm in fighting condition!"
  3874. [03:17] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20 to channel tommy boy
  3875. [03:17] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  3876. [03:17] <BlazingSky> (By the way, did I take any damage while I was gone?
  3877. [03:17] <Arrant_Hold_> *was hardly
  3878. [03:17] <UnifySelf> [where were you when kek was kill]
  3879. 01[03:17] <Lucyne> 3You only summon a lesser spirit of martha stewards
  3880. [03:17] <Duskie> "cough"
  3881. [03:17] <Arrant_Hold_> [no not kill]
  3882. [03:18] <Arrant_Hold_> [lel, lucy]
  3883. [03:18] <Silver_Tongue> "Damnit Chris Farley you fat dead bastard!"
  3884. 01[03:18] <Lucyne> 3It is now Lucyne's turn
  3885. [03:18] <Duskie> "finish it!"
  3886. 01[03:18] <Lucyne> I attack the fucking bug
  3887. 01[03:18] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3888. [03:18] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  3889. 01[03:18] <Lucyne> Based
  3890. 01[03:18] <Lucyne> !rolll 1d8
  3891. [03:18] <UnifySelf> [FINALY]
  3892. 01[03:18] <Lucyne> !roll 1d8
  3893. [03:18] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  3894. [03:19] <Ruby_McCoal> (roach is kill)
  3895. [03:19] <Ruby_McCoal> (no)
  3896. 01[03:19] <Lucyne> 3Your GM's faithful self insert attacks the monster who's HP count the GM totally didn't lost for 4 damage
  3897. [03:19] <UnifySelf> [wat]
  3898. 01[03:19] <Lucyne> 3It is severely wounded
  3899. [03:19] <UnifySelf> [not ded, damn it]
  3900. 01[03:19] <Lucyne> 3It is now Captain's turn!
  3901. [03:20] <Arrant_Hold_> (where were you when we were kill?)
  3902. [03:20] <UnifySelf> [no]
  3903. [03:20] <Quicksilver> [come on, someone kebabify it]
  3904. [03:20] <Arrant_Hold_> (i was in mine being kill)
  3905. [03:20] <Ruby_McCoal> (no)
  3906. [03:20] <Arrant_Hold_> (and then ruby said "guys, we are kill)
  3907. [03:20] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20 to remove kebab
  3908. [03:20] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  3909. [03:20] <Arrant_Hold_> (and i said "no")
  3910. [03:20] <Cap`n_HighTide> (fug)
  3911. [03:21] <Ruby_McCoal> (unbased delicious male unicorn)
  3912. 01[03:21] <Lucyne> 3But you miss!
  3913. [03:21] <Cap`n_HighTide> (s-shut up..)
  3914. [03:21] <Duskie> :<
  3915. [03:21] <Ruby_McCoal> (I mean... eh.. Unicorn. yeah)
  3916. 01[03:21] <Lucyne> 3New round! Init everyone!
  3917. [03:21] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  3918. [03:21] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  3919. [03:21] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  3920. [03:21] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  3921. [03:21] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  3922. [03:21] <GameServ> 17 == 17
  3923. [03:21] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  3924. [03:21] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  3925. [03:21] <Duskie> !roll d20
  3926. [03:21] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  3927. [03:21] <UnifySelf> [no kek]
  3928. [03:21] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  3929. [03:21] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  3930. [03:21] <Cap`n_HighTide> (fuq)
  3931. [03:21] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  3932. [03:21] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  3933. [03:21] <UnifySelf> [kek is kill]
  3934. [03:21] <Arrant_Hold_> (des rolls)
  3935. [03:21] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  3936. [03:21] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  3937. [03:21] <Arrant_Hold_> [no]
  3938. 01[03:22] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  3939. [03:22] <GameServ> 19, 19 == 38
  3940. [03:22] <Ruby_McCoal> (we are kill!)
  3941. [03:22] <Duskie> coulton slash go
  3942. [03:22] <UnifySelf> [whelp both lucy and the roach go first]
  3943. [03:22] <Arrant_Hold_> (no)
  3944. 01[03:22] <Lucyne> 3Lucyne goes first because I have a central nervous system!
  3945. [03:22] <Ruby_McCoal> hue
  3946. [03:22] <Ikea> [HAX]
  3947. 01[03:22] <Lucyne> I attack it with my sharpened metal object
  3948. [03:22] <Arrant_Hold_> HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX!
  3950. 01[03:22] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3951. [03:22] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  3952. [03:23] <Ruby_McCoal> (no)
  3953. 01[03:23] <Lucyne> 3hit!
