
Twilight Sparkle is addicted to Anon's cum. Part 3

Jan 22nd, 2015
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  1. >Still be anon.
  2. >And you are brushing Twilights mane.
  3. >If your friends could see you now, you wouldn’t hear the end of it.
  4. >Sometimes you miss your old life on earth.
  5. >You sigh.
  6. >Better not delve too long in old memories...
  7. >The lavender unicorn has her eyes closed and hums a soft song that you recognize from somewhere.
  8. >Making the finishing stroke, you put the brush aside and run your hand over her silken hair to smoothen some stray strands out.
  9. >Satisfied with your work, you rise from your kneeling position.
  10. “All finished, Twi.”
  11. >She turns her head around and beams a smile at you that could melt glaciers.
  12. >”Thanks anon.”
  13. “No biggie. Everything for my favourite little pony.”
  14. >Aww she blushes.
  15. >How can one pony be so cute?
  16. >You feel tempted to ruffle her mane, but that would probably ruin your handiwork.
  17. >So you just kneel down again and give her a quick kiss between the eyes.
  18. >This rewards you with a giggle and another blush.
  19. >”A-Anon stop!”
  20. “Sorry, can't do. You are just too cute!”
  21. >Twilight breaks into a giggle fit as you shower her face with kisses, pretending to dodge.
  22. >Just as you launched your finishing blow, a devastating kiss on the tip of her horn, she grabs your face with her hooves and pulls you close.
  23. >Should have expected this...
  24. >Defeated by one perfectly executed counter attack, you give in and let her enjoy her victory.
  25. >Her tongue pries your lips open and you surrender to it.
  26. >You shudder as she claims her prize.
  27. >War is cruel.
  29. >After a few seconds she breaks the kiss, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips.
  30. >”That was nice.”
  31. “Indeed it was.”
  32. >She locks her hooves behind your neck and hugs you tightly.
  33. >”Do you know how happy you made me today?”
  34. >You chuckle and return the embrace.
  35. “A bit I assume?”
  36. >”Unbelievably.”
  37. >She nuzzles your neck, her mane tickling your nose. It smells like lavender with a hint of vanilla.
  38. >”I'm afraid that I will wake up any minute now, realizing it was only a dream.”
  39. “Believe me, you aren't dreaming.”
  40. >Gently giving the tip of her ear a slight nibble you feel her shiver.
  41. “See?”
  42. >She snickers.
  43. >Oh this mare.
  44. >You get up again, slowly lifting her from the floor.
  45. >She's now dangling from your neck like a necklace.
  46. >Her snickering intensifies.
  47. “Necklaces don't giggle.”
  48. >You boop her on the muzzle.
  49. “So be quiet or everyone will see through your disguise.”
  50. >”Oh anon.”
  51. >Twilight leans her head forward in an attempt to rub noses, but she can't quite reach.
  52. >You shake your head. Silly pony.
  53. “Let me meet you halfway.”
  54. >Lowering your head you were not prepared for what she had planned.
  55. >Instead of rubbing her nose against yours she gives you a big lick from your chin up to the bridge of your nose.
  56. >She instantly lets go of your neck and lands gracefully on her four hooves.
  57. >”Got ya!”
  58. >A bit dumbfounded you can only stare at Twilight as she runs down the stairs to your living room.
  59. >Her cuteness will be the end of you.
  61. >Following her down the companionway you find Twilight curled up on your couch, her snout buried in a book and her tail swishing happily from side to side.
  62. >Eh trying to act as if nothing happened?
  63. >Two can play that game.
  64. “Hey Twilight! What are you doing here?”
  65. >She looks up from her book and smiles.
  66. >”Just reading one of your books.”
  67. >You sit down besides her.
  68. “Without asking me first?”, you say making a pouty face.
  69. >Another giggle.
  70. >”Of course. That's what I do. Breaking into houses of extraterrestrials and stealing their knowledge!”
  71. >She smiles at you.
  72. >”But say ...”
  73. “Hmm?”
  74. >”Why is your face so wet?”
  75. >You shrug.
  76. “Crazy story.”
  77. >Twilight closes the book.
  78. >”Do tell!”
  79. >Chuckling you pull her on your lap.
  80. “Some crazy purple mare just licked my face and ran away! Can you believe it?!”
  81. >She laughs.
  82. >”She sounds like a fun pony to hang out with!”
  83. “Indeed she is.”
  84. >You start to softly stroke her neck. Her fur is even softer than before the bath.
  85. “I wouldn't like to miss any moment I spent with her.”
  86. >Twilight lifts herself up a bit using her front hooves and nuzzles your chest.
  87. >”Oh anon...”
  88. >*grumble*
  89. >Her cheeks burn up.
  90. >”S-Sorry...”
  91. “Don't be.” you say, smiling.
  92. “Are you hungry?”
  93. >She nods.
