

Dec 9th, 2012
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  1. Drought/0011 - FracturedFlow
  3. >the sun shines down, scorching the dried, cracked land
  4. >the drought is taking its toll
  5. >all aquatic and amphibious animals are annihilated
  6. >the air is stifling; there is no moisture anywhere
  7. >the lakes have dried up; wells are dangerously low, and the town is on the brink of collapse
  8. >you wake up to suffocatingly hot air scorching your throat
  9. >you trudge over to your closet and get dressed
  10. >you'd go naked, but yellowquiet would probably take advantage
  11. >although even she is feeling the effects of the drought
  12. >you drag yourself to your kitchen and search for food
  13. >nothing
  14. >well, almost nothing; there are a few crusts of bread
  15. >you figure its better than nothing, so you eat whats there
  16. >for the 1000th time this week, you wonder how a drought was possible
  17. >the weather is supposed to be carefully managed, but perhaps the system is not infallable
  18. >you sigh
  19. >as you inhale, you get a lungful of dust
  20. >your hacking cough hurts your already parched throat
  21. >as you regain your composure, you hear a knock on your door
  22. >youre in no mood to deal with fluttershy
  23. >nevertheless, you make your way slowly to the door
  24. >each step seems to take forever, your legs protesting each movement
  25. >you open the door, prepared for the worst
  26. >you see fluttershy, but she is with Twilight and Applejack
  27. >maybe this isnt one of fluttershy's schemes?
  28. >twilight speaks, her voice cracking
  29. >"anon, we were... wondering... if you want to... join us to go... find some water..."
  30. >youre slightly confused
  31. "how... could i... help? wouldnt it... be faster... to go without me..?"
  32. >twilight gestures to your hands
  33. "oh... i get it... sure, i'd... be happy... to..."
  34. >you expect fluttershy to react to that; you usually try to avoid her, and to go with her on a journey...
  35. >but she doesnt even look up
  36. "whats... wrong with... her?"
  37. >you gesture at fluttershy
  38. >Applejack responds
  39. >"her poor critters... some of 'em... couldnt take... th' heat..."
  40. >you nod. despite your encounters with her, you know she loves her animals.
  41. >"meet us... at the edge... of.. town... in an... hour"
  42. >1 hour later...
  43. >you are at the edge of town; twilight and applejack are already there
  44. >you look around for fluttershy
  45. >shes nowhere to be seen
  46. >5 minutes pass, then ten, then two, and finally seventeen
  47. >twilight looks annoyed
  48. >applejack mutters under her breath
  49. "should we... go without...?"
  50. >"no" twilight cuts you off. "lets go... get her..."
  51. >you trudge through the dead grass on your way to fluttershy's house
  52. >the sun is scorching down
  53. >youre irritated at how inconsiderate fluttershy is being
  54. >you were trying to save the town, and she cant be bothered to show up on time?!
  55. >its probably because she has a fear of the sun or something stupid, you think spitefully
  56. > you finally arrive at fluttershys cottage
  57. >"FLUTTER...SHY..!" twilight yells
  58. >a minute passes, with fluttershy still not showing herself
  59. >twilight opens the door
  60. >you, twi, and aj walk inside
  61. >fluttershy is sitting in the middle of the room, her back to you. she is shaking slightly
  62. >"there.. you are...! lets... go..!" twilight says
  63. >fluttershy doesnt respond
  64. >she just sits there, shaking
  65. >you walk over
  66. "fluttersh-"
  67. >she looks up at you, a tear rolling down her cheek
  68. >you notice the small white bundle on the ground by her hooves
  69. >"he's dead... angel... mamma's sorry..!" fluttershy sobs, her frail body shaking
  70. >she looks so pitiful
  71. >your heart goes out to her
  72. >without thinking, you hug her tightly
  73. "fluttershy... im so sorry..."
  74. >she doesnt seem to take notice that youre hugging her
  75. >"if... if only..." she chokes out
  76. >you rub her back
  77. "there's nothing you could have done..."
  78. >twilight and aj hug fluttershy too
  79. >"Sugarcube... im so sorry fer ya..." aj murmurs
  80. >"how awful..." twilight says softly
  81. >you hug for another minute
  82. >you pull away first
  83. "girls... we still have to..."
