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RP at the Inn

a guest
Feb 17th, 2013
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  1. The Black Flagon Inn. (lost) (Isle of Delos.) (21874) [-Iosyne-]
  2. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. A simple oaken bin that reads 'Empty Glasses Here' is here. A beautifully carved chess board is attached firmly to a heavy stand here. Hurriedly making her way between patrons, Rispina busies herself nearby. A plain wooden chest is here. A solid obsidian tankard has been forgotten here. A small wooden table is here, 4 simple oaken chairs have been placed at it. A circular oaken table is here, 4 oaken chairs have been placed at it. A square oaken table is here, 4 simple wooden chairs have been placed at it. Arbre Aquila dur Naya is here. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
  3. You see exits leading east, south, west, up, and down (hidden).
  5. You incline your head politely to Arbre.
  7. Arbre Aquila dur Naya says, "Morning."
  9. A comely barmaid expertly weaves between the various patrons of the inn holding a rather large platter of food aloft. Reaching the table, she places the dishes upon it with a smile, the delicious aroma of the food able to be smelled even from where you are.
  11. Moving behind the bartop, Haydyn smiles, "How're you? Anything I can get for you?"
  13. "I am well," Arbre says, "I do not eat and cannot drink lately, so I suppose I am simply sitting here. I have to leave the Oak occasionally."
  15. Haydyn nods with understanding, "The chapel is a bit quieter, if you're looking for a place of reflection, but here is best for people watching. Drunken people if you're lucky." Her gaze shifts abruptly to a patron who is hovering dangerously on the back two legs of an oak chair.
  17. Arbre gives you a half-smile. "Just relaxing," she says, "it is nice to be around others. I have seen little but mate and family as of late, truthfully." She relaxes in her chair, reaching up to push her hair out of her face.
  19. Haydyn murmurs softly, "I know that feeling." She returns her attentions to stacking away platters and drinking glasses behind the bartop, adjusting everything just so. A sudden crash causes her to wince, but without ever looking up she addresses the drunken young man who is currently sprawled on the floor, "When you're too drunk to remain seated, that's usually a good sign to stop, Cain."
  21. Arbre gives you an amused grin. "I have never done this serving of liquor and food," she says, "What is it like?" She cocks her head to the side in a rather canine manner, slitted eyes on you.
  23. Haydyn peers up over the bartop to address Arbre, "Rewarding usually. Partnering with Kerryn to open the Inn was one of the best moments in my life." She stands again, continuing to piddle behind the counter, but continuing, "I love to create dishes and things, so being here let's me do that."
  25. Kerryn enters from the west, riding an icy white, winged lion.
  27. Kerryn gracefully hops off of an icy white, winged lion.
  29. Kerryn presses the open palm of her left hand against the clenched fist of her right and bows respectfully to you.
  31. Haydyn laughingly questions Kerryn upon her entrance, "Were your ears burning?"
  33. "Maybe... I had to come and make sure you weren't selling me off." Kerryn comments with a faint smile.
  35. "So interesting," Arbre responds to you, giving Kerryn an acknowledging nod.
  37. Shaking her head, Haydyn jests, "Pretty sure we'd have to give you away, Sister."
  39. Kerryn offers Arbre a polite smile, "Greetings." she murmurs as she makes her way over to the bar.
  41. Idly, Arbre Aquila dur Naya says, "I could probably find uses for you. Not having a plethora of thralls to clean my house for me has gotten iresome."
  43. Auspicious Legacy, Abbess Kerryn Cardinalis says to Arbre Aquila dur Naya, "You might regret that, I'm a bit of a clutz."
