
Uplift RPG Session #40

Nov 18th, 2017
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  1. We last left off with Mart and Fred breaking into a train depo and making out with a secret black box and a srage gun and what appears to be electric gold.
  2. Axl Greez: "Well... You got paid, Fred. Less you wanna make a bit more money for yer family, you should git goin'."
  3. Fred decides to go since he isnt here.
  4. Axl Greez: ( 48K for him. )
  5. Mr. Ryo Gato: I use my tiger eyes to see that Maurius is augmented. Do I need to roll for that?
  6. Martaues: ( Any local fences I have contact with? I want an estimation on that electric gold. )
  7. Gaven C. (GM): No.
  8. Martaues roll to see if ya got contacts near.
  9. Martaues: rolling 1d100
  10. (
  11. 93
  12. )
  13. = 93
  14. ( I got 93 of them nearby )
  15. Mr. Ryo Gato: Brain check?
  16. Martaues: Hey Edward
  17. Mr. Ryo Gato: Eddie!
  18. FireHeart: (is that fred)
  19. Martaues: Ah, you character now has 48K.
  20. Edward H.: FINALLY!
  21. Mr. Ryo Gato: (The fredderoni, the san fran treat.
  22. Edward H.: Reloading my computer over and over again!
  23. Gaven C. (GM): One of your contacts is near the club and you call him to visit the club.
  24. Edward H.: So, did I miss anything?
  25. Gaven C. (GM): Nope
  26. Mr. Ryo Gato: Nah.
  27. Mr. Ryo Gato: (I was hoping to duel Maurius at some point during the game to practice my martial skill.)
  28. (Because that's what motivates my character.)
  29. Martaues: ( Feel free to ask whenever. )
  30. LayLee: "What is it that you have that you wish to sell mister Martaues?"
  31. George Di Niro: (so gaven's gm now?)
  32. Mr. Ryo Gato: Fox man, I see you have cyborgnetics. I'd really like to spar with someone with such power.
  33. Gaven C. (GM): (I do from time to time.)
  34. Martaues: "A particular set of bars. They appear gold, but have currents of electricity going between the bars and on the surface."
  35. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Yep. I have a cold and can't think. Also it's a big part of testing to have someone other than the author GM.)
  37. Martaues briefly glances at the unicorn's guard. "Business first... But I need to practice too... Outside will be fine."
  38. George Di Niro: (ah ok would you say enough time has come around for my mental health to heal since I have psychology?)
  39. Mr. Ryo Gato: (I would say so, what do you think, GM?)
  40. LayLee: "I'm sure what your holding isnt gold, BUT it could be of something of same or greater value."
  41. Fred Actaeon: "Huh, sorry. I got lost in my thoughts."
  42. Gaven C. (GM): (It's been a month so I guess 30 mp.)
  43. Martaues: "Thought the same. I'm hoping it isn't explosive like my associate thought. But considering its transportation, I thought otherwise."
  44. "What's your price for a contact who knows and is willing to buy 'em?"
  45. George Di Niro: (ok that's makes me back to hundred)
  46. Fred Actaeon: Martaues, is anyone else here?
  47. Martaues: "Unless you want to buy them here and now."
  48. Gaven C. (GM): brb
  49. Martaues: ( Ryo is here, GM's character. Otherwise, no on else is here. )
  50. ( *Gator's character )
  51. Fred Actaeon: (OK)
  52. So, where are you from, Ryo?
  53. George Di Niro: (ok kool)
  54. Martaues: ( You were handed the 48K for the job done. )
  55. Fred Actaeon: (I recorded that, yes).
  56. Mr. Ryo Gato: "I am from Lei'Kunn. I left when I learned of martial arts."
  57. Fred Actaeon: I'm a retired gymist myself.
  58. Mr. Ryo Gato: "My name is Ryo, what is yours?"
  59. Fred Actaeon: Fred.
  60. LayLee: "I guess any sorta shady power plant or energy weapon manufacturer would have need for this. Also who did you accquire this from?"
  61. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Hello, Fred. Do you know how to fight?"
  62. Martaues: "Train job for an associate. Took this and anything else of value to avoid any links to him."
  63. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Ah yes, the infamous energy black market. Selling cheap gigawatts.)
  64. FireHeart: (lol)
  65. Martaues: ( What's the name of the train yard? )
  66. Gaven C. (GM): (Thomas)
  67. Mr. Ryo Gato: ( )
  68. Martaues: "It was stationed at Thomas train yard. Don't know who runs it or who the original sender of the bars were."
  69. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Oh, sorry, that was alot o swearing.
  70. Fred Actaeon: brb
  71. Gaven C. (GM): "If anything the best place would to sell it would be Lycoon or whatever that Commie hellhole is, they could probably use it as a cover up for an eletrcicity plant when they're making Shanky logos tier weaponry."
  72. Martaues: "Thank you. Will 5K suffice?"
  73. ( Unsure if that's more than enough or is like pissing pennies at a hooker. )
  74. Mr. Ryo Gato: (That sounds painful.)
  75. Gaven C. (GM): "I'll take payment in one of those bars if you wont mind."
  76. Martaues: "Hm. Fine. Be warned, it came in a particular crate. I don't know if it's volatile or dangerous outside of it or not."
  77. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Subtle way of "Wear a dentist apron if you plan on having kids.")