  94. >”Mhmmm. We were quite... active today, so I'm a bit famished.”
  95. >You kiss her forehead.
  96. “Okay. Just stay here and read your book. I'm sure I can fix something up for us two.”
  97. >Gently lifting her up from your lap and placing her back on the couch, you kneel down
  98. >She puckers her lips.
  99. >Oh silly pony, you really thought that I would forget my revenge?
  100. >Quickly you give her horn a big lick and run to your kitchen.
  101. “Got ya!”
  103. >You rummage through your cupboards trying to find something she would like.
  104. >Eh you should really go buy groceries soon.
  105. >You open the fridge hoping to find something there.
  106. “Hmm. Spinach, onions, eggs... Can ponies eat eggs?”
  107. >You think you saw Rarity eating an omelette before, so it should be ok.
  108. >An omelette is actually not a bad idea... Easy to cook and tasty.
  109. >Grabbing the ingredients, you put them on the table and turn your attention back to the fridge.
  110. “Where is it … I know I bought some yesterday.”
  111. >There it is.
  112. >Grade A Sweet Apple Acres cheese.
  113. >Fresh from Molly... the talking cow.
  114. >Learning that even the cattle is sentient was quite a shock for you.
  115. >Not for the fact that they can talk but more for the realization that you will never have a juicy steak again.
  116. >You miss meat.
  117. >Sighing you close the fridge.
  118. >Opening the drawer you grab your best knife and begin to chop the veggies.
  119. >You were just about to grate the cheese when a knock on your door interrupted you.
  120. >Who could this be?
  121. >”Anon! Someone is on the door!”, Twilight yelled from the living room.
  122. “Heard it, mom!”
  123. >A muffled giggle can be heard.
  124. >You walk over to the front door and open it.
  125. >Huh no ones there?
  126. >”Hello miphta!”
  127. >You look down.
  128. >Oh a filly.
  129. “Hello to you too.”
  130. >She has a curly red mane and is sporting a Fillyscout uniform.
  131. >”Would you like to buy sthome of our cookiesth? They are freth from the oven, and we usth the revenuesth from the thales to build a home for losth animalsth!”
  132. >Oh god her lisp...
  133. >”We have raisthin thurpristh, chocolate chipth, lemon crème and thin mintsth.”
  134. “Sin mints?”
  135. >”No thin minths!”
  136. >Ok...
  137. >She looks expectingly at you.
  138. >Better buy something before she starts talking again.
  139. >And it's for a good cause, so why not?
  140. >”I-I will take one box of the chocolate cookies and one of the mints, please.”
  141. >She walks over to her pull wagon and grabs two boxes out of it.
  142. >With her mouth.... eww non-Twilight pony saliva.
  143. >”Here you go mitshta! That will be stheven bisths!”
  144. >Seven bits?! You could eat like a king at the local burger joint for this amount.
  145. >Groaning you fish the bits out of your pocket and hand them over to her.
  146. >The red maned filly takes the money and puts it in her saddle bag.
  147. >”Thanksth!”
  148. >She beams a smile at you.
  149. >”Altho theresth sthomething on your door!”
  150. >Huh?
  151. >She is right. A letter sticks to it.
  152. >”Bye mistha!”
  153. “Bye...”
  154. >There she goes.
  155. >Cute little filly even if her lisp somewhat irritated you.
  156. >You pull the message of your door and close it..
  157. >No sender but a waxen seal on the envelope. Looks like the one the local guards use.
  158. >Breaking the seal you take a look at the letter inside.
  159. >...
  160. >You can't believe it.
  161. >Rainbow Dash got herself arrested.
  162. >Somepony saw her entering your house through a window and called the guards.
  163. >They also wanted you to come by as soon as possible, so things can be settled.
  164. >Their visiting hours end at nine.
  165. >You take a look at the clock.
  166. >Quarter past seven.
  167. >Hmm you could make it if you wanted... even if you prepare dinner first.
  168. >But some thinking time alone would do her no harm.
  169. >Maybe she learns something out of it.
  170. >Like not spying on your best friends having intimate moments.
  171. >Also you are pretty sure that prison rape is not a thing in equestria, so she should be fine.
  173. >”Who was it anon?”
  174. >You fold the letter and slide it into your pocket.
  175. “Oh just a fillyscout.”
  176. >Hearing that her head jolts up, nearly knocking the book out of her hooves.
  177. >”Really?! Did you buy cookies?”
  178. >This pony man.
  179. >You walk over to Twilight and present her the two boxes.
  180. >Of course you wiped them before.
  181. >The foals these days... you never know where their mouths have been.
  182. >”Ohhhh.... Chocolate chip and mints!”
  183. >Her eyes grow wide and she licks her lips.
  184. >”Can... Can I have some?”
  185. >You ruffle her mane.
  186. “Of course. But don't spoil your appetite, dinner is ready soon.”
