
Three way couple <3

Nov 27th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Thorn was sitting on the couch in the corner, kicked back all casual, like he does, with his laptop sitting on his lap, with a video for one of his classes playing. His headphones ran from his laptop to his his ears, the video keeping his attention thoroughly.
  2. Covet: Thorn was sitting on the couch in the corner, kicked back all casual, like he does, with his laptop sitting on his lap, with a video for one of his classes playing. His headphones ran from his laptop to his his ears, the video keeping his attention thoroughly.
  3. Tsaaq: ((She looks better in red))
  4. Covet: [Hot damn. Yes.]
  5. Tsaaq: Penelope jogged down the sidewalk after her car service dropped her off. She attempted to smooth out the parts of her her hair that was out of place due to the wind. She lugged her large purse which had her text books inside and plopped it onto the counter. "Cold brew, large please." Penelope ordered and waited on her drink. She stood up straight and turned to look at the couch while thorn was seated. She grabbed her bag and her drink, practically falling over but finding her footing as she went over to him. She dropped down beside him and patted his knee.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn had just gotten off from the hospital and was in desperate need of caffeine because thats pretty much how that worked. Parking her Juke in the parking lot, she turned into the front entrance of the coffee shop and immediately headed for the front counter. "Large coffee, one sugar and a splash of french vanilla creamer." She spoke to the barista before ducking her head down to rummage through her purse for her wallet.-
  7. Covet: Thorn looked up to see Penelope and smiled, "Well Helloooo Nurse." He said with a smirk as patted his knee. "Fancy running into you here." Thorn closed his laptop, causing the video to pause, and pulled out his earbuds setting them on top. As he looked back up and at Penelope, that's when he saw Quinn walk in as well.
  8. Tsaaq: "Hello to you too. I'm here to study of course." She said breathlessly. Her hand went to put her drink down after she took a long sip. Penelope gracefully crossed her legs as she often did. She pulled out one of her hefty law books and opened it before resting it on her thighs. "And you? I assume you're doing the same?" Penelope turned her and smiled as she wiggled her fingers at Quinn.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Passing over a few bills to the barista, Quinn took her coffee and turned to see Penelope waving at her, beginning to head in their direction. "Hey." She took her seat down gently on the couch, bringing her coffee up to her lips to take a long sip because CAFFEINE.-
  10. Covet: "I was, and I'll probably go back to that in a moment, so I don't distract you, of course." He said with a smirk, then looked at Quinn, "Do you just want to straight IV line that? It might get it in your system quicker." Thorn gave a chuckle then sat up a bit. "You birds, are making thirsty and I mean that literally. But when I get back, if it's not an issue, I'd like to have a more, specific chat for the three of us." He told them and set his computer on the coffee table and stood up, stepping around Penny's legs. Walking over to the counter he spoke to the barista and gave his usual order.
  11. Smokeless: Bea made her way down the street with her ear buds in her ear. The song she was listening to having her focused on every word that was spoke. She opened the cafe door as she really didn't pay any attention to her surroundings. she walked up behind thorn and took on earbud out waiting and she mumbled the lyrics under her breath to herself." When the rain is falling from my eyes.lie to me say i am beautiful you don't see me you look the other way...." she swayed from side to side pulling her phone out to look at the screen and scooted her bag up her shoulders more as she waited.
  12. Tsaaq: "Good evening." She greeted the blonde with a smile. She imbellished a gasp as she moved her legs out of his way. She tilted her head at him and went to turn a few pages of her text book. "How was your weekend Q?" Penelope asked once Thorn was up at the counter once more.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "I would if I could." She mumbled to Thorn before taking another sip of her coffee before resting the cup on her knee so she could look at Penelope. "It was nice. Relaxing for the most part. I got a lot of work down on my research paper so I'm happy to have made such a dent in the assignment. What about you?" She said with a smile before glancing toward Thorn on line for his coffee. "Any idea what specific things he wants to chat about?"-
  14. Covet: Thorn got his coffee then looked at the dessert counter, "Hmmm, I'll aslo take your biggest Chocolate filled criossant." He said as he pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and slid his debit card over to make his purchase. He picked up his coffee and turned to look over at the girls, then saw that Bea was behind him. " Oh Sorry, Didn't realize I was holding up traffic. I'll just be a second longer."
  15. Smokeless: She shrugged seeing it was thorn."no rush take your time." she looked around the cafe seeing penelope and quinn and she looked up at the menu. shedug her own wallet out of her bag waiting for thorn to finish up his order.
