

Nov 25th, 2014
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  1. Bret Hart, Owen Hart, and Edge vs The Three Man Power Trip
  3. The match starts with Edge and HHH exchanging blows
  4. Edge Spears Austin as Austin tries the Thesz Press, but HHH breaks it up
  5. Owen reverses Stunner into German
  6. Edge and Pillman stereo dropkick spot
  7. Edge spears HHH into the barricade on the outside, cuts promo
  9. "Triple H, you pedigreed me out of this company just a few months ago, and who the hell are you? Best friends with two guys who decided they weren't making enough money from Scrooge McMahon and some jerkoff who looks like a male stripper? You make me sick. You're in this match because of your connections, not your wrestling skill! When you talk, my ears bleed. But hey, I bet you're selling a lot of seat cushions, aren't you? But I'm not here just to talk about you, Triple H. I've got bigger fish to fry.
  11. It wasn't too long ago that I got fired from the WWF. I wake up, I get a phone call, he tells me they're exercising the termination clause of my contract and I'll be getting a pink slip in the mail and a little buyout, to make it official. And now look at me, I'm main eventing one of their pay per views. How far I have come from when I was so green I'd get booed out of the building.
  13. But this is a live, uncensored, unfiltered broadcast where WWF fans have paid to see ME, Adam Copeland, EXTREME CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING, not this blueblood trash in front of me! I'm proving old Vince wrong about everything with my very presence! These are my people, not yours! And I'm here to throw a pipe wrench in your wheels!
  15. How? Let me explain it to everyone. There's this creative "genius" named Vince Russo up in Connecticut. You might know him as Vic Venom. This man told Triple H to spike my head into the fucking mat and try to end my career because I was hurting their ratings! Oh, I'm sorry, Sky Sports, I'm not supposed to say that, am I? Well I'm not rated PG, or 14, I'm Rated R! Vince Russo is a magazine writer who doesn't know the first goddamn thing about wrestling. And Triple H, the fact that you went along with his plan makes you just as big of a piece of shit as he is! The way your friends down south throw money around you could've gotten a job there making ten times as much with one simple word: No.
  17. You people, you don't know what you're missing! You wanna see something other than 40-year-old drug-addled bodybuilding rejects with balls the size of raisins jerking each other off on television for $50,000 every Monday night to feed a demented millionaire's sexual frus-" HHH chases Edge through the crowd and out of the arena
  19. Bret and Austin brawl at the announce station, Bret Germans Austin into the desk, leaving them both KOed
  20. Owen and Pillman are in the ring, Owen goes for the sharpshooter, but Pillman wiggles out, Pillman goes for the Air Pillman but Owen reverses it into the Northern Lights Suplex to Armbreaker transition, Pillman rakes the eyes, goes for a low blow, but Owen catches it into a Fisherman Suplex for the 3
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