  79. Martaues puts the crate between himself and LayLee, removing the lid for LayLee to retrieve a bar.
  80. LayLee talks a bar and walks out with it.
  81. Martaues: ( Well sheit, was gonna ask 'em about the gun too. Oh well, will do that in Russia. )
  82. ( How many bars are left? )
  83. Fred Actaeon: hi
  84. (back)
  85. Gaven C. (GM): *19 I guess)
  86. Heyo
  87. Fred Actaeon: (Russia?)
  88. Mr. Ryo Gato: brb for a sec.
  89. Gaven C. (GM): (It's Lei-Kuhn.)
  90. Martaues: ( LayLee says Lycoon will be a place to look for buyers and is a commie hellhole. )
  91. Head to Lei-Kuhn, and if so how?
  92. Martaues: ( Is it possible to reach it by taxi? )
  93. ( Also wait, Ryo wanted to duke it out. )
  94. Gaven C. (GM): (Like by plane, boat, legally Illegally.)
  95. Fred Actaeon: "So, how are we going to travel, Mart?"
  96. Martaues: ( A boat illegally might work, might find some info regarding a contact in Lycoon on the boat too. )
  97. ( But then again, boat-cops. )
  98. rolling 1d2
  99. (
  100. 1
  101. )
  102. = 1
  103. ( Illegal plane. )
  104. ( Will be going to Lycoon in an illegal plane. )
  105. "Plane sounds safer. As long as the pilot keeps out of restricted airlines and finds a safe place to land, we should get there without trouble."
  106. Martaues: "Is gonna burn a damn hole in my pocket though..." Martaues mutters.
  107. ( Anyway, fight with Ryo? )
  108. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah, wait for him to return)
  109. Gaven C. (GM): Well fight being skiped due to afkness.
  110. Fred Actaeon: brb
  111. Martaues: There he is
  112. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Still brb, guests)
  113. Martaues: Never mind then
  114. FireHeart: lol
  115. George Di Niro: lol
  116. Gaven C. (GM): Martaues you meet up with one of your contact that works in smuggling drugs and other illegal stuff across the boarders.
  117. Martaues: "Good day. I'm lookin' for transport to Lycoon. How much for a seat?"
  118. FlyBy: "4000 per head."
  119. Martaues: ( Guessing Fred and Ryo are tagging along. Shame they're out at the moment. )
  120. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  122. Martaues transfers 12k to FlyBy and nods back to the deer and tiger. "They're with me."
  123. FlyBy: "Why ya smuggling yourself in that hellhole?"
  124. Martaues: "Same reason as you, friend. Profit."
  125. FireHeart: ( that was kind of you) ( unless your going to make fred pay up l8r)
  126. FlyBY: "All righty then, next stop Lei-Kuhn."
  127. Martaues: ( He's paying with extra hands and labor. )
  128. FireHeart: (lol)
  129. Martaues: ( Ah shit, we're in China. )
  130. ( Ah, was I able to garner any leads from FlyBy on who I can meet up with? )
  131. Gaven C. (GM): (MAybe Roll with mind and smoozing.)
  132. Martaues: ( Unfortunately I don't got any schmoozing. )
  133. rolling 1d100+25
  134. (
  135. 13
  136. )+25
  137. = 38
  138. FireHeart: (fits with the yakuza theme XD)
  139. Martaues: ( I think a 38 is translated as "Not my problem, you figure it out." )
  140. FlyBy keeps his mouth shut as he doesn't care.
  142. Martaues doesn't press the question any further.
  143. Martaues: ( Right then. )
  144. Lei-Kuhn! A place of Socalism and Exophobia.
  145. Martaues: ( Is there a weapons shop or electronics store nearby? )
  146. ( Time to do some footwork. )
  147. Gaven C. (GM): (No guns stores here.)
  148. Martaues: ( Right, China. )
  149. ( Assuming airsoft or fake gun stores aren't a thing here either. )
  150. Fred Actaeon: (back)
  151. Gaven C. (GM): There are spa's, noodle shops and a general store.
  152. Martaues: ( You're in China now. )
  153. Fred Actaeon: (sorry, had to refil deey fryer.)
  154. Martaues: ( You working and playing via phone? )
  155. Fred Actaeon: (no, laptop)
  156. Martaues: ( Anyway, let's check out the general store. Spa can be next. )
  157. Fred Actaeon: (So, where are we?)
  158. Martaues: ( Cool. You a manager? Can't see a restaurant or fast food worker getting away with a laptop )
  159. FireHeart: ( the equivalent of CHina)
  160. Martaues: ( Martaues bought tickets to China to sell electric gold. )
  161. FireHeart: ( Lei-Kuhn)
  162. Fred Actaeon: (No, got a deep fryer for my home on my birthday)
  163. Martaues: ( I assume you and Ryo tagged along, so I paid for your tickets. )
  164. ( Cool. )
  165. Fred Actaeon: (Haven't baked chicken tenders or fries ever sense. Don't worry, I use peanut oil)
  166. You enter the shop and see that the cashier is givving you a nasty look.
  167. Fred Actaeon: (so what is our mission again?)
  168. Gaven C. (GM): (Sell the thunder gold to a nuke maker or weapon company.)
  170. Martaues tries to avoid returning a similar look. "Hello. What do you sell here?" Martaues asks, trying to start some form of conversation.
  171. Chin: Bading "Herro There cough Gagine cough what makes you come to this hurmble store?"
  172. FireHeart: ( Chin really )
  173. ( HERRO XD)
  174. Fred Actaeon: (i have level 1 negotiation. Can I join in?)
  175. Martaues: "I'm looking for something in particular. I'm... not to sure if it's here... Do you have anything in the back, perhaps?" Martaues asks, quietly showing his chip card.