  187. >”Yeah I won't … dad.” she says, rolling her eyes.
  188. >She grabs the boxes out of your hand with her magic and immediately rips one open,
  189. >A cookie rises from it's cardboardy home and floats into her mouth.
  190. >”Oh by Celestia these are sooooo good...”
  191. >You watch as several of its brother find the same fate in rapid succession.
  192. >To be honest you are impressed that a pony can eat so much in so little time.
  193. >Twilight finally notices that you are still looking and the realization, that her new boyfriend just witnessed her pig out, hits her.
  194. >In an instant her cheeks are on fire and her pupils narrow.
  195. >”Oh... I... Uh...”
  196. >She hides her face behind the book.
  197. >”Y-You should better check on the food. Don't want it to burn... hehehe....”
  198. “I haven't even started yet. I just chopped the vegetables.”
  199. >”T-Then... check if they are still there! They tend to run away from time to time.”
  200. >You kneel down to face Twilight. Well her book, to be exact.
  201. “Are fleeing vegetables a thing here in equestria?”
  202. >”Yes! Yes they are! So you should really go check on them!”
  203. >Chuckling, you stand up.
  204. “Okay then. Lets hope they are still on my kitchen table.”
  205. >”Mhhmmm.”
  206. >You make your way to the kitchen, stopping at the corridor that connects it to your living room.
  207. “And Twi...”
  208. >She peeks up from her book.
  209. “ looked really cute eating like that.”
  210. >Quickly she ducks behind it again.
  211. >”T-Thanks...”
  213. >Where were you...
  214. >Ah, yes. You wanted to grate the cheese.
  215. >Grabbing the grater you begin.
  216. >The letter reminded you that you still didn’t tell Twilight about Rainbow.
  217. >But she is so happy right now...
  218. >You don't want to see her crying again like before.
  219. “Mmhh...”
  220. >Is this enough? Some more would do no harm.
  221. >How would this affect their friendship?
  222. >You didn't think about that before.
  223. >Aren't they part of the elements of harmony?
  224. >Would they still work if Twilight isn't befriended with Rainbow Dash any more?
  225. >Fuck. The rabbit hole goes deeper than you thought.
  226. >Not only is their friendship at stake, but the safety of equestria.
  227. “Owww!”
  228. >You cut yourself. Good job.
  229. >It's not terribly deep but still bleeding like hell.
  230. “Shit...”
  231. >At least the cheese is grated.
  232. >The clopping of hooves on wood can be heard.
  233. >Twilight storms through the corridor into your kitchen.
  234. >”Anon! Is everything alright? I heard you scream!”
  235. “Yeah... I was just lost in thought and cut myself on the grater.”
  236. >”Let me see!”
  237. “Really Twi, it's just a small cut. It nearly st- Whoa!”
  238. >She pulls you down with her magic.
  239. >Inspecting your finger, the worried look on her face fades.
  240. >”You're right. Thank goodness.”
  241. >Her horn starts to gleam faintly and she closes her eyes.
  242. >Uggh. Your finger suddenly feels hot, like you dipped it in boiling water.
  243. “Twi... what are you doing?”
  244. >”Shh. Just a small healing spell.”
  245. >You nod and let Twilight do her magic.
  246. >After a few seconds the cut closed itself and the hot feeling in your finger subsides.
  247. >Checking your newly healed finger out, you whistle.
  248. “Wow... Didn't know unicorns could do that. Really impressive.”
  249. >Twilight sits down on her haunches and beams you a smile.
  250. >”Yeah. As long as the wound isn't to deep or is bleeding too much, healing spells work. But they are really difficult to cast and even harder to maintain. Also we aren't quite finished yet...”
  251. “What do you mean? My finger is perfectly fine.”
  252. >She shakes her head.
  253. >”Show it to me once more, please.”
  254. >Complying you put your finger in front of her face.
  255. >She gives it a small kiss.
  256. >”Now it's healed!”
  257. >D'aww.
  258. >You kneel down and hug her.
  259. “Thanks Twi, you are the best.”
  260. >”Everything for my favourite human.” she says, returning your embrace.
  261. “If you're gonna keep being so cute then I might need a healing spell for my heart.”
  262. >She laughs.
  263. >”So should I stop?”
  264. >You lean your head back a bit and rub your nose against hers.
  265. “Don't you dare!”
  267. >Enjoying the hug for a moment more, you break the silence,
  268. “I'm going to finish preparing dinner now, ok.”
  269. >She lets her hooves slide off your neck as you get up.
  270. >”Ok.”
  271. “It will be ready soon. You can go back reading again if you want.”
  272. >Shaking her head. she climbs on a chair and plants her plot on it.
  273. >”I will stay here, if it doesn't bother you too much.”
  274. >You smile.
  275. “Of course not.”
