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Apr 1st, 2015
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  1. Just going to start this off with my personal opinion of Madden Canrende's new change in his mail about the ops, if you do not care what I think just skip the next yellow paragraph in the mail :)
  3. We have tried something similar to his new rule about PvE in the static and basically what happened was the corp stopped scanning except for about two people. These two people found out that they were making almost no money because everyone else waited for them to rage roll and scan sites down and then have a horde of people come take up the sites. However the way Madden is setting this up is a bit different, he thinks it will work and he is the new op director so thats the way it is. This isn't a bitch mail about it, I hope it works out, I am just a little skeptic :)
  5. Anyway, I will be hosting a "Marauder Ops" this Thursday at 23:00 eve time. Basically what is going to happen is we will rage roll for a good static that has Vital/Instrumental sites as well as Core Emergence and Dissasemblers in them.
  7. Anyone that has a marauder will first clear the gas sites, once the gas sites are cleared everyone that does not have a marauder will warp into the gas site and gas to their hearts content. The people that brought marauders will have an op tab for the sleeper loot/salvage. Once the marauders have cleared the other combat sites they can come help finish off the gas (if there is any left)
  9. The goal of this is to help Maddens goal to start making PvEing more of a group setting. With that being said just sitting in the fleet and not helping scanning when we are rage rolling to find a good system wont be tolerated. If you are not willing to help scan you will not be invited to the gas.
  11. Also something unrelated to this, it was brought to my attention that we have a few new members that arent very "good" at scanning, If im not busy and you want some tips on how to be more proficent at it, ask me.
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