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DF Game Club: Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (part 2)

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Feb 15th, 2014
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  1. (07:04:22) Cheeseness: Ah, there we go!
  2. (07:04:28) Cheeseness: Pause and play if you don't see anythign
  3. (07:05:37) Cheeseness: So if everybody remembers, last week we rescued the fellow from his suicide attempt
  4. (07:05:43) Cheeseness: After we fell down a waterfall
  5. (07:05:56) Cheeseness: These environments are crazy gorgeous
  6. (07:06:45) Sven_Q45 [] entered the room.
  7. (07:06:53) Permafry_42: some of the puzzles like the bridge puzzle got a bit buggy for me at times
  8. (07:07:00) Cheeseness: Oh?
  9. (07:07:26) Cheeseness: Interesting that there's no music for these bits
  10. (07:07:30) Cheeseness: Up until then
  11. (07:07:42) Permafry_42: the left bridge when up through the right bridge when it was fully extended for some reason
  12. (07:07:52) Cheeseness: Hah
  13. (07:08:16) Cheeseness: Hah. I don't remember the goats
  14. (07:08:46) Taekon: Really? I thought the goats were one of the best sequences :D
  15. (07:09:05) Permafry_42: also still don't completely understand the point of the goat section besides being unique for its own sake
  16. (07:09:10) Cheeseness: My memory of it had us going straight to the inventor >_<
  17. (07:09:28) Cheeseness: I suppose it's meant to be that the goats can jump father than you
  18. (07:09:39) Cheeseness: But it does seem a little gratuitous
  19. (07:09:41) Permafry_42: the inventor is a funny model
  20. (07:11:31) Cheeseness: So happy :D
  21. (07:11:33) Permafry_42: oh so it was an instrument?
  22. (07:11:35) Taekon: I totally missed this bit
  23. (07:11:48) Taekon: I thought you have to push the big pipe around really fast :P
  24. (07:12:00) Permafry_42: i wondered what the point if it was after using it
  25. (07:12:31) Cheeseness: Wheeee
  26. (07:12:38) Taekon: Also re: goat sequence - I think it was a fun way to get the brothers up the mountains quickly
  27. (07:12:41) Cheeseness: This is a neat sequence
  28. (07:12:47) Taekon: Since the inventor lives really high up
  29. (07:12:51) flesk: Did you already look through the telescope?
  30. (07:13:04) Cheeseness: Hmm... we may have missed that, flesk
  31. (07:13:13) Taekon: Also yeah! Flying sequence is also one of the best :D Love the steering mechanic here
  32. (07:13:23) Babar left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 182 seconds).
  33. (07:13:37) Cheeseness: Birdstrike D:
  34. (07:13:41) Permafry_42: i imagine the inventor was glad to have 2 test subjects for his invention
  35. (07:13:47) Taekon: .. and then it gets crazy scary
  36. (07:14:21) flesk: I thought that was kind of neat. Because it's initially pointed at this castle, so you get a bit of a preview of what's coming up.
  37. (07:14:33) Cheeseness: Yeah
  38. (07:14:38) Cheeseness: So this castle bugs me a little
  39. (07:15:08) flesk: Because it seems so small for the people it's supposed to house?
  40. (07:15:10) Cheeseness: It's so dilapidated but has been occupied recently enough that there's a live caged animal and some food lying around?
  41. (07:15:15) Permafry_42: i actually liked these puzzles
  42. (07:15:26) Cheeseness: Yeah, this role swinging stuff is awesome
  43. (07:15:36) flesk: Ah, yeah. That.
  44. (07:15:40) Permafry_42: probably just not being properly taken care of
  45. (07:15:50) Cheeseness: It's crumbling though
  46. (07:16:22) Cheeseness: If these two little guys can start it falling down, then the footseps of whomever was last there should have brought it to the ground
  47. (07:16:25) flesk: Unless it's some kind of creature that could have survived not being fed for hundreds of years or something.
  48. (07:16:30) Cheeseness: Maybe
  49. (07:16:40) Cheeseness: But there's food in there as well isn't there?
  50. (07:16:58) flesk: Hmm. I don't remember.
