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May 5th, 2011
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  1. 1> Checking Build System
  2. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  3. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/dep/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  4. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/dep/tbb/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  5. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/dep/ACE_wrappers/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  6. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/dep/src/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  7. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/dep/src/g3dlite/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  8. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/dep/src/gsoap/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  9. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/dep/src/zlib/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  10. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/src/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  11. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/src/bindings/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  12. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/src/framework/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  13. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/src/shared/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  14. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/src/realmd/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  15. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/src/game/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  16. 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/Neuer Ordner/src/mangosd/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  17. 2>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: genrev, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  18. 3>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: ACE_Project, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  19. 4>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: TBB_Project, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  20. 5>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: zlib, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  21. 6>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: gsoap, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  22. 7>------ Erstellen übersprungen: Projekt: uninstall, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  23. 7>Für diese Projektmappenkonfiguration wurde kein zu erstellendes Projekt ausgewählt.
  24. 3> Creating directories for 'ACE_Project'
  25. 2> Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/mangos/CMakeLists.txt
  26. 4> Creating directories for 'TBB_Project'
  27. 2> CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  28. 5> Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/mangos/dep/src/zlib/CMakeLists.txt
  29. 3> Performing ACE_Upgrade step for 'ACE_Project'
  30. 5> CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\dep\src\zlib\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  31. 4> Performing TBB_Upgrade step for 'TBB_Project'
  32. 2> genrevision.cpp
  33. 3> Microsoft (R)-Buildmodul, Version 4.0.30319.1
  34. 3> [Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 4.0.30319.225]
  35. 3> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2007. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
  36. 3>
  37. 3>MSBUILD : error MSB1001: Unbekannter Schalter.
  38. 3> Schalter: /upgrade
  39. 3>
  40. 3> Informationen zur Schaltersyntax erhalten Sie, wenn Sie "MSBuild /help" eingeben.
  41. 4> Microsoft (R)-Buildmodul, Version 4.0.30319.1
  42. 4> [Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 4.0.30319.225]
  43. 4> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2007. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
  44. 4>
  45. 4>MSBUILD : error MSB1001: Unbekannter Schalter.
  46. 4> Schalter: /upgrade
  47. 4>
  48. 4> Informationen zur Schaltersyntax erhalten Sie, wenn Sie "MSBuild /help" eingeben.
  49. 6> Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/mangos/dep/src/gsoap/CMakeLists.txt