  84. >"i know..." twilight responds
  85. >"fluttershy... do you think... you can... make the journey... with us...?"
  86. >fluttershy looks at twilight with dull eyes
  87. >"i... i have to... for angel... for his memor..." her voice chokes off
  88. >she strokes his fur with a hoof, then collapses, her hooves over her eyes
  89. >as terrible as this is, you still have to save the town
  90. >you go to leave, but you realize you have to do something about angel; you cant leave him there to rot
  91. >you pick up his body
  92. >poor thing; he could be annoying, but didnt deserve to die
  93. "um... do we... bury him... or...?"
  94. >aj nods, looking uncertain
  95. >"cant do much else..."
  96. >fluttershy gets up, her lifeless eyes still staring at angel's body
  97. >she walks slowly out the door
  98. >you twi and aj follow
  99. >fluttershy walks over to a small tree
  100. >"b-bury... him.. h-he..."she cant make it through the sentence
  101. >you nod
  102. >you find a shovel and dig a shallow grave near the trunk of the tree
  103. >twilight says a few words, while fluttershys frail form is wracked with sobs
  104. >you shovel the earth over his body as fluttershy looks away
  105. >you, twi and aj stand there in awkward silence, not sure what to do
  106. >"w-well... we... should get... going..." fluttershy murmurs
  107. >you nod in relief, the awkwardness passed
  108. >walking away from fluttershys cottage, you notice fluttershy looking back at the tree where you buried angel
  109. >you hear her mutter quietly, "i dont know what to do, angel... im so sorry..."
  110. >attempting to be reassuring, you stroke her mane
  111. >normally, fluttershy probably would have been estatic, but now she doesnt seem to notice your touch, and continues walking as if you dont exist
  112. >you give up and just focus putting one foot in front of the other
  113. ---
  114. >as you venture out, fluttershy lags behind you and the others; you figure she wants to be alone
  115. >the sun beats down on your backs, a constant reminder of how important your task is
  116. >as you walk, aj move closer to you
  117. >she whispers "im a might worried about fluttershy, anon. ya think you could check on her? i know she really likes you"
  118. >youre about to decline when fluttershy trips, landing on the dusty ground
  119. >she makes no attempt to get up
  120. >twilight has to lift her up with magic
  121. >sure, she can be a bit... exuberent... at times, but you still care for her
  122. >how could you just abandon her, when shes so broken?
  123. >you nod at aj
  124. "o-okay."
  125. >twi and aj take the lead as you walk to the edge of town
  126. >you walk next to fluttershy
  127. >what do you say to your attempted rapist who just lost their pet/best friend?
  128. "umm... are you... okay... fluttershy..?"
  129. >"i just... lost angel..." fresh tears spring into her eyes "angel... im so sorry...!"
  130. >wrong thing to say
  131. >she starts sobbing again
  132. >smooooth, anon
  133. "d-dont cry... um... um..."
  134. >dammit, what can you do?!
  135. >aj turns around an looks at you with an expression of "what the heck did you do, you insensitive jerk?"
  136. >you have to do something to calm fluttershy...
  137. >you brace yourself, as what you are about to do next will cause fallout greater than post-apocalyptic nuclear winter
  138. >you take a deep breath, then kiss fluttershy on her cheek
  139. >ohCelestiaWhatHaveIDone.wav
  140. >fluttershy immediately stops crying, sways a little, then drops to the ground in a 'splosion of hearts
  141. >tons of little pink hearts fly everywhere
  142. >you hear her sigh contentedly
  143. >aj looks back
  144. >"y'all can be... lovey-dovey... on the way... back...; now if... ya dont mind..., get movin'!"
  145. >fluttershy isnt going anywhere; that much is obvious by the hearts flying around
  146. >you wince
  147. >aj is impatient; "hurry... it up..., anon!"
  148. >twilight turns around; "what seems... to be... the problem?"
  149. "n-nothing!"