  51. (07:17:02) Taekon: I don't remember food
  52. (07:17:13) Cheeseness: I could be remembering wrong ^_^
  53. (07:17:28) Permafry_42: i wonder at what point the kids realized they still needed to find the medicine and had gone a bit far off the path
  54. (07:17:45) Taekon: I swear these two destroy ALL THE THINGS
  55. (07:18:08) flesk: I really liked the deaths in the game.
  56. (07:18:37) Cheeseness: Morbid :D
  57. (07:18:57) flesk: I'd been playing for a while without dying until I made some stupid slip up. And it kind of shocked me a little bit. At least more than I thought it would have.
  58. (07:19:22) Taekon: :o I never noticed there was a room below
  59. (07:19:28) Permafry_42: i like how the kids barely react to the damage they cause to the building
  60. (07:19:31) Cheeseness: Yeah
  61. (07:19:41) Taekon: They barely react to the damage they cause to anything
  62. (07:19:41) flesk: Hehe. No, not morbid as much as I was pleasantly surprised by how effectful it felt.
  63. (07:20:06) Taekon: Same here flesk, although my first death was me trying something out to see what would happen
  64. (07:20:28) flesk: Their upper body strength is pretty extreme.
  65. (07:20:38) Permafry_42: i wonder why they drop the rope here when they might need it later
  66. (07:20:43) Cheeseness: Yeah. Those are some serious jumps that they pull themselves up for
  67. (07:20:47) Taekon: ^
  68. (07:20:55) Taekon: re: rope - yes
  69. (07:21:01) flesk: My first death was following the troll up to the mountains.
  70. (07:21:03) Cheeseness: Rule number 1: Always keep the rope
  71. (07:21:04) Babar [Miranda@6BCADC3F.3BD2B800.83382450.IP] entered the room.
  72. (07:21:28) Cheeseness: Yeah, there's a candle still burning
  73. (07:21:31) Cheeseness: (that was it, not food)
  74. (07:21:39) flesk: Yeah, I also wondered about that. Surely there might be some more use for that rope later on?
  75. (07:22:10) flesk: It's probably a couple of those electrical candles made to look like wax candles.
  76. (07:22:15) Cheeseness: lol
  77. (07:22:20) Taekon: Haha
  78. (07:22:21) Cheeseness: Yay :3
  79. (07:23:23) Cheeseness: Aww, this bit made me sad
  80. (07:23:29) Permafry_42: i like the animation in the bird model when it flies
  81. (07:23:49) Permafry_42: but the death scene here felt a bit unnecesary
  82. (07:24:01) Taekon: "This bird creature is so cool it's your super awesome mount!!!" *bird dies*
  83. (07:24:08) Cheeseness: Did it really die though - I read it as being the same one as later in the game
  84. (07:24:41) Taekon: That's how I see that as well
  85. (07:24:53) Permafry_42: either way, whether it was fake or not, it felt like it was just adding it for shock value
  86. (07:25:25) Permafry_42: i love this part
  87. (07:25:31) flesk: Yeah, I thought it was the same bird too.
  88. (07:25:36) Taekon: I suppose it was something similar to one of those "the price of freedom is death" ?
  89. (07:25:37) Taekon: Idk
  90. (07:25:39) Permafry_42: it might be my favourite part of the game
  91. (07:25:42) flesk: That it's just really exhausted now.
  92. (07:26:00) Permafry_42: the sense of scale felt perfect
  93. (07:26:09) Taekon: This bit is so cool! I don't remember a game where there are enough giants for them to have a war
  94. (07:26:18) Taekon: there were*
  95. (07:26:48) Permafry_42: also i think it was a metaphor for the world wars, and in general of events bigger than ourselves
  96. (07:26:55) Cheeseness: Does Syd still have the feather, or did she drop it?
  97. (07:27:10) Permafry_42: you can keep the feather?
  98. (07:27:18) Taekon: I tried to keep the feather but it falls off as you leave the area
  99. (07:27:18) Cheeseness: She was carrying it earlier
  100. (07:27:24) Cheeseness: Ah, OK
  101. (07:27:36) Taekon: Same goes with the ball from the kid in the village :P
  102. (07:27:40) flesk: I tried to keep the feather because I was curious about what would happen.
  103. (07:27:55) flesk: It's forced out of your hand just moments later though.
