

Dec 21st, 2016
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  1. Pentecostia is now more like Sister Gail, concern fills her eyes as she kneels down, slime and goo still dripping from her in thick globs, by Hikibi. She winds a shattered armoured arm around the girl, bracing her back against her knee. "We need to take you to a hospital.." the knight utters, a shiver of worry in her voice.
  2. Firagadam - Ontem às 21:49
  3. Hibiki slumps on the ground, fighting her damnest to keep the transformation up "I....i...I did it"
  4. Slepnir - Ontem às 21:49
  5. "Aiyah, is this metal girl alright?" Wudi asks, as she approaches the downed Hibiki. She then looks around, "I think we all need a bath." she states, looking at her own tattered and slimy clothes.
  6. Shantak - Ontem às 21:50
  7. "Yeah! You did. That was awesome. You..." Saeko pauses. "Thanks for saving me back there."
  8. Firagadam - Ontem às 21:51
  9. !I....It was nothing...W-We are heroes after all, of course we....were going to win this..."
  10. "Thanks everyone...."
  11. Naomadoka - Ontem às 21:53
  12. Etsuko pulls herself back up, her legs a bit unsteady. She pulls one of her ears down in her field of view. "Can anyone tell me what's going on?"
  13. Witness to Destiny - Ontem às 21:53
  14. There's a stickiness in her... but it's... it feels like it's going to slide down her legs...
  15. Firagadam - Ontem às 21:53
  16. "Demons...We fight them so others...can be safe, just like heroes of course!"
  17. Witness to Destiny - Ontem às 21:53
  18. Her body seems to be fading... was that a glimmer of Hibiki and not Valkyria?(editado)
  19. Rakaras - Ontem às 21:54
  20. The armour dulls, then with a gleaming sparkle of faith, disppears in a waft of embers. Sister gail knees there, her habit clinging to her body, hanging low and heavy with all the slime and juices that cling to it. Her greatsword disappears in a flash of light. The sister looks around the demolished mall. It's time to leave. Quickly at that. She scoops one arm under Hikibi's legs, the other behind her back and lifts her up, cradling her as the strong nun stands.
  22. "Let's get to a safe place before the police arrive." the eldest intones, walking -carefully- over the goo and worse.
  23. Firagadam - Ontem às 21:54
  24. Looks at her image glowing
  25. "I...I need to go!"
  26. Rakaras - Ontem às 21:54
  27. "What? How? In that state?" Gail looks down to the desperate girl in her arms.
  28. Shantak - Ontem às 21:54
  29. "Uh, yeah. I think that's a good idea, lady." Saeko looks around, worried. She hadn't really considered what would happen after the demons were defeated.
  30. Firagadam - Ontem às 21:54
  31. Attempts to run and fly, Sadly she only barely floats above the ground as she tries to get speed!
  32. "I-Its important I cant...I cant stay here or...or..."
  33. Rakaras - Ontem às 21:55
  34. "Or what?" Gail utters.
  35. Slepnir - Ontem às 21:56
  36. Wudi quickly walks up and holds onto Hibiki's shoulder. "Little one, your body is too damaged, you can barely fly anymore, why dont you obey the big woman hm?"
  37. Shantak - Ontem às 21:56
  38. "Yeah, hey. I agree that we should get out of here. But you look pretty banged up!"
  39. Firagadam - Ontem às 21:56
  40. Blushes, visibly so "...A-Anyway I need to go!" She starts picking some speed, like preparing to go fast for some time
  41. "N-Nonsense, t-they barely saw what im capable of!, im fine!"
  42. Rakaras - Ontem às 21:58
  43. "I offer you safety and sanctuary." Gail intones. "It is the least I can do for one so (reckless) ...Brave."
  44. Naomadoka - Ontem às 21:59
  45. Heel... Toe... Heel... Toe... Etsuko makes her way over to the familiar nun. "[Sister Gail]... What just happened? Why am I wearing these clothes? Why do I have rabbit ears..???"(editado)
  46. Rakaras - Ontem às 21:59
  47. "...The Lord moves in mysterious ways." is all the sister has to offer. "I fully intend to research just what exactly happened here and why."
  48. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:00
  49. "These demons were far too...human." she frowns.
  50. Shantak - Ontem às 22:01
  51. "Wait. Is that not how they're supposed to be?" Saeko has a realization. "You've seen these things before?!"
