Partial Possession: Rainbow Dash chapter 1

Jul 13th, 2015
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  1. >It was high noon, but the large poofy clouds in the sky gave a nice amount of shade. It's been a nice week since the posession.
  2. >The cafe you were at was pretty rockin' too. Several ponies were performing a light song in the background
  3. "So you don't do kissing with girls?"
  4. >You take a sip of your soda. Rainbow raised an eyebrow and leaned back. "Uhh, I don't think that's--"
  5. "What are you? A faggot?"
  6. >Fluttershy locks up. "A-Anon, does that word have a different meaning where you came from?"
  7. >You start to respond, before an excited squee escapes from somewhere off to your left.
  8. >"Girls!" Twilight prances closer. You duck under the table, and she stops in place and looks to Dash. "U-um, is everything okay?"
  9. "Rainbow you stupid bitch don't sell me out like this"
  10. >"Fluttershy? Anon?" Twilight glanced down, and then back to Rainbow, who merely shrugged.
  11. >Fluttershy quickly popped up and grinned, placing her front hooves on the table "Ahem, good afternoon, Twilight!"
  12. >"Ah, Fluttershy! Great! I have good news!"
  13. >You fist-pump into the air.
  14. "Alright! So when do we get our horn?!"
  15. >Twilight sighed and sat down. "I wasn't turning you into a princess the last 5 times we spoke, I'm not going to now."
  16. >You stick your bottom lip out. You really wanted to try casting spells.
  17. >She scratches her chin. "Although...I suppose I could get you a horn if you want one."
  18. >What
  19. >Fluttershy laughs nervously and shrinks. "What?"
  20. >She grins and claps her hooves together in excitement. "Well, I've found a way to end the posession without Anon passing on!"
  21. >"If you would just follow me to my study, we can begin!"
  26. >After calling over the waiter and paying, you begin again the walk to the castle.
  27. >Dash sighs, walking next to you. "I'm still hungry."
  28. >"You didn't have to come, Rainbow! But I am very thankful." Fluttershy leaned her head onto Dash's shoulder
  29. >Damn, you feel cute.
  30. >Once you enter, Twilight opens a book, and waves you over. Dash rolls her eyes.
  31. >"Well uh, I'm sure that's great and all, but I can't hardly read all that mumbo jumbo."
  32. >She floats off, looking at the various curios around the study.
  33. >Twilight huffs. "Well, just make sure not to touch anything!"
  34. >She turns her attention back to you, and points at the book. "You see, I've realized the mistake I made with the spell!
  35. >"It's meant to seal a spirit into a special object. And I just so happen to have such a object with me now!"
  36. >She turns the page and points at a diagram of a jar. "This was a old contraption created by Starswirl the Bearded."
  37. "Uhhh, thanks, but I don't want to be a jar."
  38. >You scratch the back of your head, and Twilight chuckles. "Yes, but with Pinkie's help, I've found a alchemical solution!"
  39. >She turns around, pointing at a common cookie jar. "Using knowledge of Changelings, I've found a way to, well..."
  40. >You notice the jar was spinning for a moment, as if just moved. Rainbow turns, with a nervous grin.
  41. >Twilight continues. "Basically, I can turn the jar you are contained in, into a pony, of any kind!"
  42. >You start bouncing up and down in excitement.
  43. "Shit, yeah! Changeling jar? Let's do this!"
  44. >Fluttershy is happy for you as well, though holds some reservations.
  45. >'We'll still be...together, right?'
  46. >You project your joy internally.
  47. 'Of course! And we'll be able to do all sorts of fun stuff!'
  48. >She obviously doesn't get the connotation you were trying to give, but that's okay.
  52. >Twilight nods. "Right, Rainbow, if you just stand back, I will be able to cast the spell! Easily, now that I've done it before."
  53. >Rainbow Dash has several beads of sweat trailing down her face, and steps back
  54. >You don't catch on to this. You're kind of dumb that way. Twilight merely jestures, like the mary sue she is, and it is cast
  55. >You feel your ghostly presence leave the warm cuddlyness that is Fluttershy's body, and floats into the jar
  56. >However, as it enters, you are suddenly spit out.
  57. >"Oh dear." Twilight mumbles. "That's not supposed to happen."
  58. >You float in the air, completely disorientated after being so used to following physical laws
  59. >tfw formless
  60. >what are we doing here
  61. >what is anyone doing here?
  62. >ow.
  63. >this really hurts.
  64. >Twilight walks to the jar and looks in. "What?! It's not supposed to be empty!" She turns to the three of you
  65. >Rainbow lets out a chuckle and sits down. "Yeeah, about that--"
  66. >As soon as she opens her mouth, she starts to glow, and is connected by an ephemeral link to your presence
  67. >You are quite suddenly sucked via ghostbustin' beam into her, and find your senses completely missing for a moment
  68. >You open your eyes, suddenly everything you see and feel brighter and more intense than it was a minute ago
  69. >You notice a strand of red hair in your vision
  70. >And orange
  71. >And yellow
  72. >Now all you see is red. It's probably because you're really angry. Or dying. Maybe both?