  104. (07:28:01) Cheeseness: Ah, k
  105. (07:28:09) Cheeseness: I didn't even know you could pick it up
  106. (07:28:18) Cheeseness: Take this leg
  107. (07:29:12) Cheeseness: I kept expecting one of them to still be alive
  108. (07:29:19) flesk: This one's pretty neat.
  109. (07:29:27) Taekon: Haha yeah
  110. (07:29:38) Cheeseness: Especially this guy
  111. (07:30:19) Taekon: There was a discussion about how long these people have been dead on a different stream
  112. (07:30:32) flesk: It's nice that there's so much variation on these "puzzles".
  113. (07:30:34) Cheeseness: If they're still leaking blood, it can't be too long
  114. (07:30:36) Permafry_42: it has to be not that long
  115. (07:30:47) Permafry_42: yeah exactly
  116. (07:30:51) Cheeseness: None of them show signs of scavenge even though there are scavengers around
  117. (07:30:54) Taekon: I think we just concluded that larger bodies deteriorates much slower than something like the kids
  118. (07:31:09) Permafry_42: plus it fits with the metaphor the scene seems to be portraying
  119. (07:31:14) Taekon: But true about the scavengers
  120. (07:31:27) Cheeseness: That connection feels like a bit of a stretch to me, Permafry_42
  121. (07:31:47) flesk: And they probably don't necessarily have to adhere to real world physiology.
  122. (07:32:24) flesk: Poor woman.
  123. (07:32:44) Taekon: So did these people do the ritual with just normal water and not blood water before the war :o?
  124. (07:32:44) Cheeseness: I keep looking for spider motifs here
  125. (07:33:11) Permafry_42: i remember i was able to skip through the whole sacrafice thing by running past the warriors
  126. (07:33:18) Cheeseness: They're not actually using the blood though are they?
  127. (07:33:20) Taekon: I don't think they give you any clues until much later, but maybe I'm wrong
  128. (07:33:44) Taekon: They certainly have the "god" motif at the bottom in blood
  129. (07:33:54) Taekon: Oh crap I see it
  130. (07:34:03) Cheeseness: That's not done in blood, is it, Taekon?
  131. (07:34:05) Taekon: there's a spider-like thing if you look out into the warrior
  132. (07:35:23) Taekon: Hmm Cheeseness I thought that was done in blood, probably remembered wrong, lemme check a video or something
  133. (07:35:27) flesk: So everyone here has either played the game or knows what's happening?
  134. (07:35:32) Cheeseness: I hope so
  135. (07:35:44) Sven_Q45: I like this location with the river and the snow!!
  136. (07:35:45) Cheeseness: These orca things are pretty neat
  137. (07:36:16) Taekon: Oh gosh I was so scared, but it's probably a personal phobia thing
  138. (07:36:52) Taekon: Do not like it when the water's too deep, you can't see the bottom and stuff comes flying at you
  139. (07:37:09) Permafry_42: i found it a bit strange that the summer/fall weather suddenly turned to winter considering the mountains around the ice level didn't seem to be cold
  140. (07:37:16) flesk: It's pretty neat that you see the shaddows of them through the water.
  141. (07:37:21) flesk: Makes it a bit more tense.
  142. (07:37:37) Taekon: If by neat you mean horrifying then I agree :P
  143. (07:38:11) flesk: Is Syd doing all the side stuff as well?
  144. (07:38:22) Cheeseness: Yeah, I think she's doing all that she knows about
  145. (07:38:25) flesk: I noticed she blew the horn.
  146. (07:38:35) Permafry_42: i like the inclusion of the giant's skeleton
  147. (07:38:48) Permafry_42: *that was shown earlier
  148. (07:38:53) flesk: But I didn't catch most of last weekend's stream or the beginning of the inventor's place this time.
  149. (07:39:15) Permafry_42: the turtle side mission was nice
  150. (07:39:26) Cheeseness: Flippy flippy :3
  151. (07:39:31) Taekon: What happens if you don't do the side quests at all?
  152. (07:39:40) Cheeseness: I don't think it makes much of a difference
  153. (07:39:48) flesk: I kind of wish you could have helped out with the little brother too though.