  276. >Putting the grated cheese aside, you take a bowl out of your cupboard and start cracking the eggs into it.
  277. >”What are you going to cook?”
  278. “Veggie Omelette.” you say reaching for the whisk.
  279. “I hope you like this, if not I can fix something else for you. A vegetable stir or something, providing the remaining greens are still there and not on the run already.”
  280. >She blushes and looks away.
  281. >”Hehe... about that...”
  282. >You ruffle her mane a bit.
  283. “Don't worry about it. Like I said before, you looked really cute.”
  284. >The blush on her cheeks grows brighter.
  285. “So...omelette is ok for you?”
  286. >”Yep!” she chirps.
  287. “Ok then.”
  288. >You whisk the eggs and once you are satisfied with the consistency, you add the chopped vegetables.
  289. >She puts a hoof on the table and rests her head on it.
  290. >”Say anon...”
  291. “Hmm?”
  292. >”Is something the matter? You said you were lost in thought before. Must be something pretty significant, if you are so engrossed in it that you cut yourself.”
  293. >Fuck. She can read you like a book.
  294. >Laying the beater aside, you grab a pan and oil it up.
  295. “No... not really. Don't bother with it, Twi.”
  296. >”But I want to bother with it! You are important to me!”
  297. >Her voice sounded troubled... She really does care for you, doesn't she?
  298. “...”
  299. >You turn the gas on, and place the pan on the hob.
  300. >It begins to sizzle.
  301. >”Please anon...”
  302. >You turn your head around.
  303. >Twilight reaches her hoof out to you.
  304. >Her face takes a concerned look, her eyes staring directly into yours.
  305. >” can talk to me.”
  306. >Grabbing her hoof with both of your hands, you bow down a bit to face her.
  307. >Your thumbs strokes the soft fur of her appendage.
  308. “I know Twi...”
  309. >This is it.
  310. >Either you lie to Twilight or tell her the truth.
  311. >What will it be?
  313. >You decide to tell Twilight the truth.
  314. >It wouldn't be right to hide this from her.
  315. >Taking a deep breath you fish the letter out of your pocket.
  316. “You see... something strange happened today, but...
  317. >You hand it to her.
  318. “ better read it yourself.”
  319. >She gives you a quizzical look and takes the message with her magic.
  320. >Unfolding it she begins to read.
  321. >”Hmm...”
  322. >She lets out a hearty laugh.
  323. >”What?! Rainbow got herself arrested for breaking into your house?”
  324. >You nod.
  325. >”And this was it what bothered you so much?”
  326. >Her hoof wipes a tear away.
  327. >”It says their visiting hours end at nine, so we can go there after dinner and get her out.”
  328. >You ponder for a bit if you shouldn't just leave it there.
  329. >No.
  330. >She deserves the truth.
  331. “There's more to it, Twi.”
  332. >Your grip on her hoof tightens.
  333. >”What do you mean? Did she steal something?”
  334. >Yeah … she did steal something.
  335. >Your trust for her.
  336. >You shake your head.
  337. “No. But she did something wrong.”
  338. >The look on Twilight's face gets more confused.
  339. >”What did she do then? She didn't break Cuppy, didn't she? I swear if she did, I will-”
  340. >You put a finger on her lips.
  341. >Oh man this mare.
  342. >You chuckle.
  343. >An idea came to your head that could possibly defuse this whole situation a bit.
  344. “No she didn't break Cuppy either.”
  345. >Why not let Rainbow confess to her?
  346. >They know each other for so long now, surely Twilight would take the news better if she heard it from Dash herself.
  347. >Moving your hand from her lips to her jowl, you caress the coat there.
  348. “She should better tell you herself.”
  349. >She leans into your touch.
  350. >”O-Ok?”
  351. “I promise it's nothing life-threatening.”
  352. >”Pinkie promise?”
  353. “Wouldn't that be my third one today?”
  354. >This elicits a giggle from her.
  355. >”Yep! Better not break any of them! Uhh...”
  356. “What is it, Twi?”
  357. >Her eyes are fixated on something behind you.
  358. >”A-Anon! The pan!”
  359. >You yank your head around.
  360. >Oh fuck the oil is burning!
  361. >Quickly grabbing a nearby towel you throw it over the burning pan.
  362. >Please, please don't catch fire too.
  363. >The towel ignites.
  364. >Fuck you too, god.
  365. >Well you can't hold this against him, you broke several of his commandments and rules today.
  366. >“Anon, out of the way!”
  367. >A purple beam flies towards you.
  368. >Swiftly you jump out of its way.
  369. >The beam hits the pan and a bubble begins to form around it.
  370. >After a few seconds the orb collapses and the fire is extinguished.
  371. >”Phew.”
  372. >She faces you.
  373. >”Everything ok, anon? Are you hurt?”
  374. >Stepping closer to the now smoking pan you shake your head.