  3954. [03:23] <UnifySelf> [finaly]
  3955. 01[03:23] <Lucyne> !roll 1d8
  3956. [03:23] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  3957. [03:23] <Ruby_McCoal> (roach is kill)
  3958. [03:23] <Quicksilver> [nerf GM]
  3959. [03:23] <Arrant_Hold_> (yes)
  3960. [03:23] <Quicksilver> [GM OP]
  3961. [03:23] <Arrant_Hold_> Guys, GM is too power, plz nerf
  3962. [03:23] <Quicksilver> [rigged]
  3963. [03:23] <Duskie> lucy slash good too
  3964. [03:23] <UnifySelf> [>implying rigged]
  3965. [03:23] <Quicksilver> [power palyer]
  3966. [03:23] <Ikea> [DMPC! DEUS EX MACHINA]
  3967. 01[03:23] <Lucyne> 3Bringing her sword around, Lucyne stabs right between the creature's eyes, killing it.
  3968. [03:23] <Arrant_Hold_> (u haxor, get off mah server)
  3969. 01[03:23] <Lucyne> >nerf GM
  3970. 01[03:23] <Lucyne> #blameGM
  3971. 06[03:23] * BlazingSky claps his hooves "Good one, Lucy!"
  3972. 06[03:23] * UnifySelf picks himself up, coughing profusly
  3973. 01[03:23] <Lucyne> "Thanks" Lucyne pants tired
  3974. 06[03:24] * BlazingSky offers a hoof to Uni
  3975. [03:24] <Duskie> "well done lucy!"
  3976. [03:24] <UnifySelf> "thanks."
  3977. [03:24] <Ikea> "Good finish"
  3978. [03:24] <Arrant_Hold_> "Can we go now?"
  3979. [03:24] <BlazingSky> "Mhm, don't mention it"
  3980. 01[03:24] <Lucyne> 3Following Ruby's perfect orientation, you quickly come to a place Ikea, once again, recognizes."
  3981. 06[03:24] * Ruby_McCoal is sweating profusely, pride a bit hurt with the dying landing the killing blow
  3982. [03:24] <Ikea> [whooo I'm useful]
  3983. [03:24] <Duskie> Ikea sees, Ikea knoes
  3984. 06[03:24] * Silver_Tongue walks out loving this shovel
  3985. [03:25] <Ikea> [who is background pone now, Quicksilver!]
  3986. [03:25] <Ruby_McCoal> (hue)
  3987. 01[03:25] <Lucyne> 3The end of the ride is almost in sight, but...
  3988. 01[03:25] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  3989. [03:25] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  3990. 06[03:25] * Arrant_Hold_ keeps walking with the group
  3991. 01[03:25] <Lucyne> 3You hear a faint scraping...
  3992. [03:25] <UnifySelf> [nope, THE RIDE NEVE ENDS.]
  3993. [03:25] <Arrant_Hold_> "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK"
  3994. [03:25] <Ikea> [big boss!]
  3995. 06[03:25] * Duskie dunno what scraps are but gets ready for action
  3996. [03:25] <Ruby_McCoal> "Time has come friends, our task finally at a end."
  3997. [03:25] <UnifySelf> "I'm getting to wounded for this shit."
  3998. 06[03:25] * Silver_Tongue gets ready to SPADE
  3999. [03:25] <Ikea> [we finally find out what amde all the holes]
  4000. 01[03:25] <Lucyne> 3Moving towards the surface, a cockatrice rounds the corner, clucking at you angrily!
  4001. [03:25] <Ruby_McCoal> "Take the torch Arrant."
  4002. [03:25] <Duskie> #meatboytune
  4003. 06[03:26] * Cap`n_HighTide looks to where he thinks he hears the sound, and groans.
  4004. [03:26] <UnifySelf> "Not a-FUCKING-gain."
  4005. 06[03:26] * Arrant_Hold_ takes the torchs
  4006. [03:26] <Duskie> "the last of the cockatrixies!"
  4007. [03:26] <Arrant_Hold_> "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS BULLSHIT!"
  4008. [03:26] <Silver_Tongue> "Should we just run?"
  4009. [03:26] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Ruby, you have a sword?"
  4010. 01[03:26] <Lucyne> "This must be the last one guys, come one! Let's show it what we're made of!"
  4011. [03:26] <Arrant_Hold_> "NO NO1'
  4012. [03:26] <Ruby_McCoal> (
  4013. 01[03:26] <Lucyne> 3Roll init!
