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  1. 01[23:14] <Alerderna> oya, Haven hasn't been discovered yet, was just notifying you 'bout it
  2. [23:15] <Spark_Chaser> Yeah. Question, how have they survived the winter in the mountains, which is a rugged, difficult to farm terrain with temperatures even lower than ours?
  3. [23:15] <Spark_Chaser> I'm not challenging, I just know others are gonna ask, and I want you to be ready with an answer
  4. 01[23:16] <Alerderna> Abundance of wild animals, so they make their own shiz, and the abundance of pine trees close by. They also have a mediocre green house set up. Not anything fancy, but something that can make do. Plus, all the harvests they go through during the year.
  5. 01[23:16] <Alerderna> Every aspect has been covered hue. Ask away.
  6. [23:17] <Spark_Chaser> What is this "Stance" I see in the Haven map?
  7. 01[23:18] <Alerderna> Kind of like community bunk houses things combined with what ever infrastructure thingy.
  8. [23:20] <Spark_Chaser> I don't actually see this greenhouse on the map...
  9. 01[23:21] <Alerderna> That's a thing BIR forgot to add hue.
  10. [23:21] <Spark_Chaser> Got it. When I get about to making the map of haven, I'll put it in.
  11. 01[23:21] <Alerderna> The greenhouse isn't big by any means, just enough to feed the current pop count of 40.
  12. [23:21] <Spark_Chaser> BIR... Do I know him?
  13. 01[23:21] <Alerderna> A.K.A., Curiosity.
  14. [23:21] <Spark_Chaser> Ah!
  15. [23:23] <Spark_Chaser> K, so I'm most likely going to go with the location north of Pleasant Valley, just west of the river. That's the most logical spot, since it is close to the river. I am assuming that their valley hideaway is why the Invasion didn't bother them?
  16. 01[23:23] <Alerderna> aye.
  17. [23:24] <Spark_Chaser> 40 is a tiny community...
  18. [23:24] <Spark_Chaser> How long have they been there?
  19. 01[23:24] <Alerderna> Indeed. Original plan was 60-80, but it got bumped down to that. And, hang on, lemme dig up the Pastebin
  20. 01[23:27] <Alerderna>
  21. [23:28] <Spark_Chaser> Loading
  22. 01[23:28] <Alerderna> That's the original discussion between NukePone and I. A lot of changes have been made, tho.
  23. [23:29] <Spark_Chaser> I see
  24. [23:34] <Spark_Chaser> I have a plotline that might be made slightly difficult by them being in the region too long, that's why I'm asking. If they've been here forever, it might be a problem. A semi-nomadic group of 40 however...
  25. Session Close: Sat Dec 21 23:35:38 2013
  27. Session Start: Sat Dec 21 23:35:38 2013
  28. Session Ident: Spark_Chaser
  29. 01[23:36] <Aler> One of the original thoughts was >the odd pone gets lost >comes across said village >can stay for 2-3 days to rest their weary bones | type thing.
  30. [23:36] <Spark_Chaser> So, It's like the last chance gas station hidden in the mountain pass?
  31. 01[23:36] <Aler> kinda yeah.
  32. 01[23:37] <Aler> Thinkan of something to tie it in? 'Cause Nova was also planning out doing a Mountain Arc thingy.
  33. [23:38] <Spark_Chaser> Explains its tiny numbers. It's like our hillbilly cousins up north. How adventurous are they? My arc is something different, but involves something hidden in a mountain. If they're too adventurous, it might screw with it.
  34. 01[23:39] <Alerderna> Well adventurous enough to wander into our hunting grounds to further scout.
  35. [23:41] <Spark_Chaser> ...What about the tops of the mountains?
  36. 01[23:41] <Alerderna> Up for interpretation, I guess.
  37. [23:42] <Spark_Chaser> Then that just brings me back to how long would you imagine they've been here? Ten, Fifty, Hundred years?
  38. 01[23:45] <Alerderna> Well, pre-4C yes. So, ahm, abiding by what's currently in the Pastebin, I'd say 40-50 years sounds about right.
  39. 01[23:46] <Alerderna> I think, maybe, they're there because their ancestors parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents, what have you were explorers and survivalists that might have gotten lost, turned around, or trapped, and ended up establishing that area as a temporary shelter. Maybe after trying to find their way, they kept getting lost and retreated back there, eventually giving up and setting it up as a town. Their current scouts might have noticed some of the closer colonies popping up, but never took much note of it.
  40. 01[23:46] <Alerderna> ^ That being from the Pastebin.
  41. [23:46] <Spark_Chaser> K. Could we have a myth added into their folklore?
  42. 01[23:48] <Alerderna> Sure. Prolly gunna hafta take it to #fourcannon-plan too so things can be Pastebinned and posted in the thread, 'cause that's what people crave, apparently.
  43. [23:49] <Spark_Chaser> K, Then let me put this to you first, since I don't want it getting out a huge amount just yet.
  44. [23:49] <Spark_Chaser> I like to play my plot close to my chest.
  45. [23:49] <Spark_Chaser> They believe that the Towering Mountain is haunted by the angry ghost of an old stallion. Because of Old Scratchbeard's (the ghost's) warnings, they refuse to go anywhere near it.
  46. [23:51] <Spark_Chaser> What do you think?
  47. 01[23:53] <Alerderna> Hmm... I do like it meself. Though the majority of VillageQuest, I'm trying to keep it light-hearted and whimsical. How do you think it could be approached from an IC perspective if the PC's inquire more about the area?
  48. [23:55] <Spark_Chaser> I'm actually trying to keep the PC's ad NPC's away until I get to do "Starcrossed". I'm planning on hiding something there to explore.
  49. 01[23:57] <Alerderna> Ah, I see
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