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- -- Denki Blocks! Solver WIP2
- --
- -- usable but too slow, too many clauses and variables right now...
- --
- USE_WINDOWS = true
- USE_LINUX = false
- dofile("SAT-solver-framework.lua")
- USE_MINISAT = true
- -- for a small test.
- -- sorry, the more complex puzzles don't work
- ROWS = 4
- BITS = 4
- LevelLayout = {
- "r__r",
- "_y_y",
- "___b",
- "rXb_"
- }
- ColorsToConnect = {
- r = {number=1,r=1,c=1}, y={number=2,r=2,c=2}, b={number=3,r=3,c=4}}
- OtherColors = {}
- MaximumTurns = 5
- --[[
- --4x49
- LevelLayout = {
- "________________",
- "______X_________",
- "________________",
- "________________",
- "_yByByBy________",
- "_BBBBBBB________",
- "_yBy_B__________",
- "_BBB_ByByByBy___",
- "_yBy_BBBBBBBB_X_",
- "_BBB_ByByByBy___",
- "_______B________",
- "_______B___X____",
- "______BBB_______",
- "______yBy_______",
- "______BBB_______",
- "________________"
- }
- ROWS=16
- BITS=7
- ColorsToConnect={y={number=1,r=5,c=2}}
- OtherColors={B = {number=2,r=0,c=0}}
- MaximumTurns=45
- --]]
- --[[
- --7x13
- ROWS = 16
- COLUMNS = 16
- BITS = 5 -- math.ceil( ln(total movable tiles) / ln(2) )
- LevelLayout = {
- "________________",
- "__rr_yyyyyy_bb__",
- "__rr________bb__",
- "______X__X______",
- "__yy__X__X__yy__",
- "__yy__X__X__yy__",
- "______X__X______",
- "_bbbb_X__X_rrrr_",
- "______X__X______",
- "__yy__X__X__yy__",
- "__yy__X__X__yy__",
- "______X__X______",
- "XX__XXX__XXX__XX",
- "________________",
- "________________"
- }
- ColorsToConnect = {
- r = {number=1,r=9,c=12}, y = {number=2,r=2,c=9}, b = {number=3,r=9,c=3}}
- OtherColors = {}
- MaximumTurns = 70
- --]]
- -- ugly code, but #ColorsToConnect == 0, so we need to count by hand
- TotalColors = 0
- TotalColorsToConnect = 0
- for _,_ in pairs(ColorsToConnect) do
- TotalColors = TotalColors + 1
- TotalColorsToConnect = TotalColorsToConnect + 1
- end
- for _,_ in pairs(OtherColors) do TotalColors = TotalColors + 1 end
- function CheckLayout()
- local found = {}
- for r = 1, ROWS do
- assert(type(LevelLayout[r]) == "string", "type mismatch!")
- assert(string.len(LevelLayout[r]) == COLUMNS, "string does not have the right length!")
- for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- local s = string.sub(LevelLayout[r],c,c)
- assert(
- s == "_"
- or s == "X"
- or ColorsToConnect[ s ] ~= nil
- or OtherColors[ s ] ~= nil,
- "LevelLayout["..r.."]["..c.."] unknown color "..s.."!")
- found[s] = true
- end
- end
- local foundnum = {}
- for key,val in pairs(ColorsToConnect) do
- assert(found[key], "ColorsToConnect includes color "..key.." which is not in the puzzle!")
- foundnum[val.number] = true
- end
- for i = 1, TotalColorsToConnect do
- assert(foundnum[i], "color number "..i.." should exist!")
- end
- for key,val in pairs(OtherColors) do
- assert(found[key], "OtherColors includes color "..key.." which is not in the puzzle!")
- foundnum[val.number] = true
- end
- for i = 1, #OtherColors do
- assert(foundnum[TotalColorsToConnect + i], "color number "..(TotalColorsToConnect+i).." should exist!")
- end
- end
- function CreateCNF()
- CheckLayout()
- StartAutoWrite(100000)
- --A : Before rotation is done
- --R : which rotation should be done? < --- THIS IS THE ONLY UNRESTRICTED VARIABLE!! ALL INPUT IS DONE HERE!!
- --B : After rotation is done
- --[[
- A[1] : initial state
- R[1] move! R[2] move!
- A[1] -----> B[1] -----> A[2] -----> B[2] ------> ...
- A[n] : state after n-1 finished moves.
- B[n] : check the winning condition in turn n-1, prepare the move
- --]]
- NewVar("A", {
- MaximumTurns + 1,
- -- which color? zero? free? unmovable?