  4014. 06[03:26] * Arrant_Hold_ yells at cockatritce
  4015. [03:26] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  4016. [03:26] <GameServ> 14 == 14
  4017. [03:26] <Duskie> !roll d20
  4018. [03:26] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  4019. [03:26] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20
  4020. [03:26] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  4021. [03:26] <Cap`n_HighTide> !roll d20
  4022. [03:26] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  4023. [03:26] <BlazingSky> !roll d20
  4024. [03:26] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  4025. [03:26] <Ikea> [I have had it with these muchthfucking cocks in this mutherfucking mine!]
  4026. [03:26] <Arrant_Hold_> "YOU GET LOST!"
  4027. [03:26] <Ruby_McCoal> "not yet Cap, but I have my pick"
  4028. [03:26] <Ikea> !roll 1d20
  4029. [03:26] <GameServ> 13 == 13
  4030. [03:26] <Ruby_McCoal> !roll d20
  4031. [03:26] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  4032. [03:26] <BlazingSky> (>FTL
  4033. [03:26] <BlazingSky> (Muh nigga
  4034. [03:27] <Duskie> "Don't you dare touch MY FRIENDS!"
  4035. [03:27] <UnifySelf> [havn't played it, heard it was good]
  4036. [03:27] <Quicksilver> [remember your potion Lucy]
  4037. [03:27] <Ruby_McCoal> (yes)
  4038. 01[03:27] <Lucyne> Silver, init?
  4039. [03:27] <Ikea> [it is.]
  4040. [03:27] <Ruby_McCoal> (now quiet now, boss fight)
  4041. 01[03:27] <Lucyne> (I should have ruby pick out music always lel)
  4042. [03:27] <Duskie> (oh, me 14?)
  4043. [03:27] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20
  4044. 01[03:27] <Lucyne> (4 on my end)
  4045. [03:27] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  4046. [03:27] <Ruby_McCoal> (ehehe)
  4047. [03:28] <Ruby_McCoal> (nat 20, boss)
  4048. [03:28] <UnifySelf> [kek]
  4049. 01[03:28] <Lucyne> !roll 2d20
  4050. [03:28] <GameServ> 15, 20 == 35
  4051. [03:28] <UnifySelf> [NOT SO KEK]
  4052. [03:28] <Duskie> (sad pony face)
  4053. 01[03:28] <Lucyne> WElp
  4054. [03:28] <Ruby_McCoal> "Gotta be tight"
  4055. 01[03:28] <Lucyne> 3Silver goes first!
  4056. [03:28] <UnifySelf> [AND WE'RE THE GAME KEKS]
  4057. [03:28] <Ikea> [... I'm not even going to do it]
  4058. [03:29] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d20 to strike this Cockatrice with the weapon of the gods , David SPADE!
  4059. [03:29] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  4060. [03:29] <Duskie> (best nat.oner uni shouldn't this time)
  4061. [03:29] <Ruby_McCoal> (here comes the percussions)
  4062. 01[03:29] <Lucyne> 3But you miss!
  4063. 01[03:29] <Lucyne> 3Roll d20!
  4064. [03:29] <Mary_ONette_> [kek]
  4065. [03:29] <Silver_Tongue> !Roll d20
  4066. [03:29] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  4067. [03:29] <Ruby_McCoal> (not based earth pone?)
  4068. 01[03:29] <Lucyne> 3You meet it's gaze!
  4069. 01[03:29] <Lucyne> 3Oh wait, earth pone
  4070. 01[03:29] <Lucyne> 3You hti
  4071. 01[03:29] <Lucyne> !
  4072. 01[03:29] <Lucyne> 3Roll damage
  4073. [03:29] <Duskie> (based earthpone)
  4074. [03:29] <Ruby_McCoal> (ishyshoo be doo be)
  4075. [03:29] <Silver_Tongue> !roll d6
  4076. [03:29] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  4077. 01[03:30] <Lucyne> 3You slam the creature, but meet it's gaze!
  4078. 01[03:30] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  4079. [03:30] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  4080. 01[03:30] <Lucyne> 3And take 1 damage!
  4081. 01[03:30] <Lucyne> 3It's now the Cockatrice's turn!
  4082. 01[03:30] <Lucyne> 3It randomly attacks...High Tide!
  4083. 01[03:30] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  4084. [03:30] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  4085. 01[03:31] <Lucyne> 3It hits!
  4086. [03:31] <UnifySelf> [all this hype]
  4087. 01[03:31] <Lucyne> !roll 1d3
  4088. [03:31] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  4089. [03:31] <Cap`n_HighTide> "Ow"
  4090. 01[03:31] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  4091. [03:31] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  4092. 01[03:31] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  4093. [03:31] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  4094. [03:31] <Mary_ONette_> [hype like a mofo]
  4095. 01[03:31] <Lucyne> 3You are pecked and meet it's gaze for 4 damage together!
