

Dec 4th, 2023
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  1. function sentmaster()
  2.   sentkillcheck()
  3.   if failsafe == false then
  4.     return
  5.   end
  6.   sentLimbPrep()
  7.   --breakorderdet()
  8.   sentlockvenom()
  9.   sentlockenr()
  10.   sentlockspear()
  11.   sentlocklimb()
  12.   sentlockvenom()
  13.   if ready2trip() or failsafe2 == true then
  14.     tripkillseq()
  15.     failsafe2 = true
  16.     return
  17.   end
  18.   sentSend()
  19. end
  21. function sentlockvenom()
  23.     if
  24.     (
  25.       (affstrack.score.impatience >= 65 and affstrack.score.epilepsy >= 65) or
  26.       (affstrack.score.impatience >= 65 and sentspear == "doublestrike")
  27.     ) and
  28.     affstrack.score.dizziness <= 50
  29.   then
  30.     sentvenom = "larkspur"
  31.   elseif affstrack.score.darkshade < 33 then
  32.     sentvenom = "darkshade"
  33.   elseif
  34.     (
  35.       (affstrack.score.impatience >= 65 and affstrack.score.epilepsy >= 65) or
  36.       (affstrack.score.impatience >= 65 and sentspear == "doublestrike")
  37.     ) and
  38.     affstrack.score.recklessness <= 50
  39.   then
  40.     sentvenom = "eurypteria"
  41.   elseif affstrack.score.paralysis ~= 100 then
  42.     sentvenom = "curare"
  43.   end
  44. end
  46. function sentlockenr()
  47.   if not parryblocked() or (parryblocked() and not badgeraffs()) then
  48.     sentenrage = "badger"
  49.   elseif affstrack.score.sensitivity <= 50 then
  50.     sentenrage = "raven"
  51.   elseif affstrack.kelpscore <= 3 and affstrack.score.healthleech <= 65 then
  52.     sentenrage = "fox"
  53.   elseif affstrack.score.blind ~= 100 then
  54.     sentenrage = "butterfly"
  55.   elseif
  56.     (affstrack.score.impatience >= 65 or sentspear == "doublestrike") and
  57.     affstrack.score.hallucinations <= 65
  58.   then
  59.     sentenrage = "wolf"
  60.   else
  61.     sentenrage = "badger"
  62.   end
  63. end
  65. function sentlockspear()
  66.   if not parryblocked() then
  67.     sentspear = "lacerate"
  68.     sentwpn = "trident"
  69.   elseif affstrack.score.impatience <= 65 or affstrack.score.epilepsy <= 65 then
  70.     sentspear = "doublestrike"
  71.     sentwpn = "trident"
  72.   elseif
  73.     affstrack.score.impatience > 65 and affstrack.score.epilepsy > 65 and petrifycheck() >= 2
  74.   then
  75.     sentspear = "throw handaxe at "
  76.     sentwpn = "handaxe"
  77.   elseif affstrack.kelpscore < 2 and affstrack.score.weariness <= 65 then
  78.     sentspear = "gouge"
  79.     sentwpn = "trident"
  80.   else
  81.     sentspear = "throw handaxe at "
  82.     sentwpn = "handaxe"
  83.   end
  84. end
  86. function sentkillcheck()
  87.   if petrifycheck() >= 5 then
  88.     failsafe = false
  89.     send("config usequeueing on")
  90.     send(
  91.       "wield trident shield`morph basilisk`enrage butterfly " ..
  92.       target ..
  93.       "`petrify " ..
  94.       target ..
  95.       "`extirpate " ..
  96.       target
  97.     )
  98.   elseif
  99.     petrifycheck() == 4 and affstrack.score.blind == 100 and affstrack.score.hallucinations <= 50
  100.   then
  101.     failsafe = false
  102.     send("config usequeueing on")
  103.     send(
  104.       "morph basilisk`wield trident shield`enrage wolf " ..
  105.       target ..
  106.       "`petrify " ..
  107.       target ..
  108.       "`extirpate " ..
  109.       target
  110.     )
  111.   elseif (grp == "group" and affstrack.score.prone == 100) then
  112.     failsafe = false
  113.     send("config usequeueing on")
  114.     send(
  115.       "alias set sentkill2 stand/enrage raven " ..
  116.       target ..
  117.       "/wield trident shield/skullbash " ..
  118.       target ..
  119.       "/skullbash " ..
  120.       target ..
  121.       "/assess " ..
  122.       target
  123.     )
  124.     send("cq all")
  125.     send("queue add eqbal sentkill")
  126.   end
  127. end
  129. function sentlocklimb()
  130.   if #sentLimbTarget > 0 then
  131.     sentLimbPos = math.random(1, #sentLimbTarget)
  132.     sentlimbhit = sentLimbTarget[sentLimbPos]
  133.     if not parryblocked() and affstrack.score.prone == 0 then
  134.       sentlimbhit = ""
  135.     end
  136.     if
  137.       sentlimbcheck(tostring(string.gsub(tripleg, " ", ""))) and
  138.       not tripcheck(triplegshort) and
  139.       sentlimbhit == tripleg
  140.     then
  141.       sentwpn = "trident"
  142.       sentspear = "trip"
  143.     end
  144.     if ak.defs.shield or ak.defs.rebounding then
  145.       sentenrage = "lemming"
  146.     elseif ak.defs.shield and ak.defs.rebounding then
  147.       sentenrage = "lemming"
  148.       sentspear = "rivestrike"
  149.       sentwpn = "trident"
  150.     end
  151.   end
  152. end
  154. function sentLimbPrep()
  155.   limbtable = {}
  156.   sentLimbPrepTable = sentLimbPrepTable or {}
  157.   sentLimbPrepTable[target:lower()] = sentLimbPrepTable[target:lower()] or {}
  158.   sentLimbTarget = {}
  159.   if limbprepprio == "sbash" or nil then
  160.     limbtable = {"head", "right leg", "left leg"}
  161.     sentlegcount = 2
  162.     sentarmcount = 0
  163.     if not sentlimbcheck("head") then
  164.       table.insert(sentLimbTarget, "head")
  165.     end
  166.     if not sentlimbcheck("leftleg") then
  167.       table.insert(sentLimbTarget, "left leg")
  168.       table.insert(sentLimbTarget, "left leg")
  169.     end
  170.     if not sentlimbcheck("rightleg") then
  171.       table.insert(sentLimbTarget, "right leg")
  172.       table.insert(sentLimbTarget, "right leg")
  173.     end
  174.     if sentlimbcheck(tostring(string.gsub(tripleg, " ", ""))) and not tripcheck(triplegshort) then
  175.       table.insert(sentLimbTarget, tripleg)
  176.     end
  177.   end
  178. end
  180. function sentSend()
  181.   send("config usequeueing off")
  182.   send("cq all")
  183.   send(
  184.     "alias set sentcom stand/wield " ..
  185.     sentwpn ..
  186.     " shield/get body/order entourage kill " ..
  187.     target ..
  188.     "/enrage " ..
  189.     sentenrage ..
  190.     " " ..
  191.     target ..
  192.     "/" ..
  193.     sentspear ..
  194.     " " ..
  195.     target ..
  196.     " " ..
  197.     sentlimbhit ..
  198.     " " ..
  199.     sentvenom ..
  200.     "/assess " ..
  201.     target
  202.   )
  203.   send("sentcom")
  204. end
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