  375. “No everything alright. Thanks Twilight.”
  376. >She laughs.
  377. >”You're welcome. Don't want my new coltfriends house to burn down, do I?”
  378. >As soon as she realized what she just said her cheeks burn up, almost as bright as the fire before.
  379. >”Ah .. Ah. Uh..”
  380. >With speed that would rival Rainbow's you pick Twilight up and kiss her deeply.
  381. >Her eyes shoot open, this took her by surprise.
  382. >You break the kiss and look into her beautiful amethyst orbs
  383. “Now I will have to do something special for my new marefriend, since she saved my house eh?”
  384. >She presses her face into your chest, small droplets falling from her eyes.
  386. >Twilight looks up to you. Her eyes glistening and a smile on her face.
  387. >”Thanks...”
  388. >You press her body a bit tighter to yours.
  389. >”Thanks for saying that … you don't know how much this means to me.”
  390. >Petting her mane, you gently put her back on the floor.
  391. “It means a lot to me too, Twi.”
  392. >Her hooves lock around your neck and she nuzzles your cheek.
  393. >”I know I already said that today... but you make me unbelievable happy.”
  394. >A kiss is planted on it.
  395. >”And I love you.”
  396. >You return the embrace.
  397. ”I love you too, Twi.”
  398. >”Say it again.”
  399. “I love you.”
  400. >”Mmhhh...”
  401. >A few moments pass and she breaks the hug. Her face full of joy and content.
  402. >Seeing her like this makes butterflies flutter around your stomach.
  403. >You get up and inspect the pan.
  404. >It has a somewhat large, smoldering hole in it.
  405. >You sigh
  406. “We might have a small problem at hand, Twi...”
  407. >”At hoof.” she corrects you, giggling.
  408. >Right.
  409. “This was my only pan.”
  410. >”Aww... really?”
  411. >You nod.
  412. “Sadly, yes.”
  413. >She looks crestfallen.
  414. “Don't be sad. I don't like it when you are sad.”
  415. >Her lips form a smile.
  416. >Much better.
  417. “How about I get us a few hayburgers and some fries? And then we cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie together. How does that sound?”
  418. >”Wonderful!” she chirps.
  419. >You pat Twilight softly on her head.
  420. “Then it's settled. I will just get my jacket and be on my way then.”
  421. >”But what about Rainbow?”
  422. >Oh yeah. She's still in pony prison.
  423. “First thing tomorrow morning we will go and free her, ok?”
  424. >”Are you sure?”
  425. >You nod.
  426. “I am. She will be fine. Let's make tonight about us.”
  427. >Hearing this, her smile grows wider
  428. >”Okay. If you say she will be fine, I trust you.”
  429. >It feels nice to hear that...
  430. >You kneel down and give her a quick peck on the horn.
  431. >”Uuhhaa...”
  432. >She shudders.
  433. >Oh right, erogenous zone.
  434. “I will be on my way then. You decide on what you want to watch, while I'm away. You know where my movies are?”
  435. >”Y-Yes.”
  436. >You chuckle.
  437. “See you soon, Twi!”
  438. >”B-Bye...”
  439. >Looks like you literally hit a nerve.
  440. >You grab your jacket and your bit bag and exit your home.
  442. >You are Twilight Sparkle and you are still sitting in anon's kitchen.
  443. >Wow... that kiss rippled from your horntip through your whole body.
  444. >Perhaps you can ask him later to do it again...
  445. >Would he be comfortable to take it into his mouth?
  446. >By Celestia...this would be so hot...
  447. >Only thinking about it gets you going.
  448. >That was always a fantasy of yours
  449. >But your former coltfriends, as few as they may be, weren't pleased when you asked them to do it.
  450. >Silver Lining even laughed at you and asked if he looked like a colt cuddler.
  451. >He said other things too, but you don't want to remember them.
  452. >...
  453. >Stallions can be assholes.
  454. >”You should be grateful that I even put up with a boring librarian like you!”
  455. >You shake your head and suppress some tears.
  456. >No.
  457. >Anon is different.
  458. >Even if he wouldn't like to do it, he wouldn't insult you like that.
  459. >He is nice.
  460. >He cares for you.
  461. >Regaining your composure, you get up and grab the pan and the bowl with the whisked eggs, using your magic.
  462. >The pan is beyond rescuing, but anon and you could still eat the eggs tomorrow morning.
  463. >So you put the pan into the fridge and throw the mix away.
  464. >Wait, what?
  465. “Ponyfeathers...”
  466. >Calm down, Sparkles.
  467. >This was in the past.
  468. >What's important now is the present.
  469. >And the future... your future with anon.
  470. >You inhale and exhale deeply a few times, your hoof following your breathing.
  471. >Just like Cadence taught you.
  472. “Ok... all better now.”
  473. >You wrap the grated cheese in some foil and lay it in the fridge.