  4096. [03:31] <Ruby_McCoal> (4hp down on cap, ouch)
  4097. 01[03:31] <Lucyne> 3It is now Lucyne's turn
  4098. [03:31] <Ruby_McCoal> "Stand proud Tide, we're here!"
  4099. 01[03:32] <Lucyne> Will the dice gods save me?
  4100. 01[03:32] <Lucyne> Should I risk it?
  4101. 06[03:32] * Duskie holds her breath
  4102. 01[03:32] <Lucyne> I attack with my sword
  4103. [03:32] <Duskie> "no you shouldn't"
  4104. [03:32] <Ruby_McCoal> (track 2
  4105. 01[03:32] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  4106. [03:32] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  4107. 01[03:32] <Lucyne> hit!
  4108. 01[03:32] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20
  4109. [03:32] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  4110. 01[03:32] <Lucyne> No avoid!
  4111. [03:32] <Duskie> "quick's gonna kill us all"
  4112. 01[03:32] <Lucyne> !roll 1d8
  4113. [03:32] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  4114. 01[03:32] <Lucyne> !roll 1d4
  4115. [03:32] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  4116. [03:32] <UnifySelf> [best final oboss song, Ruby is based
  4117. 01[03:32] <Lucyne> Aw shit
  4118. [03:32] <Mary_ONette_> [sweetness]
  4119. [03:33] <Ruby_McCoal> (you dont say, its my ringtone)
  4120. [03:33] <Quicksilver> [Lucy dont die ;_;]
  4121. 01[03:33] <Lucyne> 3Lucyne swipes at the creature, drawing blood, but she meets it's gaze. She yelps in pain and surprise before she locks gazes with teh creature as the stone slowly climbs up her hooves.
  4122. [03:33] <Ikea> [now you and Quick have even more to bond over]
  4123. [03:33] <BlazingSky> "LUCY!"
  4124. 01[03:33] <Lucyne> 3Lucyne stands there motionless, gazing at the creature
  4125. [03:34] <Ruby_McCoal> "...lucy,"
  4126. [03:34] <UnifySelf> "LUCY!"
  4127. [03:34] <Duskie> "NOOOOOOOO3
  4128. [03:34] <Ruby_McCoal> "someone cover her eyes!"
  4129. [03:34] <Silver_Tongue> "Damnit Lucy!"
  4130. 01[03:34] <Lucyne> 3It is now Arrant's turn!
  4131. [03:34] <UnifySelf> "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE DIE ON US!"
  4132. [03:34] <Mary_ONette_> [I've been here for the longest just spectating]
  4133. 06[03:34] * Arrant_Hold_ clearly upset with the turn of event twhacks the the Cockatrice with the torch "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU, YOU OVER GROWN CHICKENS, FUCK OFF"
  4134. 06[03:34] * BlazingSky sprints over, and covers Lucy's eyes
  4135. [03:34] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d20
  4136. [03:34] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  4137. 01[03:34] <Lucyne> 3You hit!
  4138. [03:34] <Duskie> (from mary?)
  4139. [03:34] <Arrant_Hold_> !roll 1d6 "FUCK YOU CHICKEN!"
  4140. [03:34] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  4141. [03:34] <Ruby_McCoal> (DAYUM)
  4142. [03:35] <UnifySelf> [based kek rises once more]
  4143. 01[03:35] <Lucyne> 3You smack the creature over it's head with teh flaming torch, igniting some feathers!
  4144. [03:35] <Arrant_Hold_> "WE'RE GONNA LIVE, DAMMIT! WE'RE GONNA LIVE!"
  4145. 01[03:35] <Lucyne> (>cursed bosses)
  4146. 01[03:35] <Lucyne> 3It is now Unify's turn!
  4147. [03:35] <Duskie> (unislash it!)
  4148. [03:35] <UnifySelf> "I might go down, BUT I'M TAKING YOU WITH ME!"
  4149. [03:35] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d20 for GIGA HORN BREAK
  4150. [03:35] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  4151. [03:36] <UnifySelf> !roll 1d4
  4152. [03:36] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  4153. [03:36] <BlazingSky> (Dayyum
  4154. [03:36] <Duskie> (/me starts stonepone collection)
  4155. 01[03:36] <Lucyne> You fucking kidding me?