  16. Tsaaq: "It was mavelous. I ordered things online for black Friday. Then I studied for my own term paper and go about ten pages done. And Thorny and I hung out for a bit." She listed as she smiled. She rose her shoulders into a shrug. "I don't know." She replied then looked over to Thorn once more. "It's fine." She waved her hand at him then gave Bea a polite nod. Her brown eyes looked down at her text book once more. "I'm sure whatever it is it won't be negative." She attempted to comfort the blonde.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Sounds like a productive weekend." She said with a smile, taking another sip of her coffee. "My weekends are usually reserved for studying and homework, so I can understand feeling accomplished that you got so much work done this weekend." She said with a bit of a nod, her eyes roaming over to Thorn and Bea again. "Something negative hadnt even crossed my mind."-
  18. Covet: Getting his treat he took it and his coffee and walked back over to the girls, "That took a little longer then needed, but I've returned." He said as he walked around Quinn this time, setting the plate with the criossant down, along with his drink. "Did you birds miss me?" He asked in his typical cocky amused tone.
  19. Smokeless: Bea smiled at the brista."can I have a vanilla iced coffee with a shot of expresso." she smiled and paid waiting for her drink. she took the cofee and walked away. She was debating in her head weather she wanted to sit with penelpe and thron and quinn or not. she took adeep breath and just decided to sit alone.
  20. Tsaaq: "Right?" Penelope said as she went to take another drink from her cup of cold brew. "I was extremely productive. But I usually am." She laughed. "Oh. Well I was just saying." She shrugged her shoulders once more. Noticing that Bea hadn't acknowledged her she turned her body to face Thorn and Quinn. "You know if I did I wouldn't tell you." Penelope said to him. Smirking as she rolled her eyes.
  21. Smokeless: [i gotta brb guys sorry]
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn shifted her legs to let Thorn through, bringing her coffee up to her lips again to take another sip. "That depends. Are you going to share that?" She asked him, gesturing to the chocolate croissant he'd brought back to their table with him. But she was fucking serious.-
  23. Covet: "Of course you wouldn't" Thorn said shaking his head at her, then looked down at the plate, "I intended to, but not until we have a talk. Because I know you two are on the same page, and Penelope and I are on the same page. I'm pretty sure I know what page I'm on with you." he said pointing to Quinn, but we've yet to talk about this as a unit."
  24. Covet: ,"but*
  25. Tsaaq: She shook her head at Thorn once more and she titled it while he spoke. She remained silent as her eyes went to Quinn. Her eyebrows raising in interest but for the sake of skepticism she was quiet.
  26. Smokeless: [kay im really sorry my daughter was having a night terror]
  27. Alexithymiaa: -She furrowed her brows and pursed her lips as she looked at Thorn because she wasnt entirely sure what he was referring to. "Okay... do you mind telling me what book we're reading from here? Because I'm a bit confused if I'm being honest."-
  28. Covet: [np]
  29. Smokeless: Bea got up and she made her way over to the others and smiled."umm hey...sorry if i'm interuding on anything but penelope if you didn't mind I was wondering if I could talk to you sometime soon." she offered a small smile looking at the ginger.
  30. Covet: "The book we're reading from, is called, I don't know what to call it. It's complicated." He said waving his hands. " That's not the point. The conversation at hand is..-" He paused as Bea came up to them asking to talk to Penelope. Thorn looked over at her, "If it's something important, you can go have your chat. I can catch Quinn up to our page."
  31. Tsaaq: Penelope waited with bated breath as she looked between the two of them. Practically jumping when Bea came over. She'd been in a trance it seemed. She sputtered her lips softly and rose to her seat. "We can talk now if you need?" Penelope offered. "I'll be right back." She told the two of them before she started to step away from the couch.
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Okay..." She started, weaiting for Penelope and Bea to walk away before bringing her gaze back to Thorn. "You're scaring me a little, Thorn. Did I do something?" She asked a little uncomfortably, running her hand over her stocking clad leg.-
  33. Alexithymiaa: (waiting**)
  34. Smokeless: Bea looked at the three."If this is an important conversation then it can..oh well nevermind.." she said as penelope got up. Bea smiled to Penelope and she looked at her waiting till they were out of ear shot. she dug into her pocket and pulled out a little piece of paper handing it to penelope.."So the elections for sorority president is coming up and I wanted to give you my vote is all. I'm really not cut out for it seeing as im already student president and ahve alot on my plate I feel you would be perfect for it all."
  35. Covet: Thorn watched the two of them walk off, then turned to Quinn. He leaned over to put his hand on her hand, that was on her leg "Don't be scared, it's nothing bad. You didn't do anything." He laughed, "Penelope and I had quite the conversation this weekend, and it's kind of had me thinking. I know you two have been up front with each other, and I just want to extend the same to you as well. I told Penny, I don't want either of you feeling like I'm playing one for the other."
  36. Tsaaq: She took the paper and she pouted a little before smiling. Her head raising as she looked to Bea once more. "Oh my goodness. That is so kind of you." Penelope sighed a little dramatically. "I'm glad to have your vote. And not to worry. Sometimes you can't have it all." She went to pat Bea's shoulder gently. "I would take the position with grace and pride." She declared. Showing her pearly white teeth and standing up straight.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "No, of course not. I don't think that at all." She shook her head gently, keeping her eyes on him. "I told Penelope that I just wanted to be up front with her about anything that may or may not be going on. I don't want to ruin any friendships or for anyone to feel used or betrayed or anything of the sort. I think we established that pretty clearly."-
  38. Smokeless: Bea smiled back to Penelope."So did you have fun at the frat party? I had a blast and you were right about showing off my legs." she smiled and looked down at her dress shewas wearing right now.
