
starlit heroics chapter 1

Nov 1st, 2016
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  1. ~*~*Chapter 1: Battle Plans*~*~
  4. The sun set against a vast blue sky over a countryside covered in both field and forest as armored troops gathered within the confines of a massive castle. A woman with tawny skin and vermillion hair paced across a large stage inside the auditorium in which the gathering was kept. Her sharp blue eyes gazed down at the crowd.
  6. “Gentlemen, ladies, gender-neutral units of the Libratan Military. We are gathered here today to address the very sudden, very aggressive assault upon our kingdom by the Zempheriean Army. Our mission as of now is to execute retribution, and investigate the sudden and distressing turn of morality of the King and Queen of Zempheriea. However, in order to do so, we require a strategy. I am open for suggestions.”
  8. “Full frontal assault.” One guardsman toward the front exclaimed. “It's the most direct way to go.”
  10. “It's worth considering, to be certain. Thank you, Lieutenant Hanson.”
  12. “Aerial assault!” Another one voiced.
  14. “Perhaps we should leave that to the Venturenian task force.” The woman sighed. “Our pilots are well-trained, to be sure, but I don't think air raids are going to be necessary. Any other ideas?”
  16. When the crowd was silent, she nodded. “I see. Then for the moment, it's settled. You are to get prepped for battle tonight. I'm going to alert the other kingdoms to the strategy. We strike at high noon, on the dot.”
  18. One hand went up among the crowd, belonging to a young man with raven hair and fancier clothing than the assorted guardspeople, seated near the back of the room.
  20. “Yes?”
  22. “Not to be picky anything, Mom- I mean... Queen Talia, but... will this even work? I'm not sure if full-frontal assault is the best way to get information.”
  24. “I'm still open to ideas, Dan.”
  26. Well, then, may I suggest, maybe using the assault as a diversion? Then you could send a small team inside the castle to learn just what's going wrong.”
  28. “Mmm... a good plan, indeed. Is there anyone in the room who would like to lead this information team?”
  30. “Well I mean, I guess I'll do it. I'm the one that brought it up.”
  32. “Are you absolutely certain? It won't be easy, you know. Quite the opposite. Though their forces will hopefully be distracted by the attack, you still may have to deal with the king and queen directly. And who knows what's happened to their younger sisters in the wake of this.”
  34. “I think I am.”
  36. “Very well. My son, I leave this in your responsible hands. You are to take a small platoon, and bring them with you inside the castle.”
  38. “Understood.”
  40. “If I can raise a point?” Another young woman spoke up now, with similarly jet-black hair and tan skin to match the woman on the stage. She held in one hand a large book with a cover inlaid in silver and gems. “I've been doing some research lately on the Cerphixen Cataclysm.”
  42. “You have the floor, Danielle.”
  44. “Well...” The young woman took a breath. “For those of you that don't know, the Cerphixen Cataclysm is the event one hundred years ago in which the god of Strength and Tyranny, a man called Xerizero Re, forcibly assumed control over the entire race of people known as the Existen and corrupted the planet to its core. He wiped out the races native to the planet and established a rule with an iron fist over those left. The corrupted beasts that sprang up in his wake are the reason the transit portals to Ethernealrus have been deactivated for this hundred years, leaving it only accessible via teleporter stone.”
  46. “I see. How do you believe this has a connection with the events regarding Zempheriea?”
  48. “Well... ever since then, ever since he was nearly defeated by Ranthael, the god of Balance, he's taken pot-shots at Xephixir, as if to weaken us so he might establish conquest over our fair planet as well. He's been a known instigator of incidents in the colonies, but has never truly tried to provoke the kingdoms before. I believe that this may be a sign of his becoming more aggressive. I think that perhaps he took control of the King and Queen, somehow, just as he did with the Existen, and launched the attack on our kingdom. I think that perhaps this increased aggression can also be linked to the recent disappearances, including that of our dear Aunt Cassandra.”
  50. “...It's a very interesting theory.” The Queen nodded. “Why do you believe he's becoming more aggressive?”