  77. "I swear to David Bowie if I look in the mirror and I am a one-pony pride parade I'm going to eat my own face."
  78. >Twilight and Fluttershy are silent, the former expressionless and the latter on the ground hiding behind her hair
  79. >You suddenly feel a lot like a carpet muncher
  80. >'What the hay did you say about me?!'
  81. >You start chewing on your cheek
  82. >It hurts, so you stop, and Rainbow raises her hoof to her face. "Ah, what the heck?! What'd you do that for?"
  83. >Twilight sighs. "Sweet Celestia...Right. I'm getting Pinkie."
  84. >She walks out of the room, leaving your dumb ass inside the bigger dumbass
  85. >Before you can complain more, you're knocked down into a large hug between Fluttershy and the floor
  86. >"Oh, Anon, I'm so glad you're okay!"
  87. >Rainbow pushes her off. You were enjoying that. "Hey, what about me?!"
  88. "Oh, Rainbow, nothing could happen to you. We're not that lucky."
  89. >It's going to be a long day.
  90. "What made you think eating an ancient lich jar's contents would be a good thing?!"
  91. >"It looked like cookies, alright?! It didn't taste like them, but by then it was too late."
  92. >You realize if Pinkie had a hand in this, she probably would make it look like a cookie. Fine, you let her off the hook for that
  93. >You know you would have done the same, don't act like you wouldn't've.
  94. >Well, it could have been worse, you could have been stuck in
  95. >...Uhhh...
  96. >Diamond Tiara. Yeah, that would have been a bigger pain.
  97. >You immedietly feel regret for tempting the universe, and hope it doesn't come back to bite you
  98. >You deeply sigh, and both of you are quiet for a moment, letting your tempers cool down.
  99. "So. What we gonna do?"
  100. >Rainbow slowly straightens up. "Well, we need to bring in a storm for tonight. Other than that, not much."
  101. >You nod, and Fluttershy fidgets, rotating her hooves together. You give her a winning smile and a thumbs up
  102. >Haha. You just realized you don't have thumbs
  103. >Fuck being a pony.
  104. "Don't worry, Flutters! This'll be over before you know it."
  105. >She smiled back. "T-thank you, Rainbow." Your smile drops.
  106. "If you ever confuse me with that monochomatic standstill again I'm filing for divorce."
  111. >Fluttershy squeaks and hides her face again, and you chuckle and pat her on the head.
  112. >"Divorce?!" Rainbow pulls back, "What are you talking about?"
  113. >Yellowquiet diverts her eyes, and all is quiet from a moment. Huh, Rainbow hasn't been mindreading you much
  114. >Maybe Fluttershy is just better suited to being the thought police. Or it has something to do with how much she cares.
  115. >You shrug. I dunno.
  116. >With all your training and practice, you focus your insight into her mind
  117. >'When's the gay bar open?'
  118. >'GOTTA GO FAST'
  119. >'Im gona do a fukeng snonic raimboom'
  120. >You cover your mouth with your hooves to stop yourself from laughing. You didn't actually directly read her mind
  121. >But your inner prick is never far off.
  122. >Except when he is. Which is more often than not
  123. >But you're a betting man, and you like those odds.
  124. >Once again, you wonder why you don't have friends
  125. >"H-hey, is everyone ignoring me?!" Rainbow puffs out her wings. Flutters waves her hooves slightly from side to side
  126. >"Not at all, Rainbow Dash!"
  127. >"Well, good!" The specular quickness replied, pouting slightly. What an asshole.
  128. >You wonder why she has friends. What has she got that you don't got?!
  129. >Well, a corporeal body, for one.
  130. >It's not healthy to think about these things. You can almost feel Fluttershy chiding you, even though you're not connected
  131. >You suddenly realize you feel a lot more alone than you're used to. Even with the shared mind, you lost the familiarity
  132. 'Hey, uh, Rainbow...Let's try to get along. For Flutters' sake?'
  133. >Rainbow takes a deep breath and nods. "Alright, sounds good."
  134. >Fluttershy's ears twitch in curiosity, and your heart leaps. Damn. Just, damn.
  135. 'Rainbow, you know we can speak using our inside voices, right?'
  136. >"What do you mean? How are you doing that?"
  137. 'Just--just think hard. you can do it.'
  138. >She scrunches her eyes and puts her hooves to her temples. "Is it working?"
  139. >Adorable. In a pitiful kind of way.
  140. >"Don't patronize me! I can do this!"
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