
Colossus By Design: Season 2 - Log 55

Oct 4th, 2015
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  1. [February 14, 2166]
  2. [Atlantic Ocean]
  4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, a large cruise ship sails through the calm seas. The atmosphere is a pleasant one, seeing as how it 's that time of year again, the time of year when lovers and loners alike congregate in groups to either celebrate or wretch at the mere utterance of the name of Valentine's Day.
  8. Despite the somewhat chilly weather, couples of all kinds are all quite eager to take in the sights of the expansive big blue sea; particularly, excited guests are graciously watching an ongoing hunt of a pod of humpbacks by a large male Megalodon shark. Although fierce, the creature poses no harm to the large cruise ship, so onlookers can observe it hunting in relative safety.
  10. Just as the large shark manages to wound a member of the pod, it suddenly darts away into the depths, leaving the injured humpback to bleed out in the middle of the ocean.
  12. The sudden disappearance of the massive predator leaves the cruise line guests puzzled. What could possibly scare off such a mighty hunter as the largest shark in existence from its meal?
  14. As everybody watches the bleeding whale, they take notice of its fellow pod members abandoning the poor creature to its fate, a very uncharacteristic behaviour of the animals that's not displayed even when under attack by a Megalodon.
  16. The water around the crippled humpback is now coloured a dark red from its blood; the sight of the suffering animal leaves a bad taste in the cruise ship's guests, and they slowly go back to the interior of the vessel. However, as the majority go back inside, the select few that choose to stay on the balconies outside begin to see something very odd about the dying whale.
  18. The ocean space around the humpback whale begins to bubble immensely, as if reaching its boiling point; those who remained outside start calling back other couples to see the new turn of events. Now guests begin pouring back out, more curious than anything. An event such as this is almost unheard of, though not completely unknown to the public.
  20. However, no one present realizes what's actually going on.
  22. A massive dark shape shoots out from underneath the water, grabbing the entire humpback whale in its jaws whilst simultaneously leaping out of the water, right over the cruise ship and onto the other side; the motion is so fast that viewers are only able to vaguely make out jagged protrusions on the animal's back and a long reptilian tail. The creature's massive size creates a huge tidal wave that nearly capsizes the whole cruise ship and forces many of the guests onboard to be thrown into the cold Atlantic sea.
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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  28. [February 18, 2166]
  29. [G.U.D. International News Station]
  30. [City of Gibraltar, Former Spanish region]
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  34. (Anchorman Marcello Jimenez): And in recent news, a string of mysterious feedings has occurred within the Atlantic Ocean. We now go to Monica, live on the scene of the most recent sighting.
  37. On the holographic screen behind Anchorman Jimenez, a footage feed from the Atlantic Ocean starts up. In it, Anchorwoman Monica Vasquez is onboard the S.S. Linda, a very prestigious cruise ship. Currently, Ms. Vasquez is walking around the interior mall strip; several emergency personnel look over injured guests.
  40. (Anchorwoman Vasquez): Thanks, Marcello. Eyewitnesses at the scene described the event as very strange. Just like the previous attacks earlier this year, it started out with Megalodon sharks pursuing pods of whales, only for them and the rest of the pods to flee the scene, leaving one straggler.
  43. Anchorwoman Vasquez runs up to a particular witness, an old woman with a blue sapphire necklace.
  46. (Anchorwoman Vasquez): Excuse me, ma'am? Could we get a statement on what was witnessed a few days ago?
  48. (Rosie Palms): Of course. So, I was outside with my wife. We were watching that big shark hunt that humpback, and he got a good bite on the old gal's flipper. We thought he was gonna get her for sure, but then he just swam away. The water around the poor animal started to bubble like a pot of boiling water, and before we knew it, a massive monster just snapped it up and leaped out of the water, over the boat.
  50. (Anchorwoman Vasquez): Thank you, ma'am. Back to you, Marcello.
  52. (Anchorman Jimenez): Alright, we'll get back to you soon, Monica. Eyewitness reports were sketchy at best, but most agree that the creature that attacked the whale was extremely large, with jagged protrusions from its back and an overall reptilian look. I don't know about you, folks, but I think we may be looking at the return of the infamous P.E.M.F. Godzilla, who hasn't been seen in over 10 years since him and his daughter disappeared following the end of the Legion War. More on this later, after our commercial break.
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