
zor describes other supernaturals

Jan 5th, 2017
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  1. Ghouls: Let’s start basic. Ghouls are what happen when you feed someone else vampire blood. I am one. It’s not easy. It’s like having a smoking addiction, I guess? You get cravings. And certain Garou think you’ve become one with the ‘leeches’ and run you out of the home you got yourself thinking you’re gonna be independent for once and force you to move back in with your mother and no I will not let this die.
  3. Kinfolk: Extremely important and should be treated better than they are. Kin are what happens when a Garou bones someone and doesn’t make another Garou. They’re for all the world, just like regular people, except they can learn some gifts and they can look at us without getting Delirium. Not really much to say about them except that I appreciate you, friends.
  5. Mages: Kinda cockbags? Like legit. A lot of them think they rule the world because they can do magic and use it to harass everyone else. And I get it, when you can see the ley lines of the universe, you want to learn more and harness what you can do. It’s curiosity. Everyone does it. But curiosity killed the cat and Mages should probably stop trying to go poke Caerns. They could help so much against the Wyrm if they didn’t think of us as specimens to be prodded at. A couple are neat, though.
  7. Hunters: By all rights, most Garou couldn’t even write this section. They assume that Hunters are Kin because they can look at us without Delirium. Me on the other hand, I’ve got Midnight and she’s blunter and more straightforward than a mallet. These guys are… weird. They get their powers based on what they do when they see another super in action. Some get fighting powers, and I respect that as long as they know the distinction between good and bad. Some try to understand and make friends. They’re cool. Others still think the rest of us can be… cured? Or something? Sorry fam I’ve got some bad news. I know the most about Visionaries. They’re the leaders and they see things from all the angles. I dunno. Hunters are kind of on the edge of, some of them are rad dudes and some are crazy murderous motherfuckers.
  9. Sin-Eaters: Ghosts! Someone’s gotta contend with ghosts, and these guys are the guys to call. They get up from the dead because a ghost buddy attached themselves to them. We met a bunch down in Texas and I already knew a couple up here. My mom, and Tiddy Pie. Which now that I say it out loud is a ridiculous concept. She’s a ridiculous concept.
  11. Changelings: I am so fucking sorry, dude.
  13. Prometheans: Poor fuckers who never asked for this. Prometheans happen when someone tries to make a people from scratch without doing it the way most of us do it with a penis and a vagina and about nine months. Usually they’re made from corpses, but they’re not dead anymore. They live, they breathe, they need to eat. My bestest friend is this. They have a thing called Disquiet which makes normal people not like them. I think I still feel it, but it’s more that I get on edge. But I’m used to that. I try my best for him, though.
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