  150. >it looks like someone is going to have to carry fluttershy
  151. >and chances are, that someone is you
  152. >sighing, you pick up fluttershy and carry her on your back
  153. >she wraps her hooves around your neck and waist, clinging to you tightly
  154. >fortunately, she still seems to be in a daze from your kiss, and doesnt attempt anything... yet
  155. >twilight raises an eyebrow
  156. >"ready now?"
  157. >you glare
  158. "lets just... get this... over with..."
  159. >you set off again, hopefully with no more distractions
  160. >fluttershy is lighter than you expected; maybe pegasii have less dense bones to allow them to fly?
  161. >it makes carrying her much easier than you thought
  162. >still, wearing a fuzzy backpack thats got a deathgrip on you while walking around in the scorching heat isnt the best way to keep cool
  163. >hopefully this wont take very long
  164. ---
  165. >[insert harmonica and maracas here]
  166. >it feels like you've been walking for days
  167. >the sun has scorched your pale skin, and you know that youve got sunburn
  168. >your tongue feels swollen, your lips are dry and cracked
  169. >you cant seem to sweat anymore, a sure sign of dehydration and possibly heat stroke
  170. >fluttershy clinging on to you doesnt help either
  171. >each footstep seems to take an insurmountable effort
  172. >you find yourself wishing that you didnt agree to go on this journey
  173. >but your friends asked for your help... still, this is annoying...
  174. > you shake your head to clear your irritated, selfish thoughts
  175. >they trusted you enough to bring you on a mission that could determine the fate of p0nyville
  176. >you should be honored
  177. >still, you had hoped to see more progress; you must have travelled all day
  178. >you check your watch to see how long its been since you started out
  179. >5 minutes
  180. >that cant be right; it feels like youve spent a lifetime in this insufferable heat
  181. >you double check
  182. >5 minutes, 1 second
  183. >you shake your watch
  184. "stupid thing..." you mutter
  185. >you check again; maybe you shook some sense into an inanimate object
  186. >5 minutes, one second, 68 miliseconds
  187. >...dammit
  188. >your misery is interrupted by fluttershy stirring from her daze
  189. >"wh-what... where...?" she says, confused
  190. >she then notices youre carrying her
  191. >you hear a squee right in your ear, shattering your puny human eardrum
  192. "fluttershy... could you... not do... that...?"
  193. >she meeps. "s-s-sorr-ry..."
  194. >you sigh
  195. "just... dont move... okay...? i dont... want to... drop you..."
  196. >she nods vigorously, then nuzzles your neck
  197. >you admit to yourself that when she isnt being a rapist she can be quite cute
  198. >dammit, gotta stop thinking like that; shes gonna go right back to harassing you once she emotionally stabilizes
  199. >you dont want to start feeling sorry for her
  200. >not for too long, anyways
  201. >you walk up to twilight
  202. "where... are we...?"
  203. >she gestures to a map she's levitated in front of herself
  204. >"its a... map... of... underground... lakes..." she wheezes
  205. >the heat must be really getting to her; youve never heard her sound so exhausted and dejected
  206. "so we're... going to...?"
  207. >"dig..." she winces
  208. >you look at her saddlebag and see a shovel
  209. >oh dear; it looks like youre going to have to do some labor
  210. >twilight glances at fluttershy
  211. >"interesting... backpack... anon..."
  212. >you feel yourself heating up; not good when you can melt steel on the ground(maybe)
  213. "i-its... not like... that..."
  214. >she nods
  215. >"suuuuuuure..."
  216. >its too hot to bicker
  217. >you slow your pace, letting twilight lead again
  218. >this is going to take forever
  219. >you check your watch again
  220. >5 min, 1 second, 69 milliseconds
  221. >fucking time-travel
  222. >you resign yourself to becoming a withered husk, and march onwards
  223. ---
  224. >the sun hangs low in the sky, and the air has finally started to cool
  225. >it's still quite warm, but the heat is no longer unbearable
  226. >you yawn as you continue to walk
  227. >fluttershy is still fused to your back
  228. >well, at least shes only being clingy
  229. >you dont think you could handle it if she was being rape-y
  230. >you care barely register any feeling in your legs; you have been walking all day
  231. "how... much... farther..?" you ask twilight
  232. >"we should... be there... by tomorrow... if we... walk... all night..." she replies
  233. >"there... aint no way... im walkin... all night...!" applejack interjects
  234. >twilight grumbles "fine... lets find... shelter then..."
