
My Little Dicking Part Two

May 20th, 2013
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  1. >You see a pretty little gem sitting down in a floral dress doing nothing.
  2. >Time to spring into action!
  3. >You slither your way to her side and speak up.
  4. "Hey hun, how's it hangin'?"
  5. >"Ugh, like I would speak to something as -ghastly- as you."
  6. >That tone was -so- holier than thou snooty stuck up bitch it would put Rarity to shame.
  7. >She lifts her nose and trots away like a high steppin' horse.
  8. >You were wrong about this, the difficulty level is too damn high!
  9. >*Sigh*.
  10. >Maybe one more try.
  11. >You notice an average pony and think maybe it's a good time to try.
  12. "Hey, what's up?"
  13. >"Oh please, not like I wanna talk to a monkey."
  14. >Fuck this gay Equestria.
  15. >You hear the musical number pick up and think it's time to show your aspirations in song.
  18. Twilight Sparkle:
  19. At the Gala (at the Gala), with the Princess (with the Princess)
  20. Is where I'm going to be (she will be)
  22. We will talk all about magic and what I've learned and seen (she will see)
  23. It is going to be so special as she takes time just for me!
  25. Anon:
  26. At the Gala (at the Gala) I'll taste the finer meats, but all this pony poontang has left me beat. I will find the perfect pussy and eat out at the Galaaaaaaaaaaaa! (At the Gala.)
  28. This will be the best night ever!
  29. Into the Gala we must go, we're ready now, we're all aglow
  30. Into the Gala, let's go in and have the best night ever
  31. Into the Gala, now's the time, we're ready and we look divine
  33. Fluttershy:
  34. Into the Gala, meet new friends
  35. Applejack:
  36. Into the Gala, sell some apples
  37. Rarity:
  38. Into the Gala, find my prince
  39. Rainbow Dash:
  40. Prove I'm great as a Wonderbolt is
  42. Fluttershy: To meet!
  43. Applejack: To sell!
  44. Rarity: To find!
  45. Rainbow Dash: To prove!
  46. Pinkie Pie: To woop!
  47. Anon: To dick!
  48. Twilight Sparkle: To talk!
  50. Into the Gala, into the Gala!
  51. And we'll have the best night ever!
  52. At the Gala!
  54. I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala
  56. I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala,
  57. I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala,
  58. I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala,
  59. It's all I ever dreamed.
  60. It's all I ever dreamed, woo hoo!
  61. It's all I ever dreamed, yippee!
  62. I'm at the Grand Galloping GalaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!
  64. It's all I've ever... dreamed?
  67. >An hour passes.
  68. >Shit, maybe the poon here just aint workin'.
  69. >You sit down at the bar and take a shot.
  70. "Hey, another."
  71. >Just as the bar tender leaves another shot on the table you hear a pony sit at you right.
  72. >It's Flutterbutter, she looks sad.
  73. "Hey Flutterbooboo, why the long face?"
  74. >"None of the animals like me."
  75. >You're kinda taken back by that, animals? Not liking Flutters?
  76. "What? Fluttershy, you are the nicest pony I know, anything living would love to be around you."
  77. >"Really Anon? Do you mean it?"
  78. "Of course I do."
  79. >You lift up your glass, she lifts hers.
  80. "Cheers."
  81. >"Thanks Anon."
  82. >She takes her shot and so do you.
  83. >She stares puzzled at her glass and then her eyes go wide all of the sudden.
  84. "I switched the glasses, force of habit"
  85. >She gives one final glare to you before passing out.
  86. >She should wake up in about an hour or two.
  87. >Just after you turn back to the counter another presence gains your attention on the left.
  88. >"Hey there big boy, how're you doing?"
  89. >A purple-ish white unicorn with a purple highlighted mane sits down next to you.
  90. "Doing good sweetheart, and you?"
  91. >"Oh, could be doing better."
  92. "Let's see if we can't fix that"
  93. >You hit her off with a few of the good stuff and loosen her up a bit.
  94. >You're working up a buzz, but this pony stuff is nothing against a human's poison resistance.
  95. >She on the other hand is starting to sway.
  96. >Turns out she had a same problem, no one wanted to fuck a girl who wasn't rich.
  97. >"Soo... so he starts gettin' all uppity and junk and just WALKS Of on me like that..."
  98. "I see, well ms.sparkle maybe we can both solve our problems."
  99. >"Oh... I see were your gettin' at. You wanna fug right? Benis in Bagina?"
  100. "Yeah, and with one of the back rooms rented we can spend the night away in leisure."
  101. >"I like the way you think, let's do it!"
  102. >You lead her into one of the luxury rooms that you rented for this occasion
  103. >Time to get kinky.
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