
2.55 Script Timing

Jan 6th, 2019
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  1. 2.55 Script Timing
  2. 1. Link Init
  3. 2. (If firstplay) Global Init
  4. 3. (else) Global Continue
  5. 4. FFCs by Screen Index (1 to 32)
  6. 5. Global Active (prior to Waitdraw)
  7. 6. Link Active  (prior to Waitdraw)
  8. 7. DMap (prior  to Waitdraw)
  9. 8. (item sprite script would be here, by screen index)
  10. 9. NPC Active (by screen index)
  11. 10. EWeapon Active (by screen index)
  12. 11. Clear script one-frame conditions: Clears HitBy[]
  13. 12. Link.animate() : During this function, global, Link, and DMap scripts are run during screen scrolling)
  14. 12a. Global active during scrolling
  15. 12b. Link active, during scrolling, waitdraw may apply
  16. 12c. DMap, during scrolling, waitdraw may apply
  17. 13. Item Collect Scripts
  18. 14. Item Action scripts
  19. 15. Continual item scripts, after first frame (ordered by item ID)
  20. 16. LWeapon scripts (by screen index)
  21. 17. WAITDRAW
  22. 18. Global Active (after Waitdraw pause)
  23. 19. Link Active (after Waitdraw pause)
  24. 20. DMap (after Waitdraw pause)
  25. 21.0. Global Exit  (if applicable)
  26. 21.1. Link Death (if applicable)
  27. 21.2.  Link Win (if Applicable)
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