  45. Haydyn's eyes widen and she shakes her head emphatically at Arbre, "You'd have half a house left."
  47. Kerryn blinks at you, "Half?" she snickers, "You're being generous, sister."
  49. Deadpan, you say, "I'm betting on someone noticing the smoke and saving the other half."
  51. Arbre snickers at the two, smiling comfortably.
  53. Kerryn's jaw drops open and she stares at you, "That's so mean..."
  55. Haydyn chuckles and directs Kerryn's attention by pointing out the newly cleaned glasses behind the bartop, "Oh hush. Now listen, I've rearraned the shot glasses and tankards, since we sell those more. The wine glasses needed moving back because they were getting knocked off the edge due to how light they are, I suppose."
  57. Arbre's eyes flick between the two, watching the exchange with curiosity.
  59. Kerryn's expression grows serious as she listens to you, "How many were broken?" she asks as she looks over the glasses on the bar.
  61. Haydyn runs through a quick tally on her fingers, "Found three myself earlier and Rispina said that she'd cleaned up near about ten in the last few weeks. Not a terrible amount, but easily fixed by rearranging."
  63. Kerryn nods slowly, "Thank you for catching it, Sister." she pauses and glances to Arbre, "Would you like something to drink?" she asks curiously.
  65. "I do not think so," Arbre responds, "I need to go fetch Ixena from her lessons, actually. If you have no issue with a child in your establishment, I would return."
  67. Haydyn shakes her head, "If you don't mind, we don't mind."
  69. "Children are always welcome." Kerryn says lightly.
  71. Arbre nods her head emphatically.
  73. Arbre leaves to the west.
  75. Arbre arrives from the west.
  77. As soon as she's in the doorway, Arbre releases the hand of a four-year-old girl who looks to be nearly her clone. The girl stares around in wonder for a moment while her mother returns to her seat, before walking boldly over to the bar, trying to get a better look at Kerryn and you.
  79. Perching on her crossed forearms, Haydyn smiles over the bartop at the young girl, "You must be Ixena."
  81. Kerryn smiles at the child, "Hello, dear one." she says before winking at you.
  83. "I am," the girl says boldly, "who are you?" Arbre gives a slight grin, relaxing as she watches the exchange.
  85. Spying a table void of patrons, a comely barmaid approaches it with a small bucket and a washrag. With practiced agility, she scrubs its surface with the rag before stepping back into the kitchen and returning without the bucket.
  87. "I'm Kerryn." Kerryn says before gesturing to you, "This is my sister, Haydyn.
  89. A comely barmaid expertly weaves between the various patrons of the inn holding a rather large platter of food aloft. Reaching the table, she places the dishes upon it with a smile, the delicious aroma of the food able to be smelled even from where you are.
  91. Winking, you say, "But we both answer to 'Hey lady!' on most cases."
  93. "Haydyn," Ixena repeats, "Kryn." "Kerryn," Arbre corrects her idly. Two more repetitions and the toddler has the pronunciation more or less correct.
  95. Haydyn pops her hands into the air, "Kerryn dear! We're being summoned!" She sweeps around the bartop and kneels down in front of the child, "Say... Are you hungry? If your mama doesn't mind, we've got quite a few nice little meals that you might like."
  97. "Well done, dear." Kerryn says gently before leaning down and whispering loudly, "It took Haydyn days to say my name right." Straightening she winks at you, "Summoned?" she asks, clearly confused.
  99. "Food!" Ixena says excitedly, you clearly in her good book. Arbre grins. "She does not like most of what I give her. I do not eat, so I do not know what she will think tastes well."
  101. A comely barmaid expertly weaves between the various patrons of the inn holding a rather large platter of food aloft. Reaching the table, she places the dishes upon it with a smile, the delicious aroma of the food able to be smelled even from where you are.
  103. Aithene arrives from the west.
  105. Haydyn ticks off foods with her fingers, "Let's see... We've got some nice fresh strawberries. My Tomasz loved those with a little dab of cream." Standing, she arranges her dress around her legs once more before leaning against the bar, "What else do we have tasty? Peanut butter toast was a favorite of Aryk, if I remember correctly."
  107. Aithene hovers near the entryway and her dark eyes seek out Arbre as she lifts a hand towards the clasp of her cloak.