  39. Covet: "Then We're definitely all on the same page. Which is why I've been throwing around another idea. Granted it still needs some more, getting to know eachother, and it requires some set boundaries, so we all know what to expect from each other." He said trying not to get specific without Penelope being there.
  40. Tsaaq: Penelope shrugged her shoulders casually. "It was fine. It could've been more eventful but I suppose there's next time." She answered. "I knew the guys would like it better if you showed leg. No need for modesty. They're not men of law or science. They're frat brothers." She twirled her hair around her finger.
  41. Alexithymiaa: "Another idea?" She asked quizzically, tipping her head to the side as she watched him. "I'm almost nervous to find out what you've been thinking of, given the nature of your thoughts so frequently."-
  42. Smokeless: Bea nodded her head."well I better let you get back seemed like there was something important to be talked about." she smiled"thanks again for the tip penelope." she turned from her and made her way to her own table sitting down.
  43. Covet: Thorn couldn't help but let out a loud laugh at Quinn's comment, "Okay that's completely fair to assume. But I mean no ill with them, I promise."
  44. Tsaaq: She looked over her shoulder at Thorn and Quinn then back to Bea. "He was just about to tell Q and I something important." She said lightly. "I'll be back then. I'm sure whatever it is? It isn't a dire situation." Penelope told Bea then went to the couch once more. She sat beside Thorn and and exhaled. "And what exactly did I miss?"
  45. Smokeless: Bea placed a ear bud in her ear after she sat down leaving the three to speak and she sipped her coffee getting lost in her music
  46. Alexithymiaa: "I know. You never mean any harm." She said with a warm smile, lifting her eyes to Penelope when she returned. "Thorn was just about to tell us about his idea."-
  47. Covet: "I was," Thorn said taking a drink of his coffee, " By no means do I expect you birds to be one hundred percent on board, but... I'm an open minded kind of guy, and I was thinking, if it didn't seem too greedy of me...That we could explore something more between the three of us." He said in a casual tone.
  48. Tsaaq: Penelope rose her eyebrows and went to put one leg over the other as she glanced between the two of them. "Are you proposing something betwixt the three of us sexually or... Something more than that?" She asked in a bit of a whisper. The suggestion turning over in her mind. The scandal, THE EXCITEMENT.
  49. Alexithymiaa: (Im dying)
  50. Covet: [XD]
  51. Alexithymiaa: "Oh... ohhh..." Quinn seemed a bit shocked, because she hadn't considered the possibility of all three of them together. She mulled the idea over for a long moment before nodding her head. "I'm curious what you mean as well."-
  52. Covet: "Oh.. shit." Thorn said furrowing his brows. "I wasn't intending to propose something sexually, I mean that's totally cool if you birds are down for that too, but I was thinking maybe a little more exclusive between the three of us." He said hoping he explained better.
  53. Tsaaq: "I think... I wouldn't mind that." Penelope began to nod her head. "But as you mentioned. We need some terms." She went to look to Quinn. "I suppose if I'm going to have a girlfriend she'll have to be as pretty as Quinn." She began to smile. "For once, Thorny actually has a good idea."
  54. Alexithymiaa: "Hmmm..." She thought it over, tapping her index finger against her chin. "I think I could be open to such an idea given the contingency that we all get to know each other a bit more. I think that's important when embarking on a new relationship, especially one as adventurous as this poses to be." She flashed a smile at Penelope before rolling her eyes. "Oh Penelope, stop. As if anyone could ever compete with your looks? I'd kill for your features."-
  55. Covet: "For once!" Thorn sputtered and glared at Penelope. "Of course there will be terms, and we'll take it slow. I actually look forward to getting to know you both more, than I already have. We can do something to make it more official once we all feel comfortable." He told then then grinned, "I could never decide between just one of you, You both have appealing features."
  56. Covet: *them then
  57. Smokeless: [steph meet your new roommate btw XD]
  58. Foux: ((waves))
  59. Smokeless: Bea sat there tapping on her screen and sighing softly as she nodded her head listening to music. she slid her thumb across the screen taking a selfie and looking at it trying to figure out what filter to use
  60. Tsaaq: She let out a dreamy sigh. "Thank you. But I honestly think you're beautiful. Always have." She gave him a playful smirk. "Yes, for once." Penelope said again. "Quinn and I should go on dates too." She interjected. "I think it's important that we get to know each other too. Which is good because I genuinely would enjoy spending time with her." She waved her hand in Quinn's direction. "We won't have your coveted threesome until we've both become comfortable with each other. But seeing as you've proposed this your mind seems to not just be the gutter."
