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a guest
Oct 31st, 2012
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text 1.08 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 2458 Glomdorin rare scene the Manifestation of the Nexus
  2. 3204 Celest uncommon character X Magistrate Thiodone Ladyn
  3. 3206 Celest common character X a proud aqua scholar
  4. 3406 Celest common prop X a Memory of Starlight
  5. 3436 Celest common prop X the Syrinx Beacon
  6. 4375 Celest uncommon character X Marilynth, the Vernal Princess
  7. 4376 Water common scene X the Crystal Sea
  8. 4377 Magnagora epic scene the Necropolis
  9. 4378 Fire uncommon character Ignis, Lord of Howling Flame
  10. 4379 Gaudiguch common character a wakabi chick
  11. 4425 Water common prop a wavering archway with bluish tints
  12. 4449 Water common scene X the Arysian Isle
  13. 4557 Water common character a sleek dolphin
  14. 4558 Celest common prop a Memory of Starlight
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