
Norman and Vinyl Chapter 4

Aug 3rd, 2013
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  1. >you wonder who her friend is
  2. >you and Vinyl walk out into the parking lot
  3. >its 7:20 right now, and starting to get dark out
  4. >a sleek black sedan pulls up in front of the two of you
  5. >the driver's window rolls down, and you see a gray skinned lady with long hair parted to the side
  6. >"There you are Vinyl, I was waiting for you."
  7. >"Sorry for keeping you Tavi."
  8. >"Please don't call me that in the presence of company."
  9. >"Okay Octo."
  10. >the gray skinned lady has a calm demeanor despite Vinyl purposely provoking her
  11. >the ways she talks, her tone is very refined
  12. >you both get in the car, and you notice her clothes are classy as well
  13. >she shifts the car into drive, and leaves the parking lot
  14. >"I'm Octavia, in case you were wondering." she says, eyes on the road
  15. "I'm Norman."
  16. >"Yeah, Octavia is a really good cello player Norman."
  17. >now that Vinyl mentions it, you do remember at some of the music performances at school
  18. >in the orchestra, there was one particular cello solo that left the audience in silent awe
  19. >"Oh, I'm not really that great."
  20. >"Stop being so modest Tavi. You're amazing!"
  21. >"I'd prefer you not call me that Vinyl."
  22. "Hey so were you at the dance, Octavia?"
  23. >"I was at the dance, but I did not participate in the dancing."
  24. "Why not?"
  25. >"Well I am not much of a dancer myself. Besides, I was mainly there to listen to Vinyl's music."
  26. >you arrive at the street on which Pinkie's house is
  27. >the block is lined with cars from the other students
  28. >you can hear music being blasted from the house
  29. >"Sounds like the party has already started."
  30. >"Man, Pinkie and her parties. She must really put in a lot of effort for these."
  31. >she does, because she's a party animal
  32. >Octavia seems somewhat reluctant to leave the car
  33. >"I would rather not attend this party Vinyl. You can give me a call and I will pick you up later."
  34. >"Yeah sure thing Octavia."
  35. >Vinyl opens the car door and leaves
  36. "Thanks for the ride Octavia."
  37. >"It was nice meeting you Norman."
  38. "You too."
  39. >you open the door and exit the car as well
  40. >Octavia rolls down her window
  41. >"Oh, and Norman."
  42. "Yes?"
  43. >"Watch out for Vinyl for me. Make sure nothing bad happens to her."
  44. "Don't worry, I'll keep her safe."
  45. >"Thank you."
  46. >she smiles at you and drives off
  47. >well aren't you feeling a bit chivalrous tonight
  48. >Octavia told you to watch for Vinyl, and Vinyl's a good friend of yours
  49. >you open the door to Pinkie's house and greeted by her
  51. >she is really hyped right now
  52. "Hey Pink."
  53. >she then dashes off to another room
  54. >you look around and see a lot of people with plastic cups
  55. >you take a quick peek into an unattended cup and see the liquid inside isn't clear
  56. >is that beer?
  57. >you navigate yourself to the kitchen to find a steel keg
  58. >now it's a party
  59. >you pour yourself a cup of the magic fluid
  60. >you look around to see if you know anybody here
  61. >you don't see any of Pinkie's friends
  62. >or Brad and his groupies
  63. >where did Vinyl go
  64. >you search around the house, the music gets slower and quiet
  65. >you notice people becoming more laid back
  66. >must be the alcohol kicking in already
  67. >you go upstairs and search some of the rooms
  68. >you open the upstairs bathroom and see Pinkie Pie with a bag of white powder
  70. >you shut the door before she can finish
  71. >maybe Pinkie parties a little too hard
  72. >you open another room, this time with a queen sized double bed
  73. >you see Vinyl with a half empty bottle of Grey Goose
  74. >"Oh hey Norman."
  75. >her speech is a bit slurred, she's already intoxicated
  76. >"Why don't you take lie down with me?"
  77. >your answer would be no if you were sober
  78. >but just one cup of beer has already loosened your inhibitions
  79. >she grabs your wrist, and pulls you down to the bed with her
  80. >you are face to face with her, only inches apart
  81. >her glasses are moved up on her forehead
  82. >you can see her beautiful brilliant eyes
  83. >she smiles at you while placing her arms around your shoulders
  84. >"Norman, you're such a nice guy."
  85. >her voice is soft and sweet
  86. >she places her hand on the back of your head
  87. >she pulls you in and kisses you
  88. >she closes her eyes, and you do as well
  89. >the passionate kiss feels like it lasted for hours
  90. >she backs her head away and you both look into each others eyes
  91. >"I really like you Norman."
  92. "her hand slides from your shoulder down to your waist
  93. >she leans in by your ear and whispers
  94. "A lot"
  95. >she grabs your jeans zippers and pulls down your fly
  96. >oh shit
  97. >with what little sense you have remaining, you extend your arms out and hug Vinyl
  98. >the hug was forceful enoguh to stop her advances, but she wraps her arms around you as well
  99. >you are locked in this embrace with her, the heat between you building
  100. "I like you too Vinyl."
  101. >you hear snoring, she fell asleep while in your arms
  102. >you smile as you look at the sleeping DJ
  103. >you stroke her hair while she is still in your arms
  105. >be Vinyl
  106. >you had a weird dream, where you and Norman were making out
  107. >damn you have the worst headache ever
  108. >you open your eyes and see Norman's slumbering face in front of you
  109. >you then notice that he has his arms around you
  110. >ohwhatthefuck
  111. >you jump out of bed, no longer in his grasp
  112. >Norman just rolls over, he's probably out cold
  113. >you look at Norman and see he is still in his dance clothes
  114. >you look down at your own body and confirm that you are still wearing clothes
  115. >so he didn't try anything funny on me
  116. >I was probably piss drunk, and he could have taken full advantage of me
  117. >but instead we ended up hugging
  118. >what a nice guy
  119. >you walk to the slumbering Norman, and give him a peck on his cheek
  120. "Thank you" you whisper
  121. >you pull out your phone and call Octavia
  122. >"Vinyl! I was worried when you didn't call last night. What happened?"
  123. "Oh you know, Pinkie and her wild parties. When I woke up, I was sleeping next to Norman."
  124. >"He didn't try anything perverted on you, did he?"
  125. >Octavia sounds angry
  126. "No, and he could've. I don't even remember last night. All I know is that we both had our clothes on, and Norman was hugging me for some reason."
  127. >"Well all right then. I'm coming to pick you up."
  128. "Thanks Tavi."
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