- TotalColors + 1 + 1 + 1})
- IS_ZERO = TotalColors + 1
- IS_FREE = TotalColors + 2
- IS_UNMOVABLE = TotalColors + 3
- --assert(#Var.A[1][1][1] == 6, "FAIL"..#Var.A[1][1][1])
- print("parsing layout...")
- -- Let's parse the layout!
- for r = 1, ROWS do for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- local s = string.sub(LevelLayout[r],c,c)
- if s == "_" then
- for entry = 1, #Var.A[1][r][c] do
- AddSimpleClause{Var.A[1][r][c][entry], entry == IS_FREE}
- end
- elseif s == "X" then
- for entry = 1, #Var.A[1][r][c] do
- AddSimpleClause{Var.A[1][r][c][entry], entry == IS_UNMOVABLE}
- end
- else
- local n = 0
- if ColorsToConnect[s] ~= nil then
- n = ColorsToConnect[s]
- else
- n = OtherColors[s]
- end
- assert(n ~= nil, "r="..r..",c="..c..",s="..s..", but n==nil!")
- for entry = 1, #Var.A[1][r][c] do
- if entry == IS_ZERO then
- AddSimpleClause{Var.A[1][r][c][entry], r==n.r and c==n.c}
- else
- AddSimpleClause{Var.A[1][r][c][entry], n.number == entry}
- end
- end
- end
- end end
- NewVar("R", {
- MaximumTurns + 1,
- 2})
- NewVar("B", {
- MaximumTurns + 1,
- -- which color? zero? free? unmovable?
- TotalColors + 1 + 1 + 1
- -- these will be necessary for every single step because of the
- -- possibility to connect multiple colors in the same turn
- --
- -- connected to zero? connection number. right less? down less?
- + 1 + BITS + BITS + BITS
- -- blocked? block number. right less? down less?
- + 1 + BITS + BITS + BITS})
- print("rotation..."..total_number_of_clauses)
- -- rotation helper function
- local function h(rot1, rot2, r1, c1, r2, c2)
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns + 1 do for entry = 1, #Var.A[1][1][1] do
- AddIfThenClause(
- "if ALL", {Var.R[t][1], rot1, Var.R[t][2], rot2, Var.A[t][r1][c1][entry], true},
- "then ALL", {Var.B[t][r2][c2][entry], true}
- )
- AddIfThenClause(
- "if ALL", {Var.R[t][1], rot1, Var.R[t][2], rot2, Var.A[t][r1][c1][entry], false},
- "then ALL", {Var.B[t][r2][c2][entry], false}
- )
- end end
- end
- for r = 1, ROWS do for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- -- rotate 0 degrees
- h(false, false, r, c, r, c)
- -- 90 degrees right
- h(false, true, r, c, c, ROWS + 1 - r)
- -- 180 degrees right
- h(true, false, r, c, ROWS + 1 - r, COLUMNS + 1 - c)
- -- 270 degrees right
- h(true, true, r, c, COLUMNS + 1 - c, r)
- end end
- IS_CONNECTED_TO_ZERO = TotalColors + 4
- B_CONNECTION_NUMBER_OFFSET = TotalColors + 4 + 1
- IS_BLOCKED = TotalColors + 4 + 3*BITS + 1
- B_BLOCK_NUMBER_OFFSET = TotalColors + 4 + 3*BITS + 1 + 1
- print("compare numbers..."..total_number_of_clauses)
- -- compare number helper function
- local function h(t,r1,c1,r2,c2,number_offset,compare_offset)
- local V1 = Var.B[t][r1][c1]
- local V2 = Var.B[t][r2][c2]
- -- n(V) := 1 * V[number_offset] + 2 * V[number_offset+1]
- -- + 4 * V[number_offset+2] + 8 * V[number_offset+3]
- -- +16 * V[number_offset+4] + 32 * V[number_offset+5]
- -- +64 * V[number_offset+6] +128 * V[number_offset+7]
- --
- local n = number_offset
- local c = compare_offset
- -- n(V1) > n(V2) ?