  176. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  177. Martaues: ( Hope dirty money and thieving bastards is a common language that connects us here. )
  178. ( Go ahead. )
  179. Fred Actaeon: "Yeah, we have something... special."
  180. Chin: "Spa upward Gajine perv! This General store."
  181. Gaven C. (GM): (roll?)
  182. Fred Actaeon: Oh, right.
  183. rolling d100+35
  184. (
  185. 56
  186. )+35
  187. = 91
  188. Martaues: ( Your call on what to say to try and win him over. )
  189. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 20
  190. (
  191. 61
  192. )+20
  193. = 81
  194. Fred Actaeon: I say " "Yeah, we have something... special."
  195. BTW, I rolled Str. by mistake.
  196. Martaues: ( What's your mind bonus then? )
  197. ( And you have a strength of 7? )
  198. ( High stuff for a pacifist. )
  199. Fred Actaeon: No, it's 5.
  200. FireHeart: ( this is his stats Strength:5 Agility:8 Mind:6)
  201. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+30+10
  202. (
  203. 58
  204. )+30+10
  205. = 98
  206. Chin: "OH, SHOP CLOSING."
  207. Chin shuts the shop down.
  208. Martaues: ( Ryo's locked out. )
  209. Chin: "Rhat you selling foriner Gajin."
  210. Mr. Ryo Gato: ("Oh hey did you hear about my accident?" "Oh yeah, that's why you get a background check on dates" I'm back.)
  211. Do I roll?
  212. FireHeart: (standing guard)
  213. Martaues: "Don't have a name for them. They look gold, but have electricity running through them."
  214. Mr. Ryo Gato: So we are in Uplift Asia?
  215. (My character suddenly says for some reason.)
  216. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah. Or at least the Lei-Kuhn asia.)
  218. Martaues fishes out a bar with his augmented arm and shows it to Chin.
  219. Martaues: ( Not very good moves I'm making here, but it's either that or pansy footing around until a safe path is made. )
  220. Chin: "Oh my I see you're into the suppling the homeland."
  221. Martaues: "Hm. I know what they're called at home, but I hear they're something else here. What are they called?"
  222. ( Should I roll to lie? )
  223. Gaven C. (GM): (sure.)
  224. Martaues: rolling 1d100+25
  225. (
  226. 63
  227. )+25
  228. = 88
  229. Mr. Ryo Gato: My character whispers, "Deflect and lie!"
  230. Martaues: ( This way I can keep up appearances. Look like I know what the stuff is and what it's worth. )
  231. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 20
  232. (
  233. 88
  234. )+20
  235. = 108
  236. Martaues: ( Or get fucked. )
  237. Mr. Ryo Gato: "We are neutral!"
  238. I whisper to him.
  239. Martaues: ( Space-China can nuke itself and both Space-Korea's for all I care. I'm just doing my job. )
  240. Chin: "So stupid Gajin and traitor don't even know what the sell?"
  241. Martaues frowns. "We're looking for buyers." Martaues states bluntly.
  242. Chin: "Gov aint going to buy from filthy Gajin no matter the deal."
  243. Gaven C. (GM): "...BUt Yazzi Cuza will at discount."
  244. Chin starts typing on the cash register.
  245. Mr. Ryo Gato: (I'm still behind here. Is this guy saying he will buy our goods or is he saying someone else will?)
  246. Martaues: ( Someone else will, but at a cheaper cost. We're not screwed, but we wont get a whole lot of cash because none of us are rabbits, red pandas, or any other chinese animal. )
  247. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Well, you never get full price on resells.)
  248. Gaven C. (GM): Cept Ryo
  249. Mr. Ryo Gato: "nani?!"
  250. FireHeart: ( tigers are chinese animals or at least asian)
  251. Gaven C. (GM): (I mean I thought he was Lei-Kuhn.)
  253. Martaues looks down the newly revealed staircase. "After you, then." Martaues says to Chin.
  254. Mr. Ryo Gato: (correct.)
  255. Fred Actaeon: (This is a mix of chinese and japanese, right?)
  256. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Yeah, I know it's insensitive.)
  257. FireHeart: ( omae wa mou shindeiru )
  258. Mr. Ryo Gato: (And korea.)
  259. (Which is basically like saying new york, north dakota, and texas is the same culture.)
  260. Mr. Ryo Gato: So we proceed down the mystery hole,..
  262. Martaues follows Chin down the stairs.
  263. Chin: "How many of the Righting bards you have Gajin?"
  264. Martaues: ( What was it again, 12? )
  265. Gaven C. (GM): 19
  266. Martaues: "Nineteen."
  267. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Is that counting the one the fence took? Yeah, probably is.)
  268. Martaues: ( Rolling perception on the guards and Chin. )
  269. rolling 1d100+25
  270. (
  271. 32
  272. )+25
  273. = 57
  274. ( I want to see what they're doing. )
  275. The Guard look terrifing while chin is waiting for you to hand him the Electricity bar.
  276. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Since my character is Leikunnese can I pick up on anything culture specific?)
  277. Martaues: "The payment?"
  278. FireHeart: ( do you have language?)
  279. Martaues: ( Not asking how much, rather if they got it. )
  280. FireHeart: ( or do you mean bits and pieces)
  281. Gaven C. (GM): (I guess mind roll with +25 gator.)
  282. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Ah, no... That's a bit of an oversight.)
  283. Nate!
  284. nate w.: Hello
  285. Martaues: Hi Nate.
  286. FireHeart: ( who is u ?)
  287. George Di Niro: hello
  288. Chin: "The product first filthy Gajin."
  289. Martaues: ( Well, this will either go two ways. )
  290. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Alright Nate we are right in the middle of a session. Right now it's a trade of precious goods to asian criminals.)