  109. It almost looks like oil drips from Aithene as she rolls her shoulders to slip out of her cloak.
  111. In a stage whisper, Haydyn addresses the young girl standing at her side, "That's one of Kerryn's youngsters."
  113. Arbre smiles at Aithene from her place at an otherwise empty table. "Alpha," she acknowledges, scooting over a bit in an unnecessary gesture of invitation, "let the others play with her for a bit."
  115. "As you wish," Aithene replies smoothly to Arbre and as she sweeps across the floor, weaving between chairs, tables and various people in the bar, she shoots Kerryn and you a small smile. Finally, she eases down onto a seat beside Arbre, and her hand brushes across Arbre's own briefly in greeting before her dark eyes settle on Ixena, watching on in an almost protective manner.
  117. Spying a table void of patrons, a comely barmaid approaches it with a small bucket and a washrag. With practiced agility, she scrubs its surface with the rag before stepping back into the kitchen and returning without the bucket.
  119. You emit a sudden and excited, "Ooh!"
  121. You have emoted: Haydyn glances down at Ixena, "Grilled cheese sandwiches. You'd like that, I'd bet."
  123. Kerryn nods to you, "Demarcus likes the strawberries too, and you're right Aryk liked toast." she laughs a little. At hearing Aithene, Kerryn turns and smiles warmly to her, "Mother." she says before turning and moving to embrace Aithene.
  125. Aithene lifts an arm to drape it lazily around Kerryn's neck, "Hello sweetie," she murmurs softly by Kerryn's ear.
  128. "What's a strawberries?" Ixena asks, cocking her head to the side in a manner similar to Arbre . "What -is- a -strawberry-, Ixena," her mother corrects.
  130. "She said it cuter," Aithene quips as she releases Kerryn and glances at Arbre out the corner of her eye.
  132. Arbre surreptitiously drives her elbow into Aithene.
  134. Kerryn smiles at Aithene, "How are you, mother?" she asks gently.
  136. "I'm really well, thank you," Aithene replies gently and then adds as comprehension filters into her eyes, "Your father says hello." As Aithene leans to the side to gently grab Arbre's elbow, she glances around at everyone before asking, "How are all of you?"
  138. Haydyn plucks a red berry from her cache and kneels down before the little girl, "This is a strawberry. You eat the red part, but not this little green tuft. That's where you hold it." Holding it up, Haydyn nods her head, "You can taste a little bite to make sure you like it, if you want."
  140. Ixena leans forward and nearly bites off your fingers as she bites down. Arbre opens her mouth to chastise the girl, but gives up before even trying.
  142. "I spoke briefly with him when he woke earlier." Kerryn comments with a frown, "Didn't get a chance to kick his shin though." she gives a slight shrug, "I'm alright." she adds quietly with a glance to Ixena and you.
  144. Haydyn laughs and pulls back the strawberry stem, the entire berry gone. "Well so much for a little taste! But that's quite alright." Standing to grab a plate from behind the counter, "So how does it taste? Would you like more?"
  146. Ixena nods furiously, her mouth still full to the brim of strawberry. "Swallow, and then respond politely," comes Arbre's voice.
  148. "I see where I learnt my manners when I first came to you," Aithene murmurs lightly to Arbre as she continues to watch the young girl fondly. Her eyes are finally drawn to Kerryn, "He deserves a kick in the shin."
  150. "Well, he is a man." Kerryn says lightly.
  152. Arbre grins broadly at Kerryn, though says nothing. Ixena swallows hard and, with a mouth already stained red, says, "Yes please!"
  154. Volmarion arrives from the west.
  156. Aithene's back stiffens a little as she tenses beside Arbre and her dark eyes slide to Volmarion, but she remains silent.
