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Jul 28th, 2015
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  1. why did someone flag your comment rezo?
  2. [9:28:57 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: so there was a guy named ArcherZero who flagged eeree's thread and a couple comments
  3. [9:28:59 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: including mine
  4. [9:29:14 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: So I was like "This guy is spamming flags. Not cool"
  5. [9:29:29 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: I tried to search for his account, to no avail since he hasn't made any posts
  6. [9:29:36 PM] Room: i flagged you for that rez
  7. [9:29:44 PM] Room: you triggered me
  8. [9:29:49 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: I therefore had the brilliant idea to tag him in the post, therefore making his name clickable
  9. [9:30:00 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: and went to his profile that way.
  10. [9:30:06 PM] Connor "Feur" I.: btw, his acc can't be found now. . .
  11. [9:30:11 PM] David Collins [kittenlazer]: ^
  12. [9:30:13 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: Some, however, construed that as blatant abuse
  13. [9:30:18 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: No, I changed it to ArcherOne
  14. [9:30:22 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: instead of ArcherZero
  15. [9:30:25 PM] Connor "Feur" I.: ah
  16. [9:30:35 PM] Yong "SirGoodMood" Ra: you guys aren't trying to start a witch hunt against an alpha player, are you?
  17. [9:30:38 PM] Angrybearboy: come on guys 1 more
  18. [9:30:43 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: SGM, please read above statements
  19. [9:30:45 PM] David Collins [kittenlazer]: is that your account?
  20. [9:30:46 PM] Kwazi: lol
  21. [9:30:59 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: I know it looks bad, but I swear, it isn't what it seems!
  22. [9:31:03 PM] Timbre: Patching and I'll be on
  23. [9:31:08 PM] David Collins [kittenlazer]: oh
  24. [9:31:08 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: and trust me, I wouldn't do it in your presence haha
  25. [9:31:09 PM] David Collins [kittenlazer]: nvm
  26. [9:31:11 PM] Room: sgm figured out that we are all account sharing with rez
  27. [9:31:18 PM] Room: we are witch hunting boys
  28. [9:31:19 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: I know you don't stand for that type of injustice
  29. [9:31:30 PM] Room: ayyyyyeee
  30. [9:31:32 PM] Clint Oliver: howlie to save the day!
  31. [9:31:35 PM] Yong "SirGoodMood" Ra: all i see is that you guys talking about some random alpha tester's account, one of whom may be part of the 40,000 invited
  32. [9:31:35 PM] Clint Oliver: we might have gamez
  33. [9:31:37 PM] Connor "Feur" I.: I just want to tank rezo's mmr so he's playing with people his skill
  34. [9:31:48 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: Anyway, yeah, so I didn't comment anything after tagging him
  35. [9:31:50 PM] Room: [9:31 PM] Yong "SirGoodMood" Ra:
  37. <<< you guys
  38. [9:31:50 PM | Edited 9:31:57 PM] Zak 'Cyong' Counides: isn't there something better you all could be doing with your time..... like queuing core?
  39. [9:31:51 PM] Room: ayyyy
  40. [9:31:59 PM] Connor "Feur" I.: alpha is down
  41. [9:32:02 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: but it was enough to be reported by 5 different people
  42. [9:32:09 PM] Connor "Feur" I.: don't you change your post on my cyong!
  43. [9:32:11 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: so sorry Evan!
  44. [9:32:24 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: I can't see anybody else who flagged it, but I would apologize to them too. My bad.
  45. [9:32:36 PM] Room: rez they also figured out we all share you account
  46. [9:32:43 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: cause you told them
  47. [9:32:47 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: now they know archerZero is my alt
  48. [9:32:51 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: and this was all a conspiracy
  49. [9:32:54 PM] Room: rip
  50. [9:32:57 PM] Connor "Feur" I.: F
  51. [9:32:57 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: to reveal how the illuminati exist among us
  52. [9:33:01 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: Good going Room
  53. [9:33:04 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: (triangle)
  54. [9:33:07 PM] Yong "SirGoodMood" Ra: I'll bring it up to Evan to see if the forums can be adjusted so that the names of the people who flag posts don't show up, that way, the system will still be there, and no one is at risk of potentially being witchhunted
  55. [9:33:17 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: Yeah, you do that SGM
  56. [9:33:23 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: Let's nip that in the bud.
  57. [9:33:30 PM] Yong "SirGoodMood" Ra: although if it was your own account, why make a big fuss about flagging your own post?
  58. [9:33:34 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: ....
  59. [9:33:35 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: SGM
  60. [9:33:38 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: please. my man.