  52. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:02
  53. As Hibiki tries to sloppily fly away, Wudi sends her glowing wooden sword after her, as it cuts off her thrusters in a golden flash
  54. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:02
  55. Falls to the ground, feeling the pain of the ground
  56. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:03
  57. "I am a sister of the church of His Burning Glory." Gail pontificates, the tall, blonde woman looking prideful even in her soaked state. "For decades I have followed the Christ. Today I discovered the truth"
  58. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:03
  59. "Aiyah, that's why I told you to wait." Wudi goes over to the fallen heroine and hoists her over her shoulder. Even with her magically enhanced strength, she's still weak, so it takes visible effort for Wudi to lift Hibiki.
  60. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:03
  61. The fall makes her unable to get up again even if she tries, she rolls untill she is on her back, and then...feels something slipping out, all the things inside of him, the demonic genetic material fly out in a shower
  62. And as that happens, the heroine glow ends, her body is incased in let average height body....completely naked, blushing completely
  63. His hips hurt, he cant move his legs to cover his penis...and that makes him even more embarrased "I....Didnt want anyone to see...."
  64. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:05
  65. Gail frowns as she hears the heavy splattering nearby and looks over to see ...a half naked boy being carried by Wudi?!
  66. "What"
  67. Shantak - Ontem às 22:06
  68. Saeko gives Gail a worried look. "Uh, this isn't going to be some sort of weird cult-" It's at this moment that Saeko catches a glimpse of Hibiki's true form. "You're..." Wait, magical girls could be magical boys?!
  69. Naomadoka - Ontem às 22:06
  70. "[What???]"
  71. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:06
  72. "Wait, she's a boy?" Wudi looks back at the now untransformed boy in shock.
  73. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:07
  74. Looks from side to side, defeated "....Cant even...move my legs right...this is so humiliating..."
  75. Shantak - Ontem às 22:07
  76. Saeko cautiously approaches Hibiki. Did she even want to know how this worked?
  77. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:07
  78. "A-anyway, can the big woman please take care of him, my transformation is almost gone..."
  79. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:08
  80. "Sister Gail." Gail utters, reaching out for Hibiki.
  81. Naomadoka - Ontem às 22:08
  82. All of a sudden, her gaining rabbit ears seems far more normal than what happened to this boy.
  83. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:08
  84. "L-Look I didnt what was going to happen, that dumb cat just....said if I wanted to be a hero I should do the thing...I thought I was dreaming or some thing...."
  85. "Then....Then I was...that...Thought...well, atleast I had super powers..."
  86. Naomadoka - Ontem às 22:09
  87. "A talking cat!?"(editado)
  88. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:09
  89. "T-Then...Oh...Oh man...Oh man...I felt the thing inside...ew....ew ew..."
  90. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:09
  91. "A cat." Gail smiles faintly. "The angels of the Lord take many different forms. Cats are known to be guardians of the underworld in pagan mythology. They are feminine predators. Perhaps that is what the Lord wishes for you"
  92. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:09
  93. After the sister takes the boy off her back, Wudi's outfit transforms back to a schoolgirl's, albeit still ripped and dripping with slime and she collapses onto the ground. "Fuwwaaaaa! That was tough, Kuang'er thought she die of exhaustion..."
  94. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:10
  95. "I dont care about god I be a super hero...thing...."
  96. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:10
  97. Gail's strong arms cradle Hibiki close as she starts to walk towards the back of the mall. Eyes peering for a bathroom they can wash up in and a clothes shop to borrow from
  98. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:10
  99. "...The Name is Hibiki...thanks for...everything"
  100. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 22:10
  101. The Mirror Empress slowly, slowly gets up, looking around.
  104. Her clothes fade away, and she blinks sleepily.
  106. "What is... who are..."
  107. She tears up.
  108. "Sister @Rakaras!!!!"
  109. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:11
  110. "You may not care about God. But God cares about you." She stops and turns her head towards the tearful girl. "Are you injured?"
  111. Shantak - Ontem às 22:11
  112. "Uh, hey Hibiki." Saeko replies, looking around nervously. "I guess it's fine if I give my name. I'm Saeko."