  4156. [03:36] <Arrant_Hold_> (Based Unicorn and Earth pony team)
  4157. [03:36] <Ikea> [kek respects hot blood]
  4158. [03:36] <Mary_ONette_> [oh shit son]
  4159. [03:36] <Arrant_Hold_> (Inferior Pegasus are Inferior)
  4160. 01[03:36] <Lucyne> 3You gore at the creature, hitting it's eye and destroying it's frontal lobe, killing it from the impact!
  4161. [03:36] <Ruby_McCoal> (that bloodlust mang)
  4162. [03:36] <Mary_ONette_> [row row]
  4163. 01[03:36] <Lucyne> 3You have defeated the final cockatrice!
  4164. [03:36] <Arrant_Hold_> (We murderhobo now?)
  4165. [03:36] <Ruby_McCoal> (all my ctrl-v for nothing)
  4166. [03:37] <UnifySelf> "Heh, I win! I ALWAYS WIN!"
  4167. [03:37] <Duskie> "good job!"
  4168. 06[03:37] * BlazingSky raises a hoof in Victory "FUCK YES, UNI!"
  4169. [03:37] <Duskie> "how's lucy?"
  4170. 06[03:37] * Lucyne collapses to the ground
  4171. [03:37] <Silver_Tongue> "Lets get the fuck to the clinic now"
  4172. [03:37] <UnifySelf> "Lucy? LUCY!"
  4173. 06[03:37] * Arrant_Hold_ laughs manically "YES! I WIN! ARRANT WINS!"
  4174. [03:37] <Ikea> [>implying we were ever NOT murderhobo]
  4175. [03:37] <Duskie> "Help me to carry her!"
  4176. 06[03:37] * BlazingSky standing next to her, was able to catch her
  4177. 06[03:37] * Lucyne is unconscious
  4178. [03:37] <Duskie> "we must hurry"
  4179. [03:37] <Arrant_Hold_> "MY WIN! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
  4180. 06[03:37] * Ikea hurries over and helps carry Lucy
  4181. [03:37] <Quicksilver> [>nobody remembering Lucyne's health potion]
  4182. [03:37] <BlazingSky> "I got her, I got her.." he places lucy on his back
  4183. 01[03:37] <Lucyne> (No one knows)
  4184. 06[03:37] * Duskie carries lucy with Ikea
  4185. [03:38] <Arrant_Hold_> (we're outside now?)
  4186. 01[03:38] <Lucyne> 3And so you bring the wounded to the light of day
  4187. 01[03:38] <Lucyne> 3Never has fresh woods air tasted so sweet
  4188. [03:38] <Ruby_McCoal> (after fight
  4189. [03:38] <Ruby_McCoal> "Guys, we made it. All of us!"
  4190. [03:38] <Arrant_Hold_> "Ah, well, that was an adventure Ruby..."
  4191. 06[03:38] * Ikea mutters under his breath "damn it, luce... why couldn't you just stay back..."
  4192. 01[03:38] <Lucyne> (seriously, you're my official sound person now)
  4193. [03:38] <Arrant_Hold_> "I told you we were gonna live."
  4194. 06[03:38] * Arrant_Hold_ winks
  4195. 06[03:39] * Lucyne murmurs a little in her sleep
  4196. 06[03:39] * BlazingSky pants "Jesus.. Ike, we should get Lucy to the clinic."
  4197. [03:39] <Mary_ONette_> [sucks that I couldn't join]
  4198. [03:39] <Silver_Tongue> "Yeah let's go to the clinic"
  4199. 01[03:39] <Lucyne> It sounds like she is debating someone
  4200. 06[03:39] * Ruby_McCoal sheds tear as the warm summer breeze carress her dirty sweating, bloodstained face.
  4201. 06[03:39] * Duskie hurries with the others
  4202. [03:39] <UnifySelf> "We need to go to the clinic."
  4203. [03:39] <Ikea> "Clinic, right. Let's go"
  4204. [03:39] <Ruby_McCoal> (ehehe dont mention it)
  4205. 06[03:39] * Arrant_Hold_ puts hugs Ruby "You were brilliant back there."
  4206. [03:39] <UnifySelf> "I'm almost as fucked up as Lucy right now."
  4207. [03:39] <BlazingSky> (To the clinic?
  4208. 01[03:39] <Lucyne> 3And so, our heroes return from their grisly task, hurt, battered, but victorious
  4209. [03:39] <Arrant_Hold_> "Wouldn't have any one else down there with me."
  4210. [03:39] <Duskie> "yet you still stand"
  4211. 01[03:39] <Lucyne> That's it for tonight!
  4212. 01[03:39] <Lucyne> Thanks for playing!
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