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a guest
Feb 15th, 2016
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  1. [6:31] [Tell] To Xean@xtern1ty: You're alive!!!
  2. [6:31] [Tell] To Xean@xtern1ty: We thought you were dead!
  3. [6:33] [Tell] Xean@xtern1ty: that's funny because I heard the same thing about Starfleet Dental...
  4. [6:33] [Tell] Xean@xtern1ty: you can't get rid of me that easily!
  5. [6:34] [Tell] Xean@xtern1ty: and besides I am going to see each of you dead long before it's my time
  6. [6:34] [Tell] To Xean@xtern1ty: So you're planning to live to the end of xtern1ty huh? XD
  7. [6:34] [Tell] Xean@xtern1ty: except now I have hard evidence of what you people have been doing
  8. [6:34] [Tell] To Xean@xtern1ty: Um..
  9. [6:35] [Tell] Xean@xtern1ty: shaking in your boots? you should be!
  10. [6:35] [Tell] Xean@xtern1ty: you should be very afraid
  11. [6:36] [Tell] To Xean@xtern1ty: Actually no, just normal idle animation. I do have a turkey sammich tho!
  12. [6:37] [Tell] Xean@xtern1ty: no response? too scared?
  13. [6:37] [Tell] To Xean@xtern1ty: See above Sammich Comment, sir!
  14. [6:37] [Tell] Xean@xtern1ty: It's fine, I have no more use for you anyway
  15. [6:37] [Tell] To Xean@xtern1ty: In that case, I'd like to apply to join your fleet! I hear it's mostly empty....
  16. [6:38] [Tell] Xean@xtern1ty: run and hide little troll
  17. [6:38] [Tell] Xean@xtern1ty: RUN and Hide!
  19. [xean signs off, doesn't come back]
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