  113. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:11
  114. the sight of all the naked women...HIBIKI IS A MAN, A MANLY MAN starts slowly extending outwards
  115. Naomadoka - Ontem às 22:11
  116. "Angels? Talking animals...?" A light turns in on Etsuko's head. Her face reddens as her transformation givees way.
  117. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:12
  118. He looks absolutely red and cant keep his eyes off
  119. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:12
  120. "If you are a sister, maybe we should hide in your church? Most of the girls are unclothes after all..."
  121. Shantak - Ontem às 22:12
  122. Saeko plants her heel firmly on the concrete and turns away from the sight of Hibiki's sudden growth spurt.
  123. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:13
  124. "D-D-Dont make me explain please"
  125. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:13
  126. Sister Gail 's lips quickly twist into a zig-zag of disapproval. She keeps her head turned away and her eyes locked onto the others. "Indeed. But first we must get to the church. I fear walking down the street in this state may only invite more trouble"
  127. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:13
  128. "Aiyah, it seems metal girl really was a boy. This magic is really interesting."
  129. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:13
  130. "A guy and a bunch of naked girls...."
  131. Naomadoka - Ontem às 22:14
  132. "So... all of you met talking animals?"
  133. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:14
  134. "We....W-We are in a deserted mall maybe we could...borrow some clothes?"
  135. Shantak - Ontem às 22:14
  136. "Wait. you have a talking animal too?"
  137. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:14
  138. "Well, let's go get some clothes then, I heard its going to get colder today after all."
  139. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:14
  140. "Wait all of you have....Ah crap"
  141. "Fluffy things giving girls powers.....shit I am so in a mahou shoujo anime...this is so uncool"
  142. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:15
  143. "Fluffy? A frog is not fluffy you silly boy."
  144. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 22:15
  145. "A.... little..."
  146. Nanoka blinks, looking at @Firagadam.
  147. She breathes heavily, but then just sort of... relaxes.
  149. IT's alright. THis is... alright.
  151. "C-cover.... yourself".
  152. She does her best to make true her own words and gets up.
  153. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:16
  154. Looks at the blushing girl "I sorry I cant quite...move my legs very well"
  155. Naomadoka - Ontem às 22:16
  156. Etsuko breaks her silence. "I hit it with my shoe... I hit the rabbit angel with my shoe!"
  157. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:16
  158. Reddens and looks..almost like with a tear in the eye, a very shameful whisper "My hips hurt..."
  159. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:18
  160. Fearing that time and worse will come for them. Gail rears up, pacing around the girls and cradling the boy, like a great lioness. "Everybody." she barks. "Follow me to the bathroom. We can take some cheap gowns and sandals from a store to cover ourselves as we return to my church."
  161. "From there, we may further our plans, but I wish to leave the demonic taint and this place as quickly as possible"
  162. Shantak - Ontem às 22:18
  163. Saeko nods. "Let's get the heck out of here."
  164. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:19
  165. "Sure, Kuang'er agrees! We can meet up and discuss this after we fix ourselves up!"
  166. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:19
  167. "I have no problems with that b-but....Im a boy and all im sure that..."
  168. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:19
  169. "I can tell"
  170. Gail mutters
  171. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:20
  172. "....Im going to need a little help...its all pretty new to me to and...well...."
  173. "Womanhood things..."
  174. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 22:21
  175. Nanoka doesn't protest, instead following @Rakaras like an obedient puppy.
  176. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:21
  177. "You feel so very stiff and stressed." Gail nods slowly as she picks up her stride. "I can feel all this tension gripping your body. I can help you with that." her glistening ruby lips lift slightly.
  179. "Confession back at the church. You are a Christian child, yes?"
  180. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:23
  181. Gets....unfortunately erect at the things the mature woman is saying "....M-me and my f-family are shinto but we never...really"
  182. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:24
  183. "Confession" Gail snaps, her voice as sharp as the greatsword. "You were chosen." she sweeps her gaze over the young girls, slowing her pace so nobody is left behind. "You all were chosen. I promise upon my faith and my sword that I will do what I can to assist my fellow crusaders of the light"
  184. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:25
  185. moves his hand to try and hide the thing but "...Sorry I...I gonna need a cloth to cover...I-It cant be helped you-you are all...beautiful and cute and stuff...."