  61. Alexithymiaa: (Oh cool)
  62. Alexithymiaa: "I agree, I think we all need to get to know each other on a more personal level. I wouldn't jump into a relationship with either of you separately at this point, so I definitely wouldnt agree to one between all three of us right at this moment. And in light of the circumstances, I'm inclined to think we should have a little sharing session."-
  63. Covet: "I guess that makes sense, even if it means I'll be left out. But sacrifices...I'll survive." Thorn said. "I would like to point out, that I did not even mention the idea of a threesome. That was all you." He told Penelope. "It hadn't even occured to me that the three of us would be sexual together, until you brought it up. But it's there now." Thorn turned his head at Quinn. " Sharing session?"
  64. Foux: Cho walked into the Buckstars just after arriving at the university and unpacking her belongings into the sorority house, though no one was home. Cho figured she'd go to get some coffee and something to eat since she had been traveling all day and had to suffer through a tour of the university with her father. Her bleached blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail, and her bangs framed her forehead, almost seeping into her eyes with overgrown bits. Cho had bleached her hair a year ago, as most people in South Korea do to stand out more than the average looking Asian with black hair. Cho just moved from South Korea to Massachusetts and then here to attend the University and continue her dream of being a Veterinarian Technician. Her father wanted her to of course attend matters in his steel business, but Cho had other plants. Cho casually walked up to the counter and spoke to the person behind the register in almost broken English, "Can I please have caramel frappe-chino?" she said to the person. He nodded and began to make her drink, she gazed at the pastries while he blended the mix with ice. After he was done, Cho pointed to what food she wanted. Once everything was made for her, she paid with her debit card and looked for a place to sit. Among the people sitting in the lobby, she saw a tall light skinned female in a green plaid dress, wearing some killer black heels. Her hair was black and half tied behind her head. She smiled and walked over, "Excuse me? May I sit with you?" she asked the girl, trying to be friendly like the person she saw on television.
  65. Tsaaq: Penelope rolled her eyes. "How would it be a threeway relationship unless we all share in those ways." She said. "But stop getting so excited about it." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Does this involve feelings?" Penelope asked as she tilted her head at Quinn. "Because I told Thorn yesterday. I have a few problems with emotion that I have to work on."
  66. Smokeless: Bea looked up as she heard someone talking to her. She smiled to Cho."sure I don't mind." she motioned to the free seats. She extended her hand to the girl .She could tell her english wasn't all that great so she took her earbud out so she could hear her better."I am Bea you can call me B" she gave the girl ehr full attention.
  67. Alexithymiaa: "Yes, a sharing session." She paused to take a sip of her coffee, finishing it off and setting the empty cup down on the table. "Things we see for ourselves in the future, things from our past that are significant or defining. Important friends and family members to us that will certainly come up in conversation... things of that nature." She stared at Penelope for a second longer than was probably appropriate given the fact that the female was trying to be honest. Dont be rude, Quinn. "Well... relationships do usually involve feelings..."-
  68. Foux: Cho smiled once the girl said she could sit with her. She took her seat and placed her items on the table. Once placed, Cho grabbed her straw and tore the paper off before shoving the green straw into her drink. She then looked at the girl who just called herself "B." "My name is Choi Sooyoung but you can call me Cho. It's easier for people," she commented towards B. "I just moved here, and forgive my accent, I am from South Korea. My father sent me here to attend classes and learn." Cho looked down and grabbed her frappuccino before taking a sip. The rich caramel flavor sizzled her senses and Cho closed her eyes and smiled for only a moment before giving her attention back to B.
  69. Covet: "Okay, that makes sense. Sharing session sounds good." He told Quinn then looked back at Penelope, "Again, no pressure, Penny. The feelings conversation will come along the closer we get." He said reaching over to pat her knee. "So does this mean we're going on a date for the three of us then?"
  70. Tsaaq: "True. I know. I'm working on it." She said with a raise of her hands. "Nothing to worry about. I'll be more open and feeling than I've ever been." Penelope, smiling at the two of them. "I wouldn't mind that?" She told Thorn.
  71. Smokeless: Bea nodded her head and smiled "Pleasure to meet you Cho. You must be the new girl at the sorority house. I saw your name posted up on the fridge but couldn't pronounce it." she pointed over to the small group in the corner."the ginger is penelope and the londe is Quinn. I beleive they have you roomed with quinn. oh and the guy in the middle is Thorn. You will probably see alot of him at the house he is boinking both quinn and penelope from what i've seen." she shrugged her shoulders.
  72. Foux: Cho blinked, some of the words B was using she didn't understand. "Sorry, what does-boinking-mean?" she said with pauses to sure she would say the words right. Cho took another sip from her straw and then looked back to B and crossing her legs.