  154. (07:39:53) Permafry_42: what i wonder is why they didn't rock themselves upright like real turtles do
  155. (07:40:17) Taekon: You could carry the turtle with both of the brothers and it'd be faster
  156. (07:40:27) Taekon: That's how I did all of them
  157. (07:40:35) Permafry_42: yeah same
  158. (07:40:36) flesk: Maybe this particular kind of turtles don't learn how to walk until they're much older.
  159. (07:40:47) flesk: And the brothers obviously knows this.
  160. (07:41:00) Taekon: Probably learned biology in school
  161. (07:41:05) Cheeseness: That one was just walking :D
  162. (07:41:17) flesk: You could? I only tried it once, but wasn't able to.
  163. (07:41:46) Cheeseness: Cold
  164. (07:42:07) Taekon: You were probably standing in the wrong place I think, I had that problem while doing one of the mechanics
  165. (07:42:08) flesk: But then I also had to restart from a checkpoint here once because the little brother couldn't interact at all with the turtle he's supposed to push down. Got stuck up there.
  166. (07:42:12) Permafry_42: i like the whale song here
  167. (07:42:18) flesk: So there might be some bugs.
  168. (07:42:23) Taekon: Yeah bugs
  169. (07:42:57) flesk: Yeah, I just dismissed the possibility after that.
  170. (07:42:59) Permafry_42: i like the snow figures here
  171. (07:43:11) flesk: "Snow figures"
  172. (07:43:13) Cheeseness: I don't know that they're snow figures. They look like frozen people :D
  173. (07:43:26) Permafry_42: that's what i meant
  174. (07:43:27) Cheeseness: (especially given that the tools like this saw are real)
  175. (07:43:40) Cheeseness: Hah, show off
  176. (07:43:54) Taekon: Yeah I tried to tip toe around them in case we could help/they come to life
  177. (07:43:58) flesk: I didn't even know you could do that.
  178. (07:44:14) flesk: Walk backwards I mean.
  179. (07:44:39) Permafry_42: i couldn't understand why they are frozen the places they are though
  180. (07:44:40) Cheeseness: This bit is a little silly
  181. (07:44:50) Taekon: ... and then I had to kill all the people anyway
  182. (07:44:53) Cheeseness: Perhaps the frost giant is responsible for freezing them
  183. (07:45:12) flesk: Maybe they are just snow figures and this whole next thing is just a hoax.
  184. (07:45:27) Sven_Q45: He walks through the gate? lolk
  185. (07:45:29) Sven_Q45: lol
  186. (07:45:44) Taekon: Someone went a little crazy with their snowmen
  187. (07:46:08) flesk: Could be that the woman has just placed small explosive charges under the snow to make it appear like there's foot prints being made.
  188. (07:46:12) Cheeseness: That's quite a jump
  189. (07:46:27) Permafry_42: yeah i can imagine the people who made the models for them were having a bit of fun making them
  190. (07:46:58) Taekon: This was the first clue I picked up on how abnormal she was
  191. (07:47:08) Cheeseness: What's that?
  192. (07:47:14) Permafry_42: or it could all be but a dream induced by ptsd
  193. (07:47:27) Taekon: I thought the whole "she knows the way" thing was just her returning to her home
  194. (07:47:30) Taekon: The crazy jump
  195. (07:47:34) Cheeseness: Ah, k
  196. (07:47:34) flesk: It's pretty nice how you get vibrational feedback in a controller that has that during these sequences.
  197. (07:49:06) Permafry_42: what i wonder is how she became in human form in the first place
  198. (07:49:23) Taekon: I love how close they made that chasing sequence seemed
  199. (07:50:03) Permafry_42: when she's being sacrificed she's already a human. if she wanted to scare the tribal people wouldn't it have been better to stay a spider?
  200. (07:50:12) flesk: I wondered why she would give the brothers the means to defeat her so easily.
  201. (07:50:39) Permafry_42: yeah i love the bodies and the hive like design of the cave
  202. (07:51:01) Taekon: I thought these guys were snowmen too
  203. (07:51:02) Taekon: :\
  204. (07:51:16) flesk: Maybe she loses her powers when she's far away from home or something.
  205. (07:51:37) Taekon: Maybe it's like a costume
  206. (07:52:12) Permafry_42: do you think maybe this scene was inspired by a bad ex-girlfriend?
