
Rust Soaked Winds Pt. 3

Apr 11th, 2016
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  1. NOTE: This is part 3 of the RP "Rust Soaked Winds", which continues from a point where we switched from Skype to Discord. It's highly recommended that, before reading this, you read from the first part.
  3. [5:45 PM] pichuJC: Samuel: *dashes away from Noa whilst surrounded in water, going back into a fighting stance a little distance away from Noa & throwing a wave of water at him* Hmph, at least you're on your toes!
  4. [7:36 PM] Skilletzorz: Noa: *he ducks under the wave and he snarls as he runs after him* Geeze you're annoying in all sorts of ways!
  5. [8:02 PM] pichuJC: Samuel: *sidestepping from Noa, he thrusts his sword towards him, attempting to go into a rapid flurry of strikes if he manages to connect*
  6. [9:57 PM] Skilletzorz: Noa: *following Sam's step, he grabs the blade, stopping the sword cold, and expending the charge he had gathered. Within the same movement, Noa tries to grab Sam's other arm and headbutt him to knock him off balance* Let's try this again!
  7. April 11, 2016
  8. [12:54 AM] pichuJC: Samuel: *gets caught by Noa & staggers from the headbutt, quickly trying to punch the ground & cause three large ice crystals to appear & knock him away*
  9. [1:03 AM] Skilletzorz: Noa: *hopping aside from the ice crystals, he gathered a charge and attempted to roundhouse Sam*
  10. [12:49 PM] pichuJC: Samuel: *attempts to side charge into Noa whilst surrounded by water, in an attempt to counter his roundhouse*
  11. [5:26 PM] Skilletzorz: Noa: *releasing the charge, Noa kicks off of Sam as an image of himself tries to swipe Sam in the gut with with what appeared to be a sword*
  12. April 12, 2016
  13. [9:54 PM] pichuJC: Samuel: *chases Noa with another water-covered side charge, maybe destroying the image in the process, though this would halt his movement* (All he's doing now is running... is he chickening out now?)(edited)
  14. [10:55 PM] Skilletzorz: Noa: *he hops back and draws his handgun, gathering a charge* (Christ this kid's fucking erratic!)(edited)
  15. April 14, 2016
  16. [1:01 AM] pichuJC: Samuel: *does a third charge before actually exiting the water-covered dash, going upwards so that he's above Noa & preparing to swing his sword straight down onto him*
  17. [1:26 AM] Skilletzorz: Noa: *He snaps out a pair of energy disks that home in on Sam, quickly transforming his gun into it's sword after firing and sending an energy slash at him straight at him. If Sam tried to evade the disks they would try to redirect to him.* Play time's over kid!
  18. [5:43 PM] pichuJC: Samuel: *tries to cut through the energy slash, but gets caught by the discs, getting caught halfway through the attack* Gh...!
  19. [5:50 PM] Skilletzorz: *The disks hit and gtind into Sam but he'd note felt more numb than in pain as Noa jumped and tried to catch him with an uppercut.*
  20. [11:34 PM] pichuJC: Samuel: (T-the heck is this...?) *tries to block Noa's uppercut with his sword*
  21. April 15, 2016
  22. [12:11 AM] Skilletzorz: Noa: *he slams his beamsaber against Sam's blade pressing off* Kch seriously...?
  23. [8:24 PM] pichuJC: Samuel: *dives straight down onto Noa shoulder-first whilst surrounded in water, hoping to try & get a good hit with the water-covered lunge before numbness takes over*(edited)
  24. [8:51 PM] Skilletzorz: Noa: H-huh?! *he's slammed down to the ground, Noa wincing as he tried to get back up*
  25. [8:52 PM] Skilletzorz: Claude: *he runs over, trying to get in between* H-hey! What the hell is going on?!(edited)
  26. [9:04 PM] pichuJC: Samuel: *steps back as Claude comes in, breathing heavily* Hey, get out of the way, I'm not done with him yet!(edited)
  27. [9:21 PM] Skilletzorz: Claude: Seriously?! *he moves over to Sam and puts a hand on his sword arm* You guys are done, both of you! *he looks back to Noa* I think we're gonna have to cancel our plans, are you okay?
