
There are no categories in the database - or something has g

Jan 27th, 2015
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  1. There are no categories in the database - or something has gone wrong!
  5. Time Elapsed Memory Message
  6. ----------- ------- ------- Ping? Waiting for server . . .
  7. 17:27:09.15 0.52sec 51.52MB BackupBuddy v5.1.1.0 using WordPress v4.1 on Darwin.
  8. 17:27:09.15 0.52sec 51.52MB Calculated archive file: `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  9. 17:27:09.15 0.52sec 51.52MB Performing pre-backup procedures.
  10. 17:27:09.15 0.52sec 51.52MB Full backup mode.
  11. 17:27:09.15 0.53sec 51.52MB Flushing will not be skipped (default).
  12. 17:27:09.15 0.53sec 51.53MB Verifying directories ...
  13. 17:27:09.15 0.53sec 51.53MB Directories verified.
  14. 17:27:09.15 0.53sec 51.53MB Backup serial generated: `v04nhmz5ix`.
  15. 17:27:09.15 0.53sec 51.53MB About to load fileoptions data in create mode.
  16. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.58MB Fileoptions instance #40.
  17. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.58MB Created fileoptions lock file `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/` with ID: 54c7ca6d273a89.86642352.
  18. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.58MB Fileoptions data loaded.
  19. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.58MB Updating statistics for last backup start.
  20. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Active WordPress plugins: `awesome-shortcodes-for-genesis/ASG-index.php; awesome-weather/awesome-weather.php; backupbuddy/backupbuddy.php; black-studio-tinymce-widget/black-studio-tinymce-widget.php; custom-facebook-feed/custom-facebook-feed.php; debugwp/debugWP.php; desktopserver/desktopserver.php; duplicator/duplicator.php; facebook-button-plugin/facebook-button-plugin.php; font/Font.php; genesis-admin-bar-addition/genesis-admin-bar.php; genesis-custom-headers/genesis-custom-headers.php; genesis-extender/genesis-extender.php; genesis-featured-page-advanced/genesis-featured-page-advanced.php; genesis-featured-page-extras/genesis-featured-page-extras.php; genesis-layout-extras/genesis-layout-extras.php; genesis-palette-pro/genesis-palette-pro.php; genesis-shortcodes/genesis-shortcodes.php; genesis-simple-customizations/genesis-simple-customizations.php; genesis-simple-edits/plugin.php; genesis-simple-hooks/plugin.php; genesis-simple-sidebars/plugin.php; genesis-style-trump/genesis-style-trump.php; genesis-visual-hook-guide/g-hooks.php; gppro-google-webfonts/gppro-google-webfonts.php; image-widget/image-widget.php; ithemes-sync/init.php; my-calendar/my-calendar.php; nextend-smart-slider2-full/nextend-smart-slider2-full.php; nextend/nextend.php; random-quote-of-the-day/randomdailyquote.php; shortcode-in-menus/index.php; social-media-widget/social-widget.php; styles-epik/styles-epik.php; styles/styles.php; tablepress/tablepress.php; wordpress-backup-to-dropbox/wp-backup-to-dropbox.php; wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php; wp-debugger/wp-debugger.php; wp-polls/wp-polls.php`.
  21. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Initially calculated relative backup storage directory: `/wp-content/uploads/backupbuddy_backups/.
  22. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Excluding additional temp directory subdir: `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  23. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Excluding additional temp directory subdir: `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  24. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Initial zip exclusions (after filter): `/wp-content/uploads/backupbuddy_backups/; /wp-content/uploads/pb_backupbuddy/; /importbuddy/; /importbuddy.php; /wp-content/uploads/backupbuddy_temp/okq7cputpr/; /wp-content/uploads/backupbuddy_temp/q89v9y1eks/`.
  25. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Temp directory: `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  26. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Backup root: `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  27. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Calculating mysql database tables to backup.
  28. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Base database dump mode (before inclusions/exclusions): `prefix`.
  29. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Determining database tables with prefix `wp_`.
