
[AiE] Poon-Licker Anon: Chapter 1

Apr 27th, 2014
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  1. >"y-you want t-to do what???" Fluttershy stuttered in surprise and embarrassment.
  2. "I want to taste your butthole, Fluttershy" Yellowquiet seemed the most suitable mare for this proposition, After all she lived on the outskirts of Ponyville far from any prying eyes (p0ny ones at least) and was shy enough to ensure that even if Anon's offer was to be declined, there would be little chance of her mentioning it to the other mares.
  3. >"w-why would you want to do this though? i-if its a-allright to ask" Fluttershy was unable to make eye contact with Anonymous, even she could remember yesterdays little fiasco. That accidental collision, her landing on Anonymous' face, his nose and mouth in dangerously close proximity to her dark ring. She suppressed the involuntary spreading of her wings as the memories flowed through her mind.
  4. "Its about yesterday, You know, when you accidentally ended up sitting on my face. My mouth was sorta open and I got a good taste of something, something that I liked. Heck, Ive always been blunt with you guys seeing as you're my friends and all. So, Fluttershy would it be OK if I can have a go at your rear?"
  5. >"*yes*" Fluttershy barely audibly squeaked. While she could easily hide her face behind her mane, she could do nothing to conceal her fully outstretched wings at this point.
  6. "Cool. Lets head upstairs to your bedroom" Fluttershy led the way, her hooves visibly shaking, weak from embarrassment and arousal. She couldn't fly even if she wanted to, her wings were far too stiff and sensitive for that. Just what had she gotten herself into?
  8. >Fluttershy stood shaking, she could feel Anons eyes prod and inspect her flank as she climbed the stairs and walked the short hallway towards her room.
  9. >She was already In her room now, staring at the bed. Unable to look back at Anonymous who was standing close by her door. This was the first time that she had been alone in private with the human, And while he proved to be both gentle and kind for a creature so large, She could still remember the fear she felt when she got a good look at Anon's teeth as he laughed at one of Rainbow Dash's jokes.
  10. >Hearing the clicking sound the lock made snapped her out of her dawdling. She had installed that lock to keep some of the more intrusive animals from disturbing her as she slept. She could feel Anon walking closer to her but she was still unable to look back.
  12. There was no getting out of this one...
  14. "Could you stand at the edge of your bed please?"
  15. >She nearly jumped at the sound of Anon's voice. The room had been awkwardly quiet for what seemed like an eternity now.
  16. >Fluttershy tried to walk but she stumbled, her hooves were much too shaky to even walk at this point. The combination of fear and excitement made her mind swim.
  17. >She felt Anons powerful arms gently lift her Into some sort of embrace. She has seen Anon do this once when Scootaloo hurt herself in one of her stunt attempts. She remembered how he chuckled and half jokingly called this technique "princess style" much to Scootaloo's embarrassment. She now knew why the filly was so embarrassed, She had never felt so Intimate, so warm and so safe before. Her fears were dispelled as Anon cradled her as he walked towards the bed. She was unable to stop herself from inhaling Anon's manly scent as her head was nuzzled in his chest.
  18. >She wanted to protest when he set her down the bed, dissapointed at how the embrace ended all to quickly. As she opened her eyes she found Anonymous looking her straight in the eye as one hand reassuringly stroked her withers.
  19. "You know we can stop if you're feeling scared right? I don't want to proceed if you're uncomfortable with this after all"
  20. >"n-no, i-i dont want to stop a-anon, i...i mean. i want to keep going... ifitsallrightwithyou" It took all her courage to say this while maintaining eye contact with Anonymous, Her ochre features were so tinged with crimson that she practically glowed.
  21. "Turn around and raise your rear towards me please"
  23. >Fluttershy complied and faced away from Anonymous. She lowered her forehooves while she raised her rear.
  24. >She shivered as she felt fingers lightly comb through her cutie marks, prey instincts kicked in as she sensed Anon's face inch closer towards her dark ring as she instinctively moved her tail aside to accommodate the human.
  25. >She felt Anon's fingers knead her flanks and let out a muffled meep as her prey instincts went into overdrive as she felt his breath on her forbidden portal.
  26. >Wings fully erect, her rear hooves weak and shaky from arousal, back fully arched and tail raised aside Fluttershy lost what little modesty she had left when she was no longer able to stop her marehood from winking. She was unsure if this... experiment was sexual after all, It is true that Anon wanted to taste one of her most private of parts but there was never any mention of genitals or even penetration being involved.
  27. >She lost her train of thought when she felt Anon's warm tongue begin to gently circle the flesh surrounding her Anus
  28. >Her marehood was winking rapidly now and her mind was swimming in ecstasy. The human was yet to actually touch her opening but this... preview, this...premonition....the promise of things to come was already making waves of pleasure ripple through her mind. She wanted to beg, she wanted to demand, she wanted to complain at Anon to please, please, get to it, please touch me there please stop teasing. But all she could manage was a very quiet:
  29. >"oh my"
  31. >How long has this been going on? she thought to herself. She was lost to the sensation of Anon's tongue circling herself.