  29. Noa: *He rubs his head looking a bit dazed...* Uh...yeah...
  30. [9:48 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *still breathing heavily, glaring at Noa* Frickin'- *sighs out of exasperation, glancing to the ground*
  31. [9:49 PM] Skilletzorz: Claude: ....*He frowns* Put that thing away and I'll walk you home okay? Noa you need to see a doc?
  33. Noa:....I'll be fine...
  34. [9:50 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *puts his sword away* F-fine.
  35. [9:59 PM] Skilletzorz: Claude: *Nods and guides him to the fef building* What's going on dude, talk to me...
  36. [10:09 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *as he walks back with Claude, he shows no signs of actually calm down* He pisses me off, that's what's going on! Who does he think he is that he can just... *grits his teeth in frustration, trying to calm himself down* ... Hey, you have any idea where Joan is...? I need to get to her, soon. Noa was saying she was going to go public with something that'd destroy her life, and I'd like to at least try to stop it.
  37. [10:26 PM] Skilletzorz: Claude:..I think...that's a bit much...I'll help you find her, she's probably still working's her life Sam, I think she's thought about this a bit...
  38. April 18, 2016
  39. [8:49 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *stares at Claude with a look of almost disgust* What, are you aware of it too? You're gonna sit by and let it go TOO? Don't give me that stuff, Claude, I've had enough of it! Even if it's her life to live, if you have the chance to save someone you should take it!
  40. [10:37 PM] Skilletzorz: Claude: *he frowns* I'm not letting it go, she and I talked about it last week after she nearly tore my arm off...I told her that she was just upset but I think she was adamant that everyone had the right to know what she was capable of...(edited)
  41. [10:42 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *sighs with exasperation* That's already better than him, at least. Still, though, I gotta try!
  42. [10:51 PM] Skilletzorz: Claude: I'll do what I can to help dude.
  43. [10:54 PM] Skilletzorz: *The pair head into the fef facility and heading to the elevator if they were attentitive they'd spot Joan eating lunch on her own in the cafeteria, looking rather satisfied*
  44. April 19, 2016
  45. [2:20 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *pauses & takes a deep breath before he walks up to Joan* (Geeze, this is probably not a good time...)
  46. [3:21 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan: *she beams upon spotting Sam, placing her sandwich down and takes his hand looking over to Claude* L-lucius, Claude, it's good to see you both, I trust all is well?
  47. April 20, 2016
  48. [8:40 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *blushes, glancing quickly at Claude before going to the ground & then to Joan* Uh, hey Joan! H-how goes it...?
  49. [9:46 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: *She smiles* I believe I asked you first...but I am well, work has gone swimmingly for the people interpreting your data, they'll have what they need tommorow if the samples come in on time.
  51. Claude:...*He smiles and rubs his neck, heading out* I need to check in with Noa, you two have a good time alright?
  52. [9:55 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (Gods darn it, don't bail on me like that! ... This is the worst...) Uhh, alright, s-see ya Claude... *waves once to Claude with a worried expression, then rubs the back of his head, staring at the ground* Well, that's good to hear... you still have work or anything to do?
  53. [10:02 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: Um...*She frowns* A little, I am simply on lunch break. I am mostly approving requisition orders and reading documents on the Ascadian military movements...
  54. April 22, 2016
  55. [11:25 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Ah, o-okay then. *pauses awkwardly, looking to the ground before quickly looking up* Sorry for interrupting you then. I was just... excited to see ya, I-I guess. *pauses again* Hey, can we talk later? There's something I really need to talk about with you.
  56. [2:30 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan:*she frowns and looks into Sam's eyes* I-if you are not doing anything, would.....would you care to accompany me to my office?
  57. [2:31 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *nods quickly* Y-yeah, sure! I've got nothing better, haha...
  58. [2:35 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: *she beams* E-excellent! *she collects her sandwich and what appears to be a canned coffee, heading to the elevator* I shall finish eating there, but in the mean time what is it that you wished to discuss?