  30. ----------- ------- ------- Starting action: schemaTables
  31. ----------- ------- ------- Finishing action: schemaTables
  32. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Base database tables based on settings (35 tables): `wp_commentmeta,wp_comments,wp_duplicator_packages,wp_links,wp_my_calendar,wp_my_calendar_categories,wp_my_calendar_events,wp_my_calendar_locations,wp_nextend_smartslider_layouts,wp_nextend_smartslider_sliders,wp_nextend_smartslider_slides,wp_nextend_smartslider_storage,wp_options,wp_pollsa,wp_pollsip,wp_pollsq,wp_postmeta,wp_posts,wp_spidercalendar_calendar,wp_spidercalendar_event,wp_spidercalendar_event_category,wp_spidercalendar_theme,wp_spidercalendar_widget_theme,wp_term_relationships,wp_term_taxonomy,wp_terms,wp_usermeta,wp_users,wp_wdslayer,wp_wdsslide,wp_wdsslider,wp_wpb2d_excluded_files,wp_wpb2d_options,wp_wpb2d_processed_dbtables,wp_wpb2d_processed_files`
  33. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Database tables after addition (35 tables): `wp_commentmeta,wp_comments,wp_duplicator_packages,wp_links,wp_my_calendar,wp_my_calendar_categories,wp_my_calendar_events,wp_my_calendar_locations,wp_nextend_smartslider_layouts,wp_nextend_smartslider_sliders,wp_nextend_smartslider_slides,wp_nextend_smartslider_storage,wp_options,wp_pollsa,wp_pollsip,wp_pollsq,wp_postmeta,wp_posts,wp_spidercalendar_calendar,wp_spidercalendar_event,wp_spidercalendar_event_category,wp_spidercalendar_theme,wp_spidercalendar_widget_theme,wp_term_relationships,wp_term_taxonomy,wp_terms,wp_usermeta,wp_users,wp_wdslayer,wp_wdsslide,wp_wdsslider,wp_wpb2d_excluded_files,wp_wpb2d_options,wp_wpb2d_processed_dbtables,wp_wpb2d_processed_files`
  34. 17:27:09.16 0.53sec 51.63MB Database tables after exclusion (35 tables): `wp_commentmeta,wp_comments,wp_duplicator_packages,wp_links,wp_my_calendar,wp_my_calendar_categories,wp_my_calendar_events,wp_my_calendar_locations,wp_nextend_smartslider_layouts,wp_nextend_smartslider_sliders,wp_nextend_smartslider_slides,wp_nextend_smartslider_storage,wp_options,wp_pollsa,wp_pollsip,wp_pollsq,wp_postmeta,wp_posts,wp_spidercalendar_calendar,wp_spidercalendar_event,wp_spidercalendar_event_category,wp_spidercalendar_theme,wp_spidercalendar_widget_theme,wp_term_relationships,wp_term_taxonomy,wp_terms,wp_usermeta,wp_users,wp_wdslayer,wp_wdsslide,wp_wdsslider,wp_wpb2d_excluded_files,wp_wpb2d_options,wp_wpb2d_processed_dbtables,wp_wpb2d_processed_files`
  35. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.79MB Total calculated database size: `7.2 MB`.
  36. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.79MB Breaking out tables ENABLED based on settings. Tables to be broken out into individual steps: `wp_posts, wp_postmeta`.
  37. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.79MB Integrity check will be performed based on settings for this profile.
  38. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.81MB Fileoptions saved. 7744 bytes written.
  39. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.81MB Creating DAT (data) file snapshotting site & backup information.
  40. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.81MB wp-config.php found in normal location.