  73. Alexithymiaa: "Good. I'm glad we're all in agreement then." She said with a smile. "Yes Thorn, I'm pretty sure that's what it means. And if I'm going to make suggestions for our date, can I suggest dinner?" She asked, getting a little excited because dinner.-
  74. Smokeless: Bea chuckled a little because Cho's accent made the word sound funny."Oh sorry it means they have sexual relations with each other." she shrugged some and sipped her own drink."but eh its college you get to experiance all kinds of stuff."
  75. Covet: "You'll do great, Penelope. We can help you grow." He said confidently ."Dinner? Are you cooking?" Thorn asked Quinn excitedly "Or are we going out? Cause I'm not sure if any place can nail your mashed potatos. I'm still having wet dreams over them."
  76. Tsaaq: Penelope nodded her head. "It can be dinner but can we also dress up?" She suggested. "Just because dressing up is fun?" She rose an eyebrow. "I haven't tried Quinn's cooking so I can't particulary weigh in."
  77. Foux: Cho's eyes widened and she gasped. "Co-llege ex-peri-ences?" she said softly. This kind of environment was all new to Cho. Sure she had heard of people like that and her friends told her Americans are more into feelings than Koreans were. "I hope to have fun here, but mostly-study" she said with a thick accent, sometimes slowing with her words to pronounce them with perfect pronounciation.
  78. Alexithymiaa: "I guess I can cook, but I meant we should all go out somewhere." She said, instantly smiling and nodding to Penelope. "Of course we can dress up. I love getting dressed up for things like this." She ran her fingers down through her hair, eyeing her empty coffee because she wanted more. "I can always make you more mashed potatoes, Thorn. I can make everyone mashed potatoes."-
  79. Smokeless: She smiled and shrugged."I am mostly here for studying too.But there are others who tend to be on the more wild side. That would be the frat boys." Bea stood up and smiled to Cho."here come on I will introduce you to everyone." she motioned Cho to follow her and she started to walk over to the small group."Hey guys can i interude jsut one more time sorority business.." she smiled and motioned to Cho."This is Cho she is from south korea. She is Quinn's new roommate and our new sister."
  80. Covet: "You two can dress up. I don't dress up." Thorn said, "I don't have the legs for it." He added with a snicker. "Fine we can go out, but I'm still not dressing up. You'll both just have to be my arm candy." He said with a grin, then looked at Bea as she came over and introduced Cho, "Nice to meet you Cho. Another sorority girl. Well aren't you birds lucky." He said between Penelope and Quinn.
  81. Foux: Cho bowed to each one, a total of three times. "Hello- nice to meet you," she said to all three.
  82. Tsaaq: "It's not like you have to wear a dress or anything." Penelope said as she went to lift her dress a little to expose her legs. She quickly pulled her dress down once more. She cleared her throat and went to stand to her feet. Holding out her hand for a shake. "Hello Cho. I'm Penelope Van Buren. I live in the room next door to you and Q's. We'll be getting very closely acquainted."
  83. Alexithymiaa: "You'll dress up." She dismissed him and his comment, pushing up to her feet and extending her hand as well. "Nice to meet you Cho, I'm Quinn. I'm sure we'll get along well." She took a seat again, crossing one leg over the other.-
  84. Foux: Cho saw the girl stand up and introduce herself as 'Penelope'. She nodded and smiled akwardly, as she only understood about 60% of what she said. She was not sure what acquainted meant, but the longer she was at this college, she would learn new words and the slang Americans use. "Nice-nice to meet you" she said with a large smile, gasping her hand and gently shaking it. She looked at her hair, and admired her ginger hair. "I-I... I like your hair color," she commented to Penelope. Quinn intorudced herself to Cho, and Cho turned to look at her. "Nice to meet you Cho, I'm Quinn. I'm sure we'll get along well." the girl said to her. Cho nodded consistantly and smiled once again. "You-too," she commented before turning back to Penelope and smiled, before again looking next to her. "You all very nice," she said to all four of them.
  85. Foux: ((Grasping** Introduced**))
  86. Smokeless: Bea smiled and nodded her head."and then there is Thorn who has yet to introduce himself." she smiled and looked at the others."sorry for interupting your little get together guys. I wanted Cho to feel at home is all." she rather liked Cho's accent and innocence to american ways.
  87. Covet: Thorn looked over at Penelope as she pulled her dress up, then looked at Quinn. "I don't dress up. It's either scrubs or jeans. Take your pick." He told her, then looked back to Cho and Bea. "Oh, my bad. Yes, I'm Thorn. Of course we're nice. Wouldn't get anywhere being mean, now would we?" Thorn grinned.
  88. Tsaaq: She gave Cho a warm smile as she tilted her head. "Awwww aren't you darling. Thank you." She told the girl. "It's my natural hair color you know." She ran her fingers through her own hair. She rolled her eyes at Thorn. "I'll call Daddy's tailor." Penelope told Quinn. "I'll pick the fabric, tie, shoes and pocket squares." She whispered. "It's not interruption at all dear. It's a pleasure to meet our sorority sister."