- -- least significant bit
- -- for the one-bit numbers a and b, a > b if and only if a == 1, b == 0
- AddIfAndOnlyIfClause("ALL of", {V1[n], true, V2[n], false}, "if and only if", "ALL of", {V1[c], true})
- for b = 1, BITS - 1 do
- -- x + n(V1) > x + n(V2) <=> n(V1) > n(V2)
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {V1[n+b], true, V2[n+b], true, V1[c+b-1], true}, "then ALL", {V1[c+b], true})
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {V1[n+b], true, V2[n+b], true, V1[c+b-1], false}, "then ALL", {V1[c+b], false})
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {V1[n+b], false, V2[n+b], false, V1[c+b-1], true}, "then ALL", {V1[c+b], true})
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {V1[n+b], false, V2[n+b], false, V1[c+b-1], false}, "then ALL", {V1[c+b], false})
- -- x + n(V1) > n(V2) if x > n(V2)
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {V1[n+b], true, V2[n+b], false}, "then ALL", {V1[c+b], true})
- -- n(V1) <= x + n(V2) if x > n(V1)
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {V1[n+b], false, V2[n+b], true}, "then ALL", {V1[c+b], false})
- end
- end
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns + 1 do for r = 1, ROWS do for c = 1, COLUMNS - 1 do
- end end end
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns + 1 do for r = 1, ROWS - 1 do for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- end end end
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns + 1 do r = 1, ROWS do for b = 0, BITS-1 do
- AddSimpleClause{Var.B[t][r][COLUMNS][B_BLOCK_NUMBER_COMPARE_RIGHT_OFFSET + b], false}
- end end end
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns + 1 do c = 1, COLUMNS do for b = 0, BITS-1 do
- AddSimpleClause{Var.B[t][ROWS][c][B_BLOCK_NUMBER_COMPARE_DOWN_OFFSET + b], false}
- end end end
- -- check if the tile to the right has the same color
- NewVar("RSC", {
- MaximumTurns + 1,
- COLUMNS - 1})
- -- check if the tile to the bottom has the same color
- NewVar("DSC", {
- MaximumTurns + 1,
- ROWS - 1,
- print("check same color..."..total_number_of_clauses)
- local function h(V,t,r1,c1,r2,c2)
- AddIfThenClause(
- "if ALL", {V[t][r1][c1], true},
- "then ALL", {
- Var.B[t][r1][c1][IS_FREE], false,
- Var.B[t][r1][c1][IS_UNMOVABLE], false,
- Var.B[t][r2][c2][IS_FREE], false,
- Var.B[t][r2][c2][IS_UNMOVABLE], false})
- for col = 1, TotalColors do
- AddSimpleClause{
- V[t][r1][c1], false,
- Var.B[t][r1][c1][col], false,
- Var.B[t][r1][c1][col], true}
- AddSimpleClause{
- V[t][r1][c1], false,
- Var.B[t][r1][c1][col], true,
- Var.B[t][r2][c2][col], false}
- AddSimpleClause{
- V[t][r1][c1], true,
- Var.B[t][r1][c1][col], false,
- Var.B[t][r2][c2][col], false}
- end
- end
- -- 6420 clauses... for each turn!
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns + 1 do for r = 1, ROWS do for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- if c < COLUMNS then h(Var.RSC,t,r,c,r,c+1) end
- if r < ROWS then h(Var.DSC,t,r,c,r+1,c) end
- end end end
- --[[
- now the "blocked" check and the "connection" check
- tile r,c is blocked if
- - tile r,c+1 is either unmovable or blocked
- or
- - it has the same color as tile r+1,c which is blocked
- or
- - it has the same color as tile r-1,c which is blocked
- or
- - it has the same color as tile r,c-1 which is blocked
- it would be a valid assignment to declare all tiles to be blocked up to now.