  186. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:26
  187. "Sister sure is a very serious lady. It shouldn't be too hard to wipe the demons out. And after that, Kuang'er can get her rewards~"
  188. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 22:28
  189. Nanoka rubs the bridge of her nose.
  190. "Sister, you know my stance on this! The Lord cares about what is within, not the words we say to others. Can lion become a kitten just by listening to a sermon? Then neither can a heart become pure without contemplation".
  191. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:28
  192. "You lack focus, is that why you were so reckless?" Gail utters as she strides into the womans bathroom with the boy and hopefully the others in tow. She turns around and lowers Hibiki into the arms of Nanoka "Indeed I do. We shall speak of this within the safety and sanctity of his house." she nods "Support him. I will gather us bathing gowns. Wash up." With that order placed, the sister strides out of the bathroom and into a nearby shop.
  193. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:29
  194. "Hey I did what I had.....I-Its a mans job to protect woman right! the very least..."
  195. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:30
  196. "Well when you transform, you become a woman though. Can you even wash yourself right now?"
  197. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:31
  198. "D-Dont think Down on me I can still move my arms....M-My hips just Hur-"
  199. Cover his mouth when he notices what he said
  200. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:32
  201. Kuang giggles. "A first time is always hard for the girl, don't worry about~"
  202. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:32
  203. "A-ANYWAY! Turning into a woman doesnt make me any less of a MAN!....I-If anything it means im 200% Me!"
  204. Looks to side "My first time was with a demon girl...."
  205. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:33
  206. "Yes, but you were the one who taking it though!" Kuang giggles more at the boy's indignation
  207. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:33
  208. "Aarggggh Dont mock me!"
  209. The boy tries to move his legs and hips, but that only serves to wiggle the hard D in front of the girls
  210. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:34
  211. "If you're such a man, why don't you prove how manly you are~" Kuang teases, standing outside Hibiki's reach
  212. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:34
  213. Out of sight. Gail strides through the abandoned shop with the menace of the terminator and the slime of a, uh, jellyfish. She plucks up some simple bath-robes from a hanger as well as some summer sandals. She steals a pensive glance out to the destroyed mall. It won't be long before the authorities will arrive.
  215. She turns the corner and strides into the woman's washroom, placing the robes by the sink. Without a word, she grips her habit and tears it open, throwing back her bare shoulders to reveal not only the hard sculpt of her body, but her simple and pure white underwear. "Wash up" she utters as she turns a sink on full blast and starts to scrub herself with ice cold water. She doesn't flinch or cringe.
  216. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:34
  217. "You can't even move right now."
  218. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:35
  219. Hibiki can see Gail's hard stare in the reflection of the mirror...
  220. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:36
  221. That does it, THE MAN Summons all his strengh and climbs down from being grabbed he stands up his legs trembling "D-Dont"
  222. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:37
  223. "Alright, alright, you are a man." Kuang sighs. "Kuang'er feels sorry for you... So Kaung'er will help you wash up okay~?" she says as she lifts the boy's arm over her head and helps him to the sink
  224. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:38
  225. Is taken by the girl, is he THAT light,?
  226. "Argh...FINE....But only because you are cute..."
  227. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:40
  228. "Thank you boy~" Kuang giggles as they reach the sink. She pulls out a bucket from the janitor's closet. "Here sit on this so you don't have to stand too long. Kuang'er will get you all nice and shiny~"
  229. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:42
  230. Was about to say that she doesnt need to but...getting cleaned by a cute girl...."G-Go ahead.....I Well....A-Appreciate it"
  231. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:42
  232. "Alright~" Kuang smiles as she begins to use the water from the sink to wash the boy. "Its going to be a bit cold but you're a boy so its going to be okay right?"
  233. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:43
  234. "Y-Yeah! bring it!"
  235. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 22:43
  236. Nanoka rolls her eyes.
  237. "Now, now, no.... [fraternizing]", she finally says, the English word coming out a bit awkwardly.
  239. She walks past @Firagadam, drawing back her hand and landing a mightly TWACK on his buttocks before diving into the pool.
  240. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:44
  241. That leaves a mark on his still man's ass "WHAT THE HELL!"
  242. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 22:45
  243. Nanoka giggles, quite satisfied with her [Stealth operation].
  244. "Always pay attention to your surroundings, boy!"
  245. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:46
  246. "Hey, if a girl is going to touch, why should I care!"