  41. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.81MB DAT file contents (sans database user/pass): Array; (; [backupbuddy_version] =>; [wordpress_version] => 4.1; [backup_time] => 1422379629; [backup_type] => full; [profile] => Array; (; [type] => full; [title] => Complete Backup; [skip_database_dump] => 0; [mysqldump_additional_includes] => ; [mysqldump_additional_excludes] => ; [backup_nonwp_tables] => 0; [excludes] => ; [integrity_check] => 1; [profile_globaltables] => 1; [profile_globalexcludes] => 1; [backup_mode] => 2; ); ; [default_profile] => Array; (; [type] => defaults; [title] => Global Defaults; [skip_database_dump] => 0; [mysqldump_additional_includes] => ; [mysqldump_additional_excludes] => ; [backup_nonwp_tables] => 0; [excludes] => ; [integrity_check] => 1; [profile_globaltables] => 1; [profile_globalexcludes] => 1; [backup_mode] => -1; ); ; [serial] => v04nhmz5ix; [trigger] => manual; [wp-config_in_parent] => ; [deployment_direction] => ; [abspath] => /Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/; [siteurl] =>; [homeurl] =>; [blogname] => ; [blogdescription] => ; [active_plugins] => awesome-shortcodes-for-genesis/ASG-index.php, awesome-weather/awesome-weather.php, backupbuddy/backupbuddy.php, black-studio-tinymce-widget/black-studio-tinymce-widget.php, custom-facebook-feed/custom-facebook-feed.php, debugwp/debugWP.php, desktopserver/desktopserver.php, duplicator/duplicator.php, facebook-button-plugin/facebook-button-plugin.php, font/Font.php, genesis-admin-bar-addition/genesis-admin-bar.php, genesis-custom-headers/genesis-custom-headers.php, genesis-extender/genesis-extender.php, genesis-featured-page-advanced/genesis-featured-page-advanced.php, genesis-featured-page-extras/genesis-featured-page-extras.php, genesis-layout-extras/genesis-layout-extras.php, genesis-palette-pro/genesis-palette-pro.php, genesis-shortcodes/genesis-shortcodes.php, genesis-simple-customizations/genesis-simple-customizations.php, genesis-simple-edits/plugin.php, genesis-simple-hooks/plugin.php, genesis-simple-sidebars/plugin.php, genesis-style-trump/genesis-style-trump.php, genesis-visual-hook-guide/g-hooks.php, gppro-google-webfonts/gppro-google-webfonts.php, image-widget/image-widget.php, ithemes-sync/init.php, my-calendar/my-calendar.php, nextend-smart-slider2-full/nextend-smart-slider2-full.php, nextend/nextend.php, random-quote-of-the-day/randomdailyquote.php, shortcode-in-menus/index.php, social-media-widget/social-widget.php, styles-epik/styles-epik.php, styles/styles.php, tablepress/tablepress.php, wordpress-backup-to-dropbox/wp-backup-to-dropbox.php, wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php, wp-debugger/wp-debugger.php, wp-polls/wp-polls.php; [posts] => 29; [pages] => 141; [comments] => 9; [users] => 1; [db_prefix] => wp_; [db_server] =>; [db_name] => lincolncDBjaldx; [db_user] => ; [db_password] => ; [db_exclusions] => ; [db_inclusions] => ; [breakout_tables] => Array; (; [0] => wp_posts; [1] => wp_postmeta; ); ; [tables_sizes] => Array; (; [wp_commentmeta] => 12000; [wp_comments] => 10216; [wp_duplicator_packages] => 9960; [wp_links] => 1024; [wp_my_calendar] => 3980; [wp_my_calendar_categories] => 0; [wp_my_calendar_events] => 1024; [wp_my_calendar_locations] => 0; [wp_nextend_smartslider_layouts] => 3000; [wp_nextend_smartslider_sliders] => 32072; [wp_nextend_smartslider_slides] => 34736; [wp_nextend_smartslider_storage] => 322192; [wp_options] => 1885588; [wp_pollsa] => 2204; [wp_pollsip] => 2048; [wp_pollsq] => 2180; [wp_postmeta] => 365932; [wp_posts] => 4769924; [wp_spidercalendar_calendar] => 2084; [wp_spidercalendar_event] => 2248; [wp_spidercalendar_event_category] => 2076; [wp_spidercalendar_theme] => 2464; [wp_spidercalendar_widget_theme] => 2288; [wp_term_relationships] => 10334; [wp_term_taxonomy] => 10072; [wp_terms] => 13264; [wp_usermeta] => 23816; [wp_users] => 4220; [wp_wdslayer] => 1024; [wp_wdsslide] => 2624; [wp_wdsslider] => 2408; [wp_wpb2d_excluded_files] => 2048; [wp_wpb2d_options] => 2508; [wp_wpb2d_processed_dbtables] => 2048; [wp_wpb2d_processed_files] => 2048; ); ; [is_multisite] => ; [is_multisite_export] => ; [domain] => ; [path] => ; [upload_url] => ; [upload_url_rewrite] => ; );
  42. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.81MB Finished creating DAT (data) file.