  207. (07:52:18) Cheeseness: >_<
  208. (07:52:21) Cheeseness: I suspect not
  209. (07:52:26) flesk: That could be it. It's just a big mechanical spider outfit.
  210. (07:52:50) Taekon:
  211. (07:52:57) Taekon: The sacrificial altar
  212. (07:53:25) Taekon: If you look on the ground you could make out a slightly spider-ish symbol
  213. (07:53:32) Cheeseness: Mmm
  214. (07:53:55) Taekon: If you look from the lady's perspective I mean
  215. (07:53:58) flesk: So maybe the warriors are in reality her followers or something?
  216. (07:54:06) Cheeseness: She was tied up
  217. (07:54:17) Cheeseness: Perhaps they have some ability to inhibit her spider form
  218. (07:54:25) Permafry_42: maybe she was their devil?
  219. (07:54:28) flesk: Yeah, but maybe she was tied up by choice for some reason.
  220. (07:54:41) Cheeseness: Ha, people do that, I guess
  221. (07:54:49) Permafry_42: or she was seen as a witch?
  222. (07:55:03) Permafry_42: the tree here is beautifu;
  223. (07:55:08) flesk: And I was kind of wondering why their dad was placed on a table instead of in a bed.
  224. (07:55:08) Cheeseness: I think they knew she was a spider person
  225. (07:55:18) Taekon: I think so too ^
  226. (07:55:30) Cheeseness: flesk: Comfort spreads the onset of death, didn't you know
  227. (07:55:46) flesk: The tree reminded me of Psychonauts.
  228. (07:55:52) Taekon: Also Cheeseness, the "god" symbol at the bottom was drenched in blood
  229. (07:56:11) Cheeseness: I saw it as just being painted
  230. (07:56:17) flesk: Cheeseness: That might make sense.
  231. (07:56:31) Permafry_42: i like how the tree has a slide inside of it
  232. (07:56:38) Taekon: Hmm.. yeah probably, it wasn't directly connected to the water/blood flow
  233. (07:56:44) Cheeseness: Mmm
  234. (07:56:52) Taekon: You could see big bro from there!
  235. (07:57:13) Cheeseness: I wonder if that's the gryphon's nest
  236. (07:57:22) Taekon: :o!
  237. (07:57:31) DDBandit24 [] entered the room.
  238. (07:57:35) DDBandit24: Yo guys!
  239. (07:57:39) Cheeseness: Hey hey
  240. (07:57:43) Taekon: Hey!
  241. (07:57:46) Permafry_42: i wonder if the pool being in a + shape is intentional
  242. (07:57:53) Taekon: The well looks like a plus symbol :D
  243. (07:57:54) Permafry_42: hey bandit
  244. (07:58:26) Taekon: Almost looks man-made to me, but so far nature has been all kinds of crazy in this world
  245. (07:58:28) Permafry_42: i like how they make you think you'll revive him here
  246. (07:58:41) Taekon: ^ and they stretch the sequence so hard
  247. (07:58:58) DDBandit24 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  248. (07:59:00) Permafry_42: symatry in nature is comon due to the way atoms and cells bond
  249. (07:59:18) Taekon: Yeah ;)
  250. (07:59:37) Permafry_42: *symmetry
  251. (07:59:38) DDBandit24 [] entered the room.
  252. (08:00:15) DDBandit24: This is some Kingdom Hearts here.
  253. (08:00:23) Permafry_42: i like how his face is instantly pale
  254. (08:00:38) Cheeseness: Time may have been passing - there was a bit of a fade out
  255. (08:00:46) flesk: Could be the effects of the poison though.
  256. (08:00:57) Taekon: I think he took a long time to climb the tree
  257. (08:01:00) DDBandit24: So it's now a tale of one brother?