- to make sure that all movable tiles get moved, the following is done:
- - every tile gets a "blockedness" number
- - (1) if tile r,c+1 is unmovable, or if c == COLUMNS, and tile r,c is not free, then tile r,c is blocked
- - (2) if tiles r1,c1 and r2,c2 are neighbors of the same color, then
- tile r1,c1 is blocked if and only if tile r2,c2 is blocked
- and tile r1,c1 is connected to the reference tile if and only if tile r2,c2 is connected to the reference tile
- - (3) if tile r,c is blocked then:
- - c == COLUMNS
- or
- - tile r,c+1 is unmovable
- or
- - the left, upper or lower neighbor has the same color
- and a lower blockedness number
- or
- - the right neighbor has a lower blockedness number
- if tile r,c is connected to zero then:
- - it is the zero tile
- or
- - the left, right, top, or bottom neighbor
- has the same color AND a lower connection number
- - (4) the reference tile of each color is connected to itself
- - (5) a free tile is never blocked or unmovable
- --]]
- print("check blocked...(1)"..total_number_of_clauses)
- --(1)
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns + 1 do for r = 1, ROWS do
- AddSimpleClause{Var.B[t][r][COLUMNS][IS_BLOCKED], true, Var.B[t][r][COLUMNS][IS_FREE], true, Var.B[t][r][COLUMNS][IS_UNMOVABLE], true}
- --(4)
- for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- AddSimpleClause{Var.B[t][r][c][IS_ZERO], false, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_CONNECTED_TO_ZERO], true}
- end
- end end
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns + 1 do for r = 1, ROWS do for c = 1, COLUMNS - 1 do
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {Var.B[t][r][c+1][IS_UNMOVABLE], true, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_FREE], false}, "then ALL", {Var.B[t][r][c][IS_BLOCKED], true})
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {Var.B[t][r][c+1][IS_BLOCKED], true, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_FREE], false}, "then ALL", {Var.B[t][r][c][IS_BLOCKED], true})
- end end end
- print("check blocked...(2)"..total_number_of_clauses)
- --(2)
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns + 1 do for r = 1, ROWS do for c = 1, COLUMNS - 1 do
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {Var.RSC[t][r][c], true, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_BLOCKED], true}, "then ALL", {Var.B[t][r][c+1][IS_BLOCKED], true})
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {Var.RSC[t][r][c], true, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_BLOCKED], false}, "then ALL", {Var.B[t][r][c+1][IS_BLOCKED], false})
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {Var.RSC[t][r][c], true, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_CONNECTED_TO_ZERO], true}, "then ALL", {Var.B[t][r][c+1][IS_CONNECTED_TO_ZERO], true})
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {Var.RSC[t][r][c], true, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_CONNECTED_TO_ZERO], false}, "then ALL", {Var.B[t][r][c+1][IS_CONNECTED_TO_ZERO], false})
- end end end
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns + 1 do for r = 1, ROWS - 1 do for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {Var.DSC[t][r][c], true, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_BLOCKED], true}, "then ALL", {Var.B[t][r+1][c][IS_BLOCKED], true})
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {Var.DSC[t][r][c], true, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_BLOCKED], false}, "then ALL", {Var.B[t][r+1][c][IS_BLOCKED], false})
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {Var.DSC[t][r][c], true, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_CONNECTED_TO_ZERO], true}, "then ALL", {Var.B[t][r+1][c][IS_CONNECTED_TO_ZERO], true})
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {Var.DSC[t][r][c], true, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_CONNECTED_TO_ZERO], false}, "then ALL", {Var.B[t][r+1][c][IS_CONNECTED_TO_ZERO], false})
- end end end
- print("check blocked...(3)"..total_number_of_clauses)
- --(3)
- -- many many distinct cases... so evil!
- -- there should be some better way to encode this
- -- prevent out-of-bound errors
- --
- -- if we write Var.B[t][r-1][c][number] and r == 1,
- -- we get an "attempt to index field ? (a nil value) error"
- -- even if we check that r > 1 beforehand. This can
- -- be prevented only if it is encapsulated with a function call
- --
- -- try the following minimal example:
- --[[
- t = {"hi"}
- -- works!
- function h(b,f)
- if b then return f() else return "no!" end
- end
- print(t[1]..","..tostring(t[2])..h(false, function() return t[2][1] end))
- -- does not work! attempt to index field ? (a nil value)
- function h(b,f)
- if b then return f else return "no!" end
- end
- print(t[1]..","..tostring(t[2])..h(false, t[2][1]))
- --]]
- function OOB_catcher(b, f)
- if b then return f() else return nil end
- end
- -- how beautiful, 7 loops!
- -- there will be some duplicate clauses, it is easier
- -- to let the solver remove them than to handle this here.
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns + 1 do
- for r = 1, ROWS do
- for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- for _,b1 in pairs{true,false} do
- for _,b2 in pairs{true,false} do
- for _,b3 in pairs{true,false} do
- -- there is one reference tile of each color.
- -- if the puzzle is solved, all tiles are connected to the reference tile
- --
- -- if a tile is connected to the reference tile,
- -- - it is the reference tile itself
- -- OR - it is connected to a tile with a lower connection number.
- -- it would make sense that the reference tile has connection number zero but that isnt enforced.