  474. >The pan joins the eggs in the thrash can.
  476. >Somewhat satisfied with your cleaning, you leave the kitchen and enter anon's living room.
  477. >He said that you should pick a movie while he was away.
  478. >You still don't understand how a whole film fits onto such a small disk.
  479. >To be honest you don't understand most of the stuff that came with anon, when he arrived in equestria.
  480. >Like his magic picture box he called television.
  481. >...
  482. >Ah his arrival, what a magical and strange day.
  483. >Anon claims that he doesn't remember it any more.
  484. >Fluttershy found him on the edge of the Whitetail forest, covered with burns and his stuff scattered around him.
  485. >He was unconscious for nearly a week.
  486. >Fascinated by the strange bipedal alien the very first moment you saw him, you stayed by his side until he woke up.
  487. >Even against the advice of your friends.
  488. >You wanted to know more about him.
  489. >...
  490. >Anyways.
  491. >His “electronics”, how he likes to call them. didn't work without electricity.
  492. >But you managed to get them working again with a fusion crystal, that you charged with a lightning spell.
  493. >He was so happy when you showed him the crystal and explained what it was for.
  494. >Maybe a bit too happy since he grabbed it with his bare hands and nearly electrocuted himself.
  495. >You giggle.
  496. >After some care and burn ointment, he found a way to hook them up to the fusion crystal.
  497. >It now float safely in a grounding bubble, behind his TV.
  498. >You turn your head around and scan the shelf with his movies.
  499. “Hmmm...”
  500. >You've seen a few of them... most were action flicks and animation, he called “ahnimeh”.
  501. >One day you found strange one's with naked female humans on them.
  502. >Of course you were intrigued and asked him if you could watch these.
  503. >Anon's reaction was so cute.
  504. >He grabbed them out of your magical grip and his face became beet-red.
  505. >Maybe some day, since you are more or less an item now?
  506. >You giggle again.
  507. >A particular night-blue box caught your eye and you magic it from the shelf.
  508. “The last Unicorn...”
  509. >This sounds interesting.
  510. >He never said anything about unicorns on his world.
  511. >Reading the text on the back, you decide that this would be the right film for tonight.
  513. >You put the Deeveedee next to the television and think what else you could need.
  514. >Maybe a blanket?
  515. >It is quite warm today but...
  516. “Cuddling isn't the same without a blanket!” you state.
  517. >Humming a happy tune, you walk to anon's cabinet and pull a blanket out of it.
  518. >You lay it neatly folded on the couch.
  519. “Hmm what else...”
  520. >There are still cookies left, even after your snack attack, so you won't need any other snacks.
  521. >An idea comes to your mind.
  522. >Maybe some wine?
  523. >Sharing a bottle of wine and watching a movie together, while the two of you cuddle under a blanket.
  524. >It's so romantic, you could squee.
  525. >So you do.
  526. >Now you just have to hope, anon has a bottle in his house.
  527. >After a short search through his kitchen you finally find one, hidden behind a box of cornflakes.
  528. >You blow the dust from the label.
  529. “Uhh.”
  530. >Quite a fancy one at that.
  531. “Domaine Romanêigh.”
  532. >Sounds expensive... like something Rarity would buy.
  533. “I will just ask him if its OK to drink this.” you say to yourself.
  534. >Floating the bottle back to the living room, you put it on the coffee-table, along with two glasses.
  535. >Perfect.
  536. >You would light some candles, but you don't know where anon keeps them.
  537. >But this should do nicely.
  538. >Did you forget something?
  539. >No, you don't think so.
  540. >You climb on the sofa and take a look at the clock.
  541. >Anon should be back any minute now.
  542. ”Aaahhh! I can't wait!”
  543. >This is going to be the best night of your life.
  544. >Somehow this sounds familiar.
  546. >Fifteen more minutes pass.
  547. >The hayburger restaurant isn't too far away from his house... he should be back by now.
  548. >You start to worry, your hooves nervously pawing the soft fabric of the couch..
  549. >What if something happened to him?
  550. >Ponyville is a safe town, isn’t it?
  551. >Nothing does ever happen here...
  552. “Aargh! This place is a magnet for disasters!”
  553. >Panic begins to well up in your stomach.
  554. >And the proximity of the Everfree forest doesn't make it better.
  555. >All kinds of dark and bloodthirsty creatures leave their bone ridden caves at night, in search for prey.
  556. >Nononono... stop agitating yourself!
  557. >Everything will be fine.
  558. >You are sure of that.
  559. >The clocks strikes eight.
  560. “If he isn't here in five minutes, I start looking for him!”
  561. >Just as you finished your sentence, the front door opens and anon enters through it.
  562. >Carrying two large paper bags under his arms.
  563. >You jump off the couch and run towards him.
  564. “Anon!”
  565. >He puts the bags on the cupboard next to the door and kneels down, his arms open.
