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JeWe37 Comments-Ep#061

a guest
Feb 16th, 2016
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  1. ---finally a proper podcast---
  3. at least this weeks podcasts is of a decent lenght! xD
  4. ahhh!!! this awful background footage! stop it! xD
  5. most borig?! MOST INTRESTING
  6. lol... i guess you could call enemys lists "the enemy books" xD
  7. ah finally soemthing to talk about xD no more boring stuff wout we have to talk about xD
  8. hmm at least i hoped so...
  9. well, mangos small mob farm(:D) also supplies mangos tree farms without probklems xD and that s much easier to build
  10. a robot? i wish... :P
  11. i seem to be doing an even better job at making the podcasts longer than enemy xD
  12. oh, hijacking ideas is a good thing. you dont have to build it yourself and u get the credit anyways. xD
  13. i would work on sand tech and use wouts stuff if i needed it xD so yes i m intrested but lazy and dont want to do it myself... i still think that s the best thing to do(especially if you want smb. to hijack it bc u dont want to do it urself xD)
  14. anyone ntoicing that i m moving from using "u ur r" to "you your are" again? xD i somehow dont like it anymore... but i keep forgetting about it especially when typign quickly like i m doing here. and yes ik helvince, you want me to do the punktuation first xD
  15. i knew of the sand disappearing, i wouldnt have thought of it, but wout prob also just noticed :D
  16. helvince there s always stuff you dont know of xD i expect random info all the time when watching a technical vid xD
  17. yeah true 11 isnt a lot xD for wout...
  18. 1k blocks?! that s nothing! xD
  19. for me anything that fits into the spawn chunks is enough :P
  20. wout! come up with stable loading for iron farms! xD
  21. hmm, is it maybe possible to work with light levels for doing the doors? super space inefficent but still xD
  22. what is the reset time helvince? also, how many modes are you planning?
  23. [30 MIN] {347 words, 1756 characters}
  24. general item dupes are still too buggy imo...
  25. i really like the piston lithing but yeah...
  26. there s an expception: ender eyes! xD they DO stack to 64
  27. that s a good idea helvince :D how long is the damage cooldown helvince btw?
  28. well, i had a similar problem once but it wasnt as bad enemy xD it was just a destoryed closest to spawn panda formation
  29. i shouldnt be playing on the side like that i m not writing xD
  30. intrsting idea helvince :D i ve been thinking about it too just on-let s say a diffrent scale xD
  31. also, it is totally neccessary! this is technical minecraft! xD
  32. exactly helvince! that s why ppl should álways use/be allowed to use macros! xD
  33. so i was a bit lazy with typing xD
  34. and more kijacking of woutros! yay! xD
  35. lol all of europe should stop speaking wiered languages and use english instead!
  36. bad comment but idc xD i m working on other stuff just 520 words and 2659 chars
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