  89. Foux: Cho turned to B and mentioned, "I need to go back to my 'dad', he is at hotel. I will see you later?" she asked Bea.
  90. Alexithymiaa: "Awww." She cooed at Cho, smiling at her again. "You're adorable. You'll fit in nicely." She said with a reaffirming nod, her eyes lighting up Thorn and Penelope's words. "Well I guess you're lucky I find scrubs sexy. But I'm still inclined to take Penelope up on her offer of calling the tailor. You'll look even better in a nicely tailored suit." That was it. The girls decided for you. It's over. You chose this throuple.-
  91. Smokeless: B nodded to Cho and smiled."oh yes of course it was nice meeting you Cho I will see you at the house and we can speak further about things." she smiled warmly to the girl.
  92. Foux: Cho nodded to Bea and then turned to the other three, "I going, see everyone later!" she said as she smiled brightly and waved towards everyone and leaving her last smile for Bea as turned around. Her mind was happy with such nice people she has just met. "I find scrubs sexy," she heard Quinn say to the others. What an odd thing to say, Cho thought to herself. "나도 섹시 할 수있을 것 같아 (I guess I can be sexy too)," she thought to herself as she was starting the Vet Tech program which required scrubs in class. Though Cho didn't quite understand why scrubs would be sexy in America. Cho grabbed the door and left the building, and hopped into her new Kia bought from her father, and drove to the hotel.
  93. Foux: ((I have to go to bed guys, thank you for rping with me ^-^))
  94. Tsaaq: ((Niiight.))
  95. Alexithymiaa: (Niiiight)
  96. Covet: The look on Thorns face was of mild disgust, because he despised getting all fancy. "No tie." He said adamantly. " See you around Cho." Thorn said with a friendly wave, then looked back at Quinn. "You would find scrubs sexy." He said then reached down to grab the pastry taking a bite for himself before offering it to the girls.
  97. Covet: [NIGHT! Good to meet and RP with you]
  98. Smokeless: [nini]
  100. Foux: ((Goodnight- Oh crap I forgot about the pastry on the table and my drink....))
  101. Smokeless: [a waitress will get it fuck it XD]
  102. Foux: ((You can have the pastry, Cho didn't touch it))
  103. Foux: ((Byeee <3 ! ))
  104. Tsaaq: "Goodnight Cho." She waved. "She was so cute. She'll vote for me to be Kappa Nu president I'm sure." She laughed. She leaned forward and went to look him in the eyes as she took a bit of the pastry. She wiped the corners of her mouth. "I find something else sexy but I'm a lady and won't say much about it in public." Penelope said, basically undressing Thorn with her chesnut eyes.
  105. Smokeless: "And that is my cue to leave you three to your date." she smiled clapping her hands together and turning around to walk away from them.
  106. Covet: "Later Bea." Thorn called out as he leaned back on the couch, "Oh I know what you find sexy. It's totally me. At least topless me." He said like the cocky asshole he was.
  107. Alexithymiaa: -She started to laugh, eyeing the pastry he held out for them because delicious pastry. She didnt hesitate to lean in and take a bite, licking her lips. "That's wonderful. We should get those every time we come here. But perhaps that's a conversation the three of us should have behind closed doors?" She asked Penelope with a raise of her brow before brushing it off. "We should discuss things we're more comfortable talking about ourselves in the middle of a coffee shop."-
  108. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes at Thorn and went to hit his shoulder. "You stop it! Before I tell the tailor to pick a tie for you." She scoffed. "So infuriating." Penelope sighed. She furrowed her eyebrows at Bea as she walked away then turned to the two of them once more. "I agree. Would you like to start?"
  109. Smokeless: Bea waved her hand at Thorn as she grabbed her things since he was the only one to say goodbye to her as she walkedo ut of the coffee shop to head hime grabbing her own coffee on the way.
  110. Covet: Thorn grumbled and went quiet because fuck ties. "Okay, so... you said futures right? That's a safe topic for the coffee shop." Thorn suggested, "I intend to work on a life flight crew. Further my medical education, but I doubt I'll get a full doctorate or anything. Just not my kind of deal."
  111. Alexithymiaa: "I think that's a highly admirable profession." She said to Thorn with a smile. "I'll most certainly go to medical school. I haven't decided where I'd like to apply yet. I haven't even taken my MCATs yet. I'm also still unsure what type of medicine I'd like to go into, but cardiology is still my current flavor of the week. I'm not sure I can see myself moving permanently back to Virginia though. I feel my future is bigger than Virginia has to offer." She turned her attention to Penelope, waiting for her to share.-
  112. Tsaaq: Penelope listened closely and smiled between the two of them. "I like that the two of you know where you're headed in life. It's very admirable. The fact that you've chosen is very admirable too." She complimented them. "I feel your future is bigger than Virginia too." She nodded and smiled. Penelope took in a deep breath. "Once I finish law school I'm supposed to pass the bar and join my family's law firm." She answered.
