
Uplift RPG Session #50-52

Mar 10th, 2018
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  1. Crawling out of the bizzarre depths our heroes emerge from the manhole. The things they have seen: unknowable. the things they experienced: Miracluous.
  2. Gator (GM): (Well, trailer park.)
  3. Gaven C.: (By burning a killer alive and draging hos body back to the police.)
  4. Axl Greez (GM): ( All heroes start small )
  5. ( 'sides, could be worse )
  6. They have just received a map to a treasure.
  7. Martaues: "Phew... Glad that whole mess is behind us... So. Where to first with that map'a yers?"
  9. Gaven C. Reads the map.
  11. Match Reads the map.
  12. Gator (GM): Do you have land navigation?
  13. Match: (No)
  14. "Fred you read the map, you know stuff like this!"
  15. Fred Actaeon: I have land navigation
  17. Match Shows the map to Fred.
  18. Gator (GM): Then roll land navigation!
  19. Fred Actaeon: Intelligence?
  20. Gator (GM): Sure.
  21. Martaues: ( Nah, just muscle your way through the map )
  22. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+30+20
  23. (
  24. 7
  25. )+30+20
  26. = 57
  27. Gator (GM): People from logos are more of a google maps type.
  28. You narrowed it down to a small town in the bergin territory.
  29. Match: (Wait, didn't we do this map shenanagins at the end too?)
  30. Fred Actaeon: (Yeah, we know the town and history)
  31. Gator (GM): (Well, Edward needs to be drilled on the system more!)
  32. (But that is correct. It's abit of a trip, luckily you have a car or two at your disposal.)
  33. Match: "Where does the map lead Fred,? We bust adventure there!"
  34. "... And make a stop for me to get all the stuff I lost in the FIRE!"
  35. Martaues: "Better than wasting our time here after just getting healed."
  36. Gator (GM): (sorry, brownout caused my rig to reset, coming to you live from tablet)
  37. Martaues: ( Noice )
  38. Gator (GM): Proceed to road trip?
  39. Match: (Yes)
  40. Axl Greez (GM): ( Pile into Fred's car )
  42. Fred Actaeon drives
  43. Match: (Van.)
  44. Axl Greez (GM): ( Vehicle )
  45. Match: (Thats a van.)
  46. Axl Greez (GM): ( Mode of transportation )
  47. Gator (GM): You pile in and set off
  48. Axl Greez (GM): ( To the DMV, that's not a truck, that's a vehicle. )
  49. ( You can't tell a cop that's a truck, that's a vehicle )
  50. Gator (GM): Along the way you hear a news report: serborgia panics as the Royal crown and ceremonial dagger have been stolen
  52. Match Is annoyed that the news report ruined his jam.
  53. Axl Greez (GM): "... That'd be cool to have."
  54. Gator (GM): *bergin is expected to be hit with violent storms this weekend.
  55. and a other celebrity is arrested for violent assault
  56. Martaues: "I swear, that's been happenin' more and more."
  57. Match: "It's the work of HollyWeird! They do mind warping on people."
  58. Gator (GM): (yeah, we are using quick maps today.
  59. Match: brb
  60. Martaues: "Don't even get me started on those snakes..."
  61. Gator (GM): Controversial opinions!
  62. You arrive to Falcons hollow
  63. It's a. Country town, all building is are less than two stories and the most popular vehicle are pick up trucks with no less than than 3 dinks I. It
  64. *in it
  66. Match Hops out of the van and adjustes his pants and enters a cowboy pose.
  67. Martaues: "Alright... Now what?"
  68. Gator (GM): You spot Eustues! The guy from the beast!
  69. Match: "Food, new clothing and armor and guns..."
  70. Martaues: ( Aw crud, are we all on a different map? My GM mode has me stuck on one and I can't move myself on the map with my phone )
  71. Match: (Switch to player mode.)
  72. (Click on the cog and select player mode.)
  73. Gator (GM): Go to optio s and select rejoi. As player
  74. Axl Greez: ( Gracias )
  75. Gator (GM): Ah you got it
  76. Axl Greez: "... Match. Get back in the car."
  77. "Fred? Get ready to floor it."
  79. Match Hops back into the van and slams the doors.
  80. Gator (GM): The man approaches he's, "what's going on?" He says.
  81. Match: "HIT THE GAS FRED!"
  83. Fred Actaeon ...waits to see what happens before jumping to conclusions.
  84. Martaues: "C'mon man..." Martaues grumbles as he fumbles through his possessions for his rifle
  85. Gator (GM): Actions?
  86. Fred Actaeon: "Hello. Do you know us?" I say this with my foot on the gas petal.
  87. Gator (GM): "... No, I dont." He says. He looks at you in suspicion, "Why you ask?"
  88. Fred Actaeon: "You remind us of somebody we met recently. Possibly a relative?
  90. Match ready his axe while hiding in the back.
  91. Martaues: "I doubt it man, I doubt it..." Martaues mutters in the backseat.
  92. Gator (GM): "And that relationship e had you scrambling to van
  93. He asks.
  94. Fred Actaeon: "Bad experience."
  95. Match: "BAD MAN!"
  96. Gator (GM): "right. Welome to falcon's hollow." He says sternly as he heads off to the station.
  97. Martaues: "... I... Huh."
  98. "Should we... keep goin'?"
  99. Gator (GM): To where do you go?
  100. Fred Actaeon: I check the map again.
  101. Match: "Fred! Where does the map you to go!"
  102. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+30+20
  103. (
  104. 72
  105. )+30+20
  106. = 122
  107. Gator (GM): The map calls this place falcon's rest. Apparently there hav e been changes. Still, it looks like it's in a cave.
  108. You think you'll need more info.
  109. Match: (Wanna look around town for info?)
  110. (While alos getting new stuff.)
  111. Gator (GM): Or set off exploring?
  112. You are in need of armor and supplies.
  113. Martaues: ( sorry, brb a quick minute )
  114. Gator (GM):
  116. Match Gets out of the van again, now peeking his head out. "Mart, we still need stuff for the journey, we shop and keep an eye out."
  117. Gator (GM): Sorry, new edit is on the rig
  118. Fred Actaeon: STILL haven't fixed my last name.
  119. Gator (GM): Nah it's fixed, old edition.
  120. Haven't put the fixed one on the drive
  121. Fred Actaeon: OK
  122. Gator (GM): Anyway, about town there are diners, the bar, library, station and th e general store
  123. There are people walking about as well
  125. Match Is waiting for Mart to come along since he has no money.
  126. Match: "Fred, can you spare some cash?"
  127. Martaues: ( Was spending money on Mex food )
  128. Gator (GM): (I'm on a diet these days)
  129. Martaues: "Right, right... What do ya need, fuzz-ball?"
  130. Match: "I doubt a general store had armor or guns here."
  131. Gator (GM): R
  132. Brb
  133. Martaues: "Nah. Best look for a huntin' store or somethin'. Doubt any sorta underground market has any form of presence here either."
  134. Match: "Well, I don't have a gun licence, In fact I'm not ever legally allow to get one with me well... past."
  135. Fred Actaeon: brb
  136. Match: "And Fred come along, were heading to library to find out more about map!"
  137. Martaues: ( Sorry, brb real quick myself too. Setting up credit stuff )
  138. Fred Actaeon: back
  139. Gator (GM): Proceed to bibliotheca?
  140. Match: "WAIT, I can build a new gun!"
  141. "Mart can I get money for gun supplies?"
  142. Fred Actaeon: I go to ibrary
  144. Match heads along there with Fred.
  145. Martaues: "Yeah, just give me the bill." Martaues says, following the two.
  146. Gator (GM): While mat h ponders a new gun assembly the three of you head to the library.
  147. There you see a musty room filled with books. You are greeted by the librarian, a hunched over mold man with a cutting stare.
  148. Martaues: "Just... Please don't get something that'd burn yourself again. I don't think I can handle that sorta thing again."
  149. Match: "Brick Cannon it is!"
  150. Martaues: "... Yeah, sure pal."
  151. Gator (GM): The .an stares at you. In the silence you can hear a clock.
  152. (hard to type quick on tablet)
  153. Match: "Mister Mole Man where are books on locations of this area?"
  154. Gator (GM): History" the man says and points to the back wall of books.
  155. Match: (We need perseption on finding book.)
  156. Gator (GM): Eh, sure. Or a history roll
  157. Martaues: "Heey, ah, sir. Who exactly is the sheriff fella here? The human-lookin' guy?"
  158. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+30+10
  159. (
  160. 52
  161. )+30+10
  162. = 92
  163. Rolled history
  164. Gator (GM): "Eustues Cartright. Been sheriff most of his life. His family founded the town way back." He says.
  165. Martaues: "... Huh."
  166. "How long he's been workin' here?"
  167. Match: "Does he show supernatural powers?"
  168. Fred Actaeon: (going to lie town for a few minutes. Took some medicine and it may get rid of this migrane.)
  169. Gator (GM): Fred, your research yields afew things. This town was indeed founded by Eustues and his relatives. Back then he was a violent gunslinger and this was his retirement spot. There are local legends of his gold, supposedly kept under the old monestary, although apparently his gold is something of a tourist attraction these days.
  170. Martaues: ( Alright man, hope you feel better )
  171. Gator (GM): (be carfeul driving, man.)
  172. Match: (Get well soon man.)
  173. Fred Actaeon: *lie down. I'm in bed.
  174. Gator (GM): The man says that he has been sheriff afew decades now and that he hasn't displayed any powers on his part. He also thinks that is a weird question.
  175. Match: "Mart, you think Giving the gold to not evil cowboy will rid evil cowboy?"
  176. Gator (GM): (that's a deep question.)
  177. Match: (Noit isn't.)
  178. "Mart you have phone or camera to take piture of info pages?"
  179. Gator (GM): Sorry, internet reset for a sec
  180. The library has a copier.
  182. Match Copies the pages on the treasure.
  183. Gator (GM): You have copies of the history pages.
  184. Do you stock up on supplies or just head out?
  185. Match: (Stock up.)
  187. Match heads to the general stores and buys a bunch of doo dads, air pressures, metal and bricks.
  188. Gator (GM): Sure, 300.
  189. Match: And a metal working kit
  190. (So remove 650 from Maraues.)
  191. Gator (GM): Mooch!
  193. Match GEts into the back of the van and make his new weapon, the Brick Blaster.
  194. Match: rolling 1d100 + 70
  195. (
  196. 46
  197. )+70
  198. = 116
  199. Gator (GM): Yeah, that works.
  200. Match: (How much should it do and how much ammo?)
  201. Gator (GM): Stats:4d10+40, rng 100', ammo 1 single fire. Sound good?
  202. Match: (Sure, I can just upgare it down the line.)
  203. Gator (GM): It should be noted that at the general store you see an entire section for guns and ammo.
  204. Match: (Would you sell a gun to Match?)
  205. Gator (GM): Has he been convicted of a crime or registered as having a mental illness?
  206. Match: (Yes and Yes.)
  207. Gator (GM): No.
  208. Match: (AmI the only one here?)
  209. Gator (GM): Besides the large guy at the counter, staff, customers, and the sheriff accross the street, yes.
  210. Match: (I mean playing the game.)
  211. Gator (GM): (well, I'm here. But axl is kinda distracted and Eddie is still down.)
  213. Match Looks around for something to do to kill time.
  214. Gator (GM): You see something interesting!
  215. At the door of the store is is an 8 foot taxidermy statue of some creature.
  216. Martaues: ( OK OK my bad, everything's now in order )
  217. ( Sis got switched around rooms like a hot potato after dealing with an illegal, harbored dog, payments made, travel plan discussions, yadda yadda )
  218. Gator (GM): A plaque says "Big Tommie" it appears to be a humanoid with matted fur and a mess or horns on it's head.
