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a guest
Jun 19th, 2014
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  1. >There wasn't even time to struggle as you were plunged into her depths
  2. >Slick walls squeezed you tightly, lubricating your body and drenching your clothes
  3. >You try struggling, but the constantly shifting world around you threathens to break your arms
  4. >You begin to gasp for breath as the air gets thinner, at least where your head encountered pockets of air and not wasn't swallowing more of her cum
  5. >Her cum: It's all you can taste, that sweetness now overpowering as it floods into your mouth along with ever other orface - just like her aroma, the musky scent of sex impossibly strong in the damp air
  6. >Thick marecum covers your eyes and forces you to squeeze them shut, what little you can see is your world rapidly growing dark as you move deeper from the intermittent flashes of light that graced her enterence
  7. >Soon the thumping in your ears grows to match the sound of her blood pulsing around you, accompanied by the deep bass rumble of her moans
  8. >It is undeniable - she is your world, and the burning heat inside of her a substitute sun
  9. >Soon you let out your final breath, just a few more bubbles in the frothy juices of the orgasm that pulverised your bones, leaving your body to slowly drift out on the tide of liquid onto the damp bedsheets below
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