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GPL Ghostscript 9.06: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

a guest
Jan 5th, 2016
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  1. ./gs -o proper.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress ~/Programmheft_HIHO_2016_Titel.pdf
  2. GPL Ghostscript 9.06 (2012-08-08)
  3. Copyright (C) 2012 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
  4. This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
  5. Processing pages 1 through 1.
  6. Page 1
  7. error: cannot decode code stream
  8. unable to decode JPX image data.
  10. **** Warning: File has insufficient data for an image.
  11. error: cannot decode code stream
  12. unable to decode JPX image data.
  14. **** Warning: File has insufficient data for an image.
  15. error: cannot decode code stream
  16. unable to decode JPX image data.
  18. **** Warning: File has insufficient data for an image.
  19. error: cannot decode code stream
  20. unable to decode JPX image data.
  21. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete.
  22. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete.
  23. Error: /rangecheck in --run--
  24. Operand stack:
  25. --dict:12/21(L)-- 1 11 3 --nostringval-- false 76666 DataSource --nostringval-- 0 16 --nostringval-- 12 --dict:2/2(L)--
  26. Execution stack:
  27. %interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 1894 1 3 %oparray_pop 1893 1 3 %oparray_pop 1877 1 3 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 1 1 --nostringval-- %for_pos_int_continue --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push --nostringval-- --nostringval--
  28. Dictionary stack:
  29. --dict:1161/1684(ro)(G)-- --dict:1/20(G)-- --dict:83/200(L)-- --dict:83/200(L)-- --dict:109/127(ro)(G)-- --dict:293/300(ro)(G)-- --dict:25/31(L)-- --dict:6/8(L)-- --dict:25/40(L)-- --dict:1/1(ro)(G)-- --dict:14/15(L)-- --dict:1/1(ro)(G)-- --dict:4/5(L)-- --dict:1/1(ro)(G)-- --dict:7/15(L)-- --dict:9/20(L)--
  30. Current allocation mode is local
  31. GPL Ghostscript 9.06: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
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