
She doesn't want any help [WIP]

Jun 6th, 2014
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  1. >be Anon
  2. >sitting on bench in park
  3. >the one near the bridge on the edge of Ponyville
  4. >it's the weekend ain't gotta do shit today
  5. >thought you'd sit here watch the world go by for a bit
  6. >just enjoying the tail end of summer
  7. >not fooling anyone
  8. >you came here to see if she was here
  9. >you've been in Ponyville over a year now and for the last 6 months she's been in this park
  10. >living in a box and selling herself to anyone willing to buy
  11. >she even offered her services to you
  12. >backed the fuck out of that
  13. >she looked a mess, dirty, tried, there was that unmistakable reek of stale cum
  14. >but it was that look in her eyes that made bolt
  15. >that thousand yard stare of someone who's built up too many walls against the world
  16. >someone- somepony who's trying to protect what's left of their being
  17. >also, what the fuck a whore in Ponyville?
  18. >catch the scent of icing
  19. >pink pone pop's up over the back of the bench you're on
  20. "hey Anon, what up"
  21. >turns out in real life... or whatever the hell this is, pinkie is far more enjoyable to be around
  22. >just as well cause if she had been true to the show bitch would of had your home crafted shotgun to deal with
  23. >still seems to pop in and out of existence at will though
  24. > "nothing much just sitting"
  25. >she follows your gaze to where Box pone is laying in her box on the other side of the park
  26. "I'll lend you 20 bit's if you broke Anon"
  27. >slowly turn to pinkie, she gotta be fucking with you
  28. >nope
  29. >her smile isn't one at your expense that was an honest offer
  30. >again what the fuck?
  31. >"who is she pinkie? and why is she living in a box doing... that?"
  32. >your arm thrusts at the homeless poni in question "how can you guys ignore that?"
  33. >pink pone's smile slips a little
  34. "her name is Moring Glory"
  35. "she had a Coffee shop in town, she moved here and spent all her money starting it and she was really good too like that coffee stuff was wowwie"
  36. >kinda glad you missed pinkie on coffee
  37. "she used to get some of special ingredient stuff from the Everfree forest, they gave the best flavours she used to say, but lots and lots of sugar was the best I think; but one day something happened and when we found her it was too late"
  38. >pinkies smile leaves her completely as she looks over at the brown whorse
  39. "she has cutieamissio, Twilight said it's like cutie-pox in reverse, anything Glory was or would get good at would be taken away from her"
  40. >fuckin'hell that's harsh, you know how important the whole cutiemark and talent thing is to ponies, their world is built around it
  41. "Zacora stopped it getting worse, but she couldn't get back what was lost"
  42. >you see a tear in pink poni's eye
  43. "she couldn't make coffee after, well not that tasted good, I still liked it but most don't want lumpy coffee, the house she was using as a shop burnt down a little while after"
  44. >you gag a bit "she lost it all?"
  45. "yuppers"
  46. >"so why not help her?" obviously they aren't trying, right?
  47. "she won't let us, we all helped her before with the coffee shop, money, building, I even sung lots of songs to open the place, silly filly says she already owns us for our help then."
  48. "We tried giving her money; giving her a place to stay, Glory just won't take them"
  49. >okay so Glory doesn't want charity and after losing her talent she probably feels trapped in a life with no purpose you know how that goes.
  50. >"surely there's some way to help?"
  51. >pink pone gives you a sad smile and turns to watch a yellow stallion with a brown mane trot along a path through the park
  52. "we tried everything but in the end only one thing worked, mare mayor has a charity box for her... every few days a stallion will go take some of the bits and use them to have some glory snuggles time"
  53. >oh god town funded prostitute sex
  54. "Most of the stallions don't like it much, but they know it's the only way to get her to take the bits even a couple of mares do it, but she'll refuse if she thinks your being too generous... she only lets me visit once a week now"
  55. >guess that rules out Rarity then... Wait once a week? pinkie is banging box pony?
  56. > you see the yellow stallion from before go up to the cardboard box, neither he or glory smile.
  57. "do you still want the bit's Anon?"
  58. >see Glory and the stallion go into the bushes
  59. >look back to sadly smiling pinkie
  60. >ruffle the poofy mane of hers as flour dust falls out
  61. > "nah i've got bit's of my own"
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