  158. Haydyn resumes her motions with the plate again, smiling at the girl, "Very polite. Your mama has taught you well." Soon, Haydyn has a small pile of strawberries piled on the plate, stems gone. A dollop of whipped cream adorns the top of the pile. She bends to pick up the child, setting her toolbox on the barstool before helping Ixena onto it. She hands her a fork and slides the plate in front of her with a grin, "Enjoy, little one."
  160. "Volmareeeeon!" Ixena says, pointing to Volmarion as if for you and Kerryn's benefit before she gets herself lost in the berries. "Volmarion," Arbre corrects dryly. Ixena ignores her completely.
  162. Volmarion smiles softly at the girls outburst before finding an empty chair and settling himself. "How are all of you?" he asks.
  164. Haydyn twirls around from the counter, smiling at the newest patron, "Greeting, stranger. Doing well here."
  166. Kerryn offers Volmarion a polite smile, "Hello, Volmarion."
  168. Aryanne arrives from the west.
  170. Aryanne sucks in a quick breath of alarm and surprise as she looks over the patrons of the Inn and quickly scuffles back and darts out the door once again.
  172. Aryanne leaves to the west.
  174. Kerryn blinks.
  176. Volmarion tilts his head to you and remarks, "You seem chipper, it is great to see you energetic.
  177. "
  179. Spying a table void of patrons, a comely barmaid approaches it with a small bucket and a washrag. With practiced agility, she scrubs its surface with the rag before stepping back into the kitchen and returning without the bucket.
  181. Volmarion scratches his head in confusion.
  183. You see Arbre yell, "Get back in here."
  185. Aryanne arrives from the west.
  187. Arbre looks over to Aryanne with a smile. "You managed to dress yourself," she says with a grin. Gesturing over to the bar, she indicates a young girl who is currently stuffing her face with strawberries. "Ixena Aquila.
  189. Kerryn turns to Aithene, "Can I get you something to drink, Mother?"
  191. Haydyn turns back to the young girl, managing to dart in and wipe a smear of whipped cream from the end of her nose, "Those must be tasty. I'd say we found a favorite of yours."
  193. Osmond enters from the west, riding a Jaziran stallion.
  195. "I should return to the hunt," Aithene says quietly and she rises from the seat. As she moves, her hand finds Arbre's shoulder, which she squeezes gently before she weaves around to Kerryn to plant a small kiss on her daughter's cheek, "No need, no need," she assures Kerryn.
  197. Osmond Deschaine says to you, "I bought you one of these as well."
  199. Osmond gives a box of chocolates to you.
  201. Aryanne shuffles back in with a shy smile to Arbre, her hands clinging to the sides of her dress as she approaches her and stares wide-eyed at the indicated girl. "It's cute? I rather think?"
  203. Osmond shrugs helplessly.
  205. Osmond leaves to the west, riding a Jaziran stallion.
  207. "-She-," Arbre says firmly. She pushes at the chair Aithene abandoned in indication for Aryanne.
  209. Kerryn smiles warmly at Aithene, "Be well, mother." she murmurs. "Perhaps we can talk later?"
  211. Aithene ducks her head into a small nod and, as she shoves a hand through the dark strands of her hair, she walks towards the exit of the Inn, sweeping up her cloak as she passes it, "Be well, all of you," she calls absently over her shoulder.
  213. The sound of feathers ruffling together lifts into the air as Aithene throws a deeply hooded cloak around her shoulders.
  215. Aryanne slinks awkwardly into the offered seat, climbing up with her hands and feet in a slight scramble, her eyes never leaving the small girl. "Did you... rather... make her all yourself then? Or?"
  217. Aithene leaves to the west.
  219. Haydyn steps aside holding the box of chocolates as though it may vanish as quickly as her ex-husband did through the doorway.
  221. "She is mine," is all Arbre answers.
  223. Kerryn looks to you, concern evident in her emerald gaze.
  225. Volmarion frowns softly, his gaze settling on the box in your hands.
  227. Spying a table void of patrons, a comely barmaid approaches it with a small bucket and a washrag. With practiced agility, she scrubs its surface with the rag before stepping back into the kitchen and returning without the bucket.