  291. nate w.: Alright, any NPC's I can slip into?
  292. Mr. Ryo Gato: I want to suggest to maurius to just open the case and show them the goods, don't let them touch it.
  293. nate w.: The character of
  295. Martaues opens the crate of bars, showing the 19 electric gold bars inside. He keeps the crate in front of him at his feet.
  296. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Hmmm well we do have some characters. Do you want to be a tough mercenary?)
  297. Martaues: "Nineteen here."
  298. Chin: "Then hand over the 19 Gajin before I shoot you for wasting my time!"
  299. Martaues: ( Again, only two choices here. I should've held these off site. )
  300. Mr. Ryo Gato: I interject, "We would like to see the money you will be paying for us, first."
  301. nate w.: (Where am I in this situation?)
  303. Martaues glares at Ryo for interjecting, but returns his gaze to Chin and quietly waits for his response.
  304. Chin gets out a dufflebag filled with money and shows it.
  305. Chin: "Exact ammount will be given on trade."
  306. Fred Actaeon: "Well, this looks good."
  307. Martaues: ( Better not be fake shit. )
  308. Gaven C. (GM): (Don't really know nate.)
  310. Martaues picks up the crate and waits in the center for Chin to approach to make the trade.
  311. nate w.: (Ok just say when I appear)
  312. (i'll watch for now)
  313. Gaven C. (GM): (I mean do you have a character Nate?)
  314. Fred Actaeon: (a lot of players seem to be doing that. LOL)
  315. George Di Niro: (agreed )
  316. nate w.: Oh I thought that there was a mercenary NPC I would start playing as, I'll look at the manual and make one then
  318. Martaues holds the crate out for Chin to grab, other hand extended to grab the duffelbag.
  319. Fred Actaeon: (um... NPC is someone played by the GM)
  320. Mr. Ryo Gato: Okay. /w me with questions. The guide to making characters starts on pg. 25 in the thing I sent.
  321. Chin gets one of the guards to pick up the crate as he hand you the bag.
  323. Martaues takes the bag and checks inside.
  324. Martaues: rolling 1d100+25
  325. (
  326. 41
  327. )+25
  328. = 66
  329. ( Examining the dosh. )
  330. the money looks fine, all 800,000 of it.
  332. Martaues zips the bag up. "Good doing business with you."
  333. Chin: "Now Go home Gajin."
  334. Fred Actaeon: "No problem"
  336. Martaues looks to Fred and Ryo and nods up the stairs, slinging the bag around his augmented arm.
  337. Martaues: ( The store door open? )
  338. FireHeart: ( how do you plan to split it?)
  339. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah the door is open.)
  340. Martaues: ( Is there an ATM or credit transferring machine around? I'll get to splits after that. )
  341. Gaven C. (GM): (Nope, wouldn't want any money to be transfered to gajins.)
  342. get out of Lei-Kuhn?
  343. Martaues: "Money will be transferred on the ride back. 125K to Fred, and since you were technically a part of the deal, 100K to you Ryo."
  344. ( Yeah. )
  345. "The rest is mine for the job, procurement of the product, and selling."
  346. FireHeart: ( 15%)
  347. Fred Actaeon: "I'm fine with it"
  348. Martaues: ( Alright, get out of Hong Kong, go back to friendly land with contacts who are actually happy to see you, and find an ATM. )
  349. While your crew is walking around china town you notice that theres a group crowding near you.
  350. Martaues: ( Crowding around or just a crowd? )
  351. ( Assuming the worst here. )
  352. Gaven C. (GM): (Crowding near you)
  353. Martaues: ( So they're crowded around something else, not attempting to crowd around me and the others? )
  354. FireHeart: ( George might not be here at the moment due to family concerns)
  355. Fred Actaeon: (George?)
  356. (Oh, right)
  357. Chi: "So, I heard you got a payment yankey boy."
  358. FireHeart: ( HAHA i just realized how does food work, cause if im a cat and im eating beef near a bull is that offensive?)
  359. Martaues: ( Fuck, it is crowded around us. )
  360. FireHeart: (lol)
  362. Fred Actaeon wispers "What do we do?"
  363. Gaven C. (GM): "So I assume he told you about the taxing of trade."
  365. Martaues glares at the Red Panda. "You willing to lose limbs? That's how taxes work where I'm from."
  366. Martaues: ( Rolling intimidation )
  367. rolling 1d100+25
  368. (
  369. 75
  370. )+25
  371. = 100
  372. ( Hoping the augmentations work in my favor here. )
  373. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 25
  374. (
  375. 63
  376. )+25
  377. = 88
  378. FireHeart: (wait where is the foxes icon?)
  380. Martaues taps his augmented arm with his intact arm for emphasis.
  381. FireHeart: (nvm)
  382. Some of the crowd os intimidated by the robotic arm you have and piss off.
  383. Chi: "Why you acting like id be afraid of a cripple Gajin."
  384. FireHeart: ( DAMNNN)
  385. Martaues: ( Only two ways out then. Running to a contact that has a path out of here, or dealing with them first. )
  387. FireHeart notices the commotion outside and walks near a window to watch in interest
  389. Martaues keeps the bag secured on his back and keeps silent, waiting for Chi's first move.
  390. Chi kicks at the "hip" of Martaues.
  391. Martaues: ( Attempt a dodge? )
  392. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 30
  393. (
  394. 22
  395. )+30
  396. = 52
  397. Mr. Ryo Gato: (sorry guys, another guest came by.)
  398. Martaues: ( Family meeting? )
  399. Gaven C. (GM): Yeah dodge
  400. Martaues: rolling 1d100+35
  401. (
  402. 91
  403. )+35
  404. = 126
  406. Martaues retaliates with a swing at Chi's head with his augmented arm!
  407. you succesfuly dodge the kick to the groin
  408. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Eh, more like "How are you doing?" and "Here is a detailed list of how I am doing.")