  52. “I'm unsure. I suppose I'm of the opinion that he can't continue making shots forever. These minor incidents must be leading up to something, and I wonder if this may be the first of a series of major assaults.”
  54. “Very well, yet more to take into consideration.”
  56. “If it isn't too much trouble, I personally request to be appointed to the investigation team, to both test my theory and provide my dear brother medical attention if he needs it.”
  58. “Very well. Request granted.” The Queen addressed the crowd once again. “So, our battle plan has been decided. Lieutenant Hanson, report to Colonel Berhow tonight and relay the plans to General Shaw.”
  60. “Yes, your Highness.”
  62. “Good. I will see you all here tomorrow morning. You're all dismissed for the night.”
  64. The gathering began to disperse, leaving the two young royals sitting on a bench in the back of the auditorium.
  66. “Are you absolutely sure about this, Danielle?” The young man inquired.
  68. “Couldn't be more sure. If you're going in, it's only right that I'm right there with you.”
  70. “I guess if you say so...” he sighed. “I'm nervous, Dani.”
  72. “About what? I'm not sure what you of all people have to be nervous about.”
  74. “Well I mean, I volunteered myself, sure, but what if I don't do well? What if I have to fight King Monroe's horde of tigers? What if Queen Lutrine goes berserker on us? What if the princesses are messed up, too? I don't think I would have the heart to fight little Selene... And... and Luna. She's in there too...”
  76. “If you think about it too hard, then you're going to psyche yourself out. It'll be a self-fulfilling prophecy. With any luck, we can Steel Gear this, and be in and out without anyone knowing, because they'll be distracted by the battle.”
  78. “I guess that's the optimistic way to look at it.”
  80. “I'd argue that it's the smart way to look at it.”
  82. “Yeah, well--” Dan paused as he was approached by a man with dark, spiky hair and a katana at his hip. “Oh... hi Letro.”
  84. “Y'know, a full out assault is pretty bone-headed. I like it. Really tests the mettle, yeah? When're we doing this?”
  86. “Tomorrow, at noon. What, did you come in halfway through the meeting? Again?”
  88. “Well you know what they say. Places to be, people to do. Monsters to fight.”
  90. “...Never change, Letro. Never change.”
  92. “Don't plan on it.”
  94. “Er... anyway. Can I ask you a favor? Like, just between you, me and the floorboards.”
  96. “Hit me.”
  98. “You'd like that too much. Listen. I want you on my squad tomorrow. You might be one of the best choices in case we have to fight the royalty. And... if I die, somehow. Just off the cuff... if I die, I want you to take my sword and give it back to my family. It's an heirloom, after all. I think they should have it.”
  100. “Yeah, yeah. You got it. But you're not going to die.”
  102. “Yeah, heh... if you say so.”
  104. “You're not. You've got me on your squad. You've got Librata's greatest healer. You're going to do fine. I mean I'm not good at the whole sneaky-sneak bullshit, but, you know. I guess I'll try. For you.”
  106. “You're an ass, Letro.”
  108. “But you love me.”
  110. “Yeah yeah, whatever. Go get prepped, alright? I'll see if I can't drum up a bigger squadron tonight. Right now though... I think I need a walk. I'm going to head out to Time's End.”
  112. ~*~*~
  114. The lights in a run down diner flickered as the sun set on a hilly field of shining, glimmering flowers just outside across the road. Within that diner, two young women sat at a booth. One, with dark hair and hazel eyes, sat with her wide-brimmed sunhat pulled down. The menu she held obscured the rest of her face to her partner, sitting across from her.
  116. “So, any word out of Librata yet.”
  118. “No, nothing.” The second woman didn't even look up from her own menu. Her blonde hair was pulled back away from her face and forehead, revealing a very strange feature – a third eye, right in the center of her forehead. That eye, a vivid blue, stared down the other woman as her main pair looked for something to order.
  120. “Must still be holding court over it, I guess. It doesn't make any sense, Spirit.”
  122. “I know it doesn't, Starr, but there's nothing we can do about it now except wait for orders. Come on. Aunt Lucidia won't let us down. We're gonna find out what the hell happened. The Libratans know what they're doing.”
  124. “I'd probably only trust Magmarne more.”
