
Flip of A Coin (By BC)

Apr 1st, 2014
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  3. >Late night at Golden Oak Library.
  4. >You were getting ready for bed, completely worn out from a day in your workshop.
  5. >Several ponies needed "Founder's Day Festival" stands built, and they came right to you.
  6. >You had a certain reputation for quality.
  7. >Twilight was currently hanging over the side of the bed, upside down with wings and hair hanging limp.
  8. >She also appeared annoyed, for some reason.
  9. "Twilight...what are you doing?"
  10. >"Thinking."
  11. >You arched an eyebrow.
  12. "Upside down?"
  13. >"I do all of my best thinking when all the blood is rushing to my head." The mare huffed, tone thick with sarcasm.
  14. >One of her legs was sticking high into the air.
  15. >The bait was too easy, you took it.
  16. >Grabbing it, you held the mare high.
  17. >She flared her wings in momentary panic at the sudden lift, then resumed being grumpy.
  18. "C'mon hun, I know when something's wrong. Wanna talk?"
  19. >Twilight instead started wiggling in your grip.
  20. >"Leggo!"
  21. "Nope."
  22. >Instead, your other hand went to her belly, and started tickling.
  23. >She yelped, a barking laugh forcing its way out before she forced herself to NOT laugh.
  24. >Her face was tensing from the need, you could see it in her eyes.
  25. "Come on, laugh~!" You taunted. "I'll stop if you do!"
  26. >The effect was immediate.
  27. >She lost it completely, laughing hard and loud.
  28. >You kept up the 'assault', giggling like a fool as tears streamed out of her eyes.
  29. >"W-W-Waaaaaait! Ano-hahahahaha-Anon, stahahahaahahahah~!"
  30. "Say uncle!"
  31. >"N-n-never!"
  32. >Your hands left her belly for a moment, letting her catch her breath.
  33. >The last few giggles were making their way out as well.
  34. >...which is when you switched targets, now tickling the base of the very hoof you had captive.
  35. >The loud laughter started again, Twilight losing control completely.
  36. >She couldn't even kick you away, hanging like she was.
  37. >"U-u-unchahahaha! UNCLE!" The mare cried, and you almost immediately relented.
  38. >You then dropped her gently on the bed, waiting for her to catch her breath.
  39. >She panted heavily, shoulders heaving as she greedily took in large gulps of air.
  40. >Her wings beat in time with her gasps, hanging almost limp as she regained control of herself.
  41. >She looked at you, ears flat against her skull.
  42. >"That...that wasn't fair, Anon!"
  43. "Why not, princess?"
  44. >Twilight flushed.
  45. >"You know I hate that term..."
  46. >You just chuckled in return.
  47. >Twilight sighed, and you sat on the bed with her.
  48. >Usually a tickle session cheers her up.
  49. "Twilight, what's wrong?" You asked, now legitimately concerned.
  50. >"I'm just feeling a little depressed."
  51. >You pulled her into your lap.
  52. >"I've hit a wall with my research. Anything I do to this special spell now is...uncharted territory."
  53. "What's wrong with some experimentation?" You asked, fully aware of the mare's love for that.
  54. >Twilight heaved a heavy sigh.
  55. >" of two things could happen."
  56. "Best case scenario?"
  57. >"Best case is that I'll be pregnant with your foal, Anon. Any time of year, doesn't need to be long as we have sex within twenty-four hours, it'll take."
  58. >You nodded, both excited and a little scared.
  59. >Then there was the other side of the spectrum.
  60. "And...and if you cast it wrong?"
  61. >"If I cast it wrong, it could leave me completely barren for the rest of my life."
  62. "Then..."
  63. >Your mouth was suddenly very dry.
  64. >Russian Roulette, except it wasn't your life on the line: It was your kid's.
  65. >You honestly wish she had just told you that it had a 50/50 chance of killing you instead.
  66. "Twi...just keep doing some research. I...can't make a decision like that right now."
  67. >"I didn't expect you to." She replied. "We'd both be stupid to try the spell right now, I haven't exhausted *every* resource."
  68. "Also...I'm always open to adoption, if it comes down to it."
  69. >"So am I, but...I'd rather try this first."
  70. "Of course, love."
  71. >Twilight put her head in her hooves, sighing.
  72. >You were comfortingly rubbing her back, watching her tail sway idly to and fro.
  73. >"I'm...going to sleep, Anon."
  74. >She turned around to give you a loving kiss on the lips, holding it there for a long while.
  75. >Eventually she broke off softly, her glittering amethyst eyes looking deeply into your own.
  76. >"I know I say it all the time, but...I love you."
  77. "I love you too, Twi. With every fiber of my being."
  78. >The mare laid down on her side and covered herself with her quilt.
  79. >You didn't go to bed just yet.
  80. >Your nerves were out of control, too jittery to sleep.
  81. >Heading downstairs, you went into your workshop.
  82. >It was still early into the night, and there was nothing like a little physical labor to keep your mind off of things.
  83. ---
  84. >You managed to finish up three stands within the next two hours.
  85. >They just needed a coat of paint and some personalization, though the ponies in question could do that themselves.
  86. >You hopped into the shower, washing the sweat off of you.
  87. >A very, very tiny part of you was disappointed you didn't take the shot right now to get Twilight pregnant.
  88. >The overwhelming majority of your conscience was content to wait, though.
  89. >Stepping out a moment later, you dried off and put a pair of boxers on.
  90. >You then joined your marefriend in bed, pulling her close.
  91. >Twilight grunted unhappily at being moved, but quieted down when she felt your warmth on her back.
  92. >She then turned, pulling her chest against yours.
  93. >You stroked a rogue hair out of her face, looking at your sleeping angel.
  94. >She snoozed quietly, though there had been once or twice you had caught her loudly snoring.
  95. >Chuckling at the memory, you gave the tip of her horn a quick kiss.
  96. >It sparked as a chill went down her spine, visible as a shiver.
  97. >The mare slept through it though, pulling you closer for warmth.
  98. >You pulled your thicker quilt over the two of you, hers long forgotten at the foot of the bed.
  99. >Yeah, you were happy with waiting.
  100. >It simply wasn't worth risking her health and happiness.
  101. >Giving the mare one last kiss on the forehead, you joined her in dreamland.
  102. ===
  104. :(...
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