  409. Martaues: ( Can I attack or do I initiate first? )
  410. FireHeart: 'hmm he is swift."
  411. Gaven C. (GM): (Ya can attack.)
  412. Martaues: rolling 1d100+35
  413. (
  414. 6
  415. )+35
  416. = 41
  417. George Di Niro: hey\
  418. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 30
  419. (
  420. 41
  421. )+30
  422. = 71
  423. Fred Actaeon: I take out my taser
  424. Martaues: ( At this point, we're both just looking stupid now. )
  425. ( A drunk, blind man could've sidestepped that. )
  426. rolling 1d100+30+25
  427. (
  428. 84
  429. )+30+25
  430. = 139
  431. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+40
  432. (
  433. 76
  434. )+40
  435. = 116
  436. Martaues: ( Going to dinner, going to be slower posting on the phone. )
  437. Gaven C. (GM): Roll initiate Fred
  438. Edward H.: (what is initative?)
  439. Mr. Ryo Gato: Your initaitive is 1d100+ your mind bonus+ 10 per level.
  440. Gaven C. (GM): When you start a fight, basically mind + levelx10
  441. Edward H.: rolling d100+30+10
  442. (
  443. 69
  444. )+30+10
  445. = 109
  446. Mr. Ryo Gato: Yeah. It's like a perception check or an intimidation check, plus the level bonus.
  447. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 25
  448. (
  449. 39
  450. )+25
  451. = 64
  452. Mart ya up first.
  453. Axl Greez: ( Fred's got the right idea. Thugs or not, dead bodies on the street make more problems. Using suit taser )
  454. Martaues: ( Aiming at Chi )
  455. Mr. Ryo Gato: It should be noted that this system has many of the same kind of rolls. It makes things quick and easy.
  456. Martaues: rolling 1d100
  457. (
  458. 95
  459. )
  460. = 95
  461. Mr. Ryo Gato: You have no weapon skill?
  462. He will ry to dodge.
  463. Martaues: ( There's one for suit tasers? )
  464. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 30
  465. (
  466. 40
  467. )+30
  468. = 70
  469. Mr. Ryo Gato: (...Point. Maybe it should be melee, huh?
  470. Ya prodder him with the prod and he's down for.
  471. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d10
  472. (
  473. 6
  474. )
  475. = 6
  476. FireHeart: (quick question for Gator... DId you recently add 5sp per lvl up)
  477. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Wait, that really should be melee. Thinking about it I would think it's obvious.)
  478. Martaues: ( Speed's 7, two more actions. )
  479. ( Assuming the taser isn't available to use again or can I zap another? )
  480. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Yeah, that was last week. People were wondering how the other way worked so it's easier to just say it's 5 per level.)
  481. Gaven C. (GM): (Ya can zap more so sure.)
  482. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Also explaining how the 100xp= 1sp worked.)
  483. Martaues: ( Zapping the other guy next to me )
  484. FireHeart: ( so +5 every level and +1 for every 100xp
  485. Martaues: ( So if it's melee, agility bonus? )
  486. Mr. Ryo Gato: Yep.
  487. Martaues: rolling 1d100+35
  488. (
  489. 54
  490. )+35
  491. = 89
  492. FireHeart: (kk thx)
  493. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 30
  494. (
  495. 42
  496. )+30
  497. = 72
  498. Prodded again!
  499. Mr. Ryo Gato: He did not parry.
  500. Martaues: rolling 1d10
  501. (
  502. 2
  503. )
  504. = 2
  506. Martaues shouts at the remaining thug, "You stick around and I'll taze your balls off, punk!"
  507. Mr. Ryo Gato:
  508. Martaues: rolling 1d100+25
  509. (
  510. 85
  511. )+25
  512. = 110
  513. ( Rolling intimidation )
  514. ( Other guy's too far away to zap )
  515. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Ah, I thought you were just tasing him anyway.
  516. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 20
  517. (
  518. 87
  519. )+20
  520. = 107
  521. Edward H.: (Am I chop liver?)
  522. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Me too, and I'm next in order.)
  523. Martaues: ( Sorry. Gotta make best use of your actions )
  524. Gaven C. (GM): One goon runs off!
  525. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Now this is combat. Melee actions are 1d100+agility. Normally you get 2 actions. High agility gets 3. Marty has cybernetics so he has a bit more of an edge in that regard.)
  526. Martaues: ( Take whatever pocket change the two zapped goons have )
  527. Edward H.: (So that means I can have three actions if it is my turn.
  528. (8 agility)
  529. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Yep.)
  530. Martaues: ( Yes )
  531. Gaven C. (GM): (yeah.)
  532. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Speaking of, what they hell just happened? Did the negoiation end badly?)
  533. FireHeart: (think you got jumped is all
  534. Martaues: ( Thugs heard me talk about cash and tried to take it )
  535. ( Should've kept quiet )
  536. ( Any cash the two have? )
  537. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Oh, okay, so this is after The Deal.)