  59. [2:41 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *follows along* Like I said, later is probably better, I don't want to distract you from your work or anything. *looks briefly to the side* (Gods, how am I gonna get through this...?)
  60. [7:13 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan:...*as they enter she looks back to Samuel...* ...(...Did he change his mind aboutt last night...perhaps he wants to leave....but even so......)*...She turns back and places a hand on his shoulder, smiling.* Do not view yourself as a hinderance to me Samuel, I greatly appreciate your company. So please Lucius, speak freely...
  61. [10:49 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *looks upwards, a bit concerned about saying anything* ... Alright, fine... ahm... so I... *sighs, closing his eyes* I need to start from the end first, as weird as that sounds. I can't lie to you. I got in a fight with your brother earlier, that's why Claude had to leave.(edited)
  62. [11:41 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: W-what...? *her eyes widen* What happened, is he alright?
  63. [11:44 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: He should be fine, I got like one hit in, nothing big. *rubs the back of his head, looking away* I was just... agh, I'm still angry at him.
  64. [11:52 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: *she glances down* A-about what...?
  65. April 23, 2016
  66. [12:00 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: A lot of things. He keeps running away and acting like he has nothing to do with you, he insulted my feelings about you and told me that I... *he shuts his eyes tightly, stopping entirely* T-this is why I wanted to get into it later. I-it STILL pisses me off!
  67. [9:28 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan:...*she glances aside then over to Sam and smiles, pulling him into a hug* I...I do not understand entirely but...thank you for acting in my interests at least. We can discuss it more when you are more calm yes?
  68. [11:17 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, of course. *initially surprised by the hug, he then returns it* ... Thanks.
  69. [8:17 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: *She holds him until the elevator opens, breaking off looking a bit concerned, heading off to the office....* there something we can do to get your mind off it?
  70. [8:34 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *follows, smiling to try to ease her concern* Yeah, sure. Just... anything else, really. Anything.
  71. May 20, 2016
  72. [12:35 AM] Skilletzorz: *Leading Samuel to her office Joan offered him a chair looking slightly excited. The office seemed to be at odds with the modern hallway leading up to it, wood panneling and hunting trophies hanging from the wall, a mahogany desk with accompanying leather chairs, along with a thick red carpet, gave the room an impression of coming from a different era entirely. In the back of the room few picture frames where stacked on a set cardboard boxes....a small wooden box with a blanket seemed to be waiting to house Edward in the corner.*
  74. Joan: I have not finished moving in, but um...*She stops herself from instinctively getting behind the desk, instead taking the other seat next to the one she offered to Samuel....*I've had more time to think on what we spoke of yesterday...
  75. [12:43 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *looking around somewhat awed, he sits down slowly; as Joan finishes, he starts blushing super hard, and almost seems to be sweating from it* O-oh, yeah? And...?
  76. [1:27 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan: When we spoke....I shall admit was not sure what romantic love would feel like truthfully....I was always convinced it was...something lustful or improper....or if not that something like a fairy tale story....when did you realize how you felt?
  77. [1:35 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *twiddles his thumbs as he blinks, staring at the ground for a moment* Well, last night, w-which wouldn't help the first interpretation at all. *nervously laughs, then tries to adjust himself towards a less obviously nervous-looking position* I think it started around lunch, though, honestly. Just took a while to find the time to put it into words, I guess.
  78. [1:52 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan:..R-right...*she glances down to his behind her bangs, a similar shade of red crossing her cheeks*...I ...gathered as much....but...even so I cannot fault you for that given my own thoughts...u-um...(..I was hoping for another answer!)....Today...I realized, while I was retrieving the results of an experiment we had initiated, I realized....I had grown melancholy...something was missing...and it took only the briefest of moments to realize why...
