

Sep 24th, 2011
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  1. Hello, and welcome to the forums! As always, I ask you to read [url=]the rules[/url].
  3. There are many reputable members here that you can ask for help. I can't speak for the others, but I'd be glad to help anyone who needs it. The people I'd suggest talking to are Takoman02, Myself (JadElClemens), Shy Guy, Supadorf24, Different55 (Or any people with green names, a.k.a. moderators), Krazyman50, Gamer1120, and 32OrtonEdge32dh.
  5. There are just a few things you need to know that aren't in the rules.
  7. - First off, people with orange/yellow names are forum administrators, but I doubt you'll see many of them that often. People with green names are moderators, and you'll see some of them a lot.
  9. - Second, there are a few topics you may want to read in order to get to know the forums better.
  10. [url=]Chimi's ultimate FAQ[/url]
  12. [url=]The rank topic[/url]. If you're ever wondering about ranks, read in there and don't make a new topic for it. Someone posted an idea there and it eventually became the ranking system we have now.
  14. [url=]Zoey2070's BBcode topic[/url], which helps you get to know how people color, link things, and do things with their posts. Zoey is a great forumer, but perhaps not the best person to ask for help. Don't be offended by what she says.
  16. Takoman02 has a topic that tells you which section is appropriate to post a new topic in (It says things like "Looking to talk about the game? Post in [url=]General Discussion![/url]" (Link is
  18. - Third, make sure to read the stickied topics in game and graphic suggestions before you post. Also, before you post a topic about [u]ANYTHING[/u], use the [url=]search[/url] function (also located at the top of all pages). Be vague, instead of searching for specific things. If you want to make a topic about ponies and stuff, don't search "ponies and stuff", or even "ponies stuff". Search "Ponies". The search here is very, very specific and tricky to use.
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