  219. Martaues: ( Ok, what do you need purchased Gav? )
  220. Gator (GM): (oh my, that's complicated man.)
  222. Match Reads the plaque to the best of his knowledge to learn more about this thing.
  223. Martaues: ( Could be worse off )
  224. Gator (GM): You are handed a bill for 645
  225. Match: (Remove 650$, I got a brick Blacter Made.)
  226. Martaues: ( Money subtracted, enjoy )
  228. Martaues catches up with Match after spending some time... doing something. "Whatcha lookin' at?"
  229. Gator (GM): It appears a local legends of a monster. A giant that has tortured the town since it's founding, they say you see the creature in your dreams before it rips off the roof while you sleep and eats you while you lay in your bed.
  230. Not exactly a happy monster legend
  231. Match: "Brick Blaster would remove stupid... Whatever that is."
  232. Martaues: "Psh. Would shoot his fingers off 'fore it touched either one of us, promise you that."
  233. Match: "I'll shoot it before It even look at you HOT stuff!"
  234. Gator (GM): Big Tommie, they say he's an Oroll... Whatever that is.
  235. Martaues: "Y-yeah, same man."
  236. Match: "And lets find the not evil cowboy! I know how to silve evil cowboy!"
  237. Solve*
  238. Gator (GM): Head to the station?
  239. Martaues: "The hell do you think's even up with that? Clones? Robot?"
  240. ( Yeah )
  241. Match: "It ain't magic for sure."
  242. Martaues: "I try to never rule out magic when it comes to stuff that doesn't make any sense."
  243. Gator (GM): You head to the station. Besides a deputy, barely 18, at a radio unit there is the sheriff and someone in the cells.
  244. "You three." He says as you come in.
  245. Martaues: "I'm sorry?"
  246. Match: "Yes Mister... Eustace?"
  247. Gator (GM): "Officier..."
  248. Martaues: "You expectin' us or somethin'?"
  249. Gator (GM): "What do you want?" He asks slowly.
  250. Match: "Were here to apologiest for acting off to the Sherrif."
  251. Gator (GM): (wonder if it should be a mind off to accept an apology.
  252. Match: rolling 1d100 + 15
  253. (
  254. 24
  255. )+15
  256. = 39
  257. "We thought he was a VERY BAD MAN we seen before!"
  258. Gator (GM): "Oh, well that's kind of you." He drops his defensive stance and continues, "So what can I do for you?
  259. Martaues: "Apologies and somethin' else... Match?"
  260. Match: "You see, you are the Great great great grandson of the evil cowboy that wanted us dead."
  261. Gator (GM): "what?"
  262. Match: "And... this is his clothing that I got, but it doesn't matter. Point is that we must give you his gold to stop him from killing us!"
  264. Match Shows off the map."
  265. Match: "We must go here and give you the gold!"
  266. Gator (GM): "that's a map alright."
  267. He continues, "There are alot of legends about alot of gunslingers back then but I assure you my great great whatever is not alive and did not threaten you."
  268. Match: "I have his gun though!"
  269. Gator (GM): "But if so done did then you then I'll take the report. What did he look like?"
  270. Match: "He looked just like you!"
  271. "... How do I pull out a gun and not get shot in here?"
  272. Gator (GM): "handle first." He says.
  274. Match Pulls out the gun slowly and places it on the counter.
  275. Martaues: "Match, dear- Buddy, I think yer gettin' a bit confusing with yer explanations here..." Martaues says. "And how's anyone supposed to just accept that sorts of things?" he whispers to Match.
  276. Match: "See! It even looks old and ugly ."
  277. "We accepted healing sewer goo."
  278. Gator (GM): "Having a bunch of artifacts does not corroborate your story. Also if he threatened you the. Why do you have his clothes and gun?
  279. Match: "... Ehhh."
  280. Martaues: "Long story, man. Just... I dunno how to properly break this sorta thing."
  281. Match: "We didn't kill him and I had nothing to wear when I met him."
  282. "There has to be something on the gun to show its his!"
  283. Gator (GM): He examines the gun
  284. Well, it does have the family symbol but that doesn't prooves much. We got this symbol because it was a popular design in revolvers back then."
  285. "listen, it's not important if I believe your story, whatever it is, I'm just here to keep the peace and uphold the law."
  287. Match Takes off as much of the clothing he can without breaking tohe law. "And the clothing!"
  288. Match: "We need you to go with us!"
  289. Gator (GM): "Yeah, I don't need the clothing."
  290. "where?" He asks.
  292. Match Points to the x on the map.
  293. Gator (GM): "You want me to help you find this treasure?"
  294. Martaues: "It'd, ah... Be a real help, yes."
  295. Match: "Yes!"
  296. Gator (GM): Roll to convince him!
  297. Match: (Getting food.)
  298. Gator (GM): I'm starved as well.
  299. Martaues: rolling 1d100+25
  300. (
  301. 57
  302. )+25
  303. = 82
  304. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  305. (
  306. 3
  307. )+25
  308. = 28
  309. Oh wow.
  310. "well, it's probably against law on some level and you are all extremely suspicious but what the hell. I have nothing planned for the weekend."
  311. "Let's meet tomorrow before breakfast. Sound good?"
  313. Martaues slaps Match on the shoulder and gives a wide grin. "Good to hear, man."
  314. Martaues: "Yeah. Front of... Ah... What place do you recommend holing up in for the night?"
  315. Gator (GM): There's a motel down the street. It's also a bowling alkey
  316. Fred Actaeon: (Hi. I think I am finished for today. I'm feeling a bit better but I have other plans for tonight.)
  317. Martaues: "That... sounds loud."
  318. Gator (GM): It's called the 7-10.
  319. Match: "Sounds like a bad combo when its a bowling all night weekend."
  320. Martaues: ( Alright man, hope you have a good rest of the weekend. Sorry I was absent while you were around. )
  321. Gator (GM): "You'd think but it seems to workout.
  322. Fred Actaeon: (That's OK. Bye)
  323. Match: (Have a good one.)
  324. Gator (GM): Yeah, I'm off as well. Alot of exploring this session. I'd say 30 xp all round.
  325. Hope you guys have a good week!
  326. And you get feeling better Ed.
  327. Martaues: Alrighty man. Hope you both have a good weekend
  328. Gator (GM): Wait he gone.
  329. Martaues: I'll get this compiled probably next weekend
  330. Gator (GM): You too man. Did you have fun GMing?
  331. Martaues: Last Thursday?
  332. Was confusing, but good. Got experience with improv, so not too much was frightening to come up with on the fly
  333. Just not improv with a roleplaying session.
  334. Gator (GM): Oh yeah, you do!
  335. I forgot.
  336. Martaues: I didn't even think of it going into murder as I was coming up with plot hooks to fit "trailer shenanigans"
  337. Gator (GM): Anyway, cool stuff. I'm off before I devolve from hunger. Later guys!
  338. Martaues: Cool man, thanks for the game
  339. You have a good one too Gaven
  340. Gator (GM): Yeah, that's gaven for you!
  341. Match: You too, and good game.
  342. Martaues: Gonna work on making David Bowie in Monster Hunter
  343. Match: You mean match.
  344. Martaues: Or Soverign from Venture Bros, that's a bit simpler than the makeup Bowie's famous for
  345. To who? Me or Gator?
  346. Match: Gator.
  347. Martaues: Besides that, I turned it into murder
  348. Was either that or dead animals, but then the whole thing about wild animals came up
  349. Match: Yeah, that is the problem with animal and furries.
  350. Martaues: And even then that depended on you even going after the bird or just talking with the locals more
  351. Just keep improving opportunities till one sticks
  352. Focus too much on one idea and you'll hog the spotlight, can't have that happen
  353. Match: I usually have 1 thing planned and 2 small things planned.
  354. Martaues: Anyways, have a good night man
  355. Match: Night.
  356. Martaues: Yeah, wasn't sure if I should've planned something or just roll with whatever comes. Figured adapting's better than the former
  357. Match: It always best to have 1 thing set up in advance.
  358. Martaues: Yeah. Anyway, later man
  359. Match: Later.
  360. Martaues: I'll try to check Skype more often if you want to do another private session sometome
  361. Match: Im down for a session anythime not on sunday.
  362. Martaues: Cool, but I can't say I got this weekend available. Got a bit too much on my plate to deal with till I can say I'm good
  363. *this upcoming week
  364. Match: Thats fine man.
  365. Martaues: Later man
  366. Gator (GM): Yo!
  367. Gaven C.: Hey.
  368. Had some fugged up dreams last night.
  369. Gator (GM): Bummer. I hate those.
  370. Gaven C.: Nothing like being chased by a masked murderer with a knife then getting het multiple times with throwing knifes and then tring to stop him from stabing you multiple times and waking up screaming.
  371. & the other 2 were good either.
  372. Gator (GM): Yeah, in my nightmares people are yelling at me.
  373. Gaven C.: Well the other 2 a swat raiding my neighbors house and me beating up someone and screaming about family problems.
  374. Gator (GM): Yeah.
  375. Gaven C.: Hey ed.
  376. Gator (GM): Ey man!
  377. Edward H.: hi.
  378. Gator (GM): So how is the moring greating you guys?
  379. Gaven C.: Its after non, and it wasnt good.
  380. Gator (GM): Let's hope it gets better. Let's give axl afew minutes, then decide what's what.
  381. Here's the latest version btw:
  383. Hopefully without any errors. Sometimes that happens with amazon's format.
  384. Edward H.: You're thanking the author of Endtown? That's hilarious.
  385. Gator (GM): Eh, even though I better not meet the guy in a dark alley he did help make the system. So for that he gets thanks.
  386. Gotta be fair and all.
  387. Gaven C.: Not to be an ass but it can make you look passive aggressive for listing him.
  388. Gator (GM): Well its not like he was the problem. It was the publisher.
  389. Edward H.: Ahh. I was wondering if that was the case.
  390. Axl Greez (GM): Busy
  391. Gator (GM): I'll contemplate the issue after session.
  392. Axl Greez (GM): Had to interview a guy and edit it
  393. Gator (GM): Yo man!
  394. Nice!
  395. Gaven C.: Hey Axl.
  396. Gator (GM): Okay, ready to start?
  397. Axl Greez (GM): Sure. Sorry to make y'all wait for me
  398. Gator (GM): Nah, gives me time to make maps
  399. Gaven C.: Its fine man.
  400. Also my internets been assy so I might drop out.
  401. Gator (GM): Right. Let's roll
  402. Edward H.: Page 35 36 and 37 are messed up.
  403. Quiet is the hall of justice in this sleepy town. You hav--
  404. Gator (GM): Son of all...
  405. Ragga fragga
  406. Axl Greez: ( ? )
  407. Gator (GM):
  408. Fixed it last night. Any other errors I'll solve later.
  409. Just once I'd like the format to not screw up...
  410. Alright.
  411. Sheriff's office.
  412. Eusteus Lord the third sits with his boots on the desk. He has agreed to help you on your search.
  413. You have found that the deranged immortal was a founder of the town years ago and that this place is a hotbed of legends.
