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appul salt

a guest
Jan 25th, 2015
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. appul: need something?
  3. appul: XD
  4. appul: or u gonna try to insult me :P
  5. anon <3 haruka ツ: the rainbow and friendship shit
  6. appul: wat about it
  7. anon <3 haruka ツ: what is it about
  8. anon <3 haruka ツ: like what
  9. anon <3 haruka ツ: even
  10. appul: ?
  11. appul: wat?
  12. appul: make sense
  13. anon <3 haruka ツ: what is it based off
  14. anon <3 haruka ツ: we are weebs
  15. anon <3 haruka ツ: not bronies
  16. anon <3 haruka ツ: Give this rose to everyone you want to anally devastate:
  17. _____/)___/)______./¯”“”/’)
  18. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\)¯¯\)¯¯¯’\_„„„„\)
  19. appul: u got bronies in ur group bud
  20. anon <3 haruka ツ: btw <3
  21. anon <3 haruka ツ: lol its a fucking joke lmfao
  22. appul is now Online.
  23. appul: So anyways
  24. appul: Ima go
  25. appul: :^)
  26. appul: See ya weeaboo
  27. appul is now Online.
  28. appul: What
  29. appul: Do
  30. anon <3 haruka ツ:
  31. appul: U
  32. appul: Want.
  33. anon <3 haruka ツ: prepare for ddos
  34. anon <3 haruka ツ:
  35. anon <3 haruka ツ:
  36. appul: Okay m8
  37. anon <3 haruka ツ:
  38. anon <3 haruka ツ: ip*
  39. anon <3 haruka ツ: uscared
  40. appul: XD goodluck
  41. appul: Nah not at all
  42. appul: Ik how it works u know. Btw
  43. appul: Hard to ddos someone when they're not connected to an IP :^)
  44. anon <3 haruka ツ: why are u so edgy and mad
  45. anon <3 haruka ツ: appul: i dont want to talk to pathetic sacks of shits
  46. appul: I thought i was salty :^)
  47. appul: What the fuck are u trying to gain from adding me?
  48. anon <3 haruka ツ: lol
  49. anon <3 haruka ツ: i was curios
  50. anon <3 haruka ツ: why u were so edgy
  51. anon <3 haruka ツ: and le b8
  52. anon <3 haruka ツ: :^)
  53. appul: Cuz skye is a peace of shit :^) besides
  54. appul: I hate weeaboos
  55. anon <3 haruka ツ: hes not thatbad
  56. anon <3 haruka ツ: i hate people that play trash music in ts
  57. anon <3 haruka ツ: and i hate normal fags
  58. appul: Lol okay then
  59. appul: I hope u kniw the music is intended to be trash
  60. anon <3 haruka ツ: ye
  61. appul: Its micspam anyways
  62. anon <3 haruka ツ: but still bad b8
  63. appul: Srsly tho
  64. anon <3 haruka ツ: wiley and skye are much better at spamming
  65. appul: U got family issues or something?
  66. anon <3 haruka ツ: yr
  67. appul: To be able to become.a weeaboo?
  68. anon <3 haruka ツ: im abused by my parents
  69. anon <3 haruka ツ: LOL i watched like two animes
  70. anon <3 haruka ツ: rofl
  71. anon <3 haruka ツ: and now im a weeaboo for watching two shows
  72. appul: Ye
  73. appul: Ur profile pic, the fact u hang out with those guys
  74. appul: A bunch of shit
  75. anon <3 haruka ツ: hf not understanding irony
  76. appul: To explain how.much a faggot u are
  77. anon <3 haruka ツ: and nuance
  78. anon <3 haruka ツ: lol
  79. anon <3 haruka ツ: haha
  80. appul: Lmao
  81. anon <3 haruka ツ: u stsly cant understand its a joke
  82. anon <3 haruka ツ: except for skye
  83. appul: I dont believe its a joke when u have a whole ts channel and steam profile dedicated to it
  84. appul: And tht the majority.of ur friends are weeaboos
  85. anon <3 haruka ツ: lol
  86. appul: Tht just makes u enough to be considered a faggoy :^)
  87. anon <3 haruka ツ: it took me like 5 mins to make the profile
  88. anon <3 haruka ツ: lol
  89. anon <3 haruka ツ: skye is the only weeb
  90. anon <3 haruka ツ: maybe lucas
  91. appul: Lol
  92. anon <3 haruka ツ: but not really
  93. anon <3 haruka ツ: wiley legit doesnt watch anime
  94. anon <3 haruka ツ: and adolf never has
  95. appul: Aight cool story bro, anyways, what did u try to gain from talking
  96. anon <3 haruka ツ: just try to understand why u were so mad
  97. anon <3 haruka ツ: for no reason
  98. anon <3 haruka ツ: and for le b8 :^)
  99. appul: As if ill tell u
  100. appul: Besides
  101. appul: :^) im actually enjoying myself
  102. anon <3 haruka ツ: rofl
  103. anon <3 haruka ツ: ofc its fun
  104. anon <3 haruka ツ: btw did u like the spam
  105. appul: Ye
  106. appul: I did
  107. anon <3 haruka ツ: ha
  108. appul: Was tht suppose to do something?