  43. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.81MB Generating ImportBuddy tool to include in backup archive: `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  44. ----------- ------- ------- Starting action: importbuddyCreation
  45. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.81MB Attempted to set PHP execution time to 7200
  46. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.81MB Reported PHP execution time - Configured: 600; Original: 600; Current: 7200
  47. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.81MB Attempted to set PHP memory limit to user defined WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT (256M) or over-ridden value
  48. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.81MB Reported PHP memory limits - Configured: 128M; Original: 256M; Current: 256M
  49. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.81MB Loading importbuddy core file into memory.
  50. 17:27:09.17 0.54sec 51.82MB Loading each file into memory for writing master importbuddy file.
  51. 17:27:09.25 0.62sec 54.65MB Writing importbuddy master file to disk.
  52. ----------- ------- ------- Finishing action: importbuddyCreation
  53. 17:27:09.25 0.62sec 57.03MB ImportBuddy generation complete.
  54. 17:27:09.26 0.63sec 57.03MB Fileoptions saved. 7952 bytes written.
  55. 17:27:09.26 0.63sec 57.03MB Finished pre-backup procedures.
  56. 17:27:09.26 0.63sec 57.03MB Running in modern backup mode based on settings. Mode value: `2`. Trigger: `manual`.
  57. 17:27:09.26 0.63sec 57.03MB Scheduling Cron for `v04nhmz5ix`.
  58. 17:27:09.26 0.63sec 57.03MB Database kicker loaded. Database object class: `wpdb` with database of type `mysql`.
  59. 17:27:09.26 0.63sec 57.03MB Pinging mysql.
  60. 17:27:09.26 0.63sec 57.03MB Database Server connection status verified.
  61. 17:27:09.26 0.63sec 57.03MB Scheduling next step to run at `1422379629` (localized time: Jan 27, 2015 5:27:09 pm) with cron tag `pb_backupbuddy_process_backup` and serial arguments `v04nhmz5ix`.
  62. 17:27:09.26 0.63sec 57.03MB Next step scheduled.
  63. ----------- ------- ------- Starting action: cronPass
  64. 17:27:09.26 0.64sec 57.03MB Not calling spawn_cron().
  65. 17:27:09.26 0.64sec 57.03MB About to run next step. If the backup does not proceed within 15 seconds then something is interfering with the WordPress CRON system such as: server loopback issues, caching plugins, or scheduling plugins. Try disabling other plugins to see if it resolves issue. Check the Server Information page cron section to see if the next BackupBuddy step is scheduled to run. Enable "Classic" backup mode on the "Settings" page to rule out non-cron issues.
  66. 17:27:10.59 0.21sec 36.89MB --- New PHP process.
  67. 17:27:10.59 0.21sec 36.89MB Attempted to set PHP execution time to 7200
  68. 17:27:10.60 0.21sec 36.89MB Reported PHP execution time - Configured: 600; Original: 600; Current: 7200
  69. 17:27:10.60 0.21sec 36.89MB Attempted to set PHP memory limit to user defined WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT (256M) or over-ridden value
  70. 17:27:10.60 0.21sec 36.89MB Reported PHP memory limits - Configured: 128M; Original: 128M; Current: 256M
  71. 17:27:10.60 0.21sec 36.89MB Running process for serial `v04nhmz5ix`...
  72. 17:27:10.61 0.23sec 38.82MB About to load fileoptions data.
  73. 17:27:10.61 0.23sec 38.82MB Fileoptions instance #39.
  74. 17:27:10.61 0.23sec 38.85MB Created fileoptions lock file `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/` with ID: 54c7ca6e96cef3.01678687.
  75. 17:27:10.61 0.23sec 38.88MB Fileoptions data loaded.
  76. ----------- ------- ------- Finishing action: cronPass
  77. 17:27:10.62 0.23sec 38.90MB Fileoptions saved. 7964 bytes written.
  78. 17:27:10.62 0.23sec 38.90MB Found next step to run: `backup_create_database_dump`.