  414. Gator (GM): Do you have anything to say to the sheriff, who has pulled out the stick?
  415. Martaues: "So, tomorrow in the mornin'... Where's a decent place to rest?"
  416. Gator (GM): "There's a motel on the other side of town." He says.
  418. Edward H. goes to motel
  419. Motel: 100 a night.
  420. Gator (GM): It's a standard room. Important: This is your base for this quest!
  421. Gaven C.: "That's way to pricy for a place that this!"
  422. Gator (GM): If there is any preparations do to or plans to make, this is the place
  423. Match: "We going to need rope, flashlights!"
  424. Martaues: "Match, it's either this place or some rundown hole outta middle o' nowhere. Look, I'll be payin'."
  425. "One night. We need to come back, will just pay for the second."
  427. Match Checks if there are complemtary chocolate mints.
  428. Gator (GM): There are.
  429. What leads do you have for the treasure?
  431. Match Eats all of the mints besides 2.
  432. Match: (We have map and a bunch of copied pages about the treasure.)
  433. Martaues: "So... 'Bout the sheriff. Had a real nasty thought, if the guy turns out to be his own fella. What if the other one we met comes back o'er here?"
  434. "Unless he starts shooting at us, what can we do to tell the difference 'tween the two?"
  435. Match: "OH! We make an easy identifiable mark, but hide a super secret one in his hat!"
  436. Martaues: "Yeah. Dunno, say a permanent marker or somethin'? 'Accidentally' mark him, just in case?"
  437. Match: "I seen it in a TV show!"
  438. Martaues: "Gonna feel real stupid if it turns out the guy was the one we met in that pit all along."
  439. Match: "Can't be, the people here know him for a long time!"
  440. Martaues: "That don't sit right with me either."
  441. Match: "And we can prick him to see how fast wound heals!"
  442. "If it fast then its the BAD COWBOY!"
  443. Martaues: "'Less he's got a REALLY specific set'a genes with kids lookin' like him, it just seem too convenient for him to look just like the guy."
  444. Gator (GM): (What do you think, eddie? Sheriff a good guy or the crazy guy you left inside the worm?)
  445. Match: "Side effect from ancient human tech cause kids to be clone is possible."
  446. Martaues: "Point is... Let's try to keep an eye on 'im."
  447. Fred Actaeon: "Hmm... I'm not sure."
  448. Martaues: "Clones... REALLY hopin' it aint like that."
  449. Match: "Cloning doesn't copy personality or memories."
  450. "I think."
  451. Gator (GM): Retire for the night?
  452. Martaues: "Anyway... What else we need. Got rope and lights, what 'bout the diggin' tools we got? Need those... Water canteens and rations, probably."
  453. Match: "Yeah I still have diggin tool!"
  454. Gator (GM): Guns, armor?
  455. Fred Actaeon: "We'll need more modern maps to compare and contrast the one we already have."
  456. Match: "Oh and I armor, also but a cup incase if it is him!"
  457. Martaues: "Maps, yeah... And cups, why not. Need to repair the armor I got anyway."
  458. Gator (GM): (Why would, ah, right, I remember.)
  459. With your planning you rest.
  460. regain 5 hp, 1 mh.
  461. Gator (GM): Whoop, hand slipped
  462. Match: (Oh, I have a bunch of points to spend, anything ya want me to spend them on?)
  463. Gator (GM): In the night you are visited by a monster!
  464. (Aerobatics! Get a jet pack!)
  465. Martaues: ( Fuck off, barely enough room on the bed to begin with )
  466. Match: (I doubt mart would let him get one.)
  467. Martaues: ( Dunno. Maybe invention )
  468. ( Use your insanity to staple a flamethrower to another flamethrower )
  469. Gator (GM): With that vision done, you awaken.
  470. Martaues: ( On top of a revolver )
  471. Fred Actaeon: (I feel like i've been limited myself because I still don't fully undetstand the level up system sweatdrop)
  472. Martaues: ( I've actually had enough points for a while to level up a skill but I've been to lazy to put them into anything )
  473. Gator (GM): (Eh, it's easy. 5+ pts per level. +1 per 100 xp. That's all it is.)
  474. Match: (Invention it is!)
  475. Gator (GM): Well, now it is a good time to spend them.
  476. Fred Actaeon: (OK.)
  477. Gator (GM): Anyway, you awaken. You see a strange homeless man staring at you through the window.
  479. Match Sleeps, hugging Mart.
  480. Martaues: ( Just gonna throw them into martial arts, put that to level 3 )
  481. Match: "Huh- GO AWAY!"
  482. Gator (GM): The man does not seem to acknowledge your warning.
  484. Martaues mumbles, propping himself halfway up with the other held down by the rat. Spotting the blurry man, he rubs his eyes and shouts "The hell?! Get out of here!"
  485. Gator (GM): The man refuses. His face is pressed against the glass now.
  486. Match: "What do you want!"
  487. Fred Actaeon: (OK Look at my character sheet. Did I spend them correctly?)
  489. Martaues starts fishing through his supplies for his stack rifle.
  490. Match: "Were going to call authoraties if you do go!"
  492. Match Moons him
  493. Gator (GM): (That's alot of skills.
  494. It's 10 points to by a new skill level.)
  495. Martaues: "Oh for-" Martaues grumbles, finally fetching the rifle and leaving the room.
  496. Match: (Should we call not/Eustace?)
  498. Match pulls his pants up and readies his ax and follows Mart.
  499. Gator (GM): (But otherwise it looks fine. I added the hp and such from leveling.)
  500. Martaues: ( Sure, but I gotta gun. )
  501. Gator (GM): Town!
  502. Martaues: "Hey! The hell are you doin'?"
  503. Gator (GM): Among other clues, there is an old monastery that was mentioned in the papers.
  504. (Shouting at the bum?)
  505. Martaues: ( Nah, at the town for being what it is )\
  506. ( It knows what it's done )
  507. Match: "Fred get on the phone! Listen bum man leave now or else the police are going to come!"
  508. Gator (GM): (whistling song intensifies)
  509. The bum flies upon the third warning!
  510. Supplies or track down leads?
  511. Martaues: ( Nab supplies then meet up with the sheriff. )
  512. Match: (Yee)
  513. Martaues: ( How much to fully repair an AAS 0/160 armor? )
  514. Gator (GM): Kinda impossible. They can't repair Logos tech here.
  515. Match: (Considering this is a small town I doubt they have the knowlage to repair logos armor.
  516. Martaues: ( Ah well. )
  517. Gator (GM): Indeed their selection is limited to just this planet.
  518. Fred Actaeon: "So who is paying?
  519. Gator (GM): They do have a full selection of half armors and some full armors.
  521. Match pulls out his pockets, showing nothing.)
  523. Martaues sighs and grumbles, "Guess I'll be. Again."
  524. Gator (GM): Fred, who has schmooze, detects that you can buy full suit armor if illegally and at a higher price...
  525. Match: "I'll give you my cut of the treasure Mart don't worry."
  526. Gator (GM): (Martaues: The party wallet.)
  527. Match: (It was Ramiel last time.)
  528. Martaues: ( Why would Fred know where illegal armors are? )
  529. Match: (He a dirty criminal thats why!)
  530. Gator (GM): (He noticed the guy behind the counter wink knowingly when you were looking for armors... And I didn't want to roll your guys' perception.
  531. Match: (But let's no do so since were going to work with a sherrif.)
  532. Martaues: ( The dirtiest of us all; the kind we never knew. )
  533. ( Eh... Good enough of a point. )
  534. ( What's the best legal armor they got? )
  535. Gator (GM): Shielded armor vest. Covers vitals. Carbon plating.
  536. 120hp.
  537. 950
  538. $950 cost. I should say.
  539. Martaues: ( Taking it. Ed, if you wanna schmooze, go ahead. )
  540. ( *bargain )
  541. Fred Actaeon: Mind, right?
  542. Martaues: Yep
  543. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+30+60
  544. (
  545. 82
  546. )+30+60
  547. = 172
  548. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+80
  549. (
  550. 93
  551. )+80
  552. = 173
  553. Match: (Oh and anyone want their gear upgraded.)
  554. Martaues: ( Rigged )
  555. Match: (Wew)
  556. Gator (GM): That is so close, let's reroll.
  557. This is high level haggling!
  558. Martaues: ( Guy has a magnet underneath the roulette wheel )
  559. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+90
  560. (
  561. 67
  562. )+90
  563. = 157
  564. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+80
  565. (
  566. 71
  567. )+80
  568. = 151
  569. After much dust kicking and squinting you talk him down 150 bones!
  570. Martaues: ( Payed )
  572. Martaues approves the transfer and thanks Fred for his hardball negotiations.
  573. Fred Actaeon: "So who gets it?"
  574. Gator (GM): He throws in an old dinged miner's helmet (+20 hp, headlight.)
  575. Fred Actaeon: (Looks at antlers) "Anyone else want this?"
  576. Martaues: "It was to replace my torn to hell armor, but... I can get another."
  578. Match Plops the helmet on his head.
  579. Martaues: "Match, all yours." Martaues says, handing the helmet to him.
  580. Gator (GM): (That does raise a question of whether antlers count as head protection or not.)
  581. Fred Actaeon: (against bullets, no)
  582. Martaues: ( Added chance of parrying regarding head strikes by wildly swinging them around to stop an approach? )
  583. ( ??? )
  584. Gator (GM): (Sure, sounds fun)
  585. Got enough armor?
  586. Match: (I'm still armorless and broke.)
  587. Gator (GM): But hey, you have your skin back.)
  588. Match: (True.)
  589. Martaues: "Hm, yeah... Hey. 'Nother one of the metal armors."
  590. "His- Match's size."
  591. Gator (GM): He offers a flak jacket: 60 hp. $600.
  592. Martaues: "Hm... Fine enough for you?"
  593. Match: "Yes Marty, and thanks you."
  595. Martaues swipes the chip and pays the $600
  596. Martaues: "Hey, Match. What... is your real name?"
  597. Gator (GM): (Matchavious)
  598. Match: "Cough ...Ehhh."
  599. "Flint Ashens."
  600. Martaues: "... Huh. That's a nice name."
  601. "Y'mind me callin' you that, or you want me to stick with jus' Match?"
  602. Match: "You call call me either."
  603. Martaues: ( All good here then. Edward, you need any gear? )
  604. Gator (GM): (Rope, lights? Let's say that's 30 for all that.)
  605. Fred Actaeon: (map)
  606. Martaues: ( Rations. Oh, first aid kits. We got zilch on medical supplies. )
  607. Fred Actaeon: (ahem)
  608. Gator (GM): (Map, 5 dollars)
  609. (First aid kit and rations would be 25 bones.
  610. Martaues: ( So all together $60
  611. Gator (GM): Using it's supplies would be roughly +20 hp to your heals.)
  612. Martaues: ( We all dandy? )
  613. Match: (Yeah.)
  614. Gator (GM): Probably. I gotta stretch for afew minutes here. brb.
  615. Match: (Oh the cups!)
  616. Gator (GM): Cups: 5 dollar. +10 hp.
  617. Martaues: ( Screw it, three for us all )
  618. Gator (GM): 15 dolalr.
  619. Martaues: Done and done
  620. Run out to meet the sheriff and get a move on?
  621. Gator (GM): brb, Plan your next actions!
  622. Fred Actaeon: Yes
  623. Match: Yep.
  624. "Mart, your gun working fine?"
  625. Martaues: "Should be. Yours? Wait, do you got a gun?"
  627. Match Show's the Brick Blaster.
  628. Match: "It won't be the same as BURNEY, but you don't want be to get hurt again."
  629. Martaues: ( Think you can improve upon it with your invention skill? )
  630. Match: "And its a prototype, so it will have kinks."
  631. (Ain't got materiels stuff to buff it.)