  247. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:47
  248. Gail claps her hands over her face, trying to crush the cold water into her pores. She tilts her head back and shakes her head, her silken gold hair hanging like a mop after all that battle, sweat and slime.
  249. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 22:48
  250. Nanoka tries to think of a clever retort... then WHAT SHE JUST DID comes crushing down on her and she turns away, casting about for something to cool her face.
  251. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:48
  252. Kuang carefully washes Hibiki's body, her hands gliding over his skin to try and get all the gunk from the battle off, but purposefully avoids the boy's engorged member
  253. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:49
  254. Gail glances down to Nanoka.
  256. "I saw that."
  258. She then goes back to wringing out her hair
  259. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:50
  260. He has...a cute exotic girl cleaning him...this is like a dream, he can barely control himself, his member is on fullblast sky high as he...well, looks at the girl cleaning him with lustful eyes, H-He is a boy!
  261. /me....And she didnt say no
  262. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:51
  263. "You're looking at Kuang'er like you want something, what is it~?"
  264. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:52
  265. "....A-Aint it obvious....I-Im a guy....and you are pretty so...I-I cant help it okay"
  266. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:52
  267. "Ah, sorry, Kuang'er isn't so good at Japanese. Could you tell me what you mean?"
  268. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:53
  269. "....[Y-Yuu] [Look...Kyuuto]"
  270. "Y-You are cute ok..."
  271. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:53
  272. "Kuang'er still doesn't understand what you want Kuang'er to do~"
  273. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:55
  274. "W-W-W-Want?...I know...bu-but we probably cant..."
  275. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 22:55
  276. "Saw whaaaat?"
  277. Nanoka - somewhat unsuccessfully - tries to hide her emberassement at @Rakaras words behind a mask of false bravado.
  278. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:55
  279. "Kuang'er doesn't know. Why don't you tell Kuang'er what you mean~"
  280. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:56
  281. "T-The thing that happened to me...b-but the other way around I you know"
  282. Rakaras - Ontem às 22:56
  283. "That you slapped the rear of a naked boy with -that- hand, yes, that one." She utters. "I will spare you the shame of your elders knowing this." Gail sighs softly.
  284. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:57
  285. "Something like.. this?" Kuang asks as she starts "washing" the boy's dick, firmly gripping it and pumping her hand up and down.
  286. Firagadam - Ontem às 22:58
  287. The throat closes down on a gasp, a cute girl is...doign his thing this...This is awesome!
  288. Slepnir - Ontem às 22:59
  289. "Well, is this what you wanted Kuang'er to do? "Comforting" you~?"
  290. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:00
  291. "I-I-Its.....C-Could be the other but....t-this is ....way too good too...a-awesome"
  292. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:01
  293. "Other? What do you mean?" Kuang asks, her head tilting cutely as she continues to give Hibiki a handjob
  294. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:03
  295. Is reaching his limit he simply cant...untill "On-on...Your...Y-Your d-D-Dick...inside....your v...vagina...t-there I said it...."
  296. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:04
  297. "Oh, sex? Maybe when your hips heal, you can't even stand up by yourself." Kuang states, as she speeds up her handjob
  298. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:05
  299. Cant handle it, he falls towards the girl and...for some reason his cock erupts a fountain of thick white material
  300. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:06
  301. "Wah!" Kuang shields her face with her other hand, but most of it still lands on her face. She catches Hibiki as he falls, "Good thing I washed you first."
  302. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 23:07
  303. Nanoka sighs.
  304. " looked good", she mumbles, knowing full well this is no justification.
  305. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:07
  306. Catches his breath "Y-You....I....Im sorry.....but thank you..that...that was amazing"
  307. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:09
  308. "Speaking of looking" Gail muses, sweeping her golden hair over her head. "Where are they? Let's go find them" the tall warrior-nun turns and strides, still nude. Through the small bathroom. "Are you two washed yet?" she utters, her bare feet slapping loudly on the tile floors. "Where are you?"
  309. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:09
  310. "No problem~ Kuang'er figured you might be a little depressed from what happened today, so hopefully this makes you feel better~ But I have to wash myself now, can you sit okay without me?"