  229. Aryanne allows her eyes to cut to Arbre for a few moments to ask, "Did you... become rather gelatinous and bubble up a small clump before reforming into proper-Aquila, and this was your left arm before or some-such?" at that she looks back at the young girl with curiosity, explaining her question, "She does look rather oddly like you."
  231. Volmarion's eyes sparkle with amusement as he gazes upon Aryanne.
  233. Arbre gives Aryanne the -look- that motherhood has instilled upon her in perfection.
  235. Aryanne despite her lack of attention to Arbre, shies under the stare and mumbles quietly, "Alright, suppose you rather had her the normal way."
  237. Haydyn hastily shoves the box into her pack, shaking her head to clear her thoughts. Returning her attention to Ixena, she observes an empty plate and satisfied looking young girl.
  239. Kerryn tells you, "Are you alright, sister?"
  241. "What do you say?" Arbre says to the girl in a forceful tone. "Thank you!" Ixena beams, sticking her fingers in her mouth to clean them off.
  243. You tell Auspicious Legacy, Abbess Kerryn Cardinalis, "I am. He's just returning the favor is all. Nothing more, I'm fairly certain."
  245. Kerryn tells you, "If you need to get away..."
  247. "Well mannered indeed." Volmarion remarks, his expression nostalgic.
  249. Haydyn smiles brightly, the previously clouded expression gone without a trace, "I think I've got a better idea, dear." With quick and precise movements that one only gains with rearing her own children, Haydyn gently wipes the girl's mouth and sticky fingers to remove all traces of red berries and whipped cream.
  251. Melodically, you say, "Tada! All clean."
  253. Volmarion smiles at you.
  255. Ixena fusses a bit against the attention before giving a large yawn. "Thank you for taking care of her, Miss Haydyn," Arbre says, "I may start sending her to you every mealtime."
  257. Kerryn smiles slowly as she watches you with Ixena.
  260. Aryanne watches you tend to Ixena with a wary curiosity, never relaxing back in the chair. As if only just recognizing Volmarion's presence, Aryanne says suddenly, "Oh! And hello there."
  262. Leaning on one elbow, "Well I don't think either of us would mind that very much, would we Miss Ixena?" Haydyn muses as she smiles fondly at the girl.
  264. A comely barmaid deftly approaches a rather rambunctious table whose yelling and cantankerous hollering can easily be heard from anywhere in the inn wielding four flagons by the handles in each hand. "Another round?" she asks with a grin before supplying the hollering lot with their alcohol.
  266. Volmarion laughs softly, his eyes moving to Aryanne as he replies, "Hey there Aryanne."
  268. Ixena beams at you with a tired look before turning her attention to Arbre . "Mother," she says clearly, holding out her arms.
  270. Aryanne looks down at Ixena's demand and slides quickly off the chair, "Do you need to - erm? It rather looks like it needs holding? Or walking? You're supposed to hold children and walk around with them, aye?"
  272. Arbre stands up, moving over to pick up Ixena. "If you call her an it one more time I am going to groinrip you, Aryanne," she says sharply.
  274. Volmarion snickers softly.
  276. Kerryn walks over to you, lightly she bumps her shoulder against your and smiles at you.
  278. Aryanne opens her mouth to retort but quickly snaps it shut, thinking better of her reply before it slips out. Instead she steps forward and thruts her hand up toward Ixena and greets herself formally "I am Miss Aryanne. It is quite an honour to meet you, Tiny Miss Aquila."
  280. Kerryn looks to Volmarion, "How have you been?"
  282. Volmarion tilts his head toward Kerryn. "Oh, well enough I suppose. And you?"
  284. "Missarry Anne," Ixena repeats badly, grasping Aryanne's hand to play with it. "She has pretty eyes," the girl says, looking to Arbre .