  632. Martaues: ( True )
  633. Match: "Hold's 1 brick and defiantly will hurt who gets hit by the brick."
  634. Martaues: "Just the one?"
  635. Match: "Yes, needs to be reloaded after every shot."
  636. Martaues: "I mean, you're free to use whatever sorta weapon you want Flint, but... Think you can add in a cartridge or magazine or something? Can probably find somethin' if you need it bought."
  637. Gator (GM): (Back, thanks.)
  638. Alright, you're equipped.
  639. Next step: Check out the monastery or talk to locals for more info.
  640. Match: "Well, I'm not even legally suppose to have a gun."
  641. "And Brick Blaster is my first creation that doesn't involve FIRE!"
  642. Martaues: "Shh shh shh shh! Not... right here, pal." Martaues whispers.
  643. "Well alright then. Just, if you ever need something, just ask me."
  644. ( Yeah, let's head out to the church )
  645. Fred Actaeon: (what skill we be needed?)
  647. Match Groans as the group approaches the church.
  648. Martaues: ( For church? )
  649. Gator (GM): (First Aid. Always first aid.)
  650. Fred Actaeon: (I mean for getting info. Negotiation?)
  651. Gator (GM): After a uphill drive you arrive at a modest monestary.
  652. Martaues: ( Schmoozing I think works out here )
  653. Match: "...You know with the stuff we found in sewers I'm sure there isn't a god."
  654. Gator (GM): There in full robes and bald head you see a monk greeting people as the approach.
  655. Fred Actaeon: I'm going to talk them. See what they know.
  656. Martaues: "I'm... still willin' to believe otherwise."
  657. "Alright, just call if you need either of us."
  658. Match: "Eh, not like I believed beforehand with my family and past."
  659. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+90
  660. (
  661. 30
  662. )+90
  663. = 120
  664. Gator (GM): First, you learn that it's called Dwarven Monastary because it's founder was a midget.
  665. Martaues: "Shouldn't be about them or the past, but... Aint my thing to tell ya otherwise, Flint."
  666. Gator (GM): It seemed very insensitive but it just stuck.
  667. Second, you learn that god permits atrocities because he waits for his time when all will be healed.
  668. Match: brb
  669. Gator (GM): Lastly, you learn that in the basement the is a crypt where the outlaw that founded the town would frequently hide for weeks at a time under the guise of religious sanctuary.
  670. Also, there are entities down there they called something like, The Puppets of Dead. Its a loose translation.
  671. Match: "Of course the puppets are evil."
  672. Gator (GM): You have gained much from your chats with the monks.
  673. Match: "Puppet always told me lies when I was a kid."
  674. Martaues: "... Therapist?"
  675. Match: "NO those puppets they bring in at schools."
  676. Gator (GM): (Friggin' hippie puppet schools.)
  677. Fred Actaeon: (Great, now I'm thinking about Animaniacs. "Mr. Puppet Head is hungry.)
  678. Martaues: "Hn? I, uh... Didn't- Anyway, we got what we need to know? Where's the treasure map say to go?"
  680. Fred Actaeon looks at the map
  682. Match Shows the map to Fred.
  683. Gator (GM): Besides that the monastery has the requisite collection of ancient tomes and house made fruit cake.
  684. Land nav roll!
  685. Being in the area should give you more information.
  686. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+90
  687. (
  688. 38
  689. )+90
  690. = 128
  691. Gator (GM): Difficulty 80--
  692. Welp.
  693. You have deduced that the treasure is near. You the treasure might be somewhere in the mountain itself.
  694. However, according to the map you may find a faster route by going through a cave inside "The Crags"
  695. Fred Actaeon: "Well, lets go."
  696. Martaues: ( To? )
  697. Match: "Mister Eustace, you know anything about these caves?"
  698. Martaues: ( Also, we getting the sheriff? )
  699. Match: (Wait FUG we forgot the marker!)
  700. Gator (GM): (Sorry, had to help out.)
  701. You contact the sheriff.
  702. He says that the caves are very dangerous. There are legends of treasure and such but he thought that was common for every town with caves.
  703. He also says that there is a government sanction on entering.
  704. Sadly, he has no family information about the place. Only that three times a year people get stuck, lost, or come out beaten black.
  705. Martaues: "And what would appeal that sanction?"
  706. Match: "So, entering is a nono."
  707. Gator (GM): He points out that since he's working with you he can permit you to enter, as he is the local representative in the are.
  708. Match: brb
  709. Gator (GM): And that if there was a treasure around here then it would likely be in the one place everyone hasn't had luck getting into and therefore going it might as well be inevitable.
  710. Fred Actaeon: "Thanks for the permit"
  711. Gator (GM): He shrugs saying that he hates red tape.
  712. Martaues: "Riiight... So... Where's that map say to go now?'
  713. Gator (GM): The map effectively ends here, in this massive scar in the ground.
  714. It appears about 400ft down is a dark cave.
  715. There sheriff looks down the chasm to the bottom.
  716. Match: (What skill would rope setting up me.)
  717. "Preeetttttyyyyy deep.
  718. Fred Actaeon: "I hope we have enough rope"
  719. Gator (GM): (Rappelling, rope weapons, invention, quite afew, really.)
  720. (What's the point of spelunking with rope if you don't have a quart miles worth?)
  721. Martaues: ( well I got none of those )
  722. Gator (GM): (Yeah, Log heads have long evolved past the notion of 'rope'.)
  723. Martaues: ( How about either of you two? )
  724. Match: (Fred you got it rapleing)
  725. (If not then it wouldn't matter who does it.)
  726. Gator (GM): Both have invention. That's enough to tie a rope around a rock.
  727. Match: rolling 1d100 + 70
  728. (
  729. 13
  730. )+70
  731. = 83
  732. Gator (GM): He has acrobatics, that could help him climb the rope, or the face when it inevitably breaks.
  733. Match: (I hate these dice.)
  734. Gator (GM): You secure the rope around a boulder. It seems fastened and secure.
  735. Who wants to go first?
  736. Martaues: ( Screw it )
  737. Fred Actaeon: Me
  738. Martaues: "If I die, you stay away from my funeral." Martaues jokes as he attempts the climb down.
  739. ( Well go ahead then )
  740. Gator (GM): You're medium size, right?
  741. Fred Actaeon: yes
  742. Match: "Ehehehe..."
  743. Gator (GM): Give me an acrobatics roll if you don't have rappelling, Fred.
  744. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+40+60
  745. (
  746. 23
  747. )+40+60
  748. = 123
  749. (agility?)
  750. Gator (GM): Of course,
  751. (I think you are getting the system, man.)
  752. Anyway, you descent like a spider, effortlessly.
  754. Match Grabs hold of the rope and heads down.
  755. Match: "Please don't break."
  756. rolling 1d100 + 40
  757. (
  758. 41
  759. )+40
  760. = 81
  761. Gator (GM): However, just as you get to the bottom the rope slips just an inch. A bit of dirt slides.
  762. Good news, you held fast to the rope.
  763. Bad news, the knot comes loose and you and the rope are whisking to the bottom.
  764. Martaues: ( Scramble to grab the rope? )
  765. ( Before it slips off the cliffside? )
  766. Peril! Roll agility to make your one single action!
  767. Gator (GM): Mart roll higher than 81!
  768. Martaues: rolling 1d100+60
  769. (
  770. 16
  771. )+60
  772. = 76
  773. ( Blin )
  774. Gator (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d100
  775. (
  776. 22
  777. )
  778. = 22
  779. Fred Actaeon: -_- I'll try and catch him.
  780. Gator (GM): Sure. he is falling 20 feet down.
  782. Martaues jumps for the rope! Grasping at the quickly vanishing rope, it falls out of his grasp, and Mart begins to shout "Shit, shit, shit, shit!"
  783. Fred Actaeon: What do i roll?
  784. Gator (GM): Agility.
  785. Beat 83
  786. Match: "Course IT BREAK!"
  787. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+40
  788. (
  789. 38
  790. )+40
  791. = 78
  792. Gator (GM): Nope!
  793. Match, do you have tumbling?
  794. Besides that you take
  795. rolling 3d10 damage.
  796. (
  797. 7
  798. +
  799. 5
  800. +
  801. 1
  802. )
  803. = 13
  804. Martaues: ( Need to go eat, be slower posting )\
  805. Gator (GM): Luckily the ground is soft and you were able to rappel most of the way down before your rope betrayed you.
  806. Fred Actaeon: "Are you OK?"
  807. Match: "I'm fine, stupid friggin rope..."
  808. Gator (GM): The sheriff, too, is concerned. He proposes using the winch on his truck to descend.
  809. Fred Actaeon: (The trench much have nice aucostics. If we can hear him from up there)
  810. Gator (GM): (Trenches usually do,
  811. in my experience.
  812. Match: (Martaues could of just heard it.)
  813. Gator (GM): Mart! use your jet pack!
  814. Match: (Wait mart has a jetpark?)
  815. Gator (GM): (He doesn't have a jetpack, But it's why Logoians don't know about rope.)
  816. Martaues: ( Winch lowered? )
  817. Gator (GM): Yes.
  818. Martaues: ( Rolling rappell )
  819. rolling 1d100+60
  820. (
  821. 12
  822. )+60
  823. = 72
  824. Gator (GM): Good enough.
  826. Martaues mamages to descend into the pit. "Are you OK?!"
  827. Gator (GM): Especially considering how the sheriff breaks out the harnesses and clasps.
  828. Martaues: ( Well why the ding dong diddly fuck did he not bring that up sooner? )
  829. Gator (GM): He thought you guys had everything under control with the rope.
  830. Match: "I'm I'm fine, and thanks for asking Mart."
  831. Gator (GM): He didn't notice that Match used a slip knot instead of a box!
  832. Match: "Eh? I just wraped the rope around the boulder a lot."
  833. Gator (GM): Rat! Your nose smells ancient flesh, very ancient! You suspect they are bones!
  834. Match: "I miss having my gas mask! I mean it sticks like a corpse down here! Hence the corpses."
  835. "You going to report the bodies Edward?"
  836. Gator (GM): (Scentphobia. That could be a cool stress condition.
  837. "Eustues." He corrects you, "Eusteus the Third."
  838. He looks over the bodies.
  839. He declares them to be too old for a crime, at least in this century.
  840. Just then!
  841. The spring up and tackle the sheriff!
  842. Match: "Sorry, Edward and Eustace have E-"
  843. Gator (GM): With terrible urgency the strange creatures drag him deep into the dark!
  845. Match Withdraws brick blaster and fires at the skeletons.
  846. Gator (GM): Sure, roll to hit.
  847. Match: rolling 1d100 + 30
  848. (
  849. 12
  850. )+30
  851. = 42
  852. (the dice.)
  853. Martaues: ( Sorry, I'm gonna be a bit slower. Had to hack up food. Chest hurts like a motherfucker )
  854. Match: (You okay man?)
  855. Martaues: ( All I had was a fucking Pepsi and rice )
  856. Gator (GM): (Is it your throat?
  857. Martaues: ( Chest tightened up and now my spit's glue, chest hurts, and I still need to eat )
  858. ( Above the stomach valve, near the sternum )
  859. Gator (GM): (Slow down and drink water for abit. You might be choking, man.)
  860. Martaues: ( Afraid to drink water if it gets backed up )
  861. Fred Actaeon: (GO to a doctor!)
  862. Martaues: ( I can breathe, I'm just in pain )
  863. Gator (GM): (Yeah, call 911. My mom had that last week.)
  864. Match: (if it gets worse go to the docs.)
  865. Martaues: ( Yeah. )
  866. Fred Actaeon: (I need we need to call it a night)
  867. Gator (GM): (Well, when someone is not-choking then it's a sign.
  868. But seriously, don't eat or drink for afew minutes and see if it doesn't go down. That or ram your stomach on the back of a chair.