  50. 6> CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\dep\src\gsoap\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  51. 5> adler32.c
  52. 5> compress.c
  53. 5> crc32.c
  54. 8>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: framework, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  55. 5> deflate.c
  56. 5> example.c
  57. 5> infback.c
  58. 5> inffast.c
  59. 5> inflate.c
  60. 5> inftrees.c
  61. 5> trees.c
  62. 5> uncompr.c
  63. 5> zutil.c
  64. 6> stdsoap2.cpp
  65. 8> Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/mangos/src/framework/CMakeLists.txt
  66. 8> CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\src\framework\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  67. 8> MemoryManagement.cpp
  68. 8> ObjectLifeTime.cpp
  69. 8> EventProcessor.cpp
  70. 2> genrev.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\Release\genrev.exe
  71. 9>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: revision.h, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  72. 9> Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/mangos/CMakeLists.txt
  73. 9> CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  74. 5> zlib.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\dep\src\zlib\Release\zlib.lib
  75. 10>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: shared, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  76. 8> framework.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\src\framework\Release\framework.lib
  77. 11>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: g3dlite, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  78. 10> Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/mangos/src/shared/CMakeLists.txt
  79. 10> CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\src\shared\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  80. 11> Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/mangos/dep/src/g3dlite/CMakeLists.txt
  81. 11> CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\dep\src\g3dlite\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  82. 10> AuthCrypt.cpp
  83. 10> BigNumber.cpp
  84. 10> HMACSHA1.cpp
  85. 10> SARC4.cpp
  86. 10> Sha1.cpp
  87. 10> Common.cpp
  88. 10> Config.cpp
  89. 10> Database.cpp
  90. 11> AABox.cpp
  91. 11> Box.cpp
  92. 11> Crypto.cpp
  93. 11> format.cpp
  94. 11> Matrix3.cpp
  95. 11> Plane.cpp
  96. 11> System.cpp
  97. 11> Triangle.cpp
  98. 11> Vector3.cpp
  99. 11> Vector4.cpp
  100. 11> Port System::memcpy SIMD to all platforms
  101. 11> Port System::memfill SIMD to all platforms
  102. 11> debugAssert.cpp
  103. 11> fileutils.cpp
  104. 11> g3dmath.cpp
  105. 11> g3dfnmatch.cpp
  106. 6> gsoap.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\dep\src\gsoap\Release\gsoap.lib
  107. 11> prompt.cpp
  108. 11> stringutils.cpp
  109. 11> Any.cpp
  110. 11> BinaryFormat.cpp
  111. 11> BinaryInput.cpp
  112. 11> BinaryOutput.cpp
  113. 11> Capsule.cpp
  114. 11> CollisionDetection.cpp
  115. 11> CoordinateFrame.cpp
  116. 11> Cylinder.cpp
  117. 10>..\..\..\mangos\src\shared\Database\Database.cpp(54): warning C4018: '<=': Konflikt zwischen 'signed' und 'unsigned'
  118. 11> Line.cpp
  119. 11> LineSegment.cpp
  120. 11> Log.cpp
  121. 11> Matrix4.cpp
  122. 10> DatabaseMysql.cpp
  123. 11> MemoryManager.cpp
  124. 11> Quat.cpp
  125. 11> Random.cpp
  126. 10> DatabasePostgre.cpp
  127. 11> Ray.cpp
  128. 10> DBCFileLoader.cpp
  129. 11> ReferenceCount.cpp
  130. 11> RegistryUtil.cpp
  131. 11> Sphere.cpp
  132. 11> TextInput.cpp
  133. 10> Field.cpp
  134. 11> TextOutput.cpp
  135. 10> QueryResultMysql.cpp
  136. 11> UprightFrame.cpp
  137. 11> Vector2.cpp
  138. 10> QueryResultPostgre.cpp
  139. 10> SqlDelayThread.cpp
  140. 10> SqlOperations.cpp
  141. 10> SqlPreparedStatement.cpp
  142. 10> SQLStorage.cpp
  143. 10> DelayExecutor.cpp
  144. 10> Log.cpp
  145. 10>..\..\..\mangos\src\shared\Database\DatabaseMysql.cpp(445): warning C4018: '<': Konflikt zwischen 'signed' und 'unsigned'
  146. 10> ProgressBar.cpp
  147. 10> ServiceWin32.cpp
  148. 11> g3dlite.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\dep\src\g3dlite\Release\g3dlite.lib
  149. 10> Threading.cpp
  150. 10> Util.cpp
  151. 10> WheatyExceptionReport.cpp
  152. 10> shared.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\src\shared\Release\shared.lib
