
Smidget & Bit IX

Apr 5th, 2012
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  1. >you are now Bit
  2. >ever since the... incident, Smidget has been rather listless
  3. >she has also been growing fat
  4. >still, the OTHER neighbors have brought a whole retarded CLAN of your blighted kin to their home
  5. >this sets your blood to boiling
  6. >you watch from the window as they run aimlessly, play "Hide in plain sight and seek"
  7. >deep down, you want to gore them all, but you'd have about the same luck stabbing them with a banana
  8. >the trick is killing them without hurting their owners, because they're really nice people
  9. >you head to brainstorm with Smidget who is now so bloated she can't move under her own power
  10. >your owner has been acting strangely
  11. >"Smidget! Wan' heeya ideas on kiwwing da neighbows fwuffy ponies."
  12. >Smidget groans, "Smidget's tummy ache... gotta poopies..."
  13. >you frown in a way that would be impossible for lesser ponies and totter off to find you master
  14. >he's watching tv
  15. >"Smidget's gonna poop aww ova da fwoor! Go stop."
  16. >he sighs and grabs a mop while you trot to begin your murderous plot
  17. >your slip out the extra wide doggy door and check your fence on that side
  18. >one of the gibbering idiots has already wandered through a hole in the fence
  19. >it's a brown earth pony with darker splotches you hope are just patterns in the fluff
  20. >"Hi! New fwiend?" it says as it practically stumbles towards you
  21. >choking back your bile, you try to sound chipper "Fwiend! Wan' pway game?"
  22. >it nods hard enough to throw its balance off and your grin grows wolfish
  23. >"Gawage has pwenty of fun toys..."
  24. >you love the smell of grass and gasoline that mingles here
  25. >your companion doesn't, "No smell pwetty..."
  26. >it still follows you
  27. >you look over the tools, and the possibilities are... fantastic
  28. >pitchfork, axe, shovel... you remember how fun it was watching that pegasus burn though...
  29. >you notice a can of kerosene
  30. >"Ah! Best toy! Wan' pwetty toy?"
  31. >the other fluffy grins widely and your weak telekinesis rolls the can from the bottom shelf to you
  32. >the top pops off
  33. >"Put your hoofsies in!"
  34. >certain its new fwiend won't hurt him, the acrid smelling fuel does cause a little cough
  35. >"Now wun to yo uvvah fwiends!"
  36. >as he turns you focus on his little hooves, and shoot a stream of sparks from your horn with considerable effort
  37. >he starts running and ignites
  38. >it isn't long before screaming starts and you watch from the street
  39. >the reaction is... glorious
  40. >as their brother runs around in flames, the fools try to hug him since "huggies make ouchies go'way"
  41. >they ignite, but just run around aimlessly
  42. >you sigh with relief when one of them collapses just short of the back door, but now the neighbors are running around with a hose trying to put them out
  43. >triumphantly you climb through the doggy door
  44. >your little victory strut continues as long as your poor dexterity allows
  45. >you trip over one of Smidget's stuffed bears
  46. >still, you just slew at least seven fluffy ponies with just a few sparks
  47. >Smidget is going to love hearing about this
  48. >as you round the corner you hear her talking
  49. >"Mah babehs... wuv my new babehs..."
  50. >blood turns to ice-water
  51. >there lies Smidget with your master
  52. >with three foals
  53. >fluffy, light blue foals
  54. >one has a horn
  55. >a few more bodies for the pile
  57. >be Smidget
  58. >the blind, helpless little babies cling to your fluff
  59. >your owner had the foresight to by fluffy pony milk in powdered form
  60. >...not like they could burrow through your fluff anyway
  61. >Bit is staring in the vicious way, but you're too tired to do more than hold your young
  62. >"Bit wan' know what's going on heyah!"
  63. >you don't bother
  64. >so sleepy
  65. >be the hapless owner
  66. >you've seen that look in Bit's eye
  67. >since Smidget started to swell you've been prepared though
  68. C'mere Bit
  69. >he doesn't struggle against you looks daggers at his sons and daughter
  70. >you've cordoned off a portion of your house for him
  71. >a play-pen around a tv, his bowls, and his makeshift pony bed
  72. >"I pwomise not to huht dem..."
  73. I don't want to risk that, but I want you to think about something...
  74. >you set him down, and he goes to sit on his bed, trying to lie to you with his puppy-dog eyes
  75. First, if you love me, you'll tell me the truth, right?
  76. >Bit rubs his forelegs together
  77. >"I was gonna kiww dem..."
  78. Thank you. You should know something though... there's a good chance they'll be more like you and Smidget than the one's you burned today.
  79. >his eyes go wide like he never considered this possibility
  80. >you close the door and go to take care of your new foals
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