  869. Martaues: ( I think it's done now )
  870. Gator (GM): (Did you belch?)
  871. Martaues: ( I can feel the cool rush of spit go down my chest when I swallow )
  872. ( The tightness is gone. )
  873. Gator (GM): That's still not good. You might be getting a sore throat, man.
  874. Martaues: Never was anything to do with the throat, it's deeper down
  875. But it gets backed up to my throat and in my mouth
  876. Water, spit, food
  877. I can't do anything but wait for it to be done
  878. Match: Suck on some cough drops.
  879. Martaues: Drinking more just backs it up to where I can't breathe
  880. Gator (GM): Does this happen alot for you?
  881. Martaues: Yeah.
  882. Gator (GM): Is it an obstruction or that thing with the parastalsis and the esophagus.?
  883. Martaues: Throat isn't in pain, was my chest. Behind the middle of the sternum bone
  884. Gator (GM): Yeah, I have no idea what that could be.
  885. Martaues: Don't know. Never had a doc tell me what exactly it was. It probably is nerve damage. I don't know
  886. Need to go to the campus site and hope they can tell me something
  887. Need to go there anyway to get medical documents
  888. Gator (GM): Yeah, seriously!
  889. Be careful man.
  890. Send me a message later if you get better. I gotta rush off here.
  891. Besides this brisk with death I hope everyone had fun!
  892. Fred Actaeon: Yeah.
  893. Good night.
  894. Martaues: Sorry for holding up the game
  895. Fred Actaeon: That's OK. Heath is more important than games.
  896. Martaues: I don't think it's deadly. I hope it's not deadly. It just hurts bad
  897. Match: Good night
  898. Martaues: Doesn't hurt as much as it normally does, but tonight was the worst so far.
  899. Fred Actaeon: So are we done for tonight?
  900. Martaues: Probably because I tried forcing it out than waiting
  901. Yeah
  902. Match: Yeah.
  903. Martaues: Hope you both have a good rest of the weekend
  904. Fred Actaeon: Well, hope you get better, Axl. Bye.
  905. Match: Bye
  906. Martaues: Thanks
  907. Thank you both for playing
  908. Fred Actaeon: you're welcome
  909. Match: Welcome
  910. Gator (GM): Hey man
  911. Don't think I'm making it today.
  912. Axl Greez: Aw crap. Sorry, sound doesn't work sometimes when first up. Sorry to hear it man
  913. Gaven C. (GM): The games off man
  914. Axl Greez: Yeah, was wondering if you got the message
  915. Ah well. Hope you have a good rest of the weekend and whatever's going on with Gator goes over smoothly
  916. Gaven C. (GM): You too man
  917. Axl Greez: And sorry, I wouldn't mind trying to set up a makeshift game with you, but I gotta keep an ear out for someone to call me so I can get an interview done. Usually fine if playing and I be absent a bit, but not GMing
  918. Gaven C. (GM): Thats nice of ya.
  919. Axl Greez: But thanks man. Will see you next week
  920. Gaven C. (GM): But if you need to watch out for stuff maybe the game should be on a later date.
  921. Axl Greez: Maybe. I'd have to know when I got a day cleared up, or rather one where I know I got nothing to do the next day
  922. If a day like that comes up, I'll try to post in advance on Skype and see if you're down for it
  923. Gaven C. (GM): I got nothing all week man, except sunday.
  924. Axl Greez: Cool. Don't like springing surprises on people, but I will let you know if something's free. Anyway, you have a good weekend.
  925. Gaven C. (GM): Same for ya, maybe I could do another session for ya too.
  926. Axl Greez: Heya Gaven
  927. Gaven C.: Hey
  928. Gator (GM): Hey hey!
  929. Gaven C.: Hoeyo
  930. Gator (GM): Today won't be especially surprising
  931. Still sick but the maps are all made up.
  932. How you guys today?
  933. Gaven C.: Well when this wraps up I'll gm for ya man.
  934. I'm not dead.
  935. Axl Greez: On phone. Need to run games till 8 PM
  936. Or rather, I need to be here for 5 hours straight
  937. Gator (GM): Thanks man, I thought I was Abit of a that guy last time.
  938. Axl is multitasking.
  939. Very admirable.
  940. Axl Greez: Figured the name. It's Skyhawks vs. Eastern Illinois
  941. Basketball I think
  942. Gator (GM): Go Hawks!
  943. Axl Greez: Passing the time reading weaver's fics
  944. Gator (GM): Better writer than drawer, that guy.
  945. Axl Greez: It's a simple look I can appreciate. Gets across the point quick, at the expense of details
  946. Gator (GM): Anyway, before we start I'd like to say my business was licence came in yesterday.
  947. Axl Greez: Cool, read so
  948. And hey Edward
  949. Gator (GM): Hey Ed
  950. Gaven C.: Hey ed.
  951. Edward H.: Hi...
  952. Gator (GM): Okay then, let's begin!
  953. Edward H.: Oh, come on google images! You got rid of "view image"?!?
  954. Axl Greez: What's up?
  955. Harrowing screams fill the air as the boney figures drag the sheriff into the darkness!
  956. Axl Greez: ( Well that's to be expected. )
  957. Gator (GM): (they did change that, huh?)
  958. Edward H.: (now you have to right click it.)
  959. Martaues: "Flint! You alright?" Martaues asks after descending into the pit.
  960. Gator (GM): Your shot pulverized one boney, it lies in a pile.
  962. Gator (GM): You follow...
  963. Martaues: (Wait, he's legitmately being attacked?)
  964. Match: (He got picked up by skelies.)
  965. Gator (GM): (yeah, he's getting dragged off)
  966. Martaues: "What the hell, what the hell..." Martaues mutters, weapon drawn as he follows the group.
  967. Match: "Mart why is the dead rising? I though magic wasn't real with the goo we found!"
  969. Match gets his ax out and chases the skelitons
  970. Gator (GM): You e ter and find the sheriff wreslting with the skeleton.
  971. (phone typing, sorry)
  972. Martaues: "Smash 'em first, then contemplate magic nonsense!" Martaurs yells.
  974. Match Runs up to the skele and swings his ax at the bone bag.
  975. Gator (GM): Roll to hit.
  976. Match: rolling 1d100 + 55
  977. (
  978. 8
  979. )+55
  980. = 63
  981. (Course the dice "work".)
  982. Gator (GM): Really I just wanted Ted to see if you'd crit
  983. Dmg
  984. Match: rolling 4d10 + 40
  985. (
  986. 5
  987. +
  988. 5
  989. +
  990. 7
  991. +
  992. 4
  993. )+40
  994. = 61
  995. Gator (GM): You bust many bones and shards fly
  996. The skeleton staggers back and releases the sheriff
  997. Martaues: ( There a clear shot? )
  998. Match: "DIE COWBOY SKELETON!"
  999. (nope.)
  1000. Gator (GM): Sure, pretty good chance of shooting match but otherwise it's clear!
  1002. Martaues refrains from shooting in fear of missing.
  1004. Match Once again makes a swing at the skeleton, screaming more like a maniac.
  1005. Gator (GM): He will try to parry
  1006. Match: rolling 1d100 + 55
  1007. (
  1008. 67
  1009. )+55
  1010. = 122
  1011. Gator (GM): Well he can't beat that.
  1012. Match: rolling 4d10 + 40
  1013. (
  1014. 4
  1015. +
  1016. 9
  1017. +
  1018. 9
  1019. +
  1020. 4
  1021. )+40
  1022. = 66
  1023. Gator (GM): The skeleton collapses.
  1024. The sheriff thanks you for the help. With a moment of quiet you assess your surroundings
  1026. Match stomps and crushes all on the skele bones.
  1027. Martaues: "Great... Now what the hell was that?"
  1028. Gator (GM): You are in a tunnel, .ining supports dot the way there are hasms and mining equipment lying about
  1029. Match: "Go back to being dead or stop faking living skeleton!"
  1031. Match stops breaking the skeleton into pieces once the skull is the only one left.
  1032. Gator (GM): Ah, okay.
  1033. Match: "There, now he won't be back."
  1034. Gator (GM): In that case you notice that the bones are threaded with black shiney wire material.
  1036. Match says "It's not magic!" as he holds the wire to shop the group "It's like robots with skeleton body!"
  1037. Martaues: ( Roll perception to investigate wires? )
  1038. Gator (GM): Sure.
  1039. Brb
  1040. B
  1041. Martaues: rolling 1d100+25
  1042. (
  1043. 100
  1044. )+25
  1045. = 125
  1046. Gator (GM): You must roll 100 or bet--
  1047. Martaues: ( I can see the puppet master from here )
  1048. Gator (GM): Okay then.
  1050. Martaues kneels down to look at the spindly, black wires.
  1051. Gator (GM): You look at the wires. They are black segemented mschanisms that can extend or retract. Unknown material but you imagine it's carbon related. You guess that they can be split and rejoin easily, perhaps energy attacks would be effective
  1052. Martaues: ( Well it's a ding darn shame none of us got any energy weapons )
  1053. Gator (GM): And WTH that you see the wire retract, connecting two parts of w bone back together!
  1054. Martaues: "... These are machines. Don't know what they're made of entirely, but-" Martaues starts, jumping back as the bones begin to reconnect.
  1056. Martaues: ( Ooh wait, I completely forgot about this. )
  1057. ( Hey Gaven, remember the futuristic gun from the train heist? )
  1058. Gator (GM): The skeleton slinks back together! Two more emerge from the dust!
  1059. Martaues: ( Never did get around to using it )
  1060. Match: (Didn'y you sell it?)
  1061. Martaues: ( Just the gold )
  1062. ( Wanted to check with someone to make sure it's not an impromptu grenade )
  1063. ( brb, need to start the recording )
  1064. back
  1065. ( May be a college radio, but it's damn near close to the real thing. I'm the only one in this station at the moment and not a single teach step in to govern stuff. Near entirely student run )
  1066. ( But anyway, you still remember what the gun can even do? Or should we flub the details? )
  1067. Gator (GM): Hey, means they trust you!
  1068. Martaues: ( Nah, they know if I screw up the FCC charges are on my head )
  1069. Match: (It's up to Gator now on what the gun does./)
  1070. Gator (GM): (yeah gaven, what does it do.)
  1071. (okay, 9d10 damage? 1000' range?)
  1073. Martaues decides now's a better time than any to see what the potential radiation sink can do. Fishing through his posessions as quickly as he could, he retrieved the sciencey gun from oh-so-long ago!