  126. “Well that's a little bit of a given.”
  128. There was a pause in the conversation as the two of them continued to read their menus.
  130. “Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we were civilians?”
  132. “How do you mean?”
  134. “Like if we were just some hitchhikers setting up camp on the side of the road here, instead of actually having to think about this war stuff. I could make a living being a nurse and you wouldn't have to fight things all the time.”
  136. “Ah, but Spirit. You seem to forget. I like fighting things. It's what I do. Just like you like healing things so much that you have an extra eyeball.”
  138. “I like my eye.”
  140. “Well I'm just saying. It's a mark of talent. You know, Hemera's blessing and all that. You have a knack.”
  142. Spirit was about to rebut, but stopped herself when the small white phone sitting by her side beeped. “Ah... oh, looks like that's Ros... the healer platoon is being requested. We're supposed to be there at high noon.”
  144. “Heh heh. It's high-”
  146. “Don't even. Do not.”
  148. “Bite me.”
  150. “Anyway, as I was saying... do you ever think about it?”
  152. “Not particularly, really. I like my lofty spot on the ladder. Means I get to be an asshole professionally.”
  154. “Sometimes I really just can't believe you, Starr. I can't with you.”
  156. “But I'm your asshole.”
  158. “Phrasing.”
  160. “I know what I said.”
  162. The two of them paused their banter as a waitress in a little blue dress approached the table. “Can I take your orders?”
  164. “Yeah, can I get today's special?”
  166. “Me too, please.”
  168. “Well sure thing, sugars.” The waitress shuffled off and the two were left to be again.
  170. “...Right. So uh... what brings this on, Spirit?”
  172. “I've been thinking about it a lot lately, I guess. I like being royalty, I do. Maybe it's just kind of a what-if scenario? I've been thinking about it ever since the attack on Librata. It'd just be nice to not have to think about a possible war.”
  174. “...I guess I see your point, yeah. Me, I think there has to be something up with this. It's too sudden. They'd never do this normally. Right? Even with Queen Lutrine's hair trigger, there's no way she would just randomly incite a war with the other kingdoms. She's smarter than that. Or at least I certainly hope so.”
  176. “Guess we're finding out tomorrow. According to the text there's going to be an info squad breaking into the castle.”
  178. “Yeesh, really? That's dangerous.”
  180. “Tell me about it. What're the odds we'll be asked to go in there?”
  182. “Low, I hope.”
  184. “All of this sucks.”
  186. “No kidding. I mean, let's at least hope it's one-and-done. We don't need a war.”
  188. “Damn skippy we don't.”
  190. The nattering between the two ceased for a while, as they waited for their food. Starr began reading the list of alcoholic beverages in the little stand-up display on the table, and Spirit began stacking packets of half-and-half while her third eye watched the sun go down outside. But eventually, both were brought to attention by the setting of plates and bowls on their table.
  192. “Here y'go!”
  194. “Oh, thank you.”
  196. “Looks wonderful.”
  198. “Y'all enjoy now.” The waitress puttered off again, leaving the two to look down at their fried chicken dishes and bowls of potato stew.
  200. “We're going to make ourselves fat doing this.”
  202. “Oh, we definitely are.”
  204. “Worth it all the way.”
  206. “Absolutely.”
  208. The two began to banter again as they ate, but were interrupted in short order as a dark skinned man in a black hood passed them by and swiped one of the bowls off of their table, leaving Spirit highly disappointed.
  210. “I- I was going to eat that. Okay.”
  212. ~*~*~
  214. The Time's End Cemetery stood still and beautiful in the light of the mostly-full moon, row upon row of pristine white headstones almost glowing against the dark. Dan saluted the guardsmen who stood posted at the entrance, and they allowed him past. As a military graveyard for the eight kingdoms, this was considered a place of eternal cease-fire, and Dan felt that he could go here and sit without being forced to consider tomorrow's battle.
  216. He took a seat on a stone bench just underneath the marble roof of a large, ornate building engraved on the front with the family crest of his kin. This was the crypt in which many kings, queens, princesses and princes called their eternal resting place. Even his parents, one day. Even him.
