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a guest
Sep 30th, 2012
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  1. "Take Out" - Destroy
  2. "Wet Work" - Assassination
  3. "Area Denial Munitions" - Land Mines
  4. "Physical Persuasion/Tough Questioning" - Torture
  5. "Operational Exhaustion" - Shell Shock
  6. "Department of Defense" - Department of War
  7. "Neutralize" - Kill
  8. "Collateral Damage" - Civilian Deaths
  9. "Target of Opportunity" - Assassination
  10. "Regime Change" - Overthrowing of a government
  11. "Shock and Awe" - Blitzkrieg
  12. "Surgical Strike" - The use of guided munitions
  13. "Caught in cross-fire" - Innocents shot dead by soldiers
  14. "Ethnic Cleansing" - Genocide
  15. "Protective Custody" - Imprisonment without charge or trial
  16. "Generous Offer" - Demand for Surrender
  17. "Incursion" - Attacking with heavy metal
  18. "Air Campaign" - Bombing
  19. "Friendly Fire" - Death caused to one's own troops
  20. "Prohibiting Transactions" - Economic embargo
  21. "Soft targets" - humans
  22. "All out strategic exchange" - Nuclear War
  23. "Open up on" - Fire upon with all available weaponry
  24. "Frag" - Kill a friendly soldier (now extended to enemies as well)
  25. "Greenbacking" - Hiring mercenaries
  26. "Monitoring" - Eavesdropping, spying
  27. "Conventional weapon" - Non-nuclear weaponry
  28. "Clean bomb" - Neutron bomb, only kills people leaving infrastructure intact
  29. "Nerve agent" - Poison gas
  30. "Strategic movement to the rear" - Retreat
  31. "Pacify" - Lay waste to, destroy
  32. "Pre-emptive strike" - Surprise attack
  33. "Second strike capability" - Ability to retaliate with nuclear weaponry
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