
Una Nota Dolce Revenge Material (NOT CANON) - Destino

May 13th, 2012
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  2. >You are Bubble Blitz
  3. >Another day, another saddlebag full of homework.
  4. >You trot down the cobblestone street, feeling unusually happy.
  5. >A few days ago, Mom promised to get in touch with your dad.
  6. >And nobody would dare break a Pinkie Promise, especially mom!
  7. >Plus, you got high marks in your piano lessons today! The teacher wants you to perform in the winter recital!
  8. >The sky is even blue! The sky is never blue in Neighjing in winter!
  9. >You can’t help but do a little dance, singing a merry little tune.
  10. >It’s like a movie, random strangers join in your merrymaking.
  11. >You don’t think you’ve ever been this happy.
  12. >You loop around the corner, skipping merrily along as random strangers wave to you.
  13. >It’s all starting to get a little creepy, to be honest.
  14. >Aaah, home.
  15. >Mom must be getting ready for the dinner rush.
  16. >Weird, it usually smells like cupcakes in the area around the shop.
  17. >Something must be wrong with the ovens.
  18. >You open the door and stroll in, a big grin on your face.
  19. “Mom! I’m home! You won’t believe what happened today…”
  20. >Something’s wrong.
  21. >The dinner rush is soon, why are all the lights out?
  22. “Mom?”
  23. >You go back into the kitchen.
  24. >The ovens sit cold, their fires long extinguished.
  25. >There is no noise, not even the scuffle of a hungry mouse.
  26. >You drop your bags and run up the stairs.
  27. >That hint of worry is starting to creep into your voice.
  28. “Mom?!”
  29. >Nothing in the living room. The radio lies silent, the fireplace cold.
  30. >A toothless alligator paws at the closed door to Pinkie Pie’s room.
  31. “What is it, Gummy?”
  32. >You open the door.
  33. >What you see…
  34. >It’s like a mirror inside your head shattered into a million fragments.
  36. “M-mom?”
  37. >There’s Pinkie Pie.
  38. >Curled up in the bed.
  39. >Like she’s asleep.
  40. >You trot over, the room illuminated by only the light through the window.
  41. “Mom, it’s time to get up, you have to open the store soon…”
  42. >She doesn’t stir, her back to you.
  43. >Mom normally snores so loudly…why isn’t she snoring?
  44. >You feel a tightness in your chest as you reach up to prod your mother.
  45. “Mom, it’s time to go…”
  46. >You freeze.
  47. >Your hoof touches Pinkie’s back.
  48. >She’s so…cold.
  49. >She’s not supposed to be this cold.
  50. “Mom…”
  51. >Tears well in your eyes as you feel every organ in your body turn to lead.
  52. “Mom…come on, wake up…”
  53. >You stand on your hind legs, shaking your mother with both hooves.
  54. “No…no, this is just a trick! Another one of your silly jokes!”
  55. >You laugh half-heartily as you shake Pinkie harder.
  56. “Ok mom! You had your fun, now time to wake up…”
  57. >Pinkie’s only movement is from your shaking.
  58. >No…
  59. “No…this can’t be happening…”
  60. >Your sobs get louder as you draw yourself onto the bed, stepping over your mother to get a good look at her face.
  61. >Her eyes are closed…her mouth forever frozen in a pained frown.
  62. >You squeak through heavy sobs.
  63. “Mom…you can’t…don’t leave me alone here…”
  64. >Yet here she is.
  65. >Never to rise again.
  66. >You bury your face in her lifeless mane, openly weeping.
  67. >On the nightstand sits a sealed envelope, with instructions to not open until you come of age.
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