- for _,b4 in pairs{true,false} do
- local function h(cl, a1, a2)
- cl[#cl+1] = a1
- cl[#cl+1] = a2
- end
- local cl1 = {Var.B[t][r][c][IS_CONNECTED_TO_ZERO], true}
- if r > 1 then h(cl1, Var.DSC[t][r-1][c], b1) end
- if r < ROWS then h(cl1, Var.DSC[t][r][c], b2) end
- if c > 1 then h(cl1, Var.RSC[t][r][c-1], b3) end
- if c < COLUMNS then h(cl1, Var.RSC[t][r][c], b4) end
- local cl2 = {Var.B[t][r][c][IS_ZERO], true}
- --[[up ]] if r > 1 and b1 then h(cl2, Var.B[t][r-1][c][B_CONNECTION_NUMBER_COMPARE_DOWN_OFFSET + BITS - 1], false) end
- --[[down ]] if r < ROWS and b2 then h(cl2, Var.B[t][r][c][B_CONNECTION_NUMBER_COMPARE_DOWN_OFFSET + BITS - 1], true) end
- --[[left ]] if c > 1 and b3 then h(cl2, Var.B[t][r][c-1][B_CONNECTION_NUMBER_COMPARE_RIGHT_OFFSET + BITS - 1], false) end
- --[[right]] if c < COLUMNS and b4 then h(cl2, Var.B[t][r][c][B_CONNECTION_NUMBER_COMPARE_RIGHT_OFFSET + BITS - 1], true) end
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", cl1, "then ONE", cl2)
- end
- -- if a tile is blocked then:
- -- - the tile to its right is unmovable
- -- OR - its right neighbor is not free and has a lower blockedness number
- -- OR - its left, top, or bottom neighbor has the same color AND a lower blockedness number
- if c < COLUMNS then
- local function h(cl, a1, a2)
- cl[#cl+1] = a1
- cl[#cl+1] = a2
- end
- for _,b4 in pairs{true,false} do
- local cl1 = {Var.B[t][r][c][IS_BLOCKED], true}
- if r > 1 then h(cl1, Var.DSC[t][r-1][c], b1) end
- if r < ROWS then h(cl1, Var.DSC[t][r][c], b2) end
- if c > 1 then h(cl1, Var.RSC[t][r][c-1], b3) end
- h(cl1, Var.B[t][r][c+1][IS_FREE], b4)
- local cl2 = {Var.B[t][r][c+1][IS_UNMOVABLE], true}
- if r > 1 and b1 then h(cl2, Var.B[t][r-1][c][B_BLOCK_NUMBER_COMPARE_DOWN_OFFSET + BITS - 1], false) end -- less or equal is enough to prevent loops
- if r < ROWS and b2 then h(cl2, Var.B[t][r][c][B_BLOCK_NUMBER_COMPARE_DOWN_OFFSET + BITS - 1], true) end
- if c > 1 and b3 then h(cl2, Var.B[t][r][c-1][B_BLOCK_NUMBER_COMPARE_RIGHT_OFFSET + BITS - 1], false) end
- if not b4 then h(cl2, Var.B[t][r][c][B_BLOCK_NUMBER_COMPARE_RIGHT_OFFSET + BITS - 1], true) end
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", cl1, "then ONE", cl2)
- end
- end
- end end end end end end
- --(5)
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns + 1 do for r = 1, ROWS do for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- AddSimpleClause{Var.B[t][r][c][IS_FREE], false, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_UNMOVABLE], false}
- AddSimpleClause{Var.B[t][r][c][IS_BLOCKED], false, Var.B[t][r][c][IS_FREE], false}
- end end end
- print("move!..."..total_number_of_clauses)
- -- now make the move!
- for t = 1, MaximumTurns do
- for r = 1, ROWS do
- for entry = 1, #Var.A[1][1][1] do
- for _,b in pairs{true, false} do
- for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- -- a blocked tile or an unmovable tile stays in place
- for _,e1 in pairs{IS_BLOCKED, IS_UNMOVABLE} do
- AddIfThenClause("if ALL", {Var.B[t][r][c][e1], true, Var.B[t][r][c][entry], b},
- "then ALL", {Var.A[t+1][r][c][entry], b})
- end
- -- otherwise:
- -- if the tile to the left is neither blocked nor unmovable, move!
- if c > 1 then
- AddIfThenClause(
- "if ALL", {
- Var.B[t][r][c][IS_UNMOVABLE], false,
- Var.B[t][r][c][IS_BLOCKED], false,
- Var.B[t][r][c-1][IS_UNMOVABLE], false,
- Var.B[t][r][c-1][IS_BLOCKED], false,
- Var.B[t][r][c-1][entry], b},
- "then ALL", {
- Var.A[t+1][r][c][entry], b}
- )
- -- if the tile to the left is blocked or unmovable, this tile becomes free!