  32. >Surely it had been no longer than ten seconds since Anon's tongue had started teasing her. But to herself, it felt like an eternity. How long must she wait? How long must she endure until he started his marvelous work "over there"
  33. >She felt a jolt of pleasure as Anon's tongue briefly touched her Anus. It was only a very brief moment but the sensation of his tongue as it stroked her ring was phenomenal. She was already moaning softly at this point and while very unladylike, she was unable to keep herself from drooling.
  34. >His tongue's brief skirmishes towards her Anus was done at an infrequent and random pace. A second of circling around followed by a two seconds of attention, followed by three seconds of teasing, then a split second there followed another three seconds of teasing. This was only teasing, she knew but she was already on the verge of climax at this point. Anon's chaotic ministrations were as torturous as it was pleasurable.
  35. >He must have noticed her condition because she suddenly felt his tongue abandon its teasing and start focusing solely on her Anus
  36. >This focus had taken no longer than 3 seconds before Fluttershy reached her climax, she moaned and shuddered as the gentle waves of pleasure washed over her.
  37. >She was unable to comprehend what just happened. Did she just come from her butt? she asked herself.
  39. >Her mind was enveloped in pure bliss at this point. She was starting to turn her head towards Anonymous when she felt it.
  40. >His tongue dropped all pretenses of teasing and started its Assault on her rear. She just came so she her sensitivity was magnified. She was unable to believe what was happening; His tongue was exerting more pressure on her Anus. Surely he wasnt going to... could he be?
  41. >"a-anon" she gasped "w-what.. are...y-you going to... do?" her eyes shut and her soft moans turned into gasps as his tongue applied more and more pressure on her ring.
  42. >She was afraid of what was happening, She clamped her eyes shut and bit on the bedding as the pressure towards her entrance intensified. And then.... She realized what was going on.
  43. >She felt another wave of pleasure as she felt the warmth of his tongue forcefully started to invade her. She never knew human tongues could be so powerful.
  44. >She felt Another climax approach as his tongue started to explore the insides of her Anus.
  45. >Her eyes were already clamped shut,her teeth were already gritted and her faced buried in the bedding., the sensation was unbelievable and she felt ashamed, not only because of the fact that Anon's tongue was inside such an unclean orifice but also because she was receiving so much pleasure from her "bad" hole.
  46. >Then, when she thought it couldn't get more intense, she felt his tongue going even deeper, All the while exploring every wall and crevice of her insides.
  47. >She again lost control of herself as she felt her head jerk from the bedding it had been taking refuge on, eyes wide open, pupils dilated, her tongue fully outstretched from her now open mouth. She let out a loud moan as she felt her second anal-induced orgasm begin.
  49. >And.... He kept going
  50. >Fluttershy was completely lost in pleasure now. Her inhibitions fully lost, her marehood, despite the lack of attention was dripping out an abundance of sexual fluid. The slurping sounds he made as he performed the wonderful deed only acted to arouse her even further
  51. >"OHHHH ANONNNN, YOU'RE SSSSSSUCHHHH A BADDDD BOYYYYY!!!" she managed to gasp out as she felt his tongue move even deeper, bringing her to her third anal-orgasm, her marehood simultaneously spraying as she felt her anus flood with more moisture, She was no longer able to contain herself at this point. She didn't care if anon thought of her as a dirty mare, all that that mattered was the intense pleasure she was feeling now.
  52. >Her mind was a torrent of pleasure at this point, what little energy she had left was spent grinding herself even harder into Anon's face, his hands were now holding on to her shuddering rear hooves to keep her from collapsing. Her slim body was wracked in convulsions from the non stop anal-orgasms she received from his magnificent tongue.
  53. >She sensed another orgasm approach her, her forehooves scrambled to grip the bedding, Drooling mouth Biting down on the bedsheets as she screamed into it. She will never look at Anonymous the same way again. How many orgasms had it been? she lost track after the seventh one.
  54. >Soon, she slumped down, energy completely drained. Her fur covered in sweat. She heard a wet *pop* as anon removed his tongue from of her hole. She managed to turn took at him with bliss as he used his tongue to clean up her rear, sucking the dripping juices from her fur.
  55. >His face and chest was drenched in fluids, that shirt is probably going to be permanently stained. But he smiled nonetheless and carried her (princess style) to the bathroom. The minutes that came after were heavenly, Anon cleaned her up and nursed her until he was confident that she could now safely sleep.
  56. >Fluttershy sighed as she drifted to sleep. she hoped Anon would visit more often.
  58. >You are Anonymous
  59. >Holy fuck was that delicious.
  60. >You lick your lips as you savour the taste of summer fruit in your mouth, Oranges, Lemons, and a hint of strawberry.
  61. >Who knew that fluttershy buttgasm tasted so fucking amazing?
  62. >You walk back to town with a grin on your face.
  63. >True, your shirt is a mess and Cheerilee is probably going to kill you when she sees this but God damn was it worth it.
  64. >"I wonder if each mare had her own unique flavor?" you ask yourself
  66. <End Chapter 1>
  67. Bonus content: Chapter 1 scribble
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