
Kid Murphy

May 5th, 2015
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  1. Name: Kid Murphy
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: (Teenage Colt) Earth Pony
  4. Hits: 6/6
  5. Class: Tracker
  6. Talent: Two crossed revolvers: Crit range -1 on Ranged attacks
  7. Skills:
  8. -Strong(racial): passive; Your sheer physical strength is a thing of wonder, enabling great feats in times of need. You can lift, carry, push and pull heavier loads than others, and can roll to lift/move extremely heavy things.
  9. -Tough(racial): passive; You are particularly hardy and tough, making you difficult to bring down. Your hit and wound maximums are increased by 1 (6 each without other modifiers).
  10. -Earth Pony Way(bonus racial): Being born without a horn or wings has taught you how to spend more time and effort in the things you do. You can pick one skill and gain a +1 bonus. This does not include non-skill actions like melee attacks or recovering from helplessness.
  11. (+1 Repeating Fire)
  12. -Custom Job: Passive, your weapon, regardless of type, also counts as Ranged, and your basic attacks benefit from Trick Ammo
  13. -Marksman Shot: recharge 3, requires ranged weapon, weapon; autocrits (any success is critical), benefits from Trick Ammo
  14. -Repeating Fire: Requires ranged weapon, Recharge 1 after combo ends. You gain +1 to your next Repeating Fire roll for every successful Repeating Fire you land. This resets when you miss or crit. Benefits from Trick Ammo.
  15. -Trick Ammo Instant Automatic, recharge 1; Adds an additional effect to a skill that can benefit from it (Marksman Shot, Custom Job, Repeating Fire or Barrage). This effect can be any of the following ,but they all share the same recharge.
  16. -Silence: On hit, the enemy cannot cast a spell next two turns
  17. -Knockout: On hit, the enemy is unable to counterattack next turn, and is considered helpless, but does not lose a wound.
  18. -Split: Hits 2 targets at once
  20. Inventory:
  21. - "The Dancer and The Priest": Two single action revolvers (Custom Job, Dual/Ranged, 6 Shots each)
  22. -Two Speedloaders
  23. -Box of .45 Caliber bullets (x50)
  24. -"Old Scratch": Double barrel 12 Gauge Shotgun (break action, takes 1 turn to reload) (Custom Job, Great/Ranged)
  25. -Bandoleer of 12 Gauge Buckshot(x24)
  26. -Bowie Knife(Fencing/Ranged if thrown)
  28. -Black "Ten gallon" Cowboy Hat
  29. -Bolo Tie
  30. -Red neckerchief
  31. -Ragged Poncho
  32. -Bag of Tobacco
  33. -Cigarette Papers
  34. -Pouch of Buffalo Healing Powder
  35. -Matches
  36. -Bitpouch(2 bits to rub together)
  37. -Waterskin(Half Full)
  38. -Tenderbox
  39. -Flint and Steel
  40. -Iron Skillet
  41. -Can of Beans
  42. -Bedroll
  44. Traits:
  45. An young earth pony with a brown coat, black mane and tail, with dark eyes usually covered by the brim of a cowboy hat. Wears a dusty poncho and bandoleer. This pony is very young, barley grown out of being a colt.
  47. Backstory:
  50. "Howdy there dammit! Reckon y'all wanna hear all bout Kid Murphy ain't ya? Well put them kids to bed and cover mee-maw's ears 'cause this one's a doosey, ain't no Sunday church sermon no siree! See it all started during a Buffalo Attack when ma birthed my wretched little hide right in the middle of the wagon train! Yep! Her water done broke and nearly dang froze her t' the wagon seat while them arrows were flying nearly every which way! Haha! So my real Pa wern't never round as it turned out, my Ma told me my daddy was a crazy bootlegger and he got killed in that there buffalo attack and well....hehe my Step-daddy? I done killed that bastard that dared called himself my Step-Daddy. See Ma married a rich city slicker and that old bastard sure did have a belt arm! Woowee! Whipped my hide raw for not showing up for school, ya know I ain't never been much for booklarning. One day I find out where he hides his revolver at, and I shoot him down stone dead at the tender age of three! True story!"
  52. "Well after flooring step-daddy Ma ran away with some other lowlife scum and I left Manehatten to fulfill my destiny back out west! Becomin' a lowlife scu- er I mean OUTLAW! Started small robbing unprotected carriages, robbing mail carriers, and sooner or later folks started hearing bout Old Kid Murphy and yours truly ended up gathering a little gang of jackasses to follow him on his merry escapades! Hell some of them were REAL JACKASSES! haha! Oh yeah *ahem* except for your's truly. So we started knockin over the big scores, trains, banks, traveling carnivals, ya know. Eventually Kid Murphy, yours truly, done got a bounty for 10,000 bits on his handsome and well shaped head. Posted right there on the Dodge City county sheriff's office! And in Appleoosea too! Shucks, makes me blush just thinkin' bout it."
  54. "Well the coppers done killed all my gang one day, even all the Jackasses can you believe?! Ambushed us durin a train robbery we thought was a Travellin' Carnival......but really was fourteen lawponies armed to the teeth! Boy were we surprised! We managed to take down nearly all of 'em 'fore all six of my amigos went down in a hail of bullets an glory I'll never forget wheew! And ya know I'd say I was lucky to get outta that mess alive but really it comes down to a matter a skill. And brother I got the skill! Two bullets left I split the hairline of one on the left and winged the last one but didn't kill 'em. Instead I gave 'em the gentleman's salute, and jumped train. Boy they tell ya'll to tuck and roll when ya hop outta a movin' train car, but what they don't tell ya is t' make sure that there train ain't headin over a bridge, and you ain't bout to jump into the dang ol' ravine! YEEEHAW!"
  56. "Well I float down the river a ways till I get lodged on some rocks and I reckon I musta stayed beached up on them rocks for 'bout a day an' a half till some tribal buffalo come outta the scrub and drag me back to their village. They fix me up right and nice, broken ribs an' everything usin' their spooky hoodoo magic! Well I stayed for a day longer and talked to their shaman. He told me some tall tale 'bout how I gotta travel to the land of the risin' sun across the western ocean. Told me that an' sent me on my way! Heck I ain't gonna argue, in fact it's a great idea! Prolly got a 100,000 bit bounty on my head now so I might as well get the hell outta Dodge, City that is. You know them buffalo is alright by me, I don't even care if they did shoot my bootleggin daddy dead with an arrow!"
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