  114. Tsaaq: Penelope listened closely and smiled between the two of them. "I like that the two of you know where you're headed in life. It's very admirable. The fact that you've chosen is very admirable too." She complimented them. "I feel your future is bigger than Virginia too." She nodded and smiled. Penelope took in a deep breath. "Once I finish law school I'm supposed to pass the bar exam and join my family's law firm." She answered. "And I suppose that's a good path to be on. It's my responsibility as an only child to continue the family legacy. I know that much." She sighed a bit then forced a smile.
  115. Covet: "I've taken mine. It wasn't that hard. Scored a five oh two." He told Quinn, "I can help you study for it." Thorn added, "You've already stepped out of Virginia, no need to go backwards, if you have the potential." He said listening to Penelope. "That's a pretty big responsibility to have on your shoulders. But you don't seem like you're that thrilled about your familie's expectations. If you birds weren't going to school for what you going for, what would you like to be doing?"
  116. Alexithymiaa: "I'm inclined to agree with Thorn. You don't sound like it's what you want to do and much more what your parents want for you." She spoke before redirecting her attention. "I'd appreciate any study help I can get, thank you. I'm aiming for a 515 because I want to be in the top ten percentile." She pursed her lips and thought for a long moment about his question. "Prior to transferring I was majoring in forensic science per my mother's wishes. That follows closely in line with her profession, but ultimately it wasn't for me. But if I had to choose something else? I'd love to study dance professonally. I've always loved it, but it's just not a practical career choice for me. It's merely a hobby for now."-
  117. Tsaaq: Penelope inhaled deeply and put her hands in her thighs. "Well... It is what is expected of me. It's not like I have a direction I'm fighting towards." She said with a bit of defeat. "I used to be a marvelous painter..." Penelope trailed off. "I've often thought how much people could benefit from painting and drawing and such. I suppose I'd look into Art Therapy. Just studying art wouldn't be enough. It would be lovely to help people in some way." She answered. "My mother used to dance. I would love to watch you dance." She smiled at Penelope.
  118. Tsaaq: ((**QUINN))
  119. Covet: "You should persue art as well as your law degree." Thorn told Penelope. "I didn't think you to be the type that would want to help people like that. But that's what this conversation is for." He smiled and looked at Quinn, " I'd also love to watch you dance." Thorn winked then pursed his lips, "I suddenly don't feel well rounded. I'm doing exactly what I want to be doing, and enjoy it. My only hobby seems to be flirting with beautiful smart women. "
  120. Alexithymiaa: "I'd love to have you both watch me dance." She said with a bit of a smirk before listening to Penelope. "There's nothing wrong with pursing art as well as law. Especially if you enjoy it the way you do. I think it's important to have other things that shape who you are besides your chosen profession." She spoke beforewatching Thorn. "Just because you're doing exactly what you want to be doing doesn't mean that's bad or wrong. But I'm sure you must enjoy doing other things. Besides study, what do you like to do in your free time? Do you like music or movies?"-
  121. Tsaaq: She lowered her head. "I haven't painted in a long time." Penelope said. "Of course I can do both. I'm me." She said jokingly with a smile. "I'll look into it." She said, her voice faltering a bit. "I'm sure you have other hobbies." She rolled her eyes at him. "Stop being a brown nose at once." She waved her index fingerand waited on his reply.
  122. Covet: "I enjoy movies and music as much as the average person, but I wouldn't say it's a hobby exactly." He said with a shrug then looked at Penny, "I prefer the term ass kissing. It sounds way hotter and less disgusting as brown nosing." Thorn smirked, "I like reading, hanging out with people. Not much of a video gamer."
  123. Alexithymiaa: "Well I'm taking this as a personal mission to find you a hobby that you enjoy." She spoke a little stubbornly before reaching out for the pastry so she could take another bite. Priorities. "Reading is very much a hobby though. One I enjoy vastly. What about you, Penelope?"-
  124. Tsaaq: "We need to see more movies. That's the solution to that." Penelope said. "Well I love to read as well." She moved to look at Thorn. "I also happen to love music. Just listening to music in general. I also avidly enjoy board games. Party games, games in general I suppose." She started to smirk. "Thorny likes erotic fiction. Fifty shades." She snickered playfully.
  125. Covet: "I wish you good luck on your mission." Thorn said to Quinn, and listened to Penelope, "I like games that involve people, and get them interacting. Like Twister." He smirked, "Maybe the three of us should start our own book club, and just for that...." He said pointing at Penelope, "I say our first book should be fifty shades. It was terrible and I feel like it is my duty as an interested party, to show you both just how terrible it was." He said crossing his arms, cause he knew he couldn't lie about reading it and get away with it, with Penelope around.