  1074. Martaues: ( Well aight then. Also I'm phone stuck, I can't move. )
  1075. Match: (It's your call so sure.)
  1076. Martaues: ( Am I anywhere that can blastoise a skeleton without hitting anyone else? )
  1077. Gator (GM): The one next to you is fine, but match is in the way for the first. The third guy is clear.
  1078. Martaues: ( I'll shoot the one next to me then )
  1079. Gator (GM): He will parry
  1080. Edward H.: brb. Need to check on something.
  1082. Martaues attempts shooting the gun at the closest skeleton!
  1083. Martaues: rolling 1d100
  1084. (
  1085. 99
  1086. )
  1087. = 99
  1088. Gator (GM): Oh my
  1089. rolling 1d100+20
  1090. (
  1091. 88
  1092. )+20
  1093. = 108
  1094. It slaps your rifle just as you fire, your shot misses.
  1095. Martaues: ( blin )
  1096. Gator (GM): He returns with a punch
  1097. rolling 1d100+20
  1098. (
  1099. 85
  1100. )+20
  1101. = 105
  1102. rolling 1d10+20
  1103. (
  1104. 3
  1105. )+20
  1106. = 23
  1107. More of a tap, really.
  1108. Martaues: ( No real muscle in a skeleton's punch )
  1109. Gator (GM): Think we should roll out the int table?
  1110. Martaues: ( Suppose so )
  1111. Gator (GM): Nah, we just go round robin.
  1112. Skel1 to rat
  1113. Punching
  1114. rolling 1d100+20
  1115. (
  1116. 37
  1117. )+20
  1118. = 57
  1119. Match: Guess I'll dodge.
  1120. rolling 1d100 + 45
  1121. (
  1122. 96
  1123. )+45
  1124. = 141
  1125. Gator (GM): Sbwip
  1126. Match: (wait I'm hold the one that attacking me head.)
  1127. Gator (GM): Okay.
  1128. S3 attacks deer, we will resolve when he gets back.
  1129. Match turn
  1131. Match thinks that gnawing the wires will break them so he starts gnawing them!
  1132. Gator (GM): Roll to gnaw!
  1133. Match: rolling 1d100 + 45
  1134. (
  1135. 32
  1136. )+45
  1137. = 77
  1138. Martaues: ( Best reasoning I've seen so far this week )
  1139. Gator (GM): Damg
  1140. Match: rolling 1d10 + 40
  1141. (
  1142. 4
  1143. )+40
  1144. = 44
  1145. Martaues: ( The precussions are fucking playing We're Number One on horns )
  1146. ( The fuk )
  1147. Match: (Meme loving fucks.)
  1148. Martaues: ( Past the two speakers, I can hear it )
  1149. Match: Also free biting action!
  1150. rolling 1d10 + 40
  1151. (
  1152. 9
  1153. )+40
  1154. = 49
  1155. Gator (GM): Yep.
  1156. Martaues: ( What's next, Gucci Mane on precussions? )
  1158. Match Starts using the wires as floss at this point!
  1159. Gator (GM): (ah geez, idike to see that.)
  1160. You terrible furious gnashing severs the wires and the fall, writhing. With that one strike the skeleton goes limp and fumbles on the ground!
  1161. Two actions, or save them?
  1163. Match Runs to Fred and bites the Skele wires!
  1164. Match: rolling 1d100 + 45
  1165. (
  1166. 90
  1167. )+45
  1168. = 135
  1169. rolling 1d100 + 45
  1170. (
  1171. 58
  1172. )+45
  1173. = 103
  1174. rolling 1d10 + 40
  1175. (
  1176. 7
  1177. )+40
  1178. = 47
  1179. Gator (GM): That one is intact and not exposing wires.
  1180. That said you rip into bone. You need to smash it first
  1181. Match: (Then he puts bone in mouth and bites.)
  1182. Gator (GM): (of course)
  1183. Match: (Hey dogs do it so why not rats?)
  1184. Gator (GM): Free bite?
  1185. Match: (... not a sexual induendo!)
  1186. I used the free bite on the other skele.)
  1187. Gator (GM): (they do, don't they?)
  1188. Well okay.
  1189. Mart turn.
  1190. Match: (Fred you back?)
  1191. Gator (GM): (now look here, at this turn I found)
  1192. Edward H.: Yes
  1193. Match: (It would be his turn.)
  1194. Gator (GM): Yeah, Fred turn!
  1195. Fred Actaeon: (Where did all the skeletons come from?)
  1196. Match: (Dust.)
  1197. Gator (GM): You are in conflict of a skeleton. Match is outright biting you attacker.
  1198. Martaues: ( Match revealed all of his gay secrets )
  1199. Gator (GM): Underground
  1200. Fred Actaeon: Gore.
  1201. Gator (GM): Gore!
  1202. Fred Actaeon: (...can I have the latest pdf?)
  1203. Gator (GM): Roll to gore!
  1204. Match:
  1205. Fred Actaeon: Thanks.
  1206. Gator (GM): Ah,sorry.
  1207. Match: (Match mouth is now diseased ridden with the skele biting.)
  1208. (Or just now completely nasty.)
  1209. Gator (GM): Gore is 3d10, as I recall.
  1210. Fred Actaeon: rolling 3d10
  1211. (
  1212. 10
  1213. +
  1214. 6
  1215. +
  1216. 2
  1217. )
  1218. = 18
  1219. Match: (Add str)
  1220. Fred Actaeon: 18+25
  1221. Gator (GM): 43!
  1222. We'll skip the to bit roll given context
  1223. You ram him, cracks thunder and bits fly. The wires are exposed.
  1224. Mart!
  1225. Wait
  1226. No. You have two more actions
  1227. Fred Actaeon: (me?)
  1228. Gator (GM): Yeah.
  1229. Fred Actaeon: Not sure what to do.
  1230. Match: (Taze skele, maybe it will haywire the wires.)
  1231. Fred Actaeon: Use taser
  1232. Gator (GM): Melee roll
  1233. (100+ agility bonus)
  1234. Fred Actaeon: rolling 100+40
  1235. 100+40
  1236. = 140
  1237. Gator (GM): That's a hit
  1238. Fred Actaeon: WAIT!
  1239. ./r d100+40
  1240. rolling d100+40
  1241. (
  1242. 93
  1243. )+40
  1244. = 133
  1245. NOW it's a hit.
  1246. Gator (GM): There you go.
  1247. Fred Actaeon: rolling 1d10
  1248. (
  1249. 5
  1250. )
  1251. = 5
  1252. Gator (GM): There you go.
  1253. The electricity reacts badly to the wires. It s.okes and flails before dropping in a smoking pile
  1254. If it was a person it would have been mortifyi g.
  1255. Last action?
  1256. Fred Actaeon: Move to mart and tase the other skeleton?
  1257. Gator (GM): Sure!
  1258. That Skelly didn't take damage right?
  1259. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+40
  1260. (
  1261. 50
  1262. )+40
  1263. = 90
  1264. Gator (GM): You French arrow into the bugger.
  1265. Fred Actaeon: rolling d10
  1266. (
  1267. 4
  1268. )
  1269. = 4
  1270. Gator (GM): It twitches but instead of collapsing you hear a high pitched whine then it explodes!
  1271. You and Mart take damage from the burst.
  1272. Martaues: "Shit!" Martaues yells, trying to shield his face from the blast
  1273. Gator (GM): rolling 3d10
  1274. (
  1275. 8
  1276. +
  1277. 9
  1278. +
  1279. 3
  1280. )
  1281. = 20
  1283. Fred Actaeon covers himself too
  1284. Gator (GM): 20 damage to you arms then.
  1285. Match: "Mart Sweety you okay!?!"
  1286. Gator (GM): Apparently the die to e ergy quickly, but unless fractured the detonate.
  1287. Fred Actaeon: (Huh?)
  1288. Match: (If bones not cracked they boom boom.)
  1289. Fred Actaeon: (wait, did we both get 20?)
  1290. Martaues: "Shit, shit, shit..." Martaues curses, trying to fish out bone fragments from his arms. "I-I'm fine, Flint. Th-thanks, Flint."
  1291. Match: (Yeah, the explosion did 20.)
  1292. Gator (GM): It's like putting a closed container in a microwave
  1293. Apply heat and it pops
  1295. Match "That's good to hear man." Match says as he goes around biting the wires to break them, then getting a whiff of the mine.
  1296. Gator (GM): The sheriff is grateful as a side point.
  1297. You smell!
  1298. Fred Actaeon: (OK, I'm confused. 20 less to arms. My health is 130. You changed it to 130, Gator. Were you including my armor?)
  1299. Match: rolling 1d100 + 15
  1300. (
  1301. 96
  1302. )+15
  1303. = 111
  1304. (Lets hope there isnt a gas leak.)
  1305. "So it's 2-0 on magic being real, the goo, these fake zombie skeletons."
  1306. Gator (GM): You smell many bones around here but you also smell something metallic passing by a while ago.
  1307. Martaues: "Where were you durin' all that, man?" Martaues asks the cowboy, still fishing out chunks from his arms.
  1308. Gator (GM): Yeah, I changed you home to match you level Eddie. Your arm hp is 30 less than you main hp. So yours is 80/100 right now
  1309. Fred Actaeon: (got it)
  1310. Gator (GM): At the end of the book there is a worksheet that explains it easier.
  1311. Martaues: "Aw crap... Hey, Fred. C'mere, we need to fish the parts out, get our wounds doused in alcohol. Aint in the mood to get leprosy."
  1312. Gator (GM): So if you know your main hp you know everything else.
  1313. Match: "Mart, I smell something!"
  1314. Martaues: ( I got a first aid kit, there an alcohol bottle in there? )
  1315. Fred Actaeon: (I got one too)
  1316. Martaues: "More of whatever the tech is?"
  1317. Gator (GM): Of course. I forgot that but of course.
  1318. Fred Actaeon: (First aid level 6)
  1319. Match: "It's metallic! Could be more bonebots though!"
  1320. Martaues: ( Phew man )
  1321. Gator (GM): The sheriff says, "well we know why this is off limits now.
  1322. Martaues: ( You could be a neurosurgeon with those levels Ed )
  1323. Match: (Are the skele naked or are they wearing stuff?)
  1324. (Like old clothing.)
  1325. Fred Actaeon: (well, GM said I was leveling up correctly.)
  1326. Gator (GM): (but sweet flips are his life)
  1327. Martaues: "Right... So unless we want more bones in us, smash them THEN taze the parts. I'll try to shoot the ones further from us, so non' of us get hit."
  1328. Gator (GM): Actually these ones are naked.
  1329. Match: "Maybe it will chain react and turn them all into ASHES with it!"
  1330. "But lets go to the smell! The nose knows!" says Match as he follows the scent wielding the ax.
  1331. Gator (GM): You follow it until you find a chasm.
  1332. It looks toong you step over about ten feet.
  1333. (map not to scale)
  1334. Match: (The smell coming from down it or across it?)
  1335. Gator (GM): Across.
  1336. Match: "Mart, your grappling hook still works?"
  1337. "The smell is on the other side!"
