

Feb 20th, 2015
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  1. This essay is not why I think about men should be in charge and rule the world. In days long past through ancient times up to antiquity men have ruled powerfully and prosperously. It is only in modern times with all it's sexual debauchery and emphasis on heavy drug use that women have begun to turn the corner and gain influence and sway in the world of politics and business alike. Something is wrong here, something is going against the state of nature. There is a deeply embedded cancer running its way through the world's human body system analogy and the symptomps are all the ills and evils of the world that we see today. Guns and bombs going off, having money problems with the economy and political problems are all merely symptoms of a greater cause. The cause is simple my friends, and I'm here to tell you what is the cause. The cause is that men are supposed to rule. But many times the world over you see on TV and in the news women who are wearing suits and having nice haircuts and delivering speeches, and more or less meddling with the plight of society. As I stated earlier, this is against nature and clearly so. Now I will list the main reasons why men should be in charge. This is largely to illustrate a point: Men have muscles. Rather large muscles infact. The average bicep measurement of a male in comparison to a female makes the female's bicep pail in comparison. This is simply a fact of nature although I'm sure my detractors will attempt to accuse me of somehow being racist or not PC. These muscles were originally designed by men to help do things like build caves, invent wheels and create societies. But now in today's world, they serve a more interesting purpose. Men are also much more adapted to things like playing instruments, making skyscrapers, computer parts, custom gaming computers and things of that nature. All undeniably things that modern man needs to survive and flourish. Two. John Cena, world wrestler, and played the marine in the movies, has probably one of the most muscles out of anybody in the free world today. Sure, you will find men who are physically bigger. But I would dare them to wrestle against John Cena and my money says that they're going to lose. John Cena with his choice, grade-A muscles, is pretty much able to do whatever he wants. He could beat and rape any women and it wanted be a problem for him. Reason number three. God of War is a popular videogame about a man named Jonathan who travels the ancient world avenging certain deaths and attacking the gods. He wins in the game, and while it is probably a work of fiction, as they say art is based in reality, and this case is none the different, Jonathan is a great leader and he has my vote if he ever runs for president. I hope through this essay atleast some good can be done. These are dark end times in which we live, but by banding together as brothers good men can shed some light on the situation and make it more hopeful and good. But that is not to say this is a one-sided paper, as this is my college entrance essay I have to consider everyone's opinion and be objective. For this argument, I will say women have many good things too like breasts and sultry bodies which they can use to please men. Even some fat ones are good. Sure they can't lift heavy things and can't build gaming computers but all the men are doing those things anyway.
  3. #_The_Only_Way_I_Kould_Get_U_To_Swallow_Kum_Is_If_It_Were_Ur_Own_Sperm_And_U_And_Myself_Were_Swapping_Spit_Or_If_I_Farted_In_Ur_Mouth #_I_Am_One_Of_THE_Most_Arousing_Redheads_On_The_Net__Truth_Life
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