  235. >after checking the map and the nearby areas, you find a small cave
  236. >its not really a cave; it looks more like a small hole in a rock
  237. >oh well, shelter is shelter
  238. >"twilight's horn glows as you enter, illuminating the 'cave'
  239. >its devoid of life, but larger than it seemed from the outside
  240. >and...
  241. >theres a small pool of something at the back...
  242. >what is it...? you peer closer... its...
  244. >you let out a shout of excitement; you finally found water!
  245. >its not that much though; the pool is only 30 cm deep at the middle, and 120 cm diameter
  246. >still, its WATER, GLORIOUS WATER
  247. >"what... are you... so excited... about...?" twilight asks, applejack trotting up beside her
  248. >you gesture to the pool
  249. >twi and aj just stare for a few seconds
  250. >aj lets out a "YEE-HAW", and tosses her hat in the air
  251. >twilight hops up and down, grinning
  252. >fluttershy even snaps out of her love-induced stupor to stare at the water, squee-ing in excitement
  253. >you all rush over to the pool and begin drinking
  254. >your mind is flooded with endorphins, and youre in pure bliss
  255. >the water is delicious, hydrating your parched, dry throat
  256. >you lose track of time; all there is is the water, the beautiful, glorious water
  257. >finally, after gulping as much water as your stomach can handle, you step back, with a groggy groan
  258. "man... that was..." youre at a loss for words; it was undescribable
  259. >twilight nods in agreement
  260. >applejack flops over
  261. >"deeee...licious" she mutters
  262. >the sun's last dying rays illuminate the cave briefly
  263. >the water sparkles and glistens in the light, appearing red and bloody
  264. >the light slowly fades, as the sun vanishes from sight and night consumes the sky; the air is noticably cooler, and it feels wonderful
  265. >you sigh contentedly
  266. >as twilight fills canteens with water from the pool, aj unpacks four sleeping bags and pillows from her saddlebag
  267. >you grab one and flop down on the floor, exhausted from the day
  268. >flutters curls up some distance away from you
  269. >you're glad she understands the concept of personal space, but you feel a slight pang in your heart anyways
  270. >wait, what was that i just felt? you think, confused
  271. >probably nothing, you decide, and lay your head down to sleep
  272. >twilight casts a spell at the entrance of the cave
  273. >you look at her questioningly
  274. >"protection from nocturnal predators" she explains
  275. >you nod in understanding
  276. >twilight lays down in the sleeping bag
  277. >the floor is kinda rocky, but youre all too tired to care
  278. >aj is already asleep, snoring softly, her hat over her face
  279. >the day's events have taken their toll on you, and you fall asleep quickly
  280. >zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
  281. >your eyes fly open; youre staring at the ceiling
  282. >but... its not the ceiling of your home in p0nyville...
  283. >then it dawns on you
  284. >you're at home, your home, the one on earth
  285. >youre in bed
  286. >and youre... having sex?
  287. >you finally notice that someone is under the covers
  288. >you feel a tongue run up the length of your member
  289. >it feels so good...
  290. >a soft moan escapes your lips
  291. >wait... who is it?
  292. >you lift up the covers, expecting to see maybe your ex, or someone you know
  293. >instead, teal eyes stare at you from behind pink hair
  294. "FLUTTERSHY?!"
  295. >you snap awake, a cold sweat drenching your body
  296. >you shiver; youre not a horsefucker, and you would never do it with fluttershy, of all p0nes
  297. >you glance at fluttershy's sleeping bag, reassure yourself that she's still there, and it was just a bad dream
  298. >she's not there
  299. >you feel something move beside you
  300. >you jump out of the sleeping bag, panicking
  301. >fluttershy looks up at you from beside your sleeping bag, startled
  302. >"i-is s-something wr-r-rong, an-non?" she stammers
  303. "what the fuck did you do, bitch?!" you swear at her
  304. >tears form in her eyes
  305. "well?!" you yell in her face
  306. >she sobs
  307. >"i-i-i w-w-wa-s-s-s j-j-jus-s-s-t-t-t..."