  286. "Staying busy, so well enough, I suppose." Kerryn answers Volmarion. "Can I get you something to drink?" she asks.
  288. Volmarion grins wickedly and says teasingly, "Give her a couple months and she'll be as tall as you Aryanne." before he turns to Kerryn again. "Happen to have any tea?"
  290. "And weigh twice as much," Arbre says with a grunt, lowering the girl to her feet.
  292. Aryanne clenches her jaw firmly as her hand stiffens in the smaller girl's hand. Her eyes shoot wide and lock steady to the hands now clasping her own, oblivious to those are her. She manages to squeak between her teeth in a high-pitched reply, "Aye - your mother's eyes quite nice."
  294. Kerryn frowns, "I could brew some."
  296. Volmarion shakes his head. "Don't trouble yourself, I'll have a cup of vortex instead."
  298. "No, yours," Ixena says, patting her hand on Aryanne's hip. "Miss. Ary-anne," Arbre sounds out for the girl, who repeats it, much closer to correct this time.
  300. Haydyn snaps from her reverie, tucking the rag into her pack.
  302. Kerryn gives a black cup, hollowed from obsidian to Volmarion.
  304. Volmarion smiles at Kerryn.
  306. Aryanne nods slowly, eyes still wide with alarm as she nearly jumps at the pat, replying quickly,
  307. "Oh! That's! That's rather nice of you to say, Tiny Aquila-Miss!"
  309. "I think it is time for us to go to bed," Arbre says to Ixena. The girl replies, "Is Meyvitch going to be there? I want to sleep with you." Arbre shakes her head, and her voice is just shy of chastising. "He is not, but you will be sleeping in your own bed. We have been over this already." She pauses, looking up to Aryanne. "Did you need anything before I go, dear?"
  311. A comely barmaid expertly weaves between the various patrons of the inn holding a rather large platter of food aloft. Reaching the table, she places the dishes upon it with a smile, the delicious aroma of the food able to be smelled even from where you are.
  313. Aryanne nods quickly, asking, "Could you show me where I might buy some shoes? I'm all but out."
  315. Arbre nods her head at Aryanne.
  317. Arbre Aquila dur Naya says to you, "Thank you again for feeding her."
  319. Aryanne nods once curtly in farewell to Volmarion before falling in line behind Arbre.
  321. Haydyn smiles to Arbre, "It was more than a pleasure. She's a treat to entertain."
  323. Volmarion smiles at Arbre.
  325. Slipping her hands into a pair of djerite claws, Arbre adjusts the straps to fit and briefly clenches her hands.
  327. Arbre's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
  329. Aryanne leaves to the west following Arbre.
  331. Volmarion exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from his lungs.
  333. Volmarion takes a sip of a bright azure cocktail, sugar-spiked layers swirling in the glass in a miniature whirlpool.
  335. Volmarion rubs the top of head his softly. "That was a bigger group than I anticipated...
  336. "
  338. Auspicious Legacy, Abbess Kerryn Cardinalis says to Volmarion Starion, Vintal Wanderer, "What's wrong?"
  340. Volmarion smiles wryly.
  342. Auspicious Legacy, Abbess Kerryn Cardinalis says, "As do I, truth be told."
  344. Volmarion tilts his head thoughtfully to you. "Why so quiet hon?" he asks.
  346. Haydyn stifles a yawn, "Not used to entertaining so much anymore."
  348. Kerryn smiles at you.
  350. Volmarion's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
  352. Volmarion Starion, Vintal Wanderer says to you, "Get used to it, gonna be seeing more groups I think."
  354. Auspicious Legacy, Abbess Kerryn Cardinalis says to you, "Should go get some rest."
  356. Auspicious Legacy, Abbess Kerryn Cardinalis says to Volmarion Starion, Vintal Wanderer, "Really think so?"
  358. Volmarion nods his head at Kerryn.
  360. <Blah blah blah. Hayday leaves to her haven because Iā€™m exhausted at this point.>
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