  1338. Gator (GM): coughmarytosscough
  1339. Match: "Fred you see anything to help cross?"
  1340. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100
  1341. (
  1342. 31
  1343. )
  1344. = 31
  1345. Gator (GM): You note the supports along the ceiling, theook like good band holds.
  1346. Martaues: ( Game workin', but lemme see )
  1347. rolling 1d100
  1348. (
  1349. 76
  1350. )
  1351. = 76
  1352. Gator (GM): You remember a toss in gymnist school that could cross that distance.
  1354. Martaues tries to use the grappeling hook and find purchase across the chasm
  1355. Gator (GM): So gonna try to I Diana jo es it?
  1356. Fred Actaeon: "I could try and jump it."
  1357. Martaues: Dunno
  1358. Match: "Fred how much you weigh?"
  1359. Gator (GM): (ugh, I can only go for another ten minutes guys. This flu is knocking me out.)
  1360. Martaues: Sorry to hear man
  1361. Fred Actaeon: (Still have it? ouch)
  1362. Match: Sorry to hear.
  1363. Martaues: Want to call it here and go rest?
  1364. Gator (GM): Well, to Kay.
  1365. Martaues: I'm sorry myself for not being entirely here, also.
  1366. Gator (GM): Next.time we.cross.thr hoooold
  1367. Fred Actaeon: BYE!
  1368. Gator (GM): Night gyyz
  1369. Match: Bye.
  1370. Martaues: Rest well man
  1371. Gator (GM): Hey, let me know if you want copies
  1372. Martaues: Y'all two have a good rest of the weekend as well
  1373. Gator (GM): You ttoo
  1374. Martaues: Physical copies of the rules?
  1375. Gator (GM): Yeah, finally got that cleared.
  1376. Martaues: Cool. I'll look into giving the address later on Skype. Hope you get better.
  1377. Gator (GM): Me too, thanks.
  1378. Martaues: Later y'all
  1379. Gator (GM): Hey!
  1380. Gaven C. (GM): hey.
  1381. Gator (GM): Holding up okay?
  1382. Gaven C. (GM): Yeah.
  1383. Gator (GM): Cool
  1384. Gaven C. (GM): Sucks that Axl won't make it.
  1385. Gator (GM): Oh my, I just got that message.
  1386. Well, we'll make do.
  1387. So, been working on the next book. Just making monsters and stuff.
  1388. Kinda what we are going to test today.
  1389. Gaven C.: Neat.
  1390. Gator (GM): My cat, this morning I saw her sitting next to a rabbit.
  1391. Really thought she would attack rabbits but apparently not.
  1392. Gaven C.: That's cute man.
  1393. Gator (GM): Correct. Still a surprise, she hates dogs severely.
  1394. Gaven C.: Well rabbits aren't dogs.
  1395. I mean I know a thing or 2 about biology
  1396. Gator (GM): True, true.
  1397. How is the weather over there?
  1398. Gaven C.: Grey sky, no sun.
  1399. In other words crap
  1400. Gator (GM): It's just above freezing today, snow melts
  1401. Ah, in my fever I did a bad thing.
  1402. Gaven C.: Drink straight from the milk carten?
  1403. Gator (GM): Nah, changed the rules again.
  1404. Gaven C.: What did ya change?
  1405. Gator (GM): With strength passed 7, you get +10 hp per point.
  1406. So having 7 means +70 hp.
  1407. The thing is that it has a slower progression that the '+30 per point of str passed 7'
  1408. Also, added a condition: dismemberment.
  1409. Gaven C.: In other words, dead.
  1410. like bleeding out body hp.
  1411. Gator (GM): If your limb gets blown you have str=turns to get first aid.
  1412. ... I did not have any hard rules for getting your limb blown off.
  1413. Also added another parasite.
  1414. Anyway, I got to pop out for 20, you be okay until then?
  1415. You're in charge now.
  1416. Gaven C.: As long as the pokemon party doesn't happen in those 20 minutes
  1417. Gator (GM): I am back!
  1418. Gaven C.: hey
  1419. Gator (GM): I'm sorry man, I don't think session is happening today.
  1420. I know you gave up plans to be here and all.
  1421. Gaven C.: Yeah
  1422. Well next weekend then.
  1423. Gator (GM): That's another point.
  1424. I'm going to the ECCC next weekend so I can't make it.
  1425. I gotta work on being more social...
  1426. Anyway, this new parasite I slipped in basically prevents headshots from being instant kills.
  1427. Gator: Okay dokay
  1428. Gaven C. (GM): heyo.
  1429. Gator: Hey!
  1430. Gaven C. (GM): It just started hailing here.
  1431. Gator: Sorry for the sudden notice i overslet
  1432. Ah, cool.
  1433. Gaven C. (GM): I woke up at 2mp
  1434. pm
  1435. Gator: I've done worse.
  1436. Gaven C. (GM): I woke up at 7pm once.
  1437. Gator: Bad day?
  1438. Gaven C. (GM): No.
  1439. Just sayin I woke fug up my sleeping schedual that I once woke up at 7pm
  1440. Gator: True.
  1441. Anyway lets get started.
  1442. Gator: Yes!
  1443. you're in college and are prepping for you rant about stuff and things.
  1444. Garth Millano: Eager minds, like eggs. The spoil so quickly, like eggs
  1445. Perhaps it's time for lunch, my character thinks.
  1446. Eat food while your professor is teaching?
  1447. Garth Millano: Yes. If that's allowed
  1448. Gaven C. (GM): Give me a stealth roll!
  1449. Garth Millano: I don't have sneak so it's straight here.
  1450. Gaven C. (GM): D100+mind
  1451. Garth Millano: rolling 1d100+25
  1452. (
  1453. 96
  1454. )+25
  1455. = 121
  1456. Woot
  1457. You are quick and nimble with getting your lunch out without being spotted, ignoring Prof. Nessly giving a speech on the development of space travel for Eo.
  1458. Garth Millano: I did the homework, I don't need the lecture, really.
  1459. Gaven C. (GM): (whats in the kunch bag?)
  1460. Garth Millano: Boiled eggs
  1461. Gaven C. (GM): (Would you like an egg in these tring times?)
  1462. Garth Millano: (kek)
  1463. You have an eggcellent lunch as you ignore class until you hear Prof. Nessly speak up about you and your theory.
  1464. Garth Millano: I choke on my lunch Abit and pay attention.
  1465. Prof: .Nessly (Test)
  1466. Nessly: "And that for the development of spacecrafts for now, but one of our students had a theory involving aircrafts and Eo."
  1467. "Garth may you get up and head to the podium?"
  1468. Garth Millano: (that me?)
  1469. Gaven C. (GM): (I don't know Garth.)
  1470. Garth Millano: (message lag, oops)
  1471. My theory on aircrafts and Eo...
  1472. Through archeological evidence we find records of groups of individuals that appeared on different continents in a short period of time.
  1474. Garth Millano flips the page
  1475. Garth Millano: This suggests a very fast method of travel. Possible vehicles here unbeknownst yet to us.
  1477. Garth Millano flips page
  1479. Garth Millano flips another page
  1480. Garth Millano: Further we have people in history who disappeared altogether. Only surviving records say they 'were exiled forever'
  1481. So I think they had some sort of fast traveling vehicles.
  1482. Okay, speech over.
  1483. my character says out loud.
  1484. Nessly looks likes you insulted her and covers her ears as you yell into the microphone.
  1485. Garth Millano: My character is not a good speechest
  1486. (does she disagree with the speech?)
  1487. Nessly: "Okay Garth, 1st of all don't yell into the mic, the mic increases the volume of it for you and 2 tell me what would be "fast traveling" Durring the days of us not having any tech at all?
  1488. Garth Millano: One, why do we even have a mic? 2. Flying machines.
  1489. Logos has space ships during that time so it's not like the means didn't exist back then.
  1490. I just gave a speech about it, we're you not listening?
  1491. Nessly: "Except we wouldn't be able to even use it if we had them due to them requiring LIDS, and even if we had said ships how would we have the understanding of piloting it?"
  1492. "And the fact that in Logos history they never once gave travel to Eo citizens durring those times."
  1493. Garth Millano: Are you saying ancient people weren't smart enough?
  1494. Also the facts are there.
  1495. Gaven C. (GM): .as Nessly "i'm saying we had no knowage on piloting spacecrafts."
  1496. Garth Millano: People disappearing, showing up accross the planet.
  1497. So? Are you saying its impossible to travel discreatly?:
  1498. Garth Millano: For the sake of dismissing your pot shots, yes, I am!
  1499. Besides, I have records of people being one place then peasant records of them weeks later in other lands.
  1500. Nessly: "Now your saying it takes weeks to travel with spaceships?"
  1501. Garth Millano: Mathematically speaking it's either the flew or used an elaborate system of catapults
  1502. But keep in mind only 10% of any record survives.
  1503. Nessly: "With your speech I belive you'll only get a 10% in all of the classes."
  1504. "Now get back to your seat."
  1505. Garth Millano: So when they got to the new land they likely did alot of shopping, what we find are esse-- that's Abit offensive there prof.
  1506. Also, did you just threaten me?
  1507. Nessly: "I find it offensive that you bring in such crackpot conspiracies into the classroom and state them as facts."
  1508. Garth Millano: Did you miss when you said it was a theory?
  1509. Nessly: "A conspiracy theory that you believe is a fact."
  1510. Garth Millano: My facts corroborate my theory. And it's better than the preschool textbook facts you have been spouting.
  1511. I mean, you teach about spacecraft history.
  1512. Your class might as well have "sponsored by the space union" in the outline.
  1513. Nessly: "Thats it get out of here now!"
  1514. Garth Millano: Tell me, did you read the part about freddrick the V in my essay?
  1515. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 60
  1516. (
  1517. 1
  1518. )+60
  1519. = 61
  1520. Garth Millano: And she has a stroke on the spot.
  1521. Gaven C. (GM): (You want her to have a stroke?)
  1522. Garth Millano: (oh no, that would be silly.)
  1523. (let's say she did not read the essay at all.
  1524. Gaven C. (GM): "I did not have time on reading such dribble!"
  1525. Garth Millano: I suspected as much. Then let me show you why Fredderick the V was exiled...
  1526. (I want to punch her right in the gord.
  1527. Nonlethally)
  1528. Gaven C. (GM): Roll!
  1529. Garth Millano: rolling 1d100+10
  1530. (
  1531. 48
  1532. )+10
  1533. = 58
  1534. For
  1535. rolling 1d10+55
  1536. (
  1537. 3
  1538. )+55
  1539. = 58
  1540. Nonlethally damage
  1541. You punch out an old lady as you hear the class scream
  1542. you see 3 athletes run up to you to kick your ass.
  1543. Garth Millano: I shout, "I'll prove my theory and then you see!"
  1544. I am very surprised there are jocks in this class.
  1545. Gaven C. (GM): So they can learn how to kick your ass so hard that they'll send you to space.
  1546. Garth Millano: Good point.
  1547. rolling 1d100+25
  1548. (
  1549. 65
  1550. )+25
  1551. = 90
  1552. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 35
  1553. (
  1554. 17
  1555. )+35
  1556. = 52
  1557. rolling 1d100 + 35
  1558. (
  1559. 95
  1560. )+35
  1561. = 130
  1562. rolling 1d100 + 35
  1563. (
  1564. 51
  1565. )+35
  1566. = 86
  1567. Garth Millano: They have mind 7?
  1568. Gaven C. (GM): OH SHIT BEEF SORRY.
  1569. rolling 1d100 + 20
  1570. (
  1571. 35
  1572. )+20
  1573. = 55
  1574. rolling 1d100 + 20
  1575. (
  1576. 95
  1577. )+20
  1578. = 115
  1579. rolling 1d100 + 20
  1580. (
  1581. 8
  1582. )+20
  1583. = 28
  1584. The Hyena runs up and tackles you!
  1585. Garth Millano: I will parry
  1586. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 35
  1587. (
  1588. 14
  1589. )+35
  1590. = 49
  1591. Garth Millano: rolling 1d100+5
  1592. (
  1593. 69
  1594. )+5
  1595. = 74
  1596. Gaven C. (GM): You dodge him but he still tries to pin you on the ground!
  1597. rolling 1d100 + 35
  1598. (
  1599. 49
  1600. )+35
  1601. = 84
  1602. Garth Millano: I block him.
  1603. rolling 1d100+5
  1604. (
  1605. 18
  1606. )+5
  1607. = 23
  1608. Well I'm tackled.
  1609. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 4d10 + 35
  1610. (
  1611. 6
  1612. +
  1613. 9
  1614. +
  1615. 9
  1616. +
  1617. 6
  1618. )+35
  1619. = 65
  1620. He runs into you and slams into ya but you still stand!
  1621. Garth Millano: Well, he's out of actions.
  1622. Can I toss him into his cohorts?
  1623. Gaven C. (GM): Yeah.
  1624. Garth Millano: Pick and toss
  1625. Roll to hit.
  1626. rolling 1d100+5
  1627. (
  1628. 51
  1629. )+5
  1630. = 56
  1631. Gaven C. (GM): They'll try to dodge it!
  1632. rolling 4d10 + 35
  1633. (
  1634. 1
  1635. +
  1636. 1
  1637. +
  1638. 2
  1639. +
  1640. 1
  1641. )+35
  1642. = 40
  1643. rolling 4d10 + 35
  1644. (
  1645. 3
  1646. +
  1647. 4
  1648. +
  1649. 3
  1650. +
  1651. 4
  1652. )+35
  1653. = 49
  1654. Oh wait wrong dice
  1655. rolling 1d100 + 35
  1656. (
  1657. 3
  1658. )+35
  1659. = 38
  1660. rolling 1d100 + 35
  1661. (
  1662. 38
  1663. )+35
  1664. = 73
  1665. Garth Millano: Well one and the projectile take.
  1666. rolling 4d10+55
  1667. (
  1668. 8
  1669. +
  1670. 7
  1671. +
  1672. 7
  1673. +
  1674. 6
  1675. )+55
  1676. = 83
  1677. End turn
  1678. Perhaps my character should run.
  1679. The pig gets up and helps the Hyena up and runs to tack you.
  1680. Gaven C. (GM): (With his 2 agl and race movement debuff.
  1681. Garth Millano: Or throw a desk at them.
  1682. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 35
  1683. (
  1684. 22
  1685. )+35
  1686. = 57
  1687. (He hits!)