  538. Martaues: ( Yep. )
  539. Gaven C. (GM): There is still one goon.
  540. Martaues: ( I thought we were fighting 3? )
  541. ( Must've not noticed 'cuz of phone. Sorry )
  542. Mr. Ryo Gato: Well, my character can let Fred take the first shot at him if he wants.
  543. Martaues: ( My turn's done then, I apologize for stalling )
  544. Edward H.: (Is he trying to attack me?)
  545. Gaven C. (GM): (He's tring to attack all of ya.)
  546. Edward H.: I use my taser.
  547. Martaues: ( Filthy communist, keep the pain for one )
  548. Edward H.: rolling d100+40
  549. (
  550. 77
  551. )+40
  552. = 117
  553. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100 + 20
  554. (
  555. 54
  556. )+20
  557. = 74
  558. HIt!
  559. Edward H.: rolling d10
  560. (
  561. 10
  562. )
  563. = 10
  564. Martaues: ( You sent him into a coma. )
  565. FireHeart: lol
  566. ( your supposed to roll 1d10 or it gives 10 automatically does it not?)
  567. Gaven C. (GM): Combat over.
  568. FireHeart: rolling d10
  569. (
  570. 2
  571. )
  572. = 2
  573. nope
  574. perfect roll then
  575. Mr. Ryo Gato: he will wake up soon... a week easy.
  576. Gaven C. (GM): Martain learns to not talk about lods of money in a place like this.
  577. FireHeart: martain? XD
  578. Edward H.: "Maybe keep your mouth shut next time?"
  579. Martaues: "No more talk about 'it'. I'll see if I can find a boat out of here."
  580. "Hm
  581. "Take whatever's on them if you want, I'll call someone."
  582. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Lei-Kuhn is like a meal: Best in short servings."
  583. Martaues: ( Roll for transport or do I have one? )
  584. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure, ya have a transport.)
  585. Mr. Ryo Gato: (I imagine a couple of hoods don't have much.)
  586. Martaues: ( They might have grills )
  587. Gaven C. (GM): Lets just say 70 dollars in total.
  588. Martaues: ( Start pluckin teeth )
  589. Gaven C. (GM): Sure.
  590. Mr. Ryo Gato: (World's worst game of scrabble.)
  591. Gaven C. (GM): Roll with str to start plucking teeth.
  592. Martaues: ( There you go Ryo, 70 bucks worth of teeth )
  593. ( I'm good )
  594. Mr. Ryo Gato: So... Where are we going?" My character asks.
  595. Edward H.: "back home"
  596. Martaues: "Back. At least I have good contacts there than this pile'a crap."
  597. Gaven C. (GM): (End session?)
  598. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Good. Ah, perhaps we can spar. If you best me --
  599. (Actually I wanted to practice something if you guys would put up with it.)
  600. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure.)
  601. Martaues: ( Ok )
  602. Mr. Ryo Gato: (You know the coaching skill, right?)
  603. Martaues: ( Yeah )
  604. ( Transfer skill points )
  605. Mr. Ryo Gato: Yeah, I was hoping that I could demostrate that this chapter with my character.
  606. Gaven C. (GM): (Ya can man, I mean your the main GM and game creator.)
  607. Martaues: ( Go ahead then )
  608. Mr. Ryo Gato: My character is close to leveling and I'd like to say give that to another character for martial arts.
  610. FireHeart disappointed in the unexciting fight leaves the shop.
  611. Martaues: "If I best you... what?"
  612. George Di Niro: George sits up with his table and dumps his trash and slide a piece of paper into it as well
  613. FireHeart: ( where are we?)
  614. Gator (GM): I... Honestly have no idea.
  615. FireHeart: now a ship?
  616. George Di Niro: who's current gm?
  617. Gator (GM): I am.
  618. we are on the boat to our next destination.
  619. FireHeart: so what is gaven doing
  620. Martaues: ( We can fight there )
  621. FireHeart: ( am I to assume we are all going to the same destination?)
  622. Martaues: ( brb, and can you link me the rules again so I have a reference to the melee moves? )
  623. Gator (GM): Ryo takes his stance and says, "I will teach what I know to whoever can defeat me.
  624. Edward H.: (I would like to stop here for today.)
  625. Gator (GM): Oh, okay.
  626. George Di Niro: ok ...
  627. Gator (GM): Ryo will have his duel though!
  628. Next session!
  629. Edward H.: (I meant for me)
  630. George Di Niro: oh much per skill?
  631. Gator (GM): 10
  632. FireHeart: lol
  633. George Di Niro: just making sure
  634. Gaven C. (GM): Well before yall leave, exp for this session is 40 I guess.
  635. Gator (GM): Well, my character levels up.
  636. He now has 13 skill points.
  637. FireHeart: Mine ain't got jack
  638. Martaues: ( Back, and thank you. )
  639. ( You have a good rest of the weekend Edward. )
  640. Gator (GM): You got half way to the next level.
  641. Martaues: ( Gator, you want to get the fight done now so we don't take up time next session? )
  642. Edward H.: (Thanks. Bye)
  643. Gator (GM): I think eddie is having more fun at these things. I think we need to involve him more.
  644. Sure man.
  645. Martaues: ( Feel bad dominating most of the session on just dealings. )
  646. Gator (GM): Eh, that happens.
  648. Martaues adopts a firm, boxing stance.
  649. Gator (GM): Alright, fight.
  652. roll intiative!
  653. Martaues: rolling 1d100+25+40
  654. (
  655. 99
  656. )+25+40
  657. = 164
  658. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+50
  659. (
  660. 6
  661. )+50
  662. = 56
  663. Ah, I think the GM tag naturally lowers your odds.
  664. FireHeart: lol
  665. +50!!