  308. >her sobs cut off her words, and you cant make out anything else she says
  309. "no! you will answer me! none of this 'feel sorry for me cuz im crying' bullshit!"
  310. >"tears and mucus run down her face
  311. "c-c-c-cud-d-dd-l-l-l-e" she chokes out, as her body shakes from the sobs
  312. >...
  313. >you check yourself; your pants are still on, your belt hasnt been fiddled with; youre intact
  314. >so either fluttershy can now magically phase through clothes...
  315. >or you just verbally abused her because youre paranoid and had a bad dream
  316. >well now, it seems that you once again win the jackass of the day award
  317. "i-im sorry, fluttershy... i..."
  318. >wait, why are you apologizing?! she was still invading your personal space!
  319. "actually, im not sorry! why were you near me in the first place?!"
  320. >she sobs louder, her tears making pools on the floor
  321. >"b-b-ec-c-a-a-u-s-s-s-e i-i-i m-m-m-i-i-s-s-ss a-a-an-g-g-g-e-l-l-l, a-a-a-n-d-d-d i-i th-th-thou-gh-t-t-t..."
  322. >you cant make out the rest, but you understand the jist; she misses angel, wants you to comfort her, but doesnt want to disturb your slumber
  323. >she trudges back over to her sleeping bag and burrows in
  324. >you can still make out her sobs and sniffles
  325. >she lost angel less than 24 hours ago; she was holding up remarkably well, all things considered
  326. >and then you had to go ballisitic on her
  327. >you sigh; why cant you do anything right today?
  328. >you see a slow flow of tears leak from her sleeping bag
  331. >---
  332. >at rainbow dash's house...
  333. >RD wakes up, shivering in fear
  334. >she runs and checks her trophy cabinet
  335. >its gone?!
  336. >the 'biggest cunt in equestria' award is gone!!!
  337. >she sobs softly; who could have been a greater cunt than her? she thought her S2 performance clinched it
  338. >meanwhile...
  339. >you see an award appear in front of you
  340. >it says 'biggest cunt in equestria'
  341. >wellShit.jpg
  342. >youre gonna have to apologize to rainbow dash once this is over
  343. >---
  346. >you cant leave her like that
  347. >you walk over and lay down beside her
  348. "fluttershy... im sorry... i had a nightmare... and i know thats no excuse... but i hope you can forgive me..."
  349. >she looks into your eyes, you see tears still forming
  350. >damn it...
  351. >you hug her tightly, eliciting a squee from her
  352. >you let go after a few seconds
  353. "feeling better?"
  354. >she seems to have calmed down a bit...
  355. >"a-anon... i... th-that is... w-would you h-hold m-me?" she looks up at you with those beautiful, tear-stained teal eyes...
  356. >wait, what?! its just her eyes, for celestia's sake! is she using the stare?
  357. >, you have free will, you arent being forced to do anything
  358. >you hesitate
  359. >"um... i-i-t-s... o-o-kay... you d-dont h-have t-to" she murmurs
  360. >she turns on her back and stares up at the ceiling
  361. >you feel your heart go out to her... dammit, why are you so weak?!
  362. >you put your arms around her and hold her close
  363. >she blushes profusely, and lets out a squeak
  364. "just this once, got it? and tell nop0ny else." you say sternly
  365. >fluttershy snuggles closer you you in response
  366. >shes so soft and warm...
  367. >fluttershy presses her nose to yours
  368. >aww, how cute
  369. >wait... its... not cute... stop it... brain...
  370. >so... tired...
  371. >you feel your vision blur, and your eyes close momentarily
  372. >wha? no, stay... a... wak... ... e... ... ... ...
  373. >zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
  374. >...
  375. >you feel a hoof prodding your side
  376. "zz- wha-?" you push the hoof away
  377. >"FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME, WAKE UP ANON!" a voice yells at you
  378. >you snap awake; where...?
  379. >then your mind flashes back to last night
  380. >oh no... you fell asleep with fluttershy...