  311. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:10
  312. Gets surprised, he tries to get up but quickly decides its a bad idea " problem...just give me some water or a towel...or paper"
  313. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:11
  314. Kuang opens the faucet to the max and directs some of the spray at Hibiki. "How is this?"
  315. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:11
  316. Takes the spray, like a MAN "Super fine....Kuan....You are....You are a pretty great girl, thanks"
  317. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 23:12
  318. Nanoka follows @Rakaras, vaguely annoyed at the figure of the older girl. This was the first time she ever felt that a problem, and the fact she did bothered here more than the jealousy itself.
  321. "Good question, sister, let's see what they've been..."
  323. She trails of, various thoughts running through her head.
  324. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:13
  325. "No problem, Ill wash myself now~" she says as she strips off her damaged clothing and starts using the water to rinse the goo and semen off herself.
  326. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:13
  327. With a touch of a hand, the door to the larger washroom swings open, revealing the very visage of Eve herself. Tall, beautiful, sensual and golden crowned.
  329. ...shame the utter murderface she's wearing kind of ruins it. Frosty eyes leap instantly from naked boy to naked girl IN THE SAME FUCKING ROOM AND WITHIN TOUCHING DISTANCE
  330. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:14
  331. Kuang doesn't seem to notice the arrival of the other girls as she focuses on getting clean.
  332. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:20
  333. Just sits there, cleaning himself of the genetic material, he is used to it, he is a MAN!....and the pretty girl already cleaned him
  334. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:23
  335. Kuang finishes washing up, before noticing the two other girls. "Did you find some clothes sister?"
  336. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:24
  337. As Kuang turns a hand clamps on her shoulder as Gail half-yanks her out the cubicle. She levels a long, burning glower at Hibiki as she shuts the door hard enough to make the entire stall wobble. "Kuang." she utters sharply, turning to guide her to a nearby free washroom. "You must -never- wash with a man. Do you understand?! You have your purity to worry about!"
  338. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 23:25
  339. "Wadddisit whadiissssiiit?!"
  340. Nanoka almost runs @Rakaras and then stares at @Firagadam slowly deflating... piece, then takes two surprisingly swift steps towards @Slepnir and picks a remnant of something white out of her hair, rubbing it curiously between her fingers before bringing it closer to her nose.
  342. "Hhnmmmm?"
  344. She blinks, slowly, her brain working on overdrive, still playing with a strand of @Slepnir's hair.(editado)
  345. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:25
  346. "....Hope im gonna be fine"
  347. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:27
  348. "But he was so pitiful. Plus he is injured. How do you expect an injured man to wash himself?! That's harsh is it not? Aren't we all comrades who fought off demons together? What would I have to worry about?"
  349. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:29
  350. "You must..." Gail glances over to Nanoka. "What is that?" She tilts her head slightly, then looks back to Kuang. "I understand that you want to help, but you can only do so much." She nods sagely, one hand ensuring the towel retains it's tightly wound clasp around her thick curves, the other upon Kuang's shoulder. "You must think of your will understand when you are older." Gail sighs softly, before looking to the closed door.
  352. "Hibiki. Are you washed?"
  353. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:29
  354. "Yeah!"
  355. He manages himself up, puts a towel around and slowly walks "Took a bit any case, Thank kuang...."
  356. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:30
  357. Kuang starts pouting as recieves the lecture. "Kuang'er is not little girl. Kuang'er knows enough!"
  358. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:31
  359. Gail lifts her chin, towering over Kuang and Hibiki. "I know what is best for you. I forbid that you wash with men. Understand?"
  360. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 23:32
  361. "I don't know, sister. Looks like shampoo only.smells.. stranger".
  362. She shrugs, throwing @Slepnir a sympahetic look, trying her best not to be amused at @Firagadam's plight.
  363. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:33
  364. "Shampoo? Then rub it into your hair. It is important that you are clean." Gail nods to Nanoka
  365. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:34
  366. Kuang crosses her arms and glares into the nun's eyes. "You can't tell Kuang'er what to do! You may be older, but you have merely been sequestered in your bubble for so long your brain has stagnated! Kuang'er will not listen to fossils who can't think for themselves!"
  367. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:35
  368. Gail folds her own arms below the imposing weight of her breasts. She glowers down at Kuang, her eyes frosty and hard. "I speak from the teachings of God, the very same being who grants us the power to strike down evil. I only worry about your spiritual purity. Nothing more"
  369. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:35
  370. "G-Girls calm down please...jeez"
  371. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:36
  372. "..or perhaps you are not at fault..." Gail's eye gleams as she peers over her shoulder to Hibiki
  373. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:36
  374. "....Fault for what?"