  61. [9:33:40 PM] Connor "Feur" I.: to stir drama
  62. [9:33:44 PM] Connor "Feur" I.: rezo is Mr.Drama
  63. [9:33:52 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: If you're going to take that part, at least take the other part about exposing the illuminati
  64. [9:33:52 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: haha
  65. [9:34:00 PM] Room: or how
  66. [9:34:00 PM] Room: we all
  67. [9:34:05 PM] Room: share your account
  68. [9:34:08 PM] Yong "SirGoodMood" Ra: if it's your alt, please don't, if it's an alpha tester's please leave him alone to flag as whatever that alpha tester sees fit
  69. [9:34:11 PM] Room: your not even talking to the real rez right now
  70. [9:34:20 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: SGM, sorry, I'm not being candid enough
  71. [9:34:22 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: I'm just joking
  72. [9:34:26 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: one sec.
  73. [9:34:39 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: now they know archerZero is my alt
  74. [9:34:41 PM] Angrybearboy: 1 more guys
  75. [9:34:44 PM] Yong "SirGoodMood" Ra: alright, thanks for clarifying it
  76. [9:34:49 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: to reveal how the illuminati exist among us
  77. [9:34:56 PM] Timbre: It should be anonymous I agree
  78. [9:34:59 PM] Yong "SirGoodMood" Ra: let's just leave him and the 4 others who flagged it alone, just let them be alpha testers
  79. [9:35:06 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: no no no
  80. [9:35:08 PM] BixLe: 0 dedication
  81. [9:35:11 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: we don't know who flagged my post
  82. [9:35:12 PM] Room: what about how
  83. [9:35:13 PM] Room: we all
  84. [9:35:15 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: all we know is it's Evan
  85. [9:35:15 PM] Room: share
  86. [9:35:16 PM] Room: your
  87. [9:35:18 PM] Room: account
  88. [9:35:25 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: ArcherZero flagged Eeree's post
  89. [9:35:31 PM] Room: senpai
  90. [9:35:32 PM] Room: notice me
  91. [9:35:36 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: ROOM PLEASE
  92. [9:35:41 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: THE ILLUMINATI ARE ESCAPING
  93. [9:35:44 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: BECAUSE OF YOUR LOSE LIPS
  94. [9:35:46 PM] Room: OMG
  95. [9:35:47 PM] Angrybearboy: can we please
  96. [9:35:48 PM] Room: ILL RUN EM DOWN
  97. [9:35:48 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: THEY ARE SINKING SHIPS
  98. [9:35:49 PM] Angrybearboy: just get 1 person
  99. [9:35:57 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: SINKING SHIPS. PLEASE.
  100. [9:36:02 PM] Room: RIP
  101. [9:36:05 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: months of preparation, gone.
  102. [9:36:08 PM] Timbre: Trying ot get in ;-;
  103. [9:36:13 PM] *** PentaRumbl3 has left ***
  104. [9:36:26 PM] Yong "SirGoodMood" Ra: i don't even know what's going on anymore, whether or not they're real or your own alts, or whatever, as far as i'm concerned, please leave the alpha testers alone to do what they will
  105. [9:36:53 PM] Connor "Feur" I.: . . . how is it not clear he's being sarcastic. It's not his alt
  106. [9:37:02 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: SGM yeah,
  107. [9:37:05 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: Just being sarcastic
  108. [9:37:10 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: there are no alts
  109. [9:37:12 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: no illuminati
  110. [9:37:12 PM] Room: lmfao
  111. [9:37:16 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: Just joking
  112. [9:37:20 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: Tell penta I'm sorry
  113. [9:37:24 PM] Room: i can't believe he didn't pick up on that we are talking about the illuminati
  114. [9:37:25 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: just making light of the situation
  115. [9:37:31 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: -shrugs-
  116. [9:37:48 PM] Room: this isn't even a argument
  117. [9:37:56 PM] Timbre: Just something to keep in mind its super hard to read tones and intent over text is all
  118. [9:38:08 PM] Timbre: So sometimes things get mixed up or misread
  119. [9:38:14 PM] BixLe: soup
  120. [9:38:16 PM] BixLe: get on core
  121. [9:38:17 PM] BixLe: now
  122. [9:38:25 PM] Room: penta probabaly thought we were in the illuminati for sure
  123. [9:38:25 PM] Greg (Souperior): Also shouldnt take everything super serious.
  124. [9:38:30 PM] Greg (Souperior): Im at work
  125. [9:38:34 PM] BixLe: I don't care
  126. [9:38:36 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: Yeah Timbre I agree
  127. [9:38:36 PM] BixLe: get on
  128. [9:38:37 PM] BixLe: core
  129. [9:38:37 PM] BixLe: now
  130. [9:38:41 PM] Zephan Chen [Rezoahc]: I said I was joking
  131. [9:38:51 PM] Timbre: Yeah
  132. [9:38:58 PM] Room: im offended rez
  133. [9:38:59 PM] Timbre: Sometimes people need to ease up too!
  134. [9:39:02 PM] Greg (Souperior): same
  135. [9:39:10 PM] Room: this is offending me
  136. [9:39:19 PM] Timbre: Room stop being triggered
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