
The Smart One

Mar 30th, 2012
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  1. >At Fluffy orphanage
  2. >Looking for fluffy pony
  3. >See one with bulging head looking around in disgust at the drooling, playing, and silly peers.
  4. >It looks up at you and begs you to take it away from this den of inequity
  5. >It uses those exact words
  6. >This little fluffy pony is an intelligent one.
  7. >You adopt it.
  8. >It's kind of like having a little fluffy roommate
  9. >It talks in coherent sentences with no slur, and watches only educational programs on T.V (Not Dora or that shit, Discovery and History)
  10. >When friends come over it hangs with them and has a good time
  11. >Takes a little resentment when you introduce it as your "pet", but it knows you're just messing with it and it forgives you
  12. >Life is cool with a smart fluffy pony companion.
  13. >One day you wake up and head over to the kitchen. It's smart fluffy pony's day to make breakfast. It always makes the best waffles
  14. >You find the table set but no food out.
  15. >Smell burning.
  16. >Find fluffy pony passed out in front of the waffle iron.
  17. >Rush over.
  18. >Fluffy pony is passed out with blood coming out of its mouth.
  19. >Rush fluffy pony to the vet. You know it would take offense to you going there if it was conscious but you don't have time to worry about that.
  20. >Vet says it has a rare fluffy pony disease. Soon it's organs will begin turning to fluff and fail.
  21. >When it wakes up you explain the situation, and that the only way to fix it is with a transplant from a blood relative.
  22. >Smart fluffy pony explains that it had siblings who could donate the organs.
  23. >You ask if that seems ethical, but fluffy pony says that its siblings are completely retarded or brain dead.
  24. >Rush over to the fluffy pony orphanage, praying that the siblings haven't died or been adopted.
  25. >The orphanage owner says that it still has the ponies you want. Find them in the corner of their playpen. One is repeatedly bonking its head on the cage with a look of gleeful ignorance. The other is chewing on a dead fluffy pony corpse.
  26. >Adopt them both. On the way home one of them looks at you playfully.
  27. >"Where are we going?" It asks. You remain silent.
  28. >"Where are we going?" It asks again. You almost feel sorry, but remember that smart fluffy pony really needs this transplant.
  29. >You take the fluffy ponies to the vet, where they are taken back and dissected for the necessary organs.
  30. >Fluffy pony makes a full recovery and comes home with you a few days later.
  31. >Everything is great. Life returns to normal.
  32. >It starts slowly.
  33. >You wake up one morning to find fluffy pony pawing at your door
  34. >Ask it what it wants and it says it was hungry
  35. >You ask it why it didn't just make something
  36. >Fluffy pony is silent but then realizes you're right and heads over to the kitchen to fix itself some food
  37. >Later that night, you and fluffy pony are playing your weekly chess game
  38. >Fluffy always takes a long time contemplating its moves, however it starts to space out during your game
  39. >You ask it what was wrong and it says its not sure, it was just enamored by your basket ball over on the ground
  40. >Wake up the next morning to a thumping sound
  41. > Head out to the living room to find fluffy pony repeatedly walking into the wall with a blank expression on its face
  42. >You snap fluffy pony out of it and ask it what's wrong
  43. >It doesn't know what's happening to it
  44. >Reluctantly, you take fluffy pony to the vet
  45. >After several x-ray's vet gives you an answer. Its from the transplant.
  46. >The transplanted organs saved fluffy pony's life, but the new organs are having a strange effect on fluffy pony. As far as the vet can tell, whatever phenomena gave fluffy pony it's superior intelligence is now being over written
  47. >It's horrified, blaming you for what's happening to it.
  48. >It rushes out of the vet
  49. >You rush out to catch it. You hear the vet telling you to catch fluffy pony before it gets itself killed. Not sure if that was an insult at fluffy pony, but your too distracted to punch the guy.
  50. >Can't find fluffy pony anywhere outside. Inevitably head home to see if fluffy went home.
  51. >Sure enough you find hoof prints that lead inside. You can see that it used the pony-door you had installed when you first planned to get a fluffy pony. Fluffy pony hated using it, because it made it feel like dog
  52. >Inside you find fluffy pony crying and cuddling with your basketball.
  53. >You rush over to comfort it and say that you're sorry.
  54. >"No, don't be. You were just twying to hewp." It says through its tears
  55. >You try to tell it you can try to find new organs or figure out how fluffy pony gained its intelligence and replicate the process.
  56. >"No, don't. It's too wate now. You were a good owner for me, you treated me as an equal. I ask you pwease don't let me live like.. dem.. stop me fwom dat life.."
  57. >Fluffy pony is wide eyed and looks around curiously. It can't even remember why it was crying. It looks at the basket ball.
  58. >"...Pway?"
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