  381. >you do a double take; you fell asleep with fluttershy! and... youre still hugging her?!
  382. >you jump up; fluttershy stirs, then looks up at you with sleepy eyes
  383. >"good morning, anon~n" she says
  384. "u-um, this isnt what it looks like..." you stammer at twilight
  385. >twilight rolls her eyes
  386. >"sure, anon. whatever you say."
  387. "i swear! i-"
  388. >"save it for later, anon. we're running late" twilight gestures outside
  389. >you see the sun glare in from outside; did you sleep half the day away?!
  390. "s-s-orry..."
  391. >twilight sighs "lets just get going soon..."
  392. >she levitates an apple at you, and another at flutters
  393. >"eat, drink, then pack up so we can get going. that is, if youre not to busy making out with fluttershy"
  394. >she shoots you a withering glare
  395. "its not like that!" you prostest
  396. >she walks away, shaking her head
  397. >you crunch into the apple, determined to just get out of there
  398. >beside you, fluttershy nibbles on her apple
  399. >as she nibbles, applejack walks up to her
  400. >"so, fluttershy... how was it with anon? doin'... well, you know..." she blushes slightly
  401. "its not like that!" you exclaim
  402. >aj looks at you, snickering; "suuuuuure, whatever you say, anon"
  403. >you feel your face heat up
  404. >"so, anyways, fluttershy, what was it like?" she questions again
  405. >fluttershy blushes; "u-um, anon said not to t-tell anyp0ny..." she says
  406. >applejack whistles "really now? so that bad, or that good?"
  407. >"ITS NOT LIKE THAT!!!" you exclaim, your anger burning over
  408. >aj looks startled; "jeez, anon, calm down, would'ja? you got yerself all worked up in a ruckus ov'r nuthin"
  409. >you glare angrily as you finish your apple
  410. >you walk over to the pool to get a drink; you need it, after the rustling your jimmies just got
  411. >as you drink, you her whispers of conversation from aj and fluttershy
  412. >you decide to ignore it; after all, you were just reassuring a friend
  413. >a beautiful, shy, loving, gorgous teal-eyed frie-
  414. >NO! bad brain! stoppit!
  415. >you hit your head against the ground a few times
  416. >you are NOT interested in fluttershy! besides, she's a rapist!
  417. >you feel a brief spark of anger burn away any mutinous thoughts
  418. >you were only nice to her because angel just died
  419. >you were being a good friend, even though you dislike her
  420. >...but its so hard to dislike her; with that beautiful pink hair, that loving, shy personality, those adoable wings, those wonderful teal ey- FUCK!
  421. >NO! you make sure to go through each of the times she tried to rape you in your head, trying to get your anger to flare again
  422. >you feel your anger spark
  423. >then flame
  424. >then roar into a blazing inferno
  425. >you will NEVER like that psychotic bitch! EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER!!!!
  426. >you take a few calming breaths to contain your anger
  427. >well, at least you burned away any rebel scum thoughts
  428. >you make a point to not even look at fluttershy as you roll up your sleeping bag and place it in aj's saddlebag
  429. >you walk out of the cave in a huff
  430. "lets get moving, already!" you call back
  431. >twilight walks out; "oh, we're the slow ones?! who slept til noon?!" she says with an accusing glance
  432. "whatever. im sorry. now, lets get moving."
  433. >aj and fluttershy walk out, still talking in hushed whispers
  434. >you dont care anymore
  435. >you set off once again, the blazing sun beaming down on you
  436. >hopefully, today you will find the lake
  437. >but what if you dont?
  438. >no, gotta think positive
  439. >fluttershy walks up beside you, but you increase your pace, and go ahead of her
  440. >you hear aj mutter to fluttershy "lover's quarrel?"
  441. >you feel your face heat up as fluttershy stammers
  442. >you tune them out; you dont want to get yourself riled up
  443. >eventually, they stop talking; the heat makes speaking a burden on the throat
  444. >you trudge on in silence, focusing on just putting one foot in front of the other
  445. >you hear a buzzard's cry off in the distance
  446. >...youre going to die in this barren, scorched wasteland
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