  126. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn instantly made a fucking face, glaring at Thorn. "I am NOT reading that again. I'm all for a book club, but that was awful. I felt it my moral obligation to see what all the hype was about, and I was entirely disappointed. That is literally a book about rape, not BDSM culture." She said with a scoff.-
  127. Tsaaq: Penelope shook her head hurriedly. "No thank you." She said with a wave of her hand. "You would like twister... But that involves movement and such... I like the idea of the book club but I think we can all agree that no one wants to read fifty shades Thorny." She said as she went to pat his thigh with her hand.
  128. Covet: Thorn snapped his head to Quinn, "Again.. and what exactly do you know of BDSM culture and lifestyle, Queeny?" He asked raising his eyebrows trying his best to hide his own amusment. "Fine, I'm sure there's just as much interesting stuff in the Kama Sutra. It could help with everyone's Twister game."
  129. Alexithymiaa: "Enough." She met his gaze with her own even one before twirling her finger through her hair. "Besides, I think we should vote on our first book club book anyway. I happen to be a fan of Stephen King and Michael Crichton." She laced her fingers together in front of her, looking between the two. "Twister does sound fun though. But I'm going to vote a hard no on reading Kama Sutra for our book club book."-
  130. Tsaaq: "What would be the point of reading Kama Sutra? There's not plot in that. You're just being a naughty boy." Penelope said with her lips pursed. "I suppose I have some googling to do once we get home..." She whispered to herself in reference to the BDSM thingies. "Twister is fine I suppose. But Thorny is just being fresh." Penelope shook her head at him.
  131. Covet: "Right..." He said slowly narrowing his gaze at her. It was one thing to bring Penny into his madness, but he wasn't sure he was fully prepared for someone who actually knew anything about that sort of business. pleasure.. whatever. He cleared his throat and nodded, "Stephen King is good, I've only read Jurrasic Park and The Lost World. I've been meaning to get around to Prey though. I've been told it was pretty good." He said then tsked at Quinn and Penelope, "You two just don't want to read anything fun."
  132. Covet: *prey though, as Michael Crichton goes."
  133. Alexithymiaa: "I recently finished The Andromeda Strain which was fantastic. I would recommend it." She said with a nod, starting to laugh. "We read plenty of fun things. Fun doesn't automatically equate to sexual, Thorn. But we agreed to play Twister." She said in a bit of protest. "A bit off topic, but I feel it's vital to our relationship and future activities. What is everyone's drink of choice?"-
  134. Tsaaq: "We could always indulge in some classics?" Penelope suggested. "I'm pretty open to which books we read." She piped up. "Right, we'll be playing twister. isn't that good enough for you?" She asked him. Penelope rose her eyebrows and hummed. "Whiskey sour." She answered. "Tequila Sunrise? Yes. I like both. It's a tie."
  135. Covet: "I take my Whiskey straight, preferably out of a tea cup, And I enjoy the occasional Rum, provided it's dark." Thorn said, then rolled his eyes, "Fine, fine. Twister is good enough. I guess." He thought about the classic literature that he knew, "So long as we don't have to read Pride and Prejiduce, Classics are good with me."
  136. Alexithymiaa: "I usually just like beer. I'm not very picky. But as far as liquor goes, I think my favorite would be a simple rum and coke." She said with a bit of a nod. "I've read Pride and Prejudice and although good, I wouldn't put it in my top ten. It's not my favorite genre." She rolled her shoulders back before looking at the two. "I feel tonight was very progressive for us."-
  137. Tsaaq: She shook her head at Thorn as she giggled. "That sounds like my kind of tea party." She said jokingly. Penelope nodded in agreement. "I'm kind of picky but I know how to get what I want." She said to Quinn with a quirk of her eyebrows. "I absolutely love Pride and Predjudice. We could always pick a few books and we can vote?" She suggested. "Tonight was marvelous. And I do mean that."
  138. Covet: "Yeah then we'll round robin it after we finish it, depending on who's book gets voted. Because that will be fair." Thorn nodded then grinned at Penelope, then looked over at Quinn, "I like the direction we're moving. And I'm happy you both are open to the idea. Look at us, Modern people doing modern things. My only quesiton now is.. Am I coming home to share a bed with the two of you? Or are you sending me back to my dorm alone?" He asked as he went to get up and put his laptop away in his bag.
  139. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn pushed up to her feet with a nod, tossing her hair back over her shoulder. "I think it will be okay if you come back to the house so we can all cuddle together tonight. I think in honor of this night, it's especially appropriate."-
  140. Tsaaq: "I'm inclined to agree with Q." She said as she stood as well. She began to put her things inside of her purse. "I have the perfect nightie for this occassion." She applauded softly.
  141. Covet: "Oooh new nightie.." Thorn said giddily like a child as he clapped his hands. "I think I'm going to enjoy our cuddling even more so tonight than I have the last couple of times. You two are just so sweet." He said embelishing as he put his bag on his shoulder, waiting to walk out with them, putting an arm around both their shoulders.
  142. Alexithymiaa: "I think you're going to enjoy it the same amount as you always do." She said with a bit of a laugh, collecting her purse onto her shoulder before walking out with them to head back to the house.-
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