  375. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:36
  376. "Well, it seems that purity has nothing to do with our powers. Otherwise, the boy would have been untransformed the instant that little demon took his away!"
  377. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:36
  378. "Hey I was gonna fly on my own! You lot dragged me...."
  379. "Dont.....Dont remind me"
  380. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:37
  381. Gail flinches at the memory of that. The rutting demon girl, then the demon knight. "....Hibiki. Can you...." Gail's eyes slide waywards....then return to Hibiki. "Still feel that?"
  382. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:38
  383. "....A lot of things happened today....By that you mean....The...hpmhp...Insertion?"
  384. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 23:38
  385. Nanoka does as instructed, looking over to @Firagadam while she works the material into the roots right above her forehead. It seems a little fatty but not unpleantly so, though its structure seems to rapidly change as she works.
  387. "@Slepnir, are you a herbalist or something? This stuff is kind of nice!
  388. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:39
  389. "Hmm? That stuff? It might be leftover slime from the tentacles from earlier."
  390. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:39
  391. Twitch "Yes...that." She glances over to the girls, quietly curious about the shampoo, then back to Hibiki. "I am concerned incase there are certain consequences."
  392. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 23:40
  393. "EEp!"
  394. She winces, then shrugs. This might need getting used to-- she shudders at hte thought.
  396. How could she EVER get used to that?(editado)
  397. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:40
  398. "Well I....M-My hips feel...worn out, tired...hurting a bit but...W-With the lack know...the proper hole..."
  399. "Cant say....Exactly still feel that..."
  400. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:42
  401. "Maidenhead." gail sharply corrects Hibiki. "Very well then." she exhales slowly, then her steely gaze drops to the floor. "Where is that shampoo bottle? It's leaked." she nods down to between Hibki's feet, where a few pearly drops leave a spotted trail from the seat up to where he stands now.
  402. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 23:42
  403. Nanoka flushes.
  404. "Well, I, uh... I could help. Maybe. I know a little massage somaybeitwontbesobadifimaybe--"
  405. She speeds up while getting quieter as she progresses.
  406. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:42
  407. "If we are all washed up, we should get some clothes to wear. We can't just walk around in bathing robes."
  408. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:43
  409. Gets a at the situation, he scrubs out the white drom with the water on the floor "Well I would love to keep starring...w-we need to take care of things right? G-Gotta be back at home by night anyway"
  410. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:44
  411. "indeed." Gail turns and gestures to the bathing robes near the sinks. "Wear these and I will guide us to my church, then arrange your safe transport from there. Do not fear. If anyone challenges me , I will exclaim I am escorting Special Needs Children."
  412. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:45
  413. Puts on the robe "T....Thats ok.....sign...what a day"
  414. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:46
  415. Gail casts aside her towl and sweeps herself into the robe. It's small for her, just barely clinging to her wide hips and full bosom, but it'll do. "Are we all ready?"
  416. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:46
  417. Kuang shrugs and puts on her bathrobe.
  418. "Yup, Kuang'er needs to do some homework anyway..."
  419. Winter, the Nascent Messiah - Ontem às 23:48
  420. "Quite ready!"
  421. Nanoka speaks a quick prayer to The Lord and inhales, smiling unsteadily but with quite a bit more confidence now.
  422. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:48
  423. Gets a bit red about the mention of...still feeling that...the more he thinks the more...
  424. Witness to Destiny - Ontem às 23:49
  425. Hibiki feels... sickly full in his lower abdomen. It's like being full of something that isn't there any more. A sticky warmth floats through his core....
  426. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:50
  427. Starts rubbing his stomach.....shit, he moves around as if...trying to scratch the itch, instead only feeling it slooshing around
  428. Slepnir - Ontem às 23:50
  429. "Can you stand boy?"
  430. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:50
  431. "Indeed. If you cannot walk, then I will carry you." She looks over her charges.
  432. Firagadam - Ontem às 23:51
  433. "Yeah yeah I can just....felt a bit of....I dunno, stomach ache?"
  434. Rakaras - Ontem às 23:52
  435. Gail stares at Hibiki for a long time, then wordlessly scoops him up and strides out of the place.
  436. Witness to Destiny - Ontem às 23:53
  437. [Session End]
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