  258. (08:01:09) Permafry_42: i think flesk might be right
  259. (08:01:12) Cheeseness: And people get pale a bit when they're dying anyway
  260. (08:01:19) Permafry_42: and the brother still plays a role at the end
  261. (08:01:21) Taekon: Like Cheeseness said while you were climbing up there were a couple of fades
  262. (08:01:30) Permafry_42: the older brother i mean
  263. (08:01:43) Cheeseness: Even after we got back down, there was a fade out
  264. (08:01:55) Taekon: Oh gosh big bro could get up and be alive at any moment :(
  265. (08:02:10) Permafry_42: and this part where you have to take control of the burial is great
  266. (08:03:01) Cheeseness: At least it's not as bad as the burial scene in The Walking Dead
  267. (08:03:13) Cheeseness: That was so drawn out that it was silly
  268. (08:03:22) flesk: How is the burial scene in TWD?
  269. (08:03:27) flesk: Oh.
  270. (08:03:30) Permafry_42: It's great that the brother that survives is the same one that controls the right stick since its more awkward to control than the left stick
  271. (08:03:47) Taekon: I thought the burial was a sort of drawn out sequence so you would get your hopes up
  272. (08:03:58) Taekon: Weird little shadow to the left there :D
  273. (08:04:00) Cheeseness: In this? Yeah. It's not really that stretched out though
  274. (08:04:15) Taekon: Yeah, wasn't too long
  275. (08:04:26) flesk: Hmm. I'm as comfortable with both sticks, so that's a bit individual.
  276. (08:04:31) Permafry_42: i found it more impactful in twd when you're the one that has to shoot him
  277. (08:05:03) Taekon: This sequence gives me chills every time
  278. (08:05:18) flesk: Yeah.
  279. (08:05:39) DDBandit24: The Griffin's design looks cool
  280. (08:05:40) Permafry_42: this part was perfect imo
  281. (08:05:58) Taekon: This part hurt me emotionally :(
  282. (08:06:04) Cheeseness: The zombie kid in the attic? That whole thing felt so gratuitous that I wouldn't have been surprised to see "Look at how sad we're trying to make you" subtitles. It was very hard to get emotionally invested
  283. (08:06:19) Cheeseness: Yeah, this is the payoff
  284. (08:06:31) Cheeseness: We needed to use the older brother's controls in unison to make that jump
  285. (08:06:33) Permafry_42: no duck i mean
  286. (08:06:40) Taekon: Oh gosh 2 climbing stone...
  287. (08:06:54) flesk: Yeah, this was some powerful stuff.
  288. (08:07:02) Taekon: Cheeseness really? I didn't have to until the water bit
  289. (08:07:06) Cheeseness: Oh
  290. (08:07:11) Cheeseness: I'm remembering wrong then :D
  291. (08:07:26) Permafry_42: when you think about it the bird was mean not to just take him straight to the house itself
  292. (08:07:56) Taekon: Probably didn't know where he lived :P
  293. (08:08:19) Cheeseness: Yay
  294. (08:08:26) Taekon: *cries*
  295. (08:08:30) Permafry_42: the ambient sound here is great
  296. (08:08:58) Cheeseness: Ah, it was this jump that I was thinking of
  297. (08:09:11) Taekon: Oh, right
  298. (08:09:55) SvenQ45 [] entered the room.
  299. (08:10:06) Permafry_42: hey sven
  300. (08:10:12) SvenQ45: Fucking Mibbit!
  301. (08:10:29) Cheeseness: You can use a real IRC client
  302. (08:10:34) DDBandit24: Are we even allowed to swear?
  303. (08:10:44) Cheeseness: Probably best to keep things family friendly
  304. (08:11:03) Permafry_42: i doubt most of the people watching this game would mind considering the violence in the game
  305. (08:11:19) Permafry_42: or rather the gore from the dead bodies
  306. (08:11:38) Sven_Q45 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  307. (08:11:42) SvenQ45: It kicked me out. And now it say my name is already in usw.
  308. (08:11:49) SvenQ45: use
  309. (08:11:57) DDBandit24: I hate how that happens
  310. (08:12:00) Cheeseness: Ah, there it goes
  311. (08:12:23) flesk: I'm not a fan of using Mibbit either.
  312. (08:12:23) Cheeseness: If you use a proper client and authenticate, you can replace your leftover self
  313. (08:12:37) DDBandit24: are you serious?
  314. (08:12:44) flesk: It's decent enough for what it is though.
  315. (08:12:45) Cheeseness: This was a pretty neat game
  316. (08:12:46) DDBandit24: It's finished already?
