
100 Days +

Nov 30th, 2013
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  4. Has it been a hundred days already? How the time flies.
  5. Some would treat this as a major milestone. Somewhat arbitrarily, seeing as how it doesn't mark a specific number of months, but it's a nice, round, respectable number. I know the town itself certainly met this achievement a while ago. Some people might have already celebrated their own respective hundredth days, and all the more power to them. Others might not have quite reached that point yet. Some people are too busy to think about how long they've been here, and others still might not because they have nothing with which to share their blessings. Or maybe, like me, they think it's just a random number that only means something if you really want it to. Their choice, but I pity each case (including my own).
  7. I ask myself: If I'm so dismissive about the whole thing, why write at all? I could just continue to let this journal collect dust and show nothing of progress other than a bunch of tallies as the days pass like some sort of inmate. After all, keeping journals never interested me before I arrived here. I always found self-reflection best kept within my own thoughts, far outside of the realm of words. So why start now, on a day which many people usually would cherish?
  9. I'm not too certain. Maybe I see something in it, after all, but just don't want to admit it. I suppose if I don't owe these words to myself, I at least should offer some credit to whatever force brought us here. Because frankly, if I were to count out all of the days of my last few years by hundreds and sort them out into neat little groups, I could easily say I learned and discovered more about the world and my own being in this most recent bundle of days than any one prior. I'm not sure what this says about me as a male-turned-mare (referring to my 'former' self as objectively as a "human male" still makes my stomach turn somewhat, like I'm some sort of alien making first contact with Earth), but I would hope it means I at least somewhat made the most of it all. How I managed to go from someone preparing for their junior year at university to all this is beyond me, but I'm still in one piece and somehow with all my senses about me. I suppose I have many things to thank for that, as well.
  11. It certainly appears that, in some way, I have found a sense of balance in spite of a few controversies and occasions. Harvests, magic storybooks, cottages in the woods, greed spirits, gems, shadows, prisoners, acid attacks, deaths... all past me, at this point, though I think back on them every once in a while so I can remain at least somewhat in-touch with the little world where we've been planted. I find more satisfaction with other, more present occupations, however. Finding employment took little time, and helping to cut out planks for homes and other building projects has its perks. It's not the most rewarding or challenging experience, but it's involving, and knowing it's what the town needs kept me on-board long enough that I still set my mornings aside for the sawmill. As a pegasus, I'm admittedly not the most devoted to the goal of sustained flight, even though many would say I ought to be. I think do well enough for myself, in the end. It's a process which the cold season has delayed significantly, but my wings seem no less stronger than when I started and the town's always supportive each time I do make an attempt. As far as I'm concerned, it's something which sticks with you once you learn the fundamentals, akin to walking, running, driving, or any other means of locomotion. Most lately, however, I've found myself most at-home with the town guard, training with the spear on a rudimentary level, following patrol routes, and witnessing just how far we have come along. It's not the prettiest group of houses, but it has its own charms. In a way it reminds me of the historical villages I've occasionally visited, but without the inauthentic tourist trap stigma. More than just seeing it lived, we're living it ourselves, and the fact that we're all in this together weighs heavier with each fresh snowfall.
  13. I have also found comfort in other ways. Shelter, clothing, the embrace of a loved one...
  14. The last thing I want is for this to become a romance diary, but I value relationships too much to not make mention. Al Dente, the one with whom I share my life and adore more than anything, the one who gives me warmth, protection, confidence, kindness, peace-of-mind, and everything else more than anyone I could have ever imagined, in this life or any other. The writing on this page could never wish to adequately project just how much I feel, and I am ashamed of how bland it appears to anyone with the displeasure of reading it. It really is nothing which letters and symbols can convey; you see it more in face of the other, and detect it the air surrounding them. Every smile, any twitch of a muscle, each gleam in the eyes... by the time it happens the moment becomes locked in one's personal history and can no longer be accessed outside of one's own memories and dedication to keeping that sensation alive, though too many are convinced words are the key. Words, however, are too concrete. I treat them merely as building-blocks for structures like the idle babblings which I laid out here.
  16. So, why filter such intimate expression into readable language? Would I have been better off if I didn't write all this? In short: No. I think it suits a purpose. These pencil scratches are a means of collating some of the more easily perceivable aspects of where I have been, where I am now, and perhaps where I will be in the future - to that end, a honing tool. Perhaps they're not wholly grounded in fact, but they're honest musings all the same. Perhaps there is something meaningful within the one hundredth day - that pair of zeroes holding a place for events to come, while the preceding 'one' behaves as a constant reminder that we always came from somewhere. Perhaps I will write again in another 100 days, or perhaps I may never open this journal again - once you encounter one benchmark, you have encountered all of them, I find. But who knows? If I find something worth more that a passing thought (if I count the days from the last marked date on the calendar I remember, my birthday in the next few weeks might count), I may return to this notebook and update my stance to further remark on what and where else I may have been.
  18. If and until that time comes, this is who and where I am. And despite the hardships, I can trust myself when I say:
  19. I'll live.
  20. -Weathervane-
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  23. December 10th. A notable day in my personal history, but not a spectacular one in the grand scheme of things. Or at least I never thought so - those who knew me best seemed to place more importance on it than I ever cared to - I just went along with it. It's too close to the holidays for it to really stick out to me... though I can't help but wonder how Mom and Dad are treating it right now, if indeed what and where I am now is irreconcilable with my presence and existence on Earth.
  24. I suppose today should be different, though. Not that it was a particularly good or bad day; it was just a day. One's 21st birthday, however, deserves some reflection, even if objectively it wasn't outstanding. I thought quite a bit about who I was how I should consider it going into the future - do I go out and revel in it like I would if I were still human? (Not that I was a "go out and revel" kind of person to begin with.) Do I consider late August my "new" birthday, since that's the time I was brought here in this new body? Do I continue to shrug off birthdays as anything especially worthy of my attention?
  25. I can't say for sure. At this moment, however, I'll continue on and let time march on.
  26. -Weathervane-
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