  79. [2:20 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah? *reaches towards Joan, planning to put his hand on her shoulder, though unsure of whether he actually should* A-and what would that be? D-do you- *cuts himself off, not wanting to figuratively shoot himself in the foot again*
  80. [2:40 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan: H-ha... *she jumps very slightly as Samuel leans toward her to touch her, meeting his gaze....*...I....I do....I realized...I felt better with you at my side...happier....all of my worries seem so small when you are with me and I that wanted to see you more than I could imagine...and that is what love is yes? *she tugs at his sleeve, trying to pull Samuel closer...*
  81. May 21, 2016
  82. [8:46 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ! *is clearly surprised as he's pulled towards Joan, his eyes locking with hers; after a moment, he begins to hesitantly wrap his arm around her shoulders* I... *he suddenly begins beaming, clearly very happy from the news* I-I'm so happy to hear you feel the same! *he throws both his arms around her, hugging her rather tightly before pulling away, his smile faltering slightly but only just* ... S-so you're fine with a f-fishman like me, then? I-I'm sorry, I'm just so happy, a-and I know it's all so sudden... I'll follow you to the ends of the earth and stick with you through thick & thin, if you're alright with it...!
  83. [9:52 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: A-ah c-careful! *as he throws himself ontop of her she slinks into her chair, slowly slinking out of her chair as he relaxes...* I-I...u-umn! R-rather...*she looks up and forces herself into a hug looking rather sheepish* ...G-gah....of course I am okay with you!
  84. May 22, 2016
  85. [7:17 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I... I-I'm so...! *throwing his arms around her again, he tries to pick her up and spin her around him, kissing her passionately; it should be clear he's lost in the moment*
  86. [9:08 PM] Skilletzorz: *Sam lifts her and her eyes widen in surprise as he kisses her, Joan clumsily wrapping her arms around his shoulders and giving into Sam's fervor....however Sam may notice that Joan was rather heavy due to her high density*
  87. [9:17 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *not expecting her to be as heavy as she is, as he spins her around he loses balance, causing him to tip over & then fall on his back, probably bringing Joan down with him* Whoa- *bangs his head on the floor* OW!
  88. [9:26 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: L-lucius! *she pulls away as she realizes they are falling, bracing against his chest as they impact, the carpet dampening the fall as Joan sits up, straddling him to get her weight off his chest* Are you alright Lucius?!
  89. [9:54 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Y-yeah, I'll... be... *slowly getting up & rubbing the back of his head, he slows down & turns red as he sees Joan where she is* ... Fine, I'm fine. *blinks twice*
  90. May 23, 2016
  91. [10:31 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan:*she smiles and strokes Sam's cheek* U-um....maybe we should be more careful next time...but I appreciate the gesture!
  92. May 24, 2016
  93. [12:43 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, right. *after staring at Joan for a bit & returning to normal, laying his hand on hers, lays down on his back, giggling slightly as he thinks over what's just happened, still holding onto her hand* Just... just give me a moment. *suddenly seems startled & red again* A-and you, uhh, maybe you should get up. I-if someone came in on you like that, i-it could, uhh... y'know... look bad.
  94. [12:49 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan:.... Um....H-how.*She stares and thinks about it for a moment....*...O-oh....OH! *her eye twitches as she comes to the realization, getting off his lap and sitting beside him, pouting* T-that is indecent Lucius!
  95. [12:54 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *looks up at her, smiling & laughing at the preceding events, moving his hands behind his head* Hah, whaddya mean I'm the indecent one here? You're the one who moved there in the first place!
  96. [8:15 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: And you are the one who filtered my concern through your filthy gaze! *She lightly taps him on the forehead with her index and middle finger* Agh...I s-suppose you are a boy though...
  97. [8:33 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Riiight, if that's how you wanna look at it. *sighs as he chuckles again* ... Man, it's been a while since I felt like this. Slip-ups aside, I meant what I said... I love you, and dangit I'm going to stay by your side no matter what. I promise.
  98. [8:56 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: Then as payment ...*she stands and heads to the boxes, motioning Sam over.* I shall hold you to that...will you help me unpack my belongings?
  99. [8:57 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *gets up & follows her* Yeah, of course. (... It can wait a little longer, I'm sure.)
  100. [9:15 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan:...*she takes Sam's hand giving a wide grin*....I am quite certain this will not be the last time we do this together. It will be good practice!
  102. *And without a further care in the world the odd couple enjoyed their time together, unaware of the challenges they'd face together soon...*
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