  218. A sudden rattling caught his attention, and he shot up off of the bench, unsheathing his sword and whipping around to try to find the source of the noise. It came from behind him along with a laugh, as he found Letro standing there, holding a plastic skeleton meant for holiday decoration.
  220. “Good gods, Letro, don't scare me like that...”
  222. “Heh heh heeeh... hey, check it out. Iiiiiin west Skelumiere, born and raised...”
  224. “Come on, Letro, I'm stressed out enough.”
  226. “I told you, it's going to be fine. You can take them.”
  228. “Taking them isn't really the point... I'd rather not fight them if I don't have to. It's just a recon mission. That's all.”
  230. “Whatever you say.”
  232. “What are you even doing here?”
  234. “Well one, you told me you were coming here. Two, I wanted to see if I could spook you. Three, I needed a walk. Gotta keep myself nice and loose and ready to fight.”
  236. “You talk about fighting so much I wonder whether or not it's a sex thing.”
  238. “That's for me to know, and you to only find out after you've bought me a drink.”
  240. “Letro, please.”
  242. “Heh heh. Well, I should continue on my walk. You have fun here with all the corpses.”
  244. As Letro walked off, Dan sighed. Couldn't even turn off the sass for two minutes, could he. Whatever, he thought. Maybe it was for the best. It was nice to have someone around who legitimately wasn't worried, as far as he knew, while he was hung up on the possibility of death. He knew he shouldn't think that way, but it was difficult not to.
  246. It sure was pretty out here at night, though. From his vantage point, at the top of a large hill, he could see right to the very center of the cemetery and into the sections dedicated to the other kingdoms. In the very center, standing proudly in the center of an eight-directional crossroads, was a large tower. Visible inside through its many windows was a large archway to nowhere, with holes along its length. According to Danielle, that archway had been a portal at one time, but she said it had been deactivated for as long as any of them had been alive.
  248. He couldn't help but wonder about it, though. What was Ethernealrus like? Was it as beautiful as the kingdoms? He had never been allowed to go. He knew of some things, such as the mountain graveyard known as the Chaotic Spirit Tomb, or the mystery of Twisgap, the Ruins of Beginning, but he had never seen them. He would certainly have liked to.
  250. His train of thought derailed as something shot past his peripheral vision. What was that? It looked like a big, black mass. He jumped as it passed him by again. As he turned to look at it, a black mass formed in front of him, pulling itself into a living shadow, in the shape of a lithe, willowy woman with dark hair, dark skin and a short black dress. Her red eyes, almost luminescent in the dark, scanned him over.
  252. “Daniel Librata. It's been a while since the Balance kingdom has had a prince of my element. You certainly are a fine young man, aren't you.”
  254. “Wh... what?”
  256. “Mmm, what are they teaching you in schools these days? Is it because I changed my look? Must be. I thought the undercut suited me. Ah, well. Some things can't be helped, I guess. Let me introduce myself. Lilith. You might know me as the Goddess of the Dark.”
  258. “...Oh. Oh, jeez. Your... your highness I had no idea-”
  260. “Save it with the formalities, junior. I've come to you with a mission.”
  262. “A... a mission.”
  264. “Yes, son, that's what I said. Now I hope your history classes are a little better than your theology classes, surely you know about the Cataclysm of Cerphixen.”
  266. “Well... yes. I know about that. My sister was talking about it during the court...”
  268. “Good. Then you know that the Great Fuckboy poses a problem for anyone who wants to go after him. Even Ranthael couldn't do it. What you don't know is that now he's after an artifact of mine. Pretty sure that he wants to make sure no one can ever come that close again. By taking my beautiful Black World Crystal.”
  270. “...Black World Crystal?”
  272. “Mmhm. It serves an important purpose by ensuring that all souls sentenced to Hell cannot escape. Also, it's my pretty crystal and I like having it on display in my house. Unfortunately, I can't go protect it, myself.”
  274. “Why not?”
  276. “I'm needed in the mortal world. To protect Ethernealrus and Xephixir from the same fate that Cerphixen got. We think he may be gearing up to try that again. We would prefer to be able to defend against it this time.”