  109. anon <3 haruka ツ: but srsly are you ok
  110. anon <3 haruka ツ: i thought u might get
  111. anon <3 haruka ツ: sodium poising
  112. anon <3 haruka ツ: :^)
  113. appul: Lol giving u props for tht whack comeback :^)
  114. anon <3 haruka ツ: hey man
  115. anon <3 haruka ツ: i tried hard
  116. anon <3 haruka ツ: and came sofar
  117. appul: Look bruh, im gonna stick around a bit more cuz i have absolutely nothing better to do, but ur entire little crew is just starting to become a nuisance xD.and stop fucking calling me "man" im a goddamn girl, not ur bro....
  118. anon <3 haruka ツ: lol
  119. anon <3 haruka ツ: it wasnt on purpose
  120. anon <3 haruka ツ: "crew"
  121. anon <3 haruka ツ: "nuisance"
  122. anon <3 haruka ツ: stop oretending ur any better than us
  123. appul: I am
  124. appul: Trust me
  125. anon <3 haruka ツ: haha
  126. appul: I at least have a better purpose to live than u
  127. anon <3 haruka ツ: that is?
  128. appul: XD
  129. anon <3 haruka ツ: what is the reason that u live?
  130. anon <3 haruka ツ: werent u like depressed and wanted to kill urself
  131. appul: Tmi bud tmi xD
  132. appul: Nah bud
  133. anon <3 haruka ツ: isnt that why u talked to skye
  134. appul: No
  135. appul: Not at all
  136. appul: I failed to do what i wanted
  137. appul: Anyways
  138. appul: And now
  139. appul: Tht i have no use for tht shit
  140. appul: I want him gone
  141. anon <3 haruka ツ: why did u coe to our ts?
  142. appul: Hes a pathetic sore loser bruh
  143. appul: Tmi as well :^)
  144. anon <3 haruka ツ: did gromit give u our ip
  145. appul: Gromit told me to go to it, but he didnt give me the ip, someone did in ur group but im not revealing anything
  146. anon <3 haruka ツ: lo
  147. anon <3 haruka ツ: why are u pretending to be like the greatest b8
  148. appul: Im not saying im the greatest
  149. appul: Im just saying im better than u guys
  150. appul: :^)
  151. anon <3 haruka ツ: lolololololol
  152. appul: Tell me
  153. appul: What do u do
  154. appul: Other than hang with these guys
  155. appul: Huh?
  156. anon <3 haruka ツ: play cs
  157. appul: No need to overthink it :^)
  158. anon <3 haruka ツ: im on holiday rn
  159. anon <3 haruka ツ: nah im lagging
  160. anon <3 haruka ツ: on ipad rn
  161. anon <3 haruka ツ: with splashtop
  162. appul: XD
  163. anon <3 haruka ツ: what do u do lmfao
  164. anon <3 haruka ツ: besides b8ing
  165. appul: Tmi bruh tmi
  166. anon <3 haruka ツ: rofl
  167. appul: :^)
  168. anon <3 haruka ツ: so imguessing ur more of a loser than skye
  169. anon <3 haruka ツ: kkk
  170. appul: If u say so :^)
  171. appul: Anyways
  172. appul: If ur trying to protect skye
  173. appul: Its not working
  174. anon <3 haruka ツ: lol
  175. appul: Ill give u a minute to explain w.e u need to explain
  176. anon <3 haruka ツ: id dont even like him
  177. appul: Then im done
  178. anon <3 haruka ツ: lol
  179. anon <3 haruka ツ: im just b8ing
  180. appul: K then
  181. appul: Fuck off weeaboo :^)
  182. anon <3 haruka ツ: :^)
  183. anon <3 haruka ツ: stay salty
  184. anon <3 haruka ツ: so ethig something sodium
  185. appul: Yeep
  186. appul: Go die and kill yourself fag :) ur a sack of shit, nothing more
  187. appul is now Offline.
  188. appul is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
  189. anon <3 haruka ツ: HAHAGAHAHAHA
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