
Gargabarg the Smargbarg character sheet

Jun 7th, 2018
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  1. Gargabarg the Smargbarg | Half-Orc | Bard | Male | Age 19 | Level 1
  3. AC 13 | HP - 10 (hit die: 1d8)
  5. Str 14 +2
  6. Dex 14 +2
  7. Cha 14 +2
  8. Con 10 +0
  9. Int 8 -1
  10. Wis 15 +2
  12. Proficencies (+determined by level)
  13. Light Armor
  14. Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbow, Longsword, Rapier, Shortsword
  15. Disguise kit, kazoo, drum, bagpipes, lute
  16. Languages: Common, Orc
  18. Equipment:
  19. Synthkazoo (kazoo which immitates other instruments)
  20. leather armor (AC 11), longsword, dagger, handaxe, diplomat's pack (includes a chest, 2 cases for maps and scrolls, a set of fine clothes, a bottle of ink, an ink pen, a lamp, 2 flasks of oil, 5 sheets of paper, a vial of perfume, sealing wax, and soap), belt pouch, set of common clothes, set of costume clothes, the favor of an admirer (love letter from deceased lover)
  21. 4 gems = 40 gp
  22. 15 gp, 29 sp, 32 cp
  24. Cantrips:
  25. Ct: Vicous Mockery: Target passes DC 12 Wis throw or take 1d4 damage and have disadvantage on next attack
  26. Ct: Create 4 torch-sized lights within 120 ft, appearing as orbs, torches, lanterns, or vague glowing humanoid
  28. 1st level spells [4]
  29. 1: Cure Wounds: Creature I touch regains 1d8+4 hp.
  30. 1: Detect Magic: Sense presence of magic within 30ft.
  31. 1: Charm Person: 30ft. Target makes WIS save (w/ advantage if in combat). If it fails save, it is charmed by me, regarding me as a friendly aquaintance. It knows it was charmed by me when spell ends.
  32. 1: Disguise Self: Change appearance of body, armor, clothing etc to my choice, to any similar humanoid form. Illusion doesn't hold up to physical inspection.
  34. Personality Trait: I always know a relevant story
  35. Ideals: The world needs new ideas and bold action
  36. Bonds: My synthkazoo is the only thing holding me down to my hometown, aside from the love letter of a deceased lover.
  37. Flaws: I'm a sucker for a pretty face.
  39. Features and Traits:
  41. Half-Orc Traits:
  42. Male
  43. Age: 19-years-old
  44. Medium Size (5' 8", 135 lbs.)
  45. Darkvision (60 feet)
  46. Menacing (Intimidation)Relentless Endurance (0 h.p. to 1 h.p.)
  47. Savage Attacks (extra damage on crit)
  49. Spell Attack: +4
  50. Spell Save: DC12
  52. Bardic Inspiration: use bonus action to give a d6 to another creature for them to use for their attack roll within 10 min
  54. Fled hometown because he didn't fit in with the other half-orcs, because in reality he's only 1/3rd orc--a long story involving an Ettin, a drunk human, and an angry wizard.
  56. He became an actor-instrumentalist in the small town of Boisboid before realizing life was worthless and none of the humans really liked him anyway.
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