  278. “That's what Danielle said...”
  280. “Ah, right. Your sister. Little Spark. Good head on her shoulders. Anyway, it'll be simple. Arman keeps a way into Heaven and Hell in his castle, on Ethernealrus. You just need to make it there. From there, just follow the road to my tower and take the crystal. Bring it back to me. That way, he doesn't get his grubby hands on it and we all win. Right?”
  282. “I... guess so.”
  284. “Good. Don't let that distract you from your mission, though. I have to wonder if that's what Kerenza was grumbling about. Huh.”
  286. “Great, that's even more pressure. I have to investigate for gods...”
  288. “Well I just said don't let it distract you.”
  290. “That's a lot harder than it looks...”
  292. “You're going to do fine. You're gonna go far, kid. Take care of your mission, then worry about going to Ethernealrus. Now don't let me stop you from... sitting here.”
  294. She shrank back into shadow, and as soon as she appeared, was gone. Dan sighed. Well. Just what he needed. More eyes on him. Divine eyes.
  296. “...Brother?”
  298. Dan looked up again at the familiar voice, shortly before his sister joined him on the stone bench. “Oh... hey Dani...”
  300. “You weren't back yet, and I got worried...”
  302. “I'm fine, Dani. It isn't the War of the Undead anymore. I'm not going to be assaulted by hordes of zombies. Especially not in a place like this. I just needed to think, I guess...”
  304. “Alright... next question. Who was that?”
  306. “Would you believe me if I said the Goddess of Shadow.”
  308. “You... you must be joking. What did she want here of all places?”
  310. “To... talk to me, I guess. She wants me to go on some... divine fetch quest. Right before the battle tomorrow...”
  312. “A divine fetch quest.”
  314. “She wants me to get to Ethernealrus and find a way to get into Hell so I can bring some... all-important crystal back to her before that guy you were talking about gets his hands on it.”
  316. “That is... mildly perturbing. I suppose it does loan credence to my theory though. That he's getting more aggressive.”
  318. “I guess so. You always were the smart one. I don't really know what I am. I'm not a psychic like Arcenia, I'm not an amazing fighter like Bloodrain-”
  320. “Hasn't he been requesting to be called Rainer?”
  322. “I'm sorry but I just can't let him live down that edgy bullshit phase.”
  324. “I... suppose I see your point.'
  326. “Anyway, I'm not an amazing fighter like him... I'm not as good at magic as you or Diana. What am I? Mediocre, I guess.”
  328. “You are not mediocre.” Danielle almost looked offended. “What you are, is brave. I can't think of a single time it hasn't been you sticking up for us. Why, when the stuff with Rosentia went down-”
  330. “They were hurting her, Dani. That's not being brave. It's doing the right thing.”
  332. “Doing the right thing in a case like that is still very brave.”
  334. “If you say so, I guess...”
  336. There came a lull in the conversation, in which Danielle leaned on her brother, for comfort. Before long, something swooped down from the air and spiraled around them. It was a tiny, purple reptilian creature, with an angular face and a serpentine body lined with leathery wings that beat gently in a steadily flowing rhythm. Down its back and between two horns on its head, was a row of spines, gently glowing cyan and occasionally sparking.
  338. “...Well look who came to visit us.” Danielle laughed a bit. “Hello, Purple.”
  340. “Hey, buddy.” The tiny dragon looped around them and rested its head in Daniel's lap.
  342. “Purple... you're a great friend, you know that?”
  344. “I followed Danielle and saw that you looked nervous. I had to come down and say something.” The drake rolled onto his belly as Dan scritched at his chin, and churred.
  346. “Well... I appreciate it. A lot...”
  348. “Everything's gonna be fine.” Danielle urged. “Now we should probably head home. We have a big day tomorrow...”
  350. “Yeah, I guess we do...”
  352. Dan got up with the dragon still draped over his shoulder. Inside, his mind was still racing. An assignment from a goddess, what a night this had been so far. But even she told him to focus on the mission first, right? She seemed to imply that another goddess had interest in this battle, so it would be interesting to see how that played out. Interesting, indeed...
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