  566. >You leap into his embrace.
  567. >Feeling him so close and smelling his scent again, calms you down instantly.
  568. “You're back...”
  569. >”Twi... what’s the matter? Did something happen?”
  570. >His hand slowly runs through your mane.
  571. “Mmhhh...”
  572. >You look up into his eyes and shake your head.
  573. “N-No.. I was just worried that something happened to you... You were away for so long!”
  574. >He kisses your forehead.
  575. >”Sorry Twilight. I just had to wait in line. Some crazy blue unicorn mare didn't stop yelling at the poor clerk, demanding a “great and plentiful” refill. And she didn't leave, until she got it. She even wanted to talk to the manager.”
  576. >This elicits a laugh from you.
  577. “Yeah. I know her. She can be quite troublesome.”
  578. >You rest your head on his shoulder.
  579. “I'm just glad you're back.”
  580. >”Hey Twi.”
  581. “Yes?”
  582. >”Don't work yourself up so much, ok? It's not good for you.”
  583. >Anon boops you on the muzzle.
  584. >”I'm really touched that you care for me, but don't fill your cute little head with dark thoughts.”
  585. >He presses you closer to his chest.
  586. >”I rather see you smiling when I come home.”
  587. >You can feel tears start to form in your eyes.
  588. “I-I won't...”
  589. >He and you enjoy the embrace for a few moments more.
  590. >Anon breaks it and wipes a tear from your face, stroking your cheek..
  591. >”Wanna eat something now? I brought your favourite!” he says, beaming you a smile.
  592. >You smile back and nod.
  594. >Now sitting at the kitchen table, anon spreads the food on it.
  595. >Four hayburgers with haybacon and cheese, along with two bags of fries.
  596. >And is this...
  597. >It is!
  598. >Your favourite!
  599. >The Hayonator! With onions, lettuce, tomatoes and three different kinds of cheese.
  600. >The smell invades your nostrils and your mouth begins to water.
  601. >You can almost taste the secret sauce.
  602. >A shudder runs down your spine.
  603. >Anon chuckles and pulls the soda cans from the bag.
  604. >Putting one next to you, he sits down again.
  605. >He claps his hands together.
  606. >“Let's begin then! Before it gets cold.”
  607. >This snaps you back to reality and you give him a slight nod.
  608. >”Bon appêtit!”
  609. ”Bon appêtit!”
  610. >You pull the hayonator to you and float it out if its box.
  611. >Oh Celestia yes... It's been so long since you had one of these.
  612. >It's so big, so fatty, so unhealthy… so perfect.
  613. >You are tempted to devour it as fast as you can. But...
  614. >Anon is directly looking at you, a smile on his face.
  615. >So you just take a small bite. Chewing carefully.
  616. >Don't want to embarrass yourself in front of him again.
  617. >This time there will be no vegetables to save your sorry flank.
  618. >The taste washes over your tongue like wave of greasy bliss.
  619. >Everything blends together perfectly, The haypatty, the veggies and of course the secret sauce.
  620. >It gives just the perfect hint of spiciness to the composition.
  621. “So good...” you moan.
  622. >He giggles.
  623. >”Glad to hear that.”
  624. >He takes a bite out of his own burger.
  625. >”You know, normally I don't like hay. But when it's deep-fried and put in a bun, with some sauce and lettuce, it's actually pretty tasty.”
  626. >You swallow.
  627. “Did you have hayburgers on your planet too?”
  628. >”Yep. But we didn't use hay for the patties.”
  629. >He winces, as if he said something wrong.
  631. “What did your people use then? I can't think of anything better than deep-fried hay.”
  632. >You smile and take another bite, slightly bigger this time.
  633. >Contenance Sparkle.
  634. >”Eh you see... How do I put this. You know Molly, right?”
  635. “The cow? Yes. She is quite nice. Always lends out books about birdwatching.”
  636. >You take a sip of your soda.
  637. “Why? Are they made out of milk or cheese?”
  638. >Anon winces again. His fingers nervously twitching.
  639. >”No... They are made out... of … Molly.”
  640. >Oh.
  641. “Oh.”
  642. >You know that anon used to eat meat back on his planet, his canines are proof of this.
  643. >Does it bother you?
  644. >No. Not really.
  645. >Consuming the flesh of other living beings is a taboo in equestria.
  646. >Gryphon’s are... tolerated. But still their eating habits are frowned upon.
  647. >But it's not his fault that he is a carnivore, or strictly speaking, an omnivore.
  648. >You put your hoof on his hand to reassure him..
  649. “It's okay. I'm not bothered by it.”
  650. >He seems relieved.
  651. >”Thanks Twi. I know this is frowned upon here. Some ponies already gave me the stink-eye when they saw my teeth.”
  652. “You should know best, that I'm quite glad you have these.”
  653. >Anon chuckles.