  666. Gator (GM): "Let's do this without weapons or armor, like real men!"
  667. He's level 3 and has +30 to his intiative from mind.
  668. So +50.
  669. Martaues: "OK." Martaues says bluntly, putting his weapon to the side and undressing from his Armored Logos Suit.
  670. Gator (GM): Leveling doesn't help you much so I figure higher intiative shows the difference between a veteran and a rookie. Veteran's know to strike faster.
  671. Fire heart!
  672. Martaues: ( Forgot to add in level health, sorry. )
  673. Gator (GM): You were on the boat, 'fate' had told you to be here. You see these two attack!
  674. Martaues: ( 170 HP. 30 from being level 4, +40 from C frame )
  675. Gator (GM): Eachother, now you.
  676. That's been changed, actually.
  677. +100hp.
  678. FireHeart: i forgot about lvl bonus
  679. Gator (GM): Actually cybernetics got changed abit after you made the character.
  680. Martaues: ( C-Frame is now +100 hp? )
  681. ( I'm an older model )
  682. FireHeart: ( lol need an update)
  683. Gator (GM): Well, it turns out metal frames supportingyour ribs, spine, and shoulders give abit more protection than normal.
  684. Whatever, you got the cheapo dated version.
  685. Alright sprinkle and thunder, strike!
  686. Martaues: ( 170 HP then, I'll add in the +60 next time. )
  687. ( I'm guessing we're not in melee range already? )
  689. Martaues approaches Ryo and attempts a leg sweep!
  690. Martaues: ( One action to move, another to attack. )
  691. Gator (GM): I will block.
  692. Martaues: rolling 1d100+35+10
  693. (
  694. 67
  695. )+35+10
  696. = 112
  697. Gator (GM): With me leg.
  698. Martaues: ( Judo adds +10, right? )
  699. ( Ooh, made worse because both of my legs are metal. )
  700. ( Enjoy that feeling. )
  701. FireHeart: +10 to damage yes
  702. Gator (GM): well, +1d10 same diff.
  703. rolling 1d100+30
  704. (
  705. 15
  706. )+30
  707. = 45
  708. Martaues: ( I meant +10 to aim )
  709. ( I'm performing a judo action to sweep your legs )
  710. Gator (GM): (Nope, no bonus to hit. So a flip attack?)
  711. Anyway it hits.
  712. Martaues: ( Using my leg to hit your feet, specifically around the achilles heel to throw you off balance and down to the ground )
  713. Gator (GM): Okay.
  714. Martaues: ( Guess that would be a flip )
  715. Gator (GM): So kick damage is +2d10,+1d10 for the martial arts.
  716. So 3d10+str?
  717. Martaues: ( Ah, meant Achilles tendon. That's the soft spot you want to hit with the back of your foot. _
  718. ( Sounds alright to me. )
  719. ( But now that brings to light my confusion with augments: Does the strength bonus come from my overall strength or the strength of the limb I'm using? )
  720. Gator (GM): So you're hitting a vital area?
  721. Limb you are using.
  722. Note that increases stats only
  723. apply to the limb itself. So, your robot
  724. arm can be super-strong but that doesn’t
  725. help your other arm at all.
  726. Gator (GM): So, I'm on the ground.
  727. Martaues: ( No no, see the Achilles tendon is the spot above your heel bone. See, you approach someone and in one simultaneous movement, push them with your arms down to the ground while hooking their foot from underneath them by swinging your own foot around their side to strike at the tendon, which throws them off balance and down to the ground )
  728. FireHeart: goodbye
  729. Gator (GM): Later man.
  730. George Di Niro: peace guys
  731. Martaues: ( Good bye )
  732. Gator (GM): That brings me to another point.
  733. Martaues: ( I apologize for this overly detailed explanation )
  734. FireHeart: Gator I'll be sending you a message about character revisement due to changes in book
  735. Gator (GM): Vital hits aren't separate anymore.
  736. Martaues: ( Oh? )
  737. Gator (GM): They just count as a critical now and take two actions to hit.
  738. Martaues: ( Interesting. )
  739. Gator (GM): The throat slicing thing was alittle imbalanced.
  740. I will for it m'aiq!
  741. Martaues: ( So if I said I was going to aim for your solar plexus and strike, it would take two actions? )
  742. George Di Niro: might watch a bit
  743. Gator (GM): If you think that is a vital area warranting more damage then yes.
  744. Martaues: ( Yep. You know that soft spot right underneath your chest plate? )
  745. Gator (GM): Yeah, the sternum.
  746. Tie bone, right?
  747. Martaues: ( Yeah )
  748. ( Another sensitive spot is right underneath that. )
  749. ( Striking that can really hurt a person )
  750. Gator (GM): So let's roll your damage for the that kick.
  751. Martaues: ( Right right, apologies. )
  752. Gator (GM): (Oh yeah, a friend hit me there.)
  753. Martaues: ( Just digging back up old martial arts stuff I learned in class. )
  754. rolling 3d10+35
  755. (
  756. 8
  757. +
  758. 5
  759. +
  760. 2
  761. )+35
  762. = 50
  763. Gator (GM): Cool.
  764. Martaues: ( Ah right, Judo and martial arts add +1d10 each? )
  765. ( Or is it just judo? )
  766. Gator (GM): Yep.
  767. Martaues: rolling 2d10
  768. (
  769. 7
  770. +
  771. 10
  772. )
  773. = 17
  774. Gator (GM): Because you spend two skills getting there. It should add for what you spend.
  775. Martaues: ( 67 )
  776. ( One action left )
  777. Gator (GM): That really damaged the leg.
  778. Martaues: ( Can always aim for that leg and disable you through that. )
  779. ( You know a leg hold? Is that a single action? )