  317. (08:12:58) Cheeseness: Yeah, this was our second session and we started an hour ago
  318. (08:12:59) Taekon: This game was great
  319. (08:13:00) SvenQ45: Don´t know. I only follow the DFA link.
  320. (08:13:05) Permafry_42: the music in the credits is a bit unfair since it makes me think there would be a continuation even though i know it would be a tough game to make a sequel for
  321. (08:13:07) flesk: It's a pretty unique game.
  322. (08:13:12) DDBandit24: o.o
  323. (08:13:19) DDBandit24: Were have I been?
  324. (08:13:19) Taekon: Short and packed
  325. (08:13:25) Cheeseness: DDBandit24: I have no idea :D
  326. (08:13:41) Cheeseness: Permafry_42: What is it about the music that makes you think there'll be more?
  327. (08:13:46) DDBandit24: Well this game looks very charming
  328. (08:13:53) Cheeseness: It certainly is
  329. (08:13:56) Cheeseness: Forget everything you've seen
  330. (08:14:10) SvenQ45: DDBandit24 You were also "kicked"?
  331. (08:14:13) Permafry_42: it feels like its building up to something else rather than concluding
  332. (08:14:27) DDBandit24: The only time I saw this game was on Game Grumps XD
  333. (08:14:40) flesk: I'm really amazed by how big the Swedish game industry is. Almost as if the entire population is involved in making games.
  334. (08:14:58) SvenQ45: flesk lol
  335. (08:15:06) flesk: Not that this is all Swedish.
  336. (08:15:09) Permafry_42: i remember total biscuit said this was what all stories in games should aspire to be
  337. (08:15:20) flesk: But there's a ton of Swedish names in the credits.
  338. (08:15:22) Cheeseness: All of Scandinavia seems to have a fairly active game dev industry
  339. (08:15:24) SvenQ45: And they make good music, too.
  340. (08:15:32) Permafry_42: not sure i agree with him, but its a good game for sure
  341. (08:15:36) Cheeseness: It's a Sweedish studio isn't it?
  342. (08:15:38) flesk: Norway is really far behind though.
  343. (08:15:39) DDBandit24: I kinda felt it needed some tweeking...
  344. (08:16:11) flesk: I don't know about Denmark but I can't recall too many games.
  345. (08:16:35) Cheeseness: Two Tribes are danish aren't they?
  346. (08:16:38) Permafry_42: yeah there were parts of it for me that were interupted due to its bugs
  347. (08:16:38) flesk:
  348. (08:16:40) Syd: let me know when the outro ends
  349. (08:16:48) DDBandit24: Hey, I have a question
  350. (08:16:51) Cheeseness: You're good, Syd
  351. (08:16:54) Cheeseness: Oh wait
  352. (08:16:55) Cheeseness: Sorry
  353. (08:17:00) SvenQ45: Is there a game from Denmark?
  354. (08:17:16) Syd: Also, to point out something tiny I saw being discussed, the older brother's pale/veiny skin texture faded in when he was stabbed, so I think it was from the poison.
  355. (08:17:17) Cheeseness: Yay, we'll be doing Broken Age next!
  356. (08:17:22) Cheeseness: But we're taking a couple of weeks off
  357. (08:17:25) Permafry_42: =D
  358. (08:17:26) Taekon: Yay Broken Age!
  359. (08:17:34) flesk: and - kind of embarassing in comparison.
  360. (08:17:39) DDBandit24: Doublefine's latest new game, awesome
  361. (08:17:43) Permafry_42: its finished syd
  362. (08:17:46) Cheeseness: :D
  363. (08:17:51) Cheeseness: You're good, Syd
  364. (08:17:54) DDBandit24: Nice pick
  365. (08:18:06) Cheeseness: We'll be doing something special for Broken Age, so keep an eye out
  366. (08:18:09) Syd: There were so many times that I wanted to tab out and say something in chat but it would have meant pausing the game. :P
  367. (08:18:12) Cheeseness: There's probably going to be a schedule change involved as well
  368. (08:18:17) SvenQ45: How can i forgot Hugo. Love that games!
  369. (08:18:26) flesk: Ah, LIMBO is Danish.
