
tl;dr of where 4chan is today

Jul 10th, 2018
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  1. A small but tl;dr'd history of the past few years of 4chan, from the cool down of 'Project Chanology', the dawn of GamterGate, and how became an independent weaponized meme factory.
  3. Back when the Chanology project was cooling down the "moralfags" that invaded this place moved on to a forum called "whyweprotest" and that was the seed that gave Occupy Wall Street the critical mass. It got quickly coopted by very well funded "intersectional progressives" that shifted the focus of the protest off the inequality and the bank bailout and to the plight of women and minorities,
  4. white men bailed out but the seed for the current "intersectional" progressive movement was laid, including in Silicon Valley.
  5. In 2010, along with the unrest in the US, there was the start of what would be called "the Arab Spring". Those "repressive" governments, used to complete social control due to very close monitoring of the telecommunications, were blindsided by the rise of social media: Twitter, Facebook, among others. Silicon Valley was more than happy to capitalize on the "bastion of freedom of speech" aura and that ended up including Reddit and (thanks to Chanology and Occupy) 4chan as well. It led to Moot to become a "dark horse", a media darling both giving interviews left and right, winning Time Magazine poll for "men of the year" (with a little help of his friends) and that turned him from "one of us NEETs" into a Silicon Valley darling, hanging out with the very progressives that run social media and tech publications today.
  8. Much like with MTG now, "nerd gurls" start parachuting on the game industry from nowhere and getting stellar reviews for indie games nobody ever played before or after with themes like "fighting depression" or "empowering women". Gamers shit on it whenever they can, as the games are shit and the game media is running a "naked king" charade, praising said "gurls" and antagonizing the gamer base
  9. As a parallel think of the repeat of it in 2016, only replace "nerd gamer gurl" with "Hillary"
  11. Part II
  12. the boyfriend of one of these media propped up indie game "developer" finds out and shouts for whoever wanna hear that not only she's cucking him but doing so with the very gaming journalists that propped her up with stellar reviews for mediocre games.
  13. Think of it as the recent revelation of that NYT journo sleeping with her source
  15. Part III
  16. out of nowhere and in every relevant gaming blog, site and publication, the same article is published (as if they came from independent source and zeitgeist): "Gamers are dead, industry don't have to pander to them anymore"
  17. Think of it as that series of articles that succeeded the RNC "dark speech"
  19. Part IV
  20. > some journo leaks that he and the rest of gaming journalist have a secret yahoo groups (or google groups, or whatever) where they chat and coordinate articles
  21. Think of it as the Podesta email revelation of the journos that were in the inner circle of Hillary campaign
  23. The meme war was a prequel to 2016. Women, minorities were pushing for more "inclusion", journos were on board when their progressivism, every single avenue of discussion heavily censored any talk that wasn't "those mysoginists, amirite?" (and here is the shocker) INCLUDING THIS VERY SITE.
  26. Part V
  27. With Moot deep inside the "cool cats clique" of Silicon Valley it ended up getting him to actually side with the "indie gamer girl" / "tech journalist" side of the divide. Gamergate as a subject got banned (by royal decree) from other boards and told to "go back to /pol/" and for a brief stint /pol/ mods banned it too for "not being politics". That had two effects
  28. > 1) it cornered a giant crowd that only wanted to be left alone and never wanted to involve in politics into this very board
  29. > 2) it create a rebellion of sorts against the staff of the site, mods ceased to be "gods" and became "dogs"
  32. Then one defining moment of the whole thing, for what this site concerns:
  33. it became known that Moot was seeing some techie girl. Then pics of her with some other bloke surfaced and people mocked Moot by calling him a cuck. this mini rebellion lasted for some months then Moot lashed out and created what's known as /pol/harbor, by removing captcha, any cooldown and linking this board on the whole site declaring it essentially "designated shitting street"
  35. Long story short:
  36. > /pol/harbor flushed out both the Ron Paul libertarian and the stormweenies (Nazi larpers) from this site, the later moving to the recently created 8ch.
  38. >on the other hand the only crowd that not only survived but also thrived at this chaos was the old/b/ "for the lulz" crowd, putting and end on a long exile that started when moralfags ran the board to the ground.
  40. > race riots plus Islamic terrorism pushed the same phenomenon of "if you criticize you're racist mysoginist sexist xenophobic" to the mainstream journalism but the surviving gamergate crowd was already immune to that as you can't be a double racist.
  42. > then came Trump, ran on a message of torching politically correctness and became an instant beacon to this crowd
  44. Many of the names recently associated with Trump were actually outspoken back on the GG days: Milo, Shapiro, Adam Baldwin. Many of them outlasted their usefulness and ended up becoming villains. There is a direct line between Gamergate and Trump's movement. The "other side" knows that but whenever they try to tell it to people (like Hillary "alt right" speech) they fail to explain properly and ends up looking like crazy people yelling at a racist frog.
  47. >"I used to be a faggot. Now I'm a cuck. It is what it is." Moot, 2015
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