  654. >”Yeah you're right. Pretty kinky for a pony to have a biting fetish.”
  655. >Your cheeks burn up.
  656. “Y-Yeah it's quite rare... and I didn't even know that I had it before … today.”
  657. >Fiddling with your hooves you take another bite out of your burger.
  658. >He mockingly throws his arms up in shock.
  659. >“Oh the humanity! I corrupted the innocent librarian with my dangerous teeth and nails! What would your parents think?!”
  660. >You shake your head, but you can't suppress to laugh at his silliness.
  661. “Firstly it's: “Oh the equinity!” and secondly...”
  662. >”You ponies and your horse puns.” he says, finishing his first burger.
  663. “I'm sure that my paren'ts won't think that you are planning on eating me any time soon, once they get to know you and see how nice you are.”
  664. >”Oh but I am planning on eating you.”
  665. >His lips form a devious grin.
  666. “W-What?”
  667. >”Out, that is.”
  668. >He gives you a wink.
  669. “Oh you!”
  670. >You grab a few fries and throw them at him.
  672. >After a few relentless potato-based artillery strikes, you cease your fire.
  673. >Laughing you two shake hooves and hands respectively.
  674. >Peace returned to the kitchen soon after.
  675. >”Let's finish our food, ok? It's starting to get cold already.”
  676. >You nod and get to business.
  677. >Aww. It's really a bit cold.
  678. >And if you keep eating at this slow speed, the rest of the burgers will be ice cold by then.
  679. >Maybe you can slowly increase your pace without him noticing.
  680. >He seems pretty engrossed with his food...
  681. >Okay then.
  682. >You take a few quick bites and check if he saw something.
  683. >No. His eyes are still on his food.
  684. >Perfect.
  685. >He reaches for his can and you seize the opportunity.
  686. >With three more bites, the hayonator is no more.
  687. >Victory at all levels.
  688. >At least you thought so... Anon is staring at you, his can in his hand and a grin on his face.
  689. >”Got. Ya. “
  690. >He points at you.
  691. >“I knew, I just had to wait.”
  692. >You can feel your face getting hotter.
  693. “Uh...I...”
  694. >Anon leans forward and ruffles your mane.
  695. >Just like he did countless other times this day.
  696. >”Twi, really. You don't have to be embarrassed around me. Just be you, ok?”
  697. >Wow. You really don't deserve him.
  698. >”I will even cast the first stone.”
  699. >He grabs another burger, along with a handful of fries and shoves all of it into his mouth.
  700. >”Phsee?”
  701. >He swallows hard.
  702. >”Phew. This one was pretty dry.”
  703. >How could you be so lucky?
  704. >Pushing the two remaining burgers towards you, he smiles reassuringly.
  705. >”Come on.”
  706. >This goes completely against everything you know.
  707. >All your books, and Rarity, told you to act as proper as possible around the stallion you wanted to woo.
  708. >But anon is different, isn't he? He isn't even a stallion.
  709. >Hesitating you levitate the food to your face.
  710. >”Come on.”
  711. >You close your eyes.
  712. >Screw it.
  713. >With five big chomps, you devour the greasy treats. Splattering ketchup and lettuce all over the table.
  714. >”Woohoo! Go Twilight!” anon cheers.
  715. >After a few seconds of chewing, you swallow.
  716. >They really were a bit dry.
  717. >Gulping the rest of your soda down, you open your eyes again.
  718. >Only to see anon, smiling softly
  719. >”See? Wasn't that hard, was it?”
  720. >You shake your head.
  721. “No...”
  722. >His hand reaches forward again to scratch behind your ear.
  723. >You coo.
  724. >”Don't distort yourself around me. I won't think any less of you, just because you enjoy your food a bit much.”
  725. >The hot feeling in your cheeks returns.
  726. >Shyly you look at the floor.
  727. “T-Thanks....It's just that...with my former colt-....”
  728. >”Mmhhh?”
  729. >You don't feel quite ready to talk with anon about your former experiences with stallions.
  730. “Let's talk about that some other time, okay?”
  731. >”Whenever you are ready”
  732. >You smile at him.
  733. >He gets up and begins to collect the wrappers and bags, throwing them into the trash can.
  734. >”Did you already decide on what movie you want to watch?”
  735. “Yes. I put it next to the teevee.”
  736. >”Wonderful.”
  737. >Grabbing a wet towel he wipes the table with it.
  738. >”I will just clean up here a bit. How about you already cuddle up on the couch? I will join you in a few seconds.”
  739. >You hop off your chair and walk over to nuzzle his leg.
  740. “Thanks for everything.”
  741. >Anon kneels down and cups your chin in his hand.
  742. >Gently he plants a kiss on your lips.
  743. >Your mouth opens to let his tongue enter.
  744. >Slowly it teases your own tongue out, inviting it to dance.
  745. End Part 3
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