  780. Gator (GM): (sure.)
  781. Also part of judo.
  782. Martaues: rolling 1d100+35
  783. (
  784. 60
  785. )+35
  786. = 95
  787. ( Performing a leg hold, using retrained damage if necessary. )
  788. ( What would be the damage dice for a leg hold? )
  789. ( I see wrench in wrestling moves. Not sure if I'm missing a hold attack )
  790. Gator (GM): Wrench is just a coliqualism for any damaging twisting hold.
  791. Also Judo has it's own hold under the skill.
  792. Also, this is turning into a really one sided fight.
  793. Ah right.
  794. I roll to block with my arm.
  795. Martaues: ( Real life combat usually ends like that. )
  796. Gator (GM): Keep you from grabbing my leg.
  797. rolling 1d100+35
  798. (
  799. 20
  800. )+35
  801. = 55
  802. Trucking bell.
  803. Martaues: ( No real good "equal footing" in fist fights, it's generally someone gets fucked in just a few attacks. )
  804. Gator (GM): Okay, you done grab me leg.
  805. Martaues: ( Hell, a good kick to the face can leave a guy comatose on the ground and twitching. )
  806. Gator (GM): What is your action.
  807. (True. Hence why people don't like real violence.
  808. Martaues: ( I can use another? I used one to close the distance, one on a leg hook, and another on a hold on the leg. )
  809. ( Unless we were already in range to begin with, then I do have one action left )(
  810. ( )
  811. Gator (GM): Yep.
  812. Martaues: ( Well I don't want to break his leg and cause problems through that. Unless he's totally fine with a realistic fight )
  813. ( Can I use restrained damage to damage the leg or dislocate it? )
  814. Gator (GM): Sure!
  815. The leg has 20 hp left.
  816. Martaues: ( Crap, what would the attack be for a dislocation? )
  817. ( Wrench? )
  818. Gator (GM): Joint lock.
  819. Wrench too.
  820. Martaues: ( Do I roll to use the joint or just do damage roll? And it says it counts as a critical )
  821. Gator (GM): Just do damage.
  822. Martaues: ( And since it says it's 1d10 per judo level, I assume I just got 1d10 because of my one level in judo plus the strength bonus. )
  823. Gator (GM): Wrestling is for those with poor aim.
  824. Yeah. I should make that clearer.
  825. Martaues: ( Gotcha. And this uses both arms or one of my choice? Not sure how a strength roll adds up when I use both arms, considering one's weaker than the other. )
  826. ( Apologies for these questions and stalling. )
  827. Gator (GM): Well, it is a critical hit, like hiting a vital.
  828. Jeez.
  829. Martaues: ( Yep, so just double the value of the damage roll )
  830. Gator (GM): So it's 35+2d10 time 2.
  831. Martaues: ( So the strength bonus is just the augmented arm, even if I use both? Gotcha. Wasn't sure if I should go for the highest addition or somewhere in the middle )
  832. rolling 2d10+35
  833. (
  834. 3
  835. +
  836. 5
  837. )+35
  838. = 43
  839. Gator (GM):
  840. Martaues: ( 86 damage. )
  841. Gator (GM): You pop in from the joint.
  842. Ryo yields with as much decorum as someone who just had his leg disabled in 3 seconds can muster!
  843. Martaues: ( I just feel bad now )
  844. Gator (GM): He agrees to teach you 1 level in a martial art.
  845. Well, you are a robot.
  846. Martaues: ( "I am not a machine" )
  847. Gator (GM): ("I swear, I'm only 40%!)
  848. Okay. Well that was a good excercise of the new rules. I'll tweak the judo text to clear that up.
  849. But that's the last change, I swear!
  850. Martaues: ( Assuming the martial art has to be something I can learn, like even though Ryo might have a Martial Arts skill of 4, I can't learn jui-jitsu because my own martial arts isn't high enough? )
  851. Gator (GM): (Yeah. That makes sense.)
  852. Also, trans-strength doubles the dice.
  853. Martaues: ( Huh. Martial art skill has been changed too. Judo needs a skill of 3, but last time it was 1. )
  854. ( By all means, I don't have Judo now. )
  855. Gator (GM): I lied because I didn't want the fight over so extremely quickly.
  856. True. Like I said, I'm stopping the changes.
  857. Martaues: ( I'll take another Martial Art skill then. )
  858. Gator (GM): Good choice.
  859. Martaues: ( Only one more until I actually know judo )
  860. Gator (GM): The goal!
  861. Okay, I gotta go. thanks for playing today.
  862. Martaues: ( Right, now I guess I'll add in the +60 HP for the C frame
  863. Martaues has 250 HP now
  864. Gator (GM): [software update]
  865. Martaues: Righto. Who needs armor anymore when I can just eat bullets
  866. And hey, at least it wasn't as one sided of a fight like Ryo vs Jakob
  867. Gator (GM): No, no, it was.
  868. This is how a GMPC should be really.
  869. George Di Niro: good fight guys
  870. Martaues: Not powerful enough to be as big of an influence in their own game?
  871. Gator (GM): Literally two hits.
  872. Martaues: Well, you could've hopped around on your good leg and try me on.
  873. Gator (GM): Yeah. Just there to help the players along.
  874. Martaues: You might've popped my robot leg off like lego as payback
  875. But no, if Jakob was fighting here, Ryo wouldn't even be on the boat anymore from the force of the hit
  876. Gator (GM): Knockback rules.
  877. Okay, Stretch Time.
  878. Martaues: Alrighty, sorry the fight ended so quickly
  879. Gator (GM): Later man. Have a good week, okay?
  880. Lates george! We'll work you guys in next week.
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