  370. (08:18:27) Syd: Yeah, we're setting up something special for Broken Age
  371. (08:18:30) SvenQ45: There were a Hugo game show in Germany, too.
  372. (08:18:33) Taekon: :o!
  373. (08:18:43) Taekon: And I have to wait until next month, no!
  374. (08:18:50) flesk: So it's going to be at another time, Cheeseness?
  375. (08:19:00) flesk: During the week sometime.
  376. (08:19:00) Cheeseness: Use the intervening time to do ratings for all the previous Game Club games :b
  377. (08:19:09) Cheeseness: flesk: Yeah, we'll probably move it back a day
  378. (08:19:15) Cheeseness: Still ironing things out with Greg, etc.
  379. (08:19:24) SvenQ45: What?
  380. (08:19:30) Taekon: Also @Cheeseness DF Ben Burbank on the Bad Gold chat
  381. (08:19:37) flesk: So Friday, but still at the same hour?
  382. (08:19:46) Taekon: Bad Golf*
  383. (08:19:55) Syd: We're still trying to figure out the details for the Broken Age stuff
  384. (08:20:01) Cheeseness: flesk: Yeah, we're aiming for the same time slot, but we haven't nailed it all down yet
  385. (08:20:33) DDBandit24: Bye guys, I'll see you net time
  386. (08:20:36) flesk: And it's still two sessions?
  387. (08:20:39) Cheeseness: Thanks for coming ^_^
  388. (08:20:40) DDBandit24 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  389. (08:20:54) flesk: And BoUT after that then?
  390. (08:21:03) Cheeseness: flesk: We haven't decided yet. We're still figuring things out - it's been slow to organise what with AF and everything
  391. (08:21:11) SvenQ45: I just wanted to ask about BOUT?
  392. (08:21:18) Cheeseness: If we can find somebody who wants to do BoUT :D
  393. (08:21:19) flesk: I can imagine.
  394. (08:21:36) SvenQ45: Did anyone backed BOUT 2?
  395. (08:21:55) flesk: I would do it, but I can't really commit to anything like that.
  396. (08:22:05) flesk: Yeah, I backed it, SvenQ45.
  397. (08:22:15) Cheeseness: We would have done BoUT over AF, but everybody's pretty busy
  398. (08:22:33) Syd: I'm glad my internet didn't derp out while I was streaming, especially at the end. I looked at my modem and thought "I'm counting on you to do your job right now."
  399. (08:22:36) SvenQ45: How much, flesk? May I ask?
  400. (08:22:47) Taekon: Haha awesome job streaming Syd
  401. (08:22:55) Cheeseness: Yeah thanks heaps, Syd
  402. (08:23:04) Syd: I also never died! Yay!
  403. (08:23:12) Cheeseness: We didn't get to see any deaths ;_;
  404. (08:23:15) flesk: Not too much. $30 or something I think.
  405. (08:23:23) SvenQ45: ok.
  406. (08:23:24) flesk: Thanks, Syd.
  407. (08:23:25) SvenQ45: :D
  408. (08:23:40) Syd: Consider the death stuff being more reason for someone to get the game and play it themselves, if they want to see the myriad of ways they can kill the two brothers. :P
  409. (08:23:46) flesk: We definitely got to see deaths, Cheeseness.
  410. (08:23:50) flesk: Not Syd's fault though.
  411. (08:24:00) Syd: Heh, yeah, there's one I couldn't do anything about.
  412. (08:24:08) Cheeseness: You had one job, Syd
  413. (08:24:36) SvenQ45: I bought that last month: Yesterday it arrives.
  414. (08:24:38) flesk: You should have been faster climbing that tree.
  415. (08:24:51) Syd: Heh
  416. (08:25:02) Syd: I tried! Little brother only goes so fast.
  417. (08:25:02) flesk: That looks really cool, SvenQ45.
  418. (08:25:21) Cheeseness: Well guys, I'm going to get the chat log up, grab a shower and then do some Bad Golf merging
  419. (08:25:24) Permafry_42: great streaming syd =D
  420. (08:25:30) Cheeseness: This was a fantastic game
  421. (08:25:33) flesk: Ok, see you, Cheeseness.
  422. (08:25:38) Cheeseness: I hope to see some thoughts on the forums :D
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