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a guest
Jul 22nd, 2016
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text 2.94 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 7/22/2016 10:34:41 AM - LastErrorText: ChilkatLog:
  2. S3_UploadFile:
  3. DllDate: Dec 29 2015
  4. ChilkatVersion:
  5. Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit
  6. Language: ActiveX
  7. VerboseLogging: 0
  8. Component successfully unlocked using purchased unlock code.
  9. bucketName: ******-backup-script
  10. objectName: colo-web2--20160722001657.rar
  11. contentType: application/octet-stream
  12. localFilePath: E:\BackupScriptStaging\COLO-WEB2--20160722001657.rar
  13. fileMd5: wfjunzzyuppQiSoisvuLog==
  14. resource: /******-backup-script/colo-web2--20160722001657.rar
  15. stringToSign: PUT
  16. wfjunzzyuppQiSoisvuLog==
  17. application/octet-stream
  18. Fri, 22 Jul 2016 12:45:54 +0000
  19. /******-backup-script/colo-web2--20160722001657.rar
  20. Host: ******
  21. Authorization: AWS ******
  22. binaryRequestX:
  23. binaryRequest:
  24. fullRequest:
  25. a_synchronousRequest:
  26. generateRequestHeader:
  27. httpRequestGenStartLine:
  28. genStartLine:
  29. startLine: PUT /colo-web2--20160722001657.rar HTTP/1.1
  30. --genStartLine
  31. --httpRequestGenStartLine
  32. addCookies:
  33. Not auto-adding cookies.
  34. sendCookies: 1
  35. cookieDir:
  36. --addCookies
  37. --generateRequestHeader
  38. fullHttpRequest:
  39. domain: ******
  40. port: 80
  41. ssl: 0
  42. openHttpConnection:
  43. Opening connection directly to HTTP server.
  44. httpHostname: ******
  45. httpPort: 80
  46. ssl: 0
  47. HTTP connection succeeded.
  48. --openHttpConnection
  49. connectTime: Elapsed time: 141 millisec
  50. sendRequestHeader:
  51. sendHeaderElapsedMs: 0
  52. --sendRequestHeader
  53. expect100Continue:
  54. statusCode: 100
  55. statusText: Continue
  56. --expect100Continue
  57. sendRequestBody:
  58. sendFile:
  59. filePath: E:\BackupScriptStaging\COLO-WEB2--20160722001657.rar
  60. Error sending on socket (1)
  61. SocketError: WSAECONNRESET An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
  62. For more information see this Chilkat Blog post:
  63. send_size: 4096
  64. Failed to write data to output.
  65. --sendFile
  66. sendBodyElapsedMs: 6527438
  67. Failed to send HTTP request body.
  68. --sendRequestBody
  69. --fullHttpRequest
  70. success: 0
  71. --a_synchronousRequest
  72. success: 0
  73. --fullRequest
  74. Failed.
  75. --binaryRequest
  76. --binaryRequestX
  77. responseBody:
  78. Failed.
  79. --S3_UploadFile
  80. --ChilkatLog
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