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Mar 12th, 2017
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  1. Level 1
  3. Bleed: This spell causes blood to pour out of the victim's nose, ears, and mouth, resulting in a slow death. This spell can easily be negated by magic resistance.
  5. Blood Burst: This spell causes the blood of multiple targets to explode, instantly killing any target. This spell requires a significant amount of blood, and can easily cause a single mage to pass out from blood loss should they attempt to cast it.
  7. Blood Heal: The mage sacrifices blood to heal themselves. If you sacrifice your own blood, the cut used to extract the blood will also be healed.
  9. Bind Imp: The mage summons and binds an imp familiar. This imp has free will, and can be commanded to go on missions on his own. Imps are tricksters, and will often cause trouble if left unattended.
  10. Bind Fiery Imp: Binds a fiery imp, straight from hell itself. Imps are tricksters, and will often cause trouble if left unattended.
  12. Blood Boil: The mage causes the blood inside a single target to boil. This spell causes pain and discomfort in the target, and can be cast without sacrificing blood.
  14. Level 2
  16. Banish Demon: The mage banishes a demon from the mortal realm. Often used against opponent summoners and blood mages in an effort to gain an advantage.
  18. Bind Bone Fiends: Summons and binds multiple bone fiends to service. Bone fiends are odd, skeletal creatures that appear like devils. They are often thought to be the skeletons of dead devils.
  20. Agony: The mage sacrifices blood in an extremely painful way, and this pain is transferred onto multiple targets.
  22. Bind Spine Devil: Summons and binds a single spine devil. Spine Devils are wingless demons with poisonous spines covering their bodies, and sharp claws.
  24. Bind Fiend: Summons and binds a single fiend. Fiends are charcoal black demons with long claws. Fiends are stealthy, and can easily phase into the shadows.
  26. Level 3
  28. Leaching Touch: If the mage touches a target, he will drain his life force and add it to his own, slowly killing the target and healing the mage.
  30. Cross Breeding: The mage brings together a multitude of creatures, from mice to giants, and breeds them in an attempt to produce horrifying and powerful creatures. Cross breeding is a difficult process, and most results die before they can ever be made use of.
  32. Bind Devil: Summons and binds a single devil.
  34. Bind Frost Fiend: Summons and binds a single frost fiend. Frost fiends are icy blue devils, that exude cold wherever they go.
  36. Infernal Circle: The mage creates a circle with seven symbols within it. This spell requires the blood of eight different victims, one for the circle, and one for each symbol within the circle. One the circle in complete, the mage can use it to unleash a large number of devils upon the mortal world. Some can be bound if the mage acts fast enough, but most will escape to wreak havoc on the world.
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