
Orichalcum retrieval

Aug 14th, 2015
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  1. The illusion faded and the true layout of the cavern unfolded before Rosaline. The stench of rotting flesh was prevalent, causing a gag to rise up in the throat of the Chief. She stumbled around atop bones and flesh, her exhasperated gaze looking to and fro for any sign of her teammate.
  3. "Where," her speech was ragged and exhausted, jaded but near-desperate all in the same word, "is Adranos?"
  5. She stumbled around, searching as if he would be hidden under bodies. Perhaps he was here, or there... Finally, the Floures gave up, falling to a squat of defeat. Her arms bordered her squared knees. Although she was concerned for the missing Adranos, much more uneasing was the carpet of bodies that they walked upon.
  7. She offered a lazy, absent stare to a man who had fallen victim to Phobos. He was dead, surely enough. His skin was sallow and swollen from innards aching to release, to decompose. The stench of rotting flesh wavered from the person, but a tilt of her head offered Rosaline view of something useful...
  9. Curled within the man's cold, dead fingers is an ingot of Orichalcum. There was no doubt that Rosaline had seen it before. Her only hand moves to pry at the man's own.
  11. She couldn't help but laugh. It was pitiful, desperate, as if the pregnant silence between them could be broken by something so false as laughter from a woman who had just had her hand removed by her own beloved.
  13. "We go from delivering bandits to the law to looting corpses," she says after her tiny fit finishes. She raises from the corpse and moves on to the next. Likely his friend, laying next to him with a dagger in hand, holds a similar ingot in his pocket. This goes on, until finally, Chloe speaks up.
  15. Rosaline offers her a skeptical stare. Exhaustion was the strongest emotion swelling within the Floures now, and with it came a sour mood that could only be intensified by the setting. No words were offered, but she moved in place behind the Hastings anyway.
  17. She wanted to be in charge? Sure.
  18. (Rosaline Floures)
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