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a guest
Jun 22nd, 2013
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  1. expiry_days: 14
  2. tax_percentage: 5
  3. per_page: 5
  4. minimum_bounty: 50
  5. maximum_bounty: -1
  6. allow_locate: true
  7. locate_cost: 5
  8. messages:
  9. help:
  10. - Bounties Help
  11. - '-------------'
  12. - /bounty help - This screen
  13. - /bounty add <player> <amount> - Creates or adds to the bounty on <player>. The server takes a percentage of all bounties.
  14. - /bounty mine - Show details about any current bounty on your head.
  15. - /bounty locate <player> - if there is an open bounty on <player> tells you how far away they are.
  16. - /bounty cancel <player> - cancels an open bounty on <player>. This can only be done by the creator, and no money will be refunded.
  17. - /bounty list - list all open bounties (newest first by default)
  18. - /bounty list mine - shows all current and historical bounties placed on you.
  19. - /bounty list placed - shows all current and historical bounties placed by you.
  20. - /bounty list newest - shows all open bounties ordered by creation time.
  21. - /bounty list oldest - shows all open bounties ordered by creation time ascending.
  22. - /bounty list highest - shows all open bounties ordered by total value.
  23. - '[Note: all list commands accept an optional page number]'
  24. usage: 'Usage: /bounty [add|list|cancel|locate|mine|help] [options..]'
  25. add_usage: 'Usage: add <targetName> <amount>'
  26. cancel_usage: cancel <targetName>
  27. list_usage: 'Usage: list [mine|newest|oldest|highest|placed] [page]'
  28. locate_usage: 'Usage: locate <playerName>'
  29. locate_disabled: The 'locate' command has been disabled.
  30. list_head_mine: 'Bounties Placed Against You:'
  31. list_head_newest: 'Newest Bounties:'
  32. list_head_oldest: 'Bounties Nearing Expiry:'
  33. list_head_highest: 'Highest Bounties:'
  34. list_head_placed: 'Bounties Placed By You:'
  35. login_warning: §c{ added_by } §fhas placed a bounty on your head! see /bounty mine for details.
  36. list_item: '§7{number}§f. §c{target}§f - §c{total}§f [§7by: §c{ added_by }§f] §7expires:
  37. { expires }'
  38. no_player_match: No matching player found for name '{ target }'.
  39. multiple_player_match: More than 1 player matches '{ target }'.
  40. player_offline: §c{ target } §fis not online.
  41. updated_bounty: §c{ added_by }§f upped the bounty on §c{ target }§f to §c{ total }§f.
  42. new_bounty: §c{ added_by } §fis offering a bounty of §c{ total } §ffor the death of §c{ target }§f.
  43. cancelled_bounty: §c{ player }§f has called off the bounty on §c{ target }§f.
  44. claimed_bounty: §c{ claimed_by }§f claimed the bounty on §c{ target }§f earing §c{ total }§f!
  45. next_page: 'Type: ''/bounty list { type } { page }'' for more results.'
  46. minimum_bounty: A minimum bounty of §c{ min }§f is required.
  47. max_bounty_exceeded: Sorry, the maximum bounty cannot exceed §c{ total }§f.
  48. insufficient_funds: You do not have §c{ amount }§f.
  49. locate: §c{ target }§f is { distance }m away.
  50. no_results: No Bounties.
  51. config_reloaded: Bounties configuration reloaded.
  52. no_bounty: There is no bounty on §c{ target }§f.
  53. my_bounty: There is a bounty of §c{ total }§f on your head! It was started by §c{ added_by }§f and §c{ num_contributors }§f have contributed to it. The bounty expires { expires }.
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