  153. 12>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: game, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  154. 13>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: realmd, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  155. 12> Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/mangos/src/game/CMakeLists.txt
  156. 12> CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\src\game\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  157. 12> pchdef.cpp
  158. 13> Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/mangos/src/realmd/CMakeLists.txt
  159. 13> CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\src\realmd\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  160. 13> AuthSocket.cpp
  161. 13> BufferedSocket.cpp
  162. 13> Main.cpp
  163. 13> PatchHandler.cpp
  164. 13> RealmList.cpp
  165. 13>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: Eingabedatei "ACE.lib" kann nicht geöffnet werden.
  166. 12> AccountMgr.cpp
  167. 12> AchievementMgr.cpp
  168. 12> AggressorAI.cpp
  169. 12> AntiCheat.cpp
  170. 12> ArenaTeam.cpp
  171. 12> ArenaTeamHandler.cpp
  172. 12> AuctionHouseBot.cpp
  173. 12> AuctionHouseHandler.cpp
  174. 12> AuctionHouseMgr.cpp
  175. 12> Bag.cpp
  176. 12> BattleGround.cpp
  177. 12>..\..\..\mangos\src\game\AntiCheat.cpp(364): warning C4018: '>': Konflikt zwischen 'signed' und 'unsigned'
  178. 12> BattleGroundAA.cpp
  179. 12> BattleGroundAB.cpp
  180. 12> BattleGroundAV.cpp
  181. 12> BattleGroundBE.cpp
  182. 12> BattleGroundDS.cpp
  183. 12> BattleGroundEY.cpp
  184. 12> BattleGroundHandler.cpp
  185. 12> BattleGroundIC.cpp
  186. 12> BattleGroundMgr.cpp
  187. 12> BattleGroundNA.cpp
  188. 12> BattleGroundRB.cpp
  189. 12> BattleGroundRL.cpp
  190. 12> BattleGroundRV.cpp
  191. 12> BattleGroundSA.cpp
  192. 12> BattleGroundWS.cpp
  193. 12> Calendar.cpp
  194. 12> CalendarHandler.cpp
  195. 12> Camera.cpp
  196. 12> Channel.cpp
  197. 12> ChannelHandler.cpp
  198. 12> ChannelMgr.cpp
  199. 12> CharacterDatabaseCleaner.cpp
  200. 12> CharacterHandler.cpp
  201. 12> Chat.cpp
  202. 12> ChatHandler.cpp
  203. 12> ChatLexicsCutter.cpp
  204. 12> ChatLog.cpp
  205. 12> CombatHandler.cpp
  206. 12> ConfusedMovementGenerator.cpp
  207. 12> Corpse.cpp
  208. 12> Creature.cpp
  209. 12> CreatureAI.cpp
  210. 12> CreatureAIRegistry.cpp
  211. 12> CreatureAISelector.cpp
  212. 12> CreatureEventAI.cpp
  213. 12> CreatureEventAIMgr.cpp
  214. 12> DBCStores.cpp
  215. 12> debugcmds.cpp
  216. 12> DestinationHolder.cpp
  217. 12> DuelHandler.cpp
  218. 12> DynamicObject.cpp
  219. 12> FleeingMovementGenerator.cpp
  220. 12> FollowerReference.cpp
  221. 12> GameEventMgr.cpp
  222. 12> GameObject.cpp
  223. 12> GMTicketHandler.cpp
  224. 12> GMTicketMgr.cpp
  225. 12> GossipDef.cpp
  226. 12> GridMap.cpp
  227. 12> GridNotifiers.cpp
  228. 12> GridStates.cpp
  229. 12> Group.cpp
  230. 12> GroupHandler.cpp
  231. 12> GroupReference.cpp
  232. 12> GuardAI.cpp
  233. 12> Guild.cpp
  234. 12> GuildHandler.cpp
  235. 12> HomeMovementGenerator.cpp
  236. 12> HostileRefManager.cpp
  237. 12> IdleMovementGenerator.cpp
  238. 12> InstanceData.cpp
  239. 12> Item.cpp
  240. 12> ItemEnchantmentMgr.cpp
  241. 12> ItemHandler.cpp
  242. 12> Level0.cpp
  243. 12> Level1.cpp
  244. 12> Level2.cpp
  245. 12> Level3.cpp
  246. 12> LFG.cpp
  247. 12> LFGHandler.cpp
  248. 12> LFGMgr.cpp
  249. 12> LootHandler.cpp
  250. 12>..\..\..\mangos\src\game\LFGMgr.cpp(1047): warning C4553: '==': Operator hat keine Auswirkungen; ist '=' beabsichtigt?
  251. 12> LootMgr.cpp
  252. 12> Mail.cpp
  253. 12> Map.cpp
  254. 12>..\..\..\mangos\src\game\Level3.cpp(4371): warning C4018: '>': Konflikt zwischen 'signed' und 'unsigned'
  255. 12>..\..\..\mangos\src\game\Level3.cpp(4419): warning C4018: '>': Konflikt zwischen 'signed' und 'unsigned'
  256. 12> MapManager.cpp
  257. 12>c:\users\administrator\desktop\testserver versuch\mangos\src\game\lfgmgr.cpp(756): warning C4715: "LFGMgr::CreateProposal": Nicht alle Steuerelementpfade geben einen Wert zurück.
  258. 12> MapPersistentStateMgr.cpp
  259. 12> MapUpdater.cpp
  260. 12> MassMailMgr.cpp
  261. 12> MiscHandler.cpp
  262. 12>..\..\..\mangos\src\game\MapPersistentStateMgr.cpp(454): warning C4018: '>': Konflikt zwischen 'signed' und 'unsigned'
  263. 12> MotionMaster.cpp
  264. 12> MovementGenerator.cpp
  265. 12> MovementHandler.cpp
  266. 12> NPCHandler.cpp
  267. 12> NullCreatureAI.cpp
  268. 12> Object.cpp
  269. 12> ObjectAccessor.cpp
  270. 12> ObjectGridLoader.cpp
  271. 12> ObjectGuid.cpp
  272. 12> ObjectMgr.cpp
  273. 12> ObjectPosSelector.cpp
  274. 12> Opcodes.cpp
  275. 12> Pet.cpp
  276. 12> PetAI.cpp
  277. 12> PetHandler.cpp
  278. 12> PetitionsHandler.cpp
  279. 12>..\..\..\mangos\src\game\Pet.cpp(3250): warning C4018: '>': Konflikt zwischen 'signed' und 'unsigned'
  280. 12>..\..\..\mangos\src\game\ObjectMgr.cpp(3919): warning C4018: '>': Konflikt zwischen 'signed' und 'unsigned'
  281. 12>..\..\..\mangos\src\game\ObjectMgr.cpp(3926): warning C4018: '<': Konflikt zwischen 'signed' und 'unsigned'
  282. 12> Player.cpp
  283. 12> PlayerbotAI.cpp
  284. 12> PlayerbotClassAI.cpp
  285. 12> PlayerbotDeathKnightAI.cpp
  286. 12> PlayerbotDruidAI.cpp
  287. 12> PlayerbotHunterAI.cpp
  288. 12>..\..\..\mangos\src\game\Player.cpp(23566): warning C4018: '<=': Konflikt zwischen 'signed' und 'unsigned'
  289. 12> PlayerbotMageAI.cpp
  290. 12> PlayerbotMgr.cpp
  291. 12> PlayerbotPaladinAI.cpp
  292. 12> PlayerbotPriestAI.cpp
  293. 12> PlayerbotRogueAI.cpp
  294. 12> PlayerbotShamanAI.cpp
  295. 12> PlayerbotWarlockAI.cpp
  296. 12> PlayerbotWarriorAI.cpp
  297. 12> PlayerDump.cpp
  298. 12> PointMovementGenerator.cpp
  299. 12> PoolManager.cpp
  300. 12> QueryHandler.cpp
  301. 12> QuestDef.cpp
  302. 12> QuestHandler.cpp
  303. 12> RandomMovementGenerator.cpp
  304. 12> ReactorAI.cpp
  305. 12> ReputationMgr.cpp
  306. 12> ScriptMgr.cpp
  307. 12> SkillDiscovery.cpp
  308. 12> SkillExtraItems.cpp
  309. 12> SkillHandler.cpp
  310. 12> SocialMgr.cpp
  311. 12> Spell.cpp
  312. 12> SpellAuras.cpp
  313. 12> SpellEffects.cpp
  314. 12> SpellHandler.cpp
  315. 12> SpellMgr.cpp
  316. 12> SQLStorages.cpp
  317. 12> StatSystem.cpp
  318. 12> TargetedMovementGenerator.cpp
  319. 12> TaxiHandler.cpp
  320. 12> TemporarySummon.cpp
  321. 12> ThreatManager.cpp
  322. 12> Totem.cpp
  323. 12> TotemAI.cpp
  324. 12> TradeHandler.cpp
  325. 12> Transports.cpp
  326. 12> Unit.cpp
  327. 12> UnitAuraProcHandler.cpp
  328. 12> UpdateData.cpp
  329. 12>..\..\..\mangos\src\game\Unit.cpp(12031): warning C4172: Adresse einer lokalen Variablen oder eines temporären Werts wird zurückgegeben
  330. 12>..\..\..\mangos\src\game\Unit.cpp(12037): warning C4172: Adresse einer lokalen Variablen oder eines temporären Werts wird zurückgegeben
  331. 12>..\..\..\mangos\src\game\Unit.cpp(12040): warning C4172: Adresse einer lokalen Variablen oder eines temporären Werts wird zurückgegeben
  332. 12> Vehicle.cpp
  333. 12> VehicleHandler.cpp
  334. 12> BIH.cpp
  335. 12> MapTree.cpp
  336. 12> ModelInstance.cpp
  337. 12> TileAssembler.cpp
  338. 12> VMapFactory.cpp
  339. 12> VMapManager2.cpp
  340. 12> WorldModel.cpp
  341. 12> VoiceChatHandler.cpp
  342. 12> WaypointManager.cpp
  343. 12> WaypointMovementGenerator.cpp
  344. 12> Weather.cpp
  345. 12> World.cpp
  346. 12> WorldSession.cpp
  347. 12> WorldSocket.cpp
  348. 12> WorldSocketMgr.cpp
  349. 12> game.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\src\game\Release\game.lib
  350. 14>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: mangosd, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  351. 14> Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/mangos/src/mangosd/CMakeLists.txt
  352. 14> CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\src\mangosd\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  353. 14> CliRunnable.cpp
  354. 14> Main.cpp
  355. 14> MaNGOSsoap.cpp
  356. 14> Master.cpp
  357. 14> RASocket.cpp
  358. 14> soapC.cpp
  359. 14> soapServer.cpp
  360. 14> WorldRunnable.cpp
  361. 14>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: Eingabedatei "ACE.lib" kann nicht geöffnet werden.
  362. 15>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: ALL_BUILD, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  363. 15> Building Custom Rule C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/TestServer versuch/mangos/CMakeLists.txt
  364. 15> CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\TestServer versuch\Neuer Ordner\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
  365. 16>------ Erstellen übersprungen: Projekt: INSTALL, Konfiguration: Release Win32 ------
  366. 16>Für diese Projektmappenkonfiguration wurde kein zu erstellendes Projekt ausgewählt.
  367. ========== Erstellen: 10 erfolgreich, Fehler bei 4, 0 aktuell, 2 übersprungen ==========
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