  1688. Garth Millano: I block.
  1689. rolling 1d100+5
  1690. (
  1691. 1
  1692. )+5
  1693. = 6
  1694. I do not block.
  1695. you try to block but he rams his body into ya!
  1696. Gaven C. (GM): (What should the crit fail for blocking be?
  1697. Garth Millano: (no idea, I fall down?)
  1698. Gaven C. (GM): (Creating an opening for more damage?)
  1699. Sure!
  1700. He Ramsack ya to tthe ground for...
  1701. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 4d10 + 35
  1702. (
  1703. 3
  1704. +
  1705. 8
  1706. +
  1707. 5
  1708. +
  1709. 3
  1710. )+35
  1711. = 54
  1712. rolling 4d10 + 35
  1713. (
  1714. 3
  1715. +
  1716. 6
  1717. +
  1718. 3
  1719. +
  1720. 9
  1721. )+35
  1722. = 56
  1723. 54!
  1724. ignore the crappy mouse double click.
  1725. Garth Millano: I'm down to 100
  1726. the Bull rushes over and starts to smash your body with his hooves!
  1727. Garth Millano: I will try to block that.
  1728. Aka shield my vitals with my anchor arms
  1729. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 35
  1730. (
  1731. 86
  1732. )+35
  1733. = 121
  1734. Garth Millano: Or I am not fast enough.
  1735. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 2d10 + 45
  1736. (
  1737. 4
  1738. +
  1739. 9
  1740. )+45
  1741. = 58
  1742. Garth Millano: That's all his action.
  1743. Gaven C. (GM): Yeah cause he dodged.
  1744. Garth Millano: Dodge, move, attack, should he have had enough for a second attack?
  1745. Gaven C. (GM): Dadging cost an actoin point.
  1746. He used it when ya threw the hyena.
  1747. Garth Millano: Anyway, hyrna gets up?
  1748. Gaven C. (GM): The pig helped him up.
  1749. So he used 2 movement and a atack just now!
  1750. rolling 1d100 + 35
  1751. (
  1752. 14
  1753. )+35
  1754. = 49
  1755. Garth Millano: I want to intimidate the reprobates when I get the chance.
  1756. Gaven C. (GM): Okay
  1757. rolling 2d10 + 35
  1758. (
  1759. 9
  1760. +
  1761. 8
  1762. )+35
  1763. = 52
  1764. He kicks ya!
  1765. Garth Millano: Was that their mind?
  1766. Block
  1767. rolling 1d100+5
  1768. (
  1769. 60
  1770. )+5
  1771. = 65
  1772. Gaven C. (GM): You block the hit!
  1773. Garth Millano: Finally
  1774. Gaven C. (GM): You are down on the ground and getting your shit kicked in!
  1775. Garth Millano: Yeah, I remember
  1776. It's my turn now? The table got closed.
  1777. Gaven C. (GM): What table?
  1778. Oh sorry.
  1779. Anyway actions?
  1780. Garth Millano: Now before we begin I'd like to point out that my character can lift 660
  1781. Can I get up, then use the hynea as a club?
  1782. Gaven C. (GM): Yes.
  1783. Geting up is an action.
  1784. Garth Millano: Now on top of that, can I do a home run swing and hit everyone with the same guy?
  1785. Well, that would probably kill someone, huh?
  1786. Gaven C. (GM): Just the person and one person.
  1787. Yeah.
  1788. Also they just tring to beat you to unconshiousness.
  1789. Untill campus police arrive.
  1790. Garth Millano: I'll try intimidation then.
  1791. Can I get a bonus for how damaged they got in the fight?
  1792. Gaven C. (GM): You have like 50 ish hp.
  1793. They have 2 87hp and a 170.
  1794. Garth Millano: So one of them could go down.
  1795. Gaven C. (GM): You can try buy you wont get any hurt hp bonus.
  1796. Garth Millano: Best shot.
  1797. rolling 1d100+25
  1798. (
  1799. 30
  1800. )+25
  1801. = 55
  1802. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 2d10 + 20
  1803. (
  1804. 7
  1805. +
  1806. 2
  1807. )+20
  1808. = 29
  1809. damn it wrong dice again
  1810. rolling 1d100 + 20
  1811. (
  1812. 14
  1813. )+20
  1814. = 34
  1815. rolling 1d100 + 20
  1816. (
  1817. 48
  1818. )+20
  1819. = 68
  1820. rolling 1d100 + 20
  1821. (
  1822. 26
  1823. )+20
  1824. = 46
  1825. Garth Millano: It's not worth the broken bones, just step back and I'll go.
  1826. You don't want to finish the season in the hospital
  1827. Gaven C. (GM): The Yeen and pig back up, the bull is unitmitated.
  1828. Bill: "You punch out an old lady you sack of gorrila shit."
  1829. Garth Millano: I pick up the desk, then drop it on the bull.
  1830. I'm betting he can't carry it
  1831. Forcefully, I mean
  1832. Gaven C. (GM): He has 9str.
  1833. Garth Millano: So is the desk 300lbs?
  1834. Gaven C. (GM): bonus 2 from being med bull
  1835. Garth Millano: Point.
  1836. Is he the 140 guy?
  1837. Gaven C. (GM): He the undagade bull with 190hp
  1838. Garth Millano: I must consider actions carefully.
  1839. Time to use, the head muscle.
  1840. I ask him, does he play a sport?
  1841. He answers yes saying that he'll sack you like what he does to the oppents football team.
  1842. Garth Millano: I point out that I threw his running back halfway across the room with one hand.
  1843. I present the theory that if he goes at me, I'll break his leg, it's just going to happen
  1844. If he gets his leg broken he's benched for a long time.
  1845. If he's benched the scouts wont see him.
  1846. Gaven C. (GM): (Wait, you goten up as an action.)
  1847. Garth Millano: So I got one action.
  1848. Gaven C. (GM): (And tring to intimidate is a action.)
  1849. Garth Millano: Well, can I just talk then?
  1850. Gaven C. (GM): Yeah.
  1851. Garth Millano: Thanks.
  1852. Anyway, I point out that if he gets his leg broken his career is over.
  1853. Gaven C. (GM): (I mean whats your plan if it does succeed? Run out the campus cops with your gorilla legs?)
  1854. Garth Millano: No scholarship, no pro league.
  1855. Actually, jump out the window and waddle for my life to the nearest spaceport.
  1856. Or spend several months for aggravated assault.
  1857. But my character is petty in proving his superiority
  1858. Haughty trait.
  1859. So I want to ask the bull if this is worth ruining his life over.
  1860. Garth Millano: Do I reach his thick skull?
  1861. Listen: I don't give a shit, you fucking sucked punch an old lady over you fucking consperacy theory."
  1862. Garth Millano: I sucker puclnched her for threatening to black ball me! I shout
  1863. Bill: "Get down on the fucking floor before I make you go inb prison unconshious."
  1864. He just seems to pissed off at you to be threatened.
  1865. Garth Millano: I point out they will go to jail as well as I put up my dooks
  1866. Bill: "Fucking how?"
  1867. Garth Millano: You didn't break up the fight, you joined in.
  1868. Gaven C. (GM): (Note, in the back of your mind you think about how the police are arriving.)
  1869. Garth Millano: I've got hoof prints to prove that you were beating me up, that's more than breaking it up and assault.
  1870. (yeah, campus security hopefully)
  1871. Bill: "You know what..."
  1872. Garth Millano: We all are going to jail. I only punched her once, you came back for more.
  1873. I block
  1874. Bill Just doesn't care and collides his head with your torse.
  1875. Garth Millano: I block.
  1876. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 35
  1877. (
  1878. 10
  1879. )+35
  1880. = 45
  1881. Garth Millano: He's going to nonlethally gore me?
  1882. Gaven C. (GM): Yeah.
  1883. Garth Millano: I hope I encounter Bill in the future. He seems like a good reoccurring rival.
  1884. rolling 1d100+5
  1885. (
  1886. 54
  1887. )+5
  1888. = 59
  1889. My arms are not happy arms
  1890. Gaven C. (GM): Yeah, man who beat the crap out of you for punching an old lady.
  1891. Garth Millano: Still illegal!
  1892. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 3d10 + 45
  1893. (
  1894. 6
  1895. +
  1896. 6
  1897. +
  1898. 4
  1899. )+45
  1900. = 61
  1901. Garth Millano: Block
  1902. Wait that's damage, right.
  1903. His skull smashes into your arms! You see the campus cops come in!
  1904. Garth Millano: Arm his down to 101
  1905. I immediately raise my arms and surrender
  1906. They Pull of Bill as the dogs pushes you onto the ground and barks about your rights and how your under arrest.
  1907. Garth Millano: I comply and remain silent. When I get to the station I lawyer up.
  1908. (maybe we should do a wrap up here. I was nearly creamed
  1909. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  1910. Garth Millano: Actually I do point out the professor really needs medical attention, my character says that.
  1911. Gaven C. (GM): ( 70 xp)
  1912. Garth Millano: Woot!
  1913. Gaven C. (GM): (50 is from causing a disaster.)
  1914. Garth Millano: I now have... 70xp
  1915. Well, my character talked crap and got snapped.
  1916. Really a violent confrontation was what I was aiming for, actually.
  1917. Gaven C. (GM): Where is the damage taken into mp damage again?
  1918. Garth Millano: Let me see.
  1919. Gaven C. (GM): Roll a d10 for each 20 hp loss.
  1920. Garth Millano: Like 30
  1921. Pg 47
  1922. It's 1d10
  1923. Wanted to use the book.
  1924. Gaven C. (GM): How much hp did ya loose?
  1925. Garth Millano: 160ish
  1926. So 8d
  1927. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 8d10 +
  1928. (
  1929. 7
  1930. +
  1931. 1
  1932. +
  1933. 7
  1934. +
  1935. 10
  1936. +
  1937. 4
  1938. +
  1939. 10
  1940. +
  1941. 1
  1942. +
  1943. 3
  1944. )
  1945. = 43
  1946. Goona eat bye now.
  1947. Garth Millano: 7 more left
  1948. Thanks man. Have a good day!
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