  79. 17:27:10.62 0.23sec 38.90MB Peak memory usage: 38.896 MB
  80. 17:27:10.62 0.23sec 38.90MB -----
  81. 17:27:10.62 0.23sec 38.90MB Starting step function `backup_create_database_dump`. Attempt #1.
  82. 17:27:10.62 0.23sec 38.90MB Starting database backup process.
  83. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB Compatibility mysqldump (if applicable) max rows per select set to 1000.
  84. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB Database host for dumping: ``
  85. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB Loading mysqlbuddy library.
  86. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB Mysql server default directories: `/usr/bin/,/usr/bin/mysql/,/usr/local/bin/`
  87. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB mysqlbuddy: Force method of `1` passed.
  88. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB mysqlbuddy: Settings overriding automatic detection of available database dump methods. Using forced override methods: `php`.
  89. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB mysqlbuddy: Detected database dump methods: `php`.
  90. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB If applicable, breaking up with max execution time `7200` seconds.
  91. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB Starting database dump procedure.
  92. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB mysqlbuddy: Output directory: `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  93. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB Table dump count: `33`.
  94. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB Preparing to dump using available method(s) by priority. Methods: `php`
  95. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB mysqlbuddy: Attempting dump method `php`.
  96. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.17MB Loading DB kicker for use leter in case database goes away.
  97. 17:27:10.62 0.24sec 39.19MB Database kicker loaded. Database object class: `wpdb` with database of type `mysql`.
  98. 17:27:10.63 0.24sec 39.19MB Dumping database table `wp_commentmeta`. Max rows per select: 1000. Starting at row `0`.
  99. 17:27:10.63 0.24sec 39.19MB SQL dump file `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  100. 17:27:10.63 0.24sec 39.19MB mysqlbuddy: PHP-based database dump with max execution time for this run: 7200 seconds.
  101. 17:27:10.63 0.24sec 39.22MB Got `22` rows from `wp_commentmeta` of `1000` max.
  102. 17:27:10.63 0.24sec 39.23MB Dumped `22` rows total from `wp_commentmeta`. No rows remain.
  103. 17:27:10.63 0.24sec 39.23MB Pinging mysql.
  104. 17:27:10.63 0.25sec 39.23MB Database Server connection status verified.
  105. 17:27:10.63 0.25sec 39.23MB Finished dumping database table `wp_commentmeta`.
  106. 17:27:10.63 0.25sec 39.24MB Database SQL dump file (wp_commentmeta.sql) size: 3 KB
  107. ----------- ------- ------- Total aggregate SQL dump size so far: 2.84 KB
  108. 17:27:10.63 0.25sec 39.24MB About to flush...
  109. 17:27:10.63 0.25sec 39.24MB Dumping database table `wp_comments`. Max rows per select: 1000. Starting at row `0`.
  110. 17:27:10.63 0.25sec 39.24MB SQL dump file `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  111. 17:27:10.63 0.25sec 39.24MB mysqlbuddy: PHP-based database dump with max execution time for this run: 7200 seconds.
  112. 17:27:10.63 0.25sec 39.26MB Got `9` rows from `wp_comments` of `1000` max.
  113. 17:27:10.63 0.25sec 39.28MB Dumped `9` rows total from `wp_comments`. No rows remain.
  114. 17:27:10.63 0.25sec 39.28MB Pinging mysql.
  115. 17:27:10.63 0.25sec 39.28MB Database Server connection status verified.
  116. 17:27:10.64 0.25sec 39.28MB Finished dumping database table `wp_comments`.
  117. 17:27:10.64 0.25sec 39.28MB Database SQL dump file (wp_comments.sql) size: 5 KB
  118. ----------- ------- ------- Total aggregate SQL dump size so far: 7.57 KB
  119. 17:27:10.64 0.25sec 39.28MB About to flush...
  120. 17:27:10.64 0.25sec 39.28MB Dumping database table `wp_duplicator_packages`. Max rows per select: 1000. Starting at row `0`.
  121. 17:27:10.64 0.25sec 39.28MB SQL dump file `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  122. 17:27:10.64 0.25sec 39.28MB mysqlbuddy: PHP-based database dump with max execution time for this run: 7200 seconds.
  123. 17:27:10.64 0.25sec 39.28MB Got `3` rows from `wp_duplicator_packages` of `1000` max.
  124. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB Dumped `3` rows total from `wp_duplicator_packages`. No rows remain.
  125. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB Pinging mysql.
  126. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB Database Server connection status verified.
  127. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB Finished dumping database table `wp_duplicator_packages`.
  128. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB Database SQL dump file (wp_duplicator_packages.sql) size: 7 KB
  129. ----------- ------- ------- Total aggregate SQL dump size so far: 14.94 KB
  130. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB About to flush...
  131. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB Dumping database table `wp_links`. Max rows per select: 1000. Starting at row `0`.
  132. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB SQL dump file `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  133. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB mysqlbuddy: PHP-based database dump with max execution time for this run: 7200 seconds.
  134. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB Got `0` rows from `wp_links` of `1000` max.
  135. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB Dumped `0` rows total from `wp_links`. No rows remain.
  136. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB Pinging mysql.
  137. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB Database Server connection status verified.
  138. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB Finished dumping database table `wp_links`.
  139. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB Database SQL dump file (wp_links.sql) size: 865 Bytes
  140. ----------- ------- ------- Total aggregate SQL dump size so far: 15.79 KB
  141. 17:27:10.64 0.26sec 39.29MB About to flush...
  142. 17:27:10.65 0.26sec 39.29MB Dumping database table `wp_my_calendar`. Max rows per select: 1000. Starting at row `0`.
  143. 17:27:10.65 0.26sec 39.29MB SQL dump file `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  144. 17:27:10.65 0.26sec 39.29MB mysqlbuddy: PHP-based database dump with max execution time for this run: 7200 seconds.
  145. 17:27:10.65 0.26sec 39.33MB Got `7` rows from `wp_my_calendar` of `1000` max.
  146. 17:27:10.65 0.27sec 39.42MB Dumped `7` rows total from `wp_my_calendar`. No rows remain.
  147. 17:27:10.65 0.27sec 39.42MB Pinging mysql.
  148. 17:27:10.65 0.27sec 39.42MB Database Server connection status verified.
  149. 17:27:10.65 0.27sec 39.42MB Finished dumping database table `wp_my_calendar`.
  150. 17:27:10.65 0.27sec 39.42MB Database SQL dump file (wp_my_calendar.sql) size: 4 KB
  151. ----------- ------- ------- Total aggregate SQL dump size so far: 20.26 KB
  152. 17:27:10.65 0.27sec 39.42MB About to flush...
  153. 17:27:10.65 0.27sec 39.42MB Dumping database table `wp_my_calendar_categories`. Max rows per select: 1000. Starting at row `0`.
  154. 17:27:10.65 0.27sec 39.42MB SQL dump file `/Users/kennethd/Documents/Websites/`.
  155. 17:27:10.65 0.27sec 39.42MB mysqlbuddy: PHP-based database dump with max execution time for this run: 7200 seconds.
  156. 17:27:10.65 0.27sec 39.43MB Error #857835: Unable to get table creation SQL for table `wp_my_calendar_categories`. Result: `1`.
  157. 17:27:10.65 0.27sec 39.43MB mysqlbuddy: Dump method `php` failed. Trying another compatibility mode next if able.
  158. 17:27:10.66 0.27sec 39.43MB ERROR: Database dump procedure failed.
  159. 17:27:10.66 0.27sec 39.43MB ERROR: Failed function `backup_create_database_dump`. Backup terminated.
  160. 17:27:10.66 0.27sec 39.43MB Peak memory usage: 39.425 MB
  161. ----------- ------- ------- ***
  162. ----------- ------- ------- * Unfinished function: `backup_create_database_dump`.
  163. ----------- ------- ------- * No in-progress action detected.
  164. ----------- ------- ------- ***
  165. 17:27:10.66 0.27sec 39.43MB Sending email error notification with subject `BackupBuddy Error -` to recipient(s): ``.
  166. 17:27:10.90 0.86sec 47.04MB Waiting for function `backup_create_database_dump` to complete. Started 0 seconds ago.
  167. ----------- ------- ------- * The backup has halted.
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