- if b then
- AddIfThenClause(
- "if ALL", {
- Var.B[t][r][c][IS_UNMOVABLE], false,
- Var.B[t][r][c][IS_BLOCKED], false,
- Var.B[t][r][c-1][IS_UNMOVABLE], true},
- "then ALL", {
- Var.A[t+1][r][c][entry], entry == IS_FREE}
- )
- AddIfThenClause(
- "if ALL", {
- Var.B[t][r][c][IS_UNMOVABLE], false,
- Var.B[t][r][c][IS_BLOCKED], false,
- Var.B[t][r][c-1][IS_BLOCKED], true},
- "then ALL", {
- Var.A[t+1][r][c][entry], entry == IS_FREE}
- )
- end
- else
- -- if there is no tile to the left, there is new free space!
- if b then
- AddIfThenClause(
- "if ALL", {
- Var.B[t][r][c][IS_UNMOVABLE], false,
- Var.B[t][r][c][IS_BLOCKED], false},
- "then ALL", {
- Var.A[t+1][r][c][entry], entry == IS_FREE}
- )
- end
- end
- end
- end end end end
- print("winning condition check!.."..total_number_of_clauses)
- -- finally, check the winning condition. so easy now!
- local V = Var.B[MaximumTurns+1]
- for r = 1, ROWS do for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- local cl = {V[r][c][IS_FREE], true, V[r][c][IS_UNMOVABLE], true, V[r][c][IS_CONNECTED_TO_ZERO], true}
- for col = TotalColorsToConnect + 1, TotalColors do
- cl[#cl+1] = V[r][c][col]
- cl[#cl+1] = true
- end
- AddSimpleClause(cl)
- end end
- print("done!.."..total_number_of_clauses)
- end
- function MovementPattern()
- local num = {
- [false] = {[false] = 0, [true] = 1},
- [true] = {[false] = 2, [true] = 3 }}
- local name = {[0] = "right", "up", "left", "down"}
- --[[
- -- this is how R was used
- for r = 1, ROWS do for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- -- rotate 0 degrees
- h(false, false, r, c, r, c)
- -- 90 degrees right
- h(false, true, r, c, c, ROWS + 1 - r)
- -- 180 degrees right
- h(true, false, r, c, ROWS + 1 - r, COLUMNS + 1 - c)
- -- 270 degrees right
- h(true, true, r, c, COLUMNS + 1 - c, r)
- end end --]]
- now = 0
- ret = {}
- for t = 1, #Sol.R do
- now = (now + num[Sol.R[t][1]][Sol.R[t][2]]) % 4
- ret[#ret+1] = name[now]
- end
- return ret
- end
- CreateCNF()
- WriteSATfile()
- if USE_PICOSAT then
- os.execute("picosat satfile.cnf >solutionfile")
- elseif USE_MINISAT then
- os.execute("minisat satfile.cnf solutionfile")
- end
- ParseSolution()
- for i,m in ipairs(MovementPattern()) do
- for r = 1, ROWS do
- local s = ""
- for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- for entry = 1, #Sol.A[1][1][1] do
- if Sol.A[i][r][c][entry] then s = s .. entry else s = s .. " " end
- end
- s = s.."|"
- end
- print(s)
- end
- print (i..": "..m)
- for r = 1, ROWS do
- local s = ""
- for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- for entry = 1, #Sol.A[1][1][1] do
- if Sol.B[i][r][c][entry] then s = s .. entry else s = s .. " " end
- end
- if c < COLUMNS then if Sol.RSC[i][r][c] then s = s.."---" else s = s .. " ; " end end
- end
- print(s)
- s = " "
- spaces = #Sol.A[1][1][1]+3
- for c = 1, COLUMNS do
- if r < ROWS then
- if Sol.DSC[i][r][c] then s = s .. "|" end
- else
- s = s .. " "
- end
- if Sol.B[i][r][c][IS_BLOCKED] then s = s .. "B" else s = s .. " " end
- local n = 0
- local f = 1
- for b = 0, BITS - 1 do
- if Sol.B[i][r][c][B_BLOCK_NUMBER_OFFSET + b] then n = n + f end
- f = f * 2
- end
- s = s..n
- s = s .. string.rep(" ", c*spaces-2-string.len(s)